• Ten Questions about Confirmatory Assignments

confirmatory intellectual property assignment

1. Depending upon the applicable IP rights and related law of contract of the jurisdiction, to what extent can an unwritten agreement validly assign IP rights? 2. Assuming that an unwritten assigment is valid, what is the evidentiary showing that is required? 3. Can one record an unwritten assignment on, e.g., the appropriate patent or trade mark registry? If so, what proof is required? 4. Is the evidentiary showing different in connection with establishing the validity of the assignment in the context of a transaction? 5. How can a purchaser receive sufficient comfort about the validity of the assignment, or is it a matter of risk allocation depending upon the positon of the parties? 6. Does the standard of evidence to establish an unwritten assignment differ once again in the context of a court proceeding? 7. Does the standard of evidence to establish an unwritten assignment differ yet again iin the context of taxation? 8. Is a confirmatory assignment a form of ratification? 9. If it not a form of ratification, what is the proper legal characterization for the agreement? 10. In light of all of the foregoing, does the confirmatory assignment confer any benefit to the parties, other evidentiary or substantive?

Ten Questions about Confirmatory Assignments


Confirmatory assignments are frequently used where a written assignment already exists, but the parties do not want to disclose that document because it contains sensitive information (e.g. payments, etc.). In addition, they are often used to confirm an 'automatic' assignment (e.g. from an employee to his/her employer). The latter may be useful, for example, when submitting a US application with UK inventors.

confirmatory intellectual property assignment

In the United States, this is a statutory question: "Applications for patent, patents, or any interest therein, shall be assignable in law by an instrument in writing." 35 USC Section 261. Your questions are far more interesting as applied to licenses or servitudes more generally. Based on hundreds of years of common law, one would imagine that all personal property, including patents, would require encumbrances to be publicly recorded for them to be enforceable on subsequent purchasers for value without actual notice. In fact, equitable servitudes on personal property were not enforceable at all at common law. As far as I can tell, patents present a unique exception to this history. For that reason I have wondered whether it is fair even to call patents property -- despite their being deemed so by statute. On my view, this is the most underappreciated obstacle to the emergence of a healthy market for patents. Lemley and Myhrvold suggested years ago a solution to the problem -- namely, of requiring the public disclosure of all assignments and licenses. That seems to have gone nowhere thanks to an incomplete understanding by current stakeholders of how such a transition would result in an entirely new market equilibrium, or at least to the general desire for incremental rather than radical changes to the status quo.

Confirmatory assignments are commonly used to record assignments in writing where the commercial terms of an assignment are to remain confidential. I cannot think of many instances where I would be happy to rely on a written confirmation of an unwritten assignment. It is my understanding that in most common law countries an assignment must be in writing for it to be legally effective, otherwise at best your unwritten assignment may only transfer an equitable interest in the relevant IP. A type of assignment document I have occasionally seen and used is the assignment that is both operative and confirmatory. In other words, "I confirm that I assigned, but if that assignment wasn't legally effective for any reason then I hereby assign". It isn't ideal, but sometimes it's the only way to fix a break in the chain of title when you really don’t think you can rely on that unwritten assignment.

3. Can one record an unwritten assignment on, e.g., the appropriate patent or trade mark registry? If so, what proof is required? Yes, that is possible in certain jurisdictions. At the most you would need a date of assignment and particulars of the assignee and the assignor. The relevant forms necessary to record the assignment are prepared by the agents and signed on behalf of the assignee. Example, Singapore

Rob hit the nail on the head. They are used to simplify matters in circumstances where the parties may have been better to have signed short-form agreemnts. A party will often not want to disclose a document with all of the juicy commercial terms, so a confirmatory assignment may be used. A final (arguably erroneous) use may be where a party has, to settle a matter, assigned a CTM under cover of a letter or unilateral agreement signed only by the owner. In the case of a CTM, the assignment has to be signed by both parties to be valid. Therefore, whilst the mark may be assigned in the head of the previous owner, something more needs to be done to validly assign. Arguably the follow-up is not confirmatory in those circumstances, but I've seen the document that followed described as confirmatory.

Associated with the issue of confirmatory assignments is the issue of assignment documents with a purported "effective date" earlier than the date of execution of the document. In jurisdictions where rights in an application can only be assigned in writing, the writing requirement was then not fulfilled as at the "effective date". This may be particularly important in relation to priority claims.

I have seen such Confirmatory Assignments used as evidence supporting a transfer request before the EPO, but it wasn't my job to question them even though the whole procedure looked quite fishy to me. Once upon a time there was a nice little company A which got gobbled by company B. One year later, company B was in turn purchased lock, stock and barrel by company C. A, B and C were in three different countries. A's European representative kept prosecuting the EP cases, but only bothered to file a transfer request when a given application was just about to mature into a grant, providing in most cases a confirmatory assignment drafted by an US notary public as evidence. The document stated that A's IP was transferred to three entities Ca, Cb and Cc, which are all presumably 100% subsidiaries of C. I infer that the applications are jointly owned by all three companies. The assignment is signed by Ca, Cb and Cc's officers as well as the notary. The document couldn't have been signed by A's officers, since A did not exist anymore at that point. There is no mention whatsoever of company B either , so the document did not describe what actually happened, since A could never have dealt directly with C. The representative's cover letter only requests transfer to company Ca, leaving Cb and Cc out of the picture, and Ca is the only name entered in the EPO's register. I googled up a bit and I found out that B wrote in its ultimate annual that it now owned all of B's IP, and C later stated in its own annual report that B's IP was now located in yet another subsidiary Cd, different from Ca, Cb or Cc. In one case the Umschreibestelle questioned the confirmatory assignment in that in only bore the signature of one of the parties. The representative adamantly replied that the assignment should be taken at face value and that's it. The EPO did not insist, and took down the transfer - in Ca's name only. In one of the applications this examiner was bone-headed enough to be minded to consider a refusal, prompting the representative to file a "divisional" application in order to keep the show going. The weird thing was that the "divisional" was in A's name, even though it no longer existed for years. The new application was eventually abandoned, so all the interesting questions which arose did not need to be answered. From the preceding, I think I'd start kicking and yelling about who actually owns a patent (and thus entitled to initiate action) if I were ever dragged before court in an infringement action where a confirmatory assignment was involved. The standard for proving a transfer of rights appears to be much lower as to the right to transfer of an opposition. A confirmatory assignment may appear a practical shortcut, but it could be a false saving. As to the argument that a confirmatory assignment can keep details secret, I don't think they're worth the risk either. I've seen IP sale contracts accepted as evidence for a transfer before the EPO where more black ink was poured to obscure passages than the CIA ever used when declassifying a document. BTW, one of these contracts involved yet another of C's subsidiries transferring its IP to numbered entities conveniently located in tax flexible territories.

confirmatory intellectual property assignment

Thanks for all of your great comments. In one off-site communication on the topic yesterday, I suggested that confirmatory assignments are among the "dirty little secrets" of IP practice. She wrote back that in fact they are the "dity little not-so-secrets" of IP. I suspect that we are both right.

Something that does not appear to be widely appreciated is that the box for the date of agreement on EPO Form 1002 is provided for the convenience of the applicant only, there being no requirement in the EPC to provide a date. I have often filed forms with no date where the information was not available, and no objection has ever been raised. I have only seen this explicitly stated in the answer to question 80 in Dr. Günter Gall's classic book for EQE candidates "European & International patent applications: questions and answers" [ISBN 0-85121-555-6; 1989 edition]. Dr Günter Gall was a Director of the EPO and evidently wrote with authority. I have had more knowledgeable inventors query the appropriateness of signing any sort of assignment of rights that he doesn't own because the invention belongs to the employer by virtue of UK law, and have then had to explain the USA [for example] doesn't recognise this aspect of UK law. Such assignments made in respect of a first filing are certainly useful when subsequently filing in the USA if the inventor is no longer contactable or become uncooperative, eg due to imminent redundancy.

