Canva vs PowerPoint — Which is Better?

canva presentation vs powerpoint

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In this Canva vs Powerpoint shootout, we compare an established presentation app (PowerPoint) with a cloud-based app that promises to make graphic design in general easy for everyone (Canva). Which solution comes out on top? And which one is best for your business?

Well read on, because we’re going to do a deep dive into both tools, and help you answer these important questions.

But first…

What’s the main difference between Canva and Microsoft Powerpoint?

Although Canva and PowerPoint can both be used to create attractive presentations, the two tools are quite different in nature.


While PowerPoint is a tool that has been specifically designed to let users create presentations , Canva is a multi-purpose tool that lets you design a huge range of visual assets — social media graphics, simple videos, presentations, slides, posters and even websites.


Another key difference to note between the two tools is that Canva only works if you are online .

This is because all your designs are saved in the cloud, as are all the templates, images and other visual elements the platform uses. Although a desktop app and a mobile app are available for Canva, these only work if an Internet connection is present, and in truth the best way to use Canva is probably via a web browser.

By contrast, PowerPoint can be used offline, via the desktop and mobile versions of the app.

Now, given that this is a Canva vs PowerPoint comparison, I’m going to largely focus on how good both tools are for creating presentations.

So, let’s move on and do that, starting with a look at the templates available for both Canva and PowerPoint.

Templates are the starting points for presentations — you pick one, tweak some colors, add your content and then present the results.

So what’s the template offering from Canva and PowerPoint like?

Well, in terms of quantity , it’s a clear win for Canva . Out of the box, Microsoft PowerPoint gives you just 70 or so templates to design with; and although you can download an additional 300+ free and premium templates from the Microsoft site, this total pales by comparison to Canva’s offering of 29,000+ ready-made presentation templates.

PowerPoint templates

The quality of templates in Canva is better too; the templates are more varied in nature and are often bundled with more individual slide types.

Slide layouts in a Canva business presentation template.

In terms of aesthetics, I feel that Canva’s templates definitely have the edge. Many of the PowerPoint templates look quite dated (having in my view quite a 1990s look to them), employ very corporate fonts and scream ‘Microsoft’ at you.

By contrast, the Canva templates look really contemporary, make use of a wide range of interesting typefaces and are simply more ‘fun.’

A corporate-looking PowerPoint template.

Templates are just the starting point for a design of course — they can be brought to life and made much more appealing when customized.

So how easy is it to customize designs in Canva and PowerPoint?

Customizing presentations

Once you’ve picked a template in either PowerPoint or Canva, the next step is to customize it and make it your own.

Canva and PowerPoint let you do this by adding a variety of elements to a template and then positioning and resizing them. Let’s look at both processes — and how they differ — in turn.

Adding elements to a template

In Canva, you add elements to a template using a vertical menu on the left hand side of the screen (see screenshot below).

Vertical menu in the Canva interface.

As you can see, this lets you add the following to your template:

  • graphic elements (icons, photos, images, clip art, graphs)
  • content you’ve uploaded to Canva
  • backgrounds

If you’re on a ‘Canva Pro’ plan, this menu also lets you apply brand styles (more on using your own branding in Canva and PowerPoint shortly).

The best thing about the process of adding elements to a presentation in Canva is the simplicity: you simply pick the item you’d like to add and drag it onto your design. This makes for a really quick and smooth workflow.

Adding elements in PowerPoint involves a clunkier process. First, you need to click the ‘Insert’ option in the main menu.

Inserting elements in PowerPoint

You’ll then see a ‘ribbon’ menu that gives you the option to add items into your template (some of these are shown in the screenshot below).

PowerPoint's ribbon menu for adding elements to a presentation

Unlike in Canva though, there’s no drag-and-drop facility — you’ll need to click on the item type, browse the available elements, and then click an ‘insert’ button to add it to your presentation. And doing so will place it in the middle of your presentation, rather than the position you might have envisaged for it (not the end of the world, however as you can reposition it easily — more on doing this in a moment).

The assets you can add in PowerPoint are similar to those available in Canva, but there are two extra elements available from PowerPoint that are worth dwelling on for a moment.

3D models, as their name suggests, are 3D images that you can rotate to meet your requirements. Quite a lot of them are available, and they can help bring a presentation to life, or illustrate a point (see screenshot below for an example of a PowerPoint 3D model being manipulated).

Although there are a variety of 3D graphics available in Canva, you can’t rotate and customize them to meet your needs the same way as you can in PowerPoint.

(It’s also harder to find them, because there’s no dedicated option for displaying them — you’ll just have browse Canva’s image library and try to spot them).

As for equations, PowerPoint gives you the option to insert and edit them easily into presentations, thanks to its aptly named ‘Equation’ feature.

The equations tool in PowerPoint

While at first glance this might strike you as a bit of a ‘niche’ feature, it’s actually quite an important one — there are a lot of math and science teachers out there who will find it extremely useful.

Positioning and resizing elements

Once you’ve added an element to a Canva or PowerPoint presentation, you’ll usually need to move or resize it.

The process of moving elements around a presentation in Canva and PowerPoint is very similar — a drag-and-drop process, where you simply click on the the item and move it where you want it to go, applies in both tools (see screenshot below).

Similarly, both tools let you specify which element should go in front or behind others via ‘bring forward’ and ‘send to back’ tools.

Image controls in Canva

Resizing things involves a fairly similar process in both tools too — you click on an element, a container box appears around it, and you extend or reduce the edges of that container to resize the item (see screenshot below for a demonstration of this).

However, when it comes to resizing text, Canva takes a different approach to PowerPoint. Resizing text in Canva works exactly the same way as resizing an image — you extend or shrink the text’s container box to adjust its size, as demonstrated below.

But with PowerPoint, this automatic resizing of text doesn’t always happen; it depends on how much text you’ve got in a container.

If you’ve got a large block of text (i.e., several bullet points or paragraphs), PowerPoint will resize it as you adjust the container edges.

But for small blocks — single words, short sentences etc. — you’ll nearly always have to use a font dropdown menu to manually specify the font size (much as you’d do when formatting text in Microsoft Word). This makes for a more inconsistent and clunkier workflow.

Editing font size in PowerPoint

It’s worth pointing out that Canva gives you fine grain control over font size too, if you want it — you can adjust font size manually in a similar way via a dropdown menu. This gives you the best of both worlds when it comes to formatting text.

Overall, the processes involved in adding, positioning and resizing elements in Canva and PowerPoint are fairly similar, but I find Canva’s approach a bit slicker and one that leads to a more efficient workflow.

Background removal

Both PowerPoint and Canva give you easy-to-use background removal tools: you just hit a suitably named ‘remove background’ (PowerPoint) or ‘Background remover’ (Canva) button to extract the image of a person from a busy background.

This is useful for creating headshots for your presentation, as the example below demonstrates, or placing different background colors behind a photograph of a person.

Using a background removal tool

However, in my tests I found that the Canva background tool was the better one, especially when dealing with images where it was hard to distinguish the background from the person in the photograph. While Canva consistently managed to remove backgrounds from photographs in a way that left the person in the image ‘intact,’ PowerPoint consistently struggled to do this.

Here’s an example of the same image being used to test both tools’ background removal tools. In the case of Canva, I encountered no problems at all when separating the person from the background.

Testing the background removal feature in Canva

But look at what happened when I use the same image to test the background removal feature in Powerpoint:

Testing the background removal feature in PowerPoint

As you can see, the subject’s hat and feet were removed by PowerPoint!

Now, PowerPoint does give you some tools to improve the results — you can use a ‘mark area’ tool to highlight bits of the image that you don’t want removed. But this is a bit fiddly to use; and ultimately, while Canva’s background removal tool just works out of the box, you’ll usually end up doing more manual tidying up with the PowerPoint one.

Ensuring brand consistency in Canva and PowerPoint

A key part of designing presentations for use in a corporate context involves branding — you usually need to stick to strict brand guidelines.

You can do this easily enough in Canva and PowerPoint, but the process differs for both products.

In Canva, you work with ‘brand kits’ that let you specify your brand colors, define your brand font, upload a brand logo and add other brand assets such as photos, graphics and icons. These can then be applied to anything you design using the platform.

Using Canva's 'brand kit' feature.

In PowerPoint, you don’t get a similar brand kit tool — it’s a case of creating a template that adheres to your brand guidelines and re-using it.

You can also take the latter approach in Canva if you like, creating a branded template that serves as the starting point for your design.

So overall on the branding front, it’s a win for Canva , simply because it gives you two ways to create on-brand presentations, while PowerPoint only offers you one.

Royalty free images, videos and audio

Earlier I looked at how you can add elements to PowerPoint or Canva — but didn’t discuss what you can add.

On this front, both tools give you access to libraries of royalty free images and video; Canva goes one better and gives you free audio clips as well.

Using stock photography in a Canva presentation

In terms of the quantity of multimedia files available, Canva is more generous: while Microsoft states that ‘thousands’ of royalty free images and videos are available for PowerPoint (so long as you are a Microsoft 365 subscriber), Canva gives you millions .

You might not think that this disparity would necessarily have a huge impact on presentation design or content — surely access to thousands of images is enough? — but it does, as a little test I ran showed quite quickly.

As part of our work in ecommerce, we create a lot of content about ecommerce companies such as eBay ; occasionally we need to create presentations about these platforms too.

Now, if I enter the phrase ‘eBay’ into PowerPoint’s image search, here’s what I get:

Image search results in PowerPoint

But look at the results offered by Canva for the same query:

Image search results in Canva.

So in this example, Canva gives me immediate access to the images I might need for my eBay presentation, while PowerPoint forces me to look elsewhere.

To be fair, it’s easy to grab images from royalty-free media sites (for example Unsplash or Pexels) or a Google image search. But this involves using other tools or add-ons, saving files locally, and then inserting them manually into your presentation — all of which can end up being a time-consuming process.

PowerPoint does try to make things a bit easier on this front, by giving you a facility to search for images online. However, you won’t necessarily have the rights to use the images you identify with it.

By contrast — and this is a key selling point of Canva in general — you are licensed to use all the images it gives you access to.

It’s a similar situation with videos in Canva and PowerPoint: although some stock videos are provided by PowerPoint, the range on offer is nowhere near as wide as Canva’s.

So, all in all, when it comes to providing access to royalty free videos, images and audio, it’s a clear win for Canva .

Apps and integrations

So far in this comparison we’ve looked at what PowerPoint and Canva can do ‘out of the box.’ But what about integrating them with other tools, or adding functionality?

Well, both Canva and PowerPoint give you access to a library of apps that let you do this.

Canva gives you around 343 apps and integrations to play with in its ‘app directory’; this can be accessed on the left-hand side of the Canva dashboard via an ‘Apps’ link.

Accessing the Canva app directory

The apps on offer include integrations with well-known social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc.) and marketing tools (like Mailchimp, LinkedIn and Hubspot); you’ll also find apps in the directory that add bits of functionality to Canva — for example image enhancement tools; frame tools; mockup tools and more.

The Canva app directory

As for PowerPoint, a slightly smaller range of add-ons is available — around 280 of them. A ‘get add-ins’ button in the PowerPoint ribbon menu lets you browse these.

Accessing PowerPoint add-ons

However, while the Canva apps are quite broad in terms of their features and purposes, the ‘add-ins’ available for PowerPoint are essentially to do with presentation-related functionality.

(This is fair enough really, given that PowerPoint is a tool that has been designed for creating presentations and Canva is a multi-purpose graphic design app.)

Examples of PowerPoint add-ins

You’ll find lots of PowerPoint add-ins to help you embed content from other services into your presentation; there’s also quite a few apps for sourcing stock images and icons for them. But you won’t find any official integrations between PowerPoint and social media apps, and there’s no add-ons for integrating PowerPoint with popular marketing tools either.

Accessing free trials of Canva and PowerPoint

If you’re interested in trying out all the features of Canva and PowerPoint, free trials are available for both. For a limited time only, you can avail of a 30-day free trial of Canva by clicking here .

👉 You can avail of a 30-day free trial of Canva by clicking here .

As for PowerPoint, you can use it for free for 30 days as part of the Microsoft 365 free trial .

👉 You can try Powerpoint for free here .

Creating charts

Both Canva and PowerPoint give you access to tools that let you create graphs and charts and add them to your presentations.

PowerPoint is the more generous tool in terms of the range of chart types that you can add to your presentations, letting you choose from around 60 chart designs — each of which come in a number of variants — to Canva’s 20 or so.

Inserting graphs in PowerPoint

The process for creating these graphs is much easier in Canva, however — while PowerPoint forces you to link an Excel spreadsheet to your graph, Canva just lets you enter the relevant data for the graph directly within the tool. This makes for a much easier workflow.

(And if you do want to use Excel as a source of data, this is possible too, via CSV file upload; you can also use Google Sheets as a source of data for your graphs).

Creating graphs in Canva

But overall, PowerPoint is the more powerful tool when it comes to charts — while the customization options in Canva are fairly limited, you can edit just about any aspect of a chart created in PowerPoint.

There is one catch with the PowerPoint chart creation functionality however: it can only be used in the desktop version of PowerPoint — the online version doesn’t let you create charts.

Working with video

Both Canva and PowerPoint let you add video content to your presentations easily.

However — and in keeping with the fact that Canva is a ‘multi-purpose’ tool and PowerPoint is a ‘presentation-only’ one, the options for manipulating your video content in Canva are much more extensive.

This is because Canva includes a video editor in its feature set. While it’s not going to compete with the likes of Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro any time soon, it’s nonetheless very usable and very handy for creating simple videos that you can drop into your presentations. You can split, trim and create transitions between clips with ease; you can also remove backgrounds from them really easily too.

Video content editing in Canva.

With PowerPoint, you can trim video content — so theoretically you can do some basic editing, by trimming a clip into different versions and inserting those into different slides.

But realistically, if you want to edit video for use in a PowerPoint presentation, you’re probably better off using a separate tool. So a win for Canva here .

Presenting tools

Creating a presentation is one thing; giving it is another! So how do Canva and PowerPoint shape up when it comes to the ‘presenting’ part of the equation?

