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40 ESL Essay Writing Topics + Prompts

By VIPKid  |  April 20, 2018

Ready to start teaching English online?

Writing ESL essay writing is hard for most students and many will struggle at first before learning to write well.

However, writing skills are a crucial part of learning a new language . 

In this piece, we’ll share some ESL writing prompts and ESL essay topics for five different kinds of essays. They should help your students develop their grammar and vocabulary skills  while teaching them how to write coherently.

(While they work for all kinds of students, we’ve found these topics are especially handy for  teaching English to kids .) 

Writing practice should never be boring! When you’re done this article, check out the 10 most engaging writing activities here .

Descriptive ESL Writing Topics

  • Describe your favorite place in as much detail as possible.
  • Describe your favorite fictional character in as much detail as possible.
  • Describe a famous person – e.g. a singer or athlete – that you admire. Focus on both their appearance and personality traits.
  • Describe a family member or your best friend  as detailed as possible. Discuss how they look and their personality.  
  • Choose a  hobby or favorite activity  and describe why and how you do it. 
  • Describe your most memorable holiday or vacation spot in as much detail as possible.
  • Describe a photo or work of art in as much detail as possible.
  • Pick your favorite food . Describe what you taste, smell, and sense while eating or drinking it. 

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Explanatory ESL Essay Topics

a2 level essay topics

  • Give directions for getting from one point to another . For example, how to get from your home to your school. Describe the landmarks someone might see along the way.
  • Explain how to cook your favorite meal . Provide a recipe and the step-by-step instructions.
  • Explain your favorite computer game . What should a player do to win? What are some playing tips?
  • Explain what you would do if your friends show up at your house unexpectedly . Say how you would entertain them. 
  • Explain how to make a bed . This task is seemingly simple but allows you to write about everyday habits you might never think through in detail. 
  • Explain how to make a paper airplane . Again, this task has many precise, technical details that that should be included in the essay. 
  • Explain how to brush your teeth . Try to make your essay about a seemingly mundane task more interesting. 
  • Explain how to pack a suitcase when going on a holiday. List out all the objects and pieces of clothing you would bring. 

ESL Essays Topics to Practice Verb Tenses

essay topics

  • Talk about a time in the past when you had to make a difficult decision . Explain what you did and why.
  • Describe your dream place to live . Why would you want to live there? What would you do?
  • Write about three specific goals  you want to achieve this year. Explain how you are going to achieve them.
  • Write about something you regret having done . Point out what could have happened if you had not made that decision.
  • Describe the world 100 years from now . Describe how people live, and new inventions and also the things that will not change.
  • Talk about your earliest memory . What happened? How well do you remember the events?
  • Write a short essay about how you prepared for class . Now “translate” that essay into future tense. In other words, the essay should say how you plan to prepare for class.  

Argumentative ESL Essay Topics

argumentative ESL essay topics

  • Are smartphones good or bad? Give some arguments to support your position.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of public schools and private schools ?
  • What is your favorite book or movie ? Convince others, through your essay, to read or watch it. 
  • Is it the case that the more people that have cars, the better? What are some advantages and disadvantages of public transit ? 
  • Should money be spent on space exploration ? Give arguments to support your opinion.
  • You’re the mayor of your town or city. Explain in an essay your recent decision to ban smoking . Then, from another person’s perspective, write a letter to the mayor protesting this new law. 
  • Reading books vs. watching movies . Which do you prefer and why?
  • What are the pros and cons of e-readers compared to paper books?

Hypothetical ESL Essay Topics

  • What would you do if you were late for an important class?
  • What would you do if your car got a flat tire on the highway?
  • If you had the power to change one thing about your past, what would it be?
  • If you had the power to alter  one major historical event , what would it be?
  • If you could take any superhero’s powers , who would be your choice?
  • How would you feel if, one day, you woke up 300 years in the past ?
  • What would you do if you won the lottery ? Would your life change day-to-day?

essay topics

Some General ESL Essay Tips

When checking ESL essays, pay attention to the following key points:

  • Grammar. The ESL essay should be grammatically correct.
  • Vocabulary. The more new vocabulary the essay contains, the more points it will get.
  • Text flow. The text of the essay should flow logically and naturally. Pay attention to the use of connecting words and phrases. These include first of all , secondly , moreover , in addition , besides , finally , on the one hand, on the other hand , and as a result .
  • Sticking to the topic. Some essay writers tend to deviate from ESL essay topics. However, a perfect ESL essay should stay as close to the point as possible.

A good essay typically has the following parts:

  • An introduction . Here, the author gives some general information about the topic or lays out their argument. An effective intro entices readers to read further. 
  • The body . In an argumentative essay, the body could be 2 to 3 paragraphs. Each should introduce their arguments and support them with examples. In other types of essays, the content may vary. For example, the body may include descriptions, explanations, or personal stories.
  • Conclusion . The author should logically conclude or summarize their thoughts and arguments.

How Do You Teach Writing?

It doesn’t matter if you teach English online or if you’re a classroom teacher, we want to know about your  teaching styles.  Do you use writing prompts,  games and activities, or something else entirely?

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a2 level essay topics

How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1

An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing in which you share your thoughts on a specific topic. You should express your opinion clearly and give reasons and examples to support your point of view.

Remember that when we write in formal style , we must not use contractions or informal words or expressions.

Parts of an opinion essay

An opinion essay must have 3 parts:

1. Introduction

In this paragraph you have to introduce the topic. You introduce the topic by restating the question or the title of the essay in your own words. Here you have to say if you agree or not with the question or the title of the essay. You can agree, disagree or partially agree.

In this section you have to support your opinion with reasons and examples. You must include at least three reasons. Break it into several paragraphs. Write one paragraph for each supporting reason. Don’t forget to include examples or facts.

3. Conclusion

Summarize your ideas and restate your opinion using different words.

Transition words and phrases

In your essay you have to organize all your ideas in a logical and coherent way. You can use different transition words or phrases to connect your ideas . Transition words and phrases help the reader understand your point of view easily.