Anonymous' knowledgeable inventors have a point, and this has always been my rationale for obtaining confirmatory assignments. It must surely be a fundamental principle that one cannot assign what one does not own, so a written assignment from an employee to an employer that already owns the invention by terms of a contract of employment must surely be void. The problem is not solved by writing the employment contract in such a way as to place the employee under an obligation to assign, because a subsequent assignment to another party, while being a breach of contract, will not necessarily enable the invention to be reclaimed by the employer (see, eg Stanford v Roche 583 F.3d 832 (Fed. Cir. 2009). As I understand it, the US law relating to employee inventions is basically the common law. The issue is not that the USPTO will not recognise that the employer owns the invention, rather it is the specific requirement that the inventor assign the rights reflected in the particular patent application, ie that a suitable assignment cannot be completed until the inventor has the actual filed specification and claims before her. A general assignment of the invention, and all notional future rights, will not suffice for this purpose. However, an assignment of a PCT application designating the US is fine (although it may take a little effort to persuade the USPTO to accept a document that is not in its standard form). An unavailable or uncooperative inventor remains problematic even if you have a suitable assignment document, because the USPTO cannot accept the filed application until it has an inventor's declaration, or a petition has been granted to allow the application to be accepted without the signed declaration. Though not a US attorney, for my sins I have found myself with clients in this situation, and it can be a lot of work to resolve.

"This and the related topic of failure to agree or document assignment of IPRs arise all too frequently. I have been faced with the challenge of "I paid, so I own" throughout my career. Here are 10 thoughts on this topic: 1. No one should believe that the law will come to their rescue if they do not document a written assignment and have it signed by the assignor and the assignee. 2. Assignments of IPRs are a perfect example of lack of global harmonisation. There is huge discrepancy between national laws as to what formalities are required - few require more than a written assignment signed by both parties. 3. The greatest density of disputes is between consultants and the corporations who hire them. The expectation is that IPRs in the "work product" automatically transfer. Big mistake. 4. English law enjoys equity, and can be persuaded to find an intention to assign (aka an equitable assignment). Hoping for this result is a lottery. In other parts of Europe, the odds are worse. 5. The position is not as random within an employee/employer relationship, because generally the first owner is the employer. However, at the edges ("course of employment") it is well worth documenting the position. In this context, do not assume that ownership is the end of the matter. Always think about attribution issues (such as moral rights) and economic reward (for exceptional contribution). 6. Failure to document the IPR position is statistically likely to create a significant commercial issue downstream. I have personally seen IPOs delayed, joint ventures stall and tens of disputes that frustrate and delay commercial exploitation. 7. The consolation prize in an ownership dispute is typically a licence. Within this one word, is a world of pain as the parties debate scope (field of use), term (for a project to perpetual), ambit (exclusive to non-exclusive), not to mention royalty. So whilst ownership is undoubtedly first place, bottom of the class will not get much at all. 8. Banks and investors still struggle to understand and value IPRs in the same way as tangible assets such as property and stock, so they scare easily. If chain of title and ownership is not clear, expect them to have significant concerns in all other areas such as validity and infringement. 9. Joint ownership looks like a good compromise. Normally it isn't. There is no global uniformity on the rights conferred on joint owners - and even within a jurisdiction it's different between the various IPRs. 10. Which means that I'm normally just so relieved to receive a confirmatory assignment, that I seldom have the energy to think about Neil's 10 questions - but now I will!"

Many interesting comments on assignments. Here is a further related issue, perhaps basic compared to a confirmatory assignment under the original fact pattern. Assume the inventor has executed an assignment to her employer for a US provisional patent application that includes assignment of all later applications, using standard language regarding assigning international applications, US, non-US applications. The assignment properly assigns the right to claim priority. Then a PCT application is timely filed that claims priority to this provisional. The PCT application includes new disclosure in the specification, including new examples, and new claims. Is a second assignment needed or does the assignment of the provisional suffice? For all jurisdictions? If a new assignment is needed, how is it worded to avoid the issue of 're-assigning' what has already been assigned in the provisional assignment? Seems one can only assign rights one has not already assigned away.

In answer to the last comment, yes, a new assignment is needed. An assignment has to relate to an invention, and if that invention is new, it cannot have been previously assigned. Equitably, yes, but then we argue over whether the new invention is actually covered.

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confirmatory intellectual property assignment

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IP Assignments: Nunc Pro Tunc Assignments in Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Law

March 22, 2023 By John DiGiacomo

Like any valuable business asset, patents, trademarks and copyrights can be sold, assigned and licensed. Indeed, assignment and licensing is common with respect to intellectual property. In legal terms, an “assignment” is a transfer of ownership, either full ownership or partial. In basic terms, a nunc pro tunc is a type of assignment that is backdated. Nunc pro tunc is Latin meaning “now for then.”A nunc pro tunc assignment will be signed on a particular date, but parties will deem the assignment to have been granted on some earlier date.

For a Trademark registered on May 1, 2017, an example of how a nunc pro tunc assignment provision might look like this:

Now, therefore, for good and valuable consideration, ASSIGNOR agrees that ASSIGNOR hereby assigned unto ASSIGNEE nunc pro tunc effective as of October 1, 2020, all right, title and interest in and to the May 1, 2017 trademark described herein … In testimony whereof, ASSIGNOR, has signed this instrument this 1st day of October 2020.”

In this example, the assignment is deemed to have been granted on May 1, 2017, but has an effective date of October 1, 2020.

In business terms, nunc pro tunc assignments are often used where past IP assignments are made verbally or via conduct. In the rush to get IP “to market,” it is not uncommon for assignments to be granted, but not reduced to writing. Nunc pro tunc assignments are also commonly used to bridge gaps in the “chain of title” for IP. This can happen when corporations and/or assets are sold, but proper paperwork is missing. Purchasers believe that they have ownership to certain patents, trademarks, or copyrights, but the missing documents cause “gaps” in the chain of title. These “gaps” can be cured by obtaining a nunc pro tunc assignment from the original owner of the IP. In the same manner, nunc pro tunc assignments are often used as part of settlements for litigation involving claims of patent, trademark and/or copyright infringement or disputes over ownership

For litigation purposes, nunc pro tunc assignments are often used to give a party legal standing to initiate litigation. To have “standing” to initiate litigation, a party must have some ownership interest in the patent, trademark or copyright. However, for courts, “standing” is based on the effective date of the assignment, not the earlier date listed in the nunc pro tunc assignment.

However, for other purposes, the earlier assignment date listed in the nunc pro tunc assignment is the credited date. For example, an assignment of a registered trademark must be recorded with the US Patent & Trademark Office (“USPTO”). This is done electronically. The assignment must be uploaded along with the proper recordation form and applicable fee. For the USPTO, the trademark assignment is based on the date designated for the assignment rather than the date of execution of the nunc pro tunc assignment.

So, when should you use a nunc pro tunc assignment for a trademark? The most common situations include:

  • When a trademark was previously assigned but not recorded – Sometimes, an assignment of trademark ownership may occur but the paperwork is not properly filed or recorded with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In this case, a nunc pro tunc assignment can be used to correct the oversight and retroactively assign the trademark to the new owner.
  • When the original assignment was not effective – A nunc pro tunc assignment can also be used to correct a defective assignment. For example, if the original assignment was not properly executed or lacked essential terms, the nunc pro tunc assignment can be used to correct those issues and make the assignment retroactively effective.
  • When there is a change in business structure – A nunc pro tunc assignment may be necessary when there is a change in the business structure of the trademark owner, such as a merger or acquisition. In this case, the new owner may need to retroactively assign the trademark to themselves to ensure that they have proper ownership and control over the trademark.
  • When there is a dispute over ownership – If there is a dispute over the ownership of a trademark, a nunc pro tunc assignment may be used to resolve the issue. This can occur when multiple parties claim ownership of a trademark, or when there is confusion over who actually owns the trademark.
  • When the trademark was abandoned – In some cases, a trademark may have been abandoned by the previous owner. If this occurs, a nunc pro tunc assignment may be used to assign ownership to the new owner retroactively. However, it is important to note that there are strict time limits for filing a nunc pro tunc assignment in these cases.

It is important to note that a nunc pro tunc assignment should only be used when there is a genuine need to correct an error or oversight in the assignment of a trademark ownership. It is not a tool to be used to cover up illegal or unethical behavior.

In addition, a nunc pro tunc assignment can be a complex legal process that requires the assistance of an experienced trademark attorney. The attorney can help ensure that the assignment is executed properly and in compliance with all legal requirements.

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For more information, contact the IP and  business lawyers at Revision Legal at 231-714-0100.

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Intellectual Property: Assignments and Transfers | Practical Law

confirmatory intellectual property assignment

Intellectual Property: Assignments and Transfers

Practical law practice note w-005-5845  (approx. 23 pages).

MaintainedUSA (National/Federal)
  • Practical Law

Transferring intellectual property rights: avoiding the pitfalls

Practical law uk articles 2-504-4154  (approx. 11 pages).