Well, it’s fair to say that PowerPoint wins here, by giving you a host of tools for presenting your content exactly the way you want to.

Presenting tools in PowerPoint

Not only does PowerPoint give you lots of ways to present your slides, it gives you different ways to rehearse your presentation too. These even include an option to rehearse with a virtual ‘coach’ that assesses your performance — after you’ve given your presentation, your coach will give you a report containing information about your pace, length of presentation and suggestions on how to improve your performance.

The presentation options in Canva, by contrast, are pretty basic: you get just three ways to present — via a ‘standard’ presentation, a ‘present with notes’ option and an option to record your presentation.

Presenting options in Canva

On the subject of recording presentations, this works in a similar way in both tools: you can record your presentation with audio and video (i.e., your webcam). When finished, this can be exported as a video file.

Recording a presentation with video and audio in Canva.

Exporting and sharing your presentation

Once you’ve finished creating your presentation, you’ll want to share it with others. So what exporting and sharing options do Canva and PowerPoint offer?

Exporting presentations to different file types

When it comes to outputting presentations into different file formats, both tools let you export your content into a wide range of file types, although the options available differ.

Canva lets you export your presentation (either the whole thing, or individual slides) into the following file types:

  • SVG (vector graphics file)
  • PPTX (PowerPoint)

To export your Canva presentation into most of these formats, you simply click the share button above it, followed by the ‘download’ option.

Exporting to PPTX in Canva involves a slightly odd process however — this format isn’t included in the platform’s default export options. To save a file in PPTX format you have to install a dedicated app for doing so, then click the ‘Share’ button followed by ‘More…’ to access the PowerPoint export option. This is a bit convoluted.

As for PowerPoint, some of the formats it lets you export to includes:

If you’re unfamiliar with these file types the basic point I’d make is this: if you need your presentation in super high quality photographic or video format, then PowerPoint takes the win (thanks to the option to let you export your files in TIFF and MOV format).

However, if you want to export your presentation as vector graphic files (SVG), then Canva has the edge.

Sharing your presentations

When it comes to sharing your presentations with others, an easy sharing option is just to download your presentation as files which you then send to colleagues or clients.

However, both Canva and PowerPoint let you share your presentations in more sophisticated ways.

Canva is particularly flexible here, giving you a multitude of ways to share your presentation. For example, you can share it as a URL; embed it on a website; or create a QR code to share it to mobile phones.

Some of the presentation sharing options available in Canva

There’s also the option of sharing presentations with colleagues for collaboration purposes. You’ll need to be on a Canva for Teams plan to do this; this allows you to create and share folders and files that can be accessed by multiple users.

(More on Canva plans and pricing shortly).

As for PowerPoint, the sharing options aren’t quite as extensive — you can share a link to a presentation, or enable multi-user access on the file. These options are probably fine for most applications, however.

Sharing options in PowerPoint

(It’s important to note that if you are an existing Microsoft 365 user, PowerPoint slots much more neatly into that environment. You can pull in data from other 365 document types; make use of Microsoft 365 team collaboration features; and share your presentations on OneDrive easily.)

What about importing PowerPoint files in to Canva?

Canva recently released an import feature that lets you import PowerPoint files into Canva. However, depending on the fonts and layouts used in the original presentation, imported presentations may not always be faithful to the PowerPoint original.

Plans, pricing and value for money

It’s a bit tricky to compare the fees for Canva and PowerPoint, as two different pricing models are involved. But let’s do our best!

Let’s start with Canva .

Canva pricing

There are three main versions of Canva available:

  • Canva for Teams

As its name suggests, Canva Free is an entirely free plan. It doesn’t come with all the bells and whistles of the paid-for version of Canva — key omissions include the option to create more than one brand kit, use the background removal tool and access to premium content (i.e., the full library of stock photos, audio and images).

Canva pricing plans

Despite this, it is still a highly functional tool that lets you create attractive designs and presentations easily.

Moving onto the premium plans, Canva Pro costs $15 per month and gives you access to the full range of Canva features and image/video libraries. However it can only be used by one user.

Canva Teams costs $10 per user per month (or $100 per user per year if paying annually), with a minimum of three team members required to start a plan. For this, team members get access to all the Canva features and libraries, plus a range of collaboration features (including the ability to set user permissions and lock custom templates).

Note : for a limited time only, Canva has made a 30-day free trial available. This gives you access to the full suite of premium Canva features and assets for several weeks.

👉 You can access the trial of Canva Pro here .

As for PowerPoint pricing, as mentioned above, the app comes as part of a wider package of Microsoft tools. There are a multitude of pricing options available, which range from $6.99 per user per month to $54.75 per user per month, depending on whether you need a basic business package or an enterprise one. A 30-day trial of Microsoft 365 is also available.

(For full details of the main pricing options for Microsoft 365, please read our Microsoft 365 versus Google Workspace comparison ).

In all cases, the key thing to remember about buying PowerPoint is this: you won’t just get PowerPoint, you’ll have access to a host of other Microsoft apps too — like Word, Excel and Outlook.

In a sense however, this is also the case with Canva: when you subscribe to it, you’re not just getting a presentation-making tool but a video editor, image editor, stock photography library, social media scheduler, basic website builder and more besides.

So in truth, both tools give you a lot of bang for your buck — and it will boil down to how much you value getting your hands on a range of Microsoft products as part of a subscription, or the simple ‘all-in-one’ approach taken by Canva.

Canva vs PowerPoint conclusion

So which is better for your project, Canva or PowerPoint?

For me, there are three main arguments for using Canva over PowerPoint. Most importantly, ease of use — Canva is an absolute breeze to use, and considerably better than PowerPoint in the user-friendliness stakes. Second, Canva’s library of stock images and videos is huge — for the price of a single iStock or Getty picture, you get access to millions of multimedia items per month with Canva. Although PowerPoint does give you access to some stock photography and videos, the choice available on both fronts is much more limited. And finally, there’s the fact that unlike PowerPoint, Canva does so much more than presentations — it’s a video editor, poster designer, website builder and much more besides.

PowerPoint is a better choice for some users, however — particularly those who have invested heavily in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, or need to work with other businesses who routinely use Microsoft products. And buying PowerPoint means you end up getting a host of other useful industry-standard apps, like Word, Excel, Outlook and Publisher.

Below you’ll find a summary of the relative pros and cons of Canva and PowerPoint. Do leave any questions on Canva or Powerpoint in the comments section below — we read all comments and do our best to answer all visitor queries.

Reasons to use Canva instead of PowerPoint

  • It’s a much easier-to-use product.
  • It gives you access to a much bigger range of images, graphics and videos than PowerPoint.
  • The bundled range of templates is much larger than PowerPoint’s.
  • Its background removal tool is significantly better than PowerPoint’s.
  • Working with video is significantly easier in Canva.
  • Canva is not just a presentation-creating tool: it’s is a photo editor, an image enhancer, a screen recorder, a website builder and much else besides.
  • There are more ways to share Canva creations than PowerPoint ones, particularly where social media is concerned.

👉 You can try Canva for free here .

Reasons to use PowerPoint instead of Canva

  • When you buy PowerPoint, you’re actually subscribing to Microsoft 365 — and getting access to a host of really useful Microsoft products in the process.
  • PowerPoint integrates much better with other Microsoft apps and services than Canva does.
  • A significantly wider range of add-ons is available for PowerPoint.
  • There are dedicated tools for working with 3D models and equations in PowerPoint — this is not the case with Canva.
  • PowerPoint lets you output your presentations to a wider range of formats than Canva, including higher-res image and video formats.
  • You can create more sophisticated graph types with PowerPoint.
  • PowerPoint gives you more ways to rehearse your presentation.

Key alternatives to Canva and PowerPoint

Canva and PowerPoint are by no means the only tools for creating presentations.

When it comes to ‘all-in-one’ design apps like Canva, Visme, VistaCreate (formerly Crello) and Adobe Express are probably the main competitors. You can learn more about these products in our Canva vs Visme comparison , our VistaCreate (Crello) vs Canva comparison and our Adobe Express vs Canva shootout .

As for direct alternatives to PowerPoint, Google and Apple provide the main competition, in the form Google Slides (part of the Google Workspace suite) and Keynote (an iWorks product) respectively. We have yet to review Keynote or iWorks, but we do have a Microsoft 365 vs Workspace comparison available.

In certain contexts, Adobe Photoshop can be used as an alternative to Canva, but it’s not really a direct competitor to PowerPoint. Check out our Canva vs Photoshop comparison for more details on the key differences between this app and Canva.

Canva vs PowerPoint — FAQ

Can i use canva and powerpoint for free.

In the case of Canva, a free version is available, or alternatively, you can make use of a 30-day trial of Canva Pro . PowerPoint can be tried for free for 30 days as part of a Microsoft 365 trial .

Is Canva better than PowerPoint?

It’s better in some ways — it’s easier to use, gives you more stock photography to play with, and gives you built-in video editing tools that are not present in PowerPoint. However, PowerPoint beats Canva when it comes to integrating with Microsoft 365 apps, giving you ‘niche’ tools for working with 3D models and equations, and being more flexible when it comes to creating graphs.

Can you create professional presentations in Canva?

Yes — you can create extremely professional presentations in Canva that make sophisticated use of audio, images and video; you can also export them to a wide range of formats.

Can I import PowerPoint presentations into Canva?

Yes. Canva recently released an import feature that lets you import PowerPoint files into Canva. However, depending on the fonts and presentation layouts involved, imported files may not always be faithful to the PowerPoint original.

About the author

canva presentation vs powerpoint

Chris Singleton

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Chris Singleton is the Editor of Style Factory.

Originally from Dublin, Ireland, he is now London-based.

Since graduating from Trinity College Dublin in 1999, Chris has advised many businesses on how to grow their operations via a strong online presence, and now he shares his experience and expertise through his articles on the Style Factory website.

Chris started his career as a data analyst for Irish marketing company Precision Marketing Information; since then he has worked on digital projects for a wide range of well-known organizations including Cancer Research UK, Hackney Council, Data Ireland and Prescription PR. He founded Style Factory in 2009 as a way to share his expertise with a wider audience.

He is also the author of a book on SEO for beginners, “Super Simple SEO.”

You can connect personally with Chris via Twitter (X) or LinkedIn .

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We are an AV company and one of our clients wants to start using Canva instead of PowerPoint (which is what they’ve always used in the past).

They have some pointed requirements like needing presenter view on a remote confidence monitor at the stage and also at our laptops at video front-of-house. The also need the presentation remote for advancing slides. Can / will Canva handle these appropriately and reliably?

Our biggest concern is the internet availability requirement. We have had issues from time to time with larger conferences ‘ganging up’ on the available wireless connections at the facility and online links not working (they will embed links instead of the downloaded video or audio) even though we try to counsel them against doing so. When it doesn’t work everyone in the room assumes it’s ‘the AV guys’ fault’ because it worked fine when we tested it before (without the extra 300+ cellphones in the same room with the same access point). You see what our concerns are.

I’m very interested in your opinion on this as your review seems quite concise and to the point. TIA!

Hey John, thanks for the feedback on the post and the queries. In terms of the presenter options, I’d probably point you in the direction of this resource , which explains the presentation modes available to users. And there’s more detail on the remote control options on this page.

As for the internet availability question, this is a tricky one — your best bet to avoid issues would be to download the presentation in one of the available formats catered for by Canva, but this would remove the option to use its presentation / remote control features. You could theoretically download your Canva presentation as a PowerPoint file, but that doesn’t seem like the best workaround for your needs. In truth Canva really is best used online, which may not be the answer you’re hoping for! I hope this helped a little, though.

When I download my canva video presentation that i made it turns a little bit pixeled. Do you know why that happens?

The main culprit might be if your video involves footage that has been blown up too much — but it could theoretically be a Canva bug too. If you suspect the latter is at the root of the problem, I’d suggest trying a re-export, and having a word with the Canva support team if the issue persists.

You cannot print in Canva from the web — Canva files have to be always downloaded in some format, then printed. This is a bad process. There is no offline access either.

Canva is great, yes.

However, I find MS PowerPoint to be much more effective than Canva in producing graphical artwork from the bottom up for the following reasons:

(1) MS PowerPoint gradients are simply better. (2) Canva lacks indispensable vector-type tools like ‘Freeform’, ‘Curve’ and ‘Scribble’ that are present in MS PowerPoint and other Microsoft programs. (3) MS PowerPoint ‘Autoshapes’ and ‘Merge Shapes’ feature sets are lacking in Canva and are also quite indispensable for more complex graphical artwork/design from ‘scratch.’

Very thoughtful and helpful review. I am an advanced PPT user, and I started looking into Canva based on some recommendations. My first question was, hey, how does this compare to Powerpoint. Your review was excellent. Thank you!

canva presentation vs powerpoint

Canva Vs PowerPoint (2024): Which One Wins?

Have you thought that PowerPoint has everything you need, but it takes a long time to find its features?

Whereas Canva has some features that are easy to find, they don’t seem to have as many great functions as PowerPoint has.

Ready to discover what works best? Is it Canva better than PowerPoint? Let’s dive in!

Key Difference between Canva And PowerPoint

Having used both Canva and PowerPoint (PPT) for more than a decade, I would say, the key difference between Canva and PPT is the availability of tools.

PowerPoint is the best app to use if you need more gradient designs and vector tools to draw freeform or to curve objects.

You can do more customized shapes by using PowerPoint features like Autoshapes and Merge Shapes. These are tools that are not available in Canva.

However, Canva is more like a graphic design platform that includes presentation functions too.

I would say it is the best presentation design app if you want a deck in the shortest time possible with better quality design templates without having to start from scratch.

PowerPoint provides free templates as well, but their design quality is inferior to those from Canva. 

In-depth Comparison — With Ratings

In this section, you will explore the design capabilities, templates, and ease of use for both of these popular design tools.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your design journey, understanding the features that both Canva and PowerPoint bring to the table will illuminate your path.

The question remains: Which one aligns with your specific needs and preferences? Let’s dive in and discover what sets them apart, so you can make an informed decision that matches your graphic design aspirations.

