AI Proofreader

Our online proofreader improves your writing like an expert.

Use Wordvice AI’s free online proofreader to perfect your English writing in any document. Instantly proofread any text; fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors; and receive vocabulary corrections and grammar tips to enhance your writing skills. The free AI Proofreader makes editing quick and painless, helping you avoid language mistakes and improve your writing impact.

What is an AI proofreading tool?

A proofreading tool edits and proofreads writing in real time to correct any remaining grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics errors. Using AI-powered technology, it offers a reliable and affordable way to instantly improve your writing and communication skills.

Proofreading is the final step of editing before publication, so your writing needs to be as strong and clear as possible. An online proofreader like Wordvice AI puts the power of expert editing in your hands, allowing you to improve your written work before sending it to journals, reviewers, or professors.

Why choose the Wordvice AI Proofreader?

Our free proofreader helps you improve your documents by increasing fluency, clarity, and flow in your writing. Whether you need to review your paper for language errors or simplify a wordy paragraph, Wordvice AI’s free proofreader is your go-to AI writing and editing tool.

The Wordvice AI proofreading tool improves writing by increasing fluency, clarity, and flow

Comprehensive proofreading and editing

Wordvice AI is powered by the latest AI language models, giving you online proofreading that is proven to enhance your writing. Our proofreader is trained on millions of academic documents and can apply nuanced revisions nearly at the level of a professional proofreader.

English style editing for more natural vocabulary

Our free proofreader identifies awkward or unusual terms and phrases in your text and replaces them with more appropriate words, elevating the impact of your writing without altering your intended meaning. It also rearranges sentence structure to enhance clarity.

proofread sentences with revised text in bold blue font, wordvice logo in the corner

Helpful feedback on grammar and style issues

Marginal comments explain revisions and provide grammar tips, helping you improve your writing skills in ways most proofreading software apps do not.

How to Use the AI Proofreading Tool

Before entering any text into our online proofreader, apply the revision settings that best suit your needs.

Select your proofreading mode

Choose from four proofreading modes to match the amount and type of revision needed to correct your writing.

How to Use the Wordvice AI Proofreader? Select from one of 4 modes

Light proofreading

Basic AI proofreading to correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics without changing the meaning or message of your content. Perfect for work that just needs a final check before submission.

The Wordvice AI proofreading tool's light mode corrects errors without changing content

Standard proofreading

Proofreading and error check, plus style and copy editing, including vocabulary changes and light rephrasing to correct awkward or unclear terms and expressions. Sharpen your writing without changing the meaning of your text. Ideal for revising your first draft.

Intensive proofreading

AI proofreading and substantive editing, including vocabulary changes, rephrasing, and restructuring of sentences for more natural expression and improved readability, clarity, and flow. It’s like having your own personal content editor.

intensive proofreading tool example, paragraphs with blue underlined text and blue bolded text

Concise proofreading

Text-shortening tool that makes your text more concise and to the point while retaining your meaning. Reduce the length of sentences to meet your document’s word count limit or to sharpen your writing in emails, copy, and other documents where brevity matters.

Need your document edited by a professional human editor?

Sometimes you want an expert to help polish your important written work. While our AI writing and editing tools offer instant free revision, we also provide two levels of proofreading by professional human editors.

  • Use Wordvice AI’s Human Proofreading Service when you need affordable proofreading and basic style editing by human editors with a quick turnaround time. Great for polishing important work with a human touch when you need it.
  • Get Wordvice’s Professional English Editing Services for comprehensive style editing and proofreading by native English speakers with advanced degrees in your paper’s subject area. Receive detailed feedback on content and language issues. Perfect for research documents bound for publication in journals.

Choose Your Document Type

Instantly correct any kind of document. Select from several document types to ensure that your content is revised with appropriate language and conventions.

Who should use our AI proofreading tool?

Our free proofreader is useful for all writers!

Researchers need an online proofreader…

…to help them create polished research papers, journal articles, manuscripts, and dissertations and get their work published in top journals.

Students can use AI proofreading services…

…to draft application essays, CVs and resumes, class assignments, and term papers that will impress admissions officials and help them achieve their academic goals.

Authors and businesses rely on a document proofreader…

…to revise important marketing content, blog articles, reports, and creative texts that will wow their audiences and increase revenue.

Wordvice AI Proofreader FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about our proofreading tool.

  • Why should I use an online proofreader for documents? An online proofreading tool provides writers with a fast and efficient way to enhance their writing, and they are quickly becoming a crucial tool for correcting all kinds of text. They not only correct grammar and spelling errors but also help improve the overall clarity and coherence of your text. Using large language models and natural language processing technology, online proofreaders provide suggestions that can elevate your writing style, making it more engaging and professional. Whether you are crafting an important email, an academic paper, or a college essay, using an AI proofreading tool ensures that your message is conveyed clearly, accurately, and impactfully while saving you time.
  • What is the best free AI proofreader? The best online proofreading tool will provide error detection, user-friendly interfaces, and the ability to proofread various types of documents. Accuracy in identifying grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes is crucial. Some proofreaders (like Wordvice AI) also include style corrections, revision modes to control the output of your writing, and feedback that explains the revision of the proofreader. The Wordvice Al Proofreader uses the most advanced language models to instantly fix grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style errors in your text. It is equipped to handle a variety of writing styles, including academic, admissions, business, creative, and web content. Our free AI proofreader also provides grammar tips and writing suggestions to improve vocabulary and style to accompany the specific proofreading mode you choose: Light , Standard , Intensive , or Concise .
  • How does Wordvice AI’s proofreading tool work? To get instant proofreading online for any kind of text, simply register with Wordvice AI, enter your text into the left side of the text box, choose your revision mode and document type, and click the "Proofread" button. If you would like different output text, you can simply change the revision mode and/or document type and click the "Proofread" button again. Note that the Basic plan is limited to fewer modes and fewer words of uploaded text. Upgrade to a Premium plan to unlock all revision modes and get nearly unlimited monthly submissions.
  • Can Wordvice AI replace a human proofreader? An AI proofreader can significantly complement but not fully replace a human proofreader. While Wordvice AI’s tools excel in identifying and correcting grammatical, spelling, and basic syntactical errors, they can’t quite match the nuanced understanding of context and tone that human proofreaders possess. While AI proofreading software can be invaluable for quick, basic edits, human oversight remains crucial for in-depth, context-sensitive proofreading. If you need editing and proofreading after the drafting stage of your essay or paper, use Wordvice’s professional English proofreading services . Our subject experts will polish your writing and give your paper that human touch that only a qualified editor can provide.
  • How much does the AI Proofreader cost? Wordvice AI’s online proofreader is free to use after registering. Simply create an account and enter your information to get started with instant revision of your work. You can also upgrade to a Premium plan to get more features and extended access to AI proofreading tools, including Intensive and Concise revision modes, which provide more in-depth writing assistance. See the Wordvice AI Pricing page for details on plans and a comparison of proofreading tools and features.
  • Can your proofreading tool detect plagiarism? While our proofreading solution cannot detect plagiarism in your document, our AI plagiarism detector tool is capable of detecting plagiarism in any academic text. It combs through millions of journal articles in online databases to find instances where your work might have borrowed from other sources. The AI Plagiarism Checker is included with a subscription to Wordvice AI Premium .
  • What is the turnaround time of the AI Proofreader? Our proofreading tool can edit any text in just a few seconds. It is perfect for correcting your work while drafting essays, research papers, and other documents. For more extensive editing and a human touch, use our English editing services (including essay proofreading and paper proofreading ) and select turnaround times from 9 hours to 7 days.
  • Is your online proofreader safe and secure for my documents? Any documents and text you submit to Wordvice AI are completely secure and confidential. Our site uses advanced encryption standards to protect your work and personal information. For more information about how we collect and store data, see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service .
  • What apps can the AI Proofreader be used on? Wordvice AI currently has an MS Word add-in, with a Chrome extension under development. The MS Word add-in allows users to edit any text within their Microsoft Word document and includes the same proofreading functions and comment features as our online tool. Learn more about how to use the Wordvice AI add-in for MS Word .
  • How can I get professional proofreading and editing services? Sometimes you need an expert editor to take a look at your writing and ensure it is free of style errors, awkward wording, and unnatural phrasing. Fortunately, in addition to our free proofreading website, Wordvice offers professional proofreading services for any kind of document. Whether you are submitting a journal manuscript for publication, a statement of purpose for graduate school, or a resume for a professional position, Wordvice has you covered for all your editing needs.
  • - AI Paraphraser : instantly rephrase and sharpen your sentences
  • - AI Text Summarizer : turn the main points of your writing into a bulleted summary
  • - AI Translator : features the best AI language translation currently available
  • - AI Plagiarism Checker : check for plagiarism in any document

5 Of The Best AI Tools For Proofreading Your Papers And Essays (That Aren't Grammarly)

man editing text computer

Editing is a tedious job. Whether your medium lies in academic composition or presenting new ideas to your colleagues in the office, there will always be a need to create nuanced arguments that are backed by reason, fact, and research. To put these ideas together, there must be a meeting of two distinct skills: writing and editing. Anyone who has cobbled together a college essay knows that difficulties sometimes lie in reaching the word count, and other times it feels impossible to fit all of the necessary ideas into the word limit.

