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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

  • Avengers: Infinity War Characters
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  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Characters
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  • Columbia University Students
  • Metro-General Hospital Employees
  • Metro-General Hospital Patients
  • Masters of the Mystic Arts Members
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  • Characters Killed by Dormammu
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Doctor Strange

For other uses, see
For alternate versions of Doctor Strange, see

Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange , M.D., Ph.D. is a Master of the Mystic Arts . Originally a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange got into a car accident which resulted in his hands becoming crippled. Once Western medicine failed him, Strange embarked on a journey to Kamar-Taj , where he was trained by the Ancient One in the ways of magic and the Multiverse . Although he focused on healing his hands, Strange was drawn into a conflict with Kaecilius and the Zealots , who were working for Dormammu and had sought to merge Earth with the Dark Dimension . Following the demise of the Ancient One and the defeat of Kaecilius, Strange then became the new protector of the Sanctum Sanctorum , seeking to defend the Earth from other inter-dimensional threats.

From his new position, Strange aided Thor in locating Odin , before he learned of Thanos ' attempts to gain all of the Infinity Stones and cause a universal genocide . Since Strange was the protector of the Time Stone , he was attacked and captured by Thanos' Black Order , only for him to then be rescued by Iron Man and Spider-Man . Joining forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy , Strange battled against Thanos. However, as Strange had seen into the future and knew his only path to victory, he willingly handed over the Time Stone, allowing Thanos to wipe out half of life , including Strange. However, Strange and all the rest of Thanos' victims were resurrected five years later by the Avengers and battled against an alternate Thanos , ending in the Mad Titan's defeat.

Strange offered his aid to Spider-Man, whose identity of Peter Parker was unmasked by Mysterio , as he asked Strange to make the world forget this. However, due to Parker's interference, the spell went wrong, and Strange inadvertently unleashed enemies of Spider- Men from across the Multiverse . Capturing these enemies, Strange tried to use the Macchina di Kadavus to send them back to their universes to meet their inevitable fates, which Spider-Man had refused to allow, hoping to give these people a chance at redemption. Having been trapped in the Mirror Dimension during a duel with Spider-Man, Strange returned and fought to contain the Multiversal rift. With no other choice, Strange cast a spell to return the visitors back to their universes and close the rifts, but also at the cost of making everyone, including himself, forget Parker's existence.

Being heralded of new interdimensional threats , Strange came across America Chavez . While investigating these threats, Strange learned that Wanda Maximoff , who fell under the influence of the Darkhold , was responsible. As Kamar-Taj fell under attack by her, Chavez sent Strange spiraling through the multiverse, where they were eventually arrested by the Illuminati . With the help of an alternate Christine Palmer , Strange and Chavez escaped, only for Maximoff to abduct Chavez, banishing Strange and Palmer to an incursion -inflicted universe. Confronting that reality's Doctor Strange , Strange claimed the Darkhold , utilizing dreamwalking in order to rescue Chavez. Helping her gain full control of her powers, the two swayed Maximoff from the Darkhold's influence, before her apparent self-sacrifice to destroy all copies of the Darkhold throughout the Multiverse. In the aftermath, Strange and Wong took Chavez, who decided to stay in their universe, under their care and taught her in the Mystic Arts. Sometime later, Strange was confronted by Clea , a sorceress who enlisted his help in fixing a new incursion he had caused.

  • 1.1.1 Death of Donna Strange
  • 1.1.2 Medical School
  • 1.2.1 Becoming a Doctor
  • 1.2.2 Dinner with Christine Palmer
  • 1.2.3 Interview with WHiH
  • 1.2.4 Top of the World
  • 1.2.5 Fall from Grace
  • 1.2.6 Searching for a Cure
  • 1.3.1 Meeting the Ancient One
  • 1.3.2 Beginning Training
  • 1.3.3 Mastering the Sling Ring
  • 1.3.4 Gaining Confidence
  • 1.3.5 Training with Karl Mordo
  • 1.3.6 Using an Infinity Stone
  • 1.4.1 Battle at the New York Sanctum
  • 1.4.2 Kaecilius' Confession
  • 1.4.3 Duel on the Astral Plane
  • 1.4.4 Demanding the Truth
  • 1.4.5 Battle of the Mirror Dimension
  • 1.4.6 Losing the Ancient One
  • 1.4.7 Recruiting Karl Mordo
  • 1.4.8 Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum
  • 1.4.9 Making a Bargain
  • 1.5.1 Guarding the Sanctum
  • 1.5.2 Learning of the Infinity Stones
  • 1.5.3 Locating Odin
  • 1.5.4 Unauthorized Biography
  • 1.5.5 Defeating Kalkartho
  • 1.6.1 Learning of Thanos
  • 1.6.2 Attack on Greenwich Village
  • 1.6.3 Tortured by Ebony Maw
  • 1.6.4 Encountering the Guardians
  • 1.6.5 Battle of Titan
  • 1.6.6 Showdown with Thanos
  • 1.6.7 Thanos' Victory
  • 1.6.8 Battle of Earth
  • 1.6.9 Tony Stark's Funeral
  • 1.7 "Friendship" with Scott Lang
  • 1.8.1 Helping Peter Parker
  • 1.8.2 Capturing Multiversal Visitors
  • 1.8.3 Conflict with Spider-Man
  • 1.8.4 Battle at Liberty Island
  • 1.8.5 Dreams
  • 1.8.6 Christine Palmer's Wedding
  • 1.8.7 Battle Against Gargantos
  • 1.8.8 Meeting the Multiversal Traveler
  • 1.9.1 Meeting with Wanda Maximoff
  • 1.9.2 Siege of Kamar-Taj
  • 1.9.3 Trip Through the Multiverse
  • 1.9.4 Arrival in Dimension 838
  • 1.9.5 Trial by the Illuminati
  • 1.9.6 Attack on the Illuminati Headquarters
  • 1.9.7 Entering the Gap Junction
  • 1.9.8 Fighting a Corrupted Strange
  • 1.9.9 Battle on Mount Wundagore
  • 1.9.10 Aftermath
  • 1.10.1 Stopping an Incursion
  • 2 Personality
  • 3.2 Former Powers
  • 3.3 Abilities
  • 4.1 Other Equipment
  • 4.2 Former Equipment
  • 4.3 Vehicles
  • 5 Facilities
  • 6.3 Enemies
  • 7 Appearances
  • 9 Behind the Scenes
  • 10 References
  • 11 External Links

Quick Answers

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Biography [ ]

Early life [ ], death of donna strange [ ].

Stephen Strange had a sister named Donna , who drowned after falling into a frozen lake. Unable to save his sister, Strange decided to become a doctor to save lives. [3]

Medical School [ ]

Strange went to medical school at Columbia University , and eventually graduated with an M.D. and Ph.D. at the same time, using his photographic memory to learn all of the information incredibly quickly. [1]

Neurosurgeon Career [ ]

Becoming a doctor [ ].

As an adult, Strange had begun specializing in neurological surgery and focusing his research on the formation of new nerve cells. Strange eventually became attracted to Christine Palmer , a fellow surgeon who had worked alongside him in the ER department of Metro-General Hospital where together they successfully invented a laminectomy procedure, something which Strange tried to take full credit for and even have named after him. The two later began a relationship; it did not last due to Strange's arrogance and his focus on his career, but the two continued to work with each other and remained friends, with Palmer even gifting him a watch. [1]

In 2012 , Stephen Strange was present in New York City during the Chitauri Invasion , [7] performing a surgery at the hospital about twenty blocks from the New York Sanctum . [8] In 2014 , Strange was deemed a potential threat to HYDRA , whose intent was to deploy Zola's Algorithm and eliminate the threats from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarriers . Thanks to the efforts of Steve Rogers , Natasha Romanoff , and Sam Wilson who thwarted HYDRA's plan during the Battle at the Triskelion , Strange survived. [9] By 2016 , he was one of the top surgeons in New York City, being scheduled on discussing life-saving techniques on an interview with WHiH World News . [10] However, Strange became more egotistical as his skills and craft increased. [1]

Dinner with Christine Palmer [ ]


Strange has dinner with Christine Palmer

Strange took Christine Palmer out to dinner, at a restaurant which Palmer noted was surprisingly fancy, questioning if Strange had taken out another student loan to pay for it, to which Strange jokingly claimed to have sold a kidney that they had operated on the week before. Palmer then presented Strange with a gift, telling him congratulations, which Strange questioned what it was.


Strange opens a gift from Christine Palmer

As Strange opened the box, he was shocked to see that Palmer had gifted him with an expensive watch, which had been engraved in the back with a message, telling Strange that time would tell how much Palmer loved him. Strange expressed his shock and gratitude to Palmer for the gift. Strange would go on to wear this watch as often as possible, despite building an expensive watch collection later in his life. [3]

Interview with WHiH [ ]

WHiH interviews Doctor Strange & Doctor Palmer

Strange interviewed with Christine Palmer

While working at Metro-General Hospital , Strange and Christine Palmer developed a revolutionary technique for removing a vertebral bone, which would contribute to allowing paralyzed patients to walk again. This technique became known as the Strange Palmer method. Strange and Palmer would sit down for an interview with WHiH World News to discuss their work, with Strange reluctantly sharing the credit with Palmer, although noting that he usually did his best work alone.

WHiH interviews Doctor Strange

Strange defending his work as a Doctor

When asked who the real brains were, Strange deflected from answering the question, with Palmer noting that they made a great team. When Palmer noted Strange was one of the best surgeons alive, Strange insisted he was the best, noting that Palmer was as well. However, the interviewer questioned if Strange's dedications to well-paid speaking engagements were his true focus, which Strange refuted, with Strange becoming annoyed and insisting that he was simply the one you would want holding the knife during a surgery. [11]

Top of the World [ ]

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Doctor Strange prepares for an operation

On February 2nd, 2016 , continuing his neurosurgeon career, Strange performed another operation while at Metro-General Hospital , where he had watched a team of students who were all taking notes. While he was operating, Strange requested Billy to play music and have Strange use his impressive memory to guess the song, artist and year it had been released, which he was able to do each time, much to the great frustration of Billy and all of the other nurses.


Strange discusses Christine Palmer 's work

Once he had completed yet another successful surgery, Strange was asked by his friend Christine Palmer to help with a patient who had been shot in a firefight. Leaving his nurses to finish with the operation without him, Strange met with Palmer outside the operating room where she presented the x-ray of her patient. While Strange joked that clearly, the issue she was having was that the patient had a bullet inside his head, Strange suddenly realized there was something wrong.


Strange insisting Nicodemus West is wrong

Despite Nicodemus West 's objections, who wanted to start recovering the patient's organs immediately, Strange found a perfectly intact bullet and realized that it had been hardened by a poison that caused the patient to fail reflexes tests and enter a death-like state. Realizing Doctor West misdiagnosed brain death in the patient, Strange and Palmer rushed to stop West and prepared to perform immediate surgery to try and remove the bullet.

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Strange successfully removes the bullet

Although West requested to assist Strange in the operation, he refused the offer and instead told Palmer to come to assist him. As the operation went underway, Palmer thanked Strange for believing her. He prepared to remove the bullet freehand without the use of a machine, as there was such little time. Demanding absolute silence, which included West being told to cover his watch, Strange eventually managed to find and remove the bullet.

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Strange and Christine Palmer talk and flirt

Immediately following the successful surgery, Palmer questioned if Strange really needed to humiliate West in front of all of the other doctors, although Strange confidently noted that he did not have to save West's own patient either, but sometimes he just could not help himself. When Palmer continued to defend West and called him a great doctor, Strange asked Palmer if she and West were sleeping together, claiming that the mere concept disgusted him. Palmer then denied the accusation, stating it was against the "Strange Policy," a policy against dating coworkers, which she named after him, which still pleased Strange to have something named after him.


Strange asking Christine Palmer to join him

They briefly discussed the laminectomy procedure they had invented together, with Strange still complaining that it had not been named after him yet. Strange proceeded to tell Palmer that he was set to speak at an American Neurological Association dinner later that night and invited her to accompany him. Palmer declined, stating that she never enjoyed going to speaking engagements and that the reason he went was that it boosted his already absurdly large ego. [1]

Fall from Grace [ ]


Strange prepares to go to a speaking dinner

The same day, despite the rejection from Christine Palmer , Strange prepared himself to attend the dinner alone, going through his apartment to put on a new tux and pick the perfect watch to wear, one that was gifted to him by Palmer while they were in a relationship. Now dressed and ready to go, Strange got into his sports car and drove through New York City at high speed with little regard for his safety.


Strange speaks to Billy about new patients

While en route to the dinner, Strange received a phone call from his colleague Billy , who had come across three new potential surgeries, including a thirty-five-year-old Air Force colonel who had crushed his lower spine in some kind of experimental armor and a sixty-eight-year-old woman with an advanced brain stem glioma. After turning down the first two which he deemed below him, Strange eventually showed interest in a schizophrenic who had been struck by lightning.

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Strange is involved in a major car crash

As Strange took his eyes off the road to view the patient's records, becoming interested in the x-ray Billy had sent him, he collided with another car. Unable to do anything to save himself, Strange's hands were crushed beyond repair by the impact, all while his car flew straight off the road before crashing into a nearby riverbank. Trapped in the wreckage of the car, Strange lay in utter agony and eventually lost consciousness.


Strange taken to hospital after the accident

Having eventually been found in the wreckage of his own car after a desperate search, Strange was immediately rushed to Metro-General Hospital and underwent a surgery that lasted eleven hours, overseen by Palmer and Nicodemus West . Although his life had been saved due to the emergency surgery, both of Strange's hands had now suffered permanent nerve damage which had forced West to use eleven stainless steel pins inside of the bones.


Strange awakes while still in the hospital

When Strange woke up the following day while in his hospital bed, he found Palmer waiting by his side. As he looked in horror, Strange discovered that his hands were terribly scarred and learned from Palmer that both of his hands, which were crushed during the crash, suffered severe nerve damage and were rendered inoperable. When Palmer insisted that nobody else could have done a better job for him, Strange still insisted that he could have done better. [1]

Searching for a Cure [ ]


Strange claims Nicodemus West ruined him

Eventually, Strange's bandages on his hands were removed and he finally attempted simply to part all his fingers, however, this proved almost impossible due to the pain it caused and the amount his hands shook. Nicodemus West advised Strange to allow his body to heal, but Strange then furiously accused West of ruining his body and his career as a neurosurgeon.


Strange attempts to find a cure for himself

Upon being released from Metro-General Hospital , Strange focused his efforts on finding a way to cure his own hands, pushing for new experimental treatments. Strange had soon spent most of his money on seven different operations as well as numerous other rehabilitation techniques, but all soon proved to be unsuccessful. With each new attempt, he was forced to sell up his lavish lifestyle and belongings to fund the operations, leaving him with little left to his name.


Strange undergoing his physical therapies

While undergoing his physical therapy, Strange was instructed to open his fingers using a brace, something he still found to be almost impossible to do without causing himself great pain. While Strange complained to his physical therapist about how unlikely it was that he would ever fix this nerve damage, the therapist gave an example of one patient he had treated who had seemingly cured himself of a paralyzed spine, which Strange refused to believe was possible.


Strange's next medical concept is rejected

One day while in his apartment , Strange was on a video call with a doctor who stated that he cannot help him and turned him down, angering him to where he threw his tablet across the room. While Strange was still fuming, Christine Palmer came to his apartment trying to convince him to stop wasting all his money on his hands, as well as telling him to move on by assuring him that there were other ways to save lives and live his own to the fullest with her help.


Strange allowing Christine Palmer to leave

Strange did not want to move on but find a way to restore his hands so he could return to his former life as a neurosurgeon, claiming there was an experimental procedure in Tokyo he wished to try as it could be an opportunity to fix his hands and return to his life. Becoming more frustrated and angrier, Strange then lashed out at Palmer by stating that she was only pitying him because she loved a sob story which Strange saw himself as. This hurt Palmer who then demanded that he apologize, but he refused, stating that she should leave.


Strange learning about Jonathan Pangborn

Palmer left him and walked out of his life, leaving the now-alone and frustrated Strange to look out over New York City and consider all the decisions he had made and what he was going to do next. While he was picking up the papers he had thrown on the ground in a rage, Strange eventually found a letter from his physical therapist with the documents on Jonathan Pangborn , the paraplegic who had regained the ability to walk again, which seemed to confirm his story.

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Strange asks for Jonathan Pangborn 's help

When the instructor sent him Pangborn's file, Strange tracked him down and found him playing a game of basketball with his friends, seemingly in top physical condition. Despite his initial reluctance due to Strange having refused to take him as a patient before, Pangborn agreed to help when Strange revealed his damaged hands. Pangborn told Strange the source of his healing, leading him to Kamar-Taj and the Ancient One , and wishing him good luck on his quest. [1]

Trained in Magic [ ]

Meeting the ancient one [ ].

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Strange searches everywhere for Kamar-Taj

Spending the last of his money on a ticket to Nepal , Strange began his search for Kamar-Taj . Without any knowledge of where it was located or even what Kamar-Taj was, Strange resorted to simply asking any person he passed if they could give him the information. [1] While walking through the back streets, Strange encountered a hurt dog and decided to stop and give it a makeshift bandage for his leg, joking he would be charging the dog for the treatment. [12]

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Strange is offered help from Karl Mordo

He was then cornered in an alley by three thugs who attempted to rob him, despite Strange insisting that he did not have any money. The thugs demanded his expensive watch, which Strange refused as it was a gift from Christine Palmer , so he tried to defend himself only to be beaten up by the thugs. However, Strange was rescued by Karl Mordo , a student of the Ancient One who promised to bring him to Kamar-Taj as Strange had wanted.

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Strange finally meeting the Ancient One

Mordo led Strange into Kamar-Taj, which was not the mystic location he was expected as he joked about it. Mordo warned him not to be disrespectful and to forget everything he thought he knew. Inside, Strange initially mistook an elderly man for the Ancient One before he was introduced to the true Sorcerer Supreme, who presented him with tea and welcomed him to their world. Strange began asking how she helped Jonathan Pangborn to heal his broken body.

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Strange is thrown into the Astral Dimension

At first, Strange believed they were researching cell regeneration but quickly became skeptical of her methods of curing Pangborn as she claimed she and the Masters of the Mystic Arts had healed Pangborn through his spirit. Strange became angry, declaring that she was now wasting his time, noting that he had spent all his money to find her and cure his hands, claiming that he saw through her lies, before she then pushed his astral form out his body to present him with his first experience of the Astral Dimension , much to Strange's horror.

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Strange being sent through the Multiverse

Strange was shocked but denied what just happened, thinking he had been drugged, although the Ancient One insisted all she gave him was tea with a little honey, which Strange doubted. Seeking to show him more of what she could offer, the Ancient One then sent Strange through the Multiverse , showing him the various realities before dragging him back when Mordo claimed that his heart rate was spiking, although the Ancient One said he was fine.

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Strange floating throughout the Multiverse

Strange was sent back through the Multiverse where he was told that the reality he knew was simply one of many. The Ancient One spoke to him while he was still being flung across all the different realities, challenging him to open his eyes to these possibilities while he had visions of the Quantum Realm as well as the Dark Dimension , seeing a glance of the terrifying Dormammu . The Ancient One made Strange question who he was within this multiverse, while he encountered sights and senses beyond his wildest imaginations.

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Strange begs the Ancient One to teach him

Having experienced something was unexplainable, Strange was then back into the room within Kamar-Taj where he fell to the feet of the Ancient One, to questioned if he had ever had an experience like that in a gift shop. Barely recovering from the revelations shown to him, Strange remained on his knees and begged her to teach him how to do this, but she refused and then had him cast out because of his previous disrespect towards her and their ways.


Strange is thrown back out onto the streets

Thrown out on to the streets of Nepal , Strange was unable to stop the Masters of the Mystic Arts from locking the door behind them and trapping him outside. Seeing this as his last chance, Strange charged back at the door and screamed out at the Ancient One and Mordo to please let him back inside. Strange then spent the next five hours banging on the door and begging to be let back inside until finally, Mordo had changed the Ancient One's mind.

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Strange is shown to his room by Karl Mordo

Once back inside, Strange was shown into his room by Mordo who advised Strange to use his time to rest and meditate until the Ancient One had called for him in the morning. When Strange was handed a piece of paper reading Shamballa , he questioned if this was now his mantra, to which Mordo explained that it was their Wi-Fi password. Once alone, Strange removed his now-broken watch and read the message Christine Palmer had engraved on the back. [1]

Beginning Training [ ]

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Strange learns magic from the Ancient One

The next morning, Strange sat down with the Ancient One who began to explain how the Masters of the Mystic Arts drew their power from other dimensions within the Multiverse , which allowed them to shape reality, explaining how Jonathan Pangborn used his magic to move his body, and that she planned for Strange to learn how to do the same with his hands. When Strange asked how he could gain these new skills with his damaged hands, the Ancient One compared it to Strange's studies to become a world-renowned doctor.

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Strange is introduced to the librarian Wong

Seeking to better his understanding, Strange went to the library to take out several books on the concept of magic. There, he met the librarian Wong , who Strange began mocking for his refusal to smile and his single name, comparing him to Adele and Eminem . As Wong expressed his great surprise that Strange had read so many complex books on the Mystic Arts, he invited him to a deeper section of the library to study some of the more detailed books, with Strange questioning how Kamar-Taj worked in terms of knowledge.


Strange and Wong discuss the Mystic Arts

Strange then asked if he could read the Book of Cagliostro , to which Wong said that while no knowledge was off limits in Kamar-Taj, some was too dangerous for a new student like he currently was and therefore Strange was not permitted to read it. Strange noted how the book was missing a page, Wong explained that the previous Kamar-Taj Librarian had been killed by Kaecilius and his Zealots before Wong threatened Strange not to take books without permission, to which Strange simply teased him, questioning the punishment for late fees, before returning to his room to continue studying. [1]

Mastering the Sling Ring [ ]

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Strange trains under Karl Mordo 's watch

Strange began his training with all of the other students under the watchful eye of Karl Mordo but struggled initially, finding himself disappointingly unable to create a portal using the Sling Ring which the other trainees appeared to have no issue doing. Becoming more frustrated as he continued to fail, Strange told the Ancient One that he believed that the shaking in his hands was the cause. Not accepting this excuse, the Ancient One invited Master Hamir to demonstrate his own skill.

Doctor Strange 35

Strange is transported to Mount Everest

Revealing that Hamir was missing a hand but was still able to use his power regardless, the Ancient One made it clear that Strange could do the same thing if given more practice and confidence in his own abilities as a sorcerer. Deciding that Strange needed more pressure to improve his skills, the Ancient One created her own portal and then took Strange to the top of Mount Everest where Strange was bewildered by his surroundings.


Strange successfully returns to Kamar-Taj

Wearing only thin clothing, the Ancient One told Strange that the only way he would be able to return to Kamar-Taj before he froze to death was to successfully use his Sling Ring , before she left him behind, much to Strange's horror. Despite still struggling at first and succumbing to the turbulent weather, Strange was able to concentrate hard enough to successfully create a portal and landed back at Kamar-Taj, and mastering this new technique, much to the Ancient One and Mordo's amusement as he fell onto his face before them. [1]

Gaining Confidence [ ]

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Strange gains his confidence in his studies

With this achievement, Strange gained the confidence that he could have the skills to become a sorcerer. Strange successfully managed to shave his beard down, giving himself a new look before he went to the library and asked Wong for some new books, jokingly calling him Beyoncé ; however, Wong still believed that Strange was not ready for the books.

Strange Astral Studying

Strange continues reading while sleeping

When Wong refused to hand over the books, Strange took it upon himself to use his Sling Ring to take books from the library behind Wong's back, though he quickly found out. With the books borrowed from Wong, Strange studied in his sleep using the Astral Dimension and progressed rapidly in his studies over the following months, [1] also emailing Christine Palmer whenever he could to try and repair the friendship he had so badly damaged just before he had left. Strange then learned how to master the Astral Projection. [13]

Mirror Dimension

Strange is taken into the Mirror Dimension

While his studies were becoming even more impressive, Strange also began questioning many of the rules presented to him in Kamar-Taj and started teaching himself. As a result, the Ancient One invited Strange to use the Mirror Dimension to study where he could not affect the real world. While she presented this dimension to him, the Ancient One warned of the threats like Kaecilius where this dimension could protect lives from any of the Zealots ' sudden attacks. [1] As he continued to study, he read about Baelzar and became very interested in the sorcerer. [14]

Training with Karl Mordo [ ]


Strange has fight training with Karl Mordo

Stepping back onto the courtyard of Kamar-Taj , Strange began his fight training with Karl Mordo . He questioned Mordo about the Ancient One , asking her true age. Mordo explained that nobody knew the true age of the Ancient One, to which Strange questioned how he could follow someone he knew nothing about, but Mordo insisted that she was trustworthy regardless of her secrets.


Strange attempting to summon his weapon

As they sparred, Strange and Mordo discussed Kaecilius and why he had turned against the Masters of the Mystic Arts . Taking a break from fighting, Mordo explained the concept of relics, which held their power within objects rather than in the Masters themselves. Strange laughed at the complex names as Mordo introduced him to the Staff of the Living Tribunal and Vaulting Boots of Valtorr and then invited Strange to conjure up his own weapon using his powers.

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Strange is beaten to the floor by Karl Mordo

Just as Strange conjured his whip out of pure magic energy, Mordo proceeded to beat him into submission to prove a point, telling him that he needed to fight as if his life depended on it, as one day it may. Once back in his room later that night, Strange went back onto his tablet and wrote yet another email to Christine Palmer , hoping that she might finally reply to him so that he could make amends for all of his unfortunate actions to her and they could move forward. [1]

Using an Infinity Stone [ ]


Strange trying to use the Eye of Agamotto

After nine months of training, Strange walked inside the library only to find Wong was not there. Strange then took the chance to read the Book of Cagliostro and decided to use the Eye of Agamotto . Strange experimented with its power by making an apple regrow and then rot, discovering the Eye had given him control over time itself in the process. Strange also recreated the missing page on the book, which made him realize how The Ancient One remained young.


Strange is stopped by Wong and Karl Mordo

Wong and Karl Mordo stumbled into Strange's experiment and both warned him not to bend fundamental natural laws so haphazardly, noting that misuse of items of such incredible power, like the Eye, could cause Strange to become trapped in a time loop forever as a result. Upon hearing this, Strange awkwardly recommended that the warnings should be put in front of the spells, not after. When asked how he had performed such a difficult spell for an early level trainee of the Masters of the Mystic Arts , Strange explained that he had used his photographic memory before questioning what the purpose of the Masters was as this had never been explained to him.

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Strange dispells the information told to him

Taking Strange into the next room, Wong and Mordo explained how they would protect the Earth from mystical threats in much the same way that the Avengers would protect it from physical ones. Strange questioned if one of these great threats was Dormammu , noting how he had read of Dormammu in the book. Wong then explained how Dormammu came from the Dark Dimension and sought to consume the Earth and rule over the entire Multiverse to become all powerful.

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Strange is suddenly ambushed by Kaecilius

Strange initially refused to fight in a "mystic war" before the London Sanctum was attacked by Kaecilius , with the corpse of Sol Rama , the Sanctum's protector, dropping at their feet. The Sanctum was then destroyed, and the explosion ripped through Kamar-Taj and knocked everybody off their feet, trapping Strange in the New York Sanctum based within New York City as he became separated from all of his allies and was now unable to return to Kamar-Taj. [1]

Conflict with Kaecilius [ ]

Battle at the new york sanctum [ ].

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Strange finds himself within New York City

Finding himself in a new location in New York City due to just being thrown through the portal , Strange walked throughout the New York Sanctum looking for anybody and had soon discovered the Rotunda of Gateways , as well as the Cloak of Levitation , which had seemed to acknowledge him, during his time looking around all of the corridors and searching around for someone to help him get back.

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Strange confronts Kaecilius and the Zealots

However, Strange soon heard some commotion and when he went to investigate, he discovered Kaecilius and all his Zealots attacking the building, with Kaecilius seemingly having gained the ability to fold space and matter outside of the Mirror Dimension . While watching from a safe distance, Strange witnessed Daniel Drumm , the guardian of the Sanctum, being murdered by Kaecilius and made his presence known to the attackers but was too late to save Drumm.

Strange Magic Whip

Strange fights against all of the Zealots

Kaecilius initially mistook Strange's name for Mister Doctor as they awkwardly greeted each other, but soon forgot this and attacked him in order to complete his plan to bring Dormammu to Earth . Strange fought back against the Zealots as they all charged towards him as a unit, using his Sling Ring to create whips that stopped their attacks and beat them back as he had been taught to do by Karl Mordo , at one point using the whip to grab hold of a lamp which he threw at his attackers before attempting to run away for his life.

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Strange tries to defend himself with magic

As Strange attempted to run through the hallway, however, Kaecilius used his own magic to manipulate the hallway and keep Strange from getting away, forcing Strange to continue defending himself. Using all of the Ancient One 's techniques, Strange created shields for himself, although he had trouble controlling them as he lost control over one. Kaecilius' zealots then attacked Strange, who managed to defend himself for a time, until Kaecilius used his magic to twist the hallway, causing Strange to be thrown painfully against the walls before having to hold on as it was then turned vertically.


Strange being forced to fight Lucian Aster

Seeing an opportunity, Strange used the Rotunda of Gateways he had found earlier to throw one disciple in the desert. With limited time to trap the Zealot within the desert with no way back, Strange attempted to lock the door, only for another Zealot, Lucian Aster , to attack him. Using his wits, Strange gained the upper hand and locked the door before trapping Aster in the jungle, leaving only himself and Kaecilius inside the New York Sanctum to continue fighting.

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Strange tries and fails to outwit Kaecilius

As they continued to fight throughout the Sanctum, the desperate Strange soon found himself being overpowered by the highly-trained Kaecilius and at one point attempted to intimidate Kaecilius by using the Brazier of Bom'Galiath , only to have to eventually admit that he did not know how to use it as a weapon and instead threw it at his head. Believing that their fight would soon be over, Kaecilius began knocking Strange through all of the glass containers.

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Strange is helped by the Cloak of Levitation

Strange was soon knocked into the Cloak of Levitation's container, which then proceeded to save Strange's life as it began deflecting all of the Space-Time Shards that Kaecilius had continued to attack him with. Frustrated by this, Kaecilius threw Strange off the balcony, only for the Cloak to wrap itself around his shoulders and lift Doctor Strange back into the fight, where he created another energy whip and continued fighting against Kaecilius with all of his remaining might.

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Strange casts a weapon to battle Kaecilius

Doctor Strange then used the cloak to fight Kaecilius until he was again overpowered and thrown across the room. While Doctor Strange attempted to charge towards his enemy to continue fighting with their abilities, the Cloak of Levitation instead pulled him backward, away from Kaecilius and towards weapons that were on display. However, when Doctor Strange attempted to grab these weapons to attack his enemy, the Cloak had instead pulled him away with some aggression, forcing Doctor Strange to use the other artifact against Kaecilius and trap him with the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak , finally ending the fight. [1]

Kaecilius' Confession [ ]


Strange speaks to the captured Kaecilius

With Kaecilius incapable of defending himself, Strange explained that his name was Doctor Strange, not Mister Doctor. Seeing that Strange was a Doctor, Kaecilius explained how the laws of nature declared that all things would die, but insisted that within the Dark Dimension , this was not the case. Although Doctor Strange tried to gag Kaecilius in order to shut him up, he went on to insist that the Earth did not have to die, but could instead join Dormammu and live forever.


Strange's faith in the Ancient One is tested

As Doctor Strange listened, Kaecilius explained the Zealots ' plan was to thrust reality with the Dark Dimension, giving themselves and all lives on Earth eternal life. Kaecilius then told Doctor Strange that the Ancient One dabbled in magic from the Dark Dimension, which is what gave her long lasting life, noting that Doctor Strange himself had not come to Kamar-Taj to fight with the Masters of the Mystic Arts but instead intended to save his hands, something the Ancient One had failed to do.


Strange being stabbed by Lucian Aster

As Doctor Strange began to take note of these warnings about the Ancient One and Dormammu's power, Kaecilius began to laugh. Doctor Strange questioned if he found all of this funny before Kaecilius noted that Doctor Strange's Sling Ring was missing. Just as Doctor Strange turned around to look for the ring, however, Lucian Aster made it back through the Rotunda of Gateways and stabbed him through the chest with a Space-Time Shard , almost killing Strange before throwing him down the stairs.


Strange tries to escape from Lucian Aster

As he attempted to escape, Strange was followed closely by Aster who smiled as Strange was forced to slowly crawl away from his attacker. Just as Aster attempted to conjure another Space-Time Shard and finish off Strange, the Cloak of Levitation again came to his aid, wrapping itself around Aster's face and keeping him from killing Strange. While this confrontation happened, Strange chose to seek out Christine Palmer at the Metro-General Hospital . [1]

Duel on the Astral Plane [ ]


Strange asks Christine Palmer to save him

Strange used Lucian Aster 's own Sling Ring to transport himself into the Metro-General Hospital to find Christine Palmer and asked her to operate on him alone. Palmer began the surgery and Strange, feeling that his physical body was getting too weak, entered the Astral Dimension and used his astral form to help, shocking Palmer and leaving her bewildered, but Strange insisted they did not have time.


Strange spiritually fighting Lucian Aster

While Palmer attempted to save his life, Strange suddenly noticed that Aster had escaped from the Cloak of Levitation , entered the Astral Dimension, and used his own astral form. Leaving Palmer to continue to keep him alive, Strange entered the Astral Dimension and fought against Aster. As they fought, they disturbed several objects in the physical world in the process while Palmer continued performing the surgery, briefly distracting Nicodemus West while he was buying snacks.


Strange successfully killing Lucian Aster

Being the superior fighter, Aster had eventually managed to gain the upper hand and knocked Strange unconscious, which resulted in his physical body's heart-stopping. While Aster attempted to finish him off, Strange's astral body was filled with energy when Palmer used a defibrillator. Ordering Palmer to do it again, Strange was able to kill Aster after being charged with a defibrillator, causing Aster's astral form to then explode from the sudden burst of energy.


Strange tells Palmer what happened to him

Returning into his body as Palmer finished her work on his wound, Strange explained that he had been to Kamar-Taj to heal his wounds and learned magic from the Ancient One , which had allowed him to do what he could do now, although Palmer claimed this meant that he had likely joined a cult, which Strange claimed was untrue despite being amused by the idea. Strange apologized to Palmer for what he had said to her before leaving, asking for her forgiveness.

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Strange getting helped by Christine Palmer

With his wound from the Space-Time Shards mostly dealt with, Strange decided to return to the New York Sanctum and to continue his fight against the Zealots , although Palmer insisted that this was a bad decision. Explaining that he was still fighting against Kaecilius before he could allow Dormammu and the Dark Dimension to take over the world, Strange then showed Palmer the portal he had previously made with his Sling Ring when he had arrived to confirm once and for all that what he had been saying was completely true. While Palmer looked on in amazement, Strange apologized and vanished through the portal to continue his fight against Kaecilius. [1]

Demanding the Truth [ ]


Strange reclaims the Cloak of Levitation

Returning to the New York Sanctum , Strange soon found the corpse of Lucian Aster lying on the ground, confirming he had been killed during the Duel on the Astral Plane . Horrified by seeing the body of the man he had killed, Strange walked away from Aster, but not first recollecting the Cloak of Levitation . As Strange walked through the Sanctum, he discovered that Kaecilius had successfully managed to escape the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak while he had been gone.


Strange accuses the Ancient One of lying

Strange discovered that Karl Mordo and the Ancient One had also arrived, with Mordo expressing his great surprise that the Cloak of Levitation had chosen him. Upon learning that Daniel Drumm had been killed, the Ancient One congratulated Strange for defending the Sanctum and declared him "Master Strange" as its new protector. Strange refused as he was supposed to save lives, not end them and could not bear killing anyone else in the wake of Aster's death.

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Strange tries to confront the Ancient One

While the Ancient One accused Strange of returning to his ego and his belief that he could control everything, Strange denied this before making a remark that while he could not control death, perhaps it was Dormammu who could. Strange confronted the Ancient One, noting he had read the rituals in the Book of Cagliostro , which had seemed to confirm that she had been secretly over dabbling in the magic of the Dark Dimension to keep herself alive for centuries, all while telling the Masters of the Mystic Arts to do the opposite.


Strange furiously argues with Karl Mordo

Although Mordo denied this, as he could not believe the Ancient One had been doing something so reckless and lying about it, she did not and returned to Kamar-Taj , leaving Strange and Mordo. Disgusted by Strange's insults, Mordo furiously called him a coward, claiming he had just saved his own life against all the Zealots and still cared for nobody but himself. Strange insisted that they did not have to kill, but Mordo told him that there was no other way to win. [1]

Battle of the Mirror Dimension [ ]


Strange trying to outwit and trap Kaecilius

While Strange and Karl Mordo continued to argue about the ethics of killing, they were interrupted by Kaecilius , who had returned to attack the New York Sanctum . While Mordo charged forward to fight him, Strange stopped Kaecilius from destroying the Sanctum, dragging them all into the Mirror Dimension where they could not harm the physical world.


Strange learns he has just doomed himself

However, Kaecilius remained confident and began manipulating the world around them, causing Strange and Mordo to run outside, with Strange stealing Kaecilius' Sling Ring . Mordo then informed Strange that although Kaecilius could not damage the physical world, his own connection to the Dark Dimension made him more powerful in there and would likely kill them both. Strange and Mordo then ran for their lives, with Kaecilius and the Zealots following closely behind.

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Strange and Karl Mordo escape Kaecilius

Desperate to get free, Strange attempted to create a portal back to the physical world, but Kaecilius then affected the gravity within the Dimension to destroy their portals. Strange and Mordo attempted to run to safety, but Kaecilius gained the upper hand, throwing them off a building before they were saved by the Cloak of Levitation and the Vaulting Boots of Valtorr slowing their fall until Strange confessed to Mordo that he had indeed just made a terrible mistake.


Strange is chased by the furious Kaecilius

Strange and Mordo had soon become separated by Kaecilius' world-bending powers, causing Strange to desperately escape across New York City in an attempt to get away, with the entire landscape around him changing constantly, with Strange barely making it through with his life. Despite all of his attempts to get away, however, Kaecilius eventually managed to catch up with Strange and violently threw him to the ground, reclaiming his Sling Ring from him. While Strange lied down helpless, Kaecilius proceeded to create a new Space-Time Shard , which he then prepared to finally kill Strange with and end their conflict.


Strange seeing the Ancient One 's final fight

Just before Kaecilius could deliver the finishing blow and kill Strange, the Ancient One arrived and pulled them apart, revealing to Mordo that her power did derive from the Dark Dimension . Strange and Mordo watched the Ancient One battle against all the Zealots until she was fatally stabbed by Kaecilius with a Space-Time Shard. Kaecilius then knocked her through a portal, and she fell hundreds of stories down with Strange and Mordo failing to save her from the deadly impact. [1]

Losing the Ancient One [ ]


Strange putting Nicodemus West in charge

In a desperate attempt to save the Ancient One , Strange rushed her to Metro-General Hospital and called upon the help of Christine Palmer to try and save the Ancient One from her life-threatening injuries caused by the stabbing and fall. Unable to perform the surgery due to his shaking hands, Strange handed the scalpel back to Nicodemus West and told him to relieve the pressure from her brain.


Strange chases the Ancient One

As the Ancient One began to go into cardiac arrest, Strange noticed that the Ancient One had entered the Astral Dimension and left the room. Knowing that leaving her own body now could prove fatal, Strange entered his own astral form and followed the Ancient One as she moved through the hospital, telling her to return as she was dying; however, the Ancient One seemingly refused to listen to him and glided onto the balcony to see New York City .


Strange and the Ancient One discuss magic

Ignoring Strange's pleas for her to return to her body, the Ancient One told him of how she had peered into her own future and never seen further than this very moment in time, but she had seen infinite possibilities for his future. She told him, like Jonathan Pangborn , he could use his magic to heal his hands and return to being a surgeon, which would come at a great loss to the Earth , or become a member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts and fight for the earth's survival.


Strange witnesses the Ancient One 's death

She told him about the Dark Dimension and why she had drawn her power from there, claiming that Strange would agree that sometimes one had to break the rules for the better good, agreeing that Karl Mordo would not likely see it from this point of view. The Ancient One then told Strange that he could only defeat Kaecilius and Dormammu with Mordo's help before she commented on her own desire to see the snow falling just as her astral form vanished and she finally died. [1]

Recruiting Karl Mordo [ ]


Strange says goodbye to Christine Palmer

With the death of the Ancient One , Strange pondered about his last conversation with his mentor and mourned her death before speaking with Christine Palmer as they both washed their hands. Strange then told Palmer that she was right that losing his hands did not have to be the end but a new beginning for him, and that there were other ways to save lives. Realizing that he found his new beginning in the Mystic Arts , Strange decided to stay as a sorcerer and become a superhero. Strange also decided to fully leave his old life behind.


Strange prepares for his next confrontation

When Palmer was called away for another surgery within Metro-General Hospital , Strange told her that he did not want her to go, but she told him that she had to. However, Strange was given a kiss on the cheek before she walked away. Strange then reclaimed the Cloak of Levitation , which wiped a tear from his eye with the collar, much to his minor annoyance.


Strange convinces Karl Mordo to fight back

Returning into Kamar-Taj which had been left in utter ruins due to the previous attack , Strange found Karl Mordo who was now considering everything he had learned about the Ancient One's lies. Although Strange passed it off as her being complicated, Mordo argued that she was directly responsible for Kaecilius and all the Zealots turning against them. Despite all this, however, Strange convinced Mordo to continue fighting against Dormammu while they still could. [1]

Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum [ ]


Strange and Mordo see the Zealots ' victory

Strange and Karl Mordo headed into Hong Kong , only to discover to their horror that the Masters of the Mystic Arts had been defeated by the Zealots and the Hong Kong Sanctum itself had already been destroyed, allowing the Dark Dimension to begin consuming the entire Earth . The devastated Mordo then told Strange that nothing could be done to stop the Zealots from executing their plans.

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Strange uses the Eye of Agamotto 's power

Unwilling to allow the Zealots to succeed and the Dark Dimension to destroy the Earth, Strange began opening the Eye of Agamotto in a final effort to defeat the Zealots. Seeing this, Kaecilius ran forward as Strange opened the Eye and harnessed its magic . As Kaecilius reached him and tried to kill Strange with a Space-Time Shard , Strange completed the spell and froze Kaecilius in place. Strange then began breaking the natural laws of time as he reversed what happened, repairing the destroyed buildings all around the currently burning city.


