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How to plan an essay: Essay Planning

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How to plan an essay

Essay planning is an important step in academic essay writing.

Proper planning helps you write your essay faster, and focus more on the exact question.  As you draft and write your essay, record any changes on the plan as well as in the essay itself, so they develop side by side.

One way to start planning an essay is with a ‘box plan’.

First, decide how many stages you want in your argument – how many important points do you want to make? Then, divide a box into an introduction + one paragraph for each stage + a conclusion.

Next, figure out how many words per paragraph you'll need.

Usually, the introduction and conclusion are each about 10% of the word count. This leaves about 80% of the word count for the body - for your real argument. Find how many words that is, and divide it by the number of body paragraphs you want. That tells you about how many words each paragraph can have.

Remember, each body paragraph discusses one main point, so make sure each paragraph's long enough to discuss the point properly (flexible, but usually at least 150 words).

For example, say the assignment is


Fill in the table as follows:

Discuss how media can influence children. Use specific examples to support your views.

120 words
240 words
240 words
240 words
240 words
120 words

Next, record each paragraph's main argument, as either a heading or  topic sentence (a sentence to start that paragraph, to immediately make its point clear).

Discuss how media can influence children. Use specific examples to support your views.


120 words

Not all media can be treated as the same.

240 words

Media can have beneficial outcomes.

240 words

Media can also have harmful effects.

240 words

Amount, type, variety and quality of content are all-important.

240 words


120 words

Finally, use dot points to list useful information or ideas from your research notes for each paragraph. Remember to include references so you can connect each point to your reading.

Discuss how media can influence children. Use specific examples to support your views.

1. General introduction statement

2. Thesis statement

3. Order of arguments

120 words

Not all media can be treated as the same.

- There are many types of media/programs.

- People use media in many different ways.

- We can't assume it always has the same effects.

- Media such as tablets give children active control over their consumption ( ).

240 words

Media can have beneficial outcomes.

- A wide range of programs are tailored for children ( ).

- A lot of media builds social skills or is educational ( ).

- Media is a major way of introducing new themes and topics to a child's awareness.

240 words

Media can also have harmful effects.

- Parents can't always monitor the child's consumption (amount or type).

- Media can create peer pressure and/or feelings of entitlement ( ).

- Overconsuming media reduces contact with real people ( ).

240 words

Amount, type, variety and quality of content are all-important.

- Studies find no harmful effects from average consumption ( ).

- Studies find various harms from overconsumption/meaningless consumption ( ).

240 words

1. Restate thesis

2. General conclusions

3. Final concluding statement

120 words

The other useful document for essay planning is the marking rubric .

This indicates what the lecturer is looking for, and helps you make sure all the necessary elements are there.

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Essay Planner template

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Ayoa | Essay Planner template

Ayoa’s Essay Planner template simplifies the process of writing an academic essay by allowing you to brainstorm great ideas, then put your arguments into a clear and defined structure ready for you to turn into a cohesive and well-researched paper.

Ready to get started with this template? It’s ready and waiting in Ayoa! Create your account , then simply open the app , select ‘create mind map’ from the homepage and choose this template from the library.

What is included in the Essay Planner template?

Writing an essay can be an overwhelming and time-consuming task for any student, whether you’ve written dozens before, or this is the very first time you’ve put pen to paper for this task. You could have plenty of great points ready and waiting, but no idea how to start your essay and actually begin writing. On the other hand, you could be struggling to generate ideas in the first place! Whatever the issue, Ayoa’s Essay Planner template provides you with the perfect canvas to brainstorm ideas for various types of essays, flesh out your arguments, then put them into a clear and defined structure.

No matter the subject or topic you’re writing about, every essay should follow the same basic structure with an intriguing introduction, a body that contains a number of points or arguments to be explored in detail, and a concise conclusion that sums up the findings of your essay. Our Essay Planner template (which is formatted in the style of a colorful, visual mind map ) provides you with prompts for each of these sections, so you can determine what you’ll be exploring and conduct some helpful research before you begin writing.

The reason you should use a mind map to plan an essay is because they are well-known for their ability to boost idea generation, organization and memory.

Why should you use the Essay Planner template?