In the table below there is a list of common transition words that you can use in your opinion essays.

a2 level essay topics

Essay question: A1/B2 English learners should learn how to write an opinion essay. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

a2 level essay topics

Here you can download a simple template that you can use to organize your ideas. You can replace the red words with other transition or linking words from the chart. You can also add more transition words to connect your ideas more clearly.

a2 level essay topics


Dogs are better pets than cats. Do you agree or disagree. Why?

Write your answer in the comments below.

How to Express your Opinion in English

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24 thoughts on “ How to Write an Opinion Essay A2/B1 ”

Dogs are better pets than cats.

Nowadays, many people prefer to adopt dogs or cats, but which of them are the better pets? Personally, I think that it is better to have cats as pets for the following reasons:

First of all, cats are more independent than dogs. For example, if you need to go on a trip, cats can live alone for 3 or 4 days. In addition, you only need to put enough water and food in a bowl and a sandbox so they can pee and poop when they need.

Secondly, cats are very clean and you don´t need to pay for someone to bathe them, unlike dogs, which must be bathed at least every week, because they smell bad. In my experience, I had a cat 7 years ago and only needed to bathe him 3 times during 5 years, because, he used to bathe himself.

Finally, cats are more calm and quiet than dogs. For instance, cats sleep during the day and at night they wake up. However, they are very quiet so you can sleep relaxed. In addition, cats only meow softly and do not bark loudly like dogs.

In conclusion, cats are more lovely and better pets than dogs because they are very independent, clean, and calm animals. They are beautiful and they do not need a lot of care.

Great job Camila!!!! Please read the final essay and compare it with your draft.

Nowadays most people say that dogs are better compared to cats. However, I consider that you couldn’t say who is better because just by existing they are incredible. Therefore, I do not agree that any one is better than the other for the following reasons.

First of all, dogs and cats are house pets adaptable to any home. However, it depends a lot on the space where they are going to be. However, in terms of size, they can be perfectly adapted to each home.

Secondly, dogs and cats, if you educate them correctly, will have good grooming habits. So both of them are going to do the right thing and we wouldn’t say that one is better than the other.

Finally, I consider that dogs and cats are the best friends of humans in the world. They both give love unconditionally in any situation. Also, on the contrary, you can know when pets are happy, sad or have a health problem.

To conclude, dogs are not better than cats because both are excellent domestic pets and they adapt to each place and lifestyle, it only depends on us humans giving them love and care.

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Nowadays more and more pets walk into human families and become a member of them. Some people like dogs and others like cats. In my opinion cats are better pets than dogs.

First of all, you could have a cat no matter how big your family room is. Cats are smaller than most dogs so you do not need to have a big place for cats. Cats could sleep anywhere in your house and what you need to do is just prepare some food for them. However, if you have a dog, you need to prepare a big doghouse. So it is a little difficult if you live in a small apartment.

Second cats are more friendly than dogs. Most cats will not bark at people but dogs often do that to someone who is not familiar with them. It is a terrible feeling when your dogs bark at your neighbors.

Finally, the time you spend on taking care of your pets is less for cats. For instance, you do not need to take the cat out of your house every day if you are very busy after work.

In conclusion, cats are easy to take care of, for that reason I think cats are better pets than dogs.

Great job Li Yang. Please compare the final essay with your initial draft. 🙂

Dogs are better pets than cats. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

There is a dispute between those who love dogs and those who love cats. Each side believes that their pet is the best. In my opinion, every animal has pluses and minuses. However, I will say that cats are better pets than dogs.

Firstly, cats are 100 percent pets. They can sleep for hours, play, and look out the window.

Secondly, cats do not need a walk. And this means that cats do not need to wash their paws. They keep their bodies clean.

Thirdly, if cats love their owners, they like to sleep on them. Cats say mur-mur and calm their owners when they are sad or something hurts them.

Finally, cats behave calmly to guests. They can leave the room if they do not like something or someone.

Let’s sum it up. Should people buy a cat or a dog?. It is up to us. However, I will buy a cat. A cat is an ideal pet for me because I am an introvert.

Well done Olga! Please compare your first draft with the final version ☝️

Thank you very much for your help, Julietta! It’s so important to look at yourself from the outside.

Excellent material (for an otherwise dull topic)- Thanks a million from faraway Argentina!

Hi Maria! I’m happy to hear that this post was helpful. I know! Teaching/learning writing sometimes is quite challenging.

[…] factual information using a formal tone. As with other pieces of formal writing (for example, essays, formal emails, articles, etc.), there is a special format used to write reports in […]

Most people can say dogs are good pets for humans compared to cats. Personally, I think, it is not possible to say who is better because both are amazing pets. For this reason , I disagree that dogs are better than cats.

First of all, dogs and cats are perfect domestic pets. Nowadays, people live in different spaces and dogs and cats can live perfectly in this place only depending on the size of the pets. Additionally, both can adapt perfectly to a different lifestyle for families or single people.

Secondly, dogs and cats are amazing because they have facial expressions closer to humans and sometimes they are more expressive than humans. For example, you can know when pets are happy, sad or have any health problems.

Lastly, dogs and cats are humans’ best friends in the world. Both give love unconditionally to people and stay at all times (good and bad) with them . Furthermore, it is so difficult to say one love is better than the other .

That is clear, dogs are not better than cats because both are excellent domestic pets and they adapted to every place and lifestyle only depend only that humans give love and care.

Well done Karla!! ⭐

Nowadays, adopting dogs and cats is hands down the most popular option for people who want to get a pet . Personally, I consider, it is imposible to say which one is a better option because both are awsome. However, I think that cats are good pets for a number of reason s . To begin with, cats are loving. For instance, when you are upset or depressed, they always try to cheer you up with their company. Furthermore, they love sleeping with you. Secondly, cats do not need to go for a walk . And this means that you have more spare time for yourself or for playing with them. In addition, you can go out all day knowing that your cat is going to be fine all by itself . Last but not least, cats are friendlier than dogs. If they do not like something or somebody they will simply go out of the room. What is more, they sometimes enjoy playing alone. To sum up, cats are more affectionate than dogs, making then better pets than other animals.

Amazing job Gloria!!!

Nowadays dogs and cats have become part of the family, they are like people who cannot talk, but communicate through different acts, I particularly prefer dogs.