Proofreading is the other side of the coin, and this is where an essay or speech is honed with great precision to transform the rough lump of ideas into something with the clarity and focus required of a finished product. AI tools have been making headlines with their ability to create drafts in this creative process, and educators are worried that students will rely on AI systems to do their homework for them! 

But there remain major differences between the flow that a human writer and an AI tool can achieve. A more interesting use for AI systems is in the proofreading and editing stage. Writers can become numb to the issues embedded within their own writing, especially if they've edited the content numerous times already. Unfortunately, the most widely used platform, Grammarly, remains unable to meet the needs of every user, but there are some solid alternatives that can act as potent partners in your writing process.


ProWritingAid is one of the more comprehensive AI editing tools on the market. The AI offers in-depth writing reports on the text that it proofreads, offering 20 different metrics to help improve a writer's natural flow without overburdening them. ProWritingAid's reports cover style, cliché usage, thesaurus options, transitions, alliteration and diction style, and plagiarism checks, to name a few. These are useful tools that can help writers eliminate the passive voice from their writing (or focus on it during certain passages that might warrant this tone shift). 

The tool allows users to set customized rules and stylistic preferences that are ideal for writers working within preferred layouts from organizational or academic guidelines alike. Users will also gain access to data products that help them understand their sentence structure, readability scores, and much more. ProWritingAid can be integrated directly into a variety of writing platforms, as well. Users will find that it works with Microsoft Word, Scrivener, and other systems. It can also be incorporated as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft's Edge browser. This gives writers the ability to utilize ProWritingAid's toolbox of proofreading reports and text editing functions in virtually any typing environment, including Outlook, Medium, Facebook, and elsewhere. 

The app, like Grammarly, is cloud-based. Therefore, it requires an active internet connection to provide editorial assistance. The free version allows for thesaurus suggestions, grammar, and other proofreading coverage, while the paid subscription unlocks the whole catalog of tools for $10 per month. As well, students can take advantage of a 20% discount directly on the website.

QuillBot is an online proofreading tool that lives in your browser or Microsoft Word application. The tool can be used with Chrome, Word, and Google Docs applications. For this reason, it's a bit less versatile than other options on this list, but will still cover most writing applications that users will encounter — granted they use Google Chrome as their primary web browser.

The tool can be used to check grammar, summarize input text from the internet, build citations, paraphrase content, and check for plagiarism. QuillBot also offers a feature called "Co-Writer" that allows you to seamlessly integrate all of these tools directly into your writing process. This can dramatically improve the writing product and pace of content synthesis in even the least confident or motivated writers. The tool can be used in a free format or with a paid subscription (as low as $8.33 per month with the annual payment option). 

With a free account, you'll gain access to the grammar and spelling check tools, as well as a taste of the paraphrasing and summarization functions. This gives low-frequency users a potent tool to assist them in their writing tasks. Premium users are able to use the paraphraser without limits and gain access to advanced grammar rewrites, fast processing speeds, the tone detector, and plagiarism checker, along with the entire suite of tools.

Ginger Software

Ginger is an AI toolbox that can help writers enhance their creativity while ensuring that grammatical flourishes and spelling issues don't get overlooked. Ginger can help proofread text for mistakes and comb through sentence structure, but it also offers creative alternatives to flagging passages that you may not be entirely happy with. The AI can offer a range of options that may make your writing more endearing to the reader. The tool may be particularly valuable for writers who often find themselves getting bogged down in the weeds and writing sentences that ramble on.

The Ginger AI tool can also offer a raft of synonyms. The AI can be downloaded to your Android device or iPhone, installed as an app on your Windows machine, or added as an extension to Chrome or Microsoft Office apps. Ginger also provides a translation service built into the system, with coverage of over 40 languages. This feature sets Ginger apart from many other AI proofreading tools because it adds a unique, additional layer of functionality that can be immensely helpful in the modern, digitally interconnected world we inhabit. Users can interact with the free version, or pay for the enhanced, premium plan starting at $4.99 per month (billed as a $120 payment for a two-year subscription).

Hemingway Editor

The Hemingway Editor is a minimalistic tool designed to help writers improve the style and pacing of their writing without throwing curveballs at the reader. The AI's objective is to give writers a Hemingway-esque treatment for their content. Hemingway was a famously direct writer and is even (mis)attributed as pioneering the six-word novel on a bet. The AI, therefore, is focused on clarity and precision rather than flashy substance and flowery language.

The AI toolbox highlights improvements that can be made throughout a piece of text that's been input into the AI's system. Color coding is used to quickly and accurately signal the types of linguistic changes that a writer might want to consider. Yellow highlights tell the writer that a sentence is likely too long, while blue words are those that don't convey a strong meaning and may benefit from replacement or omission. 

There isn't a browser extension but the online tool is free to use while the Hemingway app is downloadable for use offline and costs $19.99 to purchase. Either version is a good option for a writer seeking proofreading assistance while aiming to keep their prose clear and direct above all else.

Slick Write

The AI proofreader  Slick Write  is a no-frills, free-to-use editor that you can add as a browser extension to Chrome or Firefox. The tool is great for those seeking a grammar and syntax checker that can handle virtually any size input. There's a 30,000-word cap on submissions to the editor interface, but those who are working on a book, for instance, can utilize multiple uploads to evaluate a larger total volume of text. Slick Write doesn't include all the bells and whistles that would be found in a paid AI proofreader, however, when it comes to the editing job it does provide, the AI is up to the challenge. 

This makes it a good option for those seeking a simple AI editor that can assist them in developing content without a lot of additional hoops to jump through. The tool can weed out words that are commonly confused and filter words or other padding. It's also particularly adept at uncovering legalese jargon that may not fit with your intended style.

Scribendi AI

The Ultimate Guide to AI Proofreading Tools

Introduction to AI proofreading

From smart home technology to robotics, the world we live in is increasingly moving toward task automation, and proofreading is no exception. Powered by AI, everyday communication tools like Gmail and Outlook are already correcting our typos – and even auto-completing our sentences – by mining the billions of words and phrases available and making the optimal choices for us. Beyond email, the apparent ubiquity of Grammarly as a writing improvement app is testament to the need for seamless, reliable proofreading software in a multitude of use cases.

But what about more nuanced proofreading scenarios, such as academic editing for journals and similar publications, as well as technical editing? When you can already call on an entire team of professional editors, is this new wave of proofreading software options valuable?

As professional editors ourselves, we built because we believe in freeing up editors to focus on the aspects of editing and proofreading that only humans can do (and professional editors do best). Rather than getting bogged down with minor yet significant tasks like correcting common spelling and grammar mistakes or fixing Oxford commas, we wanted to empower editors to concentrate their efforts on improving the stylistic choices, tone, and argumentation strength of their documents.

But what exactly is AI proofreading software, and how do you go about picking the right one for your editing team or department? We have designed this deep dive into AI proofreading software so you can feel fully confident in selecting the right error-correction tool for your field.

What is AI proofreading software?

Proofreading software has come a long way since the infamous Microsoft Office paperclip assistant of the late 1990s. Today’s AI proofreading tools use powerful machine learning techniques to identify and suggest corrections for a range of textual errors, ranging from simple mistakes in punctuation and spelling to more complex ones like word choice, formatting, and the more specialized aspects of English grammar – from the subjunctive mood to the differences between the British, American, and Canadian dialects. These tools are also capable of uncovering inconsistencies in tone, formality, and clarity, as well as plagiarism (including machine-paraphrased plagiarism), a key area of concern in today’s publishing climate.

This new line of AI proofreading tools typically works either in the cloud or inside your native word-processing software. , for example, is a toolbar extension that plugs into your existing Microsoft Office setup: A new tab is added to the Word ribbon, giving you instant access to the full suite of tools. In this way, it is designed to work harmoniously with your existing editorial workflow.

proofread essay ai

Whether in your browser or in your document, running AI proofreading tools typically results in errors being highlighted in different colors, depending on the type. As the user, you are given the option to accept or reject the suggestions accordingly. The important thing to note is that you, as the editor, remain in total control of the editing process – no changes are made to the document without your express permission.

How have advances in AI impacted proofreading software?

In essence, AI and machine learning make proofreading suggestions more intelligent, especially in terms of understanding the context in which certain words and phrases are used.

Returning to the example of “Clippy,” the Microsoft paperclip, any suggested improvements used to be based on a fixed, limited system of presets. In the same way, grammar-checking software used to review spelling based on a preexisting word list. Syntactic analysis tools were later developed to better understand the context of words and thus determine instances of incorrect use – the classic example in English being the differences between the homophones “to,” “too,” and “two.”

However, professional editors will have regularly observed Word’s inability to spot this type of contextual error. This is especially true in academic writing by ESL authors. Here are a couple of common examples that fall through the Word spell-check net:

“Business leaders can drive change though a transformative leadership model.” (“ through, ” not “though”)

“as financial intuitions , banks play a vital role in the development of society.” (“ institutions, ” not “intuitions”).

AI-powered proofreading tools, on the other hand, actively “learn” by reading and reviewing the language choices made in massive datasets of existing documents and making grammatical error correction (GEC) judgments based on their findings. In this context, the term “machine learning” essentially refers to the software/machine being trained on millions of sentences in the target language at (in the literal sense) superhuman speed.