Strange battles against a furious Kaecilius

Kaecilius refused to allow this, however, and broke himself and his Zealots out of the spell, allowing them to remain at the same time span as Strange and Mordo. As they made their way across the city, Strange and Mordo were ambushed, with Mordo being forced to battle both the Brunette and the Blonde Zealots while Strange fought Kaecilius, who desperately attempted to break the new spell while Strange used the changing landscape to his advantage.


Strange successfully returning Wong to life

As Mordo assisted Strange using the Staff of the Living Tribunal to trap Kaecilius inside of a building as it was being rebuilt, they then discovered the corpse of Wong , who had died fighting the Zealots. Strange proceeded to use the Eye of Agamotto's magic to return Wong and many other innocent bystanders from the dead, with Wong, who was still armed with the Wand of Watoomb , shocked by what he was seeing but still choosing not to complain.


Strange's time spell is broken by Kaecilius

As Strange, Mordo, and Wong prepared to run back to the Hong Kong Sanctum to defend it, they were then interrupted mid-spell, resulting in time being frozen around the fighting. Kaecilius returned and declared that Dormammu 's arrival could not be stopped and once again mentioned that the Dark Dimension was beyond time. Hearing this, Strange figured out a way to defeat Dormammu and headed to the Dark Dimension where time was irrelevant. [1]

Making a Bargain [ ]

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Strange asking to bargain with Dormammu

Using the Cloak of Levitation , Strange flew away from the battle and arrived inside the Dark Dimension , where he proceeded to use the Eye of Agamotto to cast another time spell which allowed him to create a time loop. Strange then confronted the monstrous Dormammu declaring that he had come to bargain. However, Dormammu simply ignored Strange's offer and swiftly destroyed him.

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Strange is repeatedly killed by Dormammu

Suddenly, Strange appeared again repeating the exact same words as before. Slightly confused but undaunted, Dormammu then killed Strange again, only for him to reappear and repeat his challenge yet again. Perplexed by this, Dormammu demanded to know what was happening. Strange explained that he had used the Eye of Agamotto to create an endless time loop, keeping both him and Dormammu trapped repeating the loop forever until he relented and listened to his bargain. Enraged, Dormammu killed Strange over and over again but was unable to stop the cycle from repeating itself endlessly.


Strange makes his bargain with Dormammu

Unlike Strange, Dormammu had no power over time since the Dark Dimension was a place beyond time. Trying to convince him to break the loop, Dormammu noted Strange would spend eternity dying in agony, but Strange insisted it was a price worth paying to protect everyone on Earth . Eventually, Dormammu became desperate and surrendered, asking what Strange had wanted. Strange demanded he never return to Earth and to take the Zealots with him.


Strange witnesses Kaecilius ' sudden defeat

Strange returned to Hong Kong to complete the time spell, coming back moments before he left as the Zealots overlooked their own victory. As Kaecilius looked around at Strange in horror, he demanded to know what he had done, to which Strange announced he had made a bargain which Kaecilius would not like. Strange then watched as Dormammu turned Kaecilius and his Zealots into Mindless Ones and took them all away into his Dimension to suffer for eternity.


Strange watches as Karl Mordo walks away

As Strange noted that Kaecilius should have read the warnings of the spell, Wong burst out laughing before Strange completed his time spell and returned Hong Kong back to normal. Having witnessed Strange and the Ancient One 's liberal use of magic to break their own rules, Karl Mordo told Strange that he had made his choice and left the Masters of the Mystic Arts , having become disillusioned by their questionable and dangerous use of their own magic. [1]

New Protector [ ]

Guarding the sanctum [ ].

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Strange returns the Eye of Agamotto

Realizing he was not yet worthy of wielding the Eye of Agamotto due to his potential to change the fabric of both reality and time, Strange decided it would be best to return the relic inside Kamar-Taj . Joining Strange there, Wong agreed with his choice, claiming to overuse an Infinity Stone was dangerous. Strange made it clear he did not know about the Stones; a fact that did not surprise Wong.

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Strange arrives in the New York Sanctum

Wong had gone on to note that the New York Sanctum needed a new protector, due to Daniel Drumm being murdered by Kaecilius . Strange accepted the offer and placed the Cloak of Levitation back over his own shoulders before following Wong through a portal towards the Sanctum. Once there, Strange put on the watch Christine Palmer had given him and then looked out at his new home through the window. [1]

Immediately following his duel with Dormammu , Strange created a list of extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional beings who posed a threat to the people of Earth , such as Loki . During this time, Strange also learned that Odin , the former king of Asgard , was on Earth and made contact with him, with Odin opting to stay on Earth, instead of returning to Asgard. [15] Strange attended a full moon party at Kamar-Taj, causing Strange to cast the Runes of Kof-Kol to make all sorcerers forget about the party except himself. [16] Strange and Wong started developing a closer relationship, in which Strange would often say things in an attempt to get a rise out of Wong, but Wong would refuse. [14]

Learning of the Infinity Stones [ ]


Doctor Strange introduces himself to Thor

A few months into his time as the New York Sanctum 's guardian, Strange had a conversation with Wong regarding the Infinity Stones and their history across the Nine Realms . Wong also explained that his reason for telling him this was that Thor had seemingly returned to Earth and brought Loki with him for unknown reasons, which could pose a potential threat to the planet. [7]


Strange teleports Thor around the Sanctum

Considering the threat that Loki had posed to the Earth when he had used the Tesseract and caused the Battle of New York , Strange sent Loki through a portal when he arrived in New York City and decided to bring Thor into the Sanctum, leaving his business card behind for Thor to find. Upon reaching the Sanctum, Thor, bemused to find Earth had mystical protectors, inadvertently also knocked several ancient artifacts over while he had been exploring the Sanctum. [15]


Strange asking Thor 's motives on returning

Strange sat down across from Thor, at first offering him a cup of tea which he changed to an ale upon Thor's request. Strange went on to explain that since becoming one of the Masters of the Mystic Arts he had begun to keep a watchlist of many of the dangerous individuals from the Multiverse , noting that Loki was on that list, which Thor had noted was a worthy inclusion. Strange questioned why Thor had decided to bring Loki back to Earth considering the risk. [17] [15]

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Strange agreeing to help Thor locate Odin

Thor explained that he and Loki had been looking for Odin who had vanished ever since Loki had taken his place during their conflict with the Dark Elves ' leader, Malekith . Strange then offered his help on the condition that they would then return straight to Asgard as soon as the mission had been completed, which Thor agreed to. Strange noted he had been unable to contact Thor and explained that Odin had requested that he remain in exile without being found. [15]

Locating Odin [ ]


Strange ensuring that Thor 's mission is safe

Strange explained that Odin was currently still hiding out in his exile within Norway as Strange used his powers to teleport himself and Thor around the New York Sanctum while he confirmed that he did not have to modify his magic in order for it to work for Asgardians , with Thor getting also increasingly annoyed about being teleported around the building so much and spilling his ale as a result.


Strange creates a portal to Odin 's location

Strange then requested a strand of Thor's hair, ignoring his protests and taking it regardless before using it to create the portal to Norway. Before he left, Strange reminded Thor to collect Mjølnir , which had been disguised as an umbrella while he was on Earth , with the pair overhearing the umbrella smashing through several items upstairs before it returned to Thor's hand, which Thor apologized for. Just as he prepared to leave, Thor then requested Loki 's return.


Strange says his goodbyes to Thor and Loki

Once Strange released Loki, he attempted to attack Strange in his fury for allowing him to fall through the portal for thirty minutes, but Strange decided he was done with the Asgardians, unceremoniously throwing Thor and Loki into the portal to Odin's location. [15] Strange then went back to his previous conversation with Wong in order to learn about the final Infinity Stone ; the Soul Stone , which Wong had revealed had the potential to be the most dangerous of all. [7]

Unauthorized Biography [ ]

That fall, Strange started to experience a cloudy mind, although he did not think anything of it. He approached Wong , who was in a room attempting to write. Strange suggested that Wong needed a break, giving him tea, which Wong was suspicious of. Strange admitted that he wanted to know what Wong was writing, since the way Wong worded it made it appear as though Wong were writing about Strange. Wong laughed and explained that, since Strange joined the Masters of the Mystic Arts , a lot had happened that needed to be documented so that future Masters could learn from it. Strange eventually left the New York Sanctum and went into New York City to clear his head. However, his cloudy mind turned into headaches that got worse and came with visions, so he returned to the Sanctum. [14]

Defeating Kalkartho [ ]

He came back hours later with a suitcase and tried to leverage the information about where he was for information about Wong 's writing, but Wong convinced Strange to tell him in exchange for Wong thinking about telling Strange about the writing. He told Wong about his headaches, so Wong decided to consult the texts at Kamar-Taj . Strange asked Wong to go while he stayed behind to meditate. Strange used an Inter-Dimensional Portal to offer Wong various fruits, all of which Wong turned down. Strange then used the Rotunda of Gateways to leave and meditate on a mountain. He had another vision of a tentacled creature going to Earth along with the name Kalkartho . When he returned hours later, Wong told Strange that he did not find anything and got Strange to admit that he knew he would not. Strange explained that he did not know what would happen to him while meditating and that he did not want Wong in Kamar-Taj if something followed him through the Rotunda. Wong asked what Strange learned, so Strange explained his vision to him.

They began searching the library for hope of stopping the Kalkartho. Strange searched The Book of the Five and found the Bonds of Baelzar , which Wong voiced his disagreement with Strange's idea to use them, though he hesitantly agreed to. Strange memorized the incantation and put the book back, and the two went to Mendoza , Argentina . The two sat as Strange opened a mist which created a pocket that allowed them to see into the Magenta Dimension , from which the Bonds of Baelzar drew their energy.

They returned to the New York Sanctum and Strange explained his plan to banish the Kalkartho by intercepting it in the Astral Dimension , but the Kalkartho suddenly attacked and rendered Strange unconscious, nearly killing him, but Wong resuscitated him. Wong tried to convince Strange to stay out of it, but the sorcerer refused, and they decided to end it. They projected themselves into the Astral Dimension and went to the moon , releasing energy from the Magenta Dimension. Kalkartho suddenly appeared in front of Strange and Wong, and Wong started ducking attacks while Strange worked. However, Wong passed out.

Strange brought himself and Wong back to their bodies and baited the creature to the Sanctum as Wong woke up. Kalkartho appeared in the Sanctum in the physical world, so Strange yelled for Wong to activate the Bonds of Baelzar as he avoided the attacks. As the mist faded and took Kalkartho into the Magenta Dimension, Strange and Wong went with it. They watched it consume an energy cloud, and Strange explained that the clouds were the only thing in the dimension and that Kalkartho would have a never-ending supply of energy. The two then returned to Earth .

Wong returned to his writing and Strange tried spying on him using a portal while eating pizza. Wong offered to tell Strange what he was writing in exchange for a slice, but Strange instead said that they would always be ready to fight and closed the portal. [14]

Infinity War [ ]

Learning of thanos [ ].

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Strange witnesses Bruce Banner 's return

During the day at the New York Sanctum , Strange was set to head out of the deli-grocery store for food and asked for Wong about what he would like to eat to whom he asked to pay. However, Wong then revealed that he did not have any actual American money, annoying Strange, who told him he'd buy a tuna sandwich instead.

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Strange asks Tony Stark for help

At that moment, Bruce Banner crashed inside the place, having been brought there by Heimdall 's bridge . Strange then formed up with his sorcerer getup only to figure out it was Banner, telling him that Thanos was coming, much to Strange curiosity. [2] At Banner's urging, [18] he and Strange went to find Tony Stark who was with Pepper Potts at Central Park, telling him to come with the group and congratulate them on their proposal.

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Strange explaining the Time Stone 's power

Once Tony Stark arrived with Strange to the New York Sanctum , Wong showed Stark about the Infinity Stones , where they came from and how many there were. As he named them all one by one, Strange revealed the Time Stone from the Eye of Agamotto . Once Stark asked about Thanos, Strange told him if he could get all six stones, he would destroy half of all life that should be hitherto undreamed of. Having to understand that the universe was at stake, Strange listened to Stark about his use of language, to which he grew irritated with Stark from touching the Cauldron of the Cosmos and letting the Cloak of Levitation hit his hand. [2]

Attack on Greenwich Village [ ]

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Strange hears the commotion from outside

As Stark collected himself, the group realized that Vision , who had the Mind Stone embedded in his head, would be another target. Banner told Stark to call Steve Rogers for help. Before Stark would make the call, they were interrupted by the sound of agitation in the streets and debris flying through the air. Leaving the New York Sanctum to investigate, the four found people fleeing and screaming in panic, as a Q-Ship , sent by Thanos , had arrived, devastating the surrounding city with powerful winds.

Iron Man and Stephen Strange

Strange and Iron Man battle the Black Order

Strange and the group confronted the ship, where Strange cast the Winds of Watoomb spell to neutralize the powerful winds created by the Q-Ship. Once the craft drew out Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian , who descended from the ship in a tractor beam, Maw demanded the Time Stone , which was kept in the Eye of Agamotto , only to be rudely rebuffed and commanded to leave by both Strange and Stark. Frustrated, Maw commanded Obsidian to attack and retrieve the Stone, while Banner unsuccessfully attempted to release Hulk, Stark donned his Mark L armor and blasted Obsidian away.

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Strange redirecting Ebony Maw 's attack

Using his Sling Ring to send Banner to safety, Strange was then told by Iron Man to flee with the Time Stone, but he refused. Strange and Wong managed to redirect the attack with their Sling Rings, injuring Maw. Infuriated, Maw incapacitated Wong by bursting a nearby fire hydrant. Strange attempted to restrain Maw with an Eldritch Whip , only for the latter to tackle Strange, telekinetically trapping him in the side of a nearby building.

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Strange being overpowered by Ebony Maw

Strange was then sealed by bricks from Maw, which he attempted to remove the Time Stone. Breaking free, Strange attempted to use the Stone against Maw but was quickly restrained again by cables. Before Maw could kill Strange, he warned that his death would not remove the seal, causing Maw to choke him unconscious instead, choosing to bring him back to the Q-Ship alive. However, the Cloak of Levitation managed to loosen the restraints with the unconscious Strange, with an enraged Maw in hot pursuit.


Strange being incapacitated by Ebony Maw

Strange passed by in the park, where Iron Man tasked Spider-Man with rescuing the unconscious Strange as he held off Obsidian. Maw noticed Spider-Man was chasing him and tried to get away. Despite Maw's efforts, Spider-Man managed to grab Strange, only for the both of them, as well as the Cloak, to be caught in the Q-ship's tractor beam. Maw boarded the Q-Ship with Strange and held him off captive until he would give up the stone. [2]

Tortured by Ebony Maw [ ]


Strange waking up from his coma

Awakening, Strange found himself in the captivity of Ebony Maw , aboard a Q-Ship bound to rendezvous with Thanos on Titan , while telekinetically immobilized and surrounded by hundreds of alien microsurgery needles. Noticing that Strange is awake, Maw approached him, preparing to begin the torture.

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Strange is slowly tortured by Ebony Maw

As the horrendous torture began, Strange was informed by Maw that he would be judged harshly by Thanos for bringing him alive, and so requires Strange to remove the magical seal protecting the Time Stone in the Eye of Agamotto , to allow Maw to retrieve it. With this remark, Maw began to telekinetically stab the microsurgery needles one by one into Strange's body, each inducing terrible pain while commanding that Strange release the Stone, to no avail.

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Strange is further tortured by Ebony Maw

Strange continued to get tortured by Maw, who, while under immense pain and duress, remained unyielding to Maw's demands. Before Maw could continue, he was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Iron Man . Maw threatened to kill Strange, but Iron Man fired a missile into the wall of the Q-Ship. The hull was breached, instantly sucking Maw into the vacuum of space. Strange was inadvertently caught in the vacuum, and the Cloak of Levitation attempted to rescue him.

Strange Meets Spider-Man

Strange introducing himself to Spider-Man

Leaping in, Spider-Man managed to grab Strange. Stark noted that the Q-Ship was on an automated course bound for an unknown location . Strange insisted that Stark commandeer the Q-Ship to return them and the Time Stone to Earth , although Stark was reluctant. Instead, he suggested continuing on their current course to Thanos, proposing they ambush him on his territory, where he would not be expecting an attack, and to keep his attention away from Earth.


Strange and Tony Stark argue at each other

Although initially at odds, Strange reluctantly agreed with Stark's plan, after he told of his history over the years about Thanos' manipulative discourse. After agreeing, Strange reminded Stark that he would prioritize saving the Time Stone over either Stark or Parker's lives, asserting he would easily let either of them die if it means keeping the Stone from Thanos' hands. [2]

Encountering the Guardians [ ]

Doctor Strange's Shield (Drax's Knife)

Strange blocks Drax the Destroyer 's Knives

Upon arriving on Titan , Iron Man and Spider-Man attempted to land the Q-Ship safely. Before the two crash landed on the planet 's surface, Strange cast the Shield of the Seraphim to protect them. Almost immediately, the trio were ambushed by Drax , Star-Lord and Mantis of the Guardians of the Galaxy , who believed them to be Thanos ' soldiers as they had emerged from one of his ships. However, after a tense standoff, both parties realized they shared the same goal, before deciding to work together to ambush Thanos, who they expected to be arriving soon.


Strange questions Star-Lord 's interference

Awaiting for Thanos' arrival, Iron Man, Spider-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy attempted to formulate a plan of attack; while this happened, Strange activated the Time Stone, and just as he had done with Dormammu , [19] Strange created a time loop living 14,000,605 [2] possible scenarios. While reliving all the possible outcomes, [19] Strange contemplated cutting off Thanos' hand with his Sling Ring , but desisted upon realizing that the Titan's skin was almost impenetrable and that if he failed to cut it on time, Thanos would still be able to snap his fingers and accomplish his goal. [20]

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Strange looks into several possible futures

Strange eventually saw that the singular way to victory that involved Thanos obtaining all six Infinity Stones and achieving his goal of culling the universe, with him among the casualties; however, in 2023 , with the help of Ant-Man , Stark and the other Avengers , they would perform a Time Heist that would allow them to create their own Infinity Gauntlet and have Hulk successfully resurrect the victims of the Snap back to life.


Strange says the outcome where they win

Despite seeing that the defeat of Thanos would happen only with the sacrifice of Stark, [8] Strange returned to reality, and gravely informed the others of how many scenarios he had seen and that only one of them ended in Thanos' defeat, but did not inform them of any of the details. [2]

Battle of Titan [ ]


Strange passively talks down to Thanos

Prior to the battle, Strange removed the Time Stone from the Eye of Agamotto and hid both artifacts while creating a replica Eye to wear. Sitting down on a faraway hill alone, Strange saw Thanos and informed him that he had been brought face-to-face with a Master of the Mystic Arts . Thanos ignored the threat, simply asking Strange where he believed Ebony Maw had brought him. Strange guessed that Titan was his former home. Nodding wistfully in affirmation to Strange, Thanos stopped and began to reminisce. Thanos would use the Reality Stone to craft an illusion of Titan's former beauty to Strange.

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Strange prepares to battle against Thanos

Strange hailed Thanos as a prophet, but Thanos retorted, claiming himself to be a survivor. Strange continued to condemn the Mad Titan's motivations as for mass murdering trillions. Thanos explained to Strange that with all six Infinity Stones , a single snap of his finger would only cause a merciful cessation of half of the universe's existence. Strange stood and questioned Thanos about once he achieved his goal. Thanos desired to simply rest while watching the sunrise on a grateful Universe.


Strange striking at Thanos with his sword

Threatening Thanos, Strange entered a combat stance and summoned a pair of Tao Mandalas , warning Thanos that their will would be equal to his. Realizing that Strange was not alone, Thanos was temporarily ambushed, only to begin attacking. Strange conjured a sword and engaged the half-blinded Thanos in brief close combat alongside Drax the Destroyer . However, Thanos kicked Strange in which he blocked it with a Tao Mandala .

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Strange helps Star-Lord 's traversal

Strange conjured platforms of energy for Star-Lord to jump and conjured a portal for Star-Lord to escape. Strange told the Cloak of Levitation to not allow Thanos to close his fist, and the Cloak wrapped around the Infinity Gauntlet to prevent Thanos from activating the Infinity Gauntlet . Using his Sling Ring , Strange summoned Spider-Man to attack Thanos, leaping through conjured portals to repeatedly attack Thanos from all sides and preventing him from removing the Cloak.

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Strange attempts to apprehend Thanos

However, once Thanos managed to grab Spider-Man, he threw the web-slinger towards Strange, knocking them both to the ground. Recovered from his harmful attack, Strange quickly cast the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak on Thanos, restraining the Gauntle. Until Iron Man swooped in, taking Strange's place to hold the Gauntlet. Strange used his Sling Ring to open a portal and drop Mantis on Thanos' head, before casting the Bands again to restrain his right arm. [2]

Showdown with Thanos [ ]

Strange battling Thanos

Strange attacks Thanos on floating cliffs

Following the failed attempt of getting the Infinity Gauntlet off, Strange personally confronted Thanos in a ferocious duel, with Strange launching the first strike, firing the Bolts of Balthakk towards Thanos. Leaping into the air, Thanos retaliated with a blast of energy from the Power Stone . Strange countered with a barrier of the Mirror Dimension to absorb the beam, before pushing it toward Thanos to trap him. Thanos destroyed the mirror barrier with the Power Stone before throwing the remnants back at Strange in the form of a black hole with the Space Stone . Thinking quickly, Strange cast a spell to transmute the singularity into a swarm of blue butterflies, briefly confusing Thanos.

Doctor Strange Duplic

Strange casts the Images of Ikonn

Raising into the air with the Cloak of Levitation , Strange then cast the Images of Ikonn , conjuring versions of himself to restrain Thanos with hundreds of Eldritch Whips . However, Thanos immediately regained the upper hand, activating the Soul and Power Stones to instantly destroy the false images and briefly sunder Strange's astral form from his body. With his opponent staggered, Thanos activated the Space and Reality Stones , pulling Strange to his hand before he could react, winning the duel.

Thanos (Full of Tricks Wizard)

Strange being swiftly subdued by Thanos

Once he was subdued, Strange was within Thanos' grasp and tried to pull himself away. Admitting that while he was impressed by Strange's mastery over magic , Thanos deduced that, as the sorcerer had never once attempted to use the Time Stone to his advantage, the Eye of Agamotto that was being worn was a fake. Confirming his suspicions, Thanos took and crushed the fake Eye of Agamotto, revealing it to be empty, before throwing Strange away. [2]

Thanos' Victory [ ]


Doctor Strange gives up the Time Stone

Before Thanos could kill Iron Man , Strange intervened and offered the Time Stone in exchange for Stark's life, [2] since his future vision revealed to him that Stark needed to live to convert Hank Pym 's Quantum Tunnel into a time machine for the Time Heist and sacrifice himself at the Battle of Earth to defeat Thanos. [8] Thanos agreed after warning Strange not to double-cross him. Despite Stark's pleas to not give in, Strange revealed the Time Stone, having disguised it as a star in Titan 's sky, and surrendered it to Thanos. After the battle, Stark would ask Strange why he would give up the Stone. Strange could only inform Stark that they were now in the "endgame."

Doctor Strange's Death

Strange is turned into dust by Thanos

When Thanos collected the last remaining stone, the Mind Stone , from Vision in Wakanda , he snapped his fingers, removing half of sapient life in the universe from existence. After watching Mantis , Drax , and Star-Lord vanish before their eyes, Strange, gradually disintegrating into dust himself, assured a visibly-shaken Stark that there was no other way before disappearing. [2] With no Sorcerer Supreme since 2017 , the position had been left vacant with Strange as a candidate [21] , but with Strange dead, the title of Sorcerer Supreme was given to Wong . [16]

Battle of Earth [ ]

Guardians of the Galaxy and Doctor Strange Return

Strange returns to Earth through his portal

Five years later , as a result of the Blip , Strange was resurrected on Titan . Knowing what had transpired during the five years due to looking into the future with the Eye of Agamotto , Strange enlisted the assistance of the newly resurrected Spider-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy , who were also on Titan with him.


Strange asks Wong about all of the heroes

He then opened a portal from Titan to Earth and arrived at the destroyed Avengers Compound to prepare for the massive battle against an alternate Thanos . He observed as Wong and the other Masters of the Mystic Arts portaled in multiple allies across the universe in order for them to assist the surviving Avengers in the fight.

Spider-Man & Star-Lord

Strange prepares for battle against Thanos

After seeing Wong in person, he inquired if they were able to summon everyone, to which Wong exasperatedly asked Strange if he wanted more. Strange then stood alongside the epic line of assembled heroes as Captain America led the charge against Thanos and his army. Strange then charged towards Thanos' army, using the Cloak of Levitation to fly into the air and into battle.

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Strange getting approached by Iron Man

After taking down a group of aliens with magic into another dimension, Strange was approached by Iron Man , who questioned if this was the one out of fourteen million futures in which they would win. Strange replied that if he told him what happens, it would not happen. Stark then told Strange that he had better be right.

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Strange stops the area from being flooded

When Thanos ordered an airstrike to halt Wanda Maximoff 's attacks, it destroyed the foundations of the nearby lake. When Pepper Potts called this to attention, Strange conjured the Winds of Watoomb to hold back the water from reaching the battlefield. Strange continued to hold back the water after Thanos had destroyed Luis ' van with his sword .


Strange giving Iron Man the final signal

After seeing Captain Marvel get knocked out of the fight by Thanos, Strange signaled to Stark that this was the one outcome he foresaw where they won. This ultimately led to Stark sacrificing himself by swiping the Infinity Stones and using them to wipe out Thanos and his army. [8] All the heroes then gathered around the fallen hero, and following Clint Barton , everyone, including Strange, knelt before him out of respect. [22]

Tony Stark's Funeral [ ]

Wong (2023)

Strange attends the funeral for Tony Stark

A week later, Strange and Wong attended Tony Stark 's funeral at the Stark Eco-Compound . Strange and Wong stood alongside all the heroes who they previously fought with, as Stark's Arc Reactor was sent adrift on the lake. [8] Afterwards, Strange returned to live at the New York Sanctum . [16]

"Friendship" with Scott Lang [ ]

Following the Battle of Earth , Scott Lang struck up a friendship with various Avengers , as well as other heroes. Strange was one of those heroes, as he attempted to befriend Strange; however, Strange did not reciprocate the attempts at friendship, dismissing Lang. After Lang was later nominated to write a book about the events surrounding the Blip and Thanos ' defeat, titled Look Out for the Little Guy! , Strange was given a copy of the book to read and enjoyed it. Strange's review was then featured on the back of the book alongside Bruce Banner 's, Captain America 's, Hawkeye 's and Christine Everhart 's. The review said that although he was not hoping for Lang to write a book, he still enjoyed reading it. [23]

Multiversal Crisis [ ]

Helping peter parker [ ].

Frozen Sanctum Sanctorum

Strange and Wong meet with Peter Parker

In 2024 , Strange witnessed a blizzard in Siberia come through the Rotunda of Gateways into the New York Sanctum . That November, he was visited by Peter Parker , who was surprised to learn that Strange was not Sorcerer Supreme and that Wong had been given the title. Strange asked what the reason for the visit was and insisted that Parker no longer refer to him as "sir" due to their shared experiences. Parker brought up that Mysterio revealing his identity to the world ruined his life, and asked if Strange could go back in time and stop it from happening.

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Strange decides to help out Peter Parker

As Parker pled his case, Strange informed him that he was no longer in possession of the Time Stone and voiced his concerns that the recent Time Heist affected the space-time continuum, but was given the idea to cast a spell that would make everyone forget Parker was Spider-Man. Wong objected Strange's idea, as it traveled the borders of known and unknown realities, but Strange revealed he had used the spell for less important matters, such as a party at Kamar-Taj . Strange attempted to convince Wong, who decided to let it happen, only if he were to be left out of the entire situation, and he departed through an Inter-Dimensional Portal to Kamar-Taj.

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Strange starts casting the Runes of Kof-Kol

Strange brought Parker down to the Sanctum's lower level to a room that had walls that were thousands of years old and were filled with cosmic energy currents. As he began to cast the spell, he said a farewell to Parker, as he would soon forget who he was. Parker questioned what Strange meant, who revealed that the spell would make everyone in the world forget, and that it would be dangerous to change while casting the spell. However, Strange decided to allow Parker's girlfriend to remember, but Parker continued to add a few more people as he wanted not to forget him, even after Strange insisted on not altering it further, which caused him to start losing control of the spell.


Strange's spell is changed by Peter Parker

Due to the interference, the spell erupted around them, creating a fissure in the Multiverse , with Parker changing again it so that only people that knew he was Spider-Man before the reveal would know, so Strange quickly shut it down before chaos ensued and stored it inside the Macchina di Kadavus .

Stephen Strange & Peter Parker

Strange chastises Peter Parker 's tampering

Annoyed that his spell was changed, Strange angrily told Parker that it did not work, and explained that the problem was him trying to live two different lives. When Strange learnt that Parker tried to get him to brainwash the world before speaking to the people at Massachusetts Institute of Technology , he promptly removed him from the Sanctum. [16]

Capturing Multiversal Visitors [ ]

Stephen Strange and Peter Parker

Strange explains the Multiverse has opened

Soon after, Strange detected an otherworldly presence, and went to investigate, finding Lizard in the sewers, so he put him in a cell under the Sanctum, realizing that the spell had caused people from the Multiverse that knew Parker was Spider-Man to be brought over to their universe. Strange used his Sling Ring to bring back Parker, who had encountered another one, Doctor Octopus , who Strange put in a cell also. He explained to Parker how he was only able to contain the spell, which is why a few people have managed to cross the Multiverse.

Doctor Strange Web-Shooter

Strange gives Peter Parker a magic device

Seeking to remedy the situation, Strange then tasked Parker with locating the rest and bringing them back to the Sanctum while he figured out a way to return them to their respective universes before they destroyed the fabric of reality. Strange upgraded Parker's Spider-Man Suit and Web-Shooters with a magic device so that he could transport any universe-displaced people directly to a cell in the Sanctum. Parker then told Strange that he would still help in finding the people, so Strange went to find Parker's friends.

Please Scooby-Doo this crap

Strange is talked back to by Michelle Jones

Strange found Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds , and brought them to the Sanctum, where they asked about how the people got to their universe, so Strange explained how Parker's attempts to get them all into college led to the spell that went wrong. Wanting to get the problem over with, Strange reminded them to get to work and start looking for any more trespassers from the Multiverse. However, after Jones called him out for being the one that messed up the spell, Strange saw her point and told them to get to work, allowing them to use the undercroft. [16]

Conflict with Spider-Man [ ]

Doctor Strange (Macchina di Kadavus)

Strange arrives to cast the spell again

Later, Strange returned to the Sanctum's undercroft and saw that Sandman and Electro had been added into the cells. He then spotted Norman Osborn and transported him into a cell. He revealed that he had used the Macchina di Kadavus , an ancient relic to trap the corrupted spell, and only needed to complete the ritual to reverse what had been done. Parker told Strange not to go through with the plan, as it meant sending them to their deaths, but Strange was adamant on upholding their fates, so he began the ritual to send them back.

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Strange attempting to stop Peter Parker

Before Strange could complete the ritual, Parker snatched the Macchina di Kadavus away from him and used his upgraded gauntlet to put Strange in a cell with Sandman, as he ran away. Strange was able to walk out of the cell, and followed Parker outside the Sanctum, using an Inter-Dimensional Portal to prevent him from leaving. Strange removed the gauntlet from Parker and pushed his astral form out of his body but was unable to take back the Macchina due to Parker's Spider-Sense .

Doctor Strange Mirror Dimension

Strange manipulating the Mirror Dimension

Parker managed to return to his physical body, and began swinging away, so Strange sent the Cloak of Levitation after him, allowing Strange to open the Mirror Dimension and put Parker in it. Being in complete control in the Mirror Dimension, Strange manipulated the environment as he pursued Spider-Man, leading to them facing off on top of a train in Central Park . Strange told Spider-Man that the spell could not get loose as an infinite number of people would cross into their universe, but Spider-Man was determined to change the fate before sending them back.

Doctor Strange (Mirror Dimension)

Strange trying to reason with Spider-Man

Strange opened a portal above and below Spider-Man, causing him to fall endlessly with the Cloak grabbing the Macchina. Parker collided the two portals into each other, making the Mirror Dimension alter around them and making them appear by the Grand Canyon in Arizona . The Macchina fell, so Strange flew after it. Strange retrieved the Macchina and opened a portal out of the Mirror Dimension.

Doctor Strange trapped

Strange is trapped in the Mirror Dimension

Spider-Man used his knowledge of geometry to web Strange up. As he boasted that math was cooler than magic, Spider-Man took the Macchina and then used his webs to take Strange's Sling Ring . He then went through the portal, leaving Strange tied up in the Mirror Dimension. [16]

Battle at Liberty Island [ ]

Doctor Strange escapes

Strange arrives on the Statue of Liberty

After being stuck in the Grand Canyon within the Mirror Dimension for twelve hours, Strange managed to escape and come through an Inter-Dimensional Portal that was inadvertently opened up by Ned Leeds to the Statue of Liberty . Being greeted by Leeds and Michelle Jones , Strange asked them where Parker was then reclaimed his Sling Ring and the Macchina di Kadavus .

Doctor Strange, Leeds and Jones

Strange learns that Ned Leeds has magic

However, before he could do anything else, Strange was informed by Leeds and Jones that Parker's plan to cure the universe-displaced people was working, as they witnessed Lizard turning back into a human. Seeing this, Strange realized that Parker was right about second chances and was right about him not having a heart before. Strange then asked Leeds if he was the one who opened the portal as he replied that he did. Hearing this, Strange was impressed by Leeds as he nodded his head in approval then left to go to the top of the Statue of Liberty.

Stephen Strange (NWH)

Strange witnesses the Multiverse breaking

Strange went to confront Parker, who introduced him to his two counterparts from other universes, and reminded him that they had to send everyone back. But at that moment, Green Goblin attacked them with his Razor Bats , with Octavius narrowly saving Strange and snatched the Macchina, so Strange used an Eldritch Whip to get it back, only to find a Pumpkin Bomb had been placed inside of it. With the Macchina destroyed, the unstable spell became loose, and despite Strange's efforts to contain it again, he could not, and the Multiverse started to crack open. Strange used his magic to close the cracks, but the spell could not be stopped.

Doctor Strange (Liberty Island)

Strange has everyone forget Peter Parker

Parker suggested to cast the spell again how it was meant to be done, but Strange stated that it was too late, as infinite amounts of people from the Multiverse were coming through because of him. Parker then told Strange to cast a new spell to make everyone forget who he was. Strange became slightly emotional and was reluctant however, warning Parker of the severity of the spell, but he accepted it, so Strange told him to say his goodbyes and began casting the spell, but not before they both bade farewell to one another themselves. The spell worked and the universe-displaced were sent back to their universes, along with the infinite number of people, and everyone in his universe forgot Parker's existence, including Strange himself. [16]

Doctor Strange's Bed

Strange wakes up from a multiversal vision

A short time later, Strange dreamt of a young girl and an alternate version of himself running from a ribboned creature in an unknown location . The creature ended up killing the alternate version of himself and tried to capture the girl, but she opened up a star-shaped portal that caused her and the deceased Strange to fall through. Strange suddenly woke up breathing hard in his bed at the New York Sanctum . After looking around to calm himself, he grabbed his wrist watch. [3]

Christine Palmer's Wedding [ ]

Strange getting dressed

Strange getting dressed for the wedding

Strange then got dressed before a mirror, but when he attempted to use his hands to tie his tie, he short cuffed it and used his Magic to do so. He put his Cloak of Levitation inside his suit front pocket and then left the Sanctum and arrived at a nearby church, where he had been invited to attend Christine Palmer 's wedding.

West and Strange

Strange is questioned by Nicodemus West

Strange then took his seat in a pew and was pleasantly surprised when Nicodemus West came in and sat beside him. West told Strange he hadn't seen him in awhile, in which Strange remarked that he had disappeared for five years. West acknowledged that and remarked that he too had been a victim of the Blip . He then asked Strange if he was right with his actions in the Infinity War in that there was only one way to defeat Thanos .

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Strange during Christine Palmer 's wedding

Strange reassured him of this, stating there was only one way. West told him that ever since he had been restored to life he had been wondering if there was any other way as to have avoided the Snap . He told Strange that he had lost his two pet cats and brother in the time he was gone. Strange expressed his condolences and understood how emotional the event had been. Strange then saw Palmer walk inside as the wedding began. As flower girls threw up flowers as she entered, Strange held his composure, albeit was emotional upon seeing her get married to someone else.

Stephen and Christine

Strange is asked by Palmer if he is happy

After the ceremony, Strange was invited to the reception. While there, he encountered Palmer at the bar, and he used magic to fill her glass with wine. He then congratulated her on her wedding, and she told him that her husband was a fan of his. Strange told Palmer that he wished things could have been different, but he had to make sacrifices. Palmer responded that it would never have worked out with them due to his personality. Strange claimed that he was glad she was happy, and when Palmer asked if he was happy, Strange told her he was, although not as happy as he wanted to be. She then excused herself to tend to her guests. [3]

Battle Against Gargantos [ ]


Strange hears something outside

Strange sipped his glass only to hear a car crash outside and people screaming. As guests rushed to the balcony to see what was going on, Strange followed. Upon seeing that there was chaos in the streets, Strange handed his glass to the bartender and took the Cloak of Levitation out of his suit pocket and leaped off the balcony, changing into his sorcerer's suit.

Doctor Strange DSMoM

Strange puts up magic shields

Strange pursued where the chaos was coming from, witnessing a woman nearly get knocked over. He put up protective shields and used his magic to conjure giant hands to help him try and stop the invisible creature.

Doctor Strange confused

Strange sees the girl from his dream

Strange descended onto the street and watched as a girl hopped onto a bus. After seeing that the girl was the same person from his dream, he became confused. When the bus was lifted off the ground, Strange became more confused but then used his magic to release the invisibility surrounding it and exposed Gargantos , a one-eyed tentacled inter-dimensional creature.


Strange faces off against Gargantos

Strange used his magic to slice off one of Gargantos' tentacles in order for him to release the bus. As the girl fell out of the bus, the Cloak went and saved her, bringing her back to Strange. Strange turned to talk to her, but she told him to look out as the bus was thrown back at him.

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Strange uses his magic to slice the bus

Strange used his powers to slice the bus in half and keep it from hitting them. He then turned around and asked the girl who she was before getting swatted aside by Gargantos, who knocked him into Jonas & James where he was knocked unconscious.

Strange Taxi

Strange rejoins the fight against Gargantos

When Strange regained consciousness, he found that his Cloak was missing. He then hopped onto a taxi and observed what was happening. He saw Wong , who had arrived, but was held within Gargantos' grasp. Strange conjured an ax and threw it at the tentacle, releasing Wong. Strange told him he was welcome, while Wong stated that it was custom to bow before the Sorcerer Supreme, and Strange said he was fully aware of the customs.

Strange and Wong work together

Strange and Wong working together

Strange and Wong then used Eldritch Whips to grab onto Gargantos, who was still chasing the girl. The girl had been taken onto a high rise building and Gargantos was scaling the building to get to her. Strange used his magic to knock away its tentacle as it tried to grab the girl. However, this did not work, and Gargantos knocked aside Wong and grabbed Strange.

Strange kills Gargantos

Strange successfully kills Gargantos

The Cloak arrived and covered Gargantos' eye as Strange used the giant hands to lift up a nearby lamppost. The Cloak removed itself just as Strange forced the lamppost into Gargantos' eyeball. He then used the giant hand to pull the lamppost out taking the whole eyeball with it. Strange was released and the now-dead Gargantos fell to the street below. [3]

Meeting the Multiversal Traveler [ ]

Doctor Stephen Strange

Strange demands answers from the girl

Afterwards, Strange and Wong demanded answers from the girl . However, she ran away from them and Strange realized she had taken his Sling Ring . Wong then used his Sling Ring to transport them to where she was. Cornered, the girl was forced to speak to them and told them she could travel the Multiverse .


Strange learns of America Chavez 's powers

Strange and Wong decided to take the girl to Mancini's Pizzeria where they could learn more about her. The girl asked them if they had any experience with the Multiverse. Strange told her that they did in an event recently with Spider-Man . The girl asked if Spider-Man looked like a spider and had the powers of a spider but Strange told her more of a man. The girl asked where his webs came out of and Strange stated he had Web-Shooters . The girl then commented that the pizza was really good and that her stomach may be different as she was from another universe. Strange then asked her why she was being chased by creatures.

Doctor Strange speaks to America Chavez

Strange learns about the Book of Vishanti

The girl then told them about Strange's variant and how he had betrayed her, after which Strange stated he was in his dream as well. However, the girl told him it wasn't a dream. She said they were searching for a book of pure magic and Strange deduced it was the Book of Vishanti , which he stated was not real. Wong told him it was but was unreachable. The girl said she had found it though. Strange then told the girl to prove that what she was saying wasn't a dream.

Wong & Doctor Strange on rooftop

Strange and Wong see his variant 's corpse

She took them to a building's rooftop and showed them Strange's variant's corpse. When asked what should happen to the body as it would break violations, Strange used his magic to lift the body and place it a block of dirt. He then said he had buried worse. Wong asked the girl what her name was, and she introduced herself as America Chavez . She was invited to Kamar-Taj and Strange then noted that the symbols on Gargantos and the variant weren't of sorcery and were of witchcraft. When Wong asked who could know such a thing, Strange told them he knew of someone who could help. [3]

More Multiversal Problems [ ]

Meeting with wanda maximoff [ ].

Doctor Strange and Wanda

Strange speaks with Wanda Maximoff

Strange travelled to Wanda Maximoff 's location and found her living in a cabin . He approached her as she was gardening and asked her if the apples were real, and she told him that they were very real. She assumed that he was there to talk about Westview , but he told her that he wasn't there to talk about Westview, acknowledging that Maximoff had done the right thing and taken down her Hex as he thought she would. Strange then asked her what she knew of the Multiverse .

Strange and Wanda

Strange asks Wanda Maximoff for her help

They went walking and she told him that Vision believed it to be real and dangerous. Strange stated that he was right. Strange then told her that a girl had arrived and was being chased by creatures . He told Maximoff that he needed her help as she was an Avenger , but she said there were others he could ask. Strange told her that between Hawkeye , Ant-Man , Wasp , and Spider-Man , she was the only logical answer. He offered Maximoff to come to Kamar-Taj , but she suggested that he bring America Chavez to her instead, causing Strange to pause and stop walking.