First of all, I prefer dogs because they are more friendly, affectionate and loyal. These pets have easily won anyone is heart. Their willingness to be part of the family, their enthusiasm when we come home and their ability to provide emotional support are irreplaceable qualities.

Secondly, walking with them not only helps with exercise, but is an opportunity to strengthen the bond between us and the dogs. Their playful nature and willingness to learn make living with a dog an exciting and joyful experience.

Finally, I think dogs are ideal for those looking for an active and affectionate companion, while cats are great for people who value independence and feline elegance.

In conclusion, although I love dogs more, the choice between a dog and a cat as a pet depends a lot on each person’s personal preferences and lifestyle.

In almost every home there is a pet, whether cats, dogs or other animals that become part of the family. However, everyone has their own preferences, in my opinion dogs are better than cats for the following reasons. First of all, if you have a more active lifestyle. Dogs are very active animals that like to walk, run and play to stay healthy and happy, while cats are more sedentary and prefer to sleep all day. Secondly, dogs are very obedient animals. If trained correctly, they can learn tricks and commands. In addition to being very affectionate animals. Lastly, dogs are very protective and loyal animals. If they see something they don’t like or something that could be a threat to their family, they will be willing to protect them. In conclusion, dogs are very good companions, they are affectionate, active, protective, and they are the best if you have a more active lifestyle, but I also think that it depends a lot on the person in charge, on their type of life.

Moderation in cell phone use is crucial in contemporary society for various reasons. Firstly, the abuse of mobile devices can have negative impacts on mental health, contributing to increased stress and anxiety due to constant exposure to social networks and notifications. Additionally, excessive use can affect interpersonal relationships by distracting people during face-to-face encounters.

Additionally, cell phone dependency can affect productivity and concentration in daily activities. The constant interruption by notifications and the compulsion to check the phone can undermine the quality of work and academic performance.

On the other hand, moderation in cell phone use is essential for road safety. Distracted driving due to phone use has been a major cause of traffic accidents. Implementing limits on cell phone use while driving is a necessary measure to prevent tragedies.

to conclusion, moderation in cell phone use is imperative to safeguard mental health, strengthen personal relationships, improve productivity and guarantee public safety. Setting conscious boundaries and encouraging responsible use of technology is essential for a healthy balance between digital life and reality.

Today, dogs and cats are the perfect companion in the home of the world. However, in my opinion, I prefer cats, this pet is wonderful and special partner of adventures and madness. Following, I say three reason for that cat is the best friend for human.

First, cat isn´t noisy, this pet is very quiet and calm, inside of house cat keep silence, because theirs legs are padding and when walking not make noise. In addition, meows of cats are soft and do not bark loudly like dogs.

Secondly, I considerer cats are clean because, this pet bathe with their tongue for this reason your cat not needed take shower always. For example, I bathe my cat « Mihos » every six months.

Finally, cats are more independent than dogs. In my experience, my pet go for a walk alone. For this reason, my cat not need to that stroll with me.

To conclude, cats are excellent domestic pets, they are pretty and mystics. And they will take care of your home and your heart. I always adore cats.

In Defense of Dogs: Man’s Best Friend The age-old debate of whether cats or dogs make better pets has long been a topic of discussion among animal lovers. While both animals have their merits, I firmly believe that dogs hold a special place in our lives as faithful companions. In this essay, I will present the reasons, in my opinion, why dogs are superior pets, offering unwavering loyalty, companionship, and numerous other qualities that make them man’s best friend.

First of all, dogs are renowned for their loyalty and unwavering devotion to their owners. They form deep emotional bonds and are always there to provide comfort and support, making them invaluable companions in both good and challenging times.

Secondly, dogs thrive on social interaction and physical activity, encouraging their owners to lead a more active and healthier lifestyle. Their enthusiasm for outdoor activities and playtime fosters a strong and positive relationship between humans and their pets, promoting a sense of well-being and happiness.

Therefore, dogs come in a wide variety of breeds, each with its unique personality and traits. Whether as service animals, working dogs, or loving family pets, they display remarkable adaptability and versatility, making them suitable for a diverse range of roles and environments.

In conclusion, the qualities that dogs possess, including unwavering loyalty, companionship, and their ability to enhance our physical and emotional well-being, make them exceptional companions. Their impact on human lives is immeasurable, as they provide love, support, and joy to countless individuals and families worldwide. Therefore, I firmly believe that dogs are, without a doubt, man’s best friend and make superior pets in numerous ways.

Chat GPT diserves full marks 100%

Why are dogs better than cats? In my opinion, dogs are better than cats for many reasons. In this essay I will address various topics, such as fidelity, company, cleanliness, protection, among others, and I will try to defend man’s best friends.

First of all, dogs are man’s best friends because they are very faithful to humans. For instance, in risky situations for their owners they act as defenders and help detect risky situations. Dogs can also work in the police department as detectors of prohibited substances, and they can also serve as a company for people with mental illnesses who need support .

Second, dogs are more affectionate with their owners. They can recognize their owners after a long time. They have a super developed and very effective sense of smell. This is why in many occasions when people disappear, dogs track them alone .

Finally , dogs have a lower loss rate compared to cats. In addtion, dogs are kept in their homes, and there are many cases in which lost dogs lead people to their “wanted” files in order to return to their homes. Dogs often defend their owners even if they get hurt or, in many cases dogs die.

To sum up , dogs are better than cats due to their loyalty, their defense tactics towards their owners, and in many cases also their intelligence, which is why they are called man’s best friends.

Good effort!

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22 Engaging ESL Essay Topics You Can Use to Improve Your Writing Skills

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The only way to get better at anything is to do it—over and over again. In addition to practicing your English conversational skills, you should also practice your writing skills on a regular basis.

a2 level essay topics

Here are twenty-two potential essay topics to get you started, but don’t be afraid to branch out and come up with your own topics, as well.

Descriptive topics

  • Describe your favorite place in as much detail as possible.
  • What do you do outside of school and work? Describe any hobbies you have, sports you participate in, or other activities you regularly enjoy.
  • If you could invite five people to a dinner party, who would they be? What is each guest like?
  • Describe your favorite fictional character in as much detail as possible.
  • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Describe it and explain why you’d choose it.