Although the results are not yet perfect, AI-led editing and proofreading tools can easily identify key stylistic problems, from the overuse of certain terms to the undesired use of the passive voice.

In doing so, more advanced AI proofreading tools like support human editors on two fronts:

Expediting their workflow by taking care of repetitive tasks quickly and accurately

Acting as a safety net to catch anything that may have been missed by the human eye, boosting service quality and reliability, is proofreading software worth it for my editorial department.

We think so! We believe that combining skilled editors with the latest advances in AI technology is the ideal solution to providing excellence in editing and proofreading at speed and at scale.

Of course, the value derived from using these tools will depend on your intended use. For casual writers, apps like Grammarly or Hemingway will likely be suitable most of the time. For professional copyeditors, academics, and industry freelancers, more specialized AI proofreading tools like offer the following benefits:

You can turbo-charge your editing and move through your workload more quickly – 85% of users have reported an overall increase in their editing speed.

You can process more projects, making your editing and proofreading efforts more efficient (and thus more profitable)., you can improve consistency in projects that involve multiple authors or editors., does ai grammar checking and proofreading software replace human editors and proofreaders.

In a word, no. Automated grammar checking and proofreading tools cannot ever fully replace human editors and proofreaders, whether in-house or external/freelance. The key point here is that these tools can help human professionals spend less time processing mundane proofreading tasks and more time on the nuanced aspects of their editorial craft: style, tone, and logic/argumentation.

Ultimately, authors still need to make stylistic and tonal choices in their writing. In particular, stylistic choices for emphasis may not always fall in line with the “proper grammar” that the machines prescribe – Star Trek’s opening monologue would have been very different had the split infinitive in “ To boldly go where no man has gone before” been removed by an overzealous GEC tool.

While AI proofreading tools can help by offering suggestions based on their training, these proposed changes may not always match the sentence-level context or overall intention of the writing itself. This “human touch” is where current incarnations of AI editing and proofreading software fall short, leaving room for humans to add value in the following ways:

Ensuring context-sensitive understanding

Making subjective decisions, bolstering writing cohesion and flow, leveraging non-standard english or slang in the right way, is ai proofreading software safe to use.

Data protection and privacy are significant areas of concern as AI-driven proofreading software continues to evolve. The good news is that most proofreading tools meet industry standards for safety and security. Many have added optional safeguards that prevent the GEC tool from accessing certain fields that may contain sensitive data.

If maintaining document privacy is vital to your editing team or clients, it is important to check the terms of service of the AI proofreading tool or service before adding it to your editorial workflow. Crucially, these terms should reinforce the fact that authors maintain their intellectual property rights and ownership of their work before, during, and after the error-correction process. Other aspects to look out for include the following:

Does the provider store your documents in any way? If so, what server-side security measures are in place to prevent data loss or theft?

Does the provider sell your data in any way, will the provider use your documents internally to improve its software, do the provider’s certifications meet the expected standards of the tech industry for example, in the us, is the provider hipaa compliant, how do i choose the best ai proofreading software for my editorial team.

When selecting the best AI proofreading tool for your editors, we suggest considering the following six elements:

1. Features

  • Which editing and proofreading features are essential or desirable for your editors?
  • Is the tool limited to spelling and grammar checking, or does it offer other more advanced editing features? Is the tool appropriate for academic editing and proofreading?
  • Can the tool check for consistency in specific English dialects (e.g., American English versus British English)?

2. Accuracy

  • How important is accuracy to your editorial output?
  • How accurate are the suggestions offered by the grammar-checking tool? How does this level of accuracy compare with other tools on the market ?
  • Is the tool aligned with the type of documents you edit? Some are better suited to academic writing, while others focus on fiction writing.
  • How many users do you have on your editorial team?
  • How does the tool’s pricing structure work?
  • Is it flat fee or per seat? Are there any discounts for teams?

4. Ease of use

  • How steep is the learning curve?
  • How many clicks or interactions are needed to accept or reject the tool’s suggested edits?
  • Is there a free or trial version so that you can test the user interface before committing to a full license or subscription?

5. Accessibility

  • Is the tool available as a toolbar extension for Microsoft Word, or does it only work inside a web browser?
  • Does the tool work only with certain operating systems or in certain browsers?
  • Can all your team members use the solution immediately, or would any operational changes be required to integrate it into their editing workflows?
  • Does the proofreading tool offer the necessary level of support for your use case?
  • Are there any guarantees in place around server uptime and support response times?
  • What form does the offered support take? Is it through a self-service forum or Q&A webpage, or are more proactive options (e.g., a support hotline, ticket emails, or online chat) available?

What AI proofreading alternatives to Grammarly are available to me as an editorial lead?

Backed by an extensive marketing push, Grammarly is a common option for grammar checking in English. But are there better alternatives to Grammarly? While Grammarly can be beneficial to certain writers, its positioning as a universal tool means that it is not always the best choice, and it does not address more complex needs. Professional editors, in particular, often need a more robust option to call upon: offers targeted suggestions for improvements to spelling, punctuation, and grammar, as well as the more nuanced requirements of academic or technical editors, including consistency, conciseness, style, and formality.

Hemingway is a useful tool for improving succinctness and readability but not necessarily spelling or grammar., languagetool works well for multiple languages, but it is not as robust a solution for working at scale., how can scribendi ai’s proofreading tools support my editorial team.

As the list above shows, the more casual grammar editors struggle to make the cut when it comes to the needs of professional editing teams. offers professional editors the ability to edit and proofread large amounts of copy (including academic and technical writing) easily and intuitively, helping them perform their tasks faster and minimizing the time spent catching repetitive errors and making other minor adjustments.

The feature set includes the following:

Spelling checks

Grammar checking and error correction, high-quality and precise suggested edits, dialect consistency checks (in american, british, and canadian english), powered by market-leading ai and machine learning, appropriate for academic and technical writing, customization options for each edit (e.g., formal or informal tone, oxford commas on or off), ability to add and store custom rules, native compatibility with microsoft word, 100% confidentiality with zero data sharing, new features regularly added to the platform in beta, previous post detecting errors to improve grammar error correction models, next post how to enhance editing productivity with ai, leave a reply cancel reply.

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Share your requirements with us and our team will respond to you promptly., essay checker, check your essay for grammar & language errors.

Students can write better essays quickly and confidently with Trinka AI—it finds and corrects language and grammar errors in real-time. 

Essay Checker

Trusted by Global Leaders


Why Choose Trinka's Essay Checker

Trinka's essay checker identifies errors specific to academic writing that other AI grammar checkers may not. Everything from complex grammar errors to scientific style and tone is proofread by Trinka! Trinka's essay checker has learned to provide the most relevant suggestions by analysing published academic papers, articles, and studies across various disciplines.

With Trinka, you will always be able to produce quality academic writing. Trinka's free essay checker can help ensure that your essays are of the highest quality and are edited quickly.

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Key Features of Trinka’s Essay Checker

With Trinka's advanced essay checker, you will be able to correct spelling and grammatical errors in your essay and make it more logical and concise.

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Polish your writing with Trinka language tips on enhanced vocabulary, tone, syntax, and much more.


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Maintain originality in your work with iThenticate, the most advanced text similarity detection algorithm that compares your work with the largest paid publication database covering all scientific fields.

Table of Revisions

View a detailed table of revisions categorized by type of language error for a quick understanding of the edits made in your essay.

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Tailor the grammar and word choice of your essay to comply with popular academic style guides (AMA 11th, APA 7th, ACS 2nd, AGU 2017, IEEE).

Works on all Subject Areas

Customize Trinka to provide you with the most relevant suggestions based on your subject area and the topic of your essay.

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Trinka's essay checker goes beyond grammar and spelling to holistically enhance your writing.


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James Smith - testimonial

First, I love Trinka. Congratulations on developing something that extensively aids editing, especially critical grammar conventions and word count reductions.

James Smith

Emmanuel Lochin - testimonial

I've been using Trinka for four months now, and I have extensive experience with other grammar checker systems. I've used the proofreader for two ten-page papers, and I must admit, I'm quite impressed by its quality and usefulness. I am very satisfied with Trinka and strongly recommend it for academic proofreading.

Emmanuel Lochin

Rosa Diaz Sandoval - testimonial

Writing texts with correct English grammar and style is not an easy task for people who speak other languages. Sometimes you cannot find little mistakes in your document without help and moreover for academic writing. I tried Trinka AI as a tool of automatic correction and was quite glad with the suggested corrections and the feedback. With the feedback you understand why the suggested change must be taken into account.

Rosa Diaz Sandoval

Fouad Khalifa - testimonial

Trinka has a robust proofreading feature that allows me to effortlessly upload entire manuscript documents and receive fully tracked changes in a single step. Moreover, its unique supporting tools such as citation checker and journal finder, significantly enhance the efficiency of my research endeavours.

Fouad Khalifa

Jesse Rumball-Smith - testimonial

I just wanted to say thank you for such a great and free service, all the other grammar checkers and writing assistants I have tried don’t have nearly the depth of features let alone all available on a free subscription. As a student with little income available I am extremely grateful that unlike all others companies you don’t limit features on the free plan. This is a fantastic product and given the income I would definitely upgrade to the premium. I've let all my fellow students know about Trinka as it is seriously a life saver.