Stephen Strange and Scarlet Witch

Strange learns Maximoff has the Darkhold

Beginning to deduce that Maximoff knew more than she let on, he became disappointed. When Maximoff saw that Strange had figured it out, she told him that the Hex was easy but lying not so much. She then removed the illusion surrounding the field, revealing a barren desolate landscape. Strange then saw Maximoff's Scarlet Witch uniform and watched as she summoned the Darkhold . He recognised it and pondered what it had done to Maximoff, knowing its corrupting powers. Maximoff told him that it merely revealed the truth that her two children were alive and that she was planning on escaping to an alternate universe to be with them. Strange retorted that she had created her children, and they were nott real.

Stephen and Wanda

Strange is threatened by Wanda Maximoff

He said that what she was going to do was breaking every law of reality, but she told him that taking Chavez's powers was for the greater good. Strange replied that her reasoning was the same justification for their enemies, but she countered saying that Strange was contradictory, noting how he gave the Time Stone to Thanos . Strange told her that that was a war and he had no choice. She then told him to go back to Kamar-Taj and prepare to hand over Chavez by sundown. As she walked away, he asked her what would happen if they did not, and she told him that they would meet the Scarlet Witch. [3]

Siege of Kamar-Taj [ ]

Dr Strange

Strange explains Scarlet Witch 's mission

Strange returned to Kamar-Taj and told Wong , America Chavez , and other Masters of the Mystic Arts that the Darkhold has control over Wanda Maximoff and that she was coming for Chavez. Wong explained how powerful the Scarlet Witch was and Strange noted that she had used her mind to take over a whole town . Chavez looked at him suspiciously noting that the person he had gone to ask for help was the same person after her. Strange then prepared as Wong ordered Kamar-Taj to become a fortress.

Strange and Wong in Kamar-Taj (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness) 2

Strange waits for Scarlet Witch 's arrival

After the students and Masters went out to defend Kamar-Taj, Strange and Wong joined them. They watched as a large dark cloud rolled in, soon covering the atmosphere in darkness. Strange then looked up and saw Maximoff flying within the clouds. As he was about to speak to her, Wong told him to choose his words wisely.

Doctor Strange (Kamar-Taj)

Strange giving Scarlet Witch a warning

Strange then flew up to speak with her as the clouds dissipated. Maximoff told him that all she wanted was them to hand over Chavez. Strange told her they could not do that and when he mentioned sacrifices, Maximoff became angry. She stated that she had sacrificed everything, mentioning how she had used her powers to destroy Vision , but that meant nothing as the Snap still happened. Maximoff moved closer and asked him to sympathize with her, asking if there was a universe where he could be happy with Christine Palmer , would not he go there. Strange refused to do so, and Maximoff told him to remember that what she did next was reasonable.


Strange watches Scarlet Witch attacking

Maximoff shot a blast of her chaos magic at him, but the protective shields surrounding the perimeter blocked her. Strange then descended down to stand by Wong and the Masters. As Maximoff furiously tried to break the shields, Strange observed her actions. He then saw that she had stopped blasting the shield and was trying to use her telepathy. She was able to mind control a student in removing his shield allowing for her to break inside.

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Strange ordering all the Masters to fall back

Maximoff blasted buildings and Masters aside, creating fires in the courtyards. Her blasts were strong enough to cause Strange to clutch his side. He then told everyone to fall back, knowing that they could not stop her. When Wong stayed behind, Strange yelled at him to follow.

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Strange tries to protect America Chavez

Strange used a trap that he set up to stall Maximoff by trapping her in the Mirror Dimension . He and Wong met up with Chavez, who had been hiding in a room with Hamir and another Master. He told her they needed to get her out of there as Kamar-Taj had fallen. Suddenly, doors slammed shut around them and Hamir and the Master were taken away through puddles on the floor. Strange realized that Maximoff was using reflections to escape the Dimension and told them to cover them up.


Strange listens to Scarlet Witch 's motives

Along with Wong and Chavez, Strange covered the reflections. Despite their efforts, Maximoff emerged from a gong and demanded Strange hand over Chavez. Strange attempted to talk some sense into Maximoff once more, by telling her that her children would not exist. Maximoff insisted that Billy and Tommy were present in other universes, and proved her point by telling them she would dream about her sons, before showing them how happy her other variants were with their children. Strange and Chavez sadly watched the visions projected from the pages of the Darkhold, before the book closed and Maximoff stated that "she wakes up to find herself in the same nightmare", referring to her world without her sons.

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Strange tries to stop Scarlet Witch

Strange then asked that, if she were to reach her boys in another universe, what would happen to their mother, to which Maximoff responded by gritting her teeth angrily at him. Sensing an incoming attack, Strange unhesitatingly summoned several serpentine dragons to attack Maximoff, only for them to be finished off quickly and then get thrown aside into a pillar. Maximoff then defeated Wong and began to capture Chavez.

Strange (DSMoM)

Strange decides to save America Chavez

Fortunately, as Maximoff began to absorb Chavez's power, the latter involuntarily opened one of her portals behind her. Strange took this as an opportunity to dive after her. In the process, Maximoff blasted a fiery ball of chaos magic , which burnt a hole in the Cloak of Levitation as Strange and Chavez fell through the portal. [3]

Trip Through the Multiverse [ ]

Cube World

Strange falling through the Multiverse

Strange and Chavez then plummeted fast leaving his universe and entering several alternate universes, including Living Tribunal Statue World , Savage Land , Underwater World , Pipe World , Mirror World , Onslaught Canyon World , Paint World , HYDRA World , Cube World , and Comic Book World , among others.

Doctor Strange (MoM)

Strange asks America Chavez if she's okay

Strange and Chavez finally landed on the roof of a building in New York City of Earth-838. Upon catching his breath, Strange asked Chavez if she was okay, to which she answered in amazement that he had saved her and was surprised that Strange did not vomit from the interdimensional trip. Strange recalled his first trip through the Multiverse that the Ancient One sent him on to Chavez, and was intrigued by the way New York looked like in the alternate universe, only to be interrupted by his own stomach, and rushed over to a nearby chimney to go vomit into it, much to Chavez's disgust. [3]

Arrival in Dimension 838 [ ]

Strange mimics Defender Strange

Strange considers taking Chavez 's powers

Strange demanded that America Chavez open a portal to take them back to Kamar-Taj to save Wong from Scarlet Witch , but she informed him that she was not in control of her powers. This frustrated Strange, and he began to vocalize how he would be in control if he had her powers, which began to frighten Chavez, having been betrayed by the other Strange , so he apologized.

Strange v Pizza Poppa

Strange using Magic against Pizza Poppa

Strange then asked about Chavez's variants, but she explained that she had none, so they decided to locate Strange's variant from the universe they were in. They then headed to the New York Sanctum , and along the way, Chavez taught Strange the rules of Multiversal travel. When Chavez was caught stealing food by Pizza Poppa , he questioned Strange on his costume, thinking that it was stolen. Pizza Poppa went to attack Strange, so he put a spell on Pizza Poppa, causing him to uncontrollably hit himself.

Strange's memory

Strange has his memory displayed to him

As they continued through the streets, Strange asked Chavez more questions until he stepped on a memory machine platform, which displayed a memory of him and Christine Palmer on a date. Watching this made Strange get emotional, so he stepped off the platform. Chavez then used the machine and Strange saw the moment she gained her powers, which resulted in her par ents being swept away into it and never to be seen again. Strange comforted Chavez, assuring her that her parents were still alive. They then talked about Strange's complicated relationship with Palmer.

Doctor Strange Statue

Strange discovers the statue of himself

Arriving at the Sanctum, Strange immediately saw a sculpture acting as a memorial for himself in that universe. The plaque said that Strange gave his life defeating Thanos . Strange said that not all of him was bad. Chavez pointed out that if Strange was dead, there was a different master guarding the Sanctum. Strange then proceeded to see none other than Baron Mordo . Mordo walked up to Strange, initially looking serious. However, his serious face quickly faded into a smile as he openly greeted Strange as his brother, saying that his Strange knew they would meet one day. He then led Strange inside. Before following, Strange reminded himself to go on red.

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Strange explaining the situation to Mordo

Inside the Sanctum, Strange talked about how Scarlet Witch had the Darkhold . Mordo said that they had a Darkhold as well and he guarded it because of what could happen to it in the wrong hands. Strange was relieved for that as he drank his tea. Mordo then revealed and explained how Maximoff seemed to be Dreamwalking , which meant that she could use the body of an alternate version of her. As Mordo explained, Strange started getting woozy. He looked over to Chavez who was passed out. Strange exclaimed to what he thought was his friend before he passed out himself. [3]

Trial by the Illuminati [ ]

Christine and Strange's hand injuries

Strange meeting another Christine Palmer

Strange woke up in a cell with America Chavez in a separate one. After failing to remove his cuffs, Strange tried to get information on what was going on, and discovered a variant of Christine Palmer working there. She explained that they were being surveilled and tested, and that the universe they were in was Earth-838. Strange enquired about her relationship with his variant , which she told him was complicated.

Doctor Strange & Ultron Sentries

Strange being escorted by Ultron Sentries

Strange then tried to warn Palmer about Scarlet Witch coming after Chavez, but he was ignored. Strange began guessing what organization Palmer was associated with, including the Avengers , S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA , but when Baron Mordo returned with Ultron Sentries , he revealed that he was going to take Strange to the Illuminati . Strange was then let out of his cell, and he told Palmer to not let anyone hurt Chavez, as he was guided through the Illuminati Headquarters and brought to a new room.

Illuminati (Earth-838)

Strange stands trial before the Illuminati

Inside, Mordo introduced Strange to the members of the Illuminati: Captain Carter , Black Bolt , Captain Marvel , and Mister Fantastic . Despite being on trial, Strange's arrogance kicked in and he repeatedly quipped and mocked the Illuminati. Mister Fantastic informed Strange that his presence in Earth-838 increased the possibility of an Incursion , which could destroy their reality. They then explained how their Strange formed the Illuminati to make the hard decisions, and now they were going to decide what to do with Strange and Chavez.

Strange (MoM)

Strange learns about his variant 's true fate

Strange, in attempt to defend himself, warned them that the Scarlet Witch was a threat to the Multiverse , but he was shut down by Captain Marvel. Mister Fantastic explained that Strange was the greater danger, which confused Strange. The Illuminati, joined by Professor X , told him about how the 838 version of Strange became corrupted by the Darkhold , and eventually destroyed another universe, and was then willingly executed . After this, the Illuminati suspected every Strange was capable of being dangerous. [3]

Attack on the Illuminati Headquarters [ ]

Illuminati Surveillance

Strange discovers Scarlet Witch has arrived

An alarm was then set off, as the Illuminati discovered that Scarlet Witch had infiltrated their headquarters , not surprising Strange. The Illuminati left to face Scarlet Witch, leaving Baron Mordo and Professor X to watch Strange. Before leaving, Professor X chose to trust Strange and revealed that there was a waypoint to the Book of Vishanti in the building.

Strange v 838-Mordo

Strange fighting against 838-Baron Mordo

After a while, Strange realized that the Illuminati were not coming back, and he chose to use that to antagonize Mordo into fighting him by accusing Mordo of being jealous of 838-Strange and possibly even being responsible his corruption from the Darkhold . Strange's tactic worked, and Mordo drew his sword and attacked Strange, who managed to get Mordo to break his cuffs off one hand. This allowed Strange to put it on Mordo, disabling his magic , forcing the two to use their fighting skills, resulting in Strange escaping from Mordo. [3]

Entering the Gap Junction [ ]

Doctor Strange hugs Chavez

Strange being hugged by America Chavez

Strange reunited with America Chavez , who was joined by Christine Palmer . Chavez rushed to hug Strange as he asked if she was fine. Strange also was reunited with the Cloak of Levitation , which had been repaired by Palmer. Strange asked Palmer about the Book of Vishanti , but she was unsure if she could trust him until Chavez vouched for him.

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Strange tries to slow down Scarlet Witch

Palmer led Strange and Chavez through the Illuminati Headquarters , but they were soon found by Scarlet Witch . They made their way to a tunnel under the river with Scarlet Witch right behind them. To buy them time, Strange flooded part of the tunnel, trapping Scarlet Witch, allowing them to make it to the door where the book was being kept. Strange tried to open the door with magic , but it did not work, making him realize it required a passkey. Palmer figured out it was the watch that she had given him, and the door opened to the Gap Junction .

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Strange approaching the Book of Vishanti

Spotting the book, Strange landed on a platform, followed by Chavez and Palmer. Strange approached the book and grabbed it, but at that moment, Chavez was attacked by Scarlet Witch, who pulled the young girl into her grip. Palmer went to save Chavez, but Strange stopped her and fired a blast at Scarlet Witch, which she managed to deflect and fire back at him. This caused the book to be destroyed. Scarlet Witch then lifted Strange and Palmer into the air, and by using Chavez's powers, a portal was opened, and the two were thrown into it. [3]

Fighting a Corrupted Strange [ ]


Strange in the Incursion -destroyed reality

Upon looking around the new reality that was collapsing in on itself, Strange and Christine Palmer realized that this universe had been destroyed by an Incursion . Understanding that America Chavez did not have long before Scarlet Witch would kill her, Strange decided to head towards the New York Sanctum in hopes to find a variant of himself for help.

DSMoM Spot 4

Strange explores the destroyed Sanctum

Strange and Palmer found the Sanctum, and observed how isolated it was. As they walked closer, Strange noticed the skeletons littering the ground as well as the trees bare and dying. Palmer remarked that this universe's Strange did not do a good job at stopping the Incursion, and Strange quipped that he would tell him she said that. Seeing his variant through the window, Strange told Palmer to stay outside as he entered the Sanctum, carefully walking into it. As he walked up the long staircase, it creaked eerily.

DSMoM Spot 7

Strange meets his alternate self

Reaching the top level, Strange was cautiously greeted by his variant, who asked him how he arrived in his universe, as well as getting him to verify his identity, so Strange told him about their sister and how she died due to drowning. Gaining the variant's trust, Strange explained that he wanted to escape this universe, which the variant interjected that he had tried and failed, revealing that he was in possession of the Darkhold , so Strange requested use of the book.

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Strange is confronted by his variant

However, his variant warned him against using the cursed book, saying that the Darkhold would not only impact the fate of reality, but it would also take a heavy toll on the user. Strange insisted his variant help him, but in response, he asked Strange if he was happy, referring to being asked that question by his Christine Palmer , and proceeded to reveal his past, in which he hunted down many counterparts of himself and killed them through Dreamwalking . Now revealing a third eye, the variant reiterated how the Darkhold would exact a heavy toll.

Doctor Strange Piano

Strange fights his variant

His variant said that the only way that he could have the Darkhold would be if he gave him his version of Palmer, much to Strange's fury. Seeing no other options, Strange engaged him in a battle with his variant, with Strange using musical notes around the Sanctum, and turning them into spells to attack his Darkhold-empowered variant.

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Strange getting blasted with dark magic

Throughout the fight, Strange struggled to win against his variant, due to the variant being empowered by the Darkhold; however, he eventually managed to turn the battle into his favor. He trapped all of his spells along with his variant's in a powerful energy ball, and then attacking his variant with it, allowing Strange to kill his counterpart and retrieve the Darkhold. [3]

Battle on Mount Wundagore [ ]

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (film) 24

Strange uses magic from the Darkhold

Using the retrieved Darkhold , Strange summoned red energy orbs surrounding him, spun them around until he viewed a vision of America Chavez being drained through one of the orbs. Strange shoved the orbs into the Darkhold within a split second, and then began casting the spell of dreamwalking , making the illustrations on the page glow red. Christine Palmer entered and was furious with him, declaring that all Doctor Stranges in every universe were the same.

Who said they had to be living

Strange prepares to Dreamwalk

He agreed with Palmer and stated that right now, Chavez needed him, and he could not do this without Palmer's aid. Strange instructed her to protect his body from the Souls of the Damned while he would Dreamwalk. As he initiated the ritual, candles assembled around him, which he lit up with magic . Strange positioned his fingers and closed his eyes before he levitated, and when Palmer questioned if a version of him needed to live in Earth-616, Strange asked who said the Variant had to be living.

Dead Strange awakens

Strange Dreamwalks in his variant 's corpse

With the ritual commencing, Strange projected his consciousness into the decaying corpse of his alternate self he buried on a New York City building in his home reality. The zombified Strange opened his eyes while he, in his real place, snarled softly. He outstretched his arm through the floor, and he unearthed himself, then wheezed at the sky full of lightning. The undead Strange struggled to step forward and his fingers were cracking as he used his Sling Ring to open an Inter-Dimensional Portal to Mount Wundagore .

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Strange controls the Souls of the Damned

He then was attacked by the demons, becoming overwhelmed. Palmer, alarmed, told him to use them to his advantage with his knowledge of the mystic arts. He grabbed them and used them as a cape to fly him over to the Darkhold Castle . Upon landing, he flapped the demons, creating winds that blew the Elder Beasts off the ledge and into the abyss below.

Stephen Strange vs

Strange uses demons to fight Scarlet Witch

Strange was then confronted by Wanda Maximoff , who called him a hypocrite. Maximoff blasted him with her chaos magic and Strange tossed the demons at her in response. They carried her to the open wing of the Castle, where Strange and Wong used an enchantment to keep Maximoff inside a prism. Strange then released Chavez from the spell and came to her side by the altar, where he encouraged her to be confident in her abilities. Maximoff then broke free, destroying the demons, and blasting Wong away. She angrily attacked Strange, nearly killing him, but was stopped by Chavez. Strange then watched as Chavez brought Maximoff to her variant 's house in Earth-838. He then watched as Maximoff broke free from the Darkhold, after she saw her alternate children returning to her normal self.


Strange gains closure with Christine Palmer

Maximoff was left in tears as Chavez returned them back to their universe. Strange watched as Maximoff flew back to the altar and began destroying the Castle. As she did, Chavez and Wong left through a portal. Maximoff destroyed the Castle and Strange's variant's body, ultimately destroying Darkholds throughout the Multiverse . Strange broke out of his dreamwalking and spoke with Palmer, who stated that Maximoff did the right thing. He then told her that he loved her in every universe, and that it was not that he did not want to care or be cared for, but just that he got scared. They were then saved by Chavez, who opened a portal, and they returned to their universes. [3]

Aftermath [ ]

Doctor Strange bows to Wong

Strange bows to Wong at Kamar-Taj

Soon after, Strange and Wong rebuilt Kamar-Taj and resumed teaching of the mystic arts . Strange observed America Chavez , who was not a student but had troubles with using the Sling Ring , which prompted Wong to compare Chavez's impatience to Strange's when he began training. After talking about Strange's dreamwalking experience, Strange asked Wong if he was happy, remarking that saving the world did not necessarily bring him happiness. Wong replied that despite everything, he was grateful for his current life. As a show of growth, Strange then bowed to Wong.

Doctor Strange Inter-Dimensional Portal

Strange says goodbye to America Chavez

As Strange was about to leave and return to the New York Sanctum by way of portal , he was approached by Chavez, who told him she had managed to make some sparks. Strange then told her that her par ents would be proud and that he hoped they would get to see her again. Chavez told him she was happy she entered his universe, in which he agreed and said goodbye to her. Strange then walked through the portal and entered his Sanctum.

Doctor Strange third eye

Strange develops a third eye

Strange took his time to finally repair his watch that Christine Palmer gifted to him. Once it was fixed, he put it away, a gesture of him accepting and moving on from Palmer. Strange then decided to take a walk in the streets; however, he suddenly collapsed on the ground in the middle of a crosswalk and cried out in pain. As the results of his dreamwalking, Strange's third eye on his forehead opened, but Strange managed to take ahold of himself. [3]

Multiversal Duties [ ]

Stopping an incursion [ ].

Doctor Strange looks at Clea

Strange is randomly approached by Clea

Sometime later, Strange was out for another walk when he was approached by a sorceress named Clea . He asked her if he could help her, in which she stated that his recent actions caused an incursion and he needed to fix it.

Clea & Doctor Strange

Strange and Clea leave to fix an Incursion

Using a magic blade, Clea then tore open a portal to the Dark Dimension in the air, causing nearby people to run away. She asked if he was afraid to join her but Strange, who had changed into his Masters of the Mystic Arts robes, confidently replied that it was far from the truth, revealing his third eye to her. With no hesitation, the two then jumped into the portal and entered the Dark Dimension, heading off to fix the Incursion. [3]

Personality [ ]

Prior to his accident, Strange had a massive ego and pride that fueled his career. As a result, Strange only took on patients that he believed would help benefit his status, even refusing to heal a U.S. Army Colonel's back, albeit it was because this injury was a simple one any neurosurgeon can fix. His work was also driven by a desire to control death and time, which led him to refuse even looking into any patient he perceived to have little chance of recovery to avoid ruining his track record. However, if he also perceived the chance a patient could survive, he would help them recover even if it would not benefit his public image, showing that at his core, he does care about saving people. In addition, he seemed to prioritize his research over his physician work, as he stated his work would save thousands for years to come, whereas a physician would only save a handful of patients that they would have to directly interact with. This, however, changed after his accident, which left Strange a broken man and constantly frustrated due to being incapable of returning to the life he knew. Upon visiting Kamar-Taj , Strange initially maintained his narrow-minded arrogance and stubbornly refused to believe that the Ancient One was telling the truth until she forcibly demonstrated astral projection and sent him across multiple dimensions to prove her point.

Strange has shown extreme determination and stubbornness, a useful trait in a doctor as he would never give up on his patients, even when one was called dead with a bullet in his brain. Also, Strange was able to determine the patient was still alive to successfully save him. He spent most of his remaining money in seven different surgeries to attempt to heal his hands to the point of near bankruptcy, remained outside of Kamar-Taj's front door for five hours after being initially thrown out, then spent most of his time at Kamar-Taj studying and improving his abilities, even going as far as studying while sleeping through astral projection. He even allowed himself to be violently killed by countless times by Dormammu until he gave in to his demands and later giving up the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for saving Tony Stark 's life when he was about to be killed by the Mad Titan, even though wanted to save the Time Stone first. Despite his determined and stubborn attitude, Strange has shown to be the voices of reason to those around him.

Through his training with the Ancient One, Strange gained a newfound appreciation for the natural order of things due to his studies of the Mystic Arts and became humbler. However, this was not to say he was a completely changed man; he retained a cocky attitude when dealing with people and things, as seen in how he behaved when he went to borrow books from Wong . This, coupled with his inquisitiveness and willingness to break rules, made him an odd one in Kamar-Taj and constantly an annoyance to many of his peers. However, due to this nature of his, he was also more willing to compromise and be somewhat flexible with his principles, quickly accepting that the Ancient One broke her own rules to do what was deemed necessary to protect the world, and he had to be willing to do so himself, which, when combined with his natural talent in the Mystic Arts, had the Ancient One name him as the new Master of the New York Sanctum , despite his relative lack of training and inexperience.

Having trained as a doctor, Strange is a pacifist as he tries to avoid in killing and physically harming people, as it goes against the Hippocratic Oath. He was disgusted by his actions in killing Lucian Aster , stating he became a doctor to save lives, not take them. However, neither the Ancient One nor Karl Mordo was especially sympathetic towards this, with the former stating it was his towering ego and delusion that he could control death itself that made him become a doctor and the latter simply calling him a coward for not having the spine to do what has to be done. Nevertheless, Strange claimed that there were other ways to defeat their enemies, a claim he ultimately proved correct by defeating Dormammu without killing him. However, overtime, Strange has come to terms that he would have to forsaken his pacifist in killing and physically harming people in order to do what's right, but it mostly shows that he did grow a spine in order to do what needed to be done. Strange even goes to the point of not caring what happens to anyone that has mental and physical issues, as shown when he was going to allow a group of villains from different universes with their own Spider-Man to return to their universes and meet their fates instead of helping them, which goes against his nature as a doctor, although his intentions were to preserve the safety of the Multiverse .

Despite coming off as arrogant and genuinely selfish, Strange does show an emotional side, especially when it comes to those who are closest to him, as he nearly broke down after the Ancient One's death, saying goodbye to Christine Palmer , the prospect of losing his memory of Peter Parker , seeing the memory of Palmer giving him his watch, and having to recall his sister's death. Strange has even shown to have good and well-meaning intentions. Also, Strange shows loyalty to those he considers his allies or friends and would help them in anyway he could, even those he distrusts, as seen when he helped Thor locate Odin so he and Loki would return to Asgard . In addition, Strange will show a soft spot for orphaned children or teenagers, as he showed this to Parker and America Chavez . Strange has even been seen to be protective towards his friends and allies, as he will put his life on the line to ensure they were safe from harm. Also, Strange will go extended lengths to protect those he cares about, as seen when he gave up the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for Stark's safety and used the Darkhold to Dreamwalk into the corpse of his counterpart to save Chavez from the Scarlet Witch .

Strange had lack of faith for others and believed that he can only trust himself, which can come off as both a good and bad thing. Also, due to his controlling tendencies, Strange would choose to go it alone and always had to be the one to hold the knife, as it caused him to not think things through in his intentions to help those he cares about and his relationship with Palmer to end, even though they remain friends. However, during his talk with Kaecilius, Strange began to see his own failings reflected in him and started showing signs of self-improvement, as shown when he expressed a newfound trust in Nicodemus West . Also, upon seeing the actions of his counterp arts in their universes, Strange realized what he was becoming if he continued his obsession for control and realized that he needs to have confidence in the people around him.

While he may look fearless, Strange on the inside has fears, as he is afraid of failure and losing those who are closes to him, as those fears came from his childhood trauma of having to watch his younger sister drown because he was unable to do anything to save her. The sense of helplessness that he felt that day has developed into a need to always keep everything under control, owing to his own fear of ever having to go through such trauma again. Although he won't admit it to others, Strange does confess during his talk with the Ancient One before her death, that his fear of failure is what pushed him to be a successful neurosurgeon. Strange also confessed to the alternate Christine Palmer that even though he wants someone to care for and someone to do the same for him, but gets scared because of his fear of losing those who are closes to him. In addition, Strange is greatly distracted by even the slightest sound when he requires absolute focus. This was shown when he was operating on a patient and asked West to cover his watch as the ticking was distracting him, this even extended to his performing of spells, as Spider-Man's constant chattering in an attempt to make alterations to his spell distracted him and made him lose control of it and break open the multiverse.

Through his fear of losing those who are closest to him, Strange tries not to hurt or damage the lives of those around him, as seen when he was reluctant to tell his friends and fellow superheroes, especially Stark, the outcome against Thanos as he hoped for another way to defeat him until he realized that there was not and had no choice but to make sure the only victory against the Mad Titan would happen and how he hesitated and got emotional in going through with the spell that would make himself and the world forget Peter Parker. However, Strange had been secretly blaming himself for sacrificing Stark's life as he felt responsible for how the lives of his friends and allies got damaged because of his actions, in spite of his efforts saved the universe. This was shown when Strange felt at fault for Parker's identity as Spider-Man getting exposed by one of his enemies and ruining his life, which contributed to his decision to help the boy. Strange also showed remorse for and sympathized with Wanda Maximoff, as he felt guilty, because he gave Thanos the Time Stone, that she had to kill someone she loved to stop the Mad Titan, which turned out to be for nothing, created a hex in a town , got corrupted by the Darkhold, and became the Scarlet Witch. However, Strange's guilt was mostly because he had come to see Stark and Parker as his friends.

Although he has a good heart, Strange has shown to get easily annoyed and frustrated with everyone around him, especially his friends and allies, as he can be harsh and would lose his temper with them at times. Also, Strange has let his pride get the better of him, as he would place the blame on others instead of taking responsibility for his actions and mistakes. This is shown when Strange blamed Palmer, West and other doctors for ruining his life because he would not accept the fact that the car accident was caused by his carelessness and lack of regard for his safety, and Parker for botching up the spells that was meant to help restore his secret identity as Spider-Man, even though they were both to blame for the incident. Also, Strange can sound heartless whenever he was upset and does not listen to reason, even when his friends or allies call him out for his behavior, as seen when he was unfazed when Parker told him to have a heart. However, despite his annoyances, frustration and pride, Strange has shown to be understanding as he gets that those around him had good intentions and their hearts were in the right place. Also, Strange would make an honest effort in making amends for his actions and mistakes, especially if he realized how badly he messed up, hurt and pushed those he cares about away.

After taking his talk with the Ancient One to the heart, Strange showed strong selflessness, as seen during his battle with Dormammu, allowing himself to be killed over and over in order to keep him trapped in the time loop so mankind could live and let go of his fear of failure. Also, through the alternate Palmer encouragement to face his other fears, Strange decided to put them behind him, although he would always have his fear of losing those who are closest to him. In addition, after realizing the error of his controlling ways and the consequences that came with it, Strange decided to not make the same mistakes his counterparts have made and to trust those around him. Strange even admits to the alternate Palmer that he and his counterparts were all the same because of their controlling tendencies, as seen when he was left with no choice but to use the Darkhold to help Chavez beat the Scarlet Witch. However, Strange assured the alternate Palmer that his intentions of using the Darkhold were well-meaning and needed her help, which shows that he was putting faith in those around him instead of going it alone.

However, despite demonstrating tremendous maturity, Strange does maintain some of his old habits such as making sarcastic comments and jokes when talking to others, such as when he was put on trial before the Illuminati and he chose to mock each of them, despite the fact that they were going to decide his fate. He also retains his meticulous and diligence by forming a watchlist of individuals that might pose a threat to Earth, such as Loki. Strange's greatest strength is his flexibility and open mind, as shown when he used the Time Stone to give himself and Mordo a second chance in stopping the Hong Kong Sanctum from getting destroyed by Kaecilius and letting Dormammu into their universe. Strange's imagination and intellect have given him a vastly flexible personality, so much so the Ancient One could never see exactly what his future would be, only possible paths he would take. Due to his inquisitiveness, Strange is easily able to adapt and teach himself light years ahead of even experienced sorcerers like Mordo and Kaecilius. Once he started to get the hang of his sorcery studies, he began to teach himself and was able to learn at an accelerated rate. Also, through his intelligence, Strange is able to imagine unorthodox solutions to problems, even when he lacked experience of using powerful magical relics.

After his car crash, Strange's hands suffered from constant shaking, as it became a problem during his training in the Mystic Arts. However, due to his training as a sorcerer, Strange's hand shaking faded over time. Also, when the Accident One told him that Jonathan Pangborn used magic for his legs so he can walk, Strange thought about doing the same thing for his hands at first but decided not to, presumably to be reminded of his mistakes in the past that led him to leave his old life as a neurosurgeon behind and the beginning of his new one as a sorcerer/superhero.

During his new life as a sorcerer and superhero, Strange has learned to comprehend his limits and despite his success at the hands of Dormammu's defeat, he has begun to realize the natural order should not be entirely disturbed, the same reason why Mordo left the Mystic Arts and vowed to never use the Eye of Agamotto until he was fully prepared, as he came to terms with the fact that time is beyond even his control. In addition, Strange does see potential in individuals that also possess magic abilities, as shown with Ned Leeds , even though he was initially skeptical, when he was impressed that he opened a portal without any training and Chavez when she told him that she made some sparks. Although he has become a strong sorcerer over time, Strange still lacked the compassion and velocity of being a superhero, but does care about helping and saving lives. However, upon seeing Parker's selflessness and beliefs, Strange realized what it truly means to be a hero. Through this newfound perspective of being a superhero, Strange opened up in protecting the innocent and that everyone deserves a second chance, whether they are good or bad, as seen when he gave Maximoff various chances of redemption, even though she was possessed by the Darkhold, as he knew there was still good within her and was proven right with Chavez's help.

In the beginning, Strange attempted to make Wong laugh and befriend him, although Strange did earn Wong's respect when he witnessed his natural talent for the Mystic Arts. However, during the events with Kaecilius and Dormammu, Strange earned Wong's friendship as he took upon himself to finish his training and mentor him in the absence of the Ancient One. Over time, Strange came to see Wong not only his strongest ally but also his best friend. Despite his strong friendship with Wong, Strange does clash with him at times, but does not argue with him. Also, Strange does get annoyed with Wong's lack of faith in him as a sorcerer, but knows that he still trusts him as a friend. Strange has shown to have enough faith in Wong to look after the New York Sanctum whenever he is absent.

Through his friendship and soft spot for Parker, Strange attempted to become a father-figure to him and tried to guide him just like Stark did, although he did it mostly out of his guilt in inadvertently causing Iron Man's death as he was aware of their close relationship. Strange even came to respect Parker's friends, as he did not argue back when Michelle Jones called him out for blaming the whole botched up spell on Spider-Man and does not get angry at Leeds for using his Sling Ring . Also, Strange was impressed with Parker's intelligence and came to admire his kindness towards those in need. In addition, Strange hesitated in going though with Parker's plans in casting a spell to make everyone in their universe, including himself, forget his civilian identity to preserve the Multiverse and fix the mistake they have made, but eventually went through with it and in the process ended up respecting Spider-Man for his selfless and mature choice. Although he now has no memory of his civilian identity, Strange deep down still held onto Parker's influences and how he showed him the right path of being a superhero.

At first, Strange was annoyed with Chavez because of her smart-aleck attitude and that she had no supervision or being shown the differences between from right and wrong, such as stealing. However, Strange ended up bonding with Chavez as they form a father-daughter relationship, as he decided to help Wong take care of her when she decided to stay in their universe. Also, Strange encouraged and believed in Chavez, as he inspired her to fight back against the Scarlet Witch and find the strength in controlling her powers. In addition, Strange helped and guided Chavez in the way of a superhero, as he used what he learned from his forgotten friendship with Parker to do so.

Powers and Abilities [ ]

Infinity War 226

Strange wielding his Tao Mandalas in battle

Doctor Strange (NWH)

Strange casting the Runes of Kof-Kol

Avengers-infinitywar-movie-screencaps com-1419

Strange travels to Central Park via a portal

  • Dimensional Travel : Using the same Sling Ring, Strange can travel between different dimensions of the Multiverse , crossing over different planes of existence or traveling across various forms of reality. Furthermore, Strange can forcibly transport others to another dimension, and later retrieve them, as he did when temporarily imprisoning Loki in a dimension where he was constantly falling, leaving him there for thirty minutes until Thor asked for his release. When the Black Order arrived to retrieve the Time Stone , Strange and Wong were able to send an attack by Ebony Maw back by opening portals to a void-like dimension.
  • Energy Projection : Strange can project energy blasts, streams, and bolts of fiery energy. He notably generated powerful torrents of energy that ricocheted off several floating boulders, melting the surfaces they touched as they went, to attack Thanos. While fighting Wanda at the Gap Junction , Strange created a concentrated beam of intense energy. During his fight against Sinister Strange , he conjured energy blasts using musical notes.

Mirror Dimension Shield (Infinity War)

Strange deflecting Thanos ' attack

DS Spot 32 - 5

Strange's astral form fighting Lucian Aster

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (film) 28

Strange conjuring mystical beings

Doctor Strange Suit-Up

Strange transmutes his suit into his robes

  • Teleportation : Strange, while in the New York Sanctum , was able to transport himself and Thor around the building with ease, which was heavily disorienting to the Asgardian. At one point, he accidentally caused an entire bookshelf that Thor was leaning against to be brought along with them, before returning it and Thor to its previous location. However, he usually chooses to use his Sling Ring to teleport instead.


Strange summoning Flames of the Faltine

  • Telekinesis : Strange can influence objects and people with mere gestures, occasionally enveloping them with orange energy while doing so. He was able to use telekinesis to take away the Sling Ring from Ned Leeds , and the Macchina di Kadavus from Michelle Jones . He was also able to use his telekinesis to tie his tie as well as pulling a bus apart and put it back together using Mirror Dimension Magic. He would later open a grave for his deceased Variant on top of a roof, manipulated a street vendor 's arm to stop him from spraying him with mustard and would open a metal gate with a raise of his arm while fleeing Scarlet Witch through a tunnel.

Doctor Strange (New York City)

Strange levitating in the air

Former Powers [ ]

Strange reversing time

Strange reversing time

Doctor Strange (Time Stone)

Strange viewing potential futures

Strange on Wundagore Mountain

Doctor Strange dreamwalking

Abilities [ ]

Strange studying the Book of Cagliostro

Strange studying the Book of Cagliostro

Doctor Strange Final Trailer 01

Doctor Strange performing a surgery

Masters of the Mystic Arts (Multiverse of Madness)

Strange leading the defense of Kamar-Taj

Mordo and Strange

Strange fighting against Karl Mordo

Whip x Shard

Strange fights Kaecilius with Eldritch Whip

  • Bilingualism : Strange is fluent in his native English, and becomes proficient enough with Sanskrit during his months in Kamar-Taj to enable him to study advanced books Wong deemed him not ready for, including the Book of Cagliostro .

Equipment [ ]

Other equipment [ ].


Strange first finding the Cloak of Levitation

  • Sling Ring : A mystical object which enables the wearer to open an Inter-Dimensional Portal to another location.
  • Eye of Agamotto : An ancient relic with a number of mystical properties, especially time manipulation in the user's immediate vicinity and on specific areas or targets. Originally the containment vessel for the Time Stone , it was still worn by Strange following the Stone's destruction.
  • Brazier of Bom'Galiath : During his battle with Kaecilius in the New York Sanctum , Strange found himself overpowered and grabbed the first weapon he could find which was the Brazier of Bom'Galiath , only for Kaecilius to call him out on his lack of knowledge about it, resulting in Strange simply throwing it.
  • Rotunda of Gateways : During his fight with Kaecilius and his Zealots in the New York Sanctum , Strange used the Rotunda of Gateways he had found earlier, to trap one of the Zealots in the desert and the other, Lucian Aster , in the jungle, leaving only himself and Kaecilius to continue fighting throughout the Sanctum.

Crimson Bands of Cyttorak 4

Strange reaching for the armor

  • Cauldron of the Cosmos : Stationed in the main hallway of the New York Sanctum was the Cauldron of the Cosmos, which the Cloak of Levitation stopped Tony Stark from disrespectfully leaning against.
  • Magic Inhibitor : When Strange was detained by the Illuminati , Magic Inhibitors were placed around his wrists to prevent him from using Magic .

Former Equipment [ ]

Strange gives up the Time Stone

Strange surrendering the Time Stone

  • Time Stone : Upon taking the role of one of the Masters of the Mystic Arts , Strange was vowed to protect one of the Infinity Stones housed within the Eye of Agamotto . Initially unaware of its true power, Strange experimented with the Stone to rot and grow back an apple, before using it to undo Kaecilius ' attempt to destroy Hong Kong before trapping Dormammu into a time loop which he was unable to escape from. As Strange prepared to battle Thanos , he used the Stone to see into the future in an attempt to find any possible way they could be victorious in their clash against the Mad Titan. Strange was later forced to give Thanos the Time Stone to save Tony Stark.
  • Darkhold : Strange used the Darkhold from Sinister Strange 's reality to take over Defender Strange 's corpse, wanting to save America Chavez from Scarlet Witch . However, he was attacked by demons , as taking control over corpses was forbidden, but thanks to Christine Palmer he remained unharmed. After Wanda destroyed the book throughout the Multiverse, he left alternate Strange's corpse and returned to his own body. However, after a while it was found that the Darkhold had left a mark on him: a third eye on his forehead.

Vehicles [ ]

  • Lamborghini Huracán : Strange used to own and drive a Lamborghini Huracán, however, while he was driving to one of his speaking events, Strange became distracted by Billy 's descriptions of a potential patient and lost control. Strange would drive his car off a hill as a result, destroying the car, and crushing his hands during the impact.
  • Q-Ship : After the Attack on Greenwich Village , Ebony Maw took Strange to the Q-Ship in order to extract the Time Stone from the Eye of Agamotto and deliver it to Thanos on Titan . However, Iron Man and Spider-Man rescued Strange by sending Maw to the vacuum of space, killing him. Strange eventually agreed to use the Q-Ship to confront Thanos on Titan and used a protection spell to prevent it from crash-landing to its destination.

Facilities [ ]

Christine Palmer2

Strange walking with Palmer

  • Stephen Strange's Apartment : Due to being a successful neurosurgeon, Strange was able to buy a very luxurious apartment in New York City overlooking many skyscrapers.


Strange studying with Ancient One


Strange levitating in the Sanctum

  • Darkhold Castle : To be added

Relationships [ ]

[] † - Sister [] - Ex-Girlfriend, Former Colleague, Love Interest and Savior - Former Colleague and Former Rival - Friend and Former Assistant - Former Assistant - Former Colleague - Former Colleague - Former Colleague - Former Colleague † - Former Leader and Predecessor - Mentor, Leader and Best Friend † † † † - Friend † † - Savior and Former Rival - Resurrector - Savior, Former Friend and Temporary Enemy † - Temporary Enemy and Former Attempted Killer - Temporary Enemy - Temporary Enemy - Temporary Enemy † - Former Prisoner and Savior - Former Prisoner - Former Prisoner - Fan - Friend † [] - Attempted Killer † - Attempted Killer and Victim † - Killer - Former Trainer and Attempted Killer † † - Attempted Killer † † - Killer † † † † † - Former Prisoner - Former Prisoner and Attempted Killer † - Attempted Killer and Victim - Former Captor and Attempted Killer † † † † † - Alternate Self, Attempted Killer and Victim - Attempted Killers

Appearances [ ]

Appearances for Doctor Strange

In chronological order:

) | Episode 2.04: , Issue 2 , Issue 2 , Issue 1 , Issue 2 | Episode 1.02: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) | Episode 1.02: | Episode 1.05: | Episode 1.09: | Episode 1.01: | Episode 1.06:

In narrative order:

| Episode 2.04: , Issue 2 , Issue 2 , Issue 1 , Issue 2 | Episode 1.02: | Episode 1.02: | Episode 1.05: | Episode 1.09: | Episode 1.01: | Episode 1.06:

  • In the comics, Stephen Strange was the founder and long-time leader of the Defenders , a member of the New Avengers and one of the Illuminati , a group made of the smartest and most powerful individuals, including Blackagar Boltagon , Tony Stark , Bruce Banner , Medusa , Hank Pym , and T'Challa .
  • As a result of his confrontation with Dormammu in the Dark Dimension , Strange has officially died more times than any other character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe .
  • Strange is a fan of Earth, Wind & Fire , Chuck Mangione , and Pink Floyd .