  • What IPR are from a legal perspective.
  • The practicalities and consequences of the registration of registrable IPR transactions, and the due diligence to be conducted.
  • How to identify the relevant IPR to be transferred.
  • How to document the transfer.
  • Some important issues concerning liability arising on the transfer of IPR.

Legal nature of IPR

Confidential information, community rights, registering assignments of ipr, administrative and costs issues.

  • It was not practicable to register the assignment within the six-month time limit.
  • The assignment was registered as soon as practicable thereafter.

Protecting mortgages and charges

Registered rights due diligence.

  • Carry out an initial search of the register to check that the seller is the registered proprietor. Check for any earlier assignments to that seller and investigate thoroughly any such assignments and the circumstances surrounding them. If there are any such assignments, consider taking an assignment of the seller's causes of action for failure to deliver good title against his own seller (if any still remain).
  • Carry out a second search on the morning of completion as the IPO/OHIM update their registers at midnight following each working day.
  • Register the transaction on the day it completes, wherever possible, or as soon as possible thereafter.
  • Require the seller to assign with full title guarantee (see " Liability " below).

Identifying the relevant IPR

  • Identify the relevant registered IPR which are to be transferred.
  • Produce a conceptual definition of the non-registered IPR which are to be included in the sale, such as "all the company's know-how (whether recorded or not) and documentation relating to the process of manufacturing xyz".
  • Identify which (if any) of the IPR being transferred will still need to be used by the seller or its group after the transaction has taken place, and determine how such access is to be secured (this will usually require some form of licence back).
  • Identify which IPR are not going to be transferred to the buyer, and consider whether or not to write to the buyer explaining precisely which IPR are not going to be included in such a sale and why. This can stop arguments occurring later as to what was meant to be included or excluded, and should also make an action for rectification (correction) of the assignment agreement much more difficult for the buyer to win.
  • Properly instruct the seller's negotiating team and lawyers as to the matters above.

Documenting the transaction

Assigning by deed, method of assignment in a sale and purchase agreement, what should be assigned in an spa, country-specific agreements, patent attorney files.

  • The person disposing of the IPR has the right to dispose of them.
  • The person disposing of the IPR will do all he reasonably can do, at his own cost, to give the assignee the title he purports to give ( section 2(1), 1994 Act ).
  • Charged or encumbered the IPR with any charge or encumbrance, which still exists at the time of the present disposition.
  • Granted any third party rights in relation to the IPR, which still subsist at the time of the present disposition.
  • Allowed anyone else to do so.

Excluding liability

Sale of goods act 1979, mortgages and charges of ipr.

  • An outright assignment of the legal title in the IPR to the lender.
  • A right of redemption; that is, the right to have the legal title transferred back to the borrower once repayment and other obligations have been fulfilled.
  • Pending exercise of the right of redemption by the borrower, some form of licence back from the lender to the borrower to enable the borrower to use the IPR in its business.
  • The charging clause.
  • A transfer mechanism to allow the transfer of the IPR in the event of default.
  • A range of negative obligations on the borrower not to grant conflicting security or other interests in the charged IPR.

Practicalities of assignment: an overview

Problems with the ipr registration system.

  • Trade Marks
  • Confidentiality

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Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide for Your Business

LegalGPS : May 21, 2024 at 12:30 PM

Hello there, entrepreneur friend! Today let’s have that coffee chat about Intellectual Property Assignment Agreements. If you're thinking "what's that?" or "why do I need it?" then this is the perfect starting point for you. In today's competitive business world, protecting your intellectual property (IP) is more crucial than ever.

Table of Contents

Defining the purpose.

  • Clarity of Transfer
  • Definition of Transferred Intellectual Property
  • Compensation and Payment Terms
  • Warranties and Representations
  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

Step 1 - Identify the Parties Involved

Step 2 - specify the assigned intellectual property, step 3 - describe the transfer of rights, step 4 - detail compensation and payment terms, step 5 - include confidentiality clauses, step 6 - determine governing law and dispute resolution process, tips for avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls.

concept of confidentialityjpg

What is An Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement?

An Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement is a legal document that ensures the transfer of an inventor or creator's rights to another person or company. Essentially, it’s a legal way of saying "what’s mine is now yours". These agreements are often used in situations involving startups, company buyouts, or employees creating new works or inventions during their jobs - situations a lot of entrepreneurs find themselves in.

Let's break that down a touch more:

The IP assignment agreement's primary purpose is to help your business prevent future disputes regarding IP ownership. When all parties are clear on who owns the intellectual property, it prevents a whole host of potential issues.

Believe me, the last thing you need or want as an entrepreneur is a legal dispute over who owns an idea, an invention, or any creative output.

And that's where this agreement steps in: it provides legal proof that the ownership has been transferred. So, if ever challenged, you can show the agreement and say "See, it’s mine!" .

Key Elements to Consider for a Properly Drafted Agreement

When it comes to IP assignment agreements, not just any generic contract will do. It's crucial to understand and include some key elements to ensure you're fully protected.

1. Clarity of Transfer

The agreement must clearly define the scope and extent of the transferred rights. To do this, use precise language that leaves no room for confusion. For example, specify whether the IP rights being transferred are exclusive or non-exclusive and if there are any limitations on how the Assignee can use or sublicense the IP. Here's a suggested format:

"The Assignor hereby assigns to the Assignee, its successors and assigns, [exclusive/non-exclusive] rights, title, and interest in and to the Intellectual Property, subject to the following limitations [if any]:"

2. Definition of Transferred Intellectual Property

This section is where you identify the specific Intellectual Property being assigned. Start by describing the IP type (e.g., copyright, patent, trademark), then provide the necessary details:

For a copyright, include the work title and a brief description.

For a patent, mention the patent number and summarize the invention.

For a trademark, provide the trademark name, registration number, and design details.

Remember, the key is to be as detailed and transparent as possible.

3. Compensation and Payment Terms

Just as with any deal, it's important to be crystal clear about the compensation for transferring IP rights. Make sure you consider the following in your agreement:

The total amount payable

The currency

The payment method (e.g., check, wire transfer)

The payment schedule (e.g., lump-sum, installments)

For example: "In consideration for the assignment of rights, the Assignee shall pay the Assignor a total sum of [Amount] in [Currency], through [Payment Method], payable as follows:"

4. Warranties and Representations

Including warranties and representations in the agreement helps provide confidence to both parties. The Assignor should explicitly declare that they:

Are the sole and true owner of the IP

Have the complete right to assign the IP to the Assignee

The IP does not infringe on any third-party rights

A sample clause might look like this:

"The Assignor warrants and represents that they are the true and lawful owner of the Intellectual Property, have full right and authority to enter into this Agreement, and that the Intellectual Property does not infringe upon any third-party rights."

5. Confidentiality Agreements

A crucial aspect of a well-drafted IP Assignment Agreement is protecting sensitive information about the business and the IP itself. Incorporate confidentiality clauses to maintain a secure environment.

Try a clause similar to this one: "The parties agree to treat all confidential information related to this Agreement as strictly confidential, and to take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized disclosure or use of such information."

6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

Last but not least, outline which jurisdiction's laws will govern the agreement. Furthermore, state how any disputes will be resolved, such as through arbitration, mediation, or litigation.

A model clause could be: "This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of [State]. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by [method of dispute resolution]."


Drafting Your IP Assignment Agreement

Let's move on to the most crucial part of our discussion: Creating your Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement. This section intends to make it much clearer and more action-oriented. Your aim? To walk away with enough information to begin drafting your agreement. Let's dive in.

Start by clearly naming the parties involved in the agreement.

Who is the 'Assignor' (the party transferring the rights)?

Who is the 'Assignee' (the individual or business entity receiving the rights)? Clearly outline their legal names and any other relevant identifying information, like addresses or official business names. It would typically look like this: "[Full Legal Name], referred to as the "Assignor," and [Full Legal Name], referred to as the "Assignee."

Here, you need to provide a full and exhaustive description of the intellectual property being transferred. Please don't leave room for vagueness or ambiguity - the more specific, the better. For instance, if it's a patent, include the patent number and a detailed summary of what the patent covers. If it's a copyrighted work, offer the title, the form of the work (e.g., a book, software, music), and a short description of it.

Your entry here might read: "The "Intellectual Property" includes, but is not limited to, [detailed description]."

This section is all about clearly laying out what you're giving up and what you're gaining. Highlight all rights, titles, and interests being assigned from the Assignor to the Assignee. You could list them out just to ensure nothing falls between the cracks.

