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74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English)

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We are proud to announce that the following students are awarded in 74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English) organized by Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association: 3K HADASSAH Place 1st 5K JASLIN Place 1st 2K ALIYAH Place 2nd 4K MARY Place 2nd 3K HARVEY Place 3rd 5K JASLIN Place 3rd 1K JUSTINE U36(14) Merit 1K ISABELLE U36(20) Merit 1K HANNAH U36(25) Merit 1W AADEN U62(3) Merit 1W GLIVE U62(9) Merit 1S SAMUEL U61(5) Merit 2K SHAKIRAH U40(11) Merit 2K HANIFAH U40(3) Merit 3K MALAIKAH U41(7) Merit 3K KAITHLYN U41(8) Merit 3K KRIZTELLA U43(1) Merit 3K CHANTAPAT U65(1) Merit 3K CAHLVIN U65(1) Merit 3K JERMAINE U65(6) Merit 4K VENETIA U44(1) Merit 4K AMBER U44(3) Merit 4K JUSHLEYNE U44(8) Merit 4K GIAN U67(10) Merit 4K DARRYL U67(9) Merit 4K NAUMAN U67(9) Merit 4W 李思萱 U44(1) Merit 4W 許嘉晴 U44(4) Merit 4S MAADH U67(10) Merit 5K ERICA U48(10) Merit 5K BHAIRAVI U48(3) Merit 5W 莫景霖 U69(5) Merit 1K PRESLY U62(3) Proficiency 1S JAIDEEP U61(4) Proficiency 3K SUMINA U41(1) Proficiency 4K SHAJADA U44(8) Proficiency 4K HAMZA U67(10) Proficiency 4W 伍明心 U46(6) Proficiency 4S MINGSO U67(8) Proficiency

Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association

  • HKSMSA History
  • Past Winners and Festival Statistics
  • Press Release
  • Job Vacancy
  • 75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2023) (Chinese Speech)
  • 75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2023) (English Speech)
  • Music Festival
  • Member Login
  • 70th Anniversary Celebrations
  • Prize-winners’ Concert
  • Prize-winners’ Recital
  • Grantham Music Awards
  • Major Sponsors and Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

Index: | |
About Live Competition Mode:
About Video Submission Mode: |

Competition Mode

The Association has decided to put the following new arrangements in place for this year’s Speech Festival (2023):

  • The Association would hold all Solo / Duo / Group Classes.
  • Competitions would be held in “Mixed Mode”. Majority of the classes would return to “Live Competition Mode (LCM)”, with only English News Feature Presentation classes and some elementary solo classes remain to be held in “Video Submission Mode (VSM)”.
  • Members can enrol their students in the competition from 21 August (10:00 a.m.) to 20 September 2023 (5:00 p.m.) .
  • The “Competition Notification (CN)” will be released on the Member’s Area of the Association website from 1 November 2023 (10:00 a.m.) .
  • Depending on the number of entries in each class and the length of time required for the piece, the Association will allocate competitors of the same class into a number of groups. Each group, being judged by one adjudicator, is independent of the others and so are the adjudication and results.

No. The competition period of “Live Competition Mode” is from 20 November to 20 December 2023 . The video submission period of “Video Submission Mode” competition is from 7 November (10:00 a.m.) to 13 November 2023 (5:00 p.m.) .

Competitors can check the competition mode of each class from:

  • Class Description of the printed copy of the English Speech Syllabus (a note “This class would be held in Video Submission Mode” is added for all VSM classes).
  • Content page of the printed copy of the Chinese Speech Syllabus (note is added for VSM classes).
  • Class Description of the online Syllabus (note is added for VSM classes).

There are total 7 classes to be held in “Video Submission Mode” in English Speech Festival:

  • N1 – Solo Verse Speaking, Open, Ages 5 and 6, Boys and Girls
  • N2 – Solo Verse Speaking, Open, Ages 7, Boys and Girls
  • N139 – Solo Prose Speaking, Open, Ages 5 and 6, Boys and Girls
  • N140 – Solo Prose Speaking, Open, Ages 7 and 8, Boys and Girls
  • N238 – News Feature Presentation, Secondary 1 and 2
  • N239 – News Feature Presentation, Secondary 3 and 4
  • N240 – News Feature Presentation, Secondary 5 and 6

As for Chinese Speech Festival, Classes N476 and N478 will be held in “Video Submission Mode”.