Behind the Scenes [ ]

  • Doctor Strange in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the second live-action incarnation of the character, following an incarnation portrayed by Peter Hooten .
  • As Stephen Strange was previously mentioned in Captain America: The Winter Soldier , Kevin Feige revealed that Strange did not have any powers yet, as Project Insight was designed to anticipate future threats, not just catalog current ones. He said that at this point Strange is " probably not...the sorcerer supreme, " but is an " unbelievably talented neurosurgeon who's opinionated and kind of arrogant...[which] might put him on the list. " [25]
  • Aaron Lazar was a body double for Benedict Cumberbatch in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame due to the latter having scheduling conflicts with The Current War . [26]
  • As part of this idea, Strange was considered to appear in Breaking the Fourth Wall , where he would have replaced Ithamar Enriquez 's Commercial Man for a split second. [28]
  • Joaquin Phoenix , Colin Farrell , Jake Gyllenhaal , Tom Hardy , Ethan Hawke , Jack Huston , Oscar Isaac , Jared Leto , Matthew McConaughey , Ewan McGregor , Keanu Reeves , Justin Theroux , Jon Hamm , Johnny Depp , Ryan Gosling , and Joseph Gordon-Levitt were all considered for Stephen Strange; Gyllenhaal was later cast in Spider-Man: Far From Home as the similarly themed Mysterio .
  • Justin Eaton , Trevor Habberstad , George Kirby , Leo Woodruff , Martin De Boer , Lloyd Pitts , Andy Lister and Bogdan Kumsackij were stunt doubles for Benedict Cumberbatch in the role of Doctor Strange.
  • Peter Alberti , Trevor Powers and Jared Leland Gore were stand-ins for Benedict Cumberbatch in the role of Doctor Strange.
  • Michael Chase was a double for Benedict Cumberbatch in the role of Doctor Strange.
  • This version of Doctor Strange is mentioned by Spider-Man 2099 in the Sony Pictures Animation film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse . [29] Co-director Kemp Powers later clarified in an interview with SFX, however, that Miguel O'Hara's mention of Doctor Strange was merely a reference to Spider-Man: No Way Home that Phil Lord and Christopher Miller came up with as a tongue-in-cheek joke acknowleding the Spider-Man character's history, explicitly affirming that the Spider-Verse films aren't connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe . [30]

References [ ]

Transparent Endgame Logo

  • ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 Doctor Strange
  • ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 Avengers: Infinity War
  • ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
  • ↑ "4/30/2018" on Scott's laptop in Ant-Man and the Wasp
  • ↑ Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Benedict Cumberbatch Looks Back At His Most Iconic Roles | Eric | Netflix
  • ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Avengers: Infinity War Prelude
  • ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Avengers: Endgame
  • ↑ Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • ↑ WHiH Newsfront: 2.04: WHIH Newsfront Exclusive: President Ellis Discusses the Avengers
  • ↑ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - Deleted Scene
  • ↑ Doctor Strange - Deleted Scene
  • ↑ Doctor Strange: Mystic Apprentice
  • ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey
  • ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Thor: Ragnarok
  • ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 Spider-Man: No Way Home
  • ↑ Doctor Strange post-credits scene
  • ↑ Avengers: Endgame Prelude
  • ↑ 19.0 19.1 The Russo Brothers Answer Avengers: Endgame Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED
  • ↑ Joe Russo's Q&A about the plot of Avengers: Endgame in China
  • ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 The Empire Spoiler Special Film Podcast / Empire Spoiler Specials : Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Interview Special ft. Richie Palmer & Michael Waldron
  • ↑ Avengers: Endgame - Deleted Scene
  • ↑ Look Out for the Little Guy!
  • ↑ Russo Brothers reveal devastating way Doctor Strange saw those 14 million Endgame outcomes
  • ↑ Kevin Feige Interview: Captain America, The Avengers 2 and Doctor Strange
  • ↑ This Cumberbatch body-double is basically a Cumber-twin
  • ↑ Doctor Strange Was Written Out of WandaVision
  • ↑ The Oral History of ‘WandaVision’
  • ↑ As depicted in the film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
  • ↑ Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse director addresses MCU crossover
Preceded by:

– ; - Present
Succeeded by:

External Links [ ]


  • 1 Scarlet Witch
  • 3 Deadpool & Wolverine
  • Avengers: Infinity War Characters
  • Masters of the Mystic Arts Members
  • Multilingual Characters
  • Resurrected Characters
  • Characters Killed by Dormammu

Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange}}

Stephen Vincent Strange M.D., Ph.D is a powerful sorcerer and a leading member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts . Originally a brilliant yet arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange suffered a car accident that had resulted in his hands being crippled. When Western medicine failed to restore his hands, Strange embarked on a journey that led him to the  Masters of the Mystic Arts  as well as the discovery of magic and alternate dimensions, being trained by the Ancient One and Karl Mordo . Though his focus was healing his hands, Strange learned more about the mystic arts and soon helped the Masters prevent Kaecilius and the Zealots from merging Earth with the Dark Dimension , but not before witnessing the death of the Ancient One. With the demise of his mentor, Strange then became the protector of the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City as well as Earth's protector from inter-dimensional threats.

  • 1.1.1 Career as a Neurosurgeon
  • 1.1.2 On Top of the World
  • 1.1.3 Fall From Grace
  • 1.1.4 Searching For A Cure
  • 1.2.1 Meeting the Ancient One
  • 1.2.2 Beginning Training
  • 1.2.3 Battle at the Sanctum Sanctorum
  • 1.2.4 Duel on the Astral Plane
  • 1.2.5 Battle of the Mirror Dimension
  • 1.2.6 Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum
  • 1.2.7 The New Protector
  • 1.3.1 Drinking with Thor
  • 2 Personality
  • 3.2 Abilities
  • 4 Equipment
  • 5.3 Enemies
  • 6 Appearances
  • 8 Behind the Scenes
  • 9 References
  • 10 External links

Biography [ ]

Early life [ ].

Stephen Strange was born in New York City . He had a sister named Donna, who eventually died due to unknown reasons. He went to medical school and eventually graduated with an MD-PhD in four years.

Career as a Neurosurgeon [ ]

Stephen Vincent Strange was a physician-scientist who specialized in neurological surgery and his research focused on stimulation neurogenesis, which is the formation of new nerve cells. As his medical career progressed, his popularity increased to the point where he was labeled by Project Insight as a threat to HYDRA . [3] By 2016 , he was one of the top surgeons in New York City and was exclusively interviewed by WHiH World News about new life-saving techniques he had been investigating in his field. [4]

Strange eventually became attracted to Christine Palmer , a fellow surgeon who worked alongside him in the ER department of Metro-General Hospital . The two later began a relationship; one that did not last due to Strange's arrogance and his focus on his career. [5]

On Top of the World [ ]

Doctor Strange prepares to operate

After completing a successful surgery, Strange was asked by Palmer to help with a patient who had been injured in a firefight. Despite the objections of fellow surgeon Nicodemus West , who wanted to start recovering the patient's organs, Strange found an initially missed bullet lodged in the patient's brain, which caused him to have a complete Nervous System shutdown, causing West to pronounce him dead and saved his life.

Strange talks with Christine Palmer

Immediately following the surgery, Strange asked Palmer if she and West were sleeping together. Palmer denied the accusation, stating it was against the "Strange Policy," a policy against dating coworkers that she named after him.

Strange proceeded to tell Palmer that he was set to speak at a American Neurological Association dinner later that night and invited her to accompany him. Palmer declined, stating that she never enjoyed going to speaking engagements and that the only reason he went was because it boosted his already absurdly large ego. [5]

Fall From Grace [ ]

Strange prior to his car accident

Later that night, while en route to the dinner, Strange received a phone call from his colleague Billy , who had come across three potential surgeries. After turning down the first two options, he eventually showed interest in a female schizophrenic.

The car crash

Strange took his eyes off the road so he could look at the patient's records only to collide with another car and fly off the road before crashing into a nearby river bank.

After the accident

He was immediately rushed to Metro-General and underwent a surgery that lasted eleven hours. When Strange woke up the following day, he learned from Palmer that both of his hands, which were crushed by the dashboard of his car, had been subjected to severe nerve damage and rendered inoperable. [5]

Searching For A Cure [ ]

After being released from Metro-General Hospital , Strange spent most of his money on seven different operations and numerous rehabilitation techniques, but all proved to be unsuccessful. With each new attempt, he was forced to sell his lavish lifestyle and belongings to fund the operations, leaving him with very little left to his name.One day he was on a video call with a doctor who stated that he cannot help him and turned him down , upsetting him, Christine came to his apartement trying to convince him to stop wasting all his money on fixing his hands and telling him to move on by assuring him that there were other ways to save lives, Strange however did not want to move on but find a way to restore his hands, he then lashed out at Christine by stating that she is only pitying him because she loves a sob story which Strange saw himself as , this hurt Palmer who then demanded him to apologise and when he refused , stating that she should leave. She left him and walked out of his life ,later during one physical rehabilitation session his instructor mentioned Jonathan Pangborn , a paraplegic who had regained the ability to walk when Strange wanted to know how to heal his hands.

Strange finding Jonathan Pangborn

When the instructor sent him Pangborn's file, Strange tracked him down. Despite his initial reluctance due to Strange having refused to take him as a patient before, Pangborn agreed to help when Strange revealed his damaged hands. Pangborn told revealed Strange the source of his healing, leading him to Kamar-Taj and the Ancient One . [5]

Trained in Magic [ ]

Meeting the ancient one [ ].

Strange searches for Kamar-Taj

Spending the rest of his money on a ticket to Nepal , Strange began his search for Kamar-Taj . Without any knowledge of where it was located or even what Kamar-Taj was, Strange resorted to simply asking any person he passed if they could give him the information. [5] While walking through the back streets, Strange encountered a hurt dog and decided to stop and give it a make shift bandage for his leg, joking he would be charging the dog for the treatment. [6]

Strange is offered help from Karl Mordo

He was then cornered in an alley by three thugs who attempted to rob him, despite Strange insisting that he did not have any money. The thugs demanded his expensive watch, which Strange refused as it was a gift from Christine Palmer , so Strange tried to defend himself only to be beaten up by all of the thugs. However Strange was then rescued by Karl Mordo , a student of the Ancient One who promised to bring him to Kamar-Taj as Strange had wanted.

Strange finally meets the Ancient One

Mordo led Strange into Kamar-Taj, which was not the mystic location he was expected as he joked about it. Mordo warned him not to be disrespectful and to forget everything he thought he knew. Inside, Strange initially mistook an elderly man for the Ancient One before he is introduced to the true Sorcerer Supreme, who presented him with team and welcomed him to their world. Strange began asking how she helped Jonathan Pangborn to heal his broken body.

Strange's astral form is pushed out his body

At first Strange believed that they were researching cell regeneration, but quickly became skeptical of her methods of curing Pangborn as she claimed she and the Masters of the Mystic Arts had healed him through his spirit. Strange became angry, declaring that she was now wasting his time, noting that he had spent all his money to find her and cure his hands, claiming that he saw through her lies, before she then pushed his Astral Form out his body to present him with his first experience of the Astral Dimension , much to Strange's horror.

Strange is sent through the Multiverse

Strange was shocked but denied what just happened, thinking he had been drugged, although the Ancient One insisted all she gave him was tea with a little honey, which Strange doubted. Seeking to show him more of what she could offer, the Ancient One then sent Strange through the Multiverse , showing him the various realities before dragging him back when Mordo claimed that his heart rate was spiking, although the Ancient One said he was fine.

Strange floats throughout the Multiverse

Strange was sent back through the Multiverse where he was told that the reality he knew was simply one of many. The Ancient One spoke to him while he was still being flung across all the different realities, challenging him to open his eyes to these possibilities while he had visions of the Quantum Realm as well as the Dark Dimension , seeing a glance of the terrifying Dormammu . The Ancient One made Strange question who he was within this multiverse, while he encountered sights and senses beyond his wildest imaginations.

Strange begs the Ancient One to teach him

Having experienced something was unexplainable, Strange was then back into the room within Kamar-Taj where he fell to the feet of the Ancient One, to questioned if he had ever had an experience like that in a gift shop. Barely recovering from the revelations shown to him, Strange remained on his knees and begged her to teach him how to do this, but she refused and then had him cast out because of his previous disrespect towards her and their ways. [5]

Beginning Training [ ]

Strange learns of magic from the Ancient One

Strange stayed on the doorstep for over five hours having nowhere else to go before he was finally let back inside and shown to his room by Karl Mordo . The next morning Strange sat down with the Ancient One who explained how the Masters of the Mystic Arts drew their power from other dimensions which allowed them to shape reality, how Pangborn uses Magic to move his body, and that she plans for Strange to learn how to do the same with his hands. When Strange asked how he could possibly gain the same kind of skill with his damaged hands, the Ancient One compared learning it to the same studies Strange underwent to become a world-renowned doctor.

Strange is introduced to the Librarian Wong

Seeking to better his understanding, Strange went to the library to take out several books on the concept of Magic . There he met the Librarian Wong , who Strange began mocking for his single name and his refusal to smile. Strange questioned how Kamar-Taj worked in terms of knowledge, asking if he could read the Book of Cagliostro , to which Wong said that while no knowledge was off limits in Kamar-Taj, some was too dangerous for a new student like he currently was. Strange noted how the book was missing a page, Wong explained that the previous Librarian had been killed and threatened Strange not to take books without permission.

Strange trains under Karl Mordo 's watch

Strange began his training under the watchful eye of Mordo but struggled initially, finding himself disappointingly unable to create a portal using the Sling Ring which the other trainees appeared to have no issue using. Becoming more frustrated as he continued to fail, Strange told the Ancient One that he believed that the shaking in his hands to be the cause. Not excepting this excuse, the Ancient One invited Hamir to demonstrate his own skill, revealing that Hamir was missing a hand but was still able to use his power regardless, indicating that Strange could do the same thing if given more practice and confidence in his own abilities as a sorcerer.

Strange is told to escape from Mount Everest

Deciding that Strange needed more pressure to improve his skills, the Ancient One created her own portal and then abandoned him on the top of Mount Everest , wearing only thin clothing and telling him that the only way he would be able to return to Kamar-Taj before he froze to death was to successfully use his Sling Ring . Despite struggling at first, eventually Strange created a portal and landed back at Kamar-Taj, much to the Ancient One and Mordo's amusement.

Strange gains more confidence in his studies

With this achievement, Strange gained the confidence that he could have the skills to become a sorcerer. Borrowing more books from Wong, Strange studied in his sleep using Astral Dimension and progressed rapidly over the following months, also emailing Christine Palmer whenever he could. Strange also began using his Sling Ring to take books from the library behind Wong's back, though he quickly found out. As his studies were becoming even more impressive, the Ancient One invited him to use the Mirror Dimension to study were he could not affect the real world.

Strange has fight training with Karl Mordo

Stepping back into the courtyard, Strange began his fight training with Mordo, who explained the concept of relics which held their power in objects rather than in the Masters themselves. Strange laughed at the complex names as Mordo introduced him to the Staff of the Living Tribunal and Vaulting Boots of Valtorr . Mordo beat him into submission to prove a point before they discussed the Ancient One and how she had been able to live for so long.

Strange uses the Eye of Agamotto

One day Strange walked into the library only to find Wong wasn't there. He took the chance read the Book of Cagliostro and use Eye of Agamotto Using the Eye's power, Strange experimented with it's power by making an apple regrow and then rot, discovering the Eye gave him control over time itself. He also recreated the missing page on the book which made him realize how The Ancient One remained young. Wong and Mordo stumbled into Strange's experiment and both warned him not to bend fundamental natural laws so haphazardly, noting that misuse of items of such incredible power, like the Eye, could cause Strange to become trapped in a time loop forever as a result. Strange pointed out that the books should mention those kinds of warnings before actually showing the spells.

Strange learns of the Masters' role in the world

This only increased Strange's wish to understand them so Wong and Mordo explained how they protect the world from mystical threats in much the same way that the Avengers protect it from physical ones. Strange initially refused to fight in a "mystic war" before the London Sanctum was attacked by Kaecilius , with the corpse of the Sanctum's protector, Sol Rama , dropping at their feet. The Sanctum was then destroyed and the explosion ripped through the Kamar-Taj and knocked everybody off their feet, trapping Strange in the Sanctum Sanctorum based within New York City as he became separated from his allies and unable to return to Kamar-Taj. [5]

Battle at the Sanctum Sanctorum [ ]

Strange challenges Kaecilius and the Zealots

Finding himself in a new location in New York City , Strange walked throughout the Sanctum Sanctorum looking for people and soon discovered the Rotunda of Gateways as well as the Cloak of Levitation . However Strange soon heard some commotion and discovered Kaecilius and his Zealots attacking the building. Strange witnessed the guardian of the Sanctum, Daniel Drumm , being murdered by Kaecilius and made his presence known to the attackers.

Strange fights the Zealots

Kaecilius initially mistook Strange's name for Mr. Doctor as they awkwardly greeted each other, but soon forgot this and attacked him in order to complete his plan to bring Dormammu to Earth . Strange fought back against the Zealots, using his Sling Ring to create whips that stopped their attacks and beat them back while creating shields for himself, although he had trouble controlling them. Using the Rotunda of Gateways he had found earlier, Strange managed to trap one disciple in the desert and the other, Lucian , in the jungle, leaving only himself and Kaecilius to continue fighting throughout the Sanctum Sanctorum .

Strange creates a weapon to fight Kaecilius

As they continued to fight throughout the Sanctum, the desperate Strange attempted to intimidate Kaecilius with the Brazier of Bom'Galiath , only to have to eventually admit that he did not know how to use it as a weapon and instead threw it at Kaecilius' head. Strange was soon knocked into the Cloak of Levitation's container, which then wrapped itself around his shoulders and helped him by deflecting the Space Shards that Kaecilus continued to attack him with. Strange then used the cloak to fight Kaecilius and trapped him with the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak , ending the fight.

Strange speaks to the captured Kaecilius

With Kaecilius now incapable of defending himself, Strange explained that his name was Doctor Strange, not Mister Doctor. Kaecilius then told Strange that the Ancient One dabbled in magic from the Dark Dimension , which is what gave her long lasting life. As Strange began to take note of these warnings, Kaecilius noted his Sling Ring was missing. Lucian made it back through and stabbed him with a Space Shard, almost killing Strange as he attempted to escape. [5]

Duel on the Astral Plane [ ]

Strange fights Lucian in the Astral Dimension

Strange tried to get away but was hunted by Lucian who planned to kill Strange. The Cloak of Levitation attacked Lucian and Strange used the Sling Ring to transport himself to the Metro-General Hospital to find Christine Palmer , and then asking her to operate on him alone. Palmer began the surgery and Strange used his Astral Form to help shocking her and leaving her bewildered. Lucian used his Astral Form and attacks Strange, disturbing several objects in the physical world in the process while Christine continued performing the surgery, but Strange was able to kill him after being charged with a defibrillator.

Strange is helped by Christine Palmer

Returning to his body as Palmer finished her work on his wound, Strange explained that he had been to Kamar-Taj to heal his wounds and learned magic which had allowed him to do what he could now do, although Palmer claimed this meant that he had likely joined a cult, which Strange claimed was untrue despite being amused by the idea. With his wound from the Space Shard now mostly dealt with, Strange decided to return to the Sanctum Sanctorum and to continue his fight against the Zealots . Strange then showed Palmer the portal he had made with his Sling Ring when he had arrived to confirm once and for all that what he had been saying was completely true.

Strange and Mordo confront the Ancient One

Returning to the Sanctum Sanctorum, Strange discovered that Karl Mordo and the Ancient One had arrived, while Kaecilius had escaped from the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak while he had been gone. The Ancient One was impressed by Strange defending the Sanctrum and declared him "Master Strange" as the new protector. Stephen refused as he was supposed to save lives, not end them and couldn't bear killing anyone else.

Strange then furiously confronted the Ancient One over dabbling in the Dark Dimension to keep herself alive for centuries. Although Mordo outright denied this, she did not and instead left, leaving Strange and Mordo to defend the Sanctum since Daniel Drumm had been murdered by Kaecilius during the attack a few hours earlier. [5]

Battle of the Mirror Dimension [ ]

Strange and Karl Mordo escape Kaecilius

Kaecilius returned to attack the Sanctum Sanctorum and Strange dragged them all into the Mirror Dimension where they couldn't harm the Physical World. This turned out to be a mistake as Kaecilius affected the gravity in the Dimension almost killing Strange and Karl Mordo , who desperately attempted to escape. The Ancient One arrived, revealing to Mordo that her dabbling in the Dark Dimension was true, and battled the Zealots until she was fatally stabbed and fell hundreds of stories.

Strange speaks with Christine Palmer

Strange rushed her to Metro-General Hospital and called upon the help of Christine Palmer and Nicodemus West to try and save her, as he was unable to perform surgery due to his shaking hands. He notices the Ancient One's Astral leave the room and followed in Astral Form. She told him about the Dark Dimension and why she had drawn her power from there before her Form vanished and she died. She also told him, like Jonathan Pangborn, he can use his magic to heal his hands and return to being a brain surgeon, which would come at a great loss to the earth, or become a sorcerer and fight for the earth. Strange chose to give up his old life and become a sorcerer. Strange mourned her death before speaking with Palmer. [5]

Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum [ ]

Strange uses the Eye of Agamotto 's power.

Strange and Karl Mordo headed to the Hong Kong Sanctum only to discover it has already been destroyed and Dormammu is coming to Earth. Using the Eye of Agamotto and breaking the Natural Laws of Time, Strange reversed what had happened, returning Wong and many others from the dead despite Mordo's protests. He was then interrupted mid-spell, resulting in time being frozen around the fighting. Kaecillius returned and declared that Dormammu's arrival couldn't be stopped anymore and once again mentioned that the Dark Dimension is "beyond time". Hearing this, Strange figured out a way to defeat Dormammu and headed to the Dark Dimension where time was irrelevant.

Strange challenges Dormammu

Strange confronted Dormammu declaring that he had come to bargain. Dormammu ignored Strange's offer and swiftly killed him. Suddenly, Strange appeared again repeating the exact same words as before. Slightly confused but undaunted, Dormammu killed Strange again, only for him to reappear and repeat his challenge yet again.

Perplexed, Dormammu demanded to know what was happening. Strange explained that he had used the Eye of Agamotto to create an endless time loop, and would keep both him and Dormammu trapped repeating the loop forever until the latter relented and listened to his bargain. Enraged, Dormammu killed Strange over and over again but was unable to stop the cycle repeating itself endlessly; unlike Strange, Dormammu had no power over time since the Dark Dimension was a place beyond time. Eventually, Dormammu surrendered and asked what Strange wanted. Strange demanded he never return to Earth and take Kaecilius ' gang with him. He returned to Hong Kong to complete the Time Spell, and watched as Dormammu took Kaecillius and his followers away. Having witnessed Strange and the Ancient One 's liberal use of magic to break their own rules, Mordo left the Masters of the Mystic Arts due to having become disillusioned by their questionable and dangerous use of magic. [5]

The New Protector [ ]

Strange returns the Eye of Agamotto

Realizing he was not yet worthy of wielding the Eye of Agamotto due to his potential to change the fabric of both reality and time, Strange decided it would be best to return the relic into Kamar-Taj . Joining Strange there, Wong agreed with his choice, claiming that overusing an Infinity Stone was highly dangerous. Strange made it clear that he did not know about the Stones; a fact that did not surprise Wong.

Strange arrives in the Sanctum Sanctorum

Wong went on to note that the Sanctum Sanctorum currently needed a new protector ever since Daniel Drumm had recently been killed by Kaecilius while defending it. Strange accepted the offer and placed the Cloak of Levitation back over his own shoulders before following Wong through a portal to the Sanctum. Once there, Strange put on the watch Christine Palmer had given him and then looked out the window. [5] Immediately following his duel with Dormammu , Strange created a list of extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional beings who posed a threat to the people of Earth . One of those beings was Loki of Asgard , who led the Chitauri Invasion five years prior. [7]

Search for Odin [ ]

Drinking with thor [ ].

Doctor Strange talks with Thor .

Several months into his time as the Sanctum Sanctorum 's guardian, Strange received a visit from Thor , Loki's adoptive brother who had brought him back to New York City . When Strange confronted him, Thor explained they were searching for their father  Odin .

Strange offered to help him on the condition that they all would then return straight to Asgard as soon as the mission had been completed, which Thor agreed to. [7]

Personality [ ]

Prior to his accident, Strange had a massive ego that fueled his career, very much like Tony Stark in the latter's early years prior to becoming Iron Man. Strange only took on patients that he believed would help benefit his status, even refusing to heal a US Army Colonel's back, albeit it was because this injury was a simple one any neurosurgeon can fix. His work was also driven by a desire to control death and time, which led him to refuse even looking into any patient he perceived to have little chance of recovery so as to not ruin his track record. However, if he also perceived the chance a patient could survive, he would help them recover even if it would not benefit his public image, showing that at his core, he does care about saving people. In addition, he seems to prioritize his research over his physician work as he stated his work would save thousands for years to come whereas a physician will only save a handful of patients they directly interact with. This, however, changed after his accident, which left Strange a broken man, and constantly frustrated due to being incapable of returning to the life he knew. Upon visiting  Kamar-Taj , Strange initially maintained his narrow-minded arrogance and stubbornly refused to believe that the Ancient One  was telling the truth until she forcibly demonstrated astral projection and sent him across multiple dimensions to prove her point.

Strange has shown extreme determination, a useful trait in a doctor as he would never give up on his patients even when one was called dead with a bullet in his brain, Strange was able to determine the patient was still alive to successfully save him. He spent most of his remaining money in seven different surgeries to attempt to heal his hands to the point of near bankruptcy, remained outside of Kamar-Taj 's front door for five hours after being initially thrown out, then spent most of his time at Kamar-Taj studying and improving his abilities, even going as far as studying while sleeping through Astral projection. He even allowed himself to be killed by Dormammu countless times until Dormammu gave into his demands.

Through his training with the Ancient One, Strange gained a newfound appreciation for the natural order of things due to his studies of the Mystic Arts and became more humble. However, this was not to say he was a completely changed man; he retained a cocky attitude when dealing with people and things, as seen in how he behaved when he went to borrow books from Wong. This, coupled with his inquisitiveness and willingness to break rules, made him an odd one in Kamar-Taj and constantly an eyesore to many of his peers. However, due to this nature of his, he was also more willing to compromise and be somewhat flexible with his principles, quickly accepting that the Ancient One broke her own rules to do what was deemed necessary to protect the world, and he had to be willing to do so himself, which, when combined with his natural talent in the Mystic Arts, had the Ancient One name him as the Master of the New York Sanctum Sanctorum , despite his relative lack of training and inexperience.  

Having trained as a doctor, Strange is a pacifist and tries to avoid hurting people, as it goes against the Hippocratic oath. He was disgusted by his actions in killing Lucian, stating he became a doctor to save lives, not take them. However, neither the Ancient One nor Karl Mordo were especially sympathetic towards this, with the former stating he became a doctor to save one life (his own) and the latter calling him a coward for lacking the spine to do what has to be done, which in times, proves to be somewhat true. Nevertheless, Strange accused Mordo of lacking imagination and claimed it was possible to take other options, a claim he ultimately proved correct by defeating both Kaecillius and Dormammu without killing either of them.  

Ultimately, Strange has always had good intentions, despite coming off as arrogant and selfish. After his talk with Kaecillius, Strange began to see his own failings reflected in Kaecillius and started showing signs of self-improvement. He repeatedly and genuinely apologized for his past treatment of Christine Palmer  and showed a newfound trust in former rival Nicodemus West . During his talk with the Ancient One before her death, he admitted that his fear of failure is what pushed him to be a successful neurosurgeon. However, the Ancient One stated that his fear is exactly what kept him from greatness, as well as learning the simplest and most important lesson of all; it's not all about him. Strange took this very much to heart, and when he faced Dormammu, he showed strong selflessness, allowing himself to be killed over and over in order to keep Dormammu trapped in the time loop so mankind could live and came to stop fearing failure.  

Despite his tremendous maturity, Strange maintains some of his old habits such as making sarcastic comments and jokes when talking to others, similar to Tony Stark and Peter Quill . Whilst he compensates his lack of experience by further using the powerful magical relics at his disposal and his intelligence allows him to imagine unorthodox solutions to problems, Strange has also learnt to comprehend his limits and despite his success at the hands of Dormammu's defeat, he has begun to realise the natural order should not be entirely disturbed, the same reason why Mordo left the Mystic Arts and vows to never use the Eye of Agamotto until he is fully prepared. This was his second greatest lesson to learn - that time is beyond even his control. He also retains his meticulous and diligence by forming a watchlist of individuals that might pose a threat to Earth. However, his flexibility is his greatest strength in this regard as, even though he wants to be rid of these individuals, he was willing to help Thor locate Odin so he and Loki would return to Asgard.

Strange's imagination and intellect has given him a vastly flexible personality, so much so the Ancient One could never see exactly what his future would be, only possible paths he would take.

Strange is noted to have a strong inquisitiveness about him. Once he started to get the hang of his sorcery studies, he began to teach himself and was able to learn at an accelerated rate.

Strange is noted to have a severe case of misophonia, meaning he is greatly distracted by even the slightest sound when he requires absolute focus. This was shown when he was operating on a patient and asked Nicodemus West to cover his watch as the ticking was distracting him.

Powers and Abilities [ ]

  • Eldritch Magic Manipulation : Strange is able to create, shape and manipulate Eldritch Magic . He demonstrated the ability to form Eldritch Whips, and Tao Mandalas.
  • Levitation : Using the Cloak of Levitation , Strange is able to levitate, hover, and fly. The Cloak can greatly lessen the impact of falling from great heights by effortlessly reducing his speed.
  • Teleportation : Using a Sling Ring , Strange is able to open portals that lead to different locations, gaining the ability to move across both the physical world and other parts of the Multiverse . He can also make portals small enough to reach through and grab things, such as several books from Wong's library.
  • Interdimensional Travel: Using the same Sling Ring, Strange can travel between different dimensions and universes, crossing over different planes of existence or traveling across various forms of reality. However, Strange was able to access the Mirror Dimension and transport himself and the Zealots there without the Sling Ring.
  • Astral Projection : Strange is capable of separating his astral spirit from his body, gaining access to the Astral Dimension , with him thus notably managing to assist Christine Palmer in operating on his physical body, while also demonstrating being able to make himself visible to her at will. He used it again to speak to the Ancient One 's spirit before her clinical death. Notably, Strange found his that when Christine defibrillate his real body, his Astral form would send out a blast of energy, which he used offensively while grappling with Lucian 's Astral form, ultimately destroying it and killing him.
  • Chronokinesis : Using the Eye of Agamotto , Strange is able to control the flow of time, be it on a small or massive scale, notably to turn back something to a previous state, to accelerate its time in order to apply changes that have not happened yet, or to lock in a time loop, with time resetting over and over until he stops its effect. He first tested the ability on an apple, rewinding time on it to make it whole and then forwarding time to make it rot, despite not actually eating it to that point before hand. If interrupted while using this ability, time freezes until he resumes the spell. He even used it to make a reconstruction of the stolen pages of the Book of Cagliostro and read from it, though he seemed to be unable to make the page real and only could reveal what had been their before. He notably used this ability to trap even Dormammu himself in the same moment, which would reset each time Dormammu killed Strange, and keep Dormammu from leaving his dimension to invade Earth until Dormammu agreed to leave Earth for good. Strange concluded that he isn't ready to wield the Eye of Agamotto's powers yet and decided to return it until he's ready to use it again.
  • Transmutation : During his meeting with Thor , Strange was able to turn a cup of tea into a large mug of beer that was also able to magically refill itself, much to Thor's pleasant surprise.

Abilities [ ]

Doctor Strange performing a surgery.

  • Master Physician : Strange was one of the world's most renowned neurosurgeons. His genius surgical skill allowed him to perform nearly complicated and difficult surgeries with little to no mechanical assistance flawlessly. His skills sometimes rivaled or were found to be superior to that of his colleagues Palmer and West as he was able to notice a cause of injury in a patient while Palmer could not and thus prevent West from killing the patient. His perfect record and reputation with the craft reached such a point that ultimately, he developed a penchant for undertaking only the most challenging but still viable of operations, in order to boost his huge ego. He lost the ability to perform surgeries after his hands were damaged beyond repair in a catastrophic car accident, but he kept his profound knowledge on subjects related to modern medicine.
  • Multilingualism : Strange is fluent in his native English, and becomes proficient with Sanskrit enough during his months in Kamar-Taj to enable him to study advanced books Wong deem him not ready for, including the Book of Cagliostro .
  • Eidetic Memory : Strange's photographic memory and perfect recall had originally greatly aided him in medical school, helping him to earn both his MD and PhD simultaneously. During his mystic arts studies in Kamar-Taj , Strange managed to master entering the Astral Dimension , despite Wong not believing him to be ready.
  • Master Tactician : Strange's tremendous intellect contribute to his incredible insight, a highly ingenious strategist, Strange rely on pure wits to stop Dormammu due to his to his lack of experience in fighting supernatural forces, using the Eye of Agamotto to trap the primordial entity in a endless time loop, using tactics of psychological warfare to mentally torment Dormammu instead of stopping him with magic, and Strange succeded in forcing Dormammu to return back to the Dark Dimension, taking Kaecilius with him, further proving Strange's capability to defeat both immensely powerful enemies with tactical genius alone.
  • Martial Artist : After being trained by both the Ancient One and Karl Mordo , Strange gained some skill in martial arts, having been able to ultimately defeat and kill the Zealot Lucian, and to even hold his own relatively well against the far more experienced Master Kaecilius . However, Strange's hands still suffer from severe nerve and bone damage as a result of his accident, further exacerbated by the unsuccessful surgeries made towards restoring his dexterity, meaning his hands are delicate and prone to intense pain should he attempt to punch something or someone.

Equipment [ ]

  • Cloak of Levitation : A mantle that enables Doctor Strange to levitate and hover in the air. It appears to be sentient and can move on its own power, causing it to move and flap in the air without the presence of wind. Offensively, the cloak's ability to move and fly with or without a wearer allows it to grab, lift, tackle or send opponents flying through the air. The cloak often assists Strange in combat by protecting him from enemy attacks, preventing enemies from blindsiding him, as well as attacking enemies on its own whenever possible, and doing maneuvers that are difficult, if not impossible for most humans to do.
  • Eye of Agamotto : An ancient relic with a number of mystical properties, especially time manipulation in the user's immediate vicinity and on specific areas or targets. It is able to do so since it contains the Time Stone .
  • Sling Ring : A mystical object which enables the wearer to open a portal to another location.

Relationships [ ]

  • Donna Strange † - Sister
  • Ancient One † - Mentor
  • Daniel Drumm †
  • Karl Mordo - Former Fellow Master and Trainer
  • Nicodemus West - Former Colleague and Work Rival
  • Christine Palmer - Former Colleague, Ex-Girlfriend, Love Interest and Saviour
  • Billy - Former Co-Worker and Assistant
  • Etienne - Former Colleague
  • Jonathan Pangborn

Enemies [ ]

  • HYDRA - Attempted Killers ( Project Insight )
  • Dormammu - Killer (Multiple times)
  • Kaecilius - Attempted Killer
  • Lucian † - Attempted Killer turned Victim
  • Blonde Zealot
  • Brunette Zealot
  • Tall Zealot †
  • Loki - Potential Target
  • Hela - Potential Target

Appearances [ ]

Appearances for Stephen Strange

In chronological order:

  • In the comics, Stephen Strange was the founder and long-time leader of the Defenders , and also a member of the New Avengers .
  • As a result of his confrontation with Dormammu in the Dark Dimension, Strange has officially died more times than any other character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

Behind the Scenes [ ]

  • Stephen Strange is mentioned in Captain America: The Winter Soldier . This marks the first time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that a superhero character is mentioned by name before making their first appearance.
  • Kevin Feige revealed that Strange did not have any powers yet during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier , as Project Insight was designed to anticipate future threats, not just catalogue current ones. He said that at this point Strange is "probably not... the sorcerer supreme," but is an "unbelievably talented neurosurgeon who's opinionated and kind of arrogant... [which] might put him on the list." [8]
  • Aaron Lazar was a body double for Benedict Cumberbatch in Avengers: Infinity War due to the latter having scheduling conflicts with The Current War . [9]

References [ ]

Template:Gallery Template:Wq

  • ↑ Spider-Man: Homecoming Comic-Con 2016 Footage Description
  • ↑ ‘Locke & Key’ Drama From Carlton Cuse, Joe Hill & IDW Gets Hulu Pilot Order, Scott Derrickson To Direct
  • ↑ Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • ↑ WHiH Newsfront May 3, 2016
  • ↑ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 Doctor Strange
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (film) Deleted Scene
  • ↑ 7.0 7.1 Doctor Strange Mid-credits Scene
  • ↑ Kevin Feige Interview: Captain America, The Avengers 2 and Doctor Strange
  • ↑ This Cumberbatch body-double is basically a Cumber-twin

Template:Succession box

External links [ ]


  • 1 Infinity Stones
  • 2 Nine Realms
  • 3 Power Stone

All Of Doctor Strange's Powers And Abilities Explained

Benedict Cumberbatch Doctor Strange casting spell

Doctor Stephen Strange is among the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As the Sorcerer Supreme, he's tasked with safeguarding Earth from magical threats and beings of immense power. Take Dormammu, the big bad from his 2016 eponymous film, "Doctor Strange." Inside his native Dark Dimension, he's a being of uncharted power, capable of absolute mastery of existence within. When Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen) summons the Destroyer of Worlds with the missing pages of the Book of Cagliostro, Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) is able to defeat him with a bit of trickery and a piece of costume jewelry.

Alright, in fairness, that was actually the Eye of Agamotto, which contains the Time Stone, but perhaps that is better way of making the point. Strange, a mere mortal with only months worth of magical training, is able to wield an Infinity Stone in order to defeat an extra-dimensional, god-tier being. Peter Quill, aka Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), is part Celestial and couldn't wield the Power Stone unaided, relying on Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Drax (Dave Bautista), and Rocket (Bradley Cooper) to help distribute the burden of its energy. 

Like the late Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), aka Iron Man, we've wondered what is Doctor Strange's job exactly, besides making balloon animals? Strange says it's to protect reality, which got us wondering exactly how he's able to take on such a monumental task. After much pondering, we've come up with a list of everything we've seen him do in the MCU. These are all of Doctor Strange's powers and abilities, explained.

Astral projection

Doctor Strange Ancient One astral forms

One of the first acts of magic to which Stephen Strange bears witness is his astral form being pushed out of his physical body by the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) at Kamar-Taj . At first, he thinks he's been drugged and asks his host what was in the tea he'd just drank, assuming it was a hallucinogen like the mushroom psilocybin. She assures him it's just tea, with a bit of honey, before taking him on an incredible, mind-bending journey — and subsequently kicking him out on his butt. 

During his training, Doctor Strange takes advantage of astral projection to increase his knowledge in a unique form of studying: he reads the ancient tomes at his disposal while his physical form sleeps. He advances so quickly that Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) is surprised at the "litany of spells" he was able to master in order to use the Eye of Agamotto. Strange's explanation is his photographic memory, which enabled him to earn an MD and PhD simultaneously. We're guessing that his mind continuing to work while his body rests had a little bit to do with it as well. Of course, Stephen wasn't just hitting the books in his astral form. He fought one of Kaecilius' disciples in the astral plane at the hospital, popping in and out to give Dr. Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams) instructions — and scaring the bejeezus out of her — as she worked to save his life. 

Somewhere along the way, Wanda Maximioff (Elizabeth Olsen), aka the Scarlet Witch, must have taken a cue from Doctor Strange, because we see her doing the exact same thing — studying in the astral plane — at the end of "WandaVision."

Traveling via portals

Christine Palmer closet Stephen Strange portal

One of Stephen Strange's first tasks at Kamar-Taj is to learn to open portals with the use of a Sling Ring. The Sling Ring, when used adeptly, allows one to travel across the world like they're walking through a doorway. But Doctor Strange just can't seem to get it right, insisting his unsteady hands are to blame. At that point, the Ancient One brings out Master Hamir (Topo Wresniwiro), who promptly dispels any notion of Strange's hands being the problem when he effortlessly opens a portal, despite missing his left hand from the wrist down. Strange eventually gets the whole portal thing down when the Ancient One leaves him to die of exposure atop Mount Everest if he's unable to conjure a portal to safety.

Just like astral projection, Strange uses portals to advance his studies of the mystic arts; when librarian Wong (Benedict Wong) refuses to allow him to check out certain books he feels are too advanced, Strange just conjures a portal into the library — which is forbidden — to take them surreptitiously. The crafty old librarian may have been confused for a bit but clearly figured it out eventually, evident in the Ancient One's knowledge of the transgression — seriously, Wong told on him?

These portals serve more purpose than just acting as an instant inter-dimensional Uber, of course. Strange used one to nab Loki (Tom Hiddleston) when he and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) were standing on the sidewalk in New York City in "Thor: Ragnarok."

Shield spells

Benedict Cumberbatch Doctor Strange shield spell

As seen throughout the MCU, pretty much whenever the masters of the mystic arts are around, adepts are able to use magic-based energy shields to ward off enemy attacks, defending against both mystical and physical assaults. According to the MCU Fandom site, they're referred to as "Tao Mandalas." Wait, what? Breaking that term down etymologically, it references two different concepts from Eastern religions and-or mysticism. In the context of Taoism, "tao" has several meanings, the most relevant is likely "the way"; these teachings come from Lao Tzu (also Laozi), the ancient Chinese philosopher to whom the Tao Te Ching is traditionally attributed (via the  Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ). Though it's not particularly helpful for our task of analyzing the meaning of the shield's name, "tao" is impossible to conceptualize in abstract and is something that must be experienced as the flow of life. 

As for "mandala," it's not just a beautiful geometric design from an adult coloring book; as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary tells us, it is "a Hindu or Buddhist graphic symbol of the universe." Combining those two elements suggests that, essentially, Doctor Strange and his fellow mystics are channeling magical energy flowing throughout the universe into shield forms.

As first seen in 2016's "Doctor Strange," Stephen Strange's shields are mostly reactionary; when fending off Kaecilius and his followers, his Tao Mandalas are practically instinctual. Director Scott Derrickson told Vulture they brought on a special choreographer to teach the actors the art of tutting. "I wanted it to be in the action, I wanted it to be more organic, and that seemed to lead me to this idea that magic is about movements and gestures."