1. Design Capabilities

Design capabilities refer to the set of features, tools, and functions that enable the creation, manipulation, and customization of visual content. These capabilities empower users to craft designs that fulfill specific purposes, whether for personal projects or professional applications.

Canva Design Capabilities — 9/10

Canva is emerging as a strong competitor with its professional design tools. Canva’s drag-and-drop interface allows for beautiful visual content creation for all levels of users. 

But Canva design functions are more focused on social media content and graphic design rather than presentations.

PowerPoint Design Capabilities — 5/10

Microsoft PowerPoint has long been a staple as a presentation tool to create professional-looking presentations. It also offers more traditional and robust tools but comes with a steeper learning curve than Canva. 

Its comprehensive range of features allows users to make complex presentations with a high degree of customization.

2. Templates

Canva templates are pre-designed layouts that offer a head start in creating professional-looking presentations, social media posts, graphics, seating charts, bar charts and other design projects. These ready-made templates come with various elements like text, images, and graphics that can be customized.

Canva Templates — 10/10

Canva has an extensive library that offers tons of templates, both free templates and premium templates. Whether it’s social media posts, business presentations, or personal projects, there are templates tailored to your needs. 

These templates provide a great starting point, saving you time and allowing for endless customization.

PowerPoint Templates — 3/10

PowerPoint comes with a variety of ready-made presentation templates, suitable for professional-looking decks. Whether it’s a corporate meeting or an academic lecture, you can find a template that aligns with your theme.

However, the design quality of PowerPoint templates is not as high-quality or well-thought-out as those in Canva.

3. Ease Of Use

Ease of use refers to how simple and intuitive a product, system, or tool is to use, especially if you may not have prior experience or familiarity with it. It’s a crucial aspect in the design of software, gadgets, applications, or any user-centered product, as it impacts your overall experience and satisfaction.

In the context of design tools like Canva or PowerPoint, ease of use means that whether you are a professional designer or just someone looking to create a simple presentation, the platform is designed to assist you in achieving your goals without frustration or confusion. 

It’s about finding that sweet spot where functionality meets simplicity, where powerful features don’t become a barrier, but instead, enable creativity and productivity. In essence, ease of use is what makes a tool not just usable, but truly user-friendly.

Canva Ease Of Use — 7/10

Canva’s ease of use is a great feature for beginners in graphic design. The main menu has only the necessary tools that you will most likely use so it’s not cluttered with other unused tools. In this way, I give it a high rating for ease of use because you can easily find the tools and features you need very quickly.

Plus, you don’t need to download your presentation to present it. Simply click on the Present button, and you can start your presentation directly from Canva. You can even present offline if you have the Canva desktop app.

You can even zoom in and out of your presentation while presenting in Canva.

One huge downside of Canva is that you must have an active internet connection. You can’t use many of the features offline.

PowerPoint Ease Of Use — 5/10

PowerPoint offers advanced features, and creating new slides may require more design experience. I find that PowerPoint is not as easy to use as Canva. They may have many tools, but that may make it harder to find what you need.

One point goes to PowerPoint when it comes to offline usage, you can use it without an active internet and save your work even while you are on the go.

4. Collaboration And Sharing

Collaboration and sharing are two intertwined concepts often used in the context of working together on a project, especially in the digital environment. They refer to the process of multiple individuals or groups working together and sharing resources, ideas, and information to achieve a common goal.

Canva Collaboration and Sharing Tools — 8/10

Canva’s share button enables instant online sharing, including social media content. 

Share a Link:  Canva allows you to generate a shareable link to your project. Anyone with the link can join the collaboration.

Email Invitations:  You can directly send email invitations to your team members, granting them access to your design.

View Only:  This access level allows team members to see the design but not make changes.

Edit Access:  Team members with edit access can modify the design, add elements, and give creative inputs.

Synchronized Editing:  Changes made by one user are immediately visible to all other collaborators. This real-time syncing ensures everyone is on the same page.

Adding Comments:  Team members can add comments to specific parts of the design, making feedback more precise and actionable.

Team members can collaborate efficiently on Canva Pro with social media post design, while PowerPoint presentations allow for in-depth collaboration among business users.

PowerPoint Collaboration and Sharing Options — 7/10

PowerPoint’s Microsoft product software integration and PowerPoint online allow you to share in a similar way as Google Slides.

Saving to the Cloud:  To use real-time collaboration, the PowerPoint file must be saved on OneDrive or SharePoint.

Sharing the File:  You can then share the file with collaborators by sending them a link or inviting them through their email.

Simultaneous Editing:  Collaborators can make changes to slides, and these changes are seen by others in real-time.

Commenting and Feedback:  Users can leave comments on specific parts of the slides to give context-specific feedback.

How do you decide which tool offers the best value for your money? What are the key differences between their pricing structures? And most importantly, which platform will meet your specific needs without breaking the bank?

This section will provide an in-depth comparison of Canva and PowerPoint’s pricing models, exploring various aspects such as free plans, premium templates, team members’ access, and more.

Canva Pricing: Free Version And Premium — 9/10

Canva’s free version and free plan cater to a wide range of users such as content creators and small businesses.

You can access:

  • Thousands of  free templates
  • Basic  design elements
  • Simple designs  and layouts
  • Limited  stock photos  and illustrations
  • You can try Canva Pro for 30 days for free to explore its full capabilities.

While the free version is robust, it has some limitations:

  • Limited access to  premium images
  • No access to  advanced features  like brand kits
  • Limited collaboration with  team members

Canva’s premium plans, including the free version of Canva Pro , offer premium images and high-quality designs. 

Canva Pro takes the design experience to the next level, offering:

  • Access to  60+ million premium stock photos
  • Advanced design tools  and capabilities
  • Collaboration with  unlimited team members
  • Premium templates  for a more  professional design
  • New features  like a content planner and brand kits
  • Integration with  Google Drive  and other apps
  • Priority customer support
  • Canva Pro is available at $12.99 per month or $119.99 per year.

Canva Enterprise offers all the features of Canva Pro, plus:

  • Project management  tools
  • Advanced  team collaboration
  • High-quality designs  with more control over branding
  • Dedicated  customer service  support
  • Pricing for Canva Enterprise is tailored to specific needs and must be requested directly from Canva.

Special pricing is available for students, educators, and nonprofits.

PowerPoint: Free And Premium — 6/10

If you were to download Microsoft PowerPoint software to your computer, the PowerPoint’s free trial in the Microsoft Office suite focuses on basic presentation slides.

The free version of PowerPoint allows you to:

  • Create  simple presentation slides
  • Use basic  templates  and  design elements
  • Access PowerPoint via  mobile app  and  online

The free version does have limitations:

  • Limited access to  advanced features
  • Restricted  editing capabilities
  • Lack of  integrations  with other Microsoft products

You can access the free version of PowerPoint online or through the PowerPoint mobile app, without an Office 365 subscription.

PowerPoint is available as a one-time purchase or part of Microsoft Office. Subscribing to Microsoft Office 365 unlocks the following:

  • Full access to PowerPoint’s  advanced features
  • Ability to create  beautiful presentations  with  new slides  and designs
  • Integration with other  Microsoft products  like Word and Excel
  • Collaborative features for working with  team members
  • High-quality designs  with  different options  and  customization options

Microsoft Office 365 offers different pricing tiers:

  • Personal:  $69.99/year or $6.99/month
  • Home:  $99.99/year or $9.99/month (up to 6 users)
  • Business:  Plans start at $8.25/user/month

You can try Microsoft Office 365 free for one month to explore its full capabilities, including premium PowerPoint features.

6. Integrations

In the modern digital workspace, integrations between different tools and platforms are essential. They allow for a more seamless workflow, connecting various aspects of your work, from design to presentations to project management. 

Both Canva and PowerPoint offer a range of integrations that can greatly enhance your design experience, but they do so in different ways.

Canva Integrations — 7/10

You can connect your Canva designs to various platforms of other brands.

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter:  Canva allows you to connect directly with major social media platforms, enabling you to create and post social media content effortlessly. From beautiful posts to engaging stories, Canva’s integration with these platforms makes your social media management a breeze.

LinkedIn and Pinterest:  Professional design for your LinkedIn profile or eye-catching pins for Pinterest can be crafted easily with Canva, and the integration ensures that posting is just a click away.

Google Drive:  You can link your Google Drive to Canva, allowing for seamless access to your files. Import images, documents, or other assets directly from Google Drive to use in your Canva designs.

Dropbox:  The integration with Dropbox offers the same ease of access as Google Drive, enabling you to pull files directly into your Canva workspace.

Adobe Illustrator and QR Code Generators:  Canva’s design capabilities are further extended by integrating tools like Adobe Illustrator and QR Code generators, providing a wide range of features and customization options.

Premium Images and Stock Photos:  Access a wide range of premium images and stock photos through integration with various image repositories like Unsplash, Pixabay, Pexels and more. 

Slack:  Canva allows you to integrate with Slack for real-time collaboration with team members, which can be an essential tool for business users and project management.

Trello and Asana:  Plan, organize, and track your design projects by integrating Canva with popular project management tools like Trello and Asana.

Etsy and Shopify:  If you are a content creator in the e-commerce space, Canva’s integration with platforms like Etsy and Shopify enables you to create and manage professional-looking presentations and designs for your online store.

PowerPoint Integrations — 7/10

PowerPoint’s integration is with both Microsoft products and other brands.

Word and Excel:  PowerPoint seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products like Word and Excel. You can import data, charts, and text from these platforms to enhance your presentations.

Microsoft Teams:  With Teams integration, you can easily share your PowerPoint presentations during virtual meetings, fostering collaboration and real-time discussion.

LinkedIn:  PowerPoint integrates with LinkedIn, allowing you to publish and share your presentations with your professional network directly.

OneDrive:  Microsoft’s OneDrive is perfectly integrated with PowerPoint, facilitating cloud storage, sharing, and collaboration with your files and presentations.

SharePoint:  SharePoint integration allows you to collaborate on presentations within your organization, providing team members access to edit, comment, or review.

Adobe Creative Cloud:  Connect PowerPoint with Adobe Creative Cloud to bring in high-quality designs and images, bridging the gap between basic presentation tools and professional design elements.

Various Plugins and Add-ons:  PowerPoint supports integration with a wide variety of plugins and add-ons, allowing you to expand its functionality with new features, content libraries, and customization options.

Power BI:  Power BI integration allows you to embed interactive reports and analytics into your PowerPoint presentations, making your data come alive.

PowerPoint Mobile App:  PowerPoint’s mobile app ensures that you have access to your presentations on the go, allowing editing and presenting directly from your mobile devices.

Slack and Project Management Tools:  Integrate PowerPoint with collaboration and project management tools to improve team communication and workflow efficiency in creating presentations.

7. File Formats

Both Canva and PowerPoint have their limitations, hence, you may have to switch platforms at times to accomplish certain design tasks. For example, if I need to add highly customized vector artwork to my Canva designs, I can rely on Adobe Illustrator to create and export them, then upload them to Canva for placement. 

Here are the differences in file format compatibility between Canva vs PPT.

Canva File Formats — 7/10

For file formats, Canva mainly focuses on popular design elements.

JPEG (JPG): A popular image format known for its high quality and small file size. It’s ideal for photos and detailed designs where file size matters.

PNG: PNG is a high-quality image format that supports transparency, making it perfect for designs with no background or for overlaying images.

GIF: The GIF format supports animated designs and is typically used for simple animations and web graphics.

PDF: Canva offers PDF export for both standard documents and print-ready files with crop marks. It’s perfect for printing flyers, posters, or business cards.

MS Word (DOCX): Exporting to DOCX allows you to edit your designs further in Microsoft Word or share them easily with team members. You can also import Word Doc into Canva Doc to enhance your document design .

PowerPoint (PPTX): You can export Canva to PowerPoint format, making it easier to present or edit in Microsoft PowerPoint and also compatible with Google Slides.

MP4: Canva supports video creation and export in MP4 format, suitable for sharing on social media or embedding in websites.

SVG: For more advanced design work, SVG format is available, allowing for scalable vector graphics that maintain quality at any size.

Multi-Page PDF: With Canva Pro, you can export multi-page documents as a PDF, perfect for creating e-books, manuals, or detailed reports.

PowerPoint File Formats — 7/10

PowerPoint supports different versions of file formats.

PPTX: The PPTX file format is PowerPoint’s default. It is a part of the Office Open XML specification, and it allows for the integration of images, text, charts, and more.

PPT: This is the legacy format used in older versions of PowerPoint (prior to 2007). It’s less common today but still usable. The key difference from PPTX is the lack of some advanced features and less compression.

PDF: Or Portable Document Format. PowerPoint enables users to export presentations to PDF, ensuring that the file looks the same across all platforms, regardless of whether PowerPoint is installed.

POTX: This is the template format utilized to create templates that can be used across different PowerPoint presentations, aiding in maintaining a consistent design and color scheme.

MP4 and WMV: These are video formats. You can save your PowerPoint slides as video files, either MP4 or WMV, making it easy to share your presentation across social media or embed it in websites.

PNG, JPEG, GIF: PowerPoint allows the saving of individual slides or objects as image files, supporting various formats like PNG, JPEG, and GIF. This feature is a great way to use elements from your presentation in other media.

RTF and TXT: You can export the text from your slides into simple text files (TXT) or Rich Text Format (RTF), ensuring content accessibility outside of PowerPoint.

ODP: Or OpenDocument Presentation Format 

For better compatibility with different versions of PowerPoint and other presentation apps, you can use the ODP format, which is an open standard.

Final Verdict: Is Canva Better Than PowerPoint?

For me, I choose Canva over PowerPoint, the reason is that I don’t need the fancy tools that PowerPoint has. There are too many tools in PowerPoint that I don’t use and their presence makes the interface too confusing for me to know which tool to use for my presentations.

This leads me to take more time to complete a deck than I truly need. Canva has more well-thought-out designed elements, fonts, templates, and graphics than the ones PowerPoint provides.