Our Essay Planner template provides you with prompts for each of the sections of your essay to help you establish what you want to write before you get started. You can also use our template to make notes of helpful information (such as quotes, excerpts, statistics and links to articles) that you want to include or reference in your essay. By having this information all in one place, and knowing exactly what points you’re going to make, you can make the process of getting your words down both quicker and easier when the time comes. This is because you won’t be interrupted by needing to conduct additional research, and you’ll also be less likely to run out of steam halfway through writing.

The reason that our Essay Writing template is in the style of the mind map is due to the fact that they are proven to boost our ability to think creatively. The interconnecting branches of a mind map mirror our brain’s natural thinking processes, which can help us to generate more creative ideas. Our brains also love visuals, and the different visual cues you can include in a digital mind map (such as shapes, colors and images) can also help our brains to make associations and get out creative juices flowing.

The interconnecting branches of a mind map also perfectly demonstrate the way a process (in this example, writing an essay) should flow and the way various ideas connect to each other, which can make structuring your work incredibly simple. You can also add attachments, notes, comments and checklists to individual branches of your mind map, so everything you need to start writing is in one place!

How to use our Essay Planner template

Unsure of how to write an essay or struggling to find inspiration for your next report? Using our Essay Planner template will get you ready to get started as quickly as possible! Discover how to use our template below.

To access the template, sign up to Ayoa . Once you've signed up, navigate to the homepage to create a new whiteboard , mind map or task board and choose this template from the library .

When you open the template, you will see that we’ve already included examples to help you get started. Beginning with the central idea (the circle in the middle of your mind map), briefly outline what topic you will be exploring in your essay. To do this, double click on the text to bring up a menu of options. From here, you can change the color and size of your text, make it bold, underline it, add emojis, and more.

Tip: You can also click the paintbrush icon to bring up a side panel with options to change how your central idea looks by changing the shape and image.

Now it’s time to start planning your essay. Navigate to the ‘introduction’ section of the mind map and use the attached sub-branches to briefly outline the summary of your essay and what your goals are. Ask yourself: what are you hoping to achieve? What are you expecting the outcome of your essay to be? Use your answers to form the basis of your introduction. To edit an existing branch, double click on the text. To add a new sub-branch, click on the branch you want it to be connected to, then click the green arrow that appears.

Use the next few branches to determine what points you will argue in your essay. In as few words as possible, write what these are in the ‘argument’ branches. You should then use the sub-branches to go into more detail – you may want to include statistics, quotes and excerpts to back up your argument.

Mind maps should contain singular short sentences to avoid it becoming ‘cluttered’ or overwhelming. If you want to go into more detail, you can easily attach files, comments, notes and checklists to individual branches of your mind map. To do this, click on the branch you want to add more detail to, and this will bring up a menu of options. To discover what each one does, simply hover over the icon with your mouse!

Once you’ve outlined what you will cover in the body of your essay, it’s time to plan your conclusion. This will be a concise summary of everything you covered and what you have discovered from your research and analysis. In some cases, you might not know what your conclusion will be until after you’ve covered the main points and arguments of your essay. If this is the case, feel free to fill out this section of the map after you’ve done this.

Now that you have your plan, it’s time to start writing! Use the hierarchical structure of the mind map to structure your essay, developing the branches into sentences and paragraphs. Keep your mind map open so you can keep referring back to it and ensure that you’re staying on track.

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The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay | Steps & Examples

An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis, and interpretation.

There are many types of essays you might write as a student. The content and length of an essay depends on your level, subject of study, and course requirements. However, most essays at university level are argumentative — they aim to persuade the reader of a particular position or perspective on a topic.

The essay writing process consists of three main stages:

  • Preparation: Decide on your topic, do your research, and create an essay outline.
  • Writing : Set out your argument in the introduction, develop it with evidence in the main body, and wrap it up with a conclusion.
  • Revision:  Check your essay on the content, organization, grammar, spelling, and formatting of your essay.

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Table of contents

Essay writing process, preparation for writing an essay, writing the introduction, writing the main body, writing the conclusion, essay checklist, lecture slides, frequently asked questions about writing an essay.

The writing process of preparation, writing, and revisions applies to every essay or paper, but the time and effort spent on each stage depends on the type of essay .

For example, if you’ve been assigned a five-paragraph expository essay for a high school class, you’ll probably spend the most time on the writing stage; for a college-level argumentative essay , on the other hand, you’ll need to spend more time researching your topic and developing an original argument before you start writing.