Weapon spells

Kaecilius Doctor Strange eldritch whip

Obviously Stephen Strange is able to use magic for more than just defense. This isn't Daniel LaRusso's vision of Miyagi-do karate, after all; we're talking about dealing with cosmic threats to the balance of the universe, not butting heads with the rival Cobra Kai dojo. One of the earliest weapons we see the title character use in "Doctor Strange" is referred to as the Eldritch Whip, as "Doctor Strange" visual effects supervisor Stephane Ceretti told 3D-World in 2016. "It looks like a stream of energy with lots of sparks, and when it hits something it sears and burns," he said. 

We're hoping the "whip" part of that term is pretty self-explanatory and anyone who's dipped even a fraction of a toe into the works of H.P. Lovecraft should recognize "eldritch" as a word meaning  strange, unnatural and otherworldly. Unlike the most rudimentary forms of the Tao Mandalas, the Eldritch Whip — which also requires the Sling Ring — looks like takes a bit more practice and concentration to pull off, which is probably a good thing; there's no sense knowing how to attack someone or something without knowing how to defend against a counterattack.

Remember the choreographer we mentioned when discussing shields? "We hired him to do all the choreography, so he taught Tilda and Benedict and Mads. It's very specific and very deliberate and super-cool," director Scott Derrickson told Vulture . "In fact, he's in the movie. He's the very first guy in the opening scene, who forms the magic whip ... It was all very detailed and designed and he was awesome. I'm really glad we used him."

Interdimensional travel

Mordo Doctor Strange mirror dimension

As he grew more adept in his magical abilities, Stephen Strange needed somewhere safe to practice his spell casting. As such, the Ancient One showed him how to enter the Mirror Dimension. It's a parallel plane of existence that looks much like our own but anything Doctor Strange does while there will not affect the physical world. "Harry Potter" fans can think of it as an infinite Room of Requirement for Dumbledore's Army to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts and "X-Men" fans might liken to the Danger Room, except it's not just limited to a broom closet in a mansion in Westchester, New York.

As the Ancient One explains, it's also a place where masters of the mystic arts can trap other beings, provided the don't have a Sling Ring, which is critical to entering the Mirror Dimension. In the first act of "Doctor Strange," it's where she sends Kaecilius and his fanatics when they steal the page from the Book of Cagliostro that explains how to summon Dormammu . It's also where Stephen Strange tries to send them when they attack the New York sanctum. The problem with that idea is he didn't realize that, in channeling energy from the Dark Dimension, they have grown more powerful in the Mirror Dimension and can fold and bend reality with ease, making it difficult for Strange and Mordo to escape.

The warping of the Mirror Dimension was specifically inspired by a renowned Dutch graphic artist. "The idea became, 'What would a chase scene be like inside an M.C. Escher world?' Not just to present it as an exterior canvas, but to actually be inside of it, in motion," director Scott Derrickson told the L.A. Times .

Stephen Strange levitation cloak

In addition to his ability to cast spells, born out of months of learning and effort, Doctor Strange also gets some additional benefits from his keen fashion choices. While that tuxedo he was planning to wear to the medical conference may have turned heads, he eventually acquired a cloak that could likely snap necks.

As Mordo tells him, eventually he will get to use relics that will grant him powers; they're able to do so because they were imbued with magic too powerful to sustain. Mordo himself is rocking the Vaulting Boots of Valtorr; when Strange asks when his turn will come, his mentor goes full-Ollivander and offers the MCU equivalent of "the wand chooses the wizard." "You're ready when the relic decides you're ready," Mordo says.

Well, the relic in question decided Stephen Strange was ready when Kaecilius was absolutely mopping the floor with him. When Dormammu's disciple was tossing the title character around the New York sanctum like a rag doll, he wasn't exactly concerned with keeping it tidy. One of the many things he smashes was the case containing a red cloak, which Mordo later tells Strange is the Cloak of Levitation. In addition to granting the wearer the namesake ability, the cloak also appears to have a will of its own, which is why it's able to save Strange when Kaecilius knocks him over the rail for what looks like a solid 15-foot drop. It's also how the cloak is able to steer the good doctor away from the battle ax he tries to grab in favor the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak relic which imprisons his enemy.

Time manipulation

Doctor Strange eye of agamotto

Courtesy of another relic, Stephen Strange is able to manipulate time, rewinding events so as to rearrange the timeline and affect the eventual outcome of a given situation. The relic in question is the powerful Eye of Agamotto, created by the first Sorcerer Supreme, Agamotto, who also first established the sanctums that the master of the mystic arts use to safeguard the earth. Whether or not its creator was aware of it, the Eye is powered by the Time Stone — as Wong tells us in "Doctor Strange" — which explains why it's so darn powerful.

After all, how else would Doctor Strange been able to pause and rewind the action on the streets of Hong Kong? It's not like reality is a DVR — though, if it was, the Eye of Agamotto would be one of the world's most amazing universal remotes. In addition to an impressive parlor trick of scrolling through the stages of an apple being eaten and its core decaying — which was simply meant to display what the Eye can do — Strange uses it to trap Dormammu in an infinite loop; though the Devourer of World's exists without the flow of time in the Dark Dimension, when on Earth, he must play by our rules. As such, Strange commits himself to dying infinite deaths in order to force Dormammu to abandon his quest to conquer the Earth.

When Strange surrendered the Time Stone in "Avengers: Infinity War," Thanos used it to wipe out half of all life in the universe before destroying all six Infinity Stones. If Captain America (Chris Evans) truly returned all the alternate Stones in "Avengers: Endgame," then Doctor Strange will seemingly no longer have this ability.

Casting protective spells over objects

Doctor Strange Ebony Maw brick wall

With an item as powerful as the Eye of Agamotto — and the Time Stone within it — within his possession, Stephen Strange would surely need to go to some length to make sure it's not taken from him. Although he's plenty powerful, he understands that it's likely someone more powerful will come along to try to take it off his hands. Enter Bruce Banner through the roof of the New York sanctum; he tells Doctor Strange and Wong that Thanos is coming. After explaining who the Mad Titan is — you would think Doctor Strange, who keeps a watchlist of potential threats, would have heard of him — they enlist Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) 

After Stark and Strange exchange barbs and debate the merits of destroying the Time Stone vs. protecting it, Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian render the argument meaningless by dropping in on Greenwich Village in search of it, in turn trashing part of the city. Although Ebony Maw gets the better of Strange and eventually abducts him from Earth aboard Thanos' Q Ship, it's pretty clear he can't access the Time Stone. In fact, when he tries, it burns him; as the good doctor explains, were Ebony Maw to kill him, he'd find removing the spell "troublesome." The simple but unbreakable warding spell Strange put on the Eye of Agamotto is likely the only reason he survives the first act of "Infinity War," as Ebony Maw changes tack and takes the Sorcerer Supreme along for the ride to torture him in the hopes of eventually taking possession of the Time Stone.

Benedict Cumberbatch Doctor Strange looking into future

Another trick Doctor Strange can do, courtesy of the Eye of Agamotto, is look into the future. He's not the first Sorcerer Supreme to do so, mind you. Though she doesn't reference the relic by name, the Ancient One tells the good doctor during their chat in the astral realm that she spent "years peering through time," looking at that exact moment outside the hospital but unable to see past it. She claims to have forestalled "countless terrible futures," one after another, and none of them went further than that exact moment in time. In addition to humanizing her, the scene sets up one of the other abilities granted by the Eye.

While on Titan, with Tony Stark and Peter Parker (Tom Holland), aka Spider-Man, having a confab with the remaining Guardians of the Galaxy, Strange is off in the corner doing his thing. He appears to be meditating, levitating in a yogic position with an aura of green energy surrounding him and the Eye of Agamotto glowing brightly. Mantis (Pom Klementieff) is the first to notice, asking Stark if Strange often does that — not that he'd know. When Strange emerges from his trance, he explains that he went forward in time in order to see every outcome of the upcoming battle — just over 14 million possible futures — of which they only win one.

Much like his ability to manipulate time, Doctor Strange appears to be unable to look forward in time in the MCU's current continuity, absent a relic that contains some version of the Time Stone. Time will tell if he somehow regains those abilities.

Benedict Cumberbatch Doctor Strange time stone

It's unclear if Doctor Strange's magical abilities have any respect for scientific principles like the law of conservation of mass or the first law of thermodynamics, because he seems to just pull things out of thin air sometimes. We see it happen in one of the "Doctor Strange" post-credits scenes — later adapted into a scene from "Ragnarok" — when he sits down with Thor to talk about his aforementioned watchlist and his adopted brother Loki's (Tom Hiddleston) place on it. When they sit down in those comfy-looking armchairs, Strange offers the God of Thunder tea; though Thor insists he doesn't drink tea, a cup appears in his hand anyway.

That, however, amounts to nothing more than an impressive parlor trick, akin to pulling rabbits out of hats. Doctor Strange's ability to conjure comes into play in much more dire circumstances during "Infinity War." After using the Eye of Agamotto to glimpse the future and the one possible way in which the forces of good are actually able to stop Thanos, Strange seems to have removed the Time Stone from the locket by the time the Mad Titan snatches it from around his neck, declaring it a fake. In truth, Strange has concealed the Time Stone using magic and only reveals it when Thanos is about to kill Tony Stark. The Bleecker Street Magician conjures the Time Stone after the Battle of Titan, bargaining with Thanos to spare Tony Stark's life, as it was part of the one-in-14 million chance they had to win in the end.


Chris Hemsworth Thor staring beer mug

On top of making things appear and disappear, Doctor Strange can change them into something else altogether. That cup of tea he summoned for Thor in the New York sanctum? When the self-proclaimed strongest Avenger informed the good doctor that he doesn't drink tea, the cup magically became a liter of beer, which is much more Thor's speed. He was further amazed — and no doubt pleased — to learn that the mug refilled itself as he emptied it. When Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) crashes through the roof of the sanctum during the first act of "Infinity War," Strange's mystical wardrobe, Cloak of Levitation and all, instantly takes on the form of normal street clothes. Once again, however, this is more along the lines of what we expect from professional illusionists, not the peak powers of the Sorcerer Supreme.

Want to get impressed? Once more in "Infinity War," during the Battle of Titan, Thanos forces Doctor Strange to pull out all of the stops. When the former uses the Infinity Gauntlet to send an actual black hole at the latter, Strange's spell transforms it into a swarm of delicate blue butterflies. We're unsure of the significance of the actual butterflies — though Strange did seemingly see a monarch butterfly in space , courtesy of the trip the Ancient One sent him on during his first solo movie — but we're guessing the act of transmuting a super-dense, all-consuming vortex from which not even light can escape into a bunch of pretty insects is pretty significant in and of itself.

An array of other tricks

Doctor Strange duplicates fighting Thanos

Doctor Strange has a few more tricks up his magic sleeves as well. Though each of these is only seen a single time, they're worth at least a passing mention. During the events of "Ragnarok," when Thor is looking for the Allfather, Odin (Anthony Hopkins), Strange plucks a single strand of hair from the God fo Thunder's mighty mane. This act — to which Thor does not take kindly — was for the sake of casting a locator spell that would transport Thor and the still-falling Loki through a portal directly to their father.

Strange also uses a couple of one-off tricks in "Infinity War" — during the Battle of Titan — one of which is a different form of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, one more loyal to their use in Marvel comic books. Quite different than the usual mystic energy forms Strange uses as shields and weapons, the Crimson bands of Cyttorak are bright red, setting them apart from the bright yellow-orange color of the Tao Mandalas and Eldritch Whip, respectively. Strange pulled them out during the combined attack, seeking to bind Thanos' right hand to prevent his use of the Infinity Gauntlet. When Iron Man and Spider-Man attempt to get it off his hand, Strange restrains the Mad Titan's left hand.

Having failed to get the gauntlet off his hand, Strange later displays an ability to duplicate himself. Dozens of Doctors Strange attack Thanos with multiple Eldritch Whips. Their combined might was no match for the trademark purple blast of the Power Stone, however, as each of the duplicates was dispatched after Thanos attacked with the Infinity Gauntlet.

The Runes of Kof-Kol

Doctor Strange performing spell

When squeaky little Peter Parker is feeling down on himself for problems he kinda-sorta is responsible for, he seeks supernatural assistance to erase it all in "Spider-Man: No Way Home." Peter hopes Doctor Strange can make everyone on Earth forget he was ever Spider-Man so he can escape his newfound celebrity. For some reason, the former Sorcerer Supreme agrees. While this seems like something Steven normally wouldn't even entertain, he had to so we could get a cameo-packed film out of it.

Stephen and Peter head down to the Sanctum's expectedly drab basement, and orange sparks begin flowing. Doctor Strange performs The Runes of Kof-Kal — a spell that would fulfill Peter's exact aforementioned specifications. To put it simply, the Runes wipe the memory of those specified in the spell for a set period of time. According to Wong, the Runes of Kof-Kal travel "the dark borders between known and unknown realities." This initial warning should have made it a no-go, but arrogant Stephen gives it a whirl. The sorcerer didn't account for how annoying Mr. Parker could be, as the latter kept chiming in during the spell, changing his request. He doesn't want those closest to him — MJ, Ned, Happy, Aunt May — to forget his identity. Peter's interruption of the spell mid-progress allows people from other realities to crossover into ours. This only goes for people who know who Peter is, having the somewhat opposite intention of what the Runes of Kof-Kal are meant. Therefore, we get multiple villains from former Spidey flicks crossing over into the MCU, as well as two other Web-Slingers.

Since most of "Spider-Man: No Way Home" is a result of a botched initial Kof-Kal attempt, its finale sees Strange complete it correctly. The rules apply to everyone this time, including Ned, MJ, and Happy, and the film concludes with their memories Peter-wiped as well as everyone else on Earth. The Runes of Kof-Kal also send the reality trespassers back to their respective universes. The villains fade away reformed, while Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield's Spideys head back to their realities. 

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Doctor strange’s complete mcu timeline explained.


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Every Type Of Magic In The MCU & Which Is Most Powerful

Infinity war's best fight scene still hasn't been beaten 5 years later, clea's existence means dormammu's sister can be doctor strange 3's villain.

  • Doctor Strange has played a pivotal role in the MCU's Multiverse Saga and is set for an exciting future.
  • Benedict Cumberbatch has appeared in various MCU projects, including a solo double-bill, two Avengers films, and the MCU's What If...? series.
  • Doctor Strange's backstory includes a tragic past, a stellar medical career, and his journey into the depths of the MCU's Mystic Arts.

Since 2016's Doctor Strange , Benedict Cumberbatch's Master of the Mystic Arts has embarked on some incredible adventures in the MCU . Adapted from Marvel Comics' Doctor Stephen Strange, who debuted in 1963's Strange Tales #110 , Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange has been a core character in the MCU since his debut in Phase 3. Despite being introduced later than many of the MCU's other cornerstone heroes, Doctor Strange played a pivotal role in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame , and has become one of the most important figures in the MCU's Multiverse Saga, setting himself up for an even more exciting future.

As well as leading two solo projects in the MCU, 2016's Doctor Strange and 2022's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness , Benedict Cumberbatch has also appeared in a number of other stories. Doctor Strange was crucial to Infinity War and Endgame , and has also made appearances in Thor: Ragnarok, Spider-Man: No Way Home , and has been central to the multiverse-spanning stories of Marvel Studios' What If...? anthology series. Following the conclusion of the MCU's Infinity Saga, Doctor Strange has led the charge into the Multiverse Saga , and his backstory has given the MCU some of its most impressive moments.

Defender Strange and Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

All 7 Doctor Strange Costumes In The MCU, Ranked

Doctor Strange is recognized by his robe and the Cloak of Levitation, but he and his variants have donned some other unique costumes in the MCU.

18 A Tragic Accident Inspires Stephen Strange To Become A Doctor (1970s/1980s)

Doctor strange in the multiverse of madness (2022).

Doctor Stephen Strange about to perform surgery in Doctor Strange

Not much is known about Stephen Strange's early life, though based on Benedict Cumberbatch's own age, it could be assumed that Strange was born in the 1970s. Despite nothing being known about his upbringing, a short exchange with his multiversal variant in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness revealed that Strange had a sister, Donna . In their childhood, Donna drowned after falling into a frozen lake, and it was Strange's inability to save his sister that inspired him to become a doctor .

17 Stephen Strange’s Photographic Memory Helps Him Excel At Medical School (1990s)

Doctor strange (2016).

Doctor Strange speaking to Christine Palmer in scrubs in Doctor Strange

Presumably in the 1990s, Stephen Strange attended medical school at Columbia University, a popular alma mater for Marvel's superheroes. Helped along by his photographic memory, Stephen Strange excelled in medical school, graduating with his MD and PhD simultaneously . He learned all the technical aspects of his prospective job incredibly quickly, but spent years repeating behaviors and learning new ones in order to become the best doctor he could possibly be, inspired all the way by his sister's tragic demise.

Doctor Strange Poster

Doctor Strange

16 stephen strange & christine palmer meet & briefly date (2000s), doctor strange (2016) & doctor strange in the multiverse of madness (2022).

While working in the ER Department of Metro-General Hospital in New York City, Strange met fellow surgeon Christine Palmer. Since Strange had begun specializing in neurological surgery, focusing his research on the formation of new nerve cells, Strange and Palmer invented a new laminectomy procedure. The pair began dating, but Strange's arrogance and focus on his work drove them apart, though they remained close friends . In an alternate universe detailed in What If...? , Palmer's relationship with Strange ended in her tragic death, marking an Absolute Point that Strange tried vehemently to break.

Rachel McAdams played Christine Palmer in Doctor Strange and its sequel, and also appeared as Palmer's Earth-838 variant and a version of the character in What If...?.

15 Stephen Strange Works Behind The Scenes Of The MCU (2012-2016)

Captain america: the winter soldier (2014) & avengers: endgame (2019).

The Ancient One meeting Bruce Banner's Smart Hulk in 2012 in Avengers Endgame

Although not seen on-screen prior to Doctor Strange , Stephen Strange worked as an expert in his field throughout the entire history of the MCU. 2014's Captain America: The Winter Soldier revealed that Strange was one of HYDRA's targets for Project Insight, suggesting his work in neurosurgery may have, somehow, posed a threat to HYDRA. During Avengers: Endgame's Time Heist, Bruce Banner's Smart Hulk met the Ancient One in 2012 during the Battle of New York, who revealed that Strange was performing surgery in the city while the Avengers were fighting Loki, reinforcing his dedication to his job.

14 Doctor Strange’s Accident Ends His Medical Career (2016)

Doctor Strange after his car accident in Doctor Strange

In 2016, after successfully performing an operation and saving another patient who'd been shot, Strange prepared himself to speak at an American Neurological Association dinner. On the drive there, Strange canvassed three prospective new patients, but ended up crashing his car while distracted from the road. Although his life had been saved in surgery that lasted eleven hours, Strange's hands suffered permanent nerve damage, making it impossible for him to continue his surgical career . Strange searched for a cure, and began physical therapy, but was met with several dead ends.

13 Doctor Strange Travels To Kamar-Taj & Meets The Ancient One (2016)

Strange was recommended to travel to Kamar-Taj by paraplegic Jonathan Pangborn, who used magic to enable himself to walk. Journeying to Kathmandu, Strange eventually found Kamar-Taj and met Baron Mordo and the Ancient One , with the latter opening his eyes to the true magnitude of the universe and its energies. Strange began training in the Mystic Arts, not only regaining some use of his hands in the process, but also learning about the Time Stone and other dimensions . During this time, Strange built a close friendship with Wong, Kamar-Taj's librarian, who would later become Sorcerer Supreme.

Every type of magic in the MCU Chaos Dark Celestial

Several different types of magic exist in the world of the MCU. Here's what they all are, and which one of them is considered the most powerful.

12 Doctor Strange Battles Kaecilius & Dormammu With The Time Stone (2017)

While still studying at Kamar-Taj, Strange found himself in New York's Sanctum Sanctorum, where he witnessed Kaecilius, an agent of the Dark Dimension's ruler, Dormammu , murdering the Sanctum's Master, Daniel Drumm. Strange fought Kaecilius and his zealots on several occasions, though managed to outsmart them with the help of the Cloak of Levitation and the Ancient One. Following the Ancient One's death, Strange used the Time Stone to reverse damage Kaecilius had done in Hong Kong , before meeting Dormammu and trapping the entity in a loop until Kaecilius was taken from the Earth.

11 Doctor Strange Helps Thor & Loki Find Odin (2017)

Thor: ragnarok (2017).

Chris Hemsworth as Thor drinking beer with Doctor Strange in Thor Ragnarok

After saving the world from the dangers of the Dark Dimension, Doctor Strange began to keep a list of potential threats to reality, which included the Asgardian God of Mischief Loki. When Thor and Loki traveled to Earth to retrieve their father, Odin, Doctor Strange intercepted them. However, upon learning that Thor and Loki would promptly return to Asgard after finding Odin, Strange decided to help their quest, pointing them in the direction of Norway . During this time, Doctor Strange also emplored Wong to teach him about the Infinity Stones.

10 Doctor Strange & Wong Battle Kalkartho (2018)

Avengers: infinity war: the heroes' journey (2018).

Wong and Doctor Strange in Kamar-Taj in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

As detailed in the Avengers: Infinity War: The Heroes' Journey book, which acted as a prologue to Avengers: Infinity War , Strange was plagued by visions of a tentacled creature named Kalkartho attacking Earth. In an effort to stop Kalkartho's attack, Strange and Wong opened a portal to the Magenta Dimension to use the Bonds of Baelzar, trapping the creature. They traveled to the moon in their astral forms to distract Kalkartho, but ended up fighting it back in the New York Sanctum, though Kalkartho was thankfully pulled into the Magenta Dimension, despite both Wong and Strange almost meeting their ends.

9 Doctor Strange Teams Up With Iron Man & Spider-Man To Fight Ebony Maw (2018)

Avengers: infinity war (2018).

Tony Stark and Doctor Strange on the ship to Titan in Avengers Infinity War

In 2018, Bruce Banner crashed into the Sanctum Sanctorum with news of the Mad Titan Thanos' impending attack. Doctor Strange collected Tony Stark, who Strange and Wong informed of the Infinity Stones. The heroes were soon approached by Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian, two members of Thanos' Black Order , who attempted to steal the Time Stone. Strange was tortured aboard Ebony Maw's ship, but Maw was blasted out into space by the combined efforts of Iron Man and Peter Parker's Spider-Man . Together, the trio traveled to Titan, hoping to have the upper hand by bringing the fight to him.

8 Doctor Strange Battles Thanos On Titan, But Gives Up The Time Stone & Is Killed (2018)

After meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy on Titan, Strange looked into 14 million possible futures, but only witnessed one in which the Avengers defeated Thanos. When Thanos arrived, the heroes fought him valiantly while trying to relinquish the Infinity Gauntlet. Doctor Strange and Thanos' battle in Infinity War was beautiful, with Strange using the Mirror Dimension, butterflies, and multiplications of himself to try and defeat the villain . However, Strange eventually gave Thanos the Time Stone in exchange for Stark's life, which allowed Thanos to complete his quest and wipe out half the population of the universe, including Strange himself.

Avengers Infinity War Thanos vs Doctor Strange

Avengers: Infinity War has one of the best fight scenes in the MCU thanks to Doctor Strange and Thanos, and it hasn't been beaten yet.

7 Doctor Strange Returns For The Battle Of Earth (2023)

Avengers: endgame (2019).

Doctor Strange signaling to Tony Stark in Avengers Endgame

After the five-year-long Blip, the surviving Avengers embarked on the Time Heist to retrieve the Infinity Stones and bring back everyone Thanos had killed. They were successful, but 2014's Thanos attacked Avengers HQ only moments later. Facing the Mad Titan and his armies would have been an impossible task for the few Avengers present, but Doctor Strange opened portals across the cosmos to allow all the returned heroes to join the fight in Endgame's Battle of Earth . Strange revealed that Tony Stark would need to sacrifice himself, as he had foreseen, and he was later present at Stark's funeral.

6 Doctor Strange Tries To Help Spider-Man, But Makes Everyone Forget Him Instead (2024)

Spider-man: no way home (2021).

Doctor Strange returned after five years to find that Wong had become the Sorcerer Supreme in his absence. Strange's inferiority complex perhaps drove him to make rash decisions when Peter Parker arrived in the wake of his identity being revealed , as Parker hoped to make everyone forget him. Strange botched the initial spell, instead pulling multiversal villains who knew Peter Parker's identity into the MCU, and though Strange wanted to send them back to their deaths, Spider-Man refused. Later, Parker urged Strange to complete the spell, saving the multiverse, but making everyone forget Spider-Man's identity in the process.

5 Doctor Strange Meets America Chavez & Battles The Scarlet Witch (2025)

America Chavez meeting Doctor Strange and Wong in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Shortly after his experiences with Spider-Man, Doctor Strange attended the wedding of Christine Palmer, though was interrupted during the reception by Gargantos' attack on America Chavez, a multiversal traveler . Strange and Wong defeated Gargantos, and after learning of America Chavez's ability, thought that she would be safe under Wanda Maximoff's protection. However, Maximoff's Scarlet Witch had actually been the one chasing Chavez across the multiverse, hoping to steal her power, so Strange reaching out for her help only brought the Scarlet Witch's wrath down on Kamar-Taj , where Chavez had been given refuge.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness continued on from the ending of WandaVision , which saw the Scarlet Witch using the Darkhold to try and find her sons, Billy and Tommy Maximoff, in another reality of the multiverse.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Poster

Doctor Strange In the Multiverse of Madness

4 america chavez & doctor strange travel to alternate realities (2025).

During battle with the Scarlet Witch, America Chavez opened a portal through the multiverse that she and Doctor Strange jumped into. The pair blasted through several different realities in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness , including one inhabited by dinosaurs, one in which HYDRA won, an underwater universe, a reality made entirely of paint, and one which was animated, before finding themselves in Earth-838. There, Strange and Chavez were taken captive by the Illuminati, a team comprising the leaders of other superhero groups, but the Scarlet Witch found them , killed the Illuminati's members and took Chavez back to Earth-616.

Earth-838's Illuminati included Reed Richards' Mister Fantastic, Charles Xavier's Professor X, Maria Rambeau's Captain Marvel, Peggy Carter's Captain Carter, Black Bolt, and Baron Mordo, the Sorcerer Supreme.

3 Doctor Strange Experiments With The Darkhold (2025)

Doctor Strange with his cape of spirits in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

While the Scarlet Witch took America Chavez back home, she sent Doctor Strange and a variant of Christine Palmer to a reality ravaged by an incursion. Strange met his own variant, who had become corrupted by the Darkhold , similarly to the Scarlet Witch. After a brief skirmish, Sinister Strange was defeated, but the original Strange decided to use the Darkhold to dream-walk into the corpse of another of his variants, allowing him to help Chavez fight the Scarlet Witch in his original reality. This perversion of nature left Strange with a third eye, akin to his more evil variant.

2 Doctor Strange Causes An Incursion & Meets Clea (2025)

Clea and Doctor Strange with a third eye in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

At some point during the events of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness , Doctor Strange caused an incursion, which, if left unchecked, has the potential to destroy the multiverse. Strange was given this warning, and called up to help, by Clea, a mysterious sorceress who appeared to him on the street. Clea sliced open a portal into the Dark Dimension, and the pair jumped through together, presumably to deal with Strange's incursion. Charlize Theron played Clea in Multiverse of Madness , adapted from Doctor Strange's love interest, and eventually wife, from Marvel Comics.

clea in doctor strange in the multiverse of madness with umar from marvel comics

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' post-credits scene debuted Clea in the MCU, who could open the door for an iconic Doctor Strange villain.

1 Doctor Strange Will Be Returning In Doctor Strange 3

Doctor strange 3 (tbd).

Doctor Strange saying goodbye to America Chavez in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange 3 hasn't yet been officially confirmed, but since Doctor Strange is playing such a pivotal role in the expansion of the MCU's Multiverse Saga, it's likely the trilogy-capper will release prior to, or between, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars . Recent speculation has suggested that Doctor Strange 3 may adapt Marvel Comics' intense Time Runs Out storyline , which immediately preceded 2015's Secret Wars event. This would make the potential sequel one of the most important Multiverse Saga projects, and allow Doctor Strange to continue to change the landscape of the MCU.

Doctor Strange 3 doesn't yet have a scheduled release date.

Key Release Dates

Blade (2025), avengers: the kang dynasty, avengers: secret wars.

Doctor Strange

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Stephen Strange (Earth-616)


Dr. Stephen Strange , M.D. , [26] a.k.a. Doctor Strange , was the Sorcerer Supreme for Earth-616 . [14] Strange was once a brilliant but arrogant Neurosurgeon , until a car accident crippled his hands. [11] When modern medicine failed him, he embarked on a journey to Kamar-Taj in Tibet , where he was trained by the Ancient One . [11] He healed his hands and learned more about Magic , eventually becoming a Master of the Mystic Arts . [14] He settled in the Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village , New York City , becoming the Earth 's protector from any mystical threats. [27]

  • 1.1 Early Life
  • 1.2 Medical Career
  • 1.3 Car Accident
  • 1.4 The Ancient One
  • 1.5 Mystic Consultant
  • 1.6 Super Hero Career
  • 1.7 The Illuminati
  • 1.8 Sorcery Supremacy
  • 1.9 Infinity Gauntlet
  • 1.10 More Attempts at Title
  • 1.11 Midnight Sons
  • 1.12 Shanzar
  • 1.13 Recruited
  • 1.14 Secret Defenders
  • 1.15 Infinity Crusade
  • 1.16 Siege of Darkness
  • 1.17 Un-Earth
  • 1.18 Salome
  • 1.19 War of the Seven Spheres
  • 1.20 The Order
  • 1.21 Dead Girl
  • 1.22 House of M
  • 1.23 Civil War
  • 1.24 New Avengers
  • 1.25 World War Hulk
  • 1.26 Secret Invasion
  • 1.27 Dark Reign
  • 1.28 Heroic Age
  • 1.29 Incursions
  • 1.30 Infinity
  • 1.31 Post-Infinity
  • 1.32 Time Runs Out
  • 1.33 Secret Wars
  • 1.34 Last Days of Magic
  • 1.35 Loki: Sorcerer Supreme
  • 1.36 Damnation
  • 1.37 Sorcerer Supreme of the Galaxy
  • 1.38 The Two Doctors
  • 1.39 Herald Supreme
  • 1.40 Death of Doctor Strange
  • 1.41 Death's Servant
  • 2.2 Abilities
  • 2.3 Weaknesses
  • 3.1 Equipment
  • 3.2 Weapons
  • 3.3 Transportation
  • 7.1 References

Early Life [ ]

Stephen Strange was born to Eugene and Beverly Strange in November [28] 1930 while the couple was vacationing in Philadelphia . In 1932, Stephen's sister Donna was born at the family's Nebraska farm. Knowing that Strange was destined to become the next Sorcerer Supreme, a resentful apprentice sorcerer, Karl Mordo , beset the child with demons from the age of eight through to adulthood, as he was jealous that a kid would be better than him. Ultimately Strange was rescued by Mordo's master, the Ancient One , mystic protector of the Earth-realm as the then-current Sorcerer Supreme. Shortly after this torment began, Stephen's brother, Victor , was born. At age eleven, Strange aided an injured Donna, an experience which ultimately fostered an interest in medicine. [29] At age fifteen, he briefly dated a young woman named Laura Robson . [30] Strange entered New York College as a pre-med student directly out of high school. [29] Later, while home on vacation for his nineteenth birthday, Strange was swimming with Donna when she suffered a cramp. After a frantic search, Stephen found her already drowned. The experience left him with a sense of personal failure that eroded his medical idealism. [31]

Medical Career [ ]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) performs surgery in Doctor Strange Vol 1 169

Brilliant Surgeon

Stephen earned his medical degree in record time and entered a five-year residency at New York Hospital , where his rapid success made him arrogant. Stephen's mother Beverly died near the end of his residency, and work became more and more impersonal for the bereaved surgeon. Strange's talent remained, however, and he became a wealthy and celebrated neurosurgeon before he turned thirty. [26] [29]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 115

Arrogant Doctor

Egotistical and greedy, cold and callous, Strange's interest in his patients generally began and ended at his bill. [26] The exception was Madeleine Revell , an injured United Nations translator whom he saved and fell in love with. Following a whirlwind romance and proposal, she left him due to his increasingly materialistic nature. [32]

Two years after his mother's death, Strange's father, Eugene, also fell ill. Already crippled by grief over his mother's death (though he would never admit it), Stephen was unable to face any more tragedy and refused to visit Eugene's deathbed. A few days later, an outraged Victor confronted Stephen in his apartment over his apparent lack of grief. [31] Following the confrontation, Victor rushed from the apartment and into the path of an oncoming car. Victor died, and a guilt-wracked Stephen placed Victor's body in cold storage, half-hoping that future breakthroughs could revive him. [33]

Car Accident [ ]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange Vol 1 169 001

Car Accident

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 115 0001

Injured Hands

Around 1963, Strange was involved in a debilitating car accident. [26] Dr. Nicodemus West , a brilliant surgeon in his own right, was an admirer of Dr. Stephen Strange agreed to do the surgery. Though he was able to save Strange, the nerves in his hands were severely damaged. [11] Dr. Strange, with his surgical career over and too vain to accept positions as a consultant or assistant, soon exhausted his fortune following every rumored treatment, no matter how ineffective. In a matter of months, the once wealthy surgeon became a derelict, [26] and resorted to performing a number of shady medical procedures to survive (and pay his growing bar tabs). Strange's guilt over the mistakes of his early life would come to weigh heavily upon him over the years, and his recollections of the time could not always be trusted. [11]

The Ancient One [ ]

After hearing rumors of the mystical Ancient One, Strange pawned his last possessions for a ticket to the East. Strange found the Ancient One's Tibetan palace, but the aged sorcerer refused to cure him, instead offering to teach him in mysticism. Strange refused but couldn't leave immediately due to a sudden blizzard. While staying for the duration of the storm, Strange witnessed the Ancient One's apprentice, Baron Mordo, secretly attack the teacher with mystically summoned skeletons, which the old man easily dispelled. Strange, his skepticism eroding, confronted Mordo about the treachery but Mordo responded with restraining spells that kept Strange from warning the Ancient One or attacking Mordo physically. Amazed by these displays of magic, Strange underwent a change of heart. Deciding that the only way to stop Mordo was to learn magic himself in order to challenge Mordo on his terms, Strange accepted the Ancient One's offer. Pleased by Strange's acceptance for unselfish reasons, the Ancient One removed the mystic restraints, explaining that he was well aware of Mordo's treachery but preferred to keep Mordo close by in order to control and possibly change him. [26]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Excalibur Vol 3 13 0002

Doctor Stephen Strange

The Ancient One had known of Strange and his potential to serve as the Sorcerer Supreme prior to even Strange's first encounter with him. He regarded his hidden prowess so highly that he rejected Daimon Hellstrom for Strange as his pupil. The Ancient One had planned to make Dr. Strange his successor for a long time. [ citation needed ]

Strange spent years under the Ancient One's tutelage, learning to tap the innate mystic powers of himself and the world around him, as well as how to invoke the powers of Principalities, powerful beings such as Dormammu , Satannish , and the Vishanti , who resided in their own mystic realms. A few years after Strange's arrival, Mordo left the Ancient One's palace to seek greater power. The two rivals would clash often in the future. It was during this time that Strange passed a test against Death itself. As a reward, Strange was given ageless life and an ankh-shaped mark on his forehead that would only appear when his life was in dire jeopardy. The Ancient One himself had attained near-immortality by passing this test over 600 years earlier. [ citation needed ]

During his early years as a student of the mystic arts, Strange befriended many sorcerers around the world, including Lord Julian Phyffe and Sir Clive Bentley of Great Britain ; [34] Cardinal Alfeo Spinosa and Count Tancredo Carezzi of Italy ; Omar Karindu , Rama Kaliph , [35] and Turhan Barim of the Middle East; Wai Chee Yee and Sen-Yu of Asia ; [35] and Aleister Kane , Kenneth Ward , [16] and Frank Brukner of America . Strange also found allies among more of earth's heroes, aiding the Black Fox in at least two adventures, while other adventurers, such as Immortalis and Terror, Inc. , regarded him with skepticism. [ citation needed ]

Mystic Consultant [ ]

Strange, studied magic under the Ancient One for seven years and returned to the United States in the 1970s. Strange became a mystic consultant, establishing his Sanctum Sanctorum in New York 's Greenwich Village . He was attended by Wong , latest in a centuries-old bloodline that had served the Ancient One, and who had become both Strange's servant and his friend. During this time Strange fought the demonic entities such as the Possessors , [36] Aggamon , [37] the House of Shadows , [38] Zota , [39] the Bottle Imp , and KhLΘG . Strange also fought the otherworldly Nightmare , who fed upon dreaming humanity's terror and became one of Strange's most bitter enemies. [40] [27] [41] The mysterious doctor's reputation grew, and Strange even became an occasional consultant to local and federal authorities. [ citation needed ]

Super Hero Career [ ]

When the debut of the Fantastic Four heralded the dawn of the Heroic Age, Strange initially remained aloof from New York's superhero community, fighting his battles against Nightmare and Baron Mordo [42] [34] [43] [44] [45] in secrecy. At one point Loki , the Asgardian God of trickery manipulated Strange into attacking his heroic foster brother, Thor . The treachery was soon exposed, however, and Strange turned against Loki. [46] Thor would later, in the guise of Dr. Donald Blake save Strange's life by operating on him after another battle with Mordo. [47] Soon after, a clash with Mordo led Strange to ally with the young Spider-Man , who helped Strange rescue several people from a mystic dimension. The experience proved so traumatic that Spider-Man asked Strange to remove their memories of the event, though this caused them to forget Spider-Man's heroism as well. Impressed by the young hero's bravery and altruism, Strange came to regard him as a friend, and the two have teamed up many times over the years. [ citation needed ]

The Dread Dormammu, sensing his old adversary the Ancient One's declining power, threatened to invade the Earth-Realm and sent a messenger ahead of him. Upon learning of Dormammu's intent, the Ancient One sent Strange to the Dark Dimension to do battle with the evil foe. While there, Strange was approached by Clea , a novice mystic and, [48] though few knew it at the time, daughter of Dormammu's sister Umar . [49] Clea feared that if Dormammu fell as ruler of the Dark Dimension, the dimensional barriers would weaken and the realm would be ravaged by the Mindless Ones . Clea thus sought to prevent the duel, but Strange would not yield. Dormammu easily outmatched Strange, but in the process lost just enough of his energies so that the Mindless Ones were able to invade. Seeking to save the Dark Dimension's denizens, Strange lent Dormammu enough power to create a new barrier. Enraged by his own weakness, Dormammu felt honor-bound to spare Strange, who in turn bargained with him to spare both the Earth-Realm and the attractive Clea. [50]

Sometime later, Clea aided Strange again from afar and was once again imprisoned by Dormammu. [51] He forced her to watch as Strange and Mordo fought each other, with Strange taking several blows from his foe, but eventually the tides turned and Strange got close to defeating Mordo. Afraid his puppet would lose, Dormammu decided to enter the battle himself. [52]

Despite its many challenges, Strange was able to win the fight, but when Dormammu returned to the Dark Dimension, he contacted Strange and made him watch as Clea was banished to another dimension. [53] With time, Clea was rescued and Dormammu dealt with by Eternity , leaving the Dark Dimension without a ruler. [54]

Shortly after, Strange joined several superheroes in a battle against the powerful mutate Sundown . Now more involved with the super hero community, he became a special consultant to prominent super-teams such as the Fantastic Four, the X-Men , and the Avengers . [ citation needed ]

Months after attending the wedding of Reed and Sue Richards , [55] Doctor Strange had to save Clea once again, as Umar had cast her to another dimension, in the hopes of luring Strange to defeat him. [56] Strange overcame several of Umar's traps and rescued Clea, but in the end the Ancient One convinced him that she would only be safe if she were sent to another dimension yet again, making him watch as Clea was sent away from him one more time. [57]

Coincidentally, in this new dimension, Clea ran into none other than the Dreadful Dormammu, but history repeated itself as Strange found a way to reach her and defeated Dormammu. [58] Finally realizing that Earth was the only safe place for her, Strange helped her get an apartment in New York, so she could start her life anew. [59] However, Clea lost her powers on Earth and began missing the Dark Dimension. [60]

Later, Strange was exiled to a hostile dimension by Asmodeus , who took the doctor's form in an attempt to catch the Ancient One by surprise. Prevented from returning to the Earth-Realm by metaphysical law so long as Asmodeus occupied his form, Strange adopted a new form with a full-face mask (perhaps emulating his super hero allies). After defeating Asmodeus, Strange retained the new appearance to preserve his anonymity. After carelessly revealing his name during a battle with Nightmare, the cosmic Eternity , whom Strange was aiding at the time, agreed to return Strange's anonymity by altering all relevant earthly documents and memories bearing the name “Stephen Strange” to “Stephen Sanders.” [ citation needed ]

Strange next resisted the invading Undying Ones , a race of demons that had once dominated the Earth and were led by the infernal Nameless One . To face the onslaught, Strange manipulated Prince Namor of Atlantis [61] and the monstrous Hulk into aiding him. [62] With the Undying Ones defeated, Strange seemed to believe the world safe from further incursion. Strange was troubled by his arrogant exploitation of Namor and the Hulk, however, and decided to forego magic and return to medicine as a consultant, selflessly performing the duties he once thought were beneath him. [ citation needed ]

Strange's return to medicine lasted only a few weeks. After Baron Mordo tried to kill him, Strange returned to sorcery and defeated Mordo with the help of the Ancient One. The Ancient One, for reasons of his own, reversed Eternity's spell, restoring the name "Stephen Strange" to the world's records and memories. Shortly thereafter, the Nameless One returned and Strange donned his (non-masked) robes to confront the threat alongside Namor and the Hulk. Becoming friends despite their differences, [63] the three were soon joined by the alien Silver Surfer to form the core of the Defenders , [64] a loose-knit "non-team" that would reunite sporadically to meet threats against the Earth. [ citation needed ]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from New Avengers Illuminati Vol 2 1 001

A Captured Sorcerer

The Illuminati [ ]