Your decision between Canva and PowerPoint depends on your personal preferences and specific needs. Your best way to the right choice depends on factors like ease of use, free account availability, the use of your own images, desktop app requirements, internet connection, the creation process, and new features.

The best option for you will depend on whether you need simple designs or a wide range of features.

Can Canva Be Used Like Powerpoint?

Yes — Canva can be used like PowerPoint. It is a versatile graphic design tool that provides functionalities to create presentations. With various templates, design elements, and customization options, you can create and present slides directly from Canva.

You can also download your Canva presentation in PowerPoint format if you want to present it using PowerPoint’s software.

What Is The Difference Between Canva Vs PowerPoint?

The key difference between Canva and PowerPoint (PPT) lies in their design capabilities and ease of use. PowerPoint is a dedicated presentation tool with robust features for slide creation, animations, and transitions.

Canva, on the other hand, is a multipurpose design platform that allows for creating not only presentations but also social media content, posters, and more. Canva provides a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, while PowerPoint offers more advanced features and integrations with other Microsoft Office products.

Should I Use Canva For Presentations?

Canva is an excellent choice for presentations, especially if you prioritize ease of use, beautiful visual content, and a wide range of ready-made templates.

It offers a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop capabilities, making it accessible for those without design experience. If you’re looking for a quick and aesthetically pleasing way to create presentations, Canva could be the right choice for you.

How To Convert Canva To Powerpoint Without Losing Formatting?

You can easily convert a Canva presentation to PowerPoint without losing formatting by following these simple steps:

  • Open your Canva presentation.
  • Click on the Share button at the top right corner.
  • Click the Download option in the dropdown panel.
  • Select “Microsoft PowerPoint” as the file type.
  • Click Download .

This process will create a PowerPoint file that retains the design and formatting of the original Canva presentation. Make sure to review it in PowerPoint to ensure that all elements are as you intended.

Canva Vs PPT

Is canva better than google slides.

Comparing Canva to Google Slides depends on personal preferences and specific needs. Canva offers more design-oriented features, with tons of templates, stock photos, and graphic elements.

Google Slides focuses more on collaboration and real-time editing, integrating seamlessly with other Google Drive products.

If design and creativity are your priorities, Canva might be the better option. If collaboration and simplicity are more important, Google Slides could be the better choice.

How Do I Present A Canva Presentation?

Presenting a Canva presentation is simple and can be done directly from the Canva platform. Here’s how:

  • Open the Canva presentation you want to present.
  • Click the Present button located at the top-right corner.
  • Select the desired presentation mode (standard, autoplay, presenter view, etc.).
  • Your presentation will begin, and you can navigate through slides using your keyboard or on-screen controls.

How Do I Convert Or Export Canva To PowerPoint?

Converting a Canva file to PowerPoint (PPT) is a straightforward process:

  • Open the Canva design you want to convert.
  • Click Download , and your Canva design will be converted to a PowerPoint file.

Can You Make A Presentation Using Canva?

Yes — You can create stunning presentations using Canva. With a wide variety of ready-made templates and intuitive design tools, Canva makes it easy to create professional-looking presentations, even without graphic design experience.

Can Canva Presentations Be Interactive?

Canva presentations can include interactive elements such as clickable buttons, links, and embedded videos. While they may not offer the same level of interactivity as some dedicated presentation tools, these features can add engagement and dynamics to your Canva presentation.

Can Canva Be Used Professionally?

Yes — Canva can be used professionally for various design tasks, including presentations, social media content, marketing materials, and more.

With Canva Pro, business users can access premium templates, advanced collaboration features, and additional design capabilities suitable for professional use.

Can You Zoom While Presenting In Canva?

Yes — You can Zoom while presenting in Canva. Here’s how you do it:

  • Open Zoom, go to the bottom, and click on the Share Screen button.
  • Select your Canva slides and click Share at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
  • Select the Standard Type view and click the Present button.
  • Your Canva presentation now goes to full-screen mode for you to Zoom while presenting in Canva.

Marilyn Wo is a graphic design expert. She has spent over two decades creating branding and graphic design work for clients in United States and all over the world, including X (formerly Twitter) and Samsung.

She runs MeetAnders, a graphic design company where she trains and works with a team of reliable designers. Her team can also churn out unlimited Pins to grow your Pinterest accounts. Find out more here . Follow her on LinkedIn .

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canva presentation vs powerpoint

Canva Vs PowerPoint For Presentations 2024 – Which Is Better?

Poulomi basu.

  • August 16, 2024

Canva vs Powerpoint - Which Is The Better Presentation Tool

Table of Contents

Disclaimer: Some of the links below are affiliate links. i.e., if you sign up for their paid programs, I will get a commission, at no cost to you. Please rest assured that I only recommend software/ products I genuinely believe in, and trust to be good for you.

Canva vs PowerPoint: Summary

Canva is a graphic design tool that you can use to create almost all your brand imagery, marketing materials, as well as presentations. PowerPoint is primarily just a presentation tool.

Canva is a cloud-based platform that can mostly be used online, while PowerPoint is a desktop tool that is used offline. Canva is a freemium tool available in both a free and pro version, and Microsoft is only a premium tool that is not available for free.

Almost everyone who works needs to do presentations.

PowerPoint has been the traditional tool for creating and editing presentations, Canva has recently been gaining popularity for the same.

In this post, I will compare Canva vs PowerPoint in terms of features, pricing, and pros and cons, so you can decide the best tool for you.

See the detailed video below or read the blog post.

Canva overview

Canva is an online graphic design tool with a drag-and-drop interface that lets you create a wide selection of graphic designs.

Canva has a huge content library with templates you can easily and quickly customize to create your own. It also includes millions of photos, videos, audio, graphics, and design elements .

Here are some of the designs you can create with Canva Pro:

  • Business documents: Letterheads, business cards, presentations, invoices, memos, reports, restaurant menus, and proposals
  • Social media: Posts, covers, stories, videos, ads
  • Content marketing: Infographics, banners, ebooks, checklist, YouTube thumbnails
  • Marketing material: Brochures, posters, flyers, and merchandising
  • Email marketing: Email headers and newsletters


As you can see, presentations are just one kind of design you can create with Canva.

Related: What is Canva

PowerPoint overview and features

PowerPoint is a powerful presentation tool that helps you create professional presentations from scratch or with the help of premade templates and themes. It was launched in the 1990s and is still today’s most popular presentation tool.

Here are some of the PowerPoint features that make it an excellent presentation tool:

  • Designs and themes: PowerPoint includes hundreds of design templates of multi-slide presentations that you can customize to create your own
  • Animations: You can animate text, objects, pictures, and also your slide transitions.
  • Effects: You can add videos, sound effects, and music to your presentations to make them more dynamic, engaging, and interactive
  • Compatibility: You can use PowerPoint on both PC and Mac and even on tablets and phones

Though you can create a few simple types of graphic designs on PowerPoint as well, it is not the best tool to create graphic designs. Its forte lies really in presentations.

Canva vs PowerPoint – Detailed comparison of presentation features

Let’s dig deeper into Canva vs PowerPoint to compare the features in detail.

One of the key differences between Canva and PowerPoint lies in the library size of presentation templates.

  • Templates: PowerPoint gives you only 27 ready-made templates to choose from, whereas Canva offers you over 21K
  • Stock content: PowerPoint offers only thousands of stock images, videos, and graphics, whereas Canva offers 100+ million
  • Audio: Canva offers stock audio clips, but PowerPoint doesn’t

If you’re looking for trendy and eye-catching templates for your presentations, Canva is your best bet.

But if you need to make professional, data-heavy presentations, you should go with PowerPoint.

Content relevance

Though not perfect, Stock content on Canva is still easier to search and more relevant. For example, let’s say I want a picture of a laptop.

When I put this on PowerPoint, I get these results.

Canva vs Powerpoint - Powerpoint content search results

These are mostly people with laptops, not just laptops.

Canva presents a different search result.

Canva vs Powerpoint - Canva content search results

While it may not be the same for all industries and content, and finding the right Canva keywords also takes some research, the search in Canva is more intuitive for me.

When you look for specific images or content, Canva usually shows more relevant results than PowerPoint.

Canva’s search function is more intuitive, making it easier to find exactly what you need.

The presentations and templates offered by Canva are, simply put, more modern and visually appealing.

The photographs are more pleasing to the eye and stand out, and you can get photos and templates for many different topics. You can find a template for almost any topic you need and quickly customize them to make them fit your needs.

Check out the Canva presentation templates.

Canva vs Powerpoint Canva presentation templates 1

PowerPoint, on the other hand, is a bit more corporate, and the stock images and templates are better suited for professional designs.

They’re great for professional settings where you might need to present detailed reports or data, but I wouldn’t consider them the best fit for every industry.

In fact, if you want to create presentations for a very creative project, I doubt you can find a template. You might have to start from scratch.

Here are the presentation templates from PowerPoint.

Canva vs Powerpoint Powerpoint presentation templates 1

If you like creative and stylish presentations that are easy to tweak, Canva might be the way to go.

But if your presentations need to be more data-heavy and professional, especially in business environments, PowerPoint could be better for you.

One of the best parts about Canva is its collection of fonts, both free and pro versions.

The Pro version of Canva, for example, offers 3000 premium fonts for commercial use , including many handwritten, elegant, and modern fonts .

PowerPoint offers all the 700 fonts of Microsoft Office, which you can access from their cloud with internet access.

If you need to create presentations all the time, especially for your professional work, you might want to use a consistent template with your brand colors , logos, and graphics.

You can do this in both PowerPoint and Canva, but there is a slight difference.

In Canva, you can do two things:

1. Create a custom brand template

You can customize an existing premade presentation template or create your own one from scratch using all your brand elements .

Then, whenever you create a new presentation, you just reuuse the same template and change the details.

1. Use a brand kit

Canva allows you to create a brand kit with the key elements of logo, color palette, and fonts. With Canva Pro, you can create multiple brand kits.

You can also upload your own custom font to Canva if you like and add it to your brand kit.

So, whichever design or presentation you can create, you simply apply the elements you like in one click.

choose a brand identity color palette from Canva

PowerPoint only lets you create a custom template but not a brand kit.

Read my full post on what is a brand kit and how to create one .

A custom template might be enough for presentations, but if you only want to use brand elements for other brand imagery you create on PowerPoint, you will have to apply them from scratch.

One feature I particularly like is Styles, where you can apply your branding to an existing presentation with one click.

Just create your brand kit , choose your presentation, and choose from your Brand Kit style sets for your presentation.

Apply brand kit style to presentation 1

Canva makes it easy to use your brand’s colors, logos, and fonts consistently in your presentations with customizable templates and brand kits.

PowerPoint lets you make custom templates but doesn’t offer brand kits, so keeping everything consistent is harder.

Background removal

Sometimes, you might want to remove the background and use it as a cutout for your picture.

Though this feature can apply to many designs, it is a feature I use often in my presentations, so I thought it was worth mentioning.

Canva and PowerPoint let you do this in one click, but Canva’s Background Removal feature is far more sophisticated.

See below the difference in background removal done with Canva and PowerPoint.

Canva vs Powerpoint Background Removal

Get access to all advanced Canva tools & content for 30 days

  • Background Remover
  • One-click Resize
  • Video Editing
  • 100+ Million Stock Media
  • Content Planner
  • AI tools - Magic Studio

Types of presentations

Canva lets you do what it refers to as talking presentations , basically a narrative pre-recorded with the presentation of the slides. So, even if you can’t do a presentation in person, you can record it in your own voice and share it with your audience.

It also offers mobile presentations (in vertical format), and templates for brainstorming, games, and educational presentations.

Canva presentation types

PowerPoint does not give names to the presentations, but you can actually do any presentation in PowerPoint (including pre-recorded ones).

So this is a draw, really.

Animations and transitions

Animations and transitions when used conservatively are great ways to make your presentations more dynamic and engaging.

PowerPoint provides a lot of options in these aspects,

Canva lets you add animations at the page level too, and simple transitions, but it does not offer as many options as PowerPoint.

For example, you can set the duration of animations but cannot change their timings or make them appear with clicks. You cannot change the order of animations as well.

Animation on a page will appear automatically based on the position of your elements.

You can also insert 3D animations directly into your PowerPoint presentations but you cannot do that with Canva.

Canva offers AI tools like Magic Design to create presentation outlines, and even slides and content.

You can also use Magic Edit to create AI-driven imagery which you can easily integrate in your presentations.

PowerPoint does not offer AI tools to create presentations.

Canva vs PPT for creating presentations leveraging AI: Canva

File formats

You can present directly from the platform with both Canva and PowerPoint.

In terms of saving the files offline, in Canva, you can save them as a video file, GIF, or PDF.

You can also save the slides as individual JPEG, PNG, or SVG files.

Canva file formats

PowerPoint gives you plenty of more file formats to save your presentations. Besides saving as a PDF, you can save the file as TIFF, MP4, GIF, or even RTF, and more.

Powerpoint file formats

One additional feature Canva offers is to convert the presentation slides to a website.

It would not be the best way to choose a website platform and create a website , but it can work if you need a quick website and you are limited on budget and skills.

Presentation sizes

While the conventional presentation size ratios are 4:3 and 16:9, you may choose to create a presentation in A4 format, letter format, or any other custom size dimension.

Canva offers presentation templates only in 4:3 or 16:9 size ratios, and 1080 x 1920 px for mobile.

Once you apply all the pages of a template to your presentation, with Canva Pro you can resize your document.

However, then it loses its presentation mode and becomes like just another Canva design that you can download in JPEG or PDF format.

On PowerPoint you can create a presentation in any width and height, and you will still be able to use the presentation mode.

Charts and graphs

Canva and PowerPoint both let you create charts and graphs based on data sets.

The data for charts in PowerPoint data has to come from an Excel file. In Canva, it can come from an Excel file, a CSV file, or a Google Sheets file. You can also enter the data directly in the Canva app.

However, in Canva the types of charts and graphs you can do are very limited compared to PowerPoint.

In a bar-type chart itself, PowerPoint gives you 7 very different options.

Powerpoint charts options

For the same type of graph, Canva gives you only 4 which also look same as each other.