It’s vital to be as clear and detailed as possible here. You're specifying the extent of the rights transferred. It could be exclusive, non-exclusive, permanent, temporary, how it can be used, if it can be sold, and more.

Here's an example:

"The Assignor hereby assigns to the Assignee, its successors and assigns, all rights, title, and interest in and to the Intellectual Property, including, without limitation, the right to sue and recover for past, present, and future violations."

Now, let's talk about money. In this step, you need to fully detail the financial exchanges. Include the amount of payment, payment format, and schedule (upfront, lump sum, installments). It wouldn't hurt to clearly lay out what conditions, if any, would lead to a return of the compensation.

This clause might look something like:

"For the assignment of rights under this Agreement, the Assignee shall provide compensation to the Assignor in the amount of [Amount], payable [insert payment method and schedule]".

Especially with IP, you'll want to build in some safety nets. You can include a confidentiality clause that prevents the involved parties from disclosing sensitive information about the IP.

A basic confidentiality clause may read: "The Assignor agrees to keep confidential all non-public information that the Assignee designates as being confidential, not to disclose it to any other people, and not to use it for any purpose other than the discharge of the Assignor's obligations under this Agreement."

Finally, specify which state or country's laws will govern the agreement. This is crucial in the case of any future legal disputes. Additionally, include how disputes over the agreement will be resolved - arbitration, mediation, litigation, etc.

Here is an example:

"This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State]. Any disputes under this Agreement shall be resolved by [method of dispute resolution]."

You're now equipped with all you need to draft an agreement. But before you get started, here are some quick tips to avoid any missteps:

Ensure the agreement is detailed and described correctly

Work with a knowledgeable attorney

Review the final agreement carefully before signing

With these, you're set to protect your business's most valuable assets!

In today's competitive business environment, it's imperative to protect your inventions, your creations - your Intellectual Property. If you're still unsure where to start, check out our professional template for Intellectual Property Assignments!

With an Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement in hand, you're ensuring that ownership of these is well established to prevent future disputes. So here's to smoother operations and peace of mind!

Always remember, we're in this together - as you navigate the business world, consider us your legal co-pilot, happy to guide you on your journey.

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United States Patent and Trademark Office - An Agency of the Department of Commerce

Assignment Recordation Branch (ARB)

Local 571-272-3350 Email [email protected]

Helps customers with transferring ownership or changing the name on their patent or trademark registration using Assignment Center . Also provides information relating to pending patent or trademark assignments, and answers questions about assignments, liens on patents, and filing assignments recordation forms.

Assistance is available Monday through Friday (except federal holidays) from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. 

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Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights

This article is intended to facilitate a basic understanding of intellectual property (which will be referred to as IP throughout this article) and some of the most pertinent aspects to look out for when drafting or reviewing an assignment agreement.

Intellectual property is created all the time, whether in business or your personal life, and can stem from Copyright, for example, which is the most frequent, and typically exists in original artistic work, from drawings and songs, to articles, like this one. Copyright exists automatically upon creation, and lasts for the lifetime of the author, plus 70 years from the end of the year of their death.

Trademarks are another form of IP, and are typically used to distinguish the names and logos of one business from another, but can extend to associated sounds, like jingles and tunes, and even a smell. Trademarks exist automatically, but need to be registered in the UK, and then internationally to offer the monopolistic protection needed worldwide.

Patents are something that protect the functionality of an invention, like a mechanism in a machine, but has strict registration requirements. For example, it must be new, inventive, and capable of industrial application. It must also not be excluded from protection, like a scientific theory, artistic work, a process of doing something, or a presentation of information.

Design Rights

Design Rights are something similar to Patents, but their registration requirements are far less stringent. In fact, like a lot of IP, they can exist automatically, and are more applicable to shape and configuration. Essentially, Design Rights are used when a Patent cannot be. Interestingly, it’s important to note that domain name registrations are not normally classed as IP, but are typically dealt with under assignment agreements.

Most common types of assignment

Now that we’ve covered the absolute basics of the different types of IP, let’s look at one of the most common scenarios of a transfer of IP for small businesses. This can exist when the assignee (the body receiving the IP) has instructed the assignor (the body who creates the IP) to create something capable of attracting IP rights, such as a graphic designer working on a logo, for a fee. As this is an artistic design, it would be classed as Copyright. Most transfers of IP should be embodied in a carefully worded contract, or a deed (we’ll get on to this later) and should expressly refer to the type of IP to be assigned on the face of it. Moreover, it should also be used to assign any IP associated with any asset purchased from another business, like a unique machine, which may carry a Patent, or a Design Right. The agreement must then expressly refer to that asset purchase agreement. 

What exactly are you assigning?

Be clear about exactly what different types of IP are being assigned, and make reference to the schedules that will set them out in full. These schedules will feature at the end of the agreement, so we’ll go over these in more detail later on. 

Who are the parties?

Ensure the agreement also clearly identifies all parties to the agreement who currently hold rights, and all those to which the rights will be transferred, so consider joint ownership in both instances. Also, the section under the heading ‘background’, whilst important for clarity, is only a prelude and not legally binding, so any fundamental aspects must be clearly set out in relevant clauses and subsections. 

What about Brexit?

Also, in lieu of Brexit, although the outcomes are generally uncertain, when it comes to IP, it is likely that statutory instruments will ensure that protection and enforcement between registered right holders in the UK and EU, and vice versa, remains unchanged. However, to avoid uncertainty, anything relating to the interpretation of definitions, and particularly statute, should be ‘as at the date’, instead of ‘from time to time’, to avoid unanticipated rights and obligations in the future. 

And the rest of the world..?

Whilst on the topic of Brexit, although many assignment agreements should cover IP rights worldwide, it’s important to look into the requirements of the jurisdiction of a particular country, should you or the other party intend using the IP outside of the UK, and particularly outside of the EU. 

Know what you’re dealing with

Beware of any trusts or other covenants attached to the IP rights on assignments. ‘Full title guarantee’ will ensure the IP rights are free of adverse encumbrances (to the assignor’s reasonable knowledge). On the other hand, ‘limited title guarantee’ will mean that, although the assignee is free to sell, the assignor can only guarantee that no encumbrances have been made within their period of ownership, but not before, even if they are aware of prior encumbrances. 

You got a licence for that..?

Following on, although this article primarily concerns assignments of IP, it’s also important to acknowledge licences, and how they relate to assignments, as it may be the case that the assignee or assignor to be, actually holds the IP rights under a licence, which excludes assignments. It is therefore important that when granting assignments or licences, close consideration is given to the extended rights to third parties that the ability to licence IP can create. 

What about tech?

Coming back to an assignment of Copyright, which, if not the sole purpose of the agreement, will likely form a large part of it, it is important to note that in this growing age of technology, Copyright is the primary category of computer software and databases. Also, if databases include personal data, it is also important to include warranties that best practice for data protection is observed. 

All together now

Moving on to Design Rights, it’s important to note that these, whether registered, unregistered, or partial, if they relate to the same material, they cannot be assigned separately. 

Registered or unregistered?

When it comes to Trademarks, do not underestimate the distinction between registered and unregistered Trademarks, as one of the main purposes of registration is to deter passing-off (the act of a third party using the Trademark, typically to benefit from the associated goodwill without the authority of the rights holder) and to make the process of achieving a remedy against the third party simple and inexpensive, as the opposite can be said for remedies under unregistered Design Rights, as goodwill is more intangible and abstract. It is therefore important to note that all IP capable of subsisting unregistered, should ideally be registered prior to assignment, or that the assignment at least includes the goodwill, as this is the only value in an unregistered Trademark. Whilst this article does not cover registration processes, these can be found on the relevant government website pages – links to which can be found below:

Patenting Your Invention (UK Government Website)

Registering Design Rights (UK Government Website)

Apply to Register a Trademark (UK Government Website)

Automatic right to sue..?

Once the assignee is the rights holder, they of course have the right to sue for infringement. However, the right to sue for infringements prior to their assignment must be expressly provided for in the agreement. 

Contract or deed?

In establishing whether the assignment document should be a contract or a deed, whilst a simple contract will suffice in any instance where the assignment is for consideration (i.e. a fee is paid), if no consideration is given, or there is a power of attorney granted by the assignor for the assignee to deal with an element of the IP rights on the assignor’s behalf (such as executing registration documents to give full effect to the agreement), then the agreement must be a deed, meaning that it must clearly be stated as such, and be signed in the presence of witnesses, who attest the signatures. 