Following the Kree-Skrull War , a number of Earth's most powerful heroes -- Doctor Strange, Black Bolt , Professor X , Iron Man , Mister Fantastic, and Namor -- formed the Illuminati , a secretive group of Earth's most influential heroes that would meet only a few times, and only to tackle events of extraordinary importance. While certain Illuminati members were unable to attend certain gatherings (such as Xavier and Iron Man), Strange attended all known meetings, adding the viewpoint and perspective his decades of battling mystic evil had brought him. [65] [66]

The Illuminati inadvertently precipitated an invasion of Earth by the shapeshifting, alien Skrull race by attacking the homeworld after delivering a warning not to endanger their planet again. This led to their capture, experimentation, and analysis, which enabled the Skrulls to eventually perform enough reverse biological engineering and cloning to gather the resources required to launch a covert invasion. [66]

Sorcery Supremacy [ ]

Strange came under attack by servants of the Old One Shuma-Gorath , a vast extra dimensional entity who had ruled on Earth millennia ago but was banished in the Hyborian era. Shuma-Gorath sought to return to the mind of the Ancient One himself, and Strange entered his mentor's mind to confront the creature. After fighting a losing battle, the Ancient One himself asked Strange to slay him rather than allow Shuma-Gorath passage to Earth. The Ancient One's physical death made him one with Eternity, and Strange inherited the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, guardian of the entire universe. Since Clea had been spending countless hours studying in the Sanctum Sanctorum 's library, Stephen then decided to turn her into his first official disciple as the new Sorcerer Supreme. [67]

Seeking solace from his new burdens, Strange attempted to use his power to revive his brother Victor using spells from the Book of the Vishanti ; unfortunately, Strange did not realize he had read the Vampiric Verses , imbuing Victor with the potential for resurrection as a vampire. Thinking the spells had failed, Strange left his brother's body in cold storage. [ citation needed ]

Strange continued his adventures with the Defenders, and over the months the informal team's ranks included beings such as the Asgardian Valkyrie , Brunnhilde, [68] the winged millionaire Nighthawk , [69] the happy-go-lucky Hellcat , [70] and others. Though this pitted Strange against less magical foes (such as the mutant Magneto , the alien Nebulon , [71] [72] the subversive Sons of the Serpent , and the bizarre Headmen [73] [72] ), the camaraderie of the team and the love of Clea gave Strange a welcome change from his customary solitude. [ citation needed ]

Later, however, Strange felt that his magical powers had become severely diminished. This allowed Strange to become possessed by the spirit of the Star of Capistan , transforming him into the Red Rajah. As the Rajah, Strange tried to link the consciousnesses of all the people of New York City with his own to create a type of utopian society. Eventually, Strange's teammates in the Defenders were able to free him from the effects of the Star, which Strange promptly destroyed. As a result of this, Strange felt it necessary to take a leave from the Defenders in order to renew his commitment to the mystic arts in order to keep his powers at their peak. [74] The Defenders continued on without him and later Strange would rejoin the group when they required his assistance. [ citation needed ]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Marvel Masterpieces (Trading Cards) 1996 001

At one point, the trans-temporal sorcerers called the Creators manipulated the Ancient One's spirit into offering Strange a chance to become one with the universe. When Strange rejected the offer, he was stripped of the mantle and power of Sorcerer Supreme. Strange soon joined battle with the Creators, defeating their ally, the In-Betweener , and thwarting their reality-reshaping plans. After their deception was revealed, the Ancient One restored Strange's title; who, if anyone, assumed the title in the meantime is unknown. Though Strange's adventure took mere days from his perspective, weeks passed on Earth. [ citation needed ]

Months later, the mysterious alien Tribunals perpetrated a hoax that convinced the four founding Defenders that their alliance would eventually cause a cosmic tragedy, and the group was disbanded. It would be some time before the hoax was exposed. Strange soon lent aid to BorderLine Investigative Services (actually a band of vampire hunters) in confronting Dracula . At one point, Strange cast the Darkhold 's famed Montesi Formula , a spell which destroyed all vampires within the Earth-Realm. The cryogenically stored body of Victor Strange, however, was passed over because it had been enchanted with the powers of the Book of the Vishanti. With the book ultimately being a tome of protection (even when applied to vampires), Victor's body survived. [ citation needed ]

Meanwhile, in the Dark Dimension, Clea had returned to lead the rebellion against Umar. Clea overthrew her mother and took the throne with Strange's help, but her responsibilities as ruler of the Dark Dimension and his as Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth-Realm meant the two would be forced to separate. [75] Upon returning to Earth, however, Strange's role as Sorcerer Supreme was challenged by the covetous alien Urthona . At one point, the struggle against Urthona forced Strange to destroy his own collection of talismans, tomes, and artifacts to prevent Urthona from taking control of them. (It was later revealed that Agamotto , one of three Vishanti, had intervened, sequestering the collection away at the moment Strange seemed to destroy them). [ citation needed ]

With the artifacts removed, the barriers between dimensions they had established weakened, and the Earth was assaulted by a number of once-pacified mystic threats. Strange met the threats with the extra dimensional novice mystic Rintrah and was eventually joined by Kaluu , an old rival of the Ancient One and master of life-draining black magic. Weakened by the loss of his artifacts, Strange reluctantly accepted Kaluu's offer to teach him the black arts. These skills served Strange well when confronted with the return of Shuma-Gorath, who Strange fought on one of his home planes. The power required to defeat Shuma-Gorath corrupted Strange, to the point where he merged with the evil demon-god. After inducing the merged creature to commit suicide, both Shuma-Gorath and Strange's own ego were destroyed. Kaluu guided Strange's spirit back to Earth, slowly restoring Strange's ego as he burnt off the taint of Shuma-Gorath's evil. Though this ultimately allowed the demon to reform in his home dimension, it had at the very least, been prevented from returning to Earth. [ citation needed ] Shortly thereafter, Strange and Clea met again, and Strange confessed he was done trying to move past love and wanted to embrace it. Since they couldn't be legally married (due to Clea's status as an extradimensional being), Strange and Clea began wearing magic rings that were actually only one and were therefore mystically connected for all eternity. [76] Afterwards, Strange took Rintrah as his new apprentice. [ citation needed ]

Strange assisted the X-Men (at the behest of fellow Illuminati member and longtime friend Professor X) when Margali Szardos , Sorceress Supreme and adoptive mother to Nightcrawler , believed Wagner had been guilty of cold-blooded murder and thus magically separated his soul from his body into her own dimension. Strange determined that Nightcrawler was actually human, that a hostile yet not malevolent mystic force was responsible for his body's "death". Strange was taken along with the X-Men to Margali's realm of "Hell" where Kurt's innocence was proved, and they were allowed to return to Earth on good terms. However, Strange was shocked when the Eye of Agamotto was used by Margali, who told him enigmatically that he had not been the Eye's first custodian, nor would he be the last, ending with Strange determined to find out more about the potent yet mysterious sorceress. [77]

It was at this point, however, that Victor Strange's body finally rose as a vampire, and ultimately fell under the sway of sorceress Marie LaVeau . LaVeau tried to coerce Strange into again reciting the Vampiric Verses, thereby nullifying the Montesi Formula, but Strange instead banished the page containing the Vampiric Verses page from the Earth-Realm. Nonetheless, LaVeau was able to use Victor as a template to duplicate the spell, making it possible for long-destroyed vampires to reappear. [ citation needed ]

Infinity Gauntlet [ ]

Strange and Clea were soon drawn back to the Dark Dimension, as both Dormammu and Umar sought to reclaim the throne. Umar ultimately won, leaving Clea exiled on Earth. While Clea sought allies to mount an offensive, Strange and others were drawn up in the fight with an Infinity Gauntlet -wielding Thanos of Titan . The death-worshiping Thanos used the Gauntlet's immensely powerful Infinity Gems to eradicate half of the universe's population before the heroes defeated him and used the same power to undo the damage. [ citation needed ]

More Attempts at Title [ ]

However, attempts to claim Strange's position of Sorcerer Supreme were not to end, even years after he had attained, lost and again won back his station. Ian McNee attempted to challenge Strange for the role, having trained himself for ten years, and apparently killed Strange; however, further killings due to others challenging McNee, in turn, convinced him that killing was the curse of the Sorcerer Supreme. However, Strange had not been killed and no one had really died from the battles. Nicodemus , too, tried to seize Strange's title, winning it briefly, but the strain and pressure of such power and responsibility quickly overwhelmed him. [ citation needed ]

Midnight Sons [ ]

Strange soon formed alliances with other supernatural heroes, manipulating the formation of the Midnight Sons , a loose group including his vampire hunter allies, as well as Morbius , Ghost Rider , and Blaze among others. These warriors were actually the last in a long line of Midnight Sons, destined to confront the demonic scourges of Zarathos and Lilith . He also briefly tutored the young sorcerer Augustyne Phyffe , who ultimately chose to abandon sorcery. [ citation needed ]

Shanzar [ ]

After sharing leadership of Earth's heroes against the Magus during the Infinity War , Strange teamed with Namor, the Hulk, and the Silver Surfer to battle Shanzar , the invading Sorcerer Supreme of another dimension. [78]

Recruited [ ]

Meanwhile, the Principalities of various mystic realms began summoning their devotees to serve them in the War of the Seven Spheres , a war between opposing magical entities expected to last five thousand years. When the Vishanti sought to enlist Strange, he refused, unwilling to abandon his earthly duties. Unable to resist them if called, Strange instead renounced the use of their powers, stripping him of much of his power. [79]

Secret Defenders [ ]

Strange was then attacked by an even more powerful Dormammu, who had manipulated Clea into deposing of Umar so that he could again rule the Dark Dimension. With the help of the Hulk, the Silver Surfer, and Ghost Rider, Strange was able to repel the dark lord, but he continued to rule the Dark Dimension, and Clea remained there to again lead the resistance. Strange soon after began recruiting Secret Defenders , ad hoc teams assembled to meet periodic threats to the Earth that he could not handle alone. Strange also sought the aid of Immortalis in curing his brother Victor but was refused because no permanent cure was known. After Rintrah was slain while destroying a dangerous talisman, Strange placed his body in stasis pending a potential revival and took Kyllian Kell , heir to ancient Celtic magic, as his new apprentice. [ citation needed ]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 42 001

Larger than life!

Infinity Crusade [ ]

Strange was at one time abducted by the Goddess , who collected thirty-three of the most "spiritually-attuned" heroes in the universe to aid her in her Infinity Crusade , an attempt to purge the universe of evil. Mesmerized by the Goddess, Strange joined her crusade, and while his physical form served her, he sent his astral form to keep tabs on his brother. By this time Victor Strange had adopted the identity "Khiron", a costumed hero and deadly vigilante. After realizing how violent he had become, Khiron chose to take his own life. After breaking free of the Goddess, Strange again fought Urthona, who had grown even more powerful by serving in the War of the Seven Spheres . [ citation needed ]

Siege of Darkness [ ]

While tutoring his new, impatient apprentice, Kyllian was pulled into another dimension by a talisman. When Strange managed to find him, Kyllian refused to go; preferring to remain with Iskelior , a woman he met there. The bickering sorcerers were interrupted by the ancient sorceress Lilith, who began tearing down the mystical barrier to allow her demonic offspring, the Lilin , passage to Earth. Kyllian remained behind to seal the dimensional tear, and Strange returned to Earth, promising to rescue Kyllian later. [80] Joining the Midnight Sons, Strange confronted Lilith and her Lilin. At one point the Midnight Sons were menaced by a blood lusting Morbius, while Wong's betrothed, Imei , was dying from the poisoned kiss of the Lilin Sister Nil . Strange chose to subdue Morbius' bloodlust, saving the most people possible, but allowing Imei to die. Furious, Wong left Strange, and would even try to kill him on later occasions. Eventually, the Midnight Sons were victorious, and the Lilin were sealed back away in another dimension. In the meantime, Kyllian was rescued by Modred the Mystic , and returned to Earth in the form of Wildpride, now more in control of his "animal magick," and bearing a grudge against the master he felt abandoned him. [81]

Un-Earth [ ]

Strange was later part of an international coalition of heroes opposing the techno-magical Mys-Tech and was one of the six beings who stabilized the unraveling reality created by the clandestine group's "Un-Earth," a mystical replica they planned to use to control the real Earth. [ citation needed ]

Strange again had to defend his title as Sorcerer Supreme, this time from Salome , a winged member of the mysterious Blood race and allegedly the first Earth-born Sorcerer Supreme over 20,000 years ago. Salome easily reclaimed the mantle from a weakened Strange and began gathering followers to help her rule the Earth. Unable to stand against Salome, Strange secluded himself in a pocket dimension, taking Sister Nil (the last of the Lilin remaining in the Earth realm) to record his actions and act as his assistant. From that dimension, he dispatched two magical constructs based upon himself to tend to his earthly affairs. The first, Vincent Stevens , became a cunning businessman, and built a fortune with which to develop so-called "technomagick." The other was a being called Strange , a masked figure who fought alongside the Midnight Sons and gathered artifacts for Strange to use against Salome. Strange also left the leadership of the Secret Defenders to Doctor Druid , another of the Ancient One's pupils. Though Doctor Druid served as best he could, he was ultimately unable to lead the group. [ citation needed ]

Possessing only a few of his artifacts and mystically poisoned by Salome's dance, Dr. Strange realized that he would have to focus on developing his weakest discipline, elemental magic, in order to reclaim the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. Dr. Strange had barely finished enhancing his sorcery when Stevens and Strange rebelled against him. Stevens was apparently destroyed in the resulting conflict, and Strange went to the Dark Dimension, where he merged with the rebellion's Nobel as Paradox. Meanwhile, Salome had enlisted Wong against his old master, claiming to have bound Imei's soul to the demon Xaos , and promising a full resurrection in exchange for his service. Later, Strange would show Wong that Salome had been deceiving them and that Imei was truly dead. Wong gained some closure when Strange took him to visit her in the afterlife, and the two eventually reconciled. This time, however, Wong joined Strange as an equal partner, and in many ways a brother, not a servant. Wong still referred to Strange as "Master" from time to time because "old habits are hard to break." [ citation needed ]

War of the Seven Spheres [ ]

After defeating Salome, Dr. Strange temporarily assumed a younger, more violent persona as he began to track down and terminate the illegal operations established by Stevens. Dr. Strange was still cleaning up after Stevens when he was again summoned by the Vishanti to serve in the War of the Seven Spheres ; unwilling to lose any more of his already diminished power, this time Strange complied. [ citation needed ] Although from his perspective Strange spent 5,000 years fighting for the Vishanti against their enemies, the Trinity of Ashes , only a few months passed on Earth by the time he returned. During this time, he was forced to thoroughly violate his moral code in order to survive. By the end Strange was an utterly broken man who no longer identified as a doctor but as a general, willing to commit any atrocity if it meant winning. The Trinity sued for peace on the condition that Strange be locked away for their protection. The Vishanti, no longer needing someone to lead their forces, obliged and reset Strange to the state he was before the war started. They sealed his General Strange persona away in a crystal in case they needed him later. [82] Exhausted from the war, Strange turned to the use of unpredictable Catastrophe Magic to increase his power. He later claimed to have supplemented it with so-called Chaos Magic , though still later he would claim that there was no such thing. In any event, Strange eventually regained the patronage of the Principalities, and his power was restored to their height. [ citation needed ]

The Order [ ]

The Dread Dormammu returned to attack Strange at this point, using the mutant Jonathon White and Strange's ally Topaz against him. Strange drove off his old foe and magically guided another surgeon to save Topaz from Dormammu's attack. Strange then faced the return of his old enemy Yandroth , the techno-mage. Strange, Namor, Hulk, and the Surfer united to oppose Yandroth's attacks on the Earth, but the four began to quarrel amongst themselves. Yandroth seemed to perish in the final conflict, and as a final curse, used Earth's magical energy to bind the Defenders together, forcing them to reunite against all future threats to Earth, regardless of their other concerns. Other former Defenders came to their aid at times, and though irked by the cause, was nonetheless touched to see the team reunited. The curse magnified the egos of the cursed quartet, however, until they became mentally unstable. They then became the Order, seeking to end all threats to the Earth by taking control of it. Other heroes, including Clea, fought them, and the energies unleashed by the battle were harnessed to resurrect and further empower Yandroth. Coming to their senses, the Defenders stopped fighting, and Yandroth was reduced back to his human form, defeated, and imprisoned. [83]

Shaken by the ordeal, Strange cut himself off from the superhero community. Strange made the idealistic mystic Topaz his fifth known disciple but kept her at an emotional distance. When the power of the Kale family Tome of Zhered-Na unleashed the Hellphyr , a monster that attacked mystics, Topaz joined Jennifer Kale and Satana in meeting the threat. She ultimately decided to leave Strange's side to join the other two in guarding the tome. [84]

Dead Girl [ ]

Afterwards, Strange recruited the mutant Dead Girl to help him investigate the Pitiful One 's attempt to resurrect a number of hell-bound villains. During this time he came into conflict with the spirit of his old master, the Ancient One, who had apparently been relegated to a level of Hell for petty misuses of his power. [85] Strange was able to neutralize the threat, and was merciful to his old master. While Strange enjoyed a brief flirtation with Dead Girl, Wong grew concerned over the Doctor's health, particularly his failing memory. [86]

House of M [ ]

When the Scarlet Witch suffered a catastrophic mental break-down Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to stop her with a memory so terrible she collapsed from it and ended the chaos she was inadvertently causing. The frail Wanda was taken to Genosha by her grieving father, Magneto. Desperate, Magneto enlisted the aid of his old friend and enemy, Professor Charles Xavier, to help his mentally unstable daughter. Xavier, in turn, summoned Doctor Strange. Even their combined efforts were not enough to help her. They attempted to mend her shattered psyche and minimize the damage done by her reality-altering powers but were largely unsuccessful in their endeavor. Strange, having done all he could for Wanda, told the assembled Avengers and X-Men that together, he, Xavier and Emma Frost could shield the heroes from Wanda's power and went with the Avengers and X-Men to find Wanda. Due to the interference of her brother, Quicksilver , they failed, resulting in the warping of reality known as "the House of M ." [87]

After Emma Frost and Layla Miller joined forces to unlock his memories, Strange went with the heroes to Genosha to force Wanda to put the world back. Wanda changed the world back to its original form, but in the process depowered 90% of the entire mutant population. Surviving mutants and ex-mutants referred to this as "M-Day: The worst day in mutant history." Strange was unable to break the successfully wrought spell or even find Wanda with his powers afterward. Later, a troubled Strange claimed that, as his job was to prevent something exactly like the House of M and its aftermath, he had "failed completely". [88]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) and Uatu (Earth-616) from Civil War Vol 1 6 0001

Stephen and Uatu: Kindred Spirits of Neutrality

Civil War [ ]

In a meeting of the Illuminati, Strange vehemently opposed the proposed Superhuman Registration Act , calling the actions it entailed "disgusting," and simply a means to give into people's fear and ignorance which would lead fellow heroes to fight to the death for their rights to oppose registration. He informed Iron Man and Mister Fantastic that they were never to call on him again before magically departing. [65]

Sometime later, while having had friends on both sides of the war, Strange went into seclusion in the Arctic, fasting and meditating nonstop for forty days. As Sorcerer Supreme he could not take sides in the matter, for his given duties did not include influencing the evolution of the superhuman role in society, especially since there was no clear right or wrong. He prayed for an outcome that would benefit mankind and spill the least amount of blood. [89] He later regretted his lack of involvement in the Civil War . After the conclusion of the War, Strange was granted immunity to registration [90] [ verification needed ] as a "post-human exemption", [91] yet the immunity did not extend to him openly breaking the Act with others. [90]

New Avengers [ ]

Following the Civil War, Doctor Strange housed the outlaw renegade Avengers in his Sanctum Sanctorum, which had an illusion cast on it to appear abandoned and deteriorated. [92] He aided the team on their missions such as disabling the Mighty Avengers with mental illusions, [93] teleporting them away from Elektra to the Silver Samurai while in Japan , [94] freeing Maya Lopez from the Hand 's magic and defeating their ninja, [95] saving their Ultron -virus infected plane, [96] and casting a series of spells helping to calm the panicking people in Manhattan after being cured by Iron Man from a Venom Virus . [97]

When Spider-Man came to seek his magical expertise in healing Aunt May , Strange tried to help Peter Parker by using the Hands of Death to send him around the entire world to consult others, but told Peter that even his magic couldn't help May now, or at least he was unable to use it to help her. [98] He also continued to fulfill his duties as Sorcerer Supreme, such as aiding the new roster of the Fantastic Four from preventing Eternity's death. [99]

World War Hulk [ ]

Dr. Strange was among the members of the Illuminati who, alarmed at the continuing destruction caused by the Hulk, agreed to exile the Hulk into space. [65] When the Hulk returned to Earth seeking vengeance, mistakenly believing them responsible for the explosion that killed millions on the planet Sakaar , Strange declined Iron Man's request to use magic to again banish the Hulk, arguing the Hulk would simply return again. He instead offered Iron Man the aid of the New Avengers to evacuate and help defend New York, which Stark gladly accepted. [100]

Strange entered the Hulk's mind, reminding them of their history and friendship, as well as insisting the bomb was not planted by the Illuminati. Just as the Hulk reverted to his Bruce Banner form, and a sympathetic Strange presented himself in a physical form, Banner turned back into the Hulk and crushed Strange's hands. Strange's crushed hands limited his magic abilities. [ citation needed ]

Strange invoked the power of Zom to battle the Hulk, drinking Zom's soul to become a semi-demonic version of himself with spiked maces for hands. However, the unfamiliar use of such vast dark magic weakened his control over his new powers, which caused Strange to almost kill civilians. The shaken Strange was overpowered by the Hulk, implanted with an Obedience Disk , and forced to first fight a giant, tentacled monster in the Madison Square Garden with the rest of the fallen heroes. He was then forced to battle the other Illuminati members, facing off against Black Bolt (actually a Skrull impostor) and attempted but failed to use what remained of his magic to stop him. The Sentry arrived in time to save the Illuminati, and Strange was freed, though his mind, body, and soul were all evidently scarred by this incident. [101]

Secret Invasion [ ]

The disturbed Iron Man, having received the Skrull Elektra 's corpse, summoned the other five Illuminati members to discuss the Skrull threat. The Illuminati were caught by surprise when the Black Bolt attending the meeting revealed himself to be a Skrull and attacked. Strange teleported the four of them out of there. The five Illuminati members then each went his own separate way, realizing that they had lost far more than just a world: they had lost their ability to trust. The Illuminati was essentially no more. [102]

Before the Skrull invasion was fully underway, Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum had been invaded by the crime syndicate of the super-villain the Hood , prompting Strange to use of darker magic than normal. This lapse prompted him to temporarily depart this plane to heal himself and to reflect on his worthiness to be Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. [103] Strange had lost both his mastery of the Mystic Arts and the Sanctum Sanctorum. [104]

Doctor Strange returned to Greenwich Village once more to combat a stampede from the Dream Realm , though he himself admitted he was in no shape to do battle with the beasts unleashed, due to his hands still being broken and his mystical energies at an all-time low. Daimon Hellstrom used hellfire to destroy Nightmare's beasts. [105]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) and Zom (Earth-616) from New Avengers Annual Vol 1 2 001

Doctor Strange: Fallen

Dark Reign [ ]

A Doctor Strange from an earlier time period appeared (wearing the dark masked costume he had worn long ago to conceal his identity) with the other three original Defenders to engage his longtime rival Mordo, allied with Terrax , Tiger Shark , and Red Hulk . Two of the Elders of the Universe , the Grandmaster and the Collector had made a bet involving the teams of the original Defenders, for the Grandmaster, clashing with the newly formed team of Offenders , for the Collector. Strange had to work with his allies to fend off the sinister foursome if he was to save the life of Clea. Though Strange was eventually slain by the Red Hulk, Galactus defeated the Red Hulk, and the Collector decided to undo the deaths brought about. [106]

Doctor Strange was met by Thor, who told him of his need to heal Mjolnir . Strange summoned magics to pass through Thor, carrying away the Odinpower from him, and deposited it in Mjolnir. When it was done, the hammer was whole once more. [107]

Strange contacted Wiccan to find out if he was the one destined to be the next Sorcerer Supreme. He offered to make Wiccan his apprentice. After the Hood's demonic form approached them, Strange confronted Parker. The Hood was acting on the orders of the Dread Dormammu to slay Strange, and thus claim Strange's former role of Sorcerer Supreme. Dormammu had bestowed upon him the ability to locate Strange if Strange utilized magic. Strange teleported himself and Wiccan away, reaching the New Avengers and pleading for their aid. [104]

William Kaplan (Earth-616) and Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 1 51 001

Ex-Master of the Mystic Arts

Strange and the New Avengers joined forces to combat the Hood and Dormammu. They followed the Eye of Agamotto to New Orleans to contact Daimon Hellstrom before the Hood could destroy him to prevent him from possibly rising to Strange's lost role. They struggled against the might of Dormammu, until Brother Voodoo , having been granted the power and gifts of the office of Sorcerer Supreme by the Eye of Agamotto and the Ancient One's spirit, intervened and confronted Dormammu himself, passing the initiation and dispelling him. [108] Though Strange did not escape the battle entirely unscathed, he retained the power to manipulate magic (though to a far lesser extent) while he was apparently redeemed in his own eyes somewhat to observe the new Doctor Voodoo battle supernatural menaces. [ citation needed ]

Heroic Age [ ]

When Agamotto was cast out of the Vishanti and had most of his powers stripped from him, he attacked the New Avengers in order to reclaim the Eye of Agamotto from Doctor Voodoo as it was the only artifact that could defeat him. Jericho used the Eye to defeat Agamotto, but the Eye was destroyed, and his life was lost in the process. Doctor Strange rejoined the New Avengers. He remained with them through the events of Fear Itself and the return of Norman Osborn 's Dark Avengers . He stood with the Avengers against the X-Men when the Phoenix Force returned to Earth, serving ably even without the full array of powers he had previously commanded. [ citation needed ]

Daniel Drumm , who had vowed revenge on Strange for the death of his brother, attacked the New Avengers shortly after Avengers vs. X-Men , when the team was distracted by Luke Cage 's announcement that he and his wife were stepping down. Drumm used his abilities to possess others to sow chaos, implicating Strange in the murders of Victoria Hand and Daimon Hellstrom. He eventually possessed the Avengers and New Avengers, using their abilities in his attempt to kill Strange. Stephen had to appeal to dark magic to defeat Drumm and save his friends. Afterward, the Ancient One appeared on the battlefield and commended Strange for saving the others without harming them, for using dark magic without losing control, and for continuing to act as hero and defender of the world. He restored Strange to his former position as Sorcerer Supreme and gave him the artifacts of the office, the Eye of Agamotto and the Cloak of Levitation , once again. [109]

Incursions [ ]

Shortly after becoming Sorcerer Supreme again, Strange was called upon for a meeting of the Illuminati once again. The Black Panther had experienced an event known as an "incursion" in which two universes collide with each other with each universes Earth as the point of impact, and had called on the Illuminati to try and find a solution to the problem. [110] Another incursion followed shortly after, and the Illuminati decided to assemble the Infinity Gauntlet to stop it, and Stephen supplied his gem. Captain America wielded the Gauntlet and managed to avert the incursion, but the Gauntlet was destroyed in the process. Due to his unwillingness to do whatever it took to stop the incursions, such as considering the destruction of another world to save their own, Captain America was voted out of the Illuminati and Stephen erased his memories of it. [111]

Original Sin Vol 1 3 Dell'Otto Variant Textless

Infinity [ ]

When Thanos sent off his Cull Obsidian to Earth to target each of the Illuminati's members, Ebony Maw approached Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum to find what his leader sought. [112] Ebony Maw was able to influence Doctor Strange into telling him what he wanted. [113] The villain also used the Doctor to launch an attack on New York, forcing him to summon Shuma-Gorath from the ground. [114]

When each member of the Illuminati dispersed and searched for Thanos' Inhuman son it was the Doctor who found him. However, Maw wiped Strange's mind of his findings and kept his location to himself. [115] The search was interrupted by another incursion and Strange and the rest of the Illuminati traveled to the other universe, where they encountered the Builders of that universe, who revealed to Stephen and the Illuminati that his memories and mind had been manipulated. Upon returning, Stephen joined the Illuminati in liberating their headquarters at the Necropolis from Thanos' forces. [116]

Post-Infinity [ ]

Tired of watching others make choices while he did nothing, Dr. Strange resolved to use the full resources at his disposal as Sorcerer Supreme to find a way to stop the Incursions. Calling on the power of a tome of the darkest of black magics; the Blood Bible, Stephen traveled to the Sinner's Market in the mystic dimension, the Lost Lands , on a quest to find power. He was led to the Resolute Throne , where he sought to make a deal. The Throne deals in degrees of godhood, with a fifth of a man's soul buying him a fifth of the power of a god. There, Stephen made a deal to sell the entirety of his soul. [117] For a brief moment he tasted the power he sought, only for it to be yanked away, as the Throne declared him a bankrupt liar. He could not purchase the power he sought, since he lacked the full measure of a soul. [118]

Time Runs Out [ ]

Following an incursion that pitted the Illuminati against the heroes of the Great Society , Strange used the dark arts to unleash an eldtrich horror. The creature killed the Great Society, but before it could destroy their world he was knocked out by Iron Man , afraid of what Strange was conjuring. The Illuminati quarrelled over what to do next, and the arguments turned bloody after Namor took the matter out of their hands and destroyed the Great Society's Earth. When another incursion followed immediately after, the Illuminati resigned themselves to meet their ends. [119] [120]

Thirty seconds before the destruction of his world, Stephen Strange left Earth-616 and joined the cause of the Black Priests , having mastered the way in which they manifest their power to distort reality. He and the other Black Priests were encountered by Sunspot's Avengers in their way to find the responsible for the decay of the Multiverse and offered their help to defeat either of the two main players in this "Game of Worlds": Rabum Alal or the Ivory Kings. [13]

While the Multiversal Avengers went to confront the Ivory Kings, Strange went to Earth-1903990 with the Black Priests to utilize a Great Key that activated a doorway to gain access to the Library of Worlds to defeat Rabum Alal. They explored the Library of Worlds and encountered a Black Swan . The Swans were able to set a trap and destroy most of the Black Priests, with the exception of Doctor Strange, who was able to defend himself but was ultimately incapacitated. He was then brought before Rabum Alal, who was revealed to be Doctor Doom of Earth-616. [121]

Doom informed Strange of his origins as Rabum Alal and clarified that he was also trying to save the Multiverse. The true destroyers of the Multiverse were the Ivory Kings, also known as the Beyonders . He showed Strange his secret weapon against the Beyonders, the countless Molecule Men he had captured. In a last-ditch attempt to save the Multiverse, Doom took Strange and the Molecule Men to confront the Beyonders. [122] He was able to destroy them and harness their power using the regular Molecule Man as a conduit. [123] However, Doom's accomplishment cost the death of thousands of universes, leaving only a dozen. [122]

Secret Wars [ ]

When the Multiverse finally perished in the final incursion between Earth-616 and Earth-1610 , [124] Doom used the power of the Beyonders to salvage the remains of several realities and build a patchwork planet named Battleworld , which was ruled under his iron fist, with the help of Doctor Strange, who became Battleworld's sheriff and Doom's right hand, usually acting as Doom's voice in certain matters. [125]

Victor von Doom (Earth-616) from Secret Wars Vol 1 4 cover

Sheriff Strange to the left of God Emperor Doom

As eight years went by, Doom and Strange managed to twist the memories of their inhabitants, to the point they would no longer remember what had existed before Battleworld. Stephen created his own base, the Isle of Agamotto , a place of remembrance of his lost world. Five years after the creation of Battleworld, Strange found a vessel of unknown origin and kept it in the Isle, fearing something of great consequence was inside it, but not knowing it was the bodies of the few other survivors of Earth-616 in stasis. [125]

With the appearance of a similar vessel from which the survivors of Earth-1610 came out, [15] Strange directed his attention towards the one he kept on his own. Once he opened it, he freed the survivors, among which were Mr. Fantastic and Black Panther. After explaining to the fellow survivors what had transpired while they were in stasis, [125] Strange was summoned to a battle between the villainous survivors from Earth-1610 and the Thor Corps , Battleworld's police force. Doom remained unwilling to take part of the conflict until he saw Mr. Fantastic in the scene, he immediately teleported to Utopolis, and stopped the fray, demanding the newcomers to recognize his authority. To prevent Doom from prejudicially acting upon the interlopers, Stephen used his magic to teleport them away. Following the disappearance of the villains from Earth-1610 and the heroes from Earth-616, Doom confronted Strange for disobeying him and ultimately killed him after Stephen accused him of being afraid of Richards. [126]

Last Days of Magic [ ]

Following God Emperor Doom's fall, during which Mr. Fantastic acquired the power of the Beyonders and rebuilt the Multiverse as the Eighth Cosmos , Reed resurrected Doctor Strange with his memories of Battleworld erased. [127] With a new lease on life, Strange continued protecting the normal world from magical threats. He would soon find himself challenged by the biggest threat to magic yet, the Empirikul , worshippers of science led by the Imperator , a being from another dimension hellbent on destroying magic throughout the different planes of existence of the universe. [128] The effects of the Empirikul's crusade, which consisted of killing Sorcerers Supremes and destroying magic energies, was felt in Strange's dimension in the form of failing spells or magical creatures acting strangely. [20]

Doctor Strange Vol 4 20 Mora Variant Textless

Strange, Zelma, and Wong

The Empirikul eventually arrived at the Earth , attacking several magical landmarks and defeating magic users. [129] Strange himself was defeated, even after channeling all of Earth's magic in an attempt to subdue the Imperator, as a consequence of this, the Earth was depleted of most of its magic. [130] Only the intervention of old sorcerer Monako allowed Strange and his colleagues to escape from being burned alive in the front of the Sanctum Sanctorum. [131]

After traveling around the globe finding objects that contained the last traces of magic, Strange and the other magic users, including the Scarlet Witch, Magik , and Doctor Voodoo, [132] Strange returned to the Sanctum Sanctorum, which was still being raided by the Empirikul, to defeat the Imperator. [133] Strange joined forces with the Thing in the Cellar , a magical creature who was created from all of the pain Stephen suffered when using magic, and managed to defeat the inquisitors. [133]

During this time, Strange met Zelma Stanton , who was around for the entire battle against the Empirikul, and afterwards became Strange's librarian. [134] [135]

Magic eventually started to rekindle, and Doctor Strange began re-creating spells with the help of the Zelma [136] and began repairing the destroyed Sanctum Sanctorum with the help of Wong. During this time, Strange had a day-long encounter with his estranged wife, Clea, who wanted an official magical divorce, hoping that doing so would remove some magic burden from Stephen and allow him to tap into his full potential with the little power he had left. She even crafted a magical document that, when torn, would nullify any magical contract, but they ended up using it to tame a monster that was threatening Wong. With that taken care of, Stephen told Clea that he was not ready to annul their marriage and, therefore, the two remained connected, but as friends. [135] Afterwards, he helped the Punisher defeat a crackpot menace who was trying to use magical artifacts to cleanse New York City of foreigners by summoning a giant demonic leviathan. [137]

Loki: Sorcerer Supreme [ ]

Believing that Strange wasn't ready for the looming threats that were going to endanger the Earth, Loki targeted Stephen with the objective to prepare him. To this end, he tricked Strange with an elaborate illusion in which the Vishanti bequeathed the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme to the God of Mischief. [138] Stephen handed over to Loki all of his magical possessions, including the Sanctum Sanctorum. With his medical license revoked since he had stopped practicing, Stephen opted to open a veterinary clinic. [139] He also acquired a talking basset hound called 'Bats' . [140]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) and Void (Dark Sentry) (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange Vol 1 384 001

Void possesses Doctor Strange

Strange decided to soon oppose Loki after learning his successor was searching for a powerful spell called the Exile of Singhsoon, which Stephen had hidden inside Zelma's soul for safekeeping from anyone, including himself. After a confrontation with Loki resulted in Bats' accidental death, Strange decided to make preparations to for his second fight with Loki. [140] With the Sentry 's help, Strange gained power from Yggdrasill , [141] and used it to best Loki. However, Zelma cast a spell that canceled out all forms of magic for a few minutes in an attempt to have them reach a middle ground, but Loki used his natural godly superhuman strength to knock Strange out. Strange turned the tables when he unleashed the Void from the depths of the Sanctum Sanctorum. [142]

While possessing Stephen's body, the Void revealed the location of the Exile of Singhsoon. Loki excised it from Zelma and used it to consolidate all of Earth's striving magic into himself. He first separated Stephen from the Void, and then used the power boost to jump-start magic itself all over Earth, so to provide a temporary fix to the Empirikul's ravaging, his true objective behind his search for the spell. Strange and Loki joined forces and locked the Void back into the Sanctorum. When the dust settled, Loki saw himself forced to reveal his ploy regarding the Vishanti's illusion and the passing of mantle. After disclosing his intentions behind the ploy, Loki relinquished his role as Sorcerer Supreme back to Strange. Before being teleported away, Loki apologized for Bats' death, revealing he had returned the hound as a spectre. [138]

Damnation [ ]

After Las Vegas was eradicated by the Hydra Helicarriers during the Hydra takeover , Doctor Strange used his reclaimed magic to resurrect the people who had died. However, Mephisto opposed Strange, since he had already claimed the souls of those people. Mephisto then orchestrated the events which causes his demons to bring Strange into his " Hotel Inferno ". After Mephisto claimed the last remnants of Las Vegas, before its restoration, and the Hotel started to affect the people, including Black Panther , Captain Marvel , Falcon , Hawkeye , and Thor , who were turned into Ghost Rider -like creatures. Doctor Strange then fought Mephisto in a game of blackjack, in which if Strange won Mephisto would release the souls of those people and return them to Las Vegas, or if Mephisto won he would claim Strange's soul. Doctor Strange won, however by cheating, which was discovered by Mephisto and had Strange tortured. [21] Wong was then contacted by the ghost of Strange's dead dog Bats , who told him to help Doctor Strange, and Wong in return then summoned Blade , Doctor Voodoo, Elsa Bloodstone , Johnny Blaze, Iron Fist, and Man-Thing who then reformed the Midnight Sons . [143] After Wong and Bat's ghost were separated from the Midnight Sons, they were then confronted by Doctor Strange's body now turned Ghost Rider, but Bat's ghost was able to possess Strange's body. [144]

Doctor Strange was then rescued by Scarlet Witch, Clea and Loki and assisted him in helping the Avengers fighting the demons. However, it was revealed to be all an illusion and that Clea was actually Captain Marvel posing as her in order to trick Strange. Thankfully, Strange's soul reunited his dog's ghost in the Realm Between along with Dormammu and the souls claimed by Mephisto, while he used their bodies. Strange then met the souls of the Avengers and managed to return their souls to their bodies. [145] He then assisted the Avengers and the Midnight Sons in fighting Mephisto and preventing him from returning to his throne, which claimed by Johnny. Doctor Strange was able to defeat Mephisto, but the demon went anyway to his realm and was again defeated by the different Ghost Riders and sent him back to Earth where he was trapped at the top of the hotel. Then Strange and the other heroes left the now normal Las Vegas, while Wong remained in order to keep Mephisto at bay. [146]

Sorcerer Supreme of the Galaxy [ ]

At some point, after an encounter with an Elder God X'axal , Strange began experiencing a magical withdrawal. This ultimately resulted in a complete burnout, rendering Stephen unable to tap into the Earth's magic supply. After a meeting with Tony Stark , Strange took to the stars in search for alternative sources of arcane powers. [147] Early in his journey, he became a prisoner on the planet Grynda , where he met a young arachnologist called Kanna and the two decided to roam the galaxy together after folding the Gryndans invasion plans. [148] Eventually, the two landed on Tarnax II where they've encountered the Super-Skrull experimenting on the newly-restored Time Stone . Strange took the Stone from the Skrulls and concealed it from Kanna, using a memory-wipe spell. [149]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange Vol 5 5 001

Strange's new garb

During their journey, Strange and Kanna came into conflict with the Majesdanians , as they tried to save a dwarf from Nidavellir named Eoffren . At this point, Strange had recovered his connection to magic enough to summon the Cloak of Levitation back to his side. The rescue resulted in Kanna becoming the Majesdanian prisoner, as they were preparing to invade the Earth. To save her, Eoffren gifted Strange his own Mystic Forge and taught him the art of mystic craftsmanship. With a new suit and a new weapon, the Scalpel of Strange, Stephen teleported onto the Majesdanian ship, quickly dispatching of the crew and freeing Kanna. The two later stopped the launched Majesdanian missile from reaching Earth, by conjuring a colossal seal of the Vishanti to shield the planet. [150]

The Two Doctors [ ]

After successfully stopping the Majesdanian invasion, Strange and Kanna returned to Bleecker Street, where they encountered another Stephen Strange. In the ensuing battle it was revealed that the Strange that remained on Earth was a disguised Casey Kinmont . [151]

Herald Supreme [ ]

Strange was approached in the Sanctum Sanctorum by the alien sorcerer Zoloz , whose home planet of Zarax was under threat from Galactus . After finding Strange's advice unhelpful, he stole all of Strange's magical artifacts and used them to banish Galactus to another dimension. [152]

In this alternate dimension, Galactus began to devour magical creatures like the Misan-Ha-Gorath , which began to fuse the concepts of science and magic. To mitigate the damage inflicted, Strange became Galactus' herald, [153] but fell into a trap laid by Dormammu and Mephisto to make Galactus their minion, [154] but Galactus was too powerful for Dormammu to control and consumed him.

Strange, Zoloz, and Strange's estranged wife, Clea , then assembled an army of magical and galactic-level heroes to battle Galactus, [155] but this was all secretly a suicide mission to have Galactus consume all of them so he would reach critical mass and be easier to destroy. [156] This also destroyed the entire universe, which Strange recreated with the help of Eternity and the Living Tribunal .

