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  • Corpus ID: 67825138

Loughborough University Institutional Repository Performance characterisation of photovoltaic modules

  • R. Gottschalg
  • Published 2018
  • Engineering, Environmental Science, Physics

Figures and Tables from this paper

figure 1

7 References

Uncertainty in photovoltaic performance parameters – dependence on location and material, mapping the performance of pv modules, effects of module type and data averaging, intercomparison of different energy prediction methods within the european project "performance" - results of the 1st round robin, effect of loading on long term performance of single junction amorphous silicon modules, related papers.

Showing 1 through 3 of 0 Related Papers

Loughborough University Thesis Template (class)

This is a class based on David Steven's github repository template for the Loughborough Thesis style, updated and slimmed down.

Loughborough University Thesis Template (class)

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Find University of Leeds theses

You can find PhD and doctoral theses using our Library search.

The above search allows you to search by keywords, author or title and is set to limit your search results to Theses. If you know exactly the thesis you want, keep the search set to keywords and use the author's family name and one or two key words in the title. This will produce highly relevant search results.

Theses are kept in the Library stores. To access a print thesis, sign in and select “Request it” in the full record. We will email you when it is available. Please allow at least 48 hours.

Theses cannot be taken out of the libraries.

Find Leeds theses online

Search White Rose eTheses Online for online theses from the universities of Leeds, Sheffield, and York.

Digital copies of Leeds theses may also be available through the Electronic Theses Online Service provided by the British Library.

Some theses may be unavailable as the research is commercially sensitive or confidential.

Find a UK thesis

Search for theses from other UK institutions using the Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS) , which is provided by the British Library.

If you cannot find the thesis using these services, our Document Supply service may be able to help.

Find an international thesis

Non-UK theses can be very difficult to obtain. In some countries, universities are working together to make full-text electronic collections of theses available online.

Try the following databases:

  • DART – Europe e-theses Portal
  • Global Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Search
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
  • Open Access Theses and Dissertations
  • PQDT Open (open access dissertations and theses)
  • Theses Canada Portal (1988-2002)
  • Trove - National Library of Australia
  • WorldCat (an international library catalogue which includes references for many theses. Use Advanced Search to limit your search to theses)

Unfortunately, most requests made for international theses through our Document Supply service are unsuccessful.

loughborough university thesis repository

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loughborough university thesis repository

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loughborough university thesis repository

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  • Code of Practice on Research Degree Programmes

9. Presentation by standard thesis format

Code of Practice banner - Presentation by standard thesis format

Guidance for presenting a thesis in one of the standard formats.

This route can be used when submitting for the award of MPhil or PhD as defined under section 3.1 of Regulation XXVI.

9.1 Copies for Submission

An electronic copy of the work must be submitted to the Doctoral College (Registry) for examination. The thesis must be written in English. Text, should be 1 1 / 2 spaced on A4 format.

Hard copies may be exceptionally requested, but usually only when it is necessary as a reasonable adjustment for an examiner.

For a submission which is in conventional book form , hereafter referred to as ‘a standard thesis’, presentation should be as follows:

  • The pages are to be numbered consecutively; a table of contents and an abstract are to be included.
  • If a printed copy is required, a candidate may print text on both sides of the paper provided that the paper is of sufficient weight to ensure that the text is perfectly legible. Otherwise the text should be printed on one side of the paper only.
  • The title page must take a form similar to that shown in Appendix III. This includes the precise format of the © Notice to claim copyright protection in all countries which are signatories to the Universal Copyright Convention.
  • The thesis must contain a statement indicating the author's responsibility for the work submitted, including the extent of their contribution of original work, and a complete thesis access conditions form which must be inserted into the front of each copy of the thesis.
  • In addition to the submitted work a signed certificate stating that neither the thesis nor the original work contained therein has been submitted to this or any other institution for a degree must be included.

For a submission which consists of a thesis plus an artefact (or artefacts) which are integral to the research process and output the same presentation of the thesis as in 1(a) is required except that in addition the artefact (or artefacts) should be listed in the contents and referred to in the abstract.

The artefact(s) will be either a creative work(s) or invention(s) which together with the thesis constitute an integrated thesis for new understanding.

A permanent record of the artefact(s) submitted shall be bound within the thesis.

For a submission which consists of a media production other than a conventional thesis the candidate, through their Associate Dean (Research), will apply to the Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Doctoral College at least six months before submission for permission to submit in a non-thesis form. In considering their decision the Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Doctoral College will assess whether the advancing of knowledge in the candidate’s research project requires a non-conventional media to achieve its full potential. If the non-conventional media submission is accompanied by an artefact(s) the presentation will follow 1(b) above.