If the agreement is to be a contract, and the assignment attracts a fee, then firstly, any VAT must be clearly set out as being separate from the amount payable for the IP rights. Secondly, even if there is an element of consideration, to avoid any future disputes over proportionality, a deed would be highly advisable – not least for this purpose, but also because adding a power of attorney would prevent the need for enforcement action against the assignor for any further assistance required from them. If, however, further assistance is nevertheless needed, or document execution is anticipated to be an expense the assignee cannot justify, then a clause must be added to bind the assignor to provide future assistance at their expense.

Unlike many contractual arrangements, the furthest extent liability can be excluded for the assignor includes death and personal injury, which can be applied generally to IP, but is especially applicable for patents for machinery, for example. 

The importance of schedules

Returning to the need for schedules at the end of the agreement, Patents, Trademarks, and Design Rights, would each be listed in separate schedules. Assignment of particular materials, like specific documents and physical items, would be classed as Copyright and unregistered Design Rights, and require their own schedule. There may also be other unregistered rights, like domain names, which, as touched on earlier, are not classed as IP, but can be just as important to expressly assign, and can include confidential information, like trade secrets and financials, or rights in get-up (the whole appearance), goodwill (reputation), and know-how (which is especially important to be transferred under a written document, as both equitable and statutory requirements necessitate this) and should be listed in a separate schedule. 

You’re almost there…

Once the agreement has been executed, it is imperative that the assignee registers as the new rights holder. 

If you’re in need of some additional guidance with drafting or reviewing an assignment agreement, or you need some IP advice generally, then we’d be happy to help, so feel free to contact us for a free 30 minute consultation . Alternatively, you can submit your queries to us by commenting on our Topic of the Week post on LinkedIn.

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Published by Fergus Thompson

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This intellectual property agreement  is between , an individual a(n) (the " Assignor ") and  , an individual a(n) (the " Assignee ").

The Assignor has full interest in the intellectual property listed in Exhibit A and described in section 1 below.

The Assignor wishes to transfer to the Assignee, and the Assignee wishes to purchase and receive from the Assignor, all of its interest in the Intellectual Property.

The parties therefore agree as follows:


The Assignor assigns to the Assignee, and the Assignee accepts the assignment of, all of the Assignor's interest in the following in the United States and its territories and throughout the world:

  • (a) the intellectual property rights related to the intellectual property listed in Exhibit A ;
  • (b) all precursors, portions, and works in progress with respect to that intellectual property and all inventions, works of authorship, mask works, technology, information, know-how, materials, and tools relating to those or to the development, support, or maintenance of those;
  • (c) all copyrights, patent rights, trade dress, trade names, business names, other indicia of origin, trade secret rights, trademark rights, mask works rights, and all other intellectual property rights and all business, contract rights, and goodwill in, incorporated, or embodied in, used to develop, or related to any of those; and
  • (d) the registrations and applications for registrations of the foregoing (collectively, the" Intellectual Property ").


The Assignee shall pay the Assignor a flat fee of $ as full payment for all rights granted under this agreement. The Assignee shall complete this payment no later than .


In order to record this assignment with all relevant government agencies, within hours of the effective date of this assignment, the parties shall sign the form of intellectual property assignment agreement attached as Exhibit B . The is solely responsible for filing the assignment and paying any associated fees of the transfer.


The Assignee shall not assign or otherwise encumber its interest in the Intellectual Property or any associated registrations until it has paid to the Assignor the full consideration provided for in this assignment. Any assignment or encumbrance contrary to this provision shall be void.


The Assignor hereby represents and warrants to the Assignee that it:

  • (a) is the sole owner of all interest in the Intellectual Property;
  • (b) has not transferred, exclusively licensed, or encumbered any Intellectual Property or agreed to do so;
  • (c) is not aware of any violation, infringement, or misappropriation of any third party's rights (or any claim of those) by the Intellectual Property;
  • (d) is not aware of any third-party consents, assignments, or licenses that are necessary to perform under this assignment;
  • (e) was not acting within the scope of employment of any third party when conceiving, creating, or otherwise performing any activity with respect to any item of Intellectual Property.

The Assignor shall immediately notify the Assignee in writing if any facts or circumstances arise that would make any of the representations in this assignment inaccurate.

6. INDEMNIFICATION. The Assignor shall indemnify the Assignee against:

  • (a) any claim by a third party that the Intellectual Property or its use, manufacture, sale, distribution, or reproduction infringes on or misappropriates any copyrights, trade secrets, patents, or other intellectual property;
  • (b) any claim by a third party that this assignment conflicts with, violates, or breaches any contract, assignment, license, sublicense, security interest, encumbrance, or other obligation to which the Assignor is a party or of which it has knowledge;
  • (c) any claim relating to any past, present, or future use, licensing, sublicensing, distribution, marketing, disclosure, or commercialization of any of the Intellectual Property by the Assignor; and
  • (i) the Assignee promptly notifies the Assignor of that claim;
  • (ii) the Assignor controls the defense and settlement of that claim;
  • (iii) the Assignee fully cooperates with the Assignor in connection with its defense and settlement of that claim; and
  • (iv) the Assignee stops all sales, distribution, and public use of the infringing Intellectual Property, if requested by the Assignor.
  • (i) obtain the right for the Assignee to continue to use the infringing Intellectual Property;
  • (ii) modify the infringing Intellectual Property to eliminate the infringement;
  • (iii) provide substitute noninfringing intellectual property to the Assignee pursuant to this assignment; or
  • (iv) refund to the Assignee the amount paid under this assignment for the infringing Intellectual Property.
  • (c) No Other Obligations. The Assignor shall have no other obligations or liability if infringement occurs, and shall have no other obligation of indemnification or to defend relating to infringement. The Assignor shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred without its prior written authorization and shall have no obligation of indemnification or any liability if the infringement is based on (i) any modified form of the Intellectual Property not made by the Assignor, (ii) any finding or ruling after the effective date of this assignment, or (iii) the laws of any country other than the United States of America or its states.


  • (a) Choice of Law. The laws of the state of  govern this agreement (without giving effect to its conflicts of law principles).
  • (b) Choice of Forum. Both parties consent to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in County, .


No amendment to this assignment will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by a party or its authorized representative.


  • (a) No Assignment. Neither party may assign any of its rights under this assignment, except with the prior written consent of the other party. All voluntary assignments of rights are limited by this subsection.
  • (b) No Delegation. Neither party may delegate any performance under this assignment, except with the prior written consent of the other party.
  • (c) Enforceability of an Assignment or Delegation. If a purported assignment or purported delegation is made in violation of this section, it is void.


  • (a) Counterparts. The parties may execute this assignment in any number of counterparts, each of which is an original but all of which constitute one and the same instrument.
  • (b) Electronic Signatures. This assignment, agreements ancillary to this assignment, and related documents entered into in connection with this assignment are signed when a party's signature is delivered by facsimile, email, or other electronic medium. These signatures must be treated in all respects as having the same force and effect as original signatures.


If any one or more of the provisions contained in this assignment is, for any reason, held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, that invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect any other provisions of this assignment, but this assignment will be construed as if those invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provisions had never been contained in it, unless the deletion of those provisions would result in such a material change so as to cause completion of the transactions contemplated by this assignment to be unreasonable.


  • (a) Writing; Permitted Delivery Methods. Each party giving or making any notice, request, demand, or other communication required or permitted by this agreement shall give that notice in writing and use one of the following types of delivery, each of which is a writing for purposes of this agreement: personal delivery, mail (registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return-receipt requested), nationally recognized overnight courier (fees prepaid), facsimile, or email.
  • (b) Addresses. A party shall address notices under this section to a party at the following addresses:
  • If to the Assignor: 
  • If to the Assignee: 
  • (c) Effectiveness. A notice is effective only if the party giving notice complies with subsections (a) and (b) and if the recipient receives the notice.


No waiver of a breach, failure of any condition, or any right or remedy contained in or granted by the provisions of this assignment will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party waiving the breach, failure, right, or remedy. No waiver of any breach, failure, right, or remedy will be deemed a waiver of any other breach, failure, right, or remedy, whether or not similar, and no waiver will constitute a continuing waiver, unless the writing so specifies.