Canva graphics and charts types

So I would have to give this round to PowerPoint. Because even if you have your data in Google sheets, you can copy it to an Excel file and create PowerPoint charts from it.

But if you do not have the right bar types available, it is very difficult to copy them from a different tool.

Table of contents

You can insert a clickable Table of Contents in PowerPoint with which you can jump to the relevant slides.

You do not have this option in Canva.

Presentation features

Earlier we saw that you can do different kinds of presentations in both Canva and PowerPoint.

However, the features to do the actual presentations are quite different in both tools.

PowerPoint offers you multiple ways to present your slides, including:

  • Play from start
  • Play from current slide
  • Custom show
  • Rehearse timings
  • Rehearse with coach

Canva vs Powerpoint - Powerpoint presentation features

In Canva, you only have three options to present your slides:

  • Presenter view
  • Present and record

Canva vs Powerpoint - Canva presentation features

You don’t get advanced options like rehearsing with a coach who can provide tips on improving your presentation pace and style.

This is understandable as PowerPoint is focused solely on presentations and the presentation features need to be more in-depth.

Interface and ease of use

Canva’s drag-and-drop editor is much more intuitive and beginner-friendly than the PowerPoint editor.

Simply choose a template, customize your designs, and you are good to go!

Canva could also be simpler to use because it doesn’t have as many sophisticated options for presentations and animations as PowerPoint does.

However, if you want a relatively simple and straightforward presentation, Canva would be a better choice because of its user-friendliness.

Integrations with other apps

Canva Pro lets you integrate with other apps and digital marketing tools. Some of them include:

  • Google Maps
  • Google Photos
  • Google Drive
  • QR code generator

Canva vs Powerpoint - Canva apps

Canva gives you options to share a presentation file through many platforms and channels. Some of them include:

  • Social media apps
  • Social messenger apps

Canva sharing options

PowerPoint, on the other hand, only lets you save the file in its cloud or invite people through a link.


Both tools offer substantial collaborative features, yet your choice might depend on whether your team prioritizes seamless real-time interaction (Canva) or prefers a more controlled, revision-based approach (PowerPoint).

Canva is great for collaborative design efforts, especially for sharing real-time feedback, with its Canva for Teams offer. This is great if you work in a team or share designs with your clients.

You can invite team members to view or edit a design directly within Canva, allowing everyone to make changes, add comments, and see updates as they happen.

This is especially handy for projects that require quick turnarounds and iterative updates.

PowerPoint also supports collaboration but in a slightly different manner. It integrates smoothly with Microsoft 365, letting you and your team work on the same presentation by sharing files via OneDrive or SharePoint. You can track revisions and comments.

However, this process isn’t as streamlined in real-time changes as Canva’s, making it a bit more structured but potentially less flexible for on-the-fly editing.

PowerPoint vs Canva – Pricing

One big factor to consider when deciding between two apps is the pricing. Canva and PowerPoint both offer monthly and annual subscription plans.

However, when deciding between the tools, think about more than just the price. Look at what each platform offers, how easy they are to use, and how they fit into the way you already work.

Both PowerPoint and Canva are great deals because you get more than just presentation tools.

Canva is a design tool that lets you create and edit images, videos, and presentations, and it is good value for money if you create a lot of graphic designs. PowerPoint is a part of a business toolkit that includes Word and Excel. So pricing-wise, PowerPoint might be better if your business already uses a lot of Microsoft products.

Canva pricing

Canva has three layers of pricing.

1. Canva free

This version of Canva is free forever and gives you access to basic design tools.

You can get a limited number of templates and a few AI tools for editing.

2. Canva Pro

For annual payments, Canva Pro is priced at $120 annually and provides access to all Canva design features for only one user.

You get access to Canva’s entire library of photos, icons, and templates, advanced tools like background remover and magic switch, and video editing tools. You would need Canva Pro if you are a freelancer or a small businesses that needs to create multiple designs regularly.

3. Canva for Teams

Canva for Teams is priced at $ $300 for annual subscriptions (for 3 users) and provides access to all Canva design features plus collaboration features. Overall, it costs $100 per user annually. With Canva for Teams, you can comment, share, and edit designs in real-time.

Canva Pro for Lifetime Pricing

Check out more details on the Canva Pro pricing , the Canva Pro lifetime deals , and Canva coupon codes .

PowerPoint pricing

PowerPoint is not sold separately but is available through various Microsoft 365 subscriptions.

The pricing is different for personal and business use, plus the number of users, plus the number of features included.

1. Personal use

Plans start at about $6.99 per month, including PowerPoint and other Office apps like Word and Excel, plus OneDrive storage.

2. Business use

Microsoft 365 plans for businesses start at $6 per user per month for the basic tier, which includes web and mobile versions of PowerPoint, and go up to $22 per user per month for more comprehensive plans that include desktop apps, advanced security, and more.

Powerpoint pricing

1. Canva offers a free version, but PowerPoint is a premium tool and offers only paid subscriptions

3. Canva Premium is free for those in the educational and non-profit sectors, but PowerPoint offers no free plans.

Canva vs PowerPoint – Free trial

Trying out a tool before fully committing to it is always advisable, and Canva and PowerPoint both offer this.

For 30 days, you can try Canva and PowerPoint without obligation and then decide if you want to buy.

And there you go!

These were the key differences between Canva and PowerPoint. Here is a quick summary.

Mobile apps

Canva and PowerPoint both have mobile apps, but Canva’s app is far better. It is very user-friendly and perfect for making quick graphics right from your phone or tablet. You can access all the templates and design tools, and I have often used it to create social media posts or other graphics on the go.

It syncs with the desktop version, so your work is always up-to-date across devices.

The PowerPoint app is more like the desktop version, which means it has a lot of features but can be a bit harder to use for quick edits. It’s not great for working on detailed presentations that include things like complex charts or animations.

I recommend that you use this only if you need to tweak your presentation slightly while you’re away from your desk. I have used it in the past to try to make some big changes, and it has always backfired.

Integration of Canva and PowerPoint

You can also integrate Canva and PowerPoint. You can save your Canva presentations as PowerPoint files.

You can also upload your PowerPoint presentation to Canva .

While most of the slides will still work when you upload a PPT file to Canva, the import may not be perfect if you don’t have the same fonts on the two platforms.

Is Canva better than PowerPoint?

Canva is better then PowerPoint if you want to create various types of graphic designs and presentations quickly and easily. If you want to create a highly customized presentation with plenty of presentation features, you should use PowerPoint.

Canva or PowerPoint – Which one to use for presentations?

If you’re looking for a quick and easy presentation tool with limited customization options but great visuals and templates, then Canva is probably the best choice for you. If you want full control over your slide design and presentation customizations, go with PowerPoint!

Canva is a better design tool with high-quality, modern templates and stock media, and PowerPoint has more presentation features and tools.

The decision of which tool is best for your presentation depends on your needs and how much time you’re willing to invest in learning either platform (or both).

Ultimately, only you can decide which one fits your needs better, so take some time to explore both options before making a decision.

The biggest point of Canva vs PowerPoint that you should remember is that Canva can be used to create a lot of different designs.

So, even if you try to create other designs with it like you can on Canva, they may not be that high-quality or easy to create.

Besides, you don’t get thousands of templates for the other designs, and you have to create them from scratch.

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Canva Guide & FAQs

  • Are Canva fonts available for commercial use?
  • Can you use Canva offline?
  • How to draw on Canva
  • Does Canva have spell check?
  • How to wrap text in Canva
  • Canva eraser tool
  • Add page numbers in Canva
  • How to convert Canva to PowerPoint?
  • How to superscript in Canva
  • How to convert Canva to Google slides
  • How to curve text in Canva
  • How to group in Canva

FAQ: Canva vs PPT 2024

Is canva good for presentations.

Canva is a great tool for making simple, professional presentations. If you want to create a complex presentation loaded with sophisticated features, you should use Powerpoint.

Does Canva have PowerPoint templates?

Canva has thousands of editable presentation templates for every industry. You can also use AI like Magic Design to create customized presentations.

Can Canva turn to PowerPoint?

Yes, you can download Canva presentations as PowerPoint files.

Just go to Share -> Download -> More, and download the slideshow through PowerPoint.

Why use Canva over PowerPoint?

You should choose Canva over PowerPoint if you want an easy-to-use graphic design tool where you can create 40+ types of designs including presentations.

Canva also gives you access to 610k+ premade templates and 100+ million stock photos, video, graphics, stickers, icons, and other design elements.

Canva is excellent for designing presentations for any industry. It has customizable, modern templates and is good for teamwork.

However, if you need detailed animations and transitions, PowerPoint might be the better choice for your projects.

Try out Canva & PowerPoint

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Picture of Poulomi Basu

Hello Poulomi, I used Powerpoint to create presentations for my projects and use it in my college life. I haven’t tried Canva for creating presentations. You are right Canava has a large collection of themes and more customizable options. Thanks for sharing the detailed comparison. Regards, Vishwajeet Kumar

Poulomi Basu

Hi Vishwajeet, Like you, I have always used Powerpoint for presentations and had never even considered Canva as an option. But to be honest, after a while, PPT can get a bit monotonous. Canva is fresh, more modern, and loaded with ideas, visuals, fonts, and features. So it can definitely work for some industries as a presentation tool. I am glad the comparison helped. Thanks a lot for commenting!

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Posted Nov 22, 2022

canva presentation vs powerpoint

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Canva vs Powerpoint - Which One is Better For Presentations in 2023

canva presentation vs powerpoint

Canva Vs Powerpoint: Overview

Canva is a web-based visual design platform allowing non-designers to create various designs quickly. 

Similarly, PowerPoint is a powerful yet simple-to-use presentation application built specifically for making professional-looking presentations.

The main difference is that  PowerPoint is limited to presentations.

But with Canva, you can create presentations as well as a range of other design kinds.

Canva Overview

canva dashboard

With thousands of ready-made templates and a massive collection of visual assets , Canva is used to generate everything from infographics to album artwork, flyers, posters, social media content, and a plethora of other visuals.

Designed with beginners in mind, Canva enables simplicity, pragmatism, and efficiency in all tasks performed through it, whether you need to create a birthday invitation, logo, or business presentation.

With Canva, you can post finished designs online and ask others to collaborate .

However, Canva's free version provides limited stock templates and pictures.

PowerpointPoint Overview

powerpoint homepage

Within the Microsoft365 package, PowerPoint is an industry-standard option for creating presentations.

It's simple to use and offers plenty of templates. Still, it solely concentrates on creating presentation-style files with additional features like word processing and drawing.

PowerPoint is also an easy-to-use design tool.

It is well-organized and straightforward, and after being on the market for a time, it has partially established the criteria for outstanding presentation software.

PowerPoint has several important features that are continually upgraded to keep up with current trends.

Presentations, like with Canva, may be uploaded online and shared with others.

Canva Vs PowerPoint: Features 

Undoubtedly, both Canva and PowerPoint are loaded with a wide variety of fantastic features.

But, despite this, they aim at different purposes.

Canva Features

Templates – Canva has around 12000 presentation templates (Presentations (16:9 and 4:3), Talking Presentations, and Mobile-First Presentations).

Stock library – 1+Million of photos, backgrounds, icons, videos, elements, graphics, and audio.

Graph maker – More than 20 pro types of charts to visualize your data. Additionally, it enables you to import your own Excel sheet. 

Match and Move – Powerful animations and video transitions.

Notes and Footnotes – You can add a footnote on each page or notes within the private presenter screen feature.

PowerPoint Features

Templates – Using and other affiliate websites, you may find a wide variety of free templates that you can use for your presentation, along with the branded templates.

PowerPoint designer – AI-powered feature that generates ideas and can be used to buy professional designs created by experienced designers.

Cinematic motion mode – Create eye-catching presentations.

Library – Includes stock animations, transitions, and layouts.

Translation feature – Translate text and add spoken language and subtitles using the AI-powered Translator service.

Footnotes – Simply add a footnote to each page of your presentation.

Background editor – Adding, changing, and removing background color.

Keyboard features – Easily navigate using keyboard shortcuts.

Object insertion features – Add SmartArt graphics, tables, shapes, and charts. 

Picture features – Add, compress, or change picture style.

Canva Vs PowerPoint: Pros and Cons

✅ Web-based, with mobile and desktop apps available.

✅ Beginner-friendly interface.

✅ Saving option to account, Google Drive, or Dropbox.

✅ Huge library of images, fonts, and color palettes.

✅ Object animation.

✅ Export images to PTT, JPG, PNG, PDF, and MP4 file format.

✅ 16 chart types.

✅ Real-time collaboration.

✅ Free access to 5GB cloud storage.

✅ 110 apps and integrations.

❌ Maximum of 30 slides per presentation.

❌ Lack of transition and animation options.

❌ Parallax scrolling is not available.

❌ Absence of useful filters for free design elements.

❌ Free plan is quite limited in features.

PowerPoint Pros

✅ Web-based, with PC and mobile apps available.

✅ Easy-to-use interface.

✅ Saving work offline or to One Drive and account .

✅ Export slideshows to GIF, MP4, PDF, WMV file formats.

✅ 50 chart types.

✅ Translation feature.

✅ Integration with social media, Microsoft 365, and other tools.

✅ Draw free-hand feature.

✅ Custom templates.

✅ Video inserting option , along with video recording and playing feature.

✅ Compatible with every operating system.

✅ Keyboard design shortcuts.

✅ Slideshow editing options, like adding a hyperlinked table of contents or drawing on the slide during the presentation.

PowerPoint Cons

❌ Limited free version.

❌ Lack of font variety.

❌ Files are not saved automatically.

❌ Too many features can be overwhelming for some less-experienced users. 

❌ The software often glitches.

Canva Vs PowerPoint: Pricing

Canva pricing.

Canva has a free plan , with some restrictions to it. And Pro and Teams are Canva's two premium subscriptions.

More stock content, a background remover, a magic resizer, a brand kit, more export options, premium fonts, and edit history are included with the pro version.

canva pricing

PowerPoint Pricing

Microsoft PowerPoint is offered for a one-time subscription. Support is provided through email, a knowledge base, frequently asked questions, and other online tools.