  • Give directions for getting from one point to another. Explain what landmarks someone might see along the way.
  • Explain how to entertain guests who unexpectedly arrive at your home.

Verb tense practice

  • What’s one thing you could never live without and why?
  • Describe your ideal town or city, why you would want to live there, and what you would do there.
  • Write about a time in the past when you had to make a difficult decision, and explain what you did.
  • Talk about five specific goals you want to accomplish this year, and explain how you are going to accomplish them.
  • Imagine you’re babysitting a child who breaks the kitchen table. Explain to the child how they could have avoided doing this if they had behaved differently.

Practical vocabulary practice

  • Write a review of a new restaurant (either fictional or real) in your area.
  • Describe the best party or large-scale event you’ve ever attended.
  • If you could get one gift for everyone in your family, regardless of the cost, what would you get them and why?
  • Choose a form of transportation (such as cars, trains, boats, planes, or subways) and explain how it has changed people’s lives.
  • Write a pitch for a new blockbuster movie. Explain what will happen in the movie and why it will draw crowds to the theater.

Persuasive writing practice

  • Do you think our society is too dependent on technology like smartphones? Why or why not?
  • Imagine that a big new department store is being built in your hometown. Do you support this development or not?
  • Do you think it’s better for students to have a long summer break or be in a year-round school system with more breaks throughout the year? Explain your position.
  • Should employers set aside time during the day for their employees to exercise? What might be some of the advantages or disadvantages of this?
  • What is your favorite book or movie, and why should people read or watch it?

What are some great ESL essay topics you've encountered? Let us know in the comments.

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Eliakim balle says....

a2 level essay topics

Here’s a topic:

write about what your ideal weekend would look like if you could do anything you want.

On April 01, 2019

Ndate Thabo says...

a2 level essay topics

¨Write about when u took the risk to do the right thing.¨ Good prompt . . and something to live by.

El sari says...

a2 level essay topics

Interesting question Jessica …according to me to find someone to teach you and guide you better than trying thanks by your own ..

On March 11, 2016

Jessica Bordelon says...

a2 level essay topics

What is the best way to learn: by experiencing something on your own, or from someone explaining it to you? What brings the most happiness: buying things or having experiences?

On March 03, 2016

Bindi kanyal says...

a2 level essay topics


On December 08, 2015

dayo says...

a2 level essay topics

Write about when u took the risk to do the right thing

On December 05, 2014

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a2 level essay topics

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A2 key exam format.

A2 Key is made up of three papers developed to test your English skills. You can see exactly what is in each paper below.

The formats below are the same for both the paper-based and computer-based exams and digital exams. Please note, during March 2024 we will be moving from our current computer-based exam delivery to Cambridge English Qualifications Digital, which will offer you even more benefits. Information on the switch and what this means for you can be found on our Cambridge English Qualifications Digital page.

  • openbook Reading and Writing
  • playlist Listening
  • megaphone Speaking

openbook What’s in the Reading and Writing paper?

The A2 Key Reading and Writing paper has seven parts and different types of texts and questions. Parts 1–5 are about reading and Parts 6–7 are mainly about writing.

Part 1 (Multiple choice)

Part 2 (Multiple matching)

Part 3 (Multiple choice)

Part 4 (Multiple-choice cloze)

Part 5 (Open cloze)

Part 6 (Guided writing)

Part 7 (Picture story)

playlist What’s in the Listening paper?

The A2 Key Listening paper has five parts. For each part you have to listen to a recorded text or texts and answer some questions. You hear each recording twice.

Part 2 (Gap fill)

Part 4 (Multiple choice)

Part 5 (Matching)

megaphone What’s in the Speaking paper?

The A2 Key Speaking test has two parts and you take it with another candidate. There are two examiners. One examiner talks to you and the other examiner listens. Both examiners give marks for your performance.

Part 1 (Interview)

Part 2 (Discussion)

a2 level essay topics

a2 level essay topics

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Grammar Exercises A2

English Grammar Exercises for A2 with Answers

Grammar Exercises B1

English Grammar Exercises for B1 with Answers

Grammar Exercises B2

English Grammar Exercises for B2 with Answers

Listening Exercises Beginner

English Listening Exercises for Beginner with Answers

Listening Exercises A1

English Listening Exercises for A1 with Answers

Listening Exercises A2

English Listening Exercises for A2 with Answers

Listening Exercises B1

English Listening Exercises for B1 with Answers

Listening Exercises B2

English Listening Exercises for B2 with Answers

Listening Tests A1

Practice Listening Tests for A1 with Answers & Transcripts

Listening Tests A2

Practice Listening Tests for A2 with Answers & Transcripts

Listening Tests B1

Practice Listening Tests for B1 with Answers & Transcripts

Listening Tests B2

Practice Listening Tests for B2 with Answers & Transcripts

Word Skills Exercises A1

English Word Skills Exercises for A1 with Answers

Word Skills Exercises A2

English Word Skills Exercises for A2 with Answers

Word Skills Exercises B1

English Word Skills Exercises for B1 with Answers

Word Skills Exercises B2

English Word Skills Exercises for B2 with Answers

Reading Exercises Beginner

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Reading Exercises A1

English Reading Exercises for A1 with Answers

Reading ExercisesC A2

English Reading Exercises for A2 with Answers

Reading Exercises B1

English Reading Exercises for B1 with Answers

Reading Exercises B2

English Reading Exercises for B2 with Answers

Speaking Exercises A1

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Speaking Exercises A2

English Speaking Exercises for A2 with Answers

Speaking Exercises B1

English Speaking Exercises for B1 with Answers

Speaking Exercises B2

English Speaking Exercises for B2 with Answers

Writing Exercises A1

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Writing Exercises A2

English Writing Exercises for A2 with Answers

Writing Exercises B1

English Writing Exercises for B1 with Answers

Writing Exercises B2

English Writing Exercises for B2 with Answers

Business Listening A1

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Business Listening A2

Business English Listening Exercises for A2 with Answers

Business Listening B1

Business English Listening Exercises for B1 with Answers

Article Level 1

Improve your ability to speak English

Article Level 2

Article level 3, article level 4, conversations.