Live Competition Mode: Competitors will receive mark sheets at the end of the competition in which they have performed. Competitors will bear the risk of losing the mark sheets if they fail to collect them on spot. Otherwise, members should bring their valid original membership cards to the Association to collect the mark sheets and pennants (if any) for their students from 25 January 2024 onwards.

Video Submission Mode: Members can download their students’ results from the Association website from 10:00 a.m. on 23 January 2024 onwards. Members must bring along their valid original membership cards to collect the mark sheets and pennants (if any) at the Association from 25 January 2024 ; prior booking has to be made on the Association website.

All unclaimed mark sheets will be destroyed before the commencement of the next Speech Festival.

This year’s Speech Festival follows the usual judging criteria. For English Speech, adjudication will be based on the overall performance of the competitors, including:

  • Clarity of speech
  • Interpretation
  • Audience awareness

Competitors may decide whether or not their use of gestures, movements, costumes, props, etc. will enhance the quality of their performance. The decision of the adjudicators on all artistic matters shall be final.

Specific judging criteria are set for Public Speaking Solo classes and News Feature Presentation classes. Please see details stated in the class requirements of classes N192 – 196 and N238-240.

(Reference: Part 4 of “Rules and Regulations – Live Competition Mode” and Part 6 of “Rules and Regulations – Video Submission Mode”)

For Chinese Speech, please refer to Part 4 of “Rules and Regulations – Live Competition Mode” and Part 6 of “Rules and Regulations – Video Submission Mode” .

  • Placing will be awarded to the winners of each competing class / group. However, in the cases when the best performance in the class / group is not up to the standard to obtain 80 marks, no placing, trophy or prize will be awarded.
  • Certificates of three levels will be awarded to competitors for their achievement: Honours Certificates (90 marks or above), Merit Certificates (80 – 89 marks), Proficiency Certificates (75 – 79 marks).
  • A pennant will be presented to the first-place winner of each class / group. Each Duo will be awarded two pennants.
  • For Chinese Speech Classes N476 and N478, no marks and placings will be awarded. Certificates of three levels will be awarded to competitors for their achievement: Honours Certificates (A), Merit Certificates (B) , Proficiency Certificates (C).

The enrolment period for this year’s Festival will start from 21 August (10:00 a.m.) and end on 20 September 2023 (5:00 p.m.) . All competitors must enrol in the Festival through the “Online Enrolment System” by their members. Under no circumstances will late entries be accepted. Please contact their member for the enrolment details.

Live Competition Mode: Except N classes, competitors may choose to compete in any one district in U/E/K/Y.

Video Submission Mode: N denotes classes which will not be divided into districts.

Competitors should use names identical to that of their Hong Kong ID cards / travel documents / birth certificates. Furthermore, the Chinese name is a mandatory field. If competitors do not have any Chinese name, please fill the English name in that field.

  • Competitors can enrol in classes of different categories e.g. solo verse speaking non-open and solo prose reading non-open. For the categories, please refer to the Table of Contents in the Syllabus.
  • Competitors of Solo entries / individual members of Duo entries can only enter one class in the same level / grade / age / category, regardless of the area code in the same class. For example, competitors cannot enrol in both Classes U20 and E20.
  • Please also note that in the following category, competitors can only enrol in one class: English Speech: Solo Verse Speaking (Non-Open) classes (Classes U/E/K/Y 20-70). For example, English Speech competitors cannot enrol in both Classes U20 and U21; Chinese Speech competitors cannot enrol in both Classes N476 and N478.
  • Competitors of Solo entries / individual members of Duo entries who fail to follow the rules on the number of entries will only be permitted to compete in ONE of the competitions concerned. The competition to be retained is randomly drawn electronically. Competitors will be disqualified in the non-retained competitions at any time without prior notice.

About Live Competition Mode

Competition and venue arrangements.