1. Preparation 2. Writing 3. Revision
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Before you start writing, you should make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to say and how you’re going to say it. There are a few key steps you can follow to make sure you’re prepared:

  • Understand your assignment: What is the goal of this essay? What is the length and deadline of the assignment? Is there anything you need to clarify with your teacher or professor?
  • Define a topic: If you’re allowed to choose your own topic , try to pick something that you already know a bit about and that will hold your interest.
  • Do your research: Read  primary and secondary sources and take notes to help you work out your position and angle on the topic. You’ll use these as evidence for your points.
  • Come up with a thesis:  The thesis is the central point or argument that you want to make. A clear thesis is essential for a focused essay—you should keep referring back to it as you write.
  • Create an outline: Map out the rough structure of your essay in an outline . This makes it easier to start writing and keeps you on track as you go.

Once you’ve got a clear idea of what you want to discuss, in what order, and what evidence you’ll use, you’re ready to start writing.

The introduction sets the tone for your essay. It should grab the reader’s interest and inform them of what to expect. The introduction generally comprises 10–20% of the text.

1. Hook your reader

The first sentence of the introduction should pique your reader’s interest and curiosity. This sentence is sometimes called the hook. It might be an intriguing question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement emphasizing the relevance of the topic.

Let’s say we’re writing an essay about the development of Braille (the raised-dot reading and writing system used by visually impaired people). Our hook can make a strong statement about the topic:

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.

2. Provide background on your topic

Next, it’s important to give context that will help your reader understand your argument. This might involve providing background information, giving an overview of important academic work or debates on the topic, and explaining difficult terms. Don’t provide too much detail in the introduction—you can elaborate in the body of your essay.

3. Present the thesis statement

Next, you should formulate your thesis statement— the central argument you’re going to make. The thesis statement provides focus and signals your position on the topic. It is usually one or two sentences long. The thesis statement for our essay on Braille could look like this:

As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness.

4. Map the structure

In longer essays, you can end the introduction by briefly describing what will be covered in each part of the essay. This guides the reader through your structure and gives a preview of how your argument will develop.

The invention of Braille marked a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by blind and visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

Write your essay introduction

The body of your essay is where you make arguments supporting your thesis, provide evidence, and develop your ideas. Its purpose is to present, interpret, and analyze the information and sources you have gathered to support your argument.

Length of the body text

The length of the body depends on the type of essay. On average, the body comprises 60–80% of your essay. For a high school essay, this could be just three paragraphs, but for a graduate school essay of 6,000 words, the body could take up 8–10 pages.

Paragraph structure

To give your essay a clear structure , it is important to organize it into paragraphs . Each paragraph should be centered around one main point or idea.

That idea is introduced in a  topic sentence . The topic sentence should generally lead on from the previous paragraph and introduce the point to be made in this paragraph. Transition words can be used to create clear connections between sentences.

After the topic sentence, present evidence such as data, examples, or quotes from relevant sources. Be sure to interpret and explain the evidence, and show how it helps develop your overall argument.

Lack of access to reading and writing put blind people at a serious disadvantage in nineteenth-century society. Text was one of the primary methods through which people engaged with culture, communicated with others, and accessed information; without a well-developed reading system that did not rely on sight, blind people were excluded from social participation (Weygand, 2009). While disabled people in general suffered from discrimination, blindness was widely viewed as the worst disability, and it was commonly believed that blind people were incapable of pursuing a profession or improving themselves through culture (Weygand, 2009). This demonstrates the importance of reading and writing to social status at the time: without access to text, it was considered impossible to fully participate in society. Blind people were excluded from the sighted world, but also entirely dependent on sighted people for information and education.

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The conclusion is the final paragraph of an essay. It should generally take up no more than 10–15% of the text . A strong essay conclusion :

  • Returns to your thesis
  • Ties together your main points
  • Shows why your argument matters

A great conclusion should finish with a memorable or impactful sentence that leaves the reader with a strong final impression.

What not to include in a conclusion

To make your essay’s conclusion as strong as possible, there are a few things you should avoid. The most common mistakes are:

  • Including new arguments or evidence
  • Undermining your arguments (e.g. “This is just one approach of many”)
  • Using concluding phrases like “To sum up…” or “In conclusion…”

Braille paved the way for dramatic cultural changes in the way blind people were treated and the opportunities available to them. Louis Braille’s innovation was to reimagine existing reading systems from a blind perspective, and the success of this invention required sighted teachers to adapt to their students’ reality instead of the other way around. In this sense, Braille helped drive broader social changes in the status of blindness. New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not.