Jesse Rumball-Smith

Dr. Farooq Rathore - testimonial

I have mainly used it to improve the language, grammar, and syntax of the scientific manuscripts that I write for national and international biomedical journals. I have found the interface to be user friendly and the procedure itself is efficient and hassle-free. The auto-edit is a great help and the supplementary page with the revision summary is an excellent idea.

Dr. Farooq Rathore

Dr. Nitin Wahi - testimonial

Trinka AI is a great tool to help beginners in research publication. Its grammar editing, online proofreading with file download, citation checker, plagiarism checker, paraphraser, and journal finder provide amazing features at your fingertips. Even the free Trinka Basic plan can be invaluable for researchers in their early stages or at PG levels, helping them improve project reports and papers to meet publication standards. Overall, I'm extremely impressed with Trinka AI, as it stands out among research writing tools. Give it a try and you will love it! Thanks Trinka AI team for this valuable tool.

Dr. Nitin Wahi

Georgieva Milena - testimonial is my most favorite choice for grammar and spelling edit. The application works correctly, is fast and tidily! Completely satisfied!

Georgieva Milena

Dinesh Gupta - testimonial

The grammar checking tool exceeds Grammarly! I re-checked some documents that I had checked earlier with Grammarly. I was pleasantly surprised to see such a product from India!

Dinesh Gupta

Aftab Hussain - testimonial

Trinka has awesome features. Advanced level of academic writing checker and suggestion are so original. I would highly recommend to others.

Aftab Hussain

Edith Davies - testimonial

I have tested Trinka and am impressed with its fine capabilities. It did better than the grammar checkers I use. Well done! I have told my colleagues in my research lab to use Trinka. Hope it is widely used in academia.

Edith Davies

Noor Al-rishi - testimonial

Trinka AI's suggested corrections and feedback astounded me. It is simple to use and extremely beneficial

Noor Al-rishi

Nwaji Jude - testimonial

It's been a wonderful experience using Trinka and I almost can't submit any manuscript without re-evaluating with it. In summary, Trinka has been a life-saver.

Stumpf Curtis - testimonial

I trust and use Trinka as a final spot check for my edited documents. It helps me find the few remaining errors that I have missed during the primary editing. I really like using this platform for my writing. One particular feature that works well for me is the thumbs down button.

Stumpf Curtis

Dyke Gareth - testimonial

I think is a very interesting and potentially useful idea, especially for editors/publishers/journals. I found it very useful when I checked my editing work on the platform.

Dyke Gareth

Bhargava Sharma - testimonial

I am happy with the overall performance. I have been using Grammarly for a long while, but when it comes to academic or technical writing, Trinka is definitely a much better option. Academic document settings and auto file edit are my favorite features.

Bhargava Sharma

Ralph Bailey - testimonial

Trinka has become my go-to tool for grammar corrections. The AI-powered corrections and language enhancements made writing a lot more easier. Now I am able to focus more on research than on writing an error-free document.

Ralph Bailey

Thomas Andres - testimonial

The grammar correction and suggestion based on the AMA style guide is really impressive! Trinka is indeed the best grammar correction tool for medical writing.

Thomas Andres

Get Trinka Where You Need It

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Trinka puts data safety and privacy at the forefront. All your data is strongly encrypted and securely stored - no one else has access to your data. We offer unique plans that completely eliminate saving any data once you receive writing suggestions.


About Trinka

Trinka uses the latest, state-of-the-art Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies to identify grammar errors and suggest language enhancements. It is trained on millions of well-written papers and articles covering 1300+ subject areas including medicine, life sciences, biology, physical sciences, engineering, humanities, business, and arts to give you the most relevant suggestions.

Trinka is developed by a team of linguists, medical editors, data scientists, and engineers with a deep desire to create a future with barrier-free communication.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Trinka essay checker can be used across all subject areas. It provides contextual suggestions based on the chosen subject area.

There are positives and negatives of using an AI editor. With an AI editor, you have speed, control and the best part—it’s completely free! AI editors support human editors who can organize your writing into a clear, logical, elegant paper. After letting the AI editor edit your paper, if you feel you need a human check, we do have in in-house expert copyeditors who provide assistance with reviewing your final documents.

The Proofread File service gives you the following benefits:

  • The edited file will display all changes in tracks. This means you can review the changes and accept or reject them using Microsoft Word or any other compatible word processor. This file will also include comments and explanations that can help you make your writing clear.
  • You will also receive a detailed report which shows the number of revisions Trinka has made in each language category and an overall writing quality score.

We've tested Trinka's AI essay checker with leading online grammar checkers on five academic domains for accuracy, style guide compliance, conciseness, and contextual spelling check. Trinka stood out remarkably. To learn more, you can refer to our published whitepaper .

The free AI proofreader

Improve your writing with our free online proofreading tool. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to fix grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and enhance your writing style. Ideal for students, professionals, and anyone looking to polish their text.

Free online proofreading and essay editor

A reliable proofreading tool and essay editor for any writer or student, a complete environment.

Typely is more than just a proofreading tool. It's a complete writing environment.

Thousands of checks

More than a thousand checks are being performed and we've only scratched the surface.

Inspired by the greatest writers

Gain access to humanity’s collective understanding about the craft of writing.

A proofreading tool that does not bark at every tree

Typely is precise. Existing tools for proofreading raise so many false alarms that their advice cannot be trusted. Instead, the writer must carefully consider whether to accept or reject each change.

We aim for a tool so precise that it becomes possible to unquestioningly adopt its recommendations and still come out ahead — with stronger, tighter prose. Better to be quiet and authoritative than loud and unreliable.

Relax, focus, write your next masterpiece...

Writing presumes more than simply laying out words on a paper. Typely helps you get in the mood and keeps you focused, immersed and ready to write your story.

Whether you need a distraction-free environment, some chill relaxing sounds or a pomodoro timer to manage your time we got you covered.

Got questions? We have answers.

No. Typely is completely free and we plan on keeping it that way. We are considering some advanced features however that might be available under a premium plan.

The only limit we have applied thus far is on the number of characters you can submit and that is being set at a maximum of 50,000.

In theory yes but that will require a lot of work and professionals dedicated for this job. We are considering a way of letting the community participate somehow.

Typely does not do grammar checking because it's hard and almost impossible to get right. The aim for Typely is to be precise and reliable.

GPT Essay Checker for Students

How to Interpret the Result of AI Detection

To use our GPT checker, you won’t need to do any preparation work!

Take the 3 steps:

  • Copy and paste the text you want to be analyzed,
  • Click the button,
  • Follow the prompts to interpret the result.

Our AI detector doesn’t give a definitive answer. It’s only a free beta test that will be improved later. For now, it provides a preliminary conclusion and analyzes the provided text, implementing the color-coding system that you can see above the analysis.

It is you who decides whether the text is written by a human or AI:

  • Your text was likely generated by an AI if it is mostly red with some orange words. This means that the word choice of the whole document is nowhere near unique or unpredictable.
  • Your text looks unique and human-made if our GPT essay checker adds plenty of orange, green, and blue to the color palette.
  • 🔮 The Tool’s Benefits

🤖 Will AI Replace Human Writers?

✅ ai in essay writing.

  • 🕵 How do GPT checkers work?

🔗 References

🔮 gpt checker for essays: 5 key benefits.

People have yet to learn where AI and machine learning are taking us, but it has already caused many problems in the education system. This AI essay detector can resolve some of them, at least as of the moment.

There are 5 key benefits of the above GPT checker for essays and other academic writing projects.

Elon Musk, one of Chat GPT creators, said that it was “scary good” and that humanity is approaching the creation of “dangerously strong AI.”

In an interview , Bill Gates commented on the program: “It gives a glimpse of what is to come. I am impressed with this whole approach and the rate of innovation.” And these words give us goosebumps.

Over the first week of its functioning, the program exceeded 1 million users . Therefore, developers are interested in monetizing it, and launching a paid Beta-version won’t take long.

We prefer not to throw out compliments to the chatbot and instead let you check for yourself . It is a chat with AI. The best way to start is to ask a question. It is free so far (still under research), so you can ask as many questions as you please.

We should care about AI-generated content because, in a decade, it will be an everyday reality. Even more so, it is a hot-button issue now. For now, GPT 3 can’t replace human writers. However, AI essay detection has already become an issue for teachers.

You can try asking ChatGPT to write an essay for you. But we do not recommend pass it off as written by you. Not only because it's unethical (although it is). The fact is that ChatGPT has a number of drawbacks that you need to consider before using it.

Chat GPT in Essay Writing – the Shortcomings

  • The tool doesn’t know anything about what happened after 2021. Novel history is not its strong side. Sometimes it needs to be corrected about earlier events. For instance, request information about Heathrow Terminal 1 . The program will tell you it is functioning, although it has been closed since 2015.
  • The reliability of answers is questionable. AI takes information from the web which abounds in fake news, bias, and conspiracy theories.
  • References also need to be checked. The links that the tool generates are sometimes incorrect, and sometimes even fake.
  • Two AI generated essays on the same topic can be very similar. Although a plagiarism checker will likely consider the texts original, your teacher will easily see the same structure and arguments.
  • Chat GPT essay detectors are being actively developed now. Traditional plagiarism checkers are not good at finding texts made by ChatGPT. But this does not mean that an AI-generated piece cannot be detected at all.