Listening Practice Through Dictation with Transcripts

English practice

With answers, a description of an event.

I can describe an event.

An invitation

I can write an invitation and a reply.

An informal letter

I can write an informal letter.

I can write an article about a global issue.

An application letter

I can write a letter applying for a job.

A holiday blog

I can write a holiday blog post.

An opinion essay

I can write an essay suggesting how to spend €1 million.

I can write an email about a crime.

A formal letter

I can write a formal letter.

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< The CEFR and EF SET

English Level A2

At this level you can understand:

Very basic personal, family and job-related language

Enough to meet the needs with slow, clear speech

Short, simple texts on familiar matter

Elementary (EF SET score 31-40)

English level A2 is the second level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) , a definition of different language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level might be described as “basic” as in “I speak basic English”. The official level descriptor in the CEFR is “elementary”, which means the same thing: it is the foundation. At this level, students have mastered the basics of English and can communicate simple, basic needs.

a2 level essay topics

How to tell if you're at an A2 level in English

The best way to tell if you are at an A2 level in English is to take a high-quality standardized test. See below for a list of major recognized tests and their corresponding A2 scores:

For full score comparisons, please visit our English Score page

What can you do with a A2 level in English?

An A2 level of English is sufficient for tourism in an English-speaking country and socializing with English speakers, although to develop deeper friendships an A2 level is not adequate. An A2 level of English also allows for networking with English-speaking colleagues, but working in English is limited to very familiar topics at the A2 level. An A2 level of English is not sufficient for academic study or for consuming most English-language media (TV, movies, radio, magazines, etc.).

According to the official CEFR guidelines, someone at the A2 level in English:

Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).

Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.

Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

A2 level English skills in detail

The official can-do statements are broken down into smaller pieces for teaching purposes. This more detailed skill breakdown can help you assess your own English level, or help a teacher assess a student’s level. For example, a student at the A2 level in English will be able to do all the things that a student in level A1 can do, and in addition he will be able to:

evaluate coworkers' performance in the workplace.

relate events from your past, including your weekend activities and interesting stories.

describe your past life, giving details about important milestones.

entertain someone in your home or visit a friend or colleague in their home.

discuss your vacation plans and tell friends and colleagues about your vacation afterwards.

talk about the natural world and travels to see animals and natural areas in your country.

talk about movies that you like and choose a movie to see with friends.

discuss clothing and what kind of clothes you like to wear.

engage in basic communication at work, including attending meetings on familiar topics.

describe an accident or injury, get medical help from a doctor and fill a prescription for medicine.

engage in basic business socializing, welcoming guests and attending networking events.

understand and make basic business proposals in your area of expertise.

talk about and explain the rules of games.

Although progress will depend on the type of course and the individual student, students can expect to reach the A2 level in English with 200 hours of cumulative instruction.

What's next?

The priority at this level, when building up B1 English level is expanding mastery into a wider variety of subjects and learning to express more subtlety in communication.

Further reading

Practicing basic English skills

Developing intermediate and upper intermediate English

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 113 perfect persuasive essay topics for any assignment.

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Do you need to write a persuasive essay but aren’t sure what topic to focus on? Were you thrilled when your teacher said you could write about whatever you wanted but are now overwhelmed by the possibilities? We’re here to help!

Read on for a list of 113 top-notch persuasive essay topics, organized into ten categories. To help get you started, we also discuss what a persuasive essay is, how to choose a great topic, and what tips to keep in mind as you write your persuasive essay.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

In a persuasive essay, you attempt to convince readers to agree with your point of view on an argument. For example, an essay analyzing changes in Italian art during the Renaissance wouldn’t be a persuasive essay, because there’s no argument, but an essay where you argue that Italian art reached its peak during the Renaissance would be a persuasive essay because you’re trying to get your audience to agree with your viewpoint.

Persuasive and argumentative essays both try to convince readers to agree with the author, but the two essay types have key differences. Argumentative essays show a more balanced view of the issue and discuss both sides. Persuasive essays focus more heavily on the side the author agrees with. They also often include more of the author’s opinion than argumentative essays, which tend to use only facts and data to support their argument.

All persuasive essays have the following:

  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, explains why it’s important, and ends with the thesis.
  • Thesis: A sentence that sums up what the essay be discussing and what your stance on the issue is.
  • Reasons you believe your side of the argument: Why do you support the side you do? Typically each main point will have its own body paragraph.
  • Evidence supporting your argument: Facts or examples to back up your main points. Even though your opinion is allowed in persuasive essays more than most other essays, having concrete examples will make a stronger argument than relying on your opinion alone.
  • Conclusion: Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, and a recap of why the issue is important.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

Theoretically, you could write a persuasive essay about any subject under the sun, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Certain topics are easier to write a strong persuasive essay on, and below are tips to follow when deciding what you should write about.

It’s a Topic You Care About

Obviously, it’s possible to write an essay about a topic you find completely boring. You’ve probably done it! However, if possible, it’s always better to choose a topic that you care about and are interested in. When this is the case, you’ll find doing the research more enjoyable, writing the essay easier, and your writing will likely be better because you’ll be more passionate about and informed on the topic.

You Have Enough Evidence to Support Your Argument

Just being passionate about a subject isn’t enough to make it a good persuasive essay topic, though. You need to make sure your argument is complex enough to have at least two potential sides to root for, and you need to be able to back up your side with evidence and examples. Even though persuasive essays allow your opinion to feature more than many other essays, you still need concrete evidence to back up your claims, or you’ll end up with a weak essay.

For example, you may passionately believe that mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream flavor (I agree!), but could you really write an entire essay on this? What would be your reasons for believing mint chocolate chip is the best (besides the fact that it’s delicious)? How would you support your belief? Have enough studies been done on preferred ice cream flavors to support an entire essay? When choosing a persuasive essay idea, you want to find the right balance between something you care about (so you can write well on it) and something the rest of the world cares about (so you can reference evidence to strengthen your position).