Write your essay conclusion

Checklist: Essay

My essay follows the requirements of the assignment (topic and length ).

My introduction sparks the reader’s interest and provides any necessary background information on the topic.

My introduction contains a thesis statement that states the focus and position of the essay.

I use paragraphs to structure the essay.

I use topic sentences to introduce each paragraph.

Each paragraph has a single focus and a clear connection to the thesis statement.

I make clear transitions between paragraphs and ideas.

My conclusion doesn’t just repeat my points, but draws connections between arguments.

I don’t introduce new arguments or evidence in the conclusion.

I have given an in-text citation for every quote or piece of information I got from another source.

I have included a reference page at the end of my essay, listing full details of all my sources.

My citations and references are correctly formatted according to the required citation style .

My essay has an interesting and informative title.

I have followed all formatting guidelines (e.g. font, page numbers, line spacing).

Your essay meets all the most important requirements. Our editors can give it a final check to help you submit with confidence.

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An essay is a focused piece of writing that explains, argues, describes, or narrates.

In high school, you may have to write many different types of essays to develop your writing skills.

Academic essays at college level are usually argumentative : you develop a clear thesis about your topic and make a case for your position using evidence, analysis and interpretation.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main point of a paragraph . Everything else in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

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FigJam Build a strong foundation with our essay plan template

No shaky arguments here. Whether it’s a class assignment, personal statement, or a missive on the company blog, FigJam’s essay writing plan will help you construct a stronger essay outline from the ground up.

three pieces of paper with a pencil and sticky note

Essay plan template

Share ideas, hone arguments, and refine your writing with our collaborative essay plan template.

essay plan template cover photo

Nail down your message

Organize evidence, strengthen supporting arguments, and hammer your main point home with our essay planning sheet.

Create flow: Maintain a cohesive writing process with an essay planning template that clarifies how one section leads to the next.

Evaluate your argument from all sides: Crystallize your claim and test it out from new angles in a visual format.

Do your research: Fact check your work and sources before writing by laying out supporting evidence on an easy-to-read outline.

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Break it down, then build it up

Perfect the nuts and bolts of your essay with a well-organized essay plan example. Next, find new ways to tell your story with templates from our Community.

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How to write an essay plan?

If you’re wondering how to plan an essay or how to write an effective essay plan with important points and supporting details, just tap into our free essay plan example to get started. From there, you’ll be prompted to break your essay down into the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph #1
  • Body paragraph #2
  • Body paragraph #3

Fill in each of these sections with relevant information and credible sources. Then, share it with your trusted collaborators and peers to make sure your argument sings.

What are the 5 aspects of planning an essay?

The 5 aspects of planning an essay correspond to the 5 main sections of your essay: the introduction, the 3 body paragraphs, and the conclusion.

  • Introduction – Planning an introduction involves writing a thesis statement and a brief list that outlines the order of your supporting arguments.
  • Body paragraphs (3) – As you plan your 3 body paragraphs, you’ll collect evidence—from credible sources—that backs up any supporting detail, arguments, and thesis.
  • Conclusion – While you conceptualize this final section, consider how you can open up the floor for further conversation after the essay ends. Are there any related questions you wished you’d asked? What makes this a relevant topic—today? Jot down all of your ideas on a planning sheet for essays.

What is a good structure in an essay?

Many essays follow the classic 5-part structure—the introduction that states your main argument, the 3 points supporting that claim, and the conclusion that wraps everything up.

Keep in mind, however, that you don't have to follow this essay planning example exactly. Some of the best essays break the mold—so don’t be afraid to customize your essay planning sheet or collaborate on a creative structure as you outline.

Other templates you might like

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Construct an Essay Plan

Construct an initial essay plan.

After you have generated some ideas, it’s important to write an initial plan before you head for the library. This can feel strange—after all, how can you answer a question when you haven’t done any research?—but starting with an initial plan helps you order your ideas and focus your reading. Without a sense of which direction to head in, it’s easy to get lost in the research process.

This initial plan will be provisional and might consist of:

  • a provisional answer to the question (or thesis statement)
  • a brief outline of possible main point.