🕵 How Do GPT Checkers Work?

An AI-generated text is too predictable. Its creation is based on the word frequency in each particular case.

Thus, its strong side (being life-like) makes it easily discernible for ChatGPT detectors.

Once again, conventional anti-plagiarism essay checkers won’t work there merely because this writing features originality. Meanwhile, it will be too similar to hundreds of other texts covering the same topic.

Here’s an everyday example. Two people give birth to a baby. When kids become adults, they are very much like their parents. But can we tell this particular human is a child of the other two humans? No, if we cannot make a genetic test. This GPT essay checker is a paternity test for written content.

❓ GPT Essay Checker FAQ

Updated: Oct 25th, 2023

  • Abstracts written by ChatGPT fool scientists - Nature
  • How to... use ChatGPT to boost your writing
  • Will ChatGPT Kill the Student Essay? - The Atlantic
  • ChatGPT: how to use the AI chatbot taking over the world
  • Overview of ChatGPT - Technology Hits - Medium
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This page contains a free online GPT checker for essays and other academic writing projects. Being based on the brand-new technology, this AI essay detector is much more effective than traditional plagiarism checkers. With this AI checker, you’ll easily find out if an academic writing piece was written by a human or a chatbot. We provide a comprehensive guide on how to interpret the results of analysis. It is up to you to draw your own conclusions.

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Check your work with an AI proofreader

Whether you're a student, professional, or just someone who wants to maintain a polished online presence, you understand how a simple spelling or grammatical issue can undermine your message.

That’s why using artificial intelligence to check your work can be a powerful tool. AI proofreaders can help you check your work with precision and confidence. Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar  offers built-in, AI-powered proofreading capabilities to help you check your work with ease. Say goodbye to writing mistakes and hello to polished, error-free content.

How does an AI proofreader work?

Proofreading AI relies on advanced algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze your text. These AI tools identify spelling errors and check for grammar issues, such as problematic tense or subject-verb agreement. These checks can also help ensure proper usage of punctuation marks and formatting guidelines to match specific style guides, such as MLA or Chicago Manual of Style.

Your AI proofreader can also evaluate writing style and suggest improvements for clarity, coherence, and overall readability in order to make your writing stronger. AI proofreaders can suggest synonyms or alternative words to improve the variety of your vocabulary. You can even ask AI to revise your work in different styles, such as in a conversational tone, with academic authority, or from a funny or sarcastic point of view.

How can proofreading AI help your writing?

If you’re writing an academic paper, long-form news story, or any authoritative text, you understand the importance of avoiding mistakes that can weaken your voice or argument. That’s why using free proofreading AI can be an indispensable tool.

AI can be exceptionally precise, catching errors that might slip past your own review. These proofreading tools can also provide near-instant feedback, saving you valuable time compared to manually scanning your text line by line. By maintaining a consistent level of scrutiny across your entire document, AI can reduce the chances of overlooking errors or switching tones halfway through your text.

Image of a robot editing writing on a piece of paper at a desk

Credit: Image created with AI

How to use Copilot in the Microsoft Edge sidebar to proofread your work

Imagine having an assistant who tirelessly checks your work for errors and ensures it's polished to perfection. One such assistant is Copilot in the sidebar, which comes equipped with AI-powered tools to catch grammar, spelling, and other writing issues that might have otherwise slipped through the cracks.

To start proofreading with AI, select the Copilot icon in the upper right corner of the Microsoft Edge sidebar. You can then paste the text you want proofread in the Ask me anything... search box preceded by a prompt like one of these:

  • Proofread the following text to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Proofread the following text for general spelling and writing errors. Make a list of all errors and show me the text with errors bolded.
  • Proofread the following text to make sure it sounds formal enough for a work email.

Get suggestions to improve your work

When you input your text into Copilot , it can swiftly scan every word, sentence, and paragraph to identify potential grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and style blunders, but that’s not all. It can also offer better word choices, sentences, and structure to enhance your writing style. Try prompts like these to get suggestions for improvement from your AI proofreader:

  • Help me polish this text to perfection. Proofread the following text and check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Then, make a list of all problematic sentences with suggestions for a rewrite.
  • Provide three ways to rewrite this paragraph.
  • Make all the fixes you suggest to the text and bold them inline.

One of the most appealing aspects of AI proofreading tools like Copilot is that they are incredibly user-friendly. In a matter of seconds, you’ll see your text scanned and corrected, saving you valuable time and helping to ensure your writing is error-free. It's also a confidence booster for writers of all levels, whether a professional author or a student working on an essay, to know a free proofreading AI assistant can help make sure your work is as clean, clear, and effective as possible.

Try Microsoft Edge today  to experiment with this invaluable tool to enhance your writing.

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The Hechinger Report

Covering Innovation & Inequality in Education

PROOF POINTS: AI essay grading is already as ‘good as an overburdened’ teacher, but researchers say it needs more work

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Grading papers is hard work. “I hate it,” a teacher friend confessed to me. And that’s a major reason why middle and high school teachers don’t assign more writing to their students. Even an efficient high school English teacher who can read and evaluate an essay in 20 minutes would spend 3,000 minutes, or 50 hours, grading if she’s teaching six classes of 25 students each. There aren’t enough hours in the day. 

Website for Mind/Shift

Could ChatGPT relieve teachers of some of the burden of grading papers? Early research is finding that the new artificial intelligence of large language models, also known as generative AI, is approaching the accuracy of a human in scoring essays and is likely to become even better soon. But we still don’t know whether offloading essay grading to ChatGPT will ultimately improve or harm student writing.

Tamara Tate, a researcher at University California, Irvine, and an associate director of her university’s Digital Learning Lab, is studying how teachers might use ChatGPT to improve writing instruction. Most recently, Tate and her seven-member research team, which includes writing expert Steve Graham at Arizona State University, compared how ChatGPT stacked up against humans in scoring 1,800 history and English essays written by middle and high school students. 

Tate said ChatGPT was “roughly speaking, probably as good as an average busy teacher” and “certainly as good as an overburdened below-average teacher.” But, she said, ChatGPT isn’t yet accurate enough to be used on a high-stakes test or on an essay that would affect a final grade in a class.

Tate presented her study on ChatGPT essay scoring at the 2024 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia in April. (The paper is under peer review for publication and is still undergoing revision.) 

Most remarkably, the researchers obtained these fairly decent essay scores from ChatGPT without training it first with sample essays. That means it is possible for any teacher to use it to grade any essay instantly with minimal expense and effort. “Teachers might have more bandwidth to assign more writing,” said Tate. “You have to be careful how you say that because you never want to take teachers out of the loop.” 

Writing instruction could ultimately suffer, Tate warned, if teachers delegate too much grading to ChatGPT. Seeing students’ incremental progress and common mistakes remain important for deciding what to teach next, she said. For example, seeing loads of run-on sentences in your students’ papers might prompt a lesson on how to break them up. But if you don’t see them, you might not think to teach it. 

In the study, Tate and her research team calculated that ChatGPT’s essay scores were in “fair” to “moderate” agreement with those of well-trained human evaluators. In one batch of 943 essays, ChatGPT was within a point of the human grader 89 percent of the time. On a six-point grading scale that researchers used in the study, ChatGPT often gave an essay a 2 when an expert human evaluator thought it was really a 1. But this level of agreement – within one point – dropped to 83 percent of the time in another batch of 344 English papers and slid even farther to 76 percent of the time in a third batch of 493 history essays.  That means there were more instances where ChatGPT gave an essay a 4, for example, when a teacher marked it a 6. And that’s why Tate says these ChatGPT grades should only be used for low-stakes purposes in a classroom, such as a preliminary grade on a first draft.

ChatGPT scored an essay within one point of a human grader 89 percent of the time in one batch of essays

proofread essay ai

Still, this level of accuracy was impressive because even teachers disagree on how to score an essay and one-point discrepancies are common. Exact agreement, which only happens half the time between human raters, was worse for AI, which matched the human score exactly only about 40 percent of the time. Humans were far more likely to give a top grade of a 6 or a bottom grade of a 1. ChatGPT tended to cluster grades more in the middle, between 2 and 5. 

Tate set up ChatGPT for a tough challenge, competing against teachers and experts with PhDs who had received three hours of training in how to properly evaluate essays. “Teachers generally receive very little training in secondary school writing and they’re not going to be this accurate,” said Tate. “This is a gold-standard human evaluator we have here.”

The raters had been paid to score these 1,800 essays as part of three earlier studies on student writing. Researchers fed these same student essays – ungraded –  into ChatGPT and asked ChatGPT to score them cold. ChatGPT hadn’t been given any graded examples to calibrate its scores. All the researchers did was copy and paste an excerpt of the same scoring guidelines that the humans used, called a grading rubric, into ChatGPT and told it to “pretend” it was a teacher and score the essays on a scale of 1 to 6. 

Older robo graders

Earlier versions of automated essay graders have had higher rates of accuracy . But they were expensive and time-consuming to create because scientists had to train the computer with hundreds of human-graded essays for each essay question. That’s economically feasible only in limited situations, such as for a standardized test, where thousands of students answer the same essay question. 