It’s a Manageable Topic

Bigger isn’t always better, especially with essay topics. While it may seem like a great idea to choose a huge, complex topic to write about, you’ll likely struggle to sift through all the information and different sides of the issue and winnow them down to one streamlined essay. For example, choosing to write an essay about how WWII impacted American life more than WWI wouldn’t be a great idea because you’d need to analyze all the impacts of both the wars in numerous areas of American life. It’d be a huge undertaking. A better idea would be to choose one impact on American life the wars had (such as changes in female employment) and focus on that. Doing so will make researching and writing your persuasive essay much more feasible.


List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you’ll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, “should fracking be legal?” you’d decide whether you believe fracking should be legal or illegal, then you’d write an essay arguing all the reasons why your audience should agree with you.


  • Should students be required to learn an instrument in school?
  • Did the end of Game of Thrones fit with the rest of the series?
  • Can music be an effective way to treat mental illness?
  • With e-readers so popular, have libraries become obsolete?
  • Are the Harry Potter books more popular than they deserve to be?
  • Should music with offensive language come with a warning label?
  • What’s the best way for museums to get more people to visit?
  • Should students be able to substitute an art or music class for a PE class in school?
  • Are the Kardashians good or bad role models for young people?
  • Should people in higher income brackets pay more taxes?
  • Should all high school students be required to take a class on financial literacy?
  • Is it possible to achieve the American dream, or is it only a myth?
  • Is it better to spend a summer as an unpaid intern at a prestigious company or as a paid worker at a local store/restaurant?
  • Should the United States impose more or fewer tariffs?
  • Should college graduates have their student loans forgiven?
  • Should restaurants eliminate tipping and raise staff wages instead?
  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  • Which is more important: PE class or music class?
  • Is it better to have year-round school with shorter breaks throughout the year?
  • Should class rank be abolished in schools?
  • Should students be taught sex education in school?
  • Should students be able to attend public universities for free?
  • What’s the most effective way to change the behavior of school bullies?
  • Are the SAT and ACT accurate ways to measure intelligence?
  • Should students be able to learn sign language instead of a foreign language?
  • Do the benefits of Greek life at colleges outweigh the negatives?
  • Does doing homework actually help students learn more?
  • Why do students in many other countries score higher than American students on math exams?
  • Should parents/teachers be able to ban certain books from schools?
  • What’s the best way to reduce cheating in school?
  • Should colleges take a student’s race into account when making admissions decisions?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Should students be required to perform community service to graduate high school?
  • Should convicted felons who have completed their sentence be allowed to vote?
  • Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Should employers be required to offer paid leave to new parents?
  • Are there any circumstances where torture should be allowed?
  • Should children under the age of 18 be able to get plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
  • Should white supremacy groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places?
  • Does making abortion illegal make women more or less safe?
  • Does foreign aid actually help developing countries?
  • Are there times a person’s freedom of speech should be curtailed?
  • Should people over a certain age not be allowed to adopt children?


  • Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  • Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?
  • Should the United States build a border wall with Mexico?
  • Who should be the next person printed on American banknotes?
  • Should the United States’ military budget be reduced?
  • Did China’s one child policy have overall positive or negative impacts on the country?
  • Should DREAMers be granted US citizenship?
  • Is national security more important than individual privacy?
  • What responsibility does the government have to help homeless people?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  • Should privately-run prisons be abolished?
  • Who was the most/least effective US president?
  • Will Brexit end up helping or harming the UK?


  • What’s the best way to reduce the spread of Ebola?
  • Is the Keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight?
  • Should the FDA regulate vitamins and supplements more strictly?
  • Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  • Is eating genetically modified food safe?
  • What’s the best way to make health insurance more affordable?
  • What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide?
  • Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?
  • Should pregnant women be forbidden from buying cigarettes and alcohol?
  • Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?
  • Are low-carb or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • What caused the destruction of the USS Maine?
  • Was King Arthur a mythical legend or actual Dark Ages king?
  • Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
  • What was the primary cause of the Rwandan genocide?
  • What happened to the settlers of the Roanoke colony?
  • Was disagreement over slavery the primary cause of the US Civil War?
  • What has caused the numerous disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?
  • Should nuclear power be banned?
  • Is scientific testing on animals necessary?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should scientists be allowed to clone humans?
  • Should animals in circuses be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  • What’s the best way to reduce illegal poaching in Africa?
  • What is the best way to reduce the impact of global warming?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Is there legitimate evidence of extraterrestrial life?
  • Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  • Should the United States devote more money towards space exploration?
  • Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?
  • Should stem cells be used in medicine?
  • Is it right for the US to leave the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • Should athletes who fail a drug test receive a lifetime ban from the sport?
  • Should college athletes receive a salary?
  • Should the NFL do more to prevent concussions in players?
  • Do PE classes help students stay in shape?
  • Should horse racing be banned?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should children younger than 18 be allowed to play tackle football?
  • Are the costs of hosting an Olympic Games worth it?
  • Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to be violent in real life?
  • Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  • Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  • Has the rise of translation technology made knowing multiple languages obsolete?
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer?
  • Should social media be banned for children younger than a certain age?
  • Which 21st-century invention has had the largest impact on society?
  • Are ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft good or bad for society?
  • Should Facebook have done more to protect the privacy of its users?
  • Will technology end up increasing or decreasing inequality worldwide?


Tips for Writing a Strong Persuasive Essay

After you’ve chosen the perfect topic for your persuasive essay, your work isn’t over. Follow the three tips below to create a top-notch essay.

Do Your Research

Your argument will fall apart if you don’t fully understand the issue you’re discussing or you overlook an important piece of it. Readers won’t be convinced by someone who doesn’t know the subject, and you likely won’t persuade any of them to begin supporting your viewpoint. Before you begin writing a single word of your essay, research your topic thoroughly. Study different sources, learn about the different sides of the argument, ask anyone who’s an expert on the topic what their opinion is, etc. You might be tempted to start writing right away, but by doing your research, you’ll make the writing process much easier when the time comes.

Make Your Thesis Perfect

Your thesis is the most important sentence in your persuasive essay. Just by reading that single sentence, your audience should know exactly what topic you’ll be discussing and where you stand on the issue. You want your thesis to be crystal clear and to accurately set up the rest of your essay. Asking classmates or your teacher to look it over before you begin writing the rest of your essay can be a big help if you’re not entirely confident in your thesis.