You can buy it as a standalone product or as part of a Microsoft 365 bundle. 

PowerPoint Pricing

Canva Vs PowerPoint – Which One Is Better?

Both of these tools are good choices for creating presentations.

Canva is a one-in-all tool that allows you to create visuals for numerous occasions. The downside is that a free plan is quite limited. 

If you need to brand your design or use advanced editing options, like the background remover, you should subscribe to a Pro plan.

On the other hand, PowerPoint is created explicitly for presentations. So, it is packed with many features, such as Designer, shortcuts, and video controls to spice things up. 

But, this can be confusing for some users and requires a bit of a learning curve.

So, why not try a third option?

Glorify – The Third Solution

Glorify is an online ultimate design tool with powerful features specially created with eCommerce users in mind. But not just that. 

With it, you can create almost anything – social media content, ads, banners, and, of course -- presentations.

glorify homepage

Glorify has a free forever plan that offers various features to anyone in contrast to the above-mentioned tools:

Infinite canvas – Prepare marketing materials, brainstorm, and keep all of your assets in one place.

Brand kit – Create, edit, and personalize your designs within a click.

Annotation tool – Highlight all the prominent features of your product. 

Template bundles – Stay consistent across platforms and save time using one design that fits all.

Background remover tool – Create perfect cut-out in seconds.

Mockups – Create realistic, 3D mockups with Shadows and Reflections.

Smart resize – Instantly resize any image.

Creating a presentation using Glorify is simple, thanks to its intuitive interface.

Let's look at these easy-to-follow steps.

‍ Step 1. After logging in, choose the HD banner from Dashboard.

glorify dashboard

Step 2. This will open all the available templates. Again, you can start from Scratch or filter through offered templates using the Keyword or Niche and Theme filtering options.

glorify templates

Step 3. Glorify has many editing options. For example, you can upload your own image or choose among hundreds of images from the library.

glorify image upload

Step 4. The Basic section of the Library offers to edit design by adding Icons, Shapes, Backgrounds, etc.

glorify basic tools

Step 5.  The Brand kit is a feature that can be used to personalize any design with a click. Apply logo , custom font, and color palette straight from the Dashboard.

glorify brandkit

Step 6. Use Tools and Elements to further enhance your image.

glorify tools and elements

Step 7. Every element of the template is customizable. Simply select any part of the image to edit it further.

For example, an editor on the right will appear by clicking on the text. You can select a font from the library or use a custom one. Also, you can change the font's style, position, height, or border.

glorify fonts

Step 8. When you are happy with your design, you can share it via a link or email or save it as PNG, Transparent PNG.JPG, SVG, PDF, or SVG PDF.

The Glorify’s free plan doesn't require a credit card to get started, and you get access for 3 users within 1 workspace.  

Additionally, all the features, like the Background remover, Brand kit, Smart resize , Infinite canvas , and more, are available for up to 5 projects per month.

‍ Sign up today and create stunning visuals in no time using Glorify!

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canva presentation vs powerpoint

Canva vs Powerpoint – Which is Right for You? Head-to-Head Comparison

Picture of Chanel Alexander

  • April 12, 2022

Table of Contents

Canva Review – User-Friendly and Affordable

Benefits of canva, factors to consider before you decide to buy lightshot, 3d object support, animation options, offline editing, customizable templates, what do the customers think, best affordable presentation program, microsoft powerpoint review – feature-packed and robust, benefits of microsoft powerpoint, factors to consider before you decide to buy microsoft powerpoint, best feature-packed presentation program, canva vs powerpoint – buyers’ guide, final verdict.

Microsoft Powerpoint has been the leader when it comes to presentation programs for decades now. 

However, Canva is an online graphic design service that has been giving Microsoft Powerpoint a run for its money in recent years. 

In this post, we’ll go over both programs and analyze which one’s better for you as an online course creator. 

Features Canva Powerpoint
Pricing 4 and a half stars 3 stars
3D object support 0 stars 5 stars
Animation options 4 stars 4 and a half stars
Offline editing 0 stars 4 and a half stars
Customizable templates 5 stars 4 stars

We’ve given you a brief overview of what each product has to offer. Now, let’s analyze them further to determine which one could be more suitable for you.


Canva is an online graphic design service that can be used for a number of different things but its most popular use is to make presentations similar to Microsoft Powerpoint. 

Canva has a free version that you can utilize which may just be enough for you as an online course creator if your slides are going to be fairly simple.

Pros Cons
Drag-and-Drop functionality 

Custom fonts and icons are aesthetically pleasing

Huge library of customizable templates

Pro version is also quite affordable

Free version available
Doesn’t support video.

As mentioned earlier, you may not even need to subscribe to the pro plan if you’re just making regular, simple slides for your online course. 

However, even if you need premium features such as access to more than 75 million templates and a one-click background remover , it’s going to cost you just $12.99 per month. 

If you choose to pay annually, this cost will go down to $9.99 per month. We feel this is quite affordable in comparison to the value you’re provided. 

Canva’s d rag-and-drop functionality makes it very simple to use and all icons and images snap to the middle of the page in order to align themselves properly. 

Furthermore, Canva’s template library is huge and all these templates are aesthetically pleasing and modern unlike Powerpoint’s which sometimes feel outdated.


Canva’s prices are reasonable for online course creators. 

You could get by with its free version but if your slides require more features, then Canva’s pro plan only costs $12.99 per month or $9.99 per month if you choose to pay annually .

Unlike Microsoft Powerpoint, Canva does not have support for creating and manipulating 3D objects yet. 

If your online course slides require 3D objects to be inserted into them, then Canva may not be the right choice. 

Similar to Microsoft Powerpoint, Canva has a ton of options when it comes to animating certain objects or images within your slides. 

You can choose from different animations and also customize different aspects of them such as speed, transparency, etc. 

As mentioned earlier, Canva is an online graphic design service. This means it needs a constant internet connection in order to auto-save as well as load elements, images, fonts, etc. 

If you don’t have a stable internet connection, then Canva may not be suitable for you. 

canva templates

This is actually an aspect where we think Canva is leagues better than Microsoft Powerpoint. 

While Powerpoint also offers a library of customizable templates, they often seem outdated. 

Canva, on the other hand, has more than 75 million customizable templates , most of which feel very up-to-date with modern aesthetics. 

People love Canva’s variety of templates as well as how easy it is to download your complete file in different formats and qualities. 

The features in the Pro plan such as the one-click background remover for images is also very appreciated by its users. 

Some reviews we came across had the following to say: 


The best affordable presentation program is Canva thanks to its free version as well as the pro version which is fairly budget-friendly. The amount of value it offers in the form of customizable templates and easy-to-use tools for the price is unparalleled. 

canva presentation vs powerpoint

Powerpoint from Microsoft has been the benchmark for presentation programs for decades now. It’s something that’s being constantly emulated by its competitors and for good reason. 

Powerpoint offers a robust and easy-to-use interface that is attractive to both veterans as well as beginners. 

Beginners that want a simple experience can find it with Powerpoint’s surface-level tools which are fairly self-explanatory. 

On the other hand, if you want more control over your presentation, then more advanced features such as 3D object manipulation, transitions, and animations are also available.

Pros Cons
Fully integrated with Excel and Word

Easy collaboration features

Presentation coaching tool available for beginners

Easy to use transitions and animation effects

Diverse array of templates
Relatively expensive

powerpoint benefits

Microsoft has been improving Powerpoint for several years now to the point where it’s become a near-flawless software when it comes to creating presentations. 

There were complaints in the past about the interface being too cluttered and clunky but in recent years, Microsoft has amended this by having different tools in properly allocated tabs. 

This makes them very easy to find and it’s simple even for beginners to navigate through the interface. 

It also features transitions and animations for objects, images, and slides which give your presentations a unique kick to them and prevent them from feeling static and boring. 

The Design Ideas feature is also great since it gives you suggestions based on the current state of your slide. 

This gives you an opportunity to break from convention and design your slides in a way that compels your students. 

If you’d like to buy Microsoft Powerpoint as a stand-alone application, then you will have to pay a one-time fee of $109.99. 

Alternatively, you can choose to buy a subscription to the Microsoft 365 suite which costs about $69.99 per year. 

This would contain other Microsoft tools in addition to Powerpoint such as Word and Excel. 

It can be a good idea to go for the subscription since the other tools can also help you in different aspects of online course creation. 

Unlike Canva, Microsoft Powerpoint does support 3D objects and has extensive options to manipulate them and place them within your slides in different ways. 

powerpoint transitions

Animations and transitions within Powerpoint are easy to implement and you can choose from a wide array of them to suit your needs. 

Unlike Canva, Microsoft Powerpoint also has options to put in transitions for when you move to the next or previous slide. 

Canva only has options for transitions for images, icons, and elements within the slides, not the slides themselves. 

Microsoft Powerpoint is a desktop app so, you don’t need a working internet connection to make presentations on it. 

The only time you’d need an internet connection is if you collaborate on a presentation with someone. This will most likely not be the case since you will have to work alone on your online course. 

Microsoft Powerpoint comes with a wide array of customizable templates as well as icons and fonts to choose from.

That being said, we do feel that a lot of the templates look fairly outdated.

People who use Powerpoint have most probably been doing so for years and stand by it through-and-through. 

They love how friendly its user interface has become as well as how easy it is to apply unique transitions to their slides as well as the elements within the slides. 

Here’s what some of the reviews we found had to say: 

social proof

The best feature-packed presentation program is Microsoft Powerpoint thanks to its extensive animation, transition, and 3D object manipulation features. You can utilize all it has to offer to create dynamic slides that will be extremely engaging for your students.

canva vs powerpoint

As an online course creator that has not yet started selling their course to students, you will most likely not have a lot of money to work with. 

Thus, it’s important that you go for a presentation program that does not cost much. 

We recommend that you buy a tool that costs below $60 if it’s a one-time purchase or below $15 per month if it has a monthly subscription. 

This may not be a necessity unless your course topic demands it. 

If you’re making an online course about 3D modeling, for example, then you’re definitely going to need a presentation program that supports 3D objects. 

This may seem insignificant but elegant animation and transition effects can play a crucial role in keeping your students engaged. 

Course presentations that are static and just move from one slide to the next can get very boring very quickly. 

Thus, you should look for a program that has dynamic transitions which can make your presentations much more compelling. 

If you don’t have a reliable internet connection, then you should definitely opt for a presentation program that is able to operate at its fullest potential offline. 

However, if you have a stable internet connection, this isn’t something you’ll have to worry about. 

Customizable templates can be crucial in terms of making course slides that are pleasing to look at and thus, engaging. 

Be sure to go for a program that offers a wide library of templates that you can choose from.

While Canva and Powerpoint are both great presentation programs, we feel Powerpoint is better overall if you want to make significantly dynamic slides. 

It has much better options for transitions and animation and also supports 3D objects. 

Let us know which one of these programs you prefer in the comments below.

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Canva vs PowerPoint: Which Presentation Tool is Best for You?

Creating engaging presentations is crucial in various settings, from classrooms to boardrooms. Two popular tools for this purpose are Canva and PowerPoint. In this article, we will explore the differences between Canva vs PowerPoint to help you decide which one suits your needs best.

What is Canva?

Canva is an online design platform that allows users to create a variety of visual content, including presentations, social media graphics, posters, and more. It is known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and a vast library of templates and design elements.

What is PowerPoint?

PowerPoint, developed by Microsoft, is a presentation software that has been a staple in the business and education sectors for decades. It offers a wide range of features for creating professional presentations, including various templates, animations, and collaboration tools.

Canva vs PowerPoint: Ease of Use

Canva’s ease of use:, powerpoint’s ease of use:, canva vs powerpoint: features, canva’s features:.

  • Design Elements: Access to millions of photos, icons, and illustrations.
  • Animations: Basic animation features to add movement to your designs.
  • Collaboration Tools: Team members can work on the same design in real-time.
  • Brand Kit: Helps maintain brand consistency with pre-set brand colors, logos, and fonts.
  • Export Options: Export designs in various formats, including PDF, PNG, and MP4.

PowerPoint’s Features:

  • Advanced Animations: A wide range of animation and transition effects.
  • Multimedia Integration: Easily embed videos, audio files, and other multimedia elements.
  • Collaboration Tools: Multiple users can collaborate on presentations through Microsoft OneDrive.
  • Presenter View: Offers tools like notes, timers, and slide previews to aid in presentations.
  • Export Options: Export presentations in various formats, including PDF and video.

Canva vs PowerPoint: Pricing

$12.95/monthPart of Office 365 Subscription ($69.99 per year for Personal)
Custom PricingCustom Pricing

Canva vs PowerPoint: Collaboration

Canva’s collaboration tools:.

Canva excels in collaboration. Multiple users can work on the same design simultaneously, making it perfect for team projects. Users can leave comments and suggestions directly on the design, enhancing communication and efficiency.

PowerPoint’s Collaboration Tools:

PowerPoint supports collaboration through Microsoft OneDrive. Multiple users can edit the same presentation, but real-time collaboration is less seamless compared to Canva. However, PowerPoint offers robust commenting and version control features.

Canva vs PowerPoint: Pros and Cons

Canva pros and cons, powerpoint pros and cons, canva vs powerpoint: final verdict.

Choosing between Canva and PowerPoint depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you are looking for an easy-to-use design tool with modern templates and strong collaboration features, Canva might be the better choice. Its user-friendly interface and vast library of design elements make it ideal for quick, visually appealing presentations.

On the other hand, if you need advanced animation and multimedia integration, PowerPoint is a strong contender. Its deep integration with other Microsoft Office tools and powerful presentation features are perfect for professional settings.

Both tools have unique strengths, so trying out their features can help you determine which one aligns best with your presentation goals. For more detailed insights, you can visit the Canva Official Website and the Microsoft PowerPoint Official Website .

By considering the features, pricing, and overall user experience, you can make an informed decision on whether Canva or PowerPoint is the best fit for your presentation needs.