Earlier robo graders could also be gamed, once a student understood the features that the computer system was grading for. In some cases, nonsense essays received high marks if fancy vocabulary words were sprinkled in them. ChatGPT isn’t grading for particular hallmarks, but is analyzing patterns in massive datasets of language. Tate says she hasn’t yet seen ChatGPT give a high score to a nonsense essay. 

Tate expects ChatGPT’s grading accuracy to improve rapidly as new versions are released. Already, the research team has detected that the newer 4.0 version, which requires a paid subscription, is scoring more accurately than the free 3.5 version. Tate suspects that small tweaks to the grading instructions, or prompts, given to ChatGPT could improve existing versions. She is interested in testing whether ChatGPT’s scoring could become more reliable if a teacher trained it with just a few, perhaps five, sample essays that she has already graded. “Your average teacher might be willing to do that,” said Tate.

Many ed tech startups, and even well-known vendors of educational materials, are now marketing new AI essay robo graders to schools. Many of them are powered under the hood by ChatGPT or another large language model and I learned from this study that accuracy rates can be reported in ways that can make the new AI graders seem more accurate than they are. Tate’s team calculated that, on a population level, there was no difference between human and AI scores. ChatGPT can already reliably tell you the average essay score in a school or, say, in the state of California. 

Questions for AI vendors

At this point, it is not as accurate in scoring an individual student. And a teacher wants to know exactly how each student is doing. Tate advises teachers and school leaders who are considering using an AI essay grader to ask specific questions about accuracy rates on the student level:   What is the rate of exact agreement between the AI grader and a human rater on each essay? How often are they within one-point of each other?

The next step in Tate’s research is to study whether student writing improves after having an essay graded by ChatGPT. She’d like teachers to try using ChatGPT to score a first draft and then see if it encourages revisions, which are critical for improving writing. Tate thinks teachers could make it “almost like a game: how do I get my score up?” 

Of course, it’s unclear if grades alone, without concrete feedback or suggestions for improvement, will motivate students to make revisions. Students may be discouraged by a low score from ChatGPT and give up. Many students might ignore a machine grade and only want to deal with a human they know. Still, Tate says some students are too scared to show their writing to a teacher until it’s in decent shape, and seeing their score improve on ChatGPT might be just the kind of positive feedback they need. 

“We know that a lot of students aren’t doing any revision,” said Tate. “If we can get them to look at their paper again, that is already a win.”

That does give me hope, but I’m also worried that kids will just ask ChatGPT to write the whole essay for them in the first place.

This story about  AI essay scoring was written by Jill Barshay and produced by  The Hechinger Report , a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign up for  Proof Points   and other  Hechinger newsletters .

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8 Ways to Create AI-Proof Writing Prompts

C reating 100 percent AI-proof writing prompts can often be impossible but that doesn’t mean there aren’t strategies that can limit the efficacy of AI work. These techniques can also help ensure more of the writing submitted in your classroom is human-generated. 

I started seeing a big uptick in AI-generated work submitted in my classes over the last year and that has continued. As a result, I’ve gotten much better at recognizing AI work , but I’ve also gotten better at creating writing prompts that are less AI-friendly. 

Essentially, I like to use the public health Swiss cheese analogy when thinking about AI prevention: All these strategies on their own have holes but when you layer the cheese together, you create a barrier that’s hard to get through. 

The eight strategies here may not prevent students from submitting AI work, but I find these can incentivize human writing and make sure that any work submitted via AI will not really meet the requirements of the assignment. 

1. Writing AI-Proof Prompts: Put Your Prompt Into Popular AI tools such as ChatGPT, Copilot, and Bard 

Putting your writing prompt into an AI tools will give you an immediate idea of how most AI tools will handle your prompt. If the various AI chatbots do a good, or at least adequate, job immediately, it might be wise to tweak the prompt. 

One of my classes asks students to write about a prized possession. When you put this prompt into an AI chatbot, it frequently returns an essay about a family member's finely crafted watch. Obviously, I now watch out for any essays about watches. 

2. Forbid Cliché Use

Probably the quickest and easiest way to cut back on some AI use is to come down hard on cliché use in writing assignments. AI tools are essentially cliché machines, so banning these can prevent a lot of AI use. 

Equally as important, this practice will help your students become better writers. As any good writer knows, clichés should be avoided like the plague. 

3. Incorporate Recent Events

The free version of ChatGPT only has access to events up to 2022. While there are plugins to allow it to search the internet and other internet-capable AI tools, some students won’t get further than ChatGPT. 

More importantly, in my experience, all AI tools struggle to incorporate recent events as effectively as historic ones. So connecting class material and assignments to events such as a recent State of Union speech or the Academy Awards will make any AI writing use less effective. 

4. Require Quotes

AI tools can incorporate direct quotations but most are not very good at doing so. The quotes used tend to be very short and not as well-placed within essays. 

Asking an AI tool for recent quotes also can be particularly problematic for today’s robot writers. For instance, I asked Microsoft's Copilot to summarize the recent Academy Awards using quotes, and specifically asked it to quote from Oppenheimer's director Christopher Nolan’s acceptance speech. It quoted something Nolan had previously said instead. Copilot also quoted from Wes Anderson’s acceptance speech, an obvious error since Anderson wasn’t at the awards .  

5. Make Assignments Personal

Having students reflect on material in their own lives can be a good way to prevent AI writing. In-person teachers can get to know their students well enough to know when these types of personal details are fabricated. 

I teach online but still find it easier to tell when a more personalized prompt was written by AI. For example, one student submitted a paper about how much she loved skateboarding that was so non-specific it screamed AI written. Another submitted a post about a pair of sneakers that was also clearly written by a "sole-less" AI (I could tell because of the clichés and other reasons). 

6. Make Primary or Scholarly Sources Mandatory

Requiring sources that are not easily accessible on the internet can stop AI writing in its tracks. I like to have students find historic newspapers for certain assignments. The AI tools I am familiar with can’t incorporate these. 

For instance, I asked Copilot to compare coverage of the first Academy Awards in the media to the most recent awards show and to include quotes from historic newspaper coverage. The comparison was not well done and there were no quotes from historical newspaper coverage. 

AI tools also struggle to incorporate journal articles. Encouraging your students to include these types of sources ensures the work they produce is deeper than something that can be revealed by a quick Google search, which not only makes it harder for AI to write but also can raise the overall quality.  

7. Require Interviews, Field Trips, Etc. 

Building on primary and scholarly sources, you can have your students conduct interviews or go on field trips to historic sites, museums, etc. 

AI is still, thankfully, incapable of engaging in these types of behavior. This requires too much work for every assignment but it is the most effective way to truly ensure your work is human- not computer-written. 

If you’re still worried about AI use, you can even go a step further by asking your students to include photos of them with their interview subjects or from the field trips. Yes, AI art generators are getting better as well, but remember the Swiss cheese analogy? Every layer of prevention can help. 

8. Have Students Write During Class

As I said to start, none of the methods discussed are foolproof. Many ways around these safeguards already exist and there will be more ways to bypass these in the future. So if you’re really, really worried about AI use you may want to choose what I call the “nuclear option.” If you teach in person you can require students to write essays in person. 

This approach definitely works for preventing AI and is okay for short pieces, but for longer pieces, it has a lot of downsides. I would have trouble writing a long piece in this setting and imagine many students will as well. Additionally, this requirement could create an accusatory class atmosphere that is more focused on preventing AI use than actually teaching. It’s also not practical for online teaching. 

That all being said, given how common AI writing has become in education, I understand why some teachers will turn to this method. Hopefully, suggestions 1-7 will work but if AI-generated papers are still out of hand in your classroom, this is a blunt-force method that can work temporarily. 

Good luck and may your assignments be free of AI writing! 

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  • Best Free AI Detection Sites
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💡Notice: Content generated by AI can impact search engine results, academic evaluations, and the impressions of readers. In today's digital landscape, discerning the true origin of content has become increasingly vital.

That's why I recommend you to use our Monica AI detector right away, which integrates 8 of the most advanced AI models with a 98% detection accuracy. It can discern whether your text is human or AI-generated, including from sources like ChatGPT, GPT3.5, GPT4, Claude, Gemini and other LLM or LLaMa.

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AI Plagiarism Checker & Chat GPT AI Detector

Find AI-generated content in no time with an accurate AI plagiarism checker.

Add your text and check it with Chat GPT detector in seconds

Why any modern workflow requires ai detector.

AI content generators are getting closer to a human capability to write meaningful text. Although helpful in many ways, AI writing tools can be harmful, causing integrity and performance issues in Education, SEO, Recruitment, Media, and beyond. Cutting-edge technologies like Chat GPT created a new notion in plagiarism — AI plagiarism, which is not plagiarism in a human sense but in a machine one.

While AI technology is progressing quickly, we improve our solution constantly so it stays one step ahead to provide a reliable way to detect AI writing.

How AI content detector works

Our AI checker recruits advanced technologies against text generators to catch AI-related breadcrumbs. The algorithms analyze various parameters, including creativity/predictability ratio, to detect AI content across different AI bots.