This assignment constitutes the final agreement of the parties. It is the complete and exclusive expression of the parties' agreement about the subject matter of this assignment. All prior and contemporaneous communications, negotiations, and agreements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this assignment are expressly merged into and superseded by this assignment. The provisions of this assignment may not be explained, supplemented, or qualified by evidence of trade usage or a prior course of dealings. Neither party was induced to enter this assignment by, and neither party is relying on, any statement, representation, warranty, or agreement of the other party except those set forth expressly in this assignment. Except as set forth expressly in this assignment, there are no conditions precedent to this assignment's effectiveness.


The descriptive headings of the sections and subsections of this assignment are for convenience only, and do not affect this assignment's construction or interpretation.


This assignment will become effective when all parties have signed it. The date this assignment is signed by the last party to sign it (as indicated by the date associated with that party's signature) will be deemed the date of this assignment.


Each party shall use all reasonable efforts to take, or cause to betaken, all actions necessary or desirable to consummate and make effective the transactions this assignment contemplates or to evidence or carry out the intent and purposes of this assignment.


Each party is signing this agreement on the date stated opposite that party's signature. 

Date: _________________


Date: _________________



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[PAGE BREAK HERE] EXHIBIT B FORM OF RECORDABLE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT For good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, an individual a(n) (the " Assignor ") hereby assigns to an individual a(n) (the " Assignee ") all of the Assignor's interest in the Intellectual Property identified in Attachment A to this assignment, and the Assignee accepts this assignment.

Each party is signing this agreement on the date stated opposite that party's signature.



Free Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement Template

Safeguard the sale or purchase of assets with an intellectual property assignment agreement. transfer the ownership of patents, trademarks, software, and other critical assets easily..

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How-to guides, articles, and any other content appearing on this page are for informational purposes only, do not constitute legal advice, and are no substitute for the advice of an attorney.

Intellectual property assignment agreement: How-to guide

In the dynamic realm of commerce and innovation, the notion of property extends far beyond physical boundaries. Just as one might transfer ownership of a house or a car, the exchange of intellectual property (IP) rights is a critical component of modern business transactions. For instance, if you're launching a startup, acquiring product rights, or even purchasing an entire company, in each scenario, the seamless transfer of intellectual property ownership is essential for ensuring a smooth transition and protecting your interests.

So what constitutes intellectual property? Intellectual property encompasses creations of the mind, such as inventions, software, and hardware programs, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and images. As businesses grow and evolve, the need to manage and protect these valuable assets becomes increasingly important. One crucial aspect of managing intellectual property is through intellectual property assignment agreement, otherwise known as IP assignment agreement. These agreements facilitate the transfer of IP rights from one part to another.

In this article, we’ll explore the nuances of intellectual property assignment agreements, including their definitions, benefits, types, and considerations.

What is an intellectual property assignment agreement?

An intellectual property assignment agreement, also known as an IP assignment agreement, is a written contract that transfers intellectual property rights from one party (the assignor) to another (the assignee). Intellectual property covers a broad spectrum of intangible assets, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and more.

For instance, a software developer might have created a groundbreaking algorithm while employed at the company. Through an IP assignment agreement, the developer transfers the rights to this algorithm to the employer, ensuring that the company has exclusive ownership and control over its use and commercialization.

Benefits of IP assignment agreement

IP assignment agreements are crucial in a company’s business and provide multiple benefits for the assignor and assignee.

Clear ownership

By executing an IP assignment agreement, the assignor unequivocally transfers all rights and interests in the intellectual property to the assignee. This clarity of ownership and proprietary rights helps to avoid disputes and potential litigation over the ownership of the IP in the future.

Legal protection

By formally transferring the IP rights through a written agreement, both parties are legally protected. This protection can be essential in case of any infringement or misuse of intellectual property.

Assured compensation or price guarantee

When transferring IP ownership rights for patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc., the original owner gets compensated by the party buying the ownership. The buyer will also pay the IP owner an agreed-upon price for the IP, which will be paid on the date as decided by the involved parties. 

No future obligations

The party selling the IP won’t be responsible for meeting any future obligations. For instance, if there is an existing trademark that requires constant monitoring to know whether the trademark is used by any other competitors, the seller won't bear the charges incurred for  trademark monitoring . The buyer has to bear these and any future trademark maintenance costs.

Commercialization opportunities

Assigning intellectual property rights can enable businesses to commercialize the intellectual property more effectively. This could involve licensing the IP to third parties, selling it outright, or using it as collateral for financing.

Facilitates collaboration

In cases where multiple parties are involved in creating intellectual property, an assignment agreement can facilitate collaboration by clearly defining each party's rights and responsibilities.

Risk mitigation

For businesses acquiring ownership rights to intellectual property, an assignment agreement mitigates the risk of third parties claiming rights to the IP. It provides a legal basis for defending against infringement claims and protects the assignee's investment in the IP.

Enhanced value

Clear ownership of intellectual property assets can enhance the value of a business, especially during mergers, acquisitions, or fundraising activities. Investors and stakeholders are more likely to perceive a business positively when it has secure ownership of valuable IP assets. For example, let’s say your start-up company holds sole intellectual property rights to an automatic house-locking system. When your company gets acquired by another company, the new company will also evaluate the value of the IP owned.

Understanding IP assignment agreements: Considerations for sellers

While intellectual property assignment agreements offer various benefits, as a seller of the IP you need to keep in mind what it entails for you when you sell your IP.

Choosing between an IP assignment and a licensing agreement

In an IP assignment agreement, the seller transfers all ownership rights to the intellectual property for a predetermined fee. Here the seller gets a fair market value for their IP as a one-time payment. However, if they had opted for an  IP licensing arrangement , they could have retained the ownership of their IP while giving certain usage rights to the interested party. For instance, let’s say you have written and composed a song. A music company wants your song under their label. Here you have two options. You can sell your song completely to the music label, where they’ll have the right to use or alter your song as they deem fit. Or you can license your creation for an agreed-upon fee or price and set the terms and conditions for using your song. Here you’re getting paid for your creation while retaining ownership of your creation. Whichever option works best for you can be opted and respective agreements can be drawn.  

Value uncertainty

The value of intellectual property can fluctuate over time due to changes in market demand, technological advancements, or legal developments. Sometimes an intellectual property’s future value can increase tremendously, impacting the fairness of the negotiated price. Hence, while deciding the price of such assets, the seller should calculate the future valuation and decide the price of IP.

Limited future opportunities

Once intellectual property rights are assigned, the assignor may be restricted from using or further developing the intellectual property in the future. This limitation could hinder the assignor's ability to explore new business ventures or pivot their existing strategies.

In conclusion, while an intellectual property assignment agreement offers significant benefits in terms of clarity, protection, and commercialization of intellectual property assets, parties must carefully weigh these advantages against the limitations. Consulting with legal professionals experienced in intellectual property law is essential to navigate these considerations effectively.

What are the types of IP assignment agreements?

Intellectual property assignment agreements are comprehensive in nature, outlining the terms and conditions under which the transfer of IP ownership occurs. Here's an overview of the types of IP assignment agreements:

Patent assignment agreement or assignment of patents

A  patent assignment agreement is a written agreement whereby the owner of a patent transfers or assigns their ownership rights to the other party. This agreement ensures that the assignee gains full legal rights to the patent, including the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling the patented invention, innovations, and processes. Patent assignment agreements typically include details about the patented invention, including patent numbers, descriptions, and any related rights or obligations. 

Copyright assignment agreement or assignment of copyrights

Copyright assignment agreements transfer ownership of creative works, such as literary works, music, art, and other creative expressions. By signing a copyright assignment agreement, the creator relinquishes their rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the copyrighted work to the assignee.

Trademark assignment agreement or assignment of trademarks

Trademark assignment agreements transfer ownership of trademarks, which are used to identify and distinguish goods or services in the marketplace. Through this agreement, the assignor relinquishes their exclusive rights to use the trademark in commerce, allowing the assignee to use and enforce the mark for their business or products.

Trade secret assignment agreement or assignment of trade secrets

Trade secret assignment agreements are used to transfer ownership of confidential information or trade secrets from one party to another. These agreements outline the specific trade secrets being transferred and impose obligations of confidentiality on the assignee to protect the secrecy of the information. 

By signing such an agreement, the assignee gains the rights to use and protect the trade secrets for their own benefit. It can be any proprietary information like formulas, processes, customer lists, and business strategies. These agreements typically include provisions to maintain confidentiality and prevent unauthorized disclosure or use of trade secrets.

Design assignment agreement or assignment of design

An assignment of design agreement involves the transfer of ownership rights related to industrial designs or product designs. It ensures that the assignee gains exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and modify the design according to their business needs. This agreement is crucial for companies involved in product development and manufacturing.