As you research and develop your understanding of the topic, your ideas will likely change, and your answers may change with them. Try to see your essay plan as something that evolves as you engage further with your topic.

While it’s a good idea to write an initial plan before you start researching, if you really know nothing at all about the topic, some initial skimming and browsing through recommended or assigned readings can provide a few ideas. However, the initial planning stage is not the time for a lot of intensive or detailed reading.

What elements should an essay plan consist of?

A 1-2 sentence thesis statement.

A plan should indicate the answer to the question. A clear and well-written thesis statement will help you to determine the direction and structure of your argument.

What is a thesis statement?

  • A clear and direct answer to the essay questio.
  • A claim that can be discussed and expanded further in the body of the essay.
  • One or two complete sentences.
  • A part of the introduction.

In the initial plan, the thesis statement is usually provisional. However, after you’ve done some research, you will need to work on your thesis statement until it is clear, concise and effective.

  • Try introducing your thesis statement with the phrase ‘this essay will argue’ or ‘this essay argues’.
  • Paraphrasing the assignment question can help ensure that you are answering it.

Possible main points

Once you have a thesis statement, follow it with a paragraph or a set of points that indicate the ‘reasons why’ for your answer. The ‘reasons why’ can be developed into the main points of your essay.

What are main points?

  • Main points make up the body of an essay.
  • Each point should be developed in a paragraph. These paragraphs are the building blocks used to construct the argument.
  • In a 1000-1500 word essay, aim for three to four main points

In the initial plan, try to express the main idea of each point in a single, clear sentence. These can become topic sentences—usually the first sentence of each paragraph which summarise the information in the paragraph. In your second plan, you develop these points further. 

Arrange your main points in a logical order and number them. Is there one that would seem to go first or one that would seem to go last? Are there any two that are closely linked? How are the ideas connected to each other? Do the main points, when considered as a whole, present a unified discussion?).

The structure of the essay

A plan should follow the structureof an essay, e.g. Introduction, body and conclusion.

While you may not be ready to construct an introduction or conclusion, this three-part structure should be at least suggested in your plan.

Some indication of the research

A plan should include some indication of the sources you might use to RESEARCH the topic.

Make a few notes about how each main point might be developed. If possible, specify the evidence you might draw on and which texts you might refer to. Jot down titles, authors, page numbers etc.

    Next: Step 4 - Research and gather information

Essay and assignment writing guide.

  • Essay writing basics
  • Analyse the task
  • Work out your ideas
  • Construct an essay plan
  • Research and gather information
  • Write a second essay plan
  • Answering assignment questions
  • Editing checklist
  • Writing a critical review
  • Annotated bibliography
  • Reflective writing
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Study Hacks Workshops | All the hacks you need! 28 May – 25 Jul 2024


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  1. How to Write an Essay Outline

    An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph, giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

  2. How to plan an essay: Essay Planning

    Essay planning is an important step in academic essay writing. Proper planning helps you write your essay faster, and focus more on the exact question. As you draft and write your essay, record any changes on the plan as well as in the essay itself, so they develop side by side.

  3. Essay Map

    Use Essay Map to plan and organize your essays with an interactive graphic organizer. Learn expository writing skills and improve your grades.

  4. How to Structure an Essay

    But for many students, the most difficult part of structuring an essay is deciding how to organize information within the body. This article provides useful templates and tips to help you outline your essay, make decisions about your structure, and organize your text logically.

  5. Essay Planner template

    Ayoa’s Essay Planner template simplifies the process of writing an academic essay by allowing you to brainstorm great ideas, then put your arguments into a clear and defined structure ready for you to turn into a cohesive and well-researched paper.

  6. The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay

    The essay writing process consists of three main stages: Preparation: Decide on your topic, do your research, and create an essay outline. Writing: Set out your argument in the introduction, develop it with evidence in the main body, and wrap it up with a conclusion.

  7. Essay Plan Template

    Build a strong foundation with our essay plan template. No shaky arguments here. Whether it’s a class assignment, personal statement, or a missive on the company blog, FigJam’s essay writing plan will help you construct a stronger essay outline from the ground up. Try FigJam for free.

  8. Construct an Essay Plan

    Essay and assignment planning. Construct an initial essay plan. After you have generated some ideas, it’s important to write an initial plan before you head for the library.