AI detector provides 97% accurate results, avoiding False Positive when human writing is recognized as an AI-generated document. Furthermore, our AI text detector is constantly improving to empower you with the latest approaches in catching cases of AI-generated text usage.

Who can benefit from Chat GPT checker

Support Academic Integrity by detecting AI Plagiarism with a reliable AI checker.

Students may embrace new technology faster to cut corners in writing essays, use AI-generated resources to compose a paper, or even mention a non-existing source in an AI-created bibliography.

Our AI plagiarism checker helps Teachers and Students ensure they read human-written texts and protects checked papers from being leaked.

AI-generated texts may sound original, but they put your blog or platform and its ranking at risk. Google forbids using “auto-generated” content and warns that such pages will be removed from the search.

A reliable AI content detector keeps your SEO strategy and enterprise well-being safe.

Selecting the best candidates is a time-consuming process involving hundreds of applicants. AI generators are powerful enough to write CVs and Cover Letters in seconds. They may sound right, but they were not written by the person who submitted them.

Using an AI content detector, you can always filter human-written applications.

AI detector as a groundbreaking trend for academy and business

With AI solutions developing faster than ever, the emergence of the AI plagiarism checker was inevitable.

AI technologies accumulate a significant amount of resources and knowledge to perform tasks that are usually associated with human efforts. Many companies and people are beginning to adapt the already existing AI-based innovations to complete routine or even more complex tasks.

However, some may utilize it in a variety of spheres unscrupulously, which leads to the emergence of unfair AI tech use, necessitating the development of tools such as Chat GPT detector or Bard AI plagiarism checker.

A trustworthy AI content detector can be used to foster integrity and honesty. Read this short article to uncover how to integrate trendsetting technologies into your workflow.

AI plagiarism detection issues and task

With the apparent immense potential of AI in technology, the need for an AI writing checker becomes urgent. While a student engaged in plagiarism or cheating is no surprise for any experienced professor, today's AI academic integrity issues challenge educators for entirely different reasons.

Unlike typical plagiarism, the plagiarism performed by AI uses distinct words from multiple sources, composing longer phrases or word constructions. It makes AI plagiarism impossible to find and distinguish from uniquely crafted text. One particular word can be taken from many texts, so it is almost unattainable to use traditional methods to check for AI plagiarism. Hence, a necessity for a new type of AI plagiarism checker emerges.

It is evident that since the AI model uses entirely different technologies and approaches to text exploitation, it is crucial to develop other anti-plagiarism software. If you're unfamiliar with such tools, don't worry: it's a newly developing field, and many people need guidance in finding the right option. “So I can't use my anti-plag tools to check if AI wrote this?” you'll ask. Unfortunately, you can't do it: it will simply be ineffective because you deal with entirely different technology to which your tools weren't adapted. If you want to know whether an AI detector is even necessary, read the material below.

When AI content needs to be uncovered

Why do people even create tools to detect AI writing? Isn't AI supposed to help us? It is, but not everyone views this technology favorably. Quite often, the content generated by AI can be similar to the human-created one. Nonetheless, it can have different negative consequences for people working in many spheres.

The SEO sphere can suffer from machine-written content significantly. Google has policies that don't allow the use of AI-made content, that's why you'd want to use AI plagiarism detection.

In learning, using AI-created content is illegal when it comes to writing: it's viewed as academic cheating and violates academic integrity and ethics.

Many people want to receive only human-created content and know their interactions are genuine. That's why recruiters want to be sure that they connect with a person when reading a cover letter or an email. So, they need a trustworthy AI text detector to ensure authenticity and originality.

AI brings plagiarism-related issues to a new level, making it impossible to solve the problem without specific tools. Therefore, many companies invest in testing and buying an AI detector. Don't know where to start? Fortunately, we have a few suggestions for those only beginning to navigate their place in this rapidly changing environment.

How the tool checks the text for AI content

AI is based on large language models (LLM). Imagine that every second, the system analyzes enormous amounts of existing data to generate the result it considers the most relevant to the processed content. That is right: AI analyzes and generates but does not create a unique text!

Even if it sounds original, formally, the machine plagiarizes, borrowing pieces of content it discovered elsewhere.

While AI's analysis coverage is impressive, its capabilities are still limited. This fact brings us to the crucial point: the machine can paraphrase and generate human-like sounding texts, but it remains predictable. That is why, along with other parameters, AI detecting mechanisms include creativity/predictability ratio.

The AI model may be complicated, but checking for machine-written content requires no secret trick or code. Our tool makes it simple for you: upload the document or insert the text you need to analyze and see the result in the report section. Moreover, you can scan the content right on the webpage using our AI-checking browser extensions!

We intend to cover all the creators' and educators' needs: get a plagiarism checker, AI detector, proofreader, citation generator, and authorship authenticator in one tool!

AI essay checker for academic integrity: Why it matters

If you're still unsure whether you need something like a Chat GPT checker, we can step aside and first focus on the notion of academic integrity and why it is essential.

AI-written texts submitted for assignments that require originality are considered cheating. If you count on being a part of a formal academic institution, you should adhere to its demands.

People who want to trust in their ability to be professional should be honest and not engage in plagiarism. Cheating can lead to losing self-confidence or worsen people's desire to work hard. For such reasons, using Chat GPT AI essay checker or any other tool is necessary.

Learners who don't care about honesty are rarely interested in what they do for a long time. Currently, AI and plagiarism can intersect, and learning to recruit AI without illegally using someone else's work will serve your interests as a researcher, writer, or professional.

All learners should have equal access to knowledge and rights. Chat GPT detector helps all students remain in line and not abuse technologies to receive unfair results. It ensures that the academic society is preserved and all people have a chance to become better in education.

What is the best AI plagiarism checker?

It is worth mentioning that no AI checker provides a final decision on whether a machine or a human wrote the text. However, you can draw your conclusion based on the tool's analysis. The best solution is the one that ensures a high accuracy rate and protects the texts without publishing them in the public domain.

Is using AI plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the use of someone else's work as your own. AI plagiarism cannot be considered plagiarism in the traditional sense, but from the perspective of machines, it can be classified as such.

Can AI text be detected?

The AI-generated text has traits that allow powerful AI content detectors to recognize them. While AI generators like Chat GPT continue to evolve, AI content checkers progress as well, reducing the chances someone can get away with using AI text as human-written.

Can I ask AI if it wrote this content?

AI chatbots are not tailored to uncover machine-written text. Hence, the answer you get from an AI bot can not be considered reliable. You need a model specifically trained to distinguish between AI-generated and human-crafted content.

Will AI replace professors?

It is hard to predict the future of the AI in education. What is evident is that AI can have immense potential in helping and optimizing processes in multiple fields. Even now, professors can use it to educate, provide feedback, and grade performance. AI will affect professors' performance, allowing them to focus on improving students' knowledge.

Be in tune with the times - try the AI Detection tool!

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NeurIPS 2024

Conference Dates: (In person) 9 December - 15 December, 2024


Call For Papers 

Abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2024

Full paper submission deadline, including technical appendices and supplemental material (all authors must have an OpenReview profile when submitting): May 22, 2024

Author notification: Sep 25, 2024

Camera-ready, poster, and video submission: Oct 30, 2024 AOE

Submit at:  

The site will start accepting submissions on Apr 22, 2024 

Subscribe to these and other dates on the 2024 dates page .

The Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024) is an interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers in machine learning, neuroscience, statistics, optimization, computer vision, natural language processing, life sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, and other adjacent fields. We invite submissions presenting new and original research on topics including but not limited to the following:

  • Applications (e.g., vision, language, speech and audio, Creative AI)
  • Deep learning (e.g., architectures, generative models, optimization for deep networks, foundation models, LLMs)
  • Evaluation (e.g., methodology, meta studies, replicability and validity, human-in-the-loop)
  • General machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, online, active, etc.)
  • Infrastructure (e.g., libraries, improved implementation and scalability, distributed solutions)
  • Machine learning for sciences (e.g. climate, health, life sciences, physics, social sciences)
  • Neuroscience and cognitive science (e.g., neural coding, brain-computer interfaces)
  • Optimization (e.g., convex and non-convex, stochastic, robust)
  • Probabilistic methods (e.g., variational inference, causal inference, Gaussian processes)
  • Reinforcement learning (e.g., decision and control, planning, hierarchical RL, robotics)
  • Social and economic aspects of machine learning (e.g., fairness, interpretability, human-AI interaction, privacy, safety, strategic behavior)
  • Theory (e.g., control theory, learning theory, algorithmic game theory)

Machine learning is a rapidly evolving field, and so we welcome interdisciplinary submissions that do not fit neatly into existing categories.

Authors are asked to confirm that their submissions accord with the NeurIPS code of conduct .

Formatting instructions:   All submissions must be in PDF format, and in a single PDF file include, in this order:

  • The submitted paper
  • Technical appendices that support the paper with additional proofs, derivations, or results 
  • The NeurIPS paper checklist  

Other supplementary materials such as data and code can be uploaded as a ZIP file

The main text of a submitted paper is limited to nine content pages , including all figures and tables. Additional pages containing references don’t count as content pages. If your submission is accepted, you will be allowed an additional content page for the camera-ready version.

The main text and references may be followed by technical appendices, for which there is no page limit.