Employee or contractor IP assignment agreement

These agreements transfer ownership of intellectual property created by employees or contractors during their employment or engagement. They are essential for employers to secure ownership of IP developed by their personnel. They often include provisions related to confidentiality, non-competition, and non-disclosure, which are mostly included in an employment agreement. Sometimes, employers even ask employees to sign separate non-disclosure agreements whenever an employee comes up with an invention.  

Assignment of IP in a joint venture  

In cases where multiple parties jointly create intellectual property, a joint ownership agreement may establish each party's rights and responsibilities. These agreements detail the terms of joint ownership, including each party's share of the IP, decision-making authority, and rights to exploit the IP.

It's essential to choose the appropriate type of IP assignment agreement based on the specific intellectual property rights being transferred and the circumstances of the transaction. Consulting with legal professionals knowledgeable in intellectual property law can help ensure that the agreement adequately protects the interests of all parties involved.

Who uses intellectual property assignment agreements?

IP assignment agreements are utilized across a spectrum of industries and scenarios. These agreements are crucial tools for businesses and individuals seeking to define and transfer intellectual property rights.

Corporations and businesses

Employment agreement : Companies frequently incorporate IP assignment clauses into their employment contracts. This ensures that any intellectual property created by employees during the course of their employment is automatically assigned to the company.

Consulting agreement : Similar to employment agreements, consulting contracts may include provisions requiring consultants to transfer any intellectual property they develop while working for the company.

Transactions contemplated : In mergers, acquisitions, or other business transactions, IP assignment agreements are employed to transfer ownership of intellectual property assets between parties.

Joint ventures : Partners in joint ventures often use these agreements to clarify ownership rights and facilitate the sharing or licensing of intellectual property developed during the collaboration.

Individuals and inventors

Prior inventions : An individual with a prior invention may use IP assignment agreements to transfer ownership rights to a new employer or business partner.

Consultants and contractors : Freelancers, consultants, and independent contractors may be required to sign an IP or invention assignment agreement as part of their contractual arrangement with clients.

Startups : Startup founders commonly use these agreements to consolidate ownership of intellectual property created before or during the company's establishment.

In essence, assignment agreements are utilized by parties across various sectors and contexts to facilitate the transfer of valuable intellectual property rights, ensuring legal protection and compliance while fostering innovation and business growth.

Key provisions of an intellectual property assignment agreement


Begin the agreement by formally introducing the parties involved to the agreement. In an intellectual property assignment agreement, the party selling the IP is called the “assignor,” and the other party who buys it is called the “assignee.” Here, along with providing the details of the intellectual property, the assignor explicitly agrees to transfer intellectual property rights to the assignee according to the agreed-upon terms of the agreement.

Assignment of IP

This section specifies the intellectual property being transferred. It identifies the specific patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, or other intellectual property referenced in the agreement. Additionally, it outlines the scope of the transfer and any limitations on the assigned IP rights.

Purchase price

The agreement details any monetary compensation involved in the transfer of intellectual property rights. In this section, clearly outline the payment terms of the agreement. Detail whether the parties hereto agree to pay the assignor as a lump sum or in installments. If the payment is made in installments, you must also provide the schedule for such payment.


To formalize the transfer of intellectual property rights, recordation with relevant authorities may be necessary. This provision addresses the requirement and process for recording the assignment with the appropriate governmental authority, ensuring compliance with legal formalities. 

No early assignment

This clause states that the assignment of IP rights cannot occur before certain conditions are met, such as before the completion of a project or the fulfillment of payment obligations. This section prevents premature transfers of IP.

Assignor’s representations

In this part, the assignor provides assurance that they have the sole right to the IP created and it hasn’t been licensed to any third-parties. They also affirm that they have the legal authority to transfer ownership of the IP and there are no undisclosed encumbrances or infringements.


This provision outlines the parties' obligations to indemnify each other against any losses, damages, or liabilities arising from a breach of the agreement or the assertion of third-party claims related to the transferred IP.

Governing law

This section specifies the jurisdiction whose laws will govern and interpret the agreement. It provides clarity in the event of legal disputes.

This clause outlines the procedures for making changes or modifications to the intellectual property assignment agreement. To make any changes pertaining to the terms of the agreement requires written consent from both parties.

Assignment and delegation

This provision addresses the transferability of rights and obligations under the IP assignment agreement. They stipulate whether parties can assign their rights or delegate their duties to third parties.

Counterparts; electronic signatures

This section permits the IP assignment agreement to be executed in multiple counterparts, facilitating convenience in signing. It also recognizes the legal validity of electronic signatures, ensuring compliance with modern technological practices.


The severability clause states that if any provision of the agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. This ensures that the invalidity of one provision does not invalidate the entire agreement.

This provision details the methods and addresses for official communication between the parties regarding the intellectual property assignment agreement. They ensure that important correspondence is properly delivered and acknowledged.

Waiver provision addresses instances where a party chooses not to enforce its rights under the agreement. For instance, if certain provisions are waived off on a one-time basis regarding the agreement, this doesn’t mean that the provision is waived for the entire term of the agreement. Take the case where the assignee is paying for the IP in installments. If the assignee is not able to pay the installment for a month, then the assignor can waive that default and continue the agreement upon prior written consent.

Entire agreement

This part of an intellectual property assignment agreement explains that the parties agree to the specific terms and conditions mentioned in the agreement. Any verbal negotiations or other terms that are even stated via email or otherwise are not part of this agreement.

This section states that the headings used in the agreement are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of the provisions.


The effectiveness provision specifies the date on which the agreement becomes effective. This ensures clarity regarding when the rights and obligations outlined in the agreement take effect.

Necessary acts; further assurances

Requires the parties to take any additional actions necessary to carry out the terms of the agreement fully. This may include signing additional documents or cooperating with each other as needed.

How does an online template facilitate drafting intellectual property assignment agreements?

There are various advantages of using an online template for IP such as.

Simplified drafting process

Online templates streamline the drafting process of IP assignment agreements. By providing a structured framework, these templates guide users through the essential elements required for such agreements. Users can efficiently input pertinent details specific to their arrangement, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the subject matter assigned.

Ease of customization

Some  online template providers, like LegalZoom , allow you to easily customize the templates to suit specific circumstances. With editing options available, users can modify clauses and provisions to reflect their agreed-upon terms and conditions of the arrangement

Clarity and consistency

These templates offer clear and standardized language, enhancing understanding and minimizing ambiguity. Consistent formatting and terminology throughout the agreement contribute to its readability and effectiveness.

Time and cost efficiency

Utilizing an online template can minimize the need for extensive document research and costly legal consultations. It allows parties to draft a comprehensive IP assignment agreement efficiently and affordably, saving valuable time and resources.

Accessibility and convenience

Online templates are readily accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling parties to initiate and complete the drafting process conveniently. This accessibility promotes collaboration and facilitates the timely execution of agreements.

As you can see, using online templates provides numerous benefits. Since there are a multitude of templates available online, choosing the right template is key. To streamline this process, LegalZoom offers a comprehensive intellectual property assignment agreement template that is simple and easy to use. Just answer the guided questions, complete the form, and download the document for free.

Frequently asked questions

What's an intellectual property assignment agreement.

When your business needs to sell or buy intangible assets, use an intellectual property assignment agreement to protect both parties. It enables the transfer of ownership of intangible items legally. Intellectual property includes everything from patents to trademarks to software and more.

What key details are required to complete your assignment agreement?

Here's the information you'll need to complete your intellectual property assignment agreement:

  • Who owns the intellectual property : Keep the information of the assignor ready while drafting your agreements 
  • Who's buying the intellectual property : Have the name and contact details of the assignee ready
  • How much it costs : Know what the buyer pays for the intellectual property

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2023 IP Outlook: Improper Inventorship in US Patent Litigations

  • 2023 IP Outlook: Improper Inventorship in US Patent Litigati...

confirmatory intellectual property assignment

Inventorship issues can have serious implications in patent litigation, leading to invalidation or unenforceability of the patent at issue, as seen in several notable 2022 cases. In the coming year, patent owners should take steps to minimize risks related to improper inventorship challenges.