Strange made it so that he had imprisoned Zoloz until he was able to convince him to save his planet by becoming Galactus's herald. After this, he was confronted by Mephisto, who made him pay for his help by erasing himself from Clea's memories. [157]

Death of Doctor Strange [ ]

One day, Strange responded to a knock at his door late at night to find his old enemy Kaecilius , [158] who then attacked him and killed him with a dagger. Strange's body was later found by Zelma Stanton, Wong, and Doctor Voodoo. Baron Mordo also appeared and complained that someone robbed him of the chance to kill Strange. When extradimensional threats began overwhelming Earth due to Strange no longer maintaining a magical barrier that kept them at bay, a simulacrum Strange created in case something happened to him appeared and asked what year it was. [23]

His temporal duplicate later managed to resurrect him by using a regenerative healing spell on Kaecilius, who had foolishly given himself both Strange's soul and his hands, and he assisted his past counterpart in defeating the Three Mothers and Peregrine Child . This resurrection, however, would not last as Death chose to reclaim his soul. Before he disintegrated, Stephen told Clea (who'd regained her memories) that he was a fool for ever letting her go and made her the new Sorcerer Supreme, claiming there was no one else he could trust. [24]

Death's Servant [ ]

Stephen was given a chance by Death to be returned to life if he succeeded in stopping the Blasphemy Cartel from bringing back dead superhumans. Calling himself the Harvestman , Stephen clashed several times with Clea, before she figured out who he was. After the reveal, Clea was heartbroken about the pretense, but after hearing that he didn't want her to have hope in case he failed the mission, Clea calmed down and started plotting how to help him. [159]

Power Grid

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Witches Vol 1 1 001

Doctor Strange unleashing the might of his mystic forces

Sorcerer : Dr. Strange possesses a vast mastery of the mystic arts; his primary magical patrons are a group of entities known as "the Vishanti." The Vishanti are a trinity of godly beings comprised of Agamotto , Hoggoth , and Oshtur . Although he has, on rare occasions, called upon the power of demons such as Dormammu ; Strange more frequently did so before he realized Dormammu's true dark nature in the earlier issues. He has once stated that he can kill a mortal with the mere twitch of a finger. [ citation needed ]

  • Infinite Longevity/Fearlessness : Dr. Strange's lifespan has been extended and his fear of dying subsided in a manner similar to that of his mentor the Ancient One , due to a successful contest against Death . Though he can still be killed and even physically wounded, he cannot succumb to any medical diseases, nor does he age. However, he still requires food, water, oxygen, and sleep, the same as a normal human. Strange passed a test by the Ancient One and defeated Death, or more accurately, accepted Death. [160] As a result, from that moment forward, Doc stopped aging. "Death may come only from without, in battle-- and not from within." The Ancient One had once passed the same test himself and lived 600 years. From that moment forward, a glowing ankh appears on Doc's forehead when he is in a situation of great danger and his death is imminent, "when Strange most needs a reaffirmation of life." [31]
  • Energy Blasts / Mystic Bolts : [161] [21] [162] Capable of destroying moons and planets. He has once destroyed an entire dimension using the Eye of Agamotto
  • Astral Projection : Doctor Strange can release his astral form from his body, instantaneously and at will. In this form he does not need to breathe, eat, drink or sleep, is unrestricted by physical laws (for example, Strange has flown beyond Earth's atmosphere, defying gravity with ease to speak with Iron Man), is invisible (though can be seen by any if he wished it so), intangible, and incapable of being harmed by all but the most powerful and rigorous of mystic means. As physical laws are meaningless on the astral plane, Strange is able to use it to traverse at virtually any speed desirable (Strange has reached to St. Louis, Missouri from his Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village, New York in "a few brief seconds" thus, [163] as well as traveling at the "speed of thought" through outer space. [164] )
  • Banishment : Dr. Strange has banished many types of creatures and humans to other dimensions, but the extent of this is only possible as long as the 'Banish-ers' magic is greater than that of the 'Banish-ees' magic during the banishment. [ citation needed ]
  • Conjuring of Objects [ citation needed ]
  • Transmutation: Dr. Strange has showcased the ability to molecularly alter and convert an object into another of his choosing using spells.' [ citation needed ]
  • Telepathy : Dr. Strange can psychically communicate and read minds These abilities can be amplified by mystic energy (as against Moondragon ) and/or the Eye of Agamotto (done countless times) to afford Stephen incredibly powerful psychic abilities. [165] He has been able to telepathically overpower Scarlet Witch via the Eye of Agamotto, as well as defeat Moondragon in a mental battle.
  • Telekinesis : Dr. Strange can mentally manipulate his environment through the use of psionics without physically interacting with it. However, it is much more common for Strange to rely on magical manipulation rather than psionic. [ citation needed ]
  • Flight : Doctor Strange can fly using magical energy but has since abandoned it. (Presumably choosing to rely on the Cape of Levitation instead.) [ citation needed ]
  • Protective Shields : Using the being Seraphim , as well as the Eye of Agamotto, Dr. Strange can shield himself or his allies. Doctor Strange is so powerful that his energy shields can even protect him from the full power of a supernova (which he created), [166] as well as planetary destruction
  • Hypnotism [ citation needed ]
  • Illusions : Dr. Strange has the ability to magically create illusions and cause others to experience things that aren't real, using spells to do so. [ citation needed ]
  • Intangibility : Dr. Strange has the ability to become invisible or near invisible and phase through solid material. [ citation needed ]
  • Time Manipulation : Strange has frozen, slowed, and traveled through time. This magic is enacted only through extreme concentration. [167]
  • Elemental Manipulation: Dr. Strange can manipulate and control the elemental forces. [ citation needed ]
  • Teleportation : Dr. Strange can teleport himself and others to any place of his choosing through the use of magic. It is also stated he can move at the "speed of thought" through his astral form. [ citation needed ]
  • Dimensional Travel : In addition to his ability to teleport across a single plane, Dr. Strange has also showcased the ability to travel between dimensional planes and access alternate dimensions. For example, he was able to willingly travel to the Dark Dimension. [ citation needed ]
  • Universal Awareness : By performing meditation, Dr. Strange has sensed anomalies in time and space, allowing him to protect against time travelers, extra-dimensional invaders (Example: |Dormammu , Nightmare ), and other extraterrestrial threats. [ citation needed ]
  • Various other spells : These spells seem to be quicker to perform but lesser in power than spells using divine energy. Strange has used his magics altogether to alter his clothing through something akin to minor molecular control, control and manipulate elements, matter manipulation, soul manipulation, warping reality, absorbing magic, time manipulation, magic sleep, etc.
  • Dr. Strange has also been shown to amass as much wealth/gold as he desires using magic, as he has done to pay debts he owed. [ citation needed ]

The Words: Doctor Strange has become an expert in the Black Priests 's ability to use language to distort reality, becoming even more capable than the Black Priests themselves in a short amount of time. Each "word" is a symbol which means "something." The addition of another symbol can change the meaning of that "something." Doctor Strange stated this method to be akin to replacement cipher . This way, he can distort the reality in different ways, depending how many symbols are said and in which order. Some of the features achieved by the use of Words include:

  • Energy Blasts [168]
  • Pyrokinesis [168]
  • Cryokinesis [13]
  • Organic Disintegration [168]
  • Paralysis [13]
  • Reality Warping
  • Chaos Magic

Divine Sources: Dr. Strange can channel the extra-dimensional energy of mystical and non-mystical beings in multiple dimensions (known as Principalities) to empower his spells. This can take the form of standard spells ("Crimson Bands of Cyttorak ") or just state what he wants to occur and channeling some being to make it happen. It is unknown at this time what debt, if any, he incurs by invoking the powers that be. There is no strict quid pro quo (as the simple acknowledgment and invoking of the entity increases the entity's own powers, inexplicably), though some entities will feel he is obliged to heed their call when they need help in their conflicts as did the Vishanti . This ability to be a conduit to multiversal power sources has given rise to the phrase "Dr. Strange is as powerful as the god he invokes." Doctor Strange's powers typically come from one of three divine sources: The Vishanti (a trinity formed of Hoggoth , Oshtur , and Agamotto ), the Octessence (a group of eight beings, consisting of Balthakk, Cyttorak, Farallah, Ikonn, Krakkan, Raggadorr, Valtorr, and Watoomb) and other beings who owe him a debt (this includes Satannish and even Dormammu ). However, certain abilities of his stem from more obscure sources, such as the Faltine, the Seraphim, Cinnibus, Sheol, Ikthalon, Denak, Cyndriarr, Munnopor, Morpheus, Dyzakk, the Olympian deities (such as Poseidon and Hades) and others. [ citation needed ]

Darkness of the Divine Conduit (Black Magic): By sheer force of will "take" the power of another entity. This does not require the use of a spell. He used this ability against Arioch and Shuma-Gorath. The fact that Stephen can do this is a testament to his incredible willpower and strength of mind. This is considered black magic and as such he rarely employs this. Also, when taking the powers of celestial entities, he absorbs the mind and assumes their duties and roles in the dimension in which they exist. If his will falters, he can lose all sense of self. [ citation needed ]

Although Dr. Strange primarily uses spells that are considered 'white magic', he will use spells from other disciplines such as black magic, elemental magic, and catastrophe magic when necessary. [ citation needed ]

Dr. Strange's powers are all mystical but take several forms. Main manifestations include:

  • It is said that he cannot use magic that can replicate anything discovered by human science. [169]
  • By force of will, Dr. Strange can "take" the power of another entity. This does not require the use of a spell. He uses this ability against Captain Universe as well as against Arioch and Shuma-Gorath in Strange Tales (Vol. 2) . Strange also uses this to drain the Wrecking Crew of the Asgardian magic they had been infused by Karnilla , though this causes him great mental agony and takes a long time. This is considered black magic and as such, he rarely employs this. Also, when taking the powers of entities, he can absorb their mind and assume their duties and roles in the dimension in which they exist. But, if his will falters, he can lose all sense of self. [ citation needed ]
  • Dr. Strange also became proficient in Black Magic under the tutelage of Kaluu, including using the necromantic energy released in death for various effects. After he purged Shuma-Gorath from himself, he has since stopped using black magic. [170]
  • For a brief period, research from the Vishanti library led Strange to tap into "catastrophe magic" by invoking a mystical alignment of all the planets, but this source of magic was limited, and he ceased using it specifically as a source of his power. [ citation needed ]
  • Strange's magical powers at their greatest peak exceeds that of even the Watcher Uatu and rivals that of other great beings, such as Galactus or Celestials . [ citation needed ]

Former Expert Surgeon/Surgical Consultant: Strange holds an M.D. in neurosurgery and was once considered one of the foremost experts in his field. However, the nerve damage he suffered in his car crash severely compromised the manual dexterity in his hands, preventing him from performing surgery except when temporarily supplemented by magic.

Even without magic, Strange retains his medical knowledge. He still practices medicine, [171] was the Illuminati's surgeon, [111] and can guide other less skilled, yet un-maimed surgeons through intense effort, and is still capable of serving as a consultant. [ citation needed ]

Expert Occultist & Magical Knowledge: During his studies which continued until recently Dr. Strange has gain expert awareness on cults and the extra-dimensional entities they worship, this knowledge as of yet far exceeds any on Earth in the Marvel Universe. [ citation needed ]

Expert Strategist: Though Stephen seems to suffer from an impulsive nature, instinctively jumping into situations of life-or-death, it's apparent that he works best this way possessing considerable strategic skills, which has been employed in leadership structures, and spontaneous situations, all of which is a necessity in the random environment of Mysticism. [ citation needed ]

Science-Based Weakness: It has been said Strange's power is weaker against strictly science-based opponents. [ citation needed ]

Incantations and Gestures Dependency: Strange also depends on spoken incantations, mystical gesturing, and his arcane artifacts in his duties; likely these can be counted as weaknesses. Strange has been incapacitated various times by being gagged and bound, preventing him from uttering arcane invocations or performing mystic gestures. The Hulk breaking his hands greatly crippled his magic ability. [101]

Human Factor: Another weakness is that Strange, despite all his spells and magical training, is only human physically. Hence, if not taking proper care or defenses, Strange can be overpowered by mere blows, energy attacks, or gas. While technically immortal per se, he still must eat, sleep and breathe in order to survive. [ citation needed ]

Astro-Limits: Such is the skill and mastery of Doctor Strange that he is capable of spending up to 24 hours upon the astral plane before he must rejoin his ethereal form with his physical one, lest succumb to corporeal deterioration leading to bodily death and eternal suspension as a spirit. [44] The physical form remains in an inert, death-like trance, vulnerable to both physical and magical forms of harm while the astral form is absent. If harm were to befall his physical form while he was in his astral form, he would be stranded in his wraith-like state. Though Strange has only his personal abilities in his astral form, the Ring of the Ancient One/Ring (of Full Power) can grant him access to the same resources he possesses in his physical body; however, certain writers and editors appear to have portrayed Strange in an astral form capable of feats beyond his personal abilities even without the Ring. [ citation needed ] According to Baron Mordo, the intense atomic radiation of the sun's core can change the composition of astral forms. [173]

Magic-Induced Physical Changes: A fact not known by many people is that the use of magic takes a physical toll on its user. During his first lessons, Stephen vomited for three days straight because of this. As years went by, Strange's body changed so much his stomach can't even accept human food and can only ingest that which would kill a normal person. [174]


  • Normally wears the Cloak of Levitation , the Eye of Agamotto , and the Orb of Agamotto . He possesses a wide array of arcane texts, artifacts, and relics.

Strange's own power is often amplified by the numerous magical artifacts that are in his possession or by artifacts that he uses in the course of his adventures. The three artifacts he carries with him at all times are the Eye of Agamotto, the Cloak of Levitation , and the yellow sash tied around his waist. At one point, due to his evoking Zom 's dark power, he deemed himself no longer worthy of the office of Sorcerer Supreme and passed the responsibility of choosing the next one to the spirit of the Ancient One; Strange loses at least his principal magical items and old costume to Brother Voodoo , the new Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth dimension and prime reality, but after recovering his office they have been recovered.

  • The Eye of Agamotto (which resides within the Amulet of Agamotto worn at Dr. Strange's throat) is a powerful and valued artifact that has many functions. Using the Eye, Strange can see through any lie, deception, or illusion, send the eye out at light speed to intercept and absorb massive amounts of any type of energy and free others who are trapped in their own illusions. It is often used to amplify his mind's eye, giving psychic abilities that rival the most powerful of telepaths. It is also often used to play back an area's past events, lift beings weighing thousands of pounds into the air telekinetically, and open dimensional portals, as well as placing beings in suspended animation. The Eye can track beings by their psychic or magical emissions. The light given off by the Eye also weakens a variety of evil mystical beings, such as demons, devils, undead beings, dark extra dimensional entities, and even sufficiently corrupt human practitioners of dark magic. When used offensively, no being can withstand its light for long; due to its lethal effect, it is often used as a weapon of last resort. The Eye appears to be dimensionally linked to the Orb of Agamotto, and is presented to the current Sorcerer or Sorceress Supreme to aid them in their great duties. The amulet can only be used by a being with a pure heart and a clean soul.
  • The Cloak of Levitation allows him to fly (at roughly 25 miles per hour for indeterminate lengths of time), and responds to his thoughts. Strange has used it many times as a "third set of hands" to attack a foe when his own body has been incapacitated. The Cloak is nearly indestructible, often escaping damage during even the most violent confrontations. The cloak has acted independently from Strange as though it has a will of its own, as well as being quasi-sentient to some degree. The cloak has been nearly destroyed on at least three occasions:
  • Strange Tales (vol. 1) #157 — During a battle with Zom at Stonehenge . Strange was able to reconstruct it in a display of power to prove to The Living Tribunal that Strange was worthy to set right the cosmic events recently unleashed
  • Doctor Strange vol. 2, #77 — During a battle with the demon Khat while Strange was in the slow decline of his white-magical powers. The cloak was repaired by Enitharmon the Weaver, the former master of Strange's second apprentice, Rintrah. While the damage to the Cloak on this occasion was not as severe as previously, Strange was unable to repair it himself
  • The third instance is convoluted. During his attempt to garner a new power-base for himself, after foregoing the powers and protections of the Vishanti, Strange went underground to create his new power forge, and when he was finished he was rejuvenated, younger-looking and wearing a new costume (including a mystical black body suit) and he had transformed the Cloak into something more resembling a Kimono or robe [177] however, soon he was drafted into the War of the Seven Spheres by the Vishanti. After battling for five thousand years in another dimension, Strange was returned to Earth (at a time mere months from when he was spirited away) a tattered shambles. [178] His magical abilities depleted and his new Robe/Cloak shredded. He soon incorporated elements of the cloak into what would be called the "Overcoat of Levitation"; a red trench coat with the Cloak's gold trim along the collar. He soon returned, however, to his traditional Cloak.
  • The Sash of Dr. Strange, worn around Strange's waist, this enchanted yellow sash can be extended ten times its normal length. [40]
  • The Orb of Agamotto , a large crystal ball which he uses daily to monitor the surrounding dimensions and his own world for trouble;
  • The Wand of Watoomb , which amplifies his power and absorbs mystical energy that can be utilized for a variety of effects, such as reopening dimensional portals and firing mystic bolts; a power-item that can be divided into two separate, though powerless, parts, and can restructure reality itself when combined with other mystical objects (Currently lost in another reality due to the meddling of Warren Traveler of the House of M )
  • The Book of the Vishanti , which contains some of the multiverse's most powerful and secret spells and counterspells for white magic, opposed to the dark arts of the Darkhold
  • The Yggdrasil Staff , a wooden staff forged from Yggdrasil that greatly boosts his magic power but also risks damaging his body. [179]

He owns countless other artifacts he can bring out in times of need. Among them include:

  • The Hands of the Dead , a highly powerful item created fifteen centuries ago, that allows Strange and others to "enter the tides of time and space, travel the world in the blink of an eye, even be in several places at the same time" though can be damaging to one's non-material self if unused to such travel; used for Peter Parker in One More Day
  • The Atlantean Dreamwave , used by Strange to explore the nightmares of John Blaze
  • The Book of Demonicus , used by Strange to gain information on Avarrish.
  • The Book of Eibon , during the days of Hyperborea, about 750,200 years ago, it was the time of the wizard Eibon, greatest wizard of Hyperborea. He wrote his knowledge down in what became known to mankind as 'the Book of Eibon'. Over the millennia the Book of Eibon was owned by many sorcerers and collectors. It came into the hands of the Ancient One at one time, who passed the book on to his disciple Dr. Stephen Strange, who considers it one of his most treasured artifacts, though stolen by Urthona, yet was restored by Agamotto
  • The Brazier of Bom'Galiath , used by Strange to enable Eric Masterson to travel to Mephisto's Hell
  • The Tome of Oshtur , an ancient book of long-lost spells written by Oshtur
  • The Serum of the Seraphim , an all-purpose elixir capable of curing both mystic and non-mystic ailments, described as "the most potent medicine known to the occult"; the serum is so powerful that only a few ounces are needed. It is usually kept in tiny ornate containers holding just a few ounces. Any being drinking this serum is instantly returned to his full health and has all of his wounds healed. Any magical fungus, physical curses (like blindness), or diseases are held in check, then slowly cured over a few days time; either Strange has run out of the Serum recently or its powers have limits: it could not be used apparently to heal Wong's brain cancer or mend Strange's shattered hands
  • The Scrolls of Watoomb , a precious source of magical knowledge written by Watoomb in an unidentified past, giving their user quicker and safer control over the Winds of Watoomb, as well as a greater power to the Winds; the Scrolls also increased the power of the sorcerer wielding them
  • The Ring of the Ancient One , which can be used to allow Doctor Strange to do anything he is capable of in physical form while astrally projecting, as well as to take on the form of the Ancient One himself
  • The Crystal of Kadavus - The Crystal is a fist-sized, diamond-like gemstone that is cut to resemble a skull. When using the proper incantation and exposing it to the light of a full moon, it focuses dimensional forces. When this focused beam is aimed at a magical item it is completely restored to full power, even if the item had previously been drained of its magic powers or “destroyed”. This procedure must be repeated for at least two nights of the full moon before the item is restored to full power. The Crystal has been used to restore or contain the power of the Wand of Watoomb.
  • The Eye of Zartra , an enchanted "eldritch gem" plucked by Prince Namor from the Sword of Kamuu (thus halving its power) and given as a token of friendship to Strange; enhances the power of the ancient Atlantean Sword of Kammu and provides the Sword's user with immunity to magic
  • The Cauldron of the Cosmos , kept in the Meditation Chamber and allowing Strange to "dwell upon the immutable mysteries of the universe" for hours, used basically for consultation and scrying
  • The Oculus Oroboros - The Oculus Oroboros is one of the most powerful, maybe 'the' most powerful conduit for elemental magick ever; gathers elemental magical energy and stores it to be used again at will. For centuries it was hidden for the senses of magicians by a cloaking spell, till the day that archaeologist disturbed it, and it was resurfaced again. The Oculus was collected by Strange's ethereal construct Strange during the time that he was searching for amulets of Earthbound magick to fuel his new power source; depicts a snake eating its own tail.
  • The Gaea Shard , a crystal containing a sliver of the essence of the Elder Goddess Gaea, wielded by Dr. Strange against the Undying Ones. [180]
  • The Hand of the Vishanti , capable of locating others by helping them expel their ethereal form and given to Peter Parker in order for him to track down Shade through Peter entering the Astral Plane; this amulet has the appearance of a simple stone carving resembling a hand; the hand makes it easier to transfer towards the astral plane, and holds a link so the wielder can find its way back. [181]
  • The Jewel of Transhypnosis , owned by the Ancient One, can teleport its wielder into another dimension by focusing their concentration upon it and has the power to transform matter into imagination.
  • The Kartkuthi , a book held by Dr. Strange, one passage was read by Wong to liberate Strange's astral self when it had been trapped by a mystic sword of the Hand with which he had been impaled; Strange finished the spell to release his astral form and help the Avengers win the day by freeing Maya. [95]
  • The Iris of the All-Seeing Oracle , a summoning tool kept in the Sanctum Sanctorum used to scry upon specific locations and persons; This 8 foot diameter, circular device, with what looks like a mirror in the middle, hangs in Doctor Strange's mansion. It is a secondary scrying device that Strange or his friends use when the Orb of Agamotto is inaccessible; the Iris allows two-way audio-visual communications with another mage of the user's choosing anywhere on Earth. One must know the proper incantation to use it.
  • The Oracle of Agamotto , a backup device used by Doctor Strange after the Orb was broken and before Clea mended it
  • The Orb of Snnnr , used by Dr. Strange to communicate with the Pitiful One. [182]
  • Otkid's Elixir , an immensely powerful potion able to cure all diseases on Earth that "has the power to erase what troubles the mind of man"; stolen from Otkid by Dr. Strange, destroyed by Nicodemus West ; one drop was saved and used by Strange to cure Wong of brain cancer. [172]
  • The Scroll of Eternity , kept for ages by the Aged Genghis (who gave it to Strange), it holds a spell that opens a gate to a mystic realm close to Eternity; it holds the name of Eternity and it can assume that the spell, when used properly, will indeed transport the caster to Eternity, but when only the slightest mistake is made, this spell will open a gate to a world ruled by a demon who is come to be known as the Demon in the Mask, the Realm of Eternal Madness
  • The Sword of the Ultimate Shadow , a magical sword that is able to inflict great physical pain through the astral body, pain that cannot be stopped by mystical energies, even those as potent as the Shield of the Seraphim; once used by Strange's evil double from the Infinity War and is now again stored, protected by spells in his Sanctum Sanctorum.
  • The Star of Capistan , a ruby larger than any other existent, its sentience and wicked will of its own corrupted Strange, yet the Sorcerer Supreme, with a Eye of Agamotto having failed him, and his participation in the Order weakening his own sanity, used the Star as his amulet instead; the Star was sensitive to human brainwaves on a global and possibly even cosmic scale; Strange reverted to the Eye shortly, with the Star's current whereabouts unknown, though it is likely hidden, in the Sanctum Sanctorum or elsewhere due to its lethal and sinister nature
  • The Purple Gem , one of the many enchanted gems of power from the Purple Dimension of Aggamon passed down to Strange through the late Ancient One; a device to bridge the dimensions, it provides a means to enter (or become trapped in) the Purple Dimension, can amplify and focus the Eye of Agamotto's power, entrap an opponent, though ancient and cunning masters of Asgardian magic such as the god Loki resisted being sent to the Purple Dimension (or if he was actually sent there, he was able to return instantaneously under his own power) and the conjured portal was shattered by one gesture; said by Strange to have even greater hidden potential, and unlocks more of its vast power when used with a Dimensional Energy incantation that calls on Aggamon's strength.
  • The Staff of Dravid , used by Doctor Strange in battle with Wandor.
  • The Talisman of Abraxas , an amulet Doctor Strange gave to Namor the Sub-Mariner to palliate his personality shifts
  • The Wands of Satannish , objects kept by Strange within the Nisanti cabinet
  • The Diary of Kenneth Ward (who told Doctor Strange of his encounter with traces of the Undying Ones in a hidden Himalayan valley), kept by Strange in his Sanctum Sanctorum's library, containing the location of the valley. [183]
  • Two mirrors, needed for a "radical spell" used to renew the enchanted barrier around the Sanctum Sanctorum
  • A magic amulet given to him by the Ancient One in Strange's very first issue, Strange Tales Vol 1 110 , used to call upon his master even in spirit form to prevent a man from shooting him; the Ancient One placed a hypnotic spell on the man to stop him
  • An enchanted deck of tarot cards known as the First Tarot Deck utilized by Doctor Strange with his subconscious mind after the original Defenders had disbanded, to choose the best heroes to handle the problem for the Secret Defenders ; the heroes would go each their separate ways after the problem was solved; the Deck was used by Ian McNee to profile magic and its users in the Marvel Tarot
  • An magical amulet given to Eric Masterson by Strange to shield him from detection from the demons in Mephisto's Hell; lost in Hell
  • Mystic ruby crystals given to Valkyrie by Doctor Strange to be used to “point the way” to the Hulk and Namor ; the crystals appear to flash with bright light when they are in proximity to either one, as well as spinning around in such a fashion its pointed edge points to whichever direction the Hulk and Namor is currently at
  • Two Gems That Are One , magical jewels stolen from Dr. Strange by Urthona. [184]

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from New Avengers Illuminati Vol 2 2 001

Dr. Strange with the Soul Gem

As a result of being a member of the Illuminati, he has also come into possession of the Soul Gem of the Infinity Gauntlet , though he has sworn not to ever use it or to reveal its location, having lost since lost his soul to it, despite its hunger for such ethereal forces. Strange also once kept the Book of the Darkhold in his library of the Sanctum Sanctorum, using it to invoke the Montesi Formula and destroy all vampires in the Marvel Universe, as well as using it among his other items in an attempt to defeat Adam Warlock but it has since been removed. Strange was also in possession of the virtually indestructible sword Dragonfang , capable of destroying certain mystic barriers as well as absorbing magic when in contact with blood; Dragonfang was carved from the tusk of an extradimensional dragon by an Oriental wizard named Kahji-Da and fallen into the possession of the Ancient One , who in turn passed it down to his disciple, Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange then passed it onto Valkyrie; during the events of Ragnarok, she fell in battle and the sword got picked up by Lady Sif , lover of Thor, though Sif, too, eventually fell before Asgard's demise. Valkyrie has not yet been revived, as shown in Mystic Arcana .

A desperate Strange was forced to use a spell to destroy all his magical artifacts to prevent the wicked Urthona from obtaining them, even his Orb of Agamotto (though the Darkhold was unable to be destroyed even by Strange's magic). However, it is later revealed that Agamotto himself had teleported the artifacts to his own realm, and Strange later retrieved them from him, months later.

Dr. Strange shrunk his talismans and hid them behind the Eye of Agamotto. He restored them to their size when he was forced to confront the Infinity Gauntlet God-made Adam Warlock. The Scrolls of Watoomb were really useful to cancel the effects of the Gem of Space, the Winds of Watoomb recalled reading the Scrolls enabled Strange, Pip, and Gamora to cover a distance of light-years in few seconds. Shortly later, Strange had to use all the talismans to increase his own powers and match, even if only for a few moments, the power of Adam Warlock. After the fight, Strange went back home and put the scrolls and the other talismans in their right place in his room. [185]

Finally, his Sanctum Sanctorum, due to the magic imbued within it, can be thought of as an artifact itself. The Sanctum consistently has a circular window with three swooping lines; this design has stayed with the building despite the window's destruction on many occasions. The design is actually the Seal of the Vishanti found in the window of Dr. Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum; it protects the Sanctorum from most supernatural (and even most non-mystical) invaders, also called "Window of the Worlds," or the Anomaly Rue. [40] This seal has failed in barring out Hiroim the Shadow Priest, when he utilized the ancient power of the Shadow Elders (though Hiroim was not truly evil, but grieving and angered). Certain members of the New Avengers appear to acknowledge this, and Chemistro of the Hood's army, though possessing no such power to directly break that of the Vishanti 's, was able to change the chemical composition of the wood that held the seal to break it.

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from Savage Avengers Vol 1 9

The Iron Mage

Scalpel of Strange : An enchanted sword that Stephen forged himself. It can tear holes in reality, allowing Stephen to teleport extremely long distances. [151]


  • Dr. Strange was the subject of a 1978 made-for-television film produced through Universal Television Studios and transmitted by the CBS Television Network, which starred Peter Hooten as Dr. Stephen Strange (described within as a young psychiatry resident rather than an experienced surgeon) alongside Clyde Kusatsu as Wong, with Anne-Marie Martin as Clea Lake; the film also co-starred John Mills as Thomas Lindmer (a character created specifically for the film) and Michael Ansara (who was not credited) as the voice of the Ancient One, and all acted versus Jessica Walter as the evil Morgan Le Fey. Philip DeGuere Jr., better known for creating and producing Simon & Simon, wrote and directed the said film. (The film's setting continuum is Earth-96173 .)
  • The mansion where Dr. Strange lives, his Sanctum Sanctorum , is located at 177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village , New York City , New York which in this universe was the actual address of the apartment building in which the series writer at that time actually lived.

Doctor Strange Marvel Value Stamp

Marvel Value Stamp #13

  • Doctor Mordrid (1992), a film starring Jeffrey Combs as the titular hero, was originally developed as a feature film by Full Moon Entertainment about Dr. Strange. However, rights to the character and name were lost, and the movie was reworked -- though fans of the comics character can easily see the similarities.
  • Doctor Strange shares similar hand gesture with Spider-Man, who was also co-created by Steve Ditko , sticking out their thumb, pointing and pinky fingers. This was also acknowledged by the characters themselves in Spider-Man: Fever #3 .
  • According to Araña , this is due to spider-magic existing before the occult. [187]
  • Dr. Strange and the Fantastic Four are mentioned in the song Superbird on the album "Electric Music for the Mind and Body", by Country Joe and the Fish (Vanguard VSD 79244; released January 1967).
  • Strange is also mentioned in Pink Floyd's song Cymbaline on the album "More" (released July 27, 1968), and in T. Rex song Mambo Sun on the album "Electric Warrior" (released September 1971).
  • Dr. Strange appears on the cover of Pink Floyd's album A Saucerful of Secrets (released June 29, 1968), and on the covers of the Al Stewart albums Past Present and Future (levitating into a dimensional portal) and Modern Times .
  • Allusions to Dr. Strange appear in Tom Wolfe's non-fiction book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1968). Wolfe himself made a cameo appearance in Doctor Strange #180 (May 1969).
  • In Jean-Luc Godard's film Sympathy for the Devil (1968), the camera pans across a Dr. Strange comic in the leftist bookstore.
  • At the beginning of his run in Doctor Strange , when Stephen lost the title of Sorcerer Supreme to Loki, writer Donny Cates had him become a veterinarian as sort of an homage to the profession. Cates' cat Autumn had died shortly before he was assigned to Doctor Strange , and he looked up to the vets that had treated her before she ultimately passed away. Autumn's death additionally inspired that of Strange's friend, the talking dog Bats . [188]
  • Stephen's blood type is B Positive. [189]
  • Doctor Strange was the first one able to discover that the Black Suit Spider-Man had gotten after the Secret Wars , was alive and controlling Spider-Man. However, he didn't reveal this to anyone, since he promised the symbiote that he would keep its secret. [190]
  • His alias as "Iron Mage", [3] might be reference to the character of the same name from Ptolus: City by the Spire from Dungeons & Dragons , which was adapted in comic book form by Marvel Comics.
  • In Tarot #3 the two halves of Doctor Strange merged with the halves of Scarlet Witch and Silver Surfer to create Scarlet Strange and Doctor Surf .
  • 1739 appearance(s) of Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
  • 29 appearance(s) in handbook(s) of Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
  • 239 minor appearance(s) of Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
  • 466 mention(s) of Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
  • 33 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
  • 1810 image(s) of Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
  • 229 quotation(s) by or about Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
  • 22 victim(s) killed by Stephen Strange (Earth-616)
  • 142 item(s) used/owned by Stephen Strange (Earth-616)

Links and References

  • Stephen Strange on
  • Stephen Strange on
  • Spells and Phrases
  • Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum in 3D:
  • The Lesser Book of the Vishanti , a companion to Dr. Strange comics compiled by Catherine and Nagasiva Yronwode
  • OHOTMU Marvel Knights 2005
  • The Doctor Strange FAQ at .
  • The Grand Comics Database
  •'s extensive Dr. Strange Bio
  • Youngquist, Jeff, & Grünwald, Jennifer , eds., Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook (Marvel Publishing, 2006), p. 18 (unnumbered)
  • Gallery of Dr. Strange Original Art
  • Dr. Strange Gallery (Photon Torpedoes)
  • Dr Strange: Curriculum Vitae of a Mad Scientist
  • Stephen Strange at the Collinsport Ghost Society
  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Micronauts #35
  • ↑ Strange (Vol. 3) #1
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Savage Avengers #9
  • ↑ Hulk (Vol. 2) #10
  • ↑ Avengers (Vol. 8) #33
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #11
  • ↑ Ghost Rider (Vol. 9) #7
  • ↑ New Avengers #37
  • ↑ Marvel Comics Presents (Vol. 2) #1
  • ↑ Defenders (Vol. 2) #5
  • ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Doctor Strange: The Oath #2
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 2) #16.1
  • ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 New Avengers (Vol. 3) #27
  • ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 Defenders: Strange Heroes #1
  • ↑ 15.0 15.1 Secret Wars #2
  • ↑ 16.0 16.1 Doctor Strange #183
  • ↑ Doctor Strange: The Oath #3 – 5
  • ↑ Valkyrie: Jane Foster #8
  • ↑ Savage Avengers #12
  • ↑ 20.0 20.1 Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #3
  • ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Doctor Strange #386
  • ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #9  ; Rintrah 's profile
  • ↑ 23.0 23.1 Death of Doctor Strange #1
  • ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 Death of Doctor Strange #5
  • ↑ 25.0 25.1 Strange (Vol. 3) #10
  • ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 Strange Tales #115
  • ↑ 27.0 27.1 Strange Tales #116
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #176 's cover
  • ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #3
  • ↑ Excalibur (Vol. 3) #14
  • ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #45
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #40
  • ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #10
  • ↑ 34.0 34.1 Strange Tales #114
  • ↑ 35.0 35.1 Strange Tales #136
  • ↑ Strange Tales #118
  • ↑ Strange Tales #119
  • ↑ Strange Tales #120
  • ↑ Strange Tales #124
  • ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 Strange Tales #110
  • ↑ Strange Tales #122
  • ↑ Strange Tales #111
  • ↑ Strange Tales #117
  • ↑ 44.0 44.1 Strange Tales #121
  • ↑ Strange Tales #125
  • ↑ Strange Tales #123
  • ↑ Journey Into Mystery #108
  • ↑ Strange Tales #126
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #72
  • ↑ Strange Tales #127
  • ↑ Strange Tales #134 – 136
  • ↑ Strange Tales #139
  • ↑ Strange Tales #140 – 141
  • ↑ Strange Tales #146
  • ↑ Fantastic Four Annual #3
  • ↑ Strange Tales #150 – 151
  • ↑ Strange Tales #152 – 155
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #171 – 173
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #174
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #175
  • ↑ Sub-Mariner #22
  • ↑ Incredible Hulk #126
  • ↑ Defenders #1
  • ↑ Defenders #3
  • ↑ 65.0 65.1 65.2 New Avengers: Illuminati #1
  • ↑ 66.0 66.1 New Avengers: Illuminati (Vol. 2) #1
  • ↑ Marvel Premiere #9 – 12
  • ↑ Defenders #4
  • ↑ Defenders #14
  • ↑ Defenders #46
  • ↑ Defenders #33 – 38
  • ↑ 72.0 72.1 Defenders Annual #1
  • ↑ Defenders #31 – 35
  • ↑ Defenders #42 – 46
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #72 – 73
  • ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #3
  • ↑ X-Men Annual #4
  • ↑ Incredible Hulk #371
  • ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #48 – 49
  • ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #58 – 59
  • ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #60 – 61
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 6) #6
  • ↑ The Order #1 – 6
  • ↑ Witches #1 – 4
  • ↑ However, later official information in the most recent edition of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe indicates the possibility that this was an impostor, just like the Mockingbird in "Hell" was later found out to be another's soul.
  • ↑ X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl #1 – 5
  • ↑ House of M #1
  • ↑ House of M #8
  • ↑ Civil War #3
  • ↑ 90.0 90.1 Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1  ; Doctor Strange's entry
  • ↑ Civil War Files #1  ; Civil War Files
  • ↑ New Avengers #28
  • ↑ New Avengers #29
  • ↑ New Avengers #27
  • ↑ 95.0 95.1 New Avengers #31
  • ↑ New Avengers #32
  • ↑ New Avengers #36
  • ↑ Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24
  • ↑ Fantastic Four #550
  • ↑ World War Hulk #1
  • ↑ 101.0 101.1 World War Hulk #3
  • ↑ New Avengers: Illuminati (Vol. 2) #5
  • ↑ New Avengers Annual #2
  • ↑ 104.0 104.1 New Avengers #51
  • ↑ Last Defenders #3
  • ↑ Hulk (Vol. 2) #10 – 12
  • ↑ Thor #602
  • ↑ New Avengers #53 – 55
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 2) #34
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 3) #1
  • ↑ 111.0 111.1 New Avengers (Vol. 3) #3
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 3) #8
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 3) #9
  • ↑ Mighty Avengers (Vol. 2) #2
  • ↑ Infinity #3
  • ↑ Infinity #6
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 3) #14
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 3) #20
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 3) #22
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 3) #23
  • ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 3) #31
  • ↑ 122.0 122.1 New Avengers (Vol. 3) #33
  • ↑ Secret Wars #5
  • ↑ Secret Wars #1
  • ↑ 125.0 125.1 125.2 Secret Wars #3
  • ↑ Secret Wars #4
  • ↑ All-New, All-Different Marvel Universe #1
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #1
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #5
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #6
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #7
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #8
  • ↑ 133.0 133.1 Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #10
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #1 – 10
  • ↑ 135.0 135.1 Doctor Strange Annual (Vol. 2) #1
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #11
  • ↑ Doctor Strange / Punisher: Magic Bullets Infinite Comic #1 – 8
  • ↑ 138.0 138.1 Doctor Strange #385
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #381
  • ↑ 140.0 140.1 Doctor Strange #382
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #383
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #384
  • ↑ Doctor Strange: Damnation #1
  • ↑ Doctor Strange: Damnation #2 – 3
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #387 – 389
  • ↑ Doctor Strange: Damnation #4
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #1
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #2
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #3
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #4
  • ↑ 151.0 151.1 151.2 Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #5
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #12
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #13
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #14
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #15
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #16
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #17
  • ↑ Death of Doctor Strange #4
  • ↑ Strange (Vol. 3) #1 – 7
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #4
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #19
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #387
  • ↑ Giant-Size Defenders #2
  • ↑ Defenders #29
  • ↑ Infinity Abyss #3
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #27
  • ↑ Incredible Hulks #635
  • ↑ 168.0 168.1 168.2 New Avengers (Vol. 3) #13
  • ↑ Doctor Strange: The Oath #1 – 5
  • ↑ In the Black Magic saga in Strange Tales (vol. 2)
  • ↑ Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #27
  • ↑ 172.0 172.1 Doctor Strange: The Oath #5
  • ↑ Strange Tales #134
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #4
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 6) #9
  • ↑ Invincible Iron Man (Vol. 5) #11
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #76
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #80
  • ↑ Doctor Strange #383 – 384
  • ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #41
  • ↑ Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #42
  • ↑ X-Statix Presents: Dead Girl #1
  • ↑ Defenders #5
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #81
  • ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #36
  • ↑ Savage Avengers #10
  • ↑ Spider-Man (Vol. 4) #2
  • ↑ Richards, Dave (20 December 2017) To Defeat Loki, Donny Cates Teams Doctor Strange with… The Sentry? . Retrieved on 26 December 2017.
  • ↑ Doctor Strange: The Oath #1
  • ↑ Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #3
  • ↑ Defenders: Strange Heroes #1
  • ↑ Defenders: Strange Heroes Vol 1 1
  • 1 Victor von Doom (Earth-616)
  • 2 Mutant Power Level Classification
  • 3 James Howlett (Earth-616)

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Everything You Need to Know About Doctor Stephen Strange

benedict cumberbatch as doctor strange

Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) may have been a latecomer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but going into Marvel’s Phase 4 , Stephen Strange is going to be the focus of the new direction of the MCU.

Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange

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The Infinity Saga has ended and now Marvel boss Kevin Feige is taking the MCU to a whole new level by introducing the Marvel Multiverse. Marvel fans have gotten a taste of the new multiverse and how it will work in the Disney+ original series WandaVision and Loki.

And, Spider-Man: No Way Home (December 17, 2021) will be bringing in characters from alternate timelines like Sony’s Spider-Man 2 (2004) Alfred Molina who played Dr. Otto Octavious AKA Doctor Octopus (“Doc Ock”) in Sam Raimi’s Tobey Maguire led film.

But it is all leading up to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness on March 25, 2022. So here are the answers to every question you have about Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme .

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Backstory for Doctor Stephen Strange in the MCU

Doctor Stephen Strange is introduced in Doctor Strange (2016) and in his origin movie, Marvel fans are given a quick rundown of the Doctor Strange backstory from the comics. Stephen Strange begins his story as a talented but arrogant neurosurgeon.

He severely injures his hands in a car crash, leaving him unable to operate and leaving him desperate for a solution to go back to his life before the accident. His girlfriend Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams) tries to stay by him, but he seeks out more and more experimental procedures to fix his hands and ends up pushing her away.

rachel mcadams as christine palmer (left) and benedict cumberbatch as doctor strange (right)

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He ends up in Kamar-Taj , the home and training grounds to the Masters of the Mystic Arts. There under the guidance of Karl Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor), Wong (Benedict Wong), and the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) , he learns to use magic.

After the death of the Ancient One, Dr. Strange takes on Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen) and defeats Dormammu using one of the Infinity Stones – the Time Stone hidden in the Eye of Agamotto . He pops up again in Thor: Ragnarok (2018) when he detects that Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) have returned to earth to find Odin (Anthony Hopkins).