The maximum file size for a full submission, which includes technical appendices, is 50MB.

Authors are encouraged to submit a separate ZIP file that contains further supplementary material like data or source code, when applicable.

You must format your submission using the NeurIPS 2024 LaTeX style file which includes a “preprint” option for non-anonymous preprints posted online. Submissions that violate the NeurIPS style (e.g., by decreasing margins or font sizes) or page limits may be rejected without further review. Papers may be rejected without consideration of their merits if they fail to meet the submission requirements, as described in this document. 

Paper checklist: In order to improve the rigor and transparency of research submitted to and published at NeurIPS, authors are required to complete a paper checklist . The paper checklist is intended to help authors reflect on a wide variety of issues relating to responsible machine learning research, including reproducibility, transparency, research ethics, and societal impact. The checklist forms part of the paper submission, but does not count towards the page limit.

Please join the NeurIPS 2024 Checklist Assistant Study that will provide you with free verification of your checklist performed by an LLM here . Please see details in our  blog

Supplementary material: While all technical appendices should be included as part of the main paper submission PDF, authors may submit up to 100MB of supplementary material, such as data, or source code in a ZIP format. Supplementary material should be material created by the authors that directly supports the submission content. Like submissions, supplementary material must be anonymized. Looking at supplementary material is at the discretion of the reviewers.

We encourage authors to upload their code and data as part of their supplementary material in order to help reviewers assess the quality of the work. Check the policy as well as code submission guidelines and templates for further details.

Use of Large Language Models (LLMs): We welcome authors to use any tool that is suitable for preparing high-quality papers and research. However, we ask authors to keep in mind two important criteria. First, we expect papers to fully describe their methodology, and any tool that is important to that methodology, including the use of LLMs, should be described also. For example, authors should mention tools (including LLMs) that were used for data processing or filtering, visualization, facilitating or running experiments, and proving theorems. It may also be advisable to describe the use of LLMs in implementing the method (if this corresponds to an important, original, or non-standard component of the approach). Second, authors are responsible for the entire content of the paper, including all text and figures, so while authors are welcome to use any tool they wish for writing the paper, they must ensure that all text is correct and original.

Double-blind reviewing:   All submissions must be anonymized and may not contain any identifying information that may violate the double-blind reviewing policy.  This policy applies to any supplementary or linked material as well, including code.  If you are including links to any external material, it is your responsibility to guarantee anonymous browsing.  Please do not include acknowledgements at submission time. If you need to cite one of your own papers, you should do so with adequate anonymization to preserve double-blind reviewing.  For instance, write “In the previous work of Smith et al. [1]…” rather than “In our previous work [1]...”). If you need to cite one of your own papers that is in submission to NeurIPS and not available as a non-anonymous preprint, then include a copy of the cited anonymized submission in the supplementary material and write “Anonymous et al. [1] concurrently show...”). Any papers found to be violating this policy will be rejected.

OpenReview: We are using OpenReview to manage submissions. The reviews and author responses will not be public initially (but may be made public later, see below). As in previous years, submissions under review will be visible only to their assigned program committee. We will not be soliciting comments from the general public during the reviewing process. Anyone who plans to submit a paper as an author or a co-author will need to create (or update) their OpenReview profile by the full paper submission deadline. Your OpenReview profile can be edited by logging in and clicking on your name in . This takes you to a URL "[Firstname]_[Lastname][n]" where the last part is your profile name, e.g., ~Wei_Zhang1. The OpenReview profiles must be up to date, with all publications by the authors, and their current affiliations. The easiest way to import publications is through DBLP but it is not required, see FAQ . Submissions without updated OpenReview profiles will be desk rejected. The information entered in the profile is critical for ensuring that conflicts of interest and reviewer matching are handled properly. Because of the rapid growth of NeurIPS, we request that all authors help with reviewing papers, if asked to do so. We need everyone’s help in maintaining the high scientific quality of NeurIPS.  

Please be aware that OpenReview has a moderation policy for newly created profiles: New profiles created without an institutional email will go through a moderation process that can take up to two weeks. New profiles created with an institutional email will be activated automatically.

Venue home page:

If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ:

Abstract Submission: There is a mandatory abstract submission deadline on May 15, 2024, six days before full paper submissions are due. While it will be possible to edit the title and abstract until the full paper submission deadline, submissions with “placeholder” abstracts that are rewritten for the full submission risk being removed without consideration. This includes titles and abstracts that either provide little or no semantic information (e.g., "We provide a new semi-supervised learning method.") or describe a substantively different claimed contribution.  The author list cannot be changed after the abstract deadline. After that, authors may be reordered, but any additions or removals must be justified in writing and approved on a case-by-case basis by the program chairs only in exceptional circumstances. 

Ethics review: Reviewers and ACs may flag submissions for ethics review . Flagged submissions will be sent to an ethics review committee for comments. Comments from ethics reviewers will be considered by the primary reviewers and AC as part of their deliberation. They will also be visible to authors, who will have an opportunity to respond.  Ethics reviewers do not have the authority to reject papers, but in extreme cases papers may be rejected by the program chairs on ethical grounds, regardless of scientific quality or contribution.  

Preprints: The existence of non-anonymous preprints (on arXiv or other online repositories, personal websites, social media) will not result in rejection. If you choose to use the NeurIPS style for the preprint version, you must use the “preprint” option rather than the “final” option. Reviewers will be instructed not to actively look for such preprints, but encountering them will not constitute a conflict of interest. Authors may submit anonymized work to NeurIPS that is already available as a preprint (e.g., on arXiv) without citing it. Note that public versions of the submission should not say "Under review at NeurIPS" or similar.

Dual submissions: Submissions that are substantially similar to papers that the authors have previously published or submitted in parallel to other peer-reviewed venues with proceedings or journals may not be submitted to NeurIPS. Papers previously presented at workshops are permitted, so long as they did not appear in a conference proceedings (e.g., CVPRW proceedings), a journal or a book.  NeurIPS coordinates with other conferences to identify dual submissions.  The NeurIPS policy on dual submissions applies for the entire duration of the reviewing process.  Slicing contributions too thinly is discouraged.  The reviewing process will treat any other submission by an overlapping set of authors as prior work. If publishing one would render the other too incremental, both may be rejected.

Anti-collusion: NeurIPS does not tolerate any collusion whereby authors secretly cooperate with reviewers, ACs or SACs to obtain favorable reviews. 

Author responses:   Authors will have one week to view and respond to initial reviews. Author responses may not contain any identifying information that may violate the double-blind reviewing policy. Authors may not submit revisions of their paper or supplemental material, but may post their responses as a discussion in OpenReview. This is to reduce the burden on authors to have to revise their paper in a rush during the short rebuttal period.

After the initial response period, authors will be able to respond to any further reviewer/AC questions and comments by posting on the submission’s forum page. The program chairs reserve the right to solicit additional reviews after the initial author response period.  These reviews will become visible to the authors as they are added to OpenReview, and authors will have a chance to respond to them.

After the notification deadline, accepted and opted-in rejected papers will be made public and open for non-anonymous public commenting. Their anonymous reviews, meta-reviews, author responses and reviewer responses will also be made public. Authors of rejected papers will have two weeks after the notification deadline to opt in to make their deanonymized rejected papers public in OpenReview.  These papers are not counted as NeurIPS publications and will be shown as rejected in OpenReview.

Publication of accepted submissions:   Reviews, meta-reviews, and any discussion with the authors will be made public for accepted papers (but reviewer, area chair, and senior area chair identities will remain anonymous). Camera-ready papers will be due in advance of the conference. All camera-ready papers must include a funding disclosure . We strongly encourage accompanying code and data to be submitted with accepted papers when appropriate, as per the code submission policy . Authors will be allowed to make minor changes for a short period of time after the conference.

Contemporaneous Work: For the purpose of the reviewing process, papers that appeared online within two months of a submission will generally be considered "contemporaneous" in the sense that the submission will not be rejected on the basis of the comparison to contemporaneous work. Authors are still expected to cite and discuss contemporaneous work and perform empirical comparisons to the degree feasible. Any paper that influenced the submission is considered prior work and must be cited and discussed as such. Submissions that are very similar to contemporaneous work will undergo additional scrutiny to prevent cases of plagiarism and missing credit to prior work.

Plagiarism is prohibited by the NeurIPS Code of Conduct .

Other Tracks: Similarly to earlier years, we will host multiple tracks, such as datasets, competitions, tutorials as well as workshops, in addition to the main track for which this call for papers is intended. See the conference homepage for updates and calls for participation in these tracks. 

Experiments: As in past years, the program chairs will be measuring the quality and effectiveness of the review process via randomized controlled experiments. All experiments are independently reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Financial Aid: Each paper may designate up to one (1) account email address of a corresponding student author who confirms that they would need the support to attend the conference, and agrees to volunteer if they get selected. To be considered for Financial the student will also need to fill out the Financial Aid application when it becomes available.


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    That's why I recommend you to use our Monica AI detector right away, which integrates 8 of the most advanced AI models with a 98% detection accuracy. It can discern whether your text is human or AI-generated, including from sources like ChatGPT, GPT3.5, GPT4, Claude, Gemini and other LLM or LLaMa. Check your text, essay or paper content for ...

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