Consider the Other Side

You’ll spend most of your essay focusing on your side of the argument since that’s what you want readers to come away believing. However, don’t think that means you can ignore other sides of the issue. In your essay, be sure to discuss the other side’s argument, as well as why you believe this view is weak or untrue. Researching all the different viewpoints and including them in your essay will increase the quality of your writing by making your essay more complete and nuanced.

Summary: Persuasive Essay Ideas

Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of 113 excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay.

After you’ve chosen your essay topic, keep these three tips in mind when you begin writing:

  • Do your research
  • Make your thesis perfect
  • Consider the other side

What's Next?

Need ideas for a research paper topic as well? Our guide to research paper topics has over 100 topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you.

Thinking about taking an AP English class? Read our guide on AP English classes to learn whether you should take AP English Language or AP English Literature (or both!)

Deciding between the SAT or ACT? Find out for sure which you will do the best on . Also read a detailed comparison between the two tests .

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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137 Intriguing Cause & Effect Essay Topics for Students

Teach critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion.

What are some reasons a teacher may ban cell phones in class?

Cause-and-effect essays aren’t just a way to help students strengthen their writing skills. They’ll also learn critical thinking, logic, and the art of persuasion. In addition, they teach students to demonstrate how one thing directly influences another. Coming up with engaging cause-and-effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. This list of ideas includes a variety of topics that range from social and cultural movements to mental health and the environment.

Science and Environment Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Describe the effect of urbanization on the environment.
  • What is the impact of air pollution on health?
  • What are the causes and consequences of plastics on marine life?
  • What is the impact of rising sea temperatures on fish and marine life?
  • Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming.

Describe the impact of human behavior on global warming. Cause and effect essay

  • What is the effect of social media on environmentalism?
  • What causes volcanic eruptions?
  • What causes trees to die?
  • What are the effects of gravity?
  • Why are plants green?
  • Why do trees shed their leaves?
  • What causes a species to become endangered?
  • What are some of the causes of animals losing their habitats?
  • Describe the effect of overpopulation on the environment.
  • What are the effects of famine on human population?
  • What are the causes and effects of Antarctica floods?
  • What are the effects of pollution on the ocean?
  • What effect do cars have on the environment?
  • Why is it important to manage wildfires?
  • What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

What has been the impact of DNA on crime scene processing?

  • What are the impacts of deforestation in Brazil?
  • What are the effects of GMO foods on human health?
  • What are the impacts of immunizations on human health?

Technology and Social Media Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of social media on adolescent development?
  • How does technology affect productivity?
  • What are the effects of video games on childhood development?
  • How do cell phones affect human relationships?
  • What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class?

What are some reasons a teacher might ban cell phones from class? Cause and effect essay

  • What effects do cell phones have on sleep?
  • What effects did the invention of the Internet have on technology?
  • What were the origins of cyberbullying?
  • What are the effects of tablet use on small children?
  • How has online dating changed relationships?
  • What makes some people less likely to use social media?
  • What are the effects of social media on privacy?
  • How does the rise of TikTok affect Facebook and Instagram?
  • In what ways could social media lead to extremism?
  • What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

What is the impact of social media on the increasing popularity of plastic surgery and other enhancements?

  • What are some of the benefits of owning a smartphone and what are some of the drawbacks?
  • What has been the impact of online shopping on brick-and-mortar stores?
  • What has been the impact of smartphones on marriages and relationships?
  • What are the causes and effects of texting while driving?
  • What has the rise of “influencers” meant for Hollywood?
  • In what ways have photo filters influenced young people’s self-esteem?

Culture and Social Issues Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are some of the reasons for substance abuse in young people?
  • What are some of the effects of bullying?
  • How does economic status affect the quality of health care?
  • What are some of the causes of homelessness?
  • Explain the effects of ignorance on discrimination.
  • What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice?

What are the impacts of death sentences on social justice? Cause and effect essay

  • How does financial success affect societal privilege?
  • What effects does growing up poor have on children?
  • In what ways does religion influence society?
  • What are the effects of immigration on a host country?
  • What are the effects of ageism on job opportunities?
  • What is the impact of LGBTQ+ representation in TV and movies?
  • What are the effects of school shootings on politics?
  • How do school uniforms affect students?
  • What are the impacts of high student debt?
  • What are the impacts of body shaming on people?
  • What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society?

What were the lasting impacts of the AIDS epidemic on society? cause and effect essay

  • What impact does banning abortion have in the United States?
  • What has been the impact of marriage equality in the United States?
  • What are the causes and effects of noise pollution?
  • What are the causes and effects of inflation on the economy?
  • What are the effects of TV shows on our behavior?

Sports Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Examine the effects of exercise on mental health.
  • What led to baseball being an iconic American sport?
  • What drives people to participate in extreme sports?
  • In what ways did globalization affect modern sports?
  • What were the effects of doping on amateur and professional sports?
  • Select a sport and write about the historical factors that led to the popularization of that sport.

a2 level essay topics

  • Describe the ways in which youth sports influence a child’s development.
  • What were the driving forces behind the first Olympics?
  • How can team sports help develop social skills?
  • How have e-sports changed the sporting landscape?
  • In what ways do race biases influence sports?

In what ways do race biases influence sports.

  • What are the effects of regular workouts on immunity?
  • How does participating in sports affect leadership skills?
  • In what ways can sports lead to character development?
  • What effect does famous athletes’ social commentary have on their fans?

History Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of the war in Syria on the United States?
  • What have been the lasting effects of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • What were the causes and effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
  • What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have?

What led up to the Berlin Wall being torn down and what effects did that have? Cause and effect essay

  • What lasting impact did 9/11 have on modern American society?
  • What were the causes of the Salem Witch Trials?
  • What was the cultural impact of the Spanish-American War?
  • How has globalization led to modern-day slavery?
  • What events led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
  • What were the impacts of the Great Depression on women’s employment?
  • How did cartels come into existence? What effect have they had on the United States and Mexico?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Women’s Liberation Movement?
  • Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

Give an example of colonialism in history and name the resulting impact to the affected society.