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Home Blog Design How to Use Canva and PowerPoint for Presentations

How to Use Canva and PowerPoint for Presentations

Cover for Guide on How to Use Canva and PowerPoint for Presentations

Creating the perfect presentation design is a challenge that speakers often aim to achieve, only to find themselves lacking graphic design knowledge. Although high-tier options like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator help users worldwide to put their ideas into pixels, the reality is they are not user-friendly interfaces for people outside the graphic design industry, namely business professionals, marketers, and educators. Hence, the need to find an alternative for making powerful graphics to use in our presentations – and here’s where Canva comes into the picture.

This web-based graphic design tool has quickly become the preferred choice of teachers, social media influencers, and small business owners due to its free-tier plans and pro plans at a convenient subscription-based fee. 

In this article, we will see how to use Canva presentation in PowerPoint and how to export Canva to PPT, to create visually appealing presentations.

Table of Contents

Canva vs. Microsoft PowerPoint: Pros and Cons for Presenters

Designing with canva, how to export a canva presentation to powerpoint, how to use canva-made graphics in powerpoint, final words.

Although presenters often see Canva as an alternative to PowerPoint, the reality is that they differ in one single aspect: Canva is a graphic design tool, whereas PowerPoint is a presentation design software. Some of the tools available in PowerPoint are not there in Canva, and vice versa.

Canva vs PowerPoint

Going into more technical aspects, here are the Pros and Cons of working with either software as a presenter.

Pros of Canva as a Presentation Tool

User-friendly interface.

Canva’s drag-and-drop feature makes it easy for non-designers to create presentations by using its library of shapes, graphics, text styles, and other resources.

Wide Range of Templates

It offers a vast library of Canva templates, which can be easily customized in their online editor, saving time on design. There’s a con associated with this point, which we shall discuss later.

Magic Studio for Canva was released mid-Q3 this year with the idea of powering designs with AI tools. This tool is available in Canva search features and in the editor at the bottom right corner, which features the list options:

  • AI text generation
  • Suggested graphics to match your design
  • Suggested photos to match your design

Collaboration Feature

Allows multiple users to simultaneously work on the same presentation, which is great for small team projects. Compared with PowerPoint, it does not require all users to be Premium to collaborate online.

Web-Based Platform

Being an online platform, it allows users to work from any device with Internet access without needing software installation. This particularly helps users with legacy computers who cannot install current versions of Microsoft Office. 

Integrated Stock Library

Provides access to a broad selection of stock photos, illustrations, and icons within the platform. Just like with the Canva templates, there’s also a con to this point.

Customization Options

Users can upload images and fonts, enabling brand consistency across presentations. Note: The upload fonts feature is only available for Canva Pro users.

Photo Editing and Animation Features

Canva lets users tweak their graphics with simple-to-use controls. These options help us to adjust opacity, apply photo filters, add animation effects, add bevels and shadows, and more.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Can export presentations to various formats (as a PDF document, as a video presentation in MP4 format, or even as images), making them viewable on different devices and platforms. The export options allow us to post directly into social media, create printables, post to the web, etc. While some export formats require an upgrade to a Canva Pro subscription (like the ability to export to SVG format), the basic export features are enough for simple presentations and beginners.

Cons of Canva as a Presentation Tool

Limited offline functionality.

Requires an internet connection for full functionality, which can be a limitation in areas with poor connectivity, for business people working on an airline flight, while using Airplane mode, or for people traveling in other zones without Internet access.

Fewer Animation and Transition Options

Unlike PowerPoint, the available options for animations and transitions are limited. Users can find this reiterative, which may be unappealing to using these effects in our presentations. 

Premium Content

Although the Canva library is extensive in terms of assets, the reality is that most of these elements are only available for premium users. This applies to templates, shapes, images (mostly), and exporting options. Resizing the graphics you create in Canva to repurpose your design is only available to premium users.

Template Overuse

Popular templates can be overused, making presentations look similar to many others. This is of particular interest to business professionals, as people tend to easily associate some designs as being made with Canva.

Design Decisions

Unlike using a PowerPoint template , you have to work your way with Canva content, as the PPT templates tend to be quite generic and do not offer tools for data representation. Consequently, you have to know how and where to introduce those elements on your own rather than working with a presentation template that already assigned the space for such graphics.

Lack of Advanced Multimedia Integration

Integrating complex multimedia elements like videos is not as seamless as in some desktop applications. You won’t find options to link to source elements; you need to upload the content to your personal Canva library and manually add the resource to the slide. Presenters can also lose third-party integrations via plugins for some multimedia resources.

Pros of PowerPoint as a Presentation Tool

Widespread use and familiarity.

PowerPoint is the leading market tool for presentations, making most audiences and presenters are familiar with it at a basic operational level. This can help us to outsource technical issues quickly rather than aiming to use web-based interfaces to share Canva-created content.

Offline Access

PowerPoint can be used offline, which is ideal for people traveling, areas where the Internet connection is unreliable, or simply because we want to focus on creating the slides rather than facing distractions via the Internet.

Integration with Other Microsoft Office Tools

Seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products like Excel and Word, making it easy to import data and documents. This is ideal for creating complex graphics for data representation, where the content can be synced, importing databases, working with Gantt Charts in software like Microsoft Project, and more.

Also, Microsoft PowerPoint has the same text editing capabilities as Microsoft Word – a striking contrast with Canva’s limited features.

Templates and Design Options

This is PowerPoint’s forte: the capability of using third-party presentation templates, like the ones provided by SlideModel . Users can buy pre-designed slide decks from professional vendors and ease the need to make design-related decisions. On top of that, Microsoft already includes some basic templates with its 365 subscription.

Advanced Features

Offers a broad range of features, including detailed animations and transitions, which can enhance presentations. For example, the ability to work with SVG graphics allows presentation designers to make pixel-perfect presentations without losing image quality. This is available to all users, unlike Canva, which requires a subscription to unlock certain elements.

Multimedia Capabilities

Supports embedding of various multimedia elements like audio, video, and images directly into presentations. You can use hyperlinks to embed content or work with third-party plugins for specific tasks.

Extensive Support and Resources

As a long-established tool, users can find tutorials everywhere, support communities, and additional resources available online.

Cons of PowerPoint for Presenters

Some features can be complex to use, and the interface may be overwhelming for new users. In particular, this is linked to editing PowerPoint Shapes and graphs, working with Slide Master , applying advanced animation effects and so on.

Unlike Canva or Google Slides, PowerPoint requires purchasing Office 365 or a standalone license.

Heavy Files

PowerPoint files, especially those with multimedia content, can become large and difficult to share via email. As a side effect, those heavy files can be complicated to handle in computers that lack sufficient RAM and processing power. Moreover, they require significant free disk space on your PC.


Creating a high-quality presentation with custom animations and graphics can be time-consuming. That’s the reason why we highly recommend users work their way with PowerPoint templates, and mix and match designs to create a unique slide deck .

Learning Curve

Users need to invest time in learning the software to fully utilize its advanced features. This applies to both acquiring the knowledge and practicing the skills you learned. And still, for some users, it feels frustrating not to achieve results relatively quickly. 

In this section, we will learn how to use Canva to create graphics for a product presentation. The idea is to create placeholder graphics containing images of a product; then, we will export that content to continue creating our presentation in PowerPoint.

After creating our Canva account, we find ourselves at the Home screen. Go to Templates, and you will see something similar to this UI. 

Canva templates available on its website

We can go straight to the Presentations (16:9) option or use the search bar to locate the template we want. In this case, we will opt for that scenario and search “Product.”

canva presentation vs powerpoint

The images that show a little crown at the low right corner are premium templates, which means we cannot use them with a free account. We will pick a template that fits the needs of our presentation by clicking over it. At the contextual window that opens, select Customize this template .

Selecting a Canva template

The Canva builder may take a bit to load, especially if your internet connection is slow. You will find yourself with a window like this one, opened at the Design tab, which offers alternatives for other templates similar to the one you chose.

Design builder in Canva

The Styles tab allows us to quickly change the layout, altering color themes and fonts. Sometimes, that can suit our needs immediately; sometimes, it requires extra work to customize to our preferences.

Styles Tab in Canva

We can click on any element in this design and customize its content. Depending on the element type, the options are available for us. For this presentation, we will change the text and images, and alter font color at the button to make it stand out.

Customizing font color in Canva

Next, it’s time to replace the images. We can drag and drop the image into Canva, or we can go to the Uploads button and add the content from there.

Uploading images to Canva

In this case, we’re using DALL-E-generated images for this product presentation, you can also use illustrations, photos, videos, or Midjourney illustrations . Once the images are uploaded, drag and drop them to replace the images in the placeholder areas. To complete this design, we removed the shape that came with the template – you can add a new shape by going to Elements > Graphics .

Graphics tab in Canva

Learning how to use Canva for PowerPoint is pretty straightforward. Download your Canva design as a PowerPoint presentation, which you can do by accessing your design and going to the top-right corner to locate the button Share . Click on it, and then click on Download .

Under File Type , we will select PPTX , as it’s PowerPoint’s native format. Click on Download , and wait for the process of downloading the file to be completed. Depending on the graphic assets included, it can take a while.

How to export a Canva Presentation to PowerPoint

At this point, don’t be surprised if you’ll be prompted to upgrade your Canva plan (if you don’t have a premium account). The reason is that Canva will charge you for exporting what they call premium graphics, and since most of the Canva presentation templates use premium graphics, this will be a limitation when exporting your Canva slides to PowerPoint. 

A simple workaround is removing the premium graphics before exporting from Canva to PowerPoint. Although, take in mind this may affect the overall design of your presentation.

As you can see below, the PowerPoint file is entirely editable. Something to consider is that unless you have the font installed on your computer, PowerPoint will reassign to a generic font.

Exported Canva Presentation in PowerPoint

Remember the design we created before? Well, it’s time to use that image as part of a marketing deck presentation , which will represent a social media post to be used by the marketing team to promote the brand.

The first step is to download the design we created as PNG. We can close Canva after that.

Downloading Canva-made graphics as PNG format

We opened our PPT template, which is the Annual Marketing Plan PowerPoint Template , and customized the PowerPoint theme colors . Go to Insert > Pictures > This Device .

Inserting a picture into PowerPoint - Inserting an image from Canva into Annual Marketing Plan Slide template

Select the image we created in Canva and upload it here. We will add some image shadow effects via Shape Format, and a textbox below that describes what the image is about.

PowerPoint slide using Canva graphics - Example of new PowerPoint slide with a graphic created in Canva

And that’s how easily we can use graphics from Canva in our PowerPoint presentations. Remember, it’s best to work with PNG images rather than JPG to reduce file size and preserve image quality.

You can invite others to collaborate on your design by sharing a link to the editable design or by adding them via email as team members on your Canva account.

Canva uses standard cloud storage security measures to protect your data, but like any online platform, it’s important to use a strong password and follow good security practices.

There are two methods for this. You can upload a PPT template into Canva via the Canva Homepage by clicking on Projects , and then go to the Uploads folder. Drag and drop or click on Upload, as we’ve seen before. Once imported, you must click on that file to open it in the Canva editor. The second method is on the editor: go to the Uploads button and upload your PPT file as if it were an image or another media asset.

Yes, you can use SlideModel presentation templates in Canva. As a SlideModel subscriber, you can download .pptx files to import into Canva presentations. This way, you can enjoy the creative slide templates and graphics provided by SlideModel in your Canva presentations

Unfortunately, no, as Canva doesn’t have the same toolset to enable editing functions. That also applies to changing color, so we highly recommend you work with a final PPT file before switching to Canva.

Objects like charts, SmartArt, 3D objects, and WordArt aren’t supported in Canva and won’t be rendered if you upload a slide that contains them.

Yes, all users can download Canva presentations to PPTX format. In case the original Canva design isn’t a presentation file, like a banner or social media post, you won’t be able to resize for that output unless you have a premium account.

Yes, the file must be smaller than 70 MB, and you can import up to 300 slides.

Canva and PowerPoint can collaborate as complementary tools to help presenters overcome the limitations of each individual tool. It takes a while to create your desired workflow, but once that’s accomplished, you can elevate the quality of your PowerPoint or Google Slides presentations with Canva. 

We don’t advise using Canva as an alternative to PowerPoint as the current state-of-the-art indicates it won’t support data representation or other PowerPoint stellar tools that make part of most PPT templates. 

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Design, Microsoft PowerPoint Filed under Design

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canva presentation vs powerpoint

Canva Review: Is It A Good PowerPoint Alternative?

Angie Arriesgado

Canva is probably best known as a social media graphics design tool. But just in case you didn’t know, you can also use it to create visually stunning presentation slides! But would it be a good enough PowerPoint alternative? Well, that’s what you’re going to find out in this Canva review.

I’ll be breaking this article into 3 sections. First, I’ll go through the pros (positives) of using Canva. Then, I’ll discuss the cons (negatives). Lastly, I’ll show you a step by step guide on how you can use Canva to create stunning presentations in minutes.

Section I: The pros of using Canva to create your presentation slides

Canva has millions of users logging on to the platform every single month. And it’s no surprise really. It’s a great, fast-loading platform that can help you design attractive graphics in no time at all. That said, here are several reasons why Canva is a good PowerPoint alternative.

  • It’s free and easy to use, but Canva Pro is also relatively affordable

Canva pricing page

Yes, that’s right, there’s a free Canva plan that’s accessible to everyone. You just need to register an account, and you can start creating your designs right away! The free plan is a bit limited though, so if you think you can benefit from upgrading to Canva Pro, you can do so anytime. However, for the most part, the free plan is good enough for casual users.

Note that the $9.95/mo Pro plan needs to be paid annually; if you want to go monthly, the price will be $12.95/mo. In my opinion, this is still a pretty good deal considering everything you get with your subscription. If you want to check if the Pro features are worth the money, you can try it out for 30 days!

  • It’s great for creating beautiful presentations in just a few minutes!

Canva is, first and foremost, a graphic design platform. But it’s literally got all the tools you need to create top notch presentation slides. In addition to its templates and photos, you can also add various elements like grids, charts, frames, shapes, gradients, lines, illustrations, icons, social media logos, arrows, avatars, and so much more!