Competition information is given on the Competition Notifications. Members / Competitors can also access the details from the Festival Timetable posted on the Association website from 1 November 2023 (10:00 a.m.) with:

  • the membership number and password; or
  • the reference number as shown on the Entry Form Receipt.
  • Competitors should report to the Festival assistants at the Reporting Time specified on the Competition Notification. Once the competition starts, the adjudicator / Festival assistants have the right to refuse anyone (including competitors) from entering the venue. As a result, a competitor may miss important announcements or his / her assigned order.
  • Competitors who fail to perform according to the published order will be considered performing “not in assigned order”. They will only be given comments. Neither marks nor certificates will be awarded to them.
  • No alternative arrangement (such as re-scheduling of competitions, re-allocating competitors to other groups, etc.) will be made for competitions which the Association has to cancel or for competitors who do not attend as scheduled, whatever the reason.

Competitors must bring with them the required valid documents to report to the Festival assistants. For verification of their identity, spot checking will be made. Competitors failing to present such documents to the Festival assistants before they perform will only be given comments. Neither marks nor certificates will be awarded to them. The required documents are as follows:

Solo or duo class competitors must bring:

  • the Competition Notification (electronic or printed copy); and
  • the student ID card / student handbook / Hong Kong ID card* / travel document, all of which must be original and bear a recent photo.

Group class competitors must bring:

  • the Competition Notification (electronic or printed copy);
  • the student ID card / student handbook / Hong Kong ID card* / travel document of each member, all of which must be original and bear a recent photo; and
  • the completed Competitors’ List. Competing teams should download the Competitors’ List (Group Classes) from the Association website. They must complete the form with names, dates of birth and education level of each member, the signature of principal / responsible teacher and school chop.

*The Hong Kong Juvenile ID card does not bear a photo of the holder and therefore is not an acceptable identification document at the Speech Festival.

For live competitions, competitors’ information will be announced by the Festival assistant. When the Festival assistant calls upon a competitor to perform, he / she will read out the competitor’s assigned order as well as the competitor’s name, in Cantonese for Chinese Speech classes; while in English for English Speech classes.

Yes, competitors will read out the piece title and author before performing.

Neat, tidy and appropriate attire is required during competition.

Wearing a mask may affect the performance. The Association encourages competitors to perform without wearing a mask. However, competitors have to follow all anti epidemic regulations by the Government the precautionary measures by venues at that time (if any) and take the responsibility of assessing their own health risk in any circumstances.

No. Practice is strictly prohibited at the competition venues and the surrounding areas.

Competitors of solo classes and duo classes and Public Speaking Team classes may each be accompanied by a maximum of one adult (either a teacher or a parent). In a group class competition, each team may be accompanied by a maximum of five teachers / staff members.

In accordance with the limitations / requirements of the venue or request of adjudicators, the Festival assistants are authorised to take charge of the seating and admission arrangements in the competition venues. For example, seating priority will always be given to competitors of that competition. When there are no sufficient seats at a particular competition venue, teachers or parents accompanying the competitors may not be admitted.

In a competition in which the competitors are divided into batches, the competitors and their accompanying teachers or parents are admitted to the competition venue only during the assigned time slot. They must leave at the end of their time slot. Besides, even if there are extra seats for the audience, non-competitors under the age of six will not be admitted to any competition venues.

The use of communication or electronic devices is prohibited at the competition venue. Photo-taking and audio or video recording of any part of a competition (including the time for verbal comments from adjudicators and the announcement of results) are also prohibited. Anyone who violates this rule may be asked to leave the venue. If the person is a competitor, he / she will only be given comments. Neither marks nor certificates will be awarded to them.

About Video Submission Mode

Shooting and recording.

Competitors can decide when to record the competition videos after members have completed the enrolment procedures. During the recording, competitors shall first announce their names and class code according to the enrolment — for example, Chan Tai Man, Class N1.

Competitors shall follow the below order in recording the video:

  • Announce their name and class code according to the enrolment, for example, Chan Tai Man, Class N1.
  • Announce the title and the author of the piece.
  • Perform the whole piece once.

Competitors should announce in the language of the class enroled.