9.3 Submission Length

The thesis should be presented in satisfactory literary form (including references, notes and bibliography, as appropriate) and should not be of unnecessary length. Doctoral researchers are advised not to exceed 80,000 words or their adjudged equivalent for a doctoral thesis. It is the responsibility of the author to check the submission for spelling and accuracy.

9.4 Thesis deposit

The award of a research degree will not be made until an electronic version of the final version of the thesis, as approved by the Examiners, has been deposited with the University Library for inclusion in the Institutional Repository together with a signed Thesis Deposit Agreement.

9.5 Thesis Access Conditions

Access will normally be ‘open' except in cases where industrial sponsorship, or other special circumstances, warrant restriction of access. Normally this should have been determined at the outset of the research project, and certainly not later than at the time of submission. Where restriction of access is necessary the primary supervisor or Dean of School will specify a moratorium period of normally up to three years. The ‘restricted' access classification is used for example where the overall project is a continuing one to be carried on by others or when access is delayed to allow further development of ideas which are not protected by copyright. (Copyright can only protect phraseology and there can be no copyright on ideas).

The ‘confidential' classification is used where a patent is pending or where a sponsor specifies security for this or any other reason.

For both ‘restricted' and ‘confidential' submissions it will be necessary for anyone wishing access to seek the written permission of the Dean of School.

Restricted and Confidential submissions revert to ‘open' classification at the end of the moratorium period.

It should be noted that, in respect of a Restricted or Confidential submission, the author is themselves subject to the moratorium conditions; in respect of a desire to publish, this means seeking the prior approval of the relevant Supervisor or University Dean of School.

9.6 Copyright

Where a thesis contains third party copyright material the student must obtain permission for its publication, including on the Internet via the University’s Institutional Repository.  If the student is unable to obtain permission for the use of substantial copyright material, then an indefinite moratorium of the thesis can be applied.  Where a student is unable to obtain permission for use of a limited range of copyright material, then the electronic copy of the thesis can be submitted in two versions, a full version with a moratorium on publication and a second version without the third-party copyright material (maintaining the original pagination) which will be placed on open access.

Doctoral College (Academic Registry)

For administrative queries about your phd.

Tel: 01509 228292

Email: Send email

Location: Student Enquiries, Rutland Building

© 2023 Loughborough University. All rights reserved.


  1. Loughborough University Research Repository

    figshare. credit for all your research.share. credit for all your research.

  2. Databases

    If you request a thesis to be digitized, please check that it is a thesis from a university that participates in EThOS and that the thesis is listed on the library catalogue of the university concerned. View accessibility options. EUR-Lex: Access to European Union law ... Loughborough University Research Repository contains journal papers, book ...

  3. Search Home

    Using Library Catalogue Plus. Choose the correct search tab for you: Catalogue for books, journal titles, DVDs and other material held by the Library and all items from the Loughborough University Research Repository.. Articles Plus for details and access to online full-text journal articles and conference papers accessible at Loughborough University.. Login to manage your Library account ...

  4. Research and Innovation

    Loughborough University Science and Enterprise Park (LUSEP) LUSEP supports over 90 start-ups, growing businesses, global brands and sports organisations to collaborate and engage with the University's research expertise, facilities and talent pipeline. ... Research repository ... conference papers, book chapters and research degree theses ...

  5. [PDF] Building an institutional repository at Loughborough University

    This paper gives a direct insight into the different types of work involved in the setting up of an institutional repository and is an example of a system set up outside the boundaries of project funding. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the experiences of setting up an institutional repository at Loughborough University, focusing on some of the key issues that ...

  6. Loughborough University Research Repository

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  7. PDF Building an institutional repository at Loughborough University: some

    stakeholders throughout the University to raise interest and gain support for the development of this new service. A librarian's guide to IRs was written by staff at Loughborough (Barwick and Pickton, 2006) and this is available via the IR. By late 2006 the repository contained over 2000 items, including published articles, theses,

  8. Building an institutional repository at Loughborough University: Some

    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the experiences of setting up an institutional repository at Loughborough University, focusing on some of the key issues that it ...

  9. Loughborough University Research Repository

    Discover research from Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering Theses.

  10. Loughborough University Institutional Repository Performance

    A review of the performance characterization of photovoltaic modules is given, that charts the progress made in the European research project 'PV-Performance' as well as other work carried out in Europe. The aim is to illustrate the measurement and prediction accuracy of energy delivery. It is shown that direct inter-comparisons of PV modules may have as much as 6.5% uncertainty in the ...

  11. Loughborough University Thesis Template (class)

    Last Updated. 8 months ago. License. Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Abstract. This is a class based on David Steven's github repository template for the Loughborough Thesis style, updated and slimmed down. Tags. University Thesis. Find More Templates.

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