  • What led to the rise of ISIS and what has the impact been on international security?
  • What factors led to the Titanic’s sinking?
  • What were the causes and effects of the Vietnam War?
  • Choose an American president. What led him to become president and what were the effects of his presidency?

Mental Health Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • How can stress affect the immune system?
  • How does social anxiety affect young people?
  • How can high academic expectations lead to depression?
  • What are the effects of divorce on young people?
  • How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder?

How does service in the armed forces lead to post-traumatic stress disorder? Cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the effects of mindfulness on mental health?
  • Describe the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted mental health.
  • How does childhood trauma impact childhood development?
  • What impact does witnessing violence have on mental health?
  • What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society?

What is behind increasingly high levels of anxiety in modern American society? cause and effect essay topic

  • What are the causes and effects of panic attacks?
  • What are the causes and consequences of high stress in the workplace?
  • What are some of the causes of insomnia and in what ways does it affect mental health?
  • What is the impact of staying home for an extended period of time?

Current Events Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • Choose a local public education campaign. What are the effects of that campaign?
  • What are the causes and effects of migration?
  • What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

What are the causes and effects of terrorist attacks?

  • What are the effects of legalizing genetic engineering research?
  • How do low voting rates impact elections and government?
  • What is the effect of raising the minimum wage?
  • What are the effects of globalization on society?
  • How does gerrymandering affect election outcomes?
  • What are the causes and effects of police brutality?
  • What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

What are the causes and effects of political polarization?

  • What are the causes and effects of fake news?
  • What are the effects of global war on citizens?
  • What is the effect of international aid on poverty or health?
  • Why do some countries have nuclear weapons, and what does this mean for other countries?

Education Cause & Effect Essay Topics

  • What are the effects of teacher quality on student success?
  • What are the causes and effects of student loan debt?
  • What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

What are the causes and effects of low graduation rates?

  • What are the effects of assigning homework?
  • What are the causes and effects of school funding disparities?
  • What are the causes and effects of the digital divide in education?
  • What is the effect of AI on education?
  • What are the causes and effects of student burnout?
  • Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

Should students be required to study a foreign language in school, and what are the effects of learning a foreign language?

  • What effect has the COVID pandemic had on education?
  • What are the effects of same-sex classrooms or schools?

What are your best cause-and-effect essay topics for students? Come exchange ideas in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out our list of interesting persuasive essay topics for kids and teens..

Coming up with cause and effect essay topics can be challenging, but we have you covered. Check out our list with a variety of topics.

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a2 level essay topics

A2 Economics

Topical past paper questions.


7.0 The price system and the microeconomy 

7.1 Utility  

7.2 Indifference curves and budget lines 

7.3 Efficiency and market failure 

7.4 Private costs and benefits, externalities and social costs and benefits 

7.5 Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production 

7.6 Different market structures  

7.7 Growth and survival of firms

7.8 Differing objectives and policies of firms  

8.0 Government microeconomic intervention 

8.1 Government policies to achieve efficient resource allocation and correct market failure 

8.2 Equity and redistribution of income and wealth 

8.3 Labour market forces and government intervention  

9.0 The macroeconomy 

9.1 The circular flow of income 

9.2 Economic growth and sustainability  

9.3 Employment/unemployment  

9.4 Money and banking 

10.0 Government macroeconomic intervention 

10.1 Government macroeconomic policy objectives 

10.2 Links between macroeconomic problems and their interrelatedness 

10.3 Effectiveness of policy options to meet all macroeconomic objectives  

11.0 International economic issues 

11.1 Policies to correct disequilibrium in the balance of payments 

11.2 Exchange rates  

11.3 Economic development  

11.4 Characteristics of countries at different levels of development 

11.5 Relationship between countries at different levels of development  

11.6 Globalisation 

ESL Conversation Topics

  • Intermediate
  • All Conversation Types Vocabulary  (47) Grammar  (5) Pictures  (2) Reading  (1)
  • All Topics Activities  (5) Animals  (3) Children  (2) Education  (1) Entertainment  (6) Exercise  (1) Family  (1) Food and Drink  (9) Health  (4) Leisure  (14) Life  (13) Money  (1) Music  (3) Random  (6) Shopping  (1) Sport  (4) Transport  (1) Travelling  (5)
  • All Levels Beginner  (55) Intermediate  (267) Advanced  (87)

a2 level essay topics

Sweets and Candy

black pug on white textile

Choosing Your Favourite Pet

yellow sunflower

Have you ever

man thinking back to the last time he did something

When was the last time…

group of person eating indoors

Birthday Presents

black flat screen tv turned on displaying man in black suit

How often do you…

old photos in brown wooden chest

Simple Past

woman in blue shirt standing beside brown deer during daytime

Zoos and Children

hamburger with patty

Discovering Delicious Sandwiches

woman looks at camera

Simple Present

man holding microphone singing

Japanese Food

snow-covered tree lot during daytime|road covered by snow near vehicle traveling at daytime|green trees covered with snow


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  1. 40 New ESL Essay Topics + Writing Prompts For Your Next Class

    Text flow. The text of the essay should flow logically and naturally. Pay attention to the use of connecting words and phrases. These include first of all, secondly, moreover, in addition, besides, finally, on the one hand, on the other hand, and as a result. Sticking to the topic. Some essay writers tend to deviate from ESL essay topics.

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  9. A2 level articles

    A2 level articles. In this section, read articles about a wide variety of topics. The articles are written for intermediate (CEFR level A2) learners. You will improve your reading comprehension and develop your vocabulary on a diverse range of topics. Each article has a set of exercises to help you understand and use the language.

  10. A2 Key preparation

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    Worksheets and downloads. An opinion essay - exercises 806.72 KB. An opinion essay - answers 284.99 KB. An opinion essay - essay 657.49 KB. An opinion essay - writing practice 187.62 KB.

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  20. teachMe Economics

    7.1 Utility . 7.2 Indifference curves and budget lines . 7.3 Efficiency and market failure . 7.4 Private costs and benefits, externalities and social costs and benefits . 7.5 Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production . 7.6 Different market structures . 7.7 Growth and survival of firms. 7.8 Differing objectives and policies of firms

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