Yes. The competition video should follow the requirements listed below:

  • The video must be a single, continuous shot video footage. Competitors must not stop or pause the camera during shooting.
  • Special visual effects shall not be added in the video clips, such as filters, transitions, colour adjustments, light adjustments or subtitles etc. No mixing, editing or post-production are permitted.
  • The video must be recorded live and no dubbing is permitted.
  • Earbuds / in-ear headphones as sound receivers are not allowed.
  • The audio and video have to synchronise and the sound quality is clear and smooth.
  • The resolution of the video should be 720p (1280 x 720) and must not exceed 1080p (1920 x 1080).
  • The shooting has to be done indoors with a simple background and sufficient lighting. Avoid having any bright lights from behind, and virtual or projected background. The recording environment has to be quiet.
  • The entire video must clearly show the competitor’s full body, appearance, actions and posture.
  • When shooting, the camera has to be stable without any camera movement (including zoom in / out).
  • Not to use amplifiers for any purpose.
  • The video must be in one of the following formats: MP4 or MOV.
  • The file size must not exceed 2GB.

Yes. Competitors may decide on their own, provided that the sound quality of the video is clear and smooth. However, competitors must not wear any earbuds / in-ear headphones. Competitors who violate this rule will only be given comments. Neither marks nor certificates will be awarded to them.

No. Competitors’ marks (grades) will be affected if amplifiers are used during the performance for any purpose.

The length of the competition video should depend on the content of the competition piece. Competitors must also observe the requirement of specific classes.

Competitors should wear neat, tidy and appropriate attire and observe the specified dress code of specific classes.

Yes. However, competitors must make sure the competition video follow the required specifications. Please also refer to question 25.

Competitors may decide on their own, provided that the entire video must clearly show the full body, appearance, actions and posture.

(Reference: Point 4.5.4 and Point 4.5.5 of “Rules and Regulations – Video Submission Mode”)

Competitors must make sure the competition video follow the required specifications. Please refer to question 15 or Part 4 to Part 5 of “Rules and Regulations – Video Submission Mode” for details.

Competitors should follow the requirements when shooting and recording the video, and the audio and video should synchronise and the sound quality is clear and smooth. If the adjudicator cannot view the completion video smoothly, marks (grades) may be affected. The adjudication will be based on the overall performance.

If competitor(s) perform the same piece repeatedly in a video, only the first performance will be adjudicated.

Wearing a mask during recording may affect the performance. The Association encourages competitors to shoot in a safe environment without wearing the mask. Competitors have to follow all anti-epidemic regulations by the Government and the precautionary measures by venues at that time and take the responsibility of assessing their own health risk in anycircumstances.

Video Submission Procedures

Members / Competitors have to fill out the related information, upload the video and submit through the designated on-line “Video Submission Form” (Form). It is not acceptable if the submission is via other video platforms or means of submission.

The video submission period of the Form is from 7 November (10:00 a.m.) to 13 November 2023 (5:00 p.m.) . The on-line “Video Submission Form” will be available on the Association website from 7 November 2023 (10:00 a.m.) .

Please be reminded that an extremely high volume of upload traffic is expected towards the deadline which may limit access, delay or impede any video uploading. Members / Competitors please reserve time for filling out the related information and uploading the video. Any late submission, regardless of reasons, will not be accepted.

Competitors should have a valid email address, the Competition Notification (with Reference Number and Validation Code) and the video.

The Reference Number and Validation Code can be found on the Competition Notification that will be available for members to download from the Association website from 1 November 2023 (10:00 a.m.) . Please ask the responsible member for details.

After the submission of the Form, one will receive an email acknowledging the submission, which will include a copy of the submitted information. Receiving the acknowledging email does not mean the Association confirms that the submission meets the entry requirements. Members / competitors must make sure all the information in the acknowledging email is correct, and the video submitted must match with the competitor and class entered. If any discrepancy is found, please re-submit the Form within the submission period. The Association reserves the right of not adjudicating the concerned videos if the records do not match. If the Form is re-submitted, the Association will take the information from the last submission as final.

If a request for change is to be made, please refer to “Procedure for Alteration Application” in Annex 3 of the Rules and Regulations. The altered items will be uploaded to the Festival Timetable – Revised Version from 10 November 2023 (10:00 a.m.).

Competitors entering more than one class may bear a risk of time clash. This may result in their own decision whether to attend the competition(s) or not. Competitors may submit Alteration Application for a change of group with a handling fee. Application may not be successful due to limited quota in each group. Substitution or swapping of competitors, and change of area codes or class numbers will not be permitted after the submission of entry forms.