He finally interacts with the rest of the Avengers in Avengers: Infinity War (2018) to try to stop Thanos (Josh Brolin). He gazes into the future and looks at 14,600,005 different timelines to find the one way that the Avengers will win in Avengers: Endgame (2019).

Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange wielding the time stone

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Where does Doctor Strange fit into the Marvel timeline?

The first Doctor Strange movie is one that messes with the Marvel timeline a bit. Stephen Strange was originally teased in Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014). Winter Soldier takes place in the year 2014 but the events of Doctor Strange , where he gets his powers are set in 2016.

There are wide shots of New York City in Doctor Strange , which include the Avengers Tower . The tower was built after the events of The Avengers (2012). And we know that the Ancient One is still the Sorcerer Supreme during the Battle of New York from the Time Heist in Avengers: Endgame .

(left) Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange and (right) Tilda Swinton asthe Ancient One in the astral plane

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One complaint about how Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange fits in the MCU timeline is that it does not make sense for him to have his accident, lose all his money and learn magic in less than a year. Some Marvel fans have taken to saying Doctor Strange ends in 2016 but it actually begins in 2014.

However, this is not possible since the call that Stephen Strange rejects at the beginning of the Marvel is to perform surgery on James Rhodes aka Rhodey aka War Machine (Don Cheadle). Rhodey was injured in Captain America: Civil War (2016) when he was hit by Vision (Paul Bettany).

This leaves the 2014 Easter egg retconned to be that Stephen Strange had the potential for magic even when he was a neurosurgeon.

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What makes Doctor Strange so strange?

Beyond his abilities as a doctor, Stephen Strange is extraordinarily talented in the mystic arts. Whether or not is more powerful than Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) will have to be determined in The Multiverse of Madness .

Considering he was able to become a Master of the Mystic Arts faster than other characters we have seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he is particularly adept at learning new information. The Ancient One describes him as the best of the sorcerers.

Doctor Strange got his name in 1963 when Steve Ditko created him as a filler character for a series call Strange Tales . Strange Tales is anthology series that did not originally have an ongoing plot and Doctor Strange was only intended to last for five pages.

Stan Lee once wrote a letter to a Jerry Bails describing the magician’s first appearance in Strange Tales #110 as:

The first story is nothing great, but perhaps we can make something of him […] we had to rush the first one too much. Little sidelight: Originally decided to call him Mr. Strange, but thought the “Mr.” bit too similar to Mr. Fantastic.

But clearly Doctor Strange continued on in Strange Tales and eventually the series was even renamed Doctor Strange in 1968.

Doctor Strange Concept Art

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Why is Doctor Strange so popular?

The first Marvel movie to introduce magic was praised for its use of special effects include the mind-bending Mirror realm seen in one Doctor Strange poster . And even though some fans want the MCU to move past single-character origin movies the tale of an arrogant man getting humbled is timeless.

Stephen Strange first rose to popularity for Marvel Comics in the 1970s when Steve Ditko’s psychedelic art style broke new grounds. It was so unlike anything else that was around at the time. It was even revolutionary to make the hero of the story a bit of a jerk.

The bizarre story gave rise to some of the most unique villains in Marvel Comics such as Nightmare, Mephisto, Chthon, and Shuma-Gorath, who is rumored to be the villain in the Doctor Strange sequel.

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What Doctor Stephen Strange can do in the MCU multiverse?

So far, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has only touched on some of the powers that he has in the comics. For the most part, the form of magic that Doctor Strange uses in the MCU is Eldritch Magic Manipulation . Traditionally, in Marvel Comics he learned this magic from the Book of the Vishanti.

He uses Eldritch magic to wield Tao Mandalas , those magical circles that glow from his hands as well as the Eldritch Whips. He also has access to magical items like the Eye of Agamotto, the Cloak of Levitation, and his Sling Ring .

doctor strange sling ring

He uses the Sling Ring to create portals both to other places in the material world as well as for interdimensional travel. He uses this enter the Mirror Dimension to fight Kaecilius and the Dark Dimension to trick Dormammu.

In Thor: Ragnarok he has mastered the ability to teleport around the Sanctum Sanctorum without the Sling Ring. He is also able to conjure items, like the beer that Thor drinks. He uses this ability again to summon the Time Stone on Titan from where he had hidden it from Thanos.

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What is Doctor Strange’s superpower?

One of the other powers that Strange has is astral projection. He uses this study magical texts while resting. And the ancient one sends his astral form the Mandelibus Dimension to open his mind to magic.

In his debut film, Doctor Strange does not cast many spells but he uses quite a few in Infinity War . These include a Wind Spell to clear the street of debris during the fight with Ebony Maw (Tom Vaughan-Lawlor) as well as a binding spell to prevent Thanos’s agent from getting the Time Stone.

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benedict cumberbatch as doctor strange getting the eye of agamotto

While he was in possession of the Time Stone , he was also about to affect the flow of time, including creating a time-loop and parachronal cognition – the ability to see into the future. But since the stone has been destroyed that power may be lost to him. Though a toy leak for No Way Home shows that he still has the Eye of Agamotto and it is rumored that his attempt to study the Time Stone is what will open the multiverse

He also uses a Binding Spell against Thanos during the Battle of Titan as well as a duplication spell. He also breaks out a new transmutation spell to turn his duplicates into butterflies. Beyond his magical abilities , Stephen Strange also has a photographic memory, which he used to excel in medical school.

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rachel mcadams as christine palmer (left) and benedict cumberbatch as doctor strange (right) in scrubs

Where did Doctor Strange go to medical school?

Doctor Strange was inspired to become a doctor after his sister, Donna Strange , drowned after getting a cramp while swimming. He went straight from high school to medical school at Columbia University. From there he graduated with both an M.D. and a Ph.D. at the same time.

From there he had a five-year residency at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. It was his success as a neurosurgeon that led to his signature arrogance.

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benedict cumberbatch as doctor strange studying astal projection

In what ways does Doctor Strange affect the MCU multiverse?

Plot Rumors have been circling ever since the title was announced. While the plot has been kept secret by Marvel boss Kevin Feige , one synopsis did leak online and described the film as:

After the events of ‘Avengers: Endgame’, Dr. Stephen Strange continues his research on the Time Stone. But an old friend turned enemy seeks to destroy every sorcerer on Earth, messing with Strange’s plan and also causing him to unleash an unspeakable evil.

It has also been the first scary MCU film by Director Scott Derrickson. Other movie news has confirmed Doctor Strange will appear in Spider-Man: No Way Home , which is rumored to be Marvel Studio’s take on the Spider-verse and bring in even more characters from the multiverse.

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And, we also know that the film will introduce Young Avenger  America Chavez who will be coming from a different universe. In the comics, this is called the Utopian Parallel . Her power to create portals between realities will be a central plot point in Doctor Strange 2 .

benedict cumberbatch as doctor strange and robert downing jr as tony stark akairon man

Key interactions between Doctor Strange and other MCU superheroes

Doctor Strange has had limited interactions on screen with the rest of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. His origin movie kept him in his own little corner of the Marvel Universe. He did meet Thor and Loki in his short appearance in Ragnarok .

But in Infinity War , he meets Tony Stark aka Iron Man (Robert Downing Jr.), Bruce Banner aka the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), and Peter Parker aka Spider-Man (Tom Holland) before blasting off to space and meeting the Guardians of the Galaxy .

Going forward into Phase 4, Doctor Strange will be taking over Tony Stark’s mentorship role with Peter Parker. So we are sure to see him move out of his little corner of the MCU to replace his awesome facial hair bro. Especially considering he may have murdered Tony.

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How powerful is Doctor Strange in the comics compared to other MCU superheroes?

The debate for the Strongest Avenger has been raging for years. When it comes to the MCU Doctor Strange does not top the list. But when it comes to Marvel comics it is a different ballgame.

In Thor #14 , it was revealed that Doctor Strange is even more powerful than Odin . He used the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to overpower Donald Blake, a previous host of Thor who possessed the Odin-Force.

In Fantastic Four #243 , he even took down Galactus , the devourer of worlds by using the Penance store, which he copied from Ghost Rider. He used the power to drive him mad by reliving all the pain he had caused.

doctor strange comic book powers

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What is the difference in the powers of Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch?

What everyone really wants to know is who would win in a fight between Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch. They are two of the most powerful magic users in the Marvel universe. Marvel Studios almost gave us this fight in WandaVision but Benedict Cumberbatch’s cameo was ultimately cut .

Doctor Strange and Wanda fought each other more than once in the comics. One of the most famous Scarlet Witch interactions with Doctor Strange is during Avengers: Disassembled by Brian Michael Bendis. Wanda killed many Avengers, including Vision, which she lost control of her power but the Sorcerer Supreme was able to defeat her .

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Doctor Strange’s Eldritch magic is distinctly different than Scarlet Witch’s chaos magic. Wanda can manipulate probabilities on a level that Stephen Strange cannot. They have not gone up against each other yet in the MCU but the battle is coming.

And, Wanda is only getting more powerful now that she has been studying the Darkhold . She may return to the Marvel Universe with more of her comic book powers. She has already unlocked her reality-warping ability so along with being a Nexus Being her power over life and death could be seen soon.

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Who is Doctor Strange’s love interest?

So far in the MCU, Doctor Strange has only had one love interest – Christine Palmer. Christine is a fellow doctor but she had little to do in Doctor Strange . She is returning for Multiverse of Madness along with Clea .

Clea is another of Doctor Strange’s doomed relationships . She is the Sorceress Supreme of the Dark Dimension and has many of the same abilities as Doctor Strange, who was once her mentor. Clea is the daughter of Umar — Dormammu’s sister.

This could mean Doctor Strange will be the center of a love triangle in his second solo Marvel movie. Or they could save his love story with Clea for a future film.

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The primary role of Doctor Strange in the MCU

As it currently stands, Doctor Strange serves as the Sorcerer Supreme, the primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats. He maintains a list of dangerous individuals, which included Loki.

He also guards the three Sanctum Sanctorum in the MCU, which include the New York Sanctum, the London Sanctum, and the Hong Kong Sanctum. The three sanctums create a protective magical barrier around the Earth.

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When did Doctor Strange first appear in the MCU?

He was first teased in Captain America; The Winter Soldier , when Agent Sitwell (Maximiliano Hernández) mentions him on his list of powerful individuals. But he did not first appear until 2016 with Doctor Strange.

Since then, he has also appeared in Thor: Ragnarok , Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame . His next appearance will be in Spider-Man: No Way Home. He is becoming a central part of the MCU as it moves past the Infinity Saga .

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Who is the most important person to Doctor Strange in the MCU?

While his love interest is Christine Palmer, Doctor Strange has spent most of his time since his solo film with a fellow master of the mystic arts, Wong. Wong was instrumental in teaching Stephen Strange how to use magic.

Wong has quickly become a fan-favorite character, with his love Hunka-Hulka Burning Fudge ice cream. He is even popping up in the upcoming Shang-Chi and the Legends of the Ten Rings to fight Hulk villain the Abomination .

Other than Wong and Palmer, Strange does not have very many close friends. He will most likely form a bond with Peter Parker, but he is very much a lone wolf. There are not many characters that are important to Doctor Strange.

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How does Doctor Strange’s character affect the future of the MCU?

Doctor Strange’s importance is now growing with the death of Tony Stark. In addition to his appearance in No Way Home to help unravel whatever chaos is coming. It also looks like he will be giving Peter Parker a magical upgrade if Funko toy releases are to be believed.

The MCU is headed into stranger worlds, hinted at by the new director . The introduction of the multiverse seems to be leading the Avengers to Secret Wars .

And, it all begins with Doctor Strange.

Are you all caught up and reach for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness?   Let us know in the comments.

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Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange


Creators: Stan Lee; Steve Ditko

First appearances (Comics):

  • Strange Tales #110, April 1963

Death (Earth-616):

  • Death of Doctor Strange #5, January 2022

Other media appearances:

In the MCU, Benedict Cumberbatch portrays Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange. We heard of Dr. Strange for the first time in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014). He made a debut in the 2016 Doctor Strange film.


Doctor Strange was in MSF from the game release. For a brief period, he had some uses, but he was mostly useless before the introduction of Supernaturals. Even then his importance wasn’t even near to his real importance in Marvel Universe. To fix that Scopely has introduced a new version of Doctor Strange whose origin is outside Earth 616. In MSF Evil Strange is more powerful than Earth 616 Strange which is nonsense.

Both of them have some connections with Comic Lore. Transmutation power is represented in Doctor Strange’s (Original) skill to flip positive effects on enemies and Evil Strange’s skill to steal those effects. Also, Evil Strange can actually Conjure Demons with his ultimate which is in correlation with his actual powers.

It is important to mention that Doctor Strange (Original) can summon the Book of Vishanti to revive fallen allies. However, since the Book of Vishanti should be the ultimate power of Mystic Arts and a natural counter to Darkhold, its importance is definitely not shown in the game.

Other than this, both Stranges in the game have almost ordinary MSF abilities that cannot be related to Comic lore. Knowing the real importance of Doctor Strange in the Marvel Universe, the best I can say at this moment is that he is truly underrated in Marvel Strike Force.

Dr. Strange is a powerful sorcerer tasked with keeping Earth safe. Take a look below to see some of his abilities:

  • Infinite Longevity/Fearlessness
  • Energy Blasts
  • Mystic Bolts
  • Astral Projection
  • Conjuring of Objects
  • Transmutation
  • Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation
  • Dimensional Travel…

Stephen Strange was born in November 1930 to Eugene and Beverly Strange while they were on a vacation in Philadephia. In 1932 his sister, Donna, was born. They were living on a family farm in Nebraska.

Karl Mordo, an apprentice sorcerer to the Ancient One, knew that Strange was to become the next Sorcerer Supreme. He was annoyed and jealous and sent various demons on young Strange from his eighth year until becoming of age. Eventually, the Ancient One, Mordo’s master, saved Strange.

Around a year after his “troubles” began, Stephen’s brother, Victor, was born. At eleven years old, Stephen was able to help his injured sister. The event put a clear path and interest in medicine for young Stephen.

Strange attended New York College as a pre-med student. When he was nineteen years old, Stephen spent a vacation at home with his family. It was his birthday. During swimming with his sister, Donna suffered a cramp. Stephen looked everywhere around. Once he found her, it was too late. This event left a huge mark on Stephen. His medical idealism got shattered, and he felt a personal failure.

Stephen finished college in record time and got his medical degree. He received a five year residency with the New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Talented as he was, he quickly progressed. His success made him arrogant as well. His interest in patients often ended with the mention of bills.

The turning point in his life was around 1963. Stephen had a terrible car accident, Dr. Nicodemus West saved Strange, but there was not much help for the nerves in his arms. They were severely damaged. Stephen’s carrier was over. He was too proud to accept a consultant position and his riches quickly dwindled due to his search for alternative healing methods.

The move to the East

During his quest for healing, Stephen heard about the mystical Ancient One. He pawned his last possessions and bought a ticket to the East. Strange managed to locate his “target” in Tibet. Strange was disappointed when the Ancient One refused to heal him, though he received and offer to be thought of mysticism. Stephen refused and was ready to leave but found himself stuck in the palace because of a sudden blizzard.

While he was a guest of the Ancient One, Strange saw Baron Mordo attack his master in secrecy. The Ancient one dispelled the attacks with ease. Mordo figured out that Strange would tell the Ancient One what he saw and put a spell on Stephen, preventing him from doing so.

This event initiated a change of heart in Strange, and he accepted the offer of the mystical sorcerer. The Ancient One dispelled Mordo’s spell and explained to Strange that he knew about Mordo’s attacks, but he decided to keep his apprentice close, hoping he would change.

The Ancient One had planned to make Strange his successor for a long time. Stephen’s potential was enormous. Strange learned magic with the Ancient One for seven years and returned to the USA in the 1970s. He became a mystic consultant and established his Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village, New York.

Wong, a member of the bloodline that served the Ancient One for centuries, became Strange’s servant, but most importantly, a friend.

A superhero with a heavy task

In the beginning, Dr. Strange did not meddle too much in the events around him. His focus was on the battle against Nightmare and Baron Mordo. However, Loki managed to pull him into the conflict and manipulate Dr. Strange to attack Thor. Stephen managed to find out about Loki’s treachery.

Spider-Man helped Strange save several people from the mystical dimension during his battles with Mordo. Strange was impressed with the courage and heroism of Spider-Man and considered him a friend. Throughout the years, these two would team up several times.

Dormammu. Ruler of the Dark Dimension felt that the Ancient One’s strength was declining and threatened to invade Earth-Realm. He sent his messenger first. The Ancient One knew that the threat had to be dealt with and sent Dr. Strange to the Dark Dimension to fight the enemy.

While in the Dark Dimension, Strange was approached by Clea, a novice mystic, Umar’s daughter. Umar was Dormammu’s sister. Clea was afraid that if Dormammu was defeated and no longer a ruler of the Dark Dimension, it would be torn apart by the Mindless Ones. Due to her concerns, she tried to stop the duel, but her attempts were in vain.

Dormammu easily defeated Strange but lost just enough energy during the fight to enable the invasion of the Mindless Ones. Strange lent Dormammu his powers to create a new barrier. Dormammu was furious because of his weakness and had to honor Dr. Strange. Stephen bargained for the safety of himself, Earth-Realm, and beautiful Clea.

That would be it for now. Let us check out the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of our favorite Doctor.


In MCU, Stephen’s early life is similar to his life in the Earth-616 dimension. Donna, his only sibling in this dimension, died. Because of her death, Strange decided to become a doctor.

His car accident is part of this universe too. After surviving the crash, he went on a search to heal his damaged arm nerves.

Eventually, Strange found a letter from his physical therapist. This letter contained information about Jonathan Pangborn. Jonathan was a paraplegic who regained the ability to walk again. Strange found out his location and approached him while Jonathan was playing basketball with his friends. Pangborn looked well and fit.

Even though Strange declined Pangborn as a patient, Jonathan decided to help Stephen. He spoke about the way he got healed and directed Strange to Kamar-Taj and the Ancient One.

Strange used his last money and went to Nepal.

Kamar-Taj and the Battle of the Mirror Dimension

In this version of events, the Ancient One is a female. Strange managed to find her in Kathmandu. She explained to Stephen how Jonathan Pangborn got healed through his spirit. Strange was furious and said that it was a waste of his time. He spent the last of his money in vain. He could see through the Ancient One’s lies.

The Ancient One pushed Stephen’s astral form out of his body, and Strange experienced the Astral Dimension for the first time. The Ancient One sent him on a journey through different dimensions and universes until he finally returned to his body. He was stunned and begged the Ancient One to teach him.

Earth-199999 brings us an interesting plot. The Ancient one was offended by his words of disrespect and refused to teach Stephen. Because he showed disrespect, the Ancient One expelled him from the temple. Luckily, Mordo managed to persuade her to give Strange a second chance.

Strange went through intensive training to be ready for the incoming challenges.

During the Battle of the Mirror Dimension, the Ancient One lost the fight against Kaecilius. Strange rushed her to the Metro-General Hospital. The Ancient One left her physical form and talked with Strange in the Astral Dimension. She confessed of using the power from the Dark Dimension. She hated it but had to do it to ensure the protection of the world. The Ancient One hinted that Strange would have to bend the rules in the future, as she did.

In this version, Mordo is not Strange’s enemy at the start. He left Strange once he found out that the Ancient One drained the power from the Dark Dimension and that Stephen was doing it too. Mordo decided to cleanse the world from all of the rogue sorcerers.

Protector of the New York Sanctum

Kaecilius murdered Daniel Drumm and left New York Sanctum without a protector. Strange had to take this new role. However, he realized that he was not ready and worthy of wielding the Eye of Agamotto. Stephen decided to return it to Kamar-Taj. Wong, his servant, but most importantly a friend, agreed with Strange. Overusing an Infinity Stone would be dangerous.

After the duel with Dormammu, Strange created a list of extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional beings who posed a threat to the Earth. Unsurprisingly, Loki was on the list. At the time, Odin was brought to Earth and decided to stay instead of returning to Asgard.

Once Thor realized that Loki was only pretending to be Odin, he took his brother to Earth. We witnessed an interesting interaction with Thor, Loki, and Dr. Strange in the movie: Thor Ragnarok.

In Infinity War, Dr. Strange was looking for a way to win against Thanos. Strange looked through fourteen million six hundred and five possible outcomes. There was only one outcome where the forces of good came on top against a powerful enemy.

Stay tuned for more articles and updates on existing ones.

Basic information

  • Real name: Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Place of Origin: Philadelphia, Pensylvania
  • Occupation: Sorcerer, Doctor previously
  • Height: 6’2’’
  • Weight: 180 lbs.
  • Hair: Black

doctor strange md phd

  • Cast & crew
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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Chiwetel Ejiofor, Elizabeth Olsen, Benedict Wong, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Xochitl Gomez in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

Doctor Strange teams up with a mysterious teenage girl who can travel across multiverses, to battle other-universe versions of himself which threaten to wipe out the multiverse. They seek he... Read all Doctor Strange teams up with a mysterious teenage girl who can travel across multiverses, to battle other-universe versions of himself which threaten to wipe out the multiverse. They seek help from the Scarlet Witch, Wong and others. Doctor Strange teams up with a mysterious teenage girl who can travel across multiverses, to battle other-universe versions of himself which threaten to wipe out the multiverse. They seek help from the Scarlet Witch, Wong and others.

  • Michael Waldron
  • Steve Ditko
  • Benedict Cumberbatch
  • Elizabeth Olsen
  • Chiwetel Ejiofor
  • 4K User reviews
  • 415 Critic reviews
  • 60 Metascore
  • 10 wins & 30 nominations

Final Trailer

Top cast 99

Benedict Cumberbatch

  • Doctor Stephen Strange

Elizabeth Olsen

  • Wanda Maximoff …

Chiwetel Ejiofor

  • Baron Mordo

Benedict Wong

  • America Chavez

Rachel McAdams

  • Dr. Christine Palmer

Jett Klyne

  • Tommy Maximoff

Julian Hilliard

  • Billy Maximoff

Michael Stuhlbarg

  • Dr. Nic West
  • (as Michael Stühlbarg)

Hayley Atwell

  • Captain Carter

Anson Mount

  • Captain Marvel

John Krasinski

  • Reed Richards

Patrick Stewart

  • Professor Charles Xavier

Charlize Theron

  • Pizza Poppa
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Doctor Strange

Did you know

  • Trivia Benedict Cumberbatch revealed in an interview that Benedict Wong broke about four ribs when he slammed into something during a stunt.
  • Goofs (at around 41 mins) The pizza ball vendor accuses the main (universe 616) Dr Strange of stealing universe 838 Strange's cape. Later, in a flashback (at around 1h 9 mins), 838 Strange's cape is blue, and 616 Strange's cape is red.

Charles Xavier : Just because someone stumbles and loses their way doesn't mean they're lost forever.

  • Crazy credits There is a scene in the closing credits: Dr Strange encounters the sorceress Clea, who invites him to the Dark Dimension to investigate an incursion.
  • Connections Edited into Marvel Studios: Legends: Variants (2023)
  • Soundtracks Theme from Doctor Strange Composed by Michael Giacchino

User reviews 4K

  • MrLucasWarHero
  • May 3, 2022
  • How long is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? Powered by Alexa
  • When did filming begin? I know it started in November, but which day in particular did it begin on?
  • Why do all the duplicates of the Multiverse look identical here when in the Spider-Man Multiverse they do not?
  • May 6, 2022 (United States)
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  • Disney Movies
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  • Doctor Strange en el multiverso de la locura
  • Norway (on location)
  • Marvel Studios
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  • $414,900,000 (estimated)
  • $411,331,607
  • $187,420,998
  • May 8, 2022
  • $955,775,804

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 6 minutes
  • IMAX 6-Track
  • Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Atmos
  • Dolby Surround 7.1

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Doctor Strange

  • Edit source

Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange , M.D., Ph.D. is a Master of the Mystic Arts . Originally a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange got into a car accident which resulted in his hands becoming crippled. Once Western medicine failed him, Strange embarked on a journey to Kamar-Taj , where he was trained by the Ancient One in the ways of Magic and the Multiverse . Although he focused on healing his hands, Strange was drawn into a conflict with Kaecilius and the Zealots , who were working for Dormammu and had sought to merge Earth with the Dark Dimension . Following the demise of the Ancient One and the defeat of Kaecilius, Strange then became the new protector of the Sanctum Sanctorum , seeking to defend the Earth from other inter-dimensional threats.

From his new position, Strange aided Thor in locating Odin , before he learned of Thanos ' attempts to gain all of the Infinity Stones and cause a universal genocide . Since Strange was the protector of the Time Stone , he was attacked and captured by Thanos' Black Order , only for him to then be rescued by Iron Man and Spider-Man . Joining forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy , Strange battled against Thanos. However, as Strange had seen into the future and knew his only path to victory, he willingly handed over the Time Stone, allowing Thanos to wipe out half of life , including Strange. However, Strange and all the rest of Thanos' victims had been resurrected five years later by the Avengers and battled against an alternate Thanos , ending in the Mad Titan's defeat.

Strange offered his aid to Spider-Man, whose identity of Peter Parker was unmasked by Mysterio , as he asked Strange to make the world forget this. However, due to Parker's interference, the spell soon went wrong, and Strange inadvertently unleashed en e m ie s of Spider- Men from across the Multiverse . Capturing these enemies, Strange tried to use the Macchina di Kadavus to send them to their universes to meet their inevitable fates, which Spider-Man had refused to allow, hoping to give these people a chance at redemption. Having been trapped in the Mirror Dimension , Strange then returned and fought to contain the Multiversal rift. With no other choice, Strange cast a spell to return the visitors back to their universes and close the rifts, but also at the cost of making everyone, including himself, forget Parker's existence.

Being heralded of new interdimensional threats , Strange came across America Chavez . While investigating these threats, Strange learned that Wanda Maximoff , who fell under the influence of the Darkhold , was responsible. As Kamar-Taj fell under attack by her, Chavez sent Strange spiraling through the multiverse, where they were eventually arrested by the Illuminati . With the help of a alternate Christine Palmer , Strange and Chavez escape, only for Maximoff abduct Chavez, banishing Strange and Palmer to an incursion inflicted universe. Confronting that reality's Doctor Strange , Strange claimed the Darkhold , utilizing dreamwalking in order to rescue Chavez. Helping her gain full control of her powers, the two swayed Maximoff from the Darkhold's influence, before her apparent self-sacrifice to destroy all copies of the Darkhold throughout the Multiverse. In the aftermath, Strange and Wong took Chavez, who decided to stay in their universe, under their care and teach her in the Mystic Arts. Sometime later, Strange was confronted by Clea , a sorceress who enlisted his help in fixing a new incursion.

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Home » University At Buffalo Suny - School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences » How Many Phd Does Dr Strange Have?

How Many Phd Does Dr Strange Have?

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5 PhDs. Stephen Strange has 5 PhDs .

Does Doctor Strange have a PhD?

Unable to save his sister, Strange decided to become a doctor to save lives. Strange went to medical school at Columbia University, and eventually graduated with an M.D. and Ph.D. at the same time, using his photographic memory to learn all of the information incredibly quickly.

How many PhD does Bruce Banner have?

seven PhDs Interestingly, Mark Ruffalo’s Bruce Banner is much more educated than his comic book counterpart, as he mentions in Thor: Ragnarok (2017) that he has seven PhDs !

Who is Dr. Strange’s master?

The Ancient One The Ancient One is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was the mentor of Doctor Strange and was his predecessor as Sorcerer Supreme.

What degrees did Bruce Banner have?

Bruce obtained his doctorate in nuclear physics at Caltech, alongside Philip Sterns, who later became Madman.

What is PhD short for?

A PhD is a terminal academic degree students typically pursue when they’re interested in an academic or research career. A PhD is the highest possible academic degree a student can obtain. It stands for “ Doctor of Philosophy ,” which refers to the immense knowledge a student gains when earning the degree.

Is Doctor Strange 2 Cancelled?

Doctor Strange 2 was ‘cancelled’ in Egypt over gay content . The most popular franchise in the world, the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s upcoming entry Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness won’t be released in Egypt thanks to the fact that one of the main characters is queer.

Who has the most PhDs in Marvel?

1. Black Panther . Very few characters in Marvel Comics have the educational pedigree that Black Panther has. Black Panther possesses not one, not two, but five doctorates.

Who has the highest number of PhDs?

Benjamin Bradley Bolger (born 1975) is an American perpetual student who has earned 14 degrees and claims to be the second-most credentialed person in modern history after Michael W. Nicholson (who has 30 degrees). Like Nicholson, Bolger is from Michigan.

What is the record for most PhDs?

A doctor from Hyderabad, S Satyanarayana has set a new Guinness record with 33 doctorates in various subjects which include 22 Ph.

What is Dr. Strange’s power called?

Doctor Strange
Abilities Utilizes mystical artifacts, such as the Cloak of Levitation and the Eye of Agamotto Genius-level intellect Skilled martial artist Gifted physician and surgeon

Who is stronger Dr fate or Dr. Strange?

DC Comics’ Doctor Fate has proven he’s more powerful than Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange. The two superheroes known for their mastery of the mystic arts have often been compared to each other, but the Justice League Dark member has demonstrated his skill is above anything the Avenger can do.

Can Dr. Strange lift Thor’s hammer?

No . The magic the Asgardians use varies widely in strength depending on the caster. The pronouncements used by Odin are almost unbreakable by the magical abilities of Loki or Carnilla, two of the greatest sorcerers in Asgard. Both of their powers exceed the Sorcerer Supreme’s ability.

What is Peter Parker’s IQ?

around 250 Scientific aptitude and knowledge Apart from his physical abilities, Peter is an intellectually-gifted scientific teen genius and has a prodigious aptitude in the physical sciences, with a high IQ level of around 250 .

What is Tony Stark’s IQ?

Abilities. Super-Genius Intelligence: Tony is a phenomenal scientific genius and inventor with an IQ of 186 .

Does Peter Parker go to MIT?

for Peter Parker. Ultimately, while his friends get into MIT in the end, Doctor Strange’s memory-altering spell means the world no longer remembers Peter Parker. Not only is he not admitted to MIT , he no longer attends Midtown High and is seen preparing to take the GED test at the end of the film.

Is PhD higher than masters?

After earning a master’s degree, the next step is a PhD, which entails both working and performing research at an institution. A PhD is an abbreviation for “Doctor of Philosophy.” It is the highest academic degree one can achieve.

What is higher than a PhD?

The Doctor of Divinity (DDiv) and the Doctor of Civil Law (DCL) are considered by Oxford to outrank all other degrees, including a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. The DDiv is usually awarded for academic accomplishments beyond the PhD level.

How many PhDs are there in the world?

Since 2000, the number of people age 25 and over whose highest degree was a master’s has doubled to 21 million. The number of doctoral degree holders has more than doubled to 4.5 million .

Who is the most powerful in Avengers?

Thor is easily the strongest Avenger of all time. He can summon thunder and his hammer, Mjolnir, is one of the most powerful items in the Marvel universe. Granted immortality by the Apples of Iddun, Thor’s impressive feats include defeating the Phoenix Force, one of Marvel’s strongest powers.

Will there be Doctor Strange 3?

Will There Be Doctor Strange 3? Marvel has not confirmed that there will be a threequel to the Doctor Strange series yet . But there is no reason to assume we will not be getting a film in the future. It will definitely not be a part of Phase Four and so far it’s not a part of Phase Five so far either.

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By Paul Arnold

Paul Arnold is an education expert with over 25 years of experience in the field. He has worked in both public and private schools, as well as colleges and universities. Paul is passionate about helping students learn and grow, and he has written extensively on the topic of education. He currently works as a professor at a local college.

When he's not teaching or writing, Paul enjoys spending time with his wife and two children. He also likes playing golf and watching sports. Paul is a big fan of the Boston Celtics and New England Patriots.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Where to watch.

Watch Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with a subscription on Disney+, rent on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV, or buy on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

What to Know

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness labors under the weight of the sprawling MCU, but Sam Raimi's distinctive direction casts an entertaining spell.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness delivers all the action and visual excitement you want in a Marvel movie while taking the franchise in a much darker direction.

Critics Reviews

Audience reviews, cast & crew.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Doctor Stephen Strange

Elizabeth Olsen

Wanda Maximoff

Chiwetel Ejiofor

Baron Mordo

Rachel McAdams

Dr. Christine Palmer

Benedict Wong

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Wenqing Zhang, MD, PhD

Dr. Zhang is a board-certified medical oncologist and hematologist with Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute in Pinellas and Citrus counties. He specializes in the treatment of all cancer types and blood disorders, with a specialized focus on breast cancer, lung cancer, and lymphoma.

After receiving his medical degree from Xinxiang Medical College in China, Wenqing Zhang, MD, went on to earn both a master’s and a doctorate in Medical Science from Beijing Medical University. He completed Internal Medicine residency training at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, NY and a fellowship in Hematology/Oncology at the University of Louisville James Graham Brown Cancer Center in Louisville, KY.

Dr. Zhang joined Florida Cancer Specialists in 2022.  Previously, he provided medical oncology care in academic and private practice settings and, most recently, served as Director of the Breast Cancer Program at St. Luke’s University Health Network in Pennsylvania.

In addition to treating oncology patients for many years, Dr. Zhang is actively involved in cancer research, serving as an investigator and sub-investigator for clinical trial studies. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals including the Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Chinese Journal of Hematology, RNA and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International.

In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, outdoor activities and martial arts.

  • Medical Oncology

Medical School

Beijing Medical University/Peking University, Beijing, China

Internal Medicine – Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY

Hematology/Oncology – James Graham Brown Cancer Center/University of Louisville, Louisville, KY

Board Certification

Bone Marrow Biopsy

Professional Affiliations

American Society of Hematology American Society of Clinical Oncology

Stanley Jones Premkumar Iyadurai

Stanley Jones Premkumar Iyadurai , MD , PhD

Pediatric neurology.

  • All Children's Specialty Physicians

18 Insurances Accepted

Dr. Iyadurai is a pediatric neurologist who specializes in neuromuscular medicine at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. He joined the medical staff in 2019.

Previously as an assistant professor of neurology and a neuromuscular specialist, Dr. Iyadurai had appointments at The Ohio State University/Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Saint Louis University/Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. Dr. Iyadurai specializes in neuropathies, myopathies, neuromuscular junction disorders including muscular dystrophies and motor neuron disorders, with a special interest in congenital myasthenic syndromes.

At The Ohio State University, he also directed the Neuromuscular Genetics Clinic. Dr. Iyadurai performs electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies, and reads muscle and nerve biopsies to diagnose various neuromuscular conditions. Dr. Iyadurai has sub specialization training in clinical neurophysiology, neuromuscular medicine and clinical neuromuscular pathologym and is recognized as an expert in the field, at the national and international levels. His research interests cover a broad range of topics within neuromuscular spectrum, with a special interest in channelopathies, including myasthenic syndromes, and he has published more than 30 peer-reviewed original research papers and presented at various international conferences.

Dr. Iyadurai earned his medical degree from the University of Minnesota. He completed an internship in medicine at the University of Minnesota. He then completed his residency in neurology at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, and a fellowship in neuromuscular medicine at Washington University, St. Louis. He also holds a Ph.D. in molecular, cellular, developmental biology and genetics from the University of Minnesota.

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University of Minnesota Hospital & Clinics

Barnes-jewish hospital, barrow neurological institute of st joseph's hospital & medical center, university of minnesota medical school, university of minnesota, board certifications.

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  1. Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange MD, PhD

    doctor strange md phd

  2. Browse Therapists

    doctor strange md phd

  3. Doctor Strange(2016)

    doctor strange md phd

  4. Benedict Cumberbatch embraced his inner Dr Strange to save a man

    doctor strange md phd

  5. Three eyed Stephen|| Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness

    doctor strange md phd

  6. unfilt Picture Of Doctor, Dr Strange, Elisabeth, Benedict Cumberbatch

    doctor strange md phd


  1. DV8 Physical Theatre


  1. Doctor Strange

    Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange, M.D., Ph.D. is a Master of the Mystic Arts. Originally a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange got into a car accident which resulted in his hands becoming crippled. Once Western medicine failed him, Strange embarked on a journey to Kamar-Taj, where he was trained by the Ancient One in the ways of magic and the Multiverse. Although he focused on healing ...

  2. Doctor Strange

    Doctor Strange}} Stephen Vincent Strange M.D., Ph.D is a powerful sorcerer and a leading member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Originally a brilliant yet arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange suffered a car accident that had resulted in his hands being crippled. When Western medicine failed to restore his hands, Strange embarked on a journey that led him to the Masters of the Mystic Arts as well ...

  3. Stephen Strange (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

    Doctor Stephen Strange is a superhero portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise—based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, commonly referred to by his academic title.Initially depicted as an intelligent and arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange experiences a career-ending car accident. In his search to repair his damaged hands, he discovers ...

  4. All Of Doctor Strange's Powers And Abilities Explained

    Strange's explanation is his photographic memory, which enabled him to earn an MD and PhD simultaneously. We're guessing that his mind continuing to work while his body rests had a little bit to ...

  5. Doctor Strange's Complete MCU Timeline Explained

    Presumably in the 1990s, Stephen Strange attended medical school at Columbia University, a popular alma mater for Marvel's superheroes. Helped along by his photographic memory, Stephen Strange excelled in medical school, graduating with his MD and PhD simultaneously.He learned all the technical aspects of his prospective job incredibly quickly, but spent years repeating behaviors and learning ...

  6. Stephen Strange (Earth-616)

    Dr. Stephen Strange, M.D.,[26] a.k.a. Doctor Strange, was the Sorcerer Supreme for Earth-616.[14] Strange was once a brilliant but arrogant Neurosurgeon, until a car accident crippled his hands.[11] When modern medicine failed him, he embarked on a journey to Kamar-Taj in Tibet, where he was trained by the Ancient One.[11] He healed his hands and learned more about Magic, eventually becoming a ...

  7. Doctor Strange

    Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Created by Steve Ditko, the character first appeared in Strange Tales #110 (cover-dated July 1963). Doctor Strange serves as the Sorcerer Supreme, the primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats. Strange was introduced during the Silver Age of Comic Books in an attempt to ...

  8. Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange) In Comics Powers, Enemies, History

    Doctor Strange's other enemies include the sorcerer Yandroth, the demons Nightmare and Shuma-Gorath, the Earth despot Doctor Doom, and Umar the Unrelenting, the sister of Dormammu. Allies and Affiliates. Though a loner by choice, Strange has opened his heart and home to a precious few he can call friends. Chief among these individuals is Wong ...

  9. Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)

    2022. Marvel Studios' "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness"—a thrilling ride through the Multiverse with Doctor Strange, his trusted friend Wong and Wanda Maximoff, aka Scarlet Witch. "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" opens in U.S. theaters on May 6, 2022. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

  10. Doctor Strange (2016)

    Doctor Strange: Directed by Scott Derrickson. With Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong. While on a journey of physical and spiritual healing, a brilliant neurosurgeon is drawn into the world of the mystic arts.

  11. Stephen Strange Doctor Strange

    Vain, egotistic surgeon Stephen Strange lost the use of his hands in a horrific auto accident caused by his own recklessness. In turn, he lost his fortune through a series of costly, complicated and experimental surgeries and therapies in an attempt to save his livelihood. In the end, destitute and desperate, he sought a cure far off the beaten ...

  12. Doctor Strange (2016)

    From Marvel Studios comes "Doctor Strange," the story of world-famous neurosurgeon Dr. Stephen Strange whose life changes forever after a horrific car accident robs him of the use of his hands. When traditional medicine fails him, he is forced to look for healing, and hope, in an unlikely place—a mysterious enclave known as Kamar-Taj. ...

  13. Everything You Need to Know About Doctor Stephen Strange

    Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) may have been a latecomer to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but going into Marvel's Phase 4, Stephen Strange is going to be the focus of the new direction ...

  14. Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange

    Death (Earth-616): Death of Doctor Strange #5, January 2022. Other media appearances: In the MCU, Benedict Cumberbatch portrays Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange. We heard of Dr. Strange for the first time in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014). He made a debut in the 2016 Doctor Strange film. ADVERTISEMENT.

  15. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)

    Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Directed by Sam Raimi. With Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Wong. Doctor Strange teams up with a mysterious teenage girl who can travel across multiverses, to battle other-universe versions of himself which threaten to wipe out the multiverse. They seek help from the Scarlet Witch, Wong and others.

  16. Doctor Strange

    Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange, M.D., Ph.D. is a Master of the Mystic Arts. Originally a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange got into a car accident which resulted in his hands becoming crippled. Once Western medicine failed him, Strange embarked on a journey to Kamar-Taj, where he was trained by the Ancient One in the ways of Magic ...

  17. Doctor Strange (2016 film)

    Doctor Strange is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name.Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the 14th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Scott Derrickson from a screenplay he wrote with Jon Spaihts and C. Robert Cargill, and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as ...

  18. How Many Phd Does Dr Strange Have?

    5 PhDs. Stephen Strange has 5 PhDs. Does Doctor Strange have a PhD? Unable to save his sister, Strange decided to become a doctor to save lives. Strange went to medical school at Columbia University, and eventually graduated with an M.D. and Ph.D. at the same time, using his photographic […]

  19. Veterinay Spotlight with Dr. Kayode Femi

    Veterinay Spotlight with Dr. Kayode Femi | Dr. Chudy Nduaka DVM,Ms,PhD,DABT

  20. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

    In Marvel Studios' "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," the MCU unlocks the Multiverse and pushes its boundaries further than ever before. Journey into the unknown with Doctor Strange ...

  21. Wenqing Zhang

    Wenqing Zhang, MD, PhD. Dr. Zhang is a board-certified medical oncologist and hematologist with Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute in Pinellas and Citrus counties. He specializes in the treatment of all cancer types and blood disorders, with a specialized focus on breast cancer, lung cancer, and lymphoma.

  22. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

    Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a 2022 American superhero film based on Marvel Comics featuring the character Doctor Strange.Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to Doctor Strange (2016) and the 28th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Sam Raimi, written by Michael Waldron, and stars ...

  23. Dr. Stanley Jones Premkumar Iyadurai, MD, PhD

    Dr. Iyadurai is a pediatric neurologist who specializes in neuromuscular medicine at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital. He joined the medical staff in 2019. ... MD, PhD Neurology Pediatric Neurology. Accepting New Patients. Johns Hopkins Affiliations: ... MD, 2004. University of Minnesota Graduate School, PhD, 1998. Board Certifications.