Improper inventorship typically arises in one or more of the following situations:

  • Nonjoinder – failing to name an inventor
  • Misjoinder – naming an incorrect inventor
  • Derivation – a named inventor deriving the invention from another unnamed inventor

A patentee can avoid invalidity by correcting inventorship under Section 256 in most circumstances. To correct inventorship, the patentee must understand the legal definition of an inventor in the US:

  • An inventor is the individual (or if a joint invention, the individuals) who invented or discovered the subject matter of the invention. Joint inventor contributions can be unequal, and contribution to one claim is sufficient.
  • An inventor must contribute to the conception of the invention; mere reduction-to-practice is not enough. For example, co-authorship on a peer-reviewed publication by itself is insufficient to meet the inventive contribution requirement, but can be used as support of inventorship .
  • In 2022, the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that the Patent Act requires inventors to be natural persons— “that is, human beings” —and not an artificial intelligence (AI) system.

Looking ahead: Companies in industries that rely heavily on AI should ensure that humans are involved in the creation and/or development of intellectual property because a machine or AI will not qualify as an inventor in a US patent application.

Because the America Invents Act Section 256 removed the “without deceptive intent” requirement to correct inventorship , inventorship errors—whether intentional or not—can be corrected under Section 256. But inventorship issues made with deceptive intent can still cause a patent to be held unenforceable under a claim of inequitable conduct if the challenging party shows with clear and convincing evidence that the patent applicant withheld or misrepresented “but-for” material information and acted with specific intent to deceive the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Looking ahead: Patent owners can take proactive steps to mitigate risks associated with improper inventorship:

  • Secure patent ownership rights through employee, contractor and/or consultant agreements that contain present assignment language. Courts have held that sufficient assignment language includes “will assign and does hereby assign,” instead of a mere statement that the intellectual property “shall be the property” of the entity. Consider confirmatory assignment agreements if there is uncertainty about the proper assignment language in your current agreements.
  • Perform regular audits of key intellectual property and assess inventorship for each patent application, particularly for complex patent families that include continuations-in-part.
  • Ensure that proper intellectual property ownership agreements are in place for research and development projects involving joint research or collaboration with third parties.
  • Conduct searches of publications for all individuals who participate in a project that may involve the creation or development of intellectual property. A publication’s authors may be different than the individuals named on a patent with overlapping subject matter, which could lead to improper inventorship challenges.
  • Protect privilege during diligence relating to inventorship to minimize exposure during discovery and depositions if inventorship is ever litigated.


Mandy h. kim.

Partner | Orange County

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Cecilia Choy, Ph.D.

Associate | Silicon Valley

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Intellectual property (IP) assignment agreement: Sample template for Ontario startups

In a technology business, it is often the value of the intellectual property (IP) assets that the investor finances or the purchaser pays for. It is critical to have “clean” ownership of any intellectual property that is critical to the operation and success of your business. If your products and services depend on certain key IP assets, an investor will undertake due diligence to understand your right to use such assets.

An intellectual property assignment agreement provides assurance to investors that the founders have legally transferred to the company the intellectual property required to run the business.

Make sure to engage qualified IP counsel at a very early stage of your business to ensure that you have the freedom to operate your business with your inventions and to make certain that your business can meet the due diligence requirements of investors. MaRS has created a sample template of an intellectual property assignment agreement to help streamline business for investors, founders and their respective legal advisors. While MaRS makes this document available for educational purposes and to facilitate the negotiation of terms between investors and startups, the template is yours to use at your own risk . Please see the disclaimer below.

Download the Sample intellectual property assignment template

Read next: Sample funding templates for Ontario investors and entrepreneurs

This sample legal document has been made available by MaRS Discovery District for informational purposes only and does not constitute advertising, a solicitation, or legal advice. Neither the transmission of this sample legal document nor the transmission of any information contained in this website is intended to create, and receipt hereof or thereof does not constitute formation of, a lawyer-client relationship. Internet subscribers and online readers should not rely upon this sample legal document or the information contained in this website for any purpose without seeking legal advice from a qualified lawyer practicing in the reader’s province.

The information contained in this website is provided only as general information and may or may not reflect the most current legal developments; accordingly, information on this website is not promised or guaranteed to be correct or complete. MaRS Discovery District expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all the contents of this website.

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Check out Ontario’s IP Ecosystem Map ! Our partners at IPON designed this tool to help guide Ontario innovators & researchers on their IP journey. It’s an interactive PDF with info on IP service providers across Ontario.

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    Related to Confirmatory Assignment of Assigned Patent Rights. Patent Assignment Evidence of recording in US Patent Office of ----- Patent Assignment from Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx to Borrower regarding United States Letters Patent Number 5,834,150 entitled "Solvent Vapor Fixing Methods and Process Color Toners for Use in Same".. Intellectual Property Assignment For the purposes of this Agreement, the ...

  12. Assignment Recordation Branch (ARB)

    Assignment Recordation Branch (ARB) Local. 571-272-3350. [email protected]. Helps customers with transferring ownership or changing the name on their patent or trademark registration using Assignment Center. Also provides information relating to pending patent or trademark assignments, and answers questions about assignments, liens on ...

  13. Confirmatory IP Assignments Definition

    Related to Confirmatory IP Assignments. Intellectual Property Assignments has the meaning set forth in Section 3.02(a)(iv).. Patent Assignment each patent collateral assignment agreement pursuant to which an Obligor assigns to Agent, for the benefit of Secured Parties, such Obligor's interests in its patents, as security for the Obligations.. Collateral Assignments means, collectively, the ...

  14. Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights

    In establishing whether the assignment document should be a contract or a deed, whilst a simple contract will suffice in any instance where the assignment is for consideration (i.e. a fee is paid), if no consideration is given, or there is a power of attorney granted by the assignor for the assignee to deal with an element of the IP rights on ...

  15. Free Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement Template

    An intellectual property assignment agreement, also known as an IP assignment agreement, is a written contract that transfers intellectual property rights from one party (the assignor) to another (the assignee). Intellectual property covers a broad spectrum of intangible assets, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and more.

  16. 2023 IP Outlook: Improper Inventorship in US Patent Litigations

    Consider confirmatory assignment agreements if there is uncertainty about the proper assignment language in your current agreements. Perform regular audits of key intellectual property and assess inventorship for each patent application, particularly for complex patent families that include continuations-in-part.

  17. Intellectual property (IP) assignment agreement

    MaRS has created a sample template of an intellectual property assignment agreement to help streamline business for investors, founders and their respective legal advisors. While MaRS makes this document available for educational purposes and to facilitate the negotiation of terms between investors and startups, the template is yours to use at ...

  18. Confirmatory Deed of Assignments of Intellectual Property

    Related to Confirmatory Deed of Assignments of Intellectual Property. Assignment of Intellectual Property The Executive hereby assigns to the Company or its designees, without further consideration and free and clear of any lien or encumbrance, the Executive's entire right, title and interest (within the United States and all foreign jurisdictions) to any and all inventions, discoveries ...

  19. What is an Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement?

    Key Clauses in an Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement. An IP assignment agreement is a contractual agreement which facilitates the transfer of IP from one party to another. The party transferring the IP interest is the assignor. The party receiving the IP interest is the assignee. There are several important clauses which you should ...

  20. Confirmatory Assignment Definition

    Confirmatory Assignment means a short form assignment in the agreed terms relating to the Intellectual Property Rights transferred to the Company pursuant to the Philipp IP Transfer Agreement. Sample 1. Based on 1 documents. Confirmatory Assignment has the meaning set forth in Section 8 ( Security Interest ). Sample 1.

  21. Form of Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement

    2. ASSIGNMENT AND TRANSFER OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. 2.1 Assigned Intellectual Property. In accordance with this Agreement, Motorola hereby sells, assigns, conveys, transfers and agrees to deliver to Freescale, and Freescale hereby acquires from Motorola and the members of the Motorola Group, all right, title and interest in the United States ...

  22. London Stock Exchange

    London Stock Exchange | London Stock Exchange ... null

  23. Confirmatory Intellectual Property Assignments

    Confirmatory Intellectual Property Assignments. Prior to the Closing, the Company shall exercise commercially reasonable efforts to obtain confirmatory assignments of Intellectual Property from (1) those of the Company's current and former employees and independent contractors and consultants identified on Schedule 5.10; and (2) all inventors, authors or owners of Company Registered ...

  24. Confirmatory IP Assignments Sample Clauses

    Related to Confirmatory IP Assignments. Intellectual Property Assignments Each Intellectual Property Assignment is effective to grant to Collateral Agent for the benefit of Lenders an enforceable first priority Security Interest in all the Intellectual Property described therein, subject only to Permitted Security Interests affecting such Intellectual Property.