Members / Competitors can submit alteration applications to the Association in-person or by a delegated person within the Alteration Application Period. A handling fee has to be paid for such application. The period is from 1 November (10:00 a.m.) to 8 November 2023 (5:00 p.m.) .

Please pay attention that change of the group in the same class can be accepted only in the case where:

  • Competition clashes with school examination, test and assessment;
  • Competition clashes with dictation or other school events which affects the competitor’s academic results; or
  • Competition clashes with another competition of the Festival.

An alteration quota is set in each group. However, the quota may vary due to the number of entries in a class and the conditions of the venues. Therefore, applications are not guaranteed to be successful . Members / Competitors should check Competition Timetable at (http://www.hksmsa.org.hk) the number of groups scheduled in the same class, when and where the competitions are held, etc., and then list on the form their order of preference to show which group they wish to be reallocated to.

Competitors have to prepare the whole set piece from which an extract will be selected by the adjudicator at the time of the competition.

Yes. Competitors who use downloaded versions of electronic books for Prose Reading classes must show the adjudicator the proof of permission to use the materials at the competition (e.g. ebook purchase receipt). Apart from this, the materials must be properly bound in a book format for use in the performance. Electronic device is not allowed. Competitors who violate this rule will only be given comments. Neither marks nor certificates will be awarded to them.

Competitors should also note that the posture of reading a book is part of the performance. The pieces must be presented as reading aloud from the book which should be held in their hand(s) and read from. Memorised presentation is not allowed.

Competitors may prepare and use hand props and small and easily movable furniture items in their performance, but heavy / fixed setting or electronic projection are not permitted. Competitors violating the above rules will have their marks affected. The quality of speech, acting, originality and creativity are highly regarded.

English Speech: Competitors / members are required to use the Own Choice Form (OC Form) for submission of the titles, pieces and original works. The OC Form should be submitted to the Association through the specific link at the Association website from 3 October (10:00 a.m.) to 24 October 2023 (5:00 p.m.) . Submissions through other platforms and formats will not be accepted. After the submission of the Form, one will receive an email acknowledging the submission the acknowledging email will be sent to the email address provided in the specific link only) only). This email does not mean the Association confirms that the submission meets the entry requirements and competition rules. It is the responsibility of members / competitors to make sure all the information is correct. For any repeated submissions, the Association will take the information from the last successful submission as final. Competitors failing to do so will be disqualified.

Competitors should also submit their own choice piece to the Festival Assistant before the competition. Competitors who violate this rule will only be given comments. Neither marks nor certificates will be awarded to them.

(Reference: Point 3.3.5 of English Speech “Rules and Regulations – Live Competition Mode”)

Chinese Speech:

  • The number of members in a group / team for Harmonic Speaking and Choral Speaking and is restricted to 25-50. Those failing to comply will only be given comments. Neither marks nor certificates will be awarded to them.
  • Choir risers of three tiers with four to five blocks fixed together will be provided for Choral Speaking and Harmonic Speaking classes. No electricity, props, equipment, backdrops, etc will be provided.

(Reference: Point 3.4.12 and Point 3.5.4 of English Speech “Rules and Regulations – Live Competition Mode”)

  • For competition rules and specific requirements of other Group Classes, please refer to Point 3.4 and 3.5 of English Speech “Rules and Regulations – Live Competition Mode”.

For Chinese Speech, please refer to Point 3.4.6, and 3.5.4 of “Rules and Regulations – Live Competition Mode”.


Published by david yastremski on october 30, 2021 october 30, 2021.

Your school is invited to participate in the 2021-2022 New Jersey Speech and Debate League Online Speech Festivals.  These festivals are designed to provide students an avenue to develop and share their public speaking and performance skills in a convenient, educational, and fun way! 

Teachers will upload videos of student performances to be evaluated by a selection of educators and experienced judges!  Students will receive commentary and feedback aimed at helping them improve their speaking, performance, and communication skills!

Students will receive recognition for their video submissions along with feedback from the evaluators! Teachers will also receive school recognition to display in their classroom, offices, or trophy cases! 

Schools do not need to be members of the NJSDL to attend. See the invitation for more details.


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