You can also change your slide’s background with just a single click – you can use either a solid color or an image. Plus, you can use hundreds of free fonts directly on your slides without needing to download any new fonts to your computer. And if you’re wondering, yes, your favorite Google Fonts are also included in Canva’s font selection!

Check out this slide I made in just a minute:

Canva review - example of CAnva template

I just used a free template, changed the background image, tweaked the fonts and colors, and I got the design above!

  • You can access your designs anywhere

Anywhere you’ve got an Internet connection, that is. Whether you’re on your computer, your iPad or your smartphone, Canva is there ready to help you design great presentations. You can start working on your laptop at home and then finish your presentation on your phone whilst you’re on your daily commute. It’s quite awesome, really!

  • You can use thousands of free photos (plus upload your own)

Canva has thousands of free photos available

You’ve got thousands of free photos to choose from on Canva. Just click on the Photos tab on the left side of the Canva screen, and you can select the images you like. To find out if a picture is free or not, hover your mouse over the image.

If it’s free, a FREE label will appear on the image. If it’s not free, it’s going to say either “$1” or “? FREE”. The one with the crown means the image is free if you have a Canva Pro subscription. Canva Pro, in addition to its unlimited storage feature, also gives you access to an additional 2 million premium images for free.

Fortunately, you can upload your own photos to Canva and use these in your designs. The downside is that you only get 1GB of storage in your free account. So, if you want to save some space, I suggest resizing your photos first using a tool like TinyPNG before uploading to Canva.

Lastly, if you’re editing your slides on the Canva mobile app, you can easily upload photos from your device (just grant permission for it to access your photos). So, this means there’s no need to transfer the images to your computer so you can then upload to Canva. It’s an underrated feature, if you ask me, especially if you’ve got a lot of nice photos taken with your smartphone!

  • Tons of free presentation layouts to choose from

This Canva review won’t be complete if I didn’t mention the layouts. I mean, thinking of a great layout for your presentation is challenging enough. And you can get design inspiration from plenty of places online, like for example, the 24Slides Template Hub . However, if you’re on Canva you can just browse through their available layouts, and you’ll gets tons of gorgeous free presentation layouts to choose from.

Take a look at the screenshot below. As you can see, there are plenty of presentation layouts available. From creative presentations, simple presentations, all the way to medical presentations, Canva has a lot of free templates for you to choose from.

Gorgeous presentation templates and layouts are available in Canva

You can further expand the options by clicking on All . If you’re coming from PowerPoint, I promise you’ll be blown away by the number of free layouts available. And these aren’t even basic-looking layouts. You can tell right away that a lot of professional effort has gone into designing the slides. And when you start using the templates and tweaking it here and there, you’ll be amazed by how easy it is to create beautiful slides in just a few clicks!

  • Very user-friendly

There’s a slight learning curve to using Canva, but it’s pretty straightforward. Compared to learning how to use PowerPoint, Keynote or even Google Slides , Canva is easier to learn and master. According to this TechCrunch article from 2003, the platform is “ aimed at the mainstream user who doesn’t consider him or herself a designer .”

This is one of the reasons why Canva is so popular among designers and non-designers alike. It can shave hours off your design workflow, and you’ll look like a total pro even though you’ve never designed anything in your life!

The user interface is also relatively simple. Here’s a basic navigation guide:

First, you need to select what kind of graphic you want to design. Then you can either choose from templates or build your slides from scratch. Click on the elements you want to use, and it will appear on the slides. Do this a few more times and you’ve got your design finished!

  • You can download your presentation in PowerPoint format

Once you’ve finished designing your slide, you can then download your slides in PowerPoint format. Just head on over to the upper right corner of the screen where you’ll see the Present button. Click on the dropdown and you’ll see the option to download in Microsoft PowerPoint (it’s still in beta as of this time).

How to download your Canva presentation online

You can choose to download a few of the slides or all of them. If you haven’t used any premium photos, then you should be able to download without any issues. However, if you used a premium image, then you’ll need to pay up first before you can download the file.

  • Nifty autosave feature

That’s right! You don’t need to worry about losing any of your work. If you’re prone to accidentally closing down unsaved files or you’ve got a computer that likes to randomly shut down, then you’ll find Canva to be an absolute life saver. Canva automatically saves every little thing you edit or change on your slides. You’ll see the message ‘All changes saved’ on the left side of the menu bar, like this:

Canva's autosave feature is very useful

  • You can present directly from your computer

If you’re presenting in front of a small group, you can just hit the Present button in Canva and show people your computer screen. Or, if you’re presenting to a larger group in a larger room, then you can hook up your computer to a television or projector and just play your presentation.

How to present your Canva slides directly from your computer

As you can see in the screenshot above, you’ve got 3 presentation types to choose from. You can do a standard presentation where you proceed at your own pace. You can set it to autoplay which is great for playing at kiosks in conferences. Or you can select presenter view if you want to view your speaker notes during the presentation.

  • You can collaborate with others

Work and collaborate with others on your Canva presentation

Sharing your presentation with others is extremely easy as well. Just click on the share icon on the upper right corner. Then you can enter your colleagues’ email addresses and select whether you want them to edit or just view the slides. Alternatively, you can copy the link to your presentation and send it to others via chat, email, SMS, etc.

Section II: The cons of using Canva as a presentation app

While Canva is great for quickly coming up with beautiful presentation slides if you’re in a rush, it’s not for those who want full control over their slides. So, in this section of this Canva review, I’ll share soem reasons why this app may not be for you:

  • The $1 photos can quickly add up if you don’t pay attention

Sure, $1 may sound like a good deal when you compare buying stock images from sites like Shutterstock where a prepaid plan can set you back $9 per image. However, the catch is that you can get trapped into thinking it’s just $1. Before you know it, you’ve used up 20 images!

In this case, you’d be better off just purchasing a Canva Pro subscription which you can have for as low as $9.95. This way you get access to more than 2 million images available to members. And you don’t need to worry about spending extra (unless of course you still prefer to use those $1 images).

  • Limited functionality – not for advanced presentation designers

If you’re expecting Canva to be PowerPoint 2.0, you’ll be very disappointed. While Canva is a powerful app in its own right, it doesn’t hold a candle to “real” presentation apps like PowerPoint, Keynote, or even Google Slides.

If you’re coming from any of these apps, especially PowerPoint, you’ll probably feel a bit constricted with what you can do. Sure, you have a lot of design elements and options at your fingertips, but it’s not the same as being able to control every single aspect of the design.

Here’s an example. If you add a shape in Canva, your options are limited. You can only resize, change the color, rotate it, and change the transparency level. But in PowerPoint, when you click on the shape, there’s a whole new Format Shape menu tab that appears on the ribbon. You can change the shape fill, outline, add some shadow, and so much more.

So, if you consider yourself an advanced presentation designer, Canva may not be for you. But still, you can use it to get some design inspiration (their designers and contributors do know how to create stunning visuals)!

  • Customizing your slides can be a tad slow

If you’ve got slow or intermittent Internet connection, then you may feel frustrated with Canva. For instance, you’d click on an element you want to use in your slide, but it may take a few seconds to load. Whereas if you were editing on a desktop app like PowerPoint or Keynote, your selected element will appear immediately on the slide. Of course, in cases like this, I don’t think Canva is at fault. It’s just the downside or limitation of being a drag-and-drop, browser-based and Internet-dependent application. So, perhaps try working in a place with more stable Internet?

Section III: How to use Canva for your presentations

So, here we are finally at the final section of this Canva review article where I’ll give you step by step guidance on how to start using Canva for your next presentation. Let’s begin!

Step 1. Register a free account. You can sign up using your email address, Facebook account or Google account.

Step 2. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see something like this on your screen:

Canva dashboard screenshot

As you can see, there are many design types you can create in Canva. But for this article, we’re only interested in creating a presentation, so that’s what you need to click on (see red arrow above).

Step 3 . You’ll be presented with a blank slide (or page) on your screen. This is the canvas we’re going to be working on. Note that the default slide size is 16:9 (or widescreen format).

What a blank slide looks like on Canva

Step 4 . At this point, you can either use templates (the first option on the left-hand side menu). Or you can start adding photos, text, and other elements, one-by-one. Since we’re looking to create a high-quality slideshow in as short a time as possible, we’ll go with templates.

Step 5 . There are so many presentation templates to choose from. For example, if you click on All in the first category (Creative Presentation), you’ll see a long list of creative templates:

Canva's creative presentation templates

As you can see, the templates are all breathtaking! They’re absolutely gorgeous! So, for this example, I’ll select the first template on the list (Kooky Munchers). I’ll then have access to all available layouts for the Kooky Munchers template, like this:

Canva's kooky munchers template - example of available free layouts

Step 6 . At this point, you can click on a few layouts or you can use all of them. The catch is that you’ll need to click on the ‘Add a new page’ button every time you want to use a new layout. Then once a new blank page is added, you can then click on the next layout you want to use.

Step 7 . To edit the slides, just click on the elements you want to replace. You can edit and format the text, change the background, add new elements, and more. Again, you need to temper your expectations with regard to customization options. And also, if you need ideas on how to design your slides properly, you should check out the Presentation Design category of our blog.

Note: If you can’t edit an element the way you like it, I would recommend downloading the entire file as a PowerPoint file. And then open up PowerPoint on your computer, and edit your Canva presentation to your heart’s desire! I think this is truly the best of both worlds – you can take advantage of Canva’s highly creative templates and use PowerPoint’s power and robustness to edit and finalize the slides!

Step 8 . If you’d like to use Canva to present your slides, just click the Present button on the upper right corner of your screen. Then choose your Presentation type. And that’s basically it! You’ve just finished creating your first Canva presentation!

But remember, your presentation isn’t just about your slides. Make the entire experience enjoyable for your audience by using these fun icebreakers for your next presentatio n!

To conclude this Canva Review…

I personally love Canva. It’s a great tool not just for creating presentations, but also for creating all sorts of social media graphics. The free plan is great, but Canva Pro is also an affordable option. It may not give PowerPoint a run for its money anytime soon, but then again, Canva is targeted towards a different kind of audience.

If you don’t have a lot of time and you want to create beautiful-looking slides in minutes, then Canva is definitely the right way to go. You can download stunning templates for PowerPoint as well, but the fact that everything is within easy reach in your Canva dashboard makes it a very attractive option indeed. So, what are you waiting for? Go check out Canva right now!

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Microsoft PowerPoint vs. Canva

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Microsoft PowerPoint and Canva serve different but overlapping needs in the world of presentation design. PowerPoint is known for its comprehensive features and extensive customization capabilities, making it ideal for creating detailed and dynamic presentations. Canva, on the other hand, shines with its user-friendly design platform that allows even beginners to create visually appealing presentations quickly, leveraging a vast library of templates and design elements. This comparison aims to help users understand which tool might better suit their specific needs for presentation creation.

Comparison Table

PricingAvailable through Microsoft 365 subscription or one-time purchaseFree basic plan, with paid subscriptions for more features
InstallationDownload and installation required, available on multiple platformsWeb-based, no installation required, apps available
User InterfaceFeature-rich interface with a variety of tools and optionsIntuitive, drag-and-drop interface ideal for quick designs
Template VarietyWide range of customizable templates in various stylesExtensive library of modern and stylish templates
Design FlexibilityHigh, with tools for detailed customizationHigh, with a focus on ease of use and aesthetic appeal
Ease of UseUser-friendly for basic functions, but complex features have a learning curveExtremely user-friendly, designed for simplicity
Multimedia IntegrationStrong capabilities for integrating various media typesGood multimedia support, particularly with images and videos
CollaborationEffective collaboration tools through Microsoft 365Real-time collaboration features in paid plans
Cross-Platform CompatibilityBroad compatibility across Windows, macOS, iOS, and AndroidAccessible on any device with internet access via the web
Animation and Transition EffectsExtensive and customizable animations and transitionsBasic animation options, more limited than PowerPoint
Real-Time Co-AuthoringSupported with Microsoft 365, robust and efficientAvailable on premium accounts, straightforward in use
Export OptionsExtensive export capabilities, including PDF, MP4, PPTXExports to PDF, PNG, JPG, and some video formats
Accessibility FeaturesComprehensive suite of accessibility featuresBasic accessibility features, less comprehensive than PowerPoint
Integration with Other AppsSeamless integration with Office 365 appsLimited integration with other apps, mainly through Zapier
Presenter ToolsAdvanced tools, including Presenter Coach and slide timingsBasic presentation tools, primarily for design display
Cloud ServicesIntegration with OneDrive and SharePoint for cloud storageAll designs are cloud-based and stored on Canva servers
Security FeaturesRobust security features, suitable for enterprise useAdequate security, with strong focus on user data protection
Offline AccessExtensive offline capabilitiesLimited to app versions, mainly online-focused
Mobile AppComprehensive features in mobile versionsHighly functional mobile app, great for on-the-go editing
Innovative FeaturesRegular updates with new functionalities and cloud integrationFrequent updates, particularly with new templates and design elements

Whether you need the deep, feature-rich capabilities of Microsoft PowerPoint or the quick, design-forward simplicity of Canva, each tool offers unique advantages. For those seeking to enhance their presentations further or require bespoke designs that leverage the best aspects of both platforms, INK PPT is here to assist. Our experts can help design visually striking presentations that communicate your message effectively and resonate with your audience. Contact INK PPT today to take your presentations to the next level.

Discover how we can create magic in your communication

canva presentation vs powerpoint

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Canva vs PowerPoint: A Comprehensive Comparison for Effective Presentations

When it comes to creating engaging presentations, two names consistently rise to the top: Canva and PowerPoint. Both tools offer a wealth of features and functionalities that cater to different presentation needs. In this article, we’re going to delve into a deep comparison of Canva vs PowerPoint to help you make an informed decision on which tool best fits your needs.

Try Canva Pro Free for 30 Days

An overview of canva and powerpoint.

Canva is a web-based design tool that excels in creating visually stunning graphics and presentations. With its vast library of templates and easy-to-use interface, it caters to both beginners and professionals.

PowerPoint , on the other hand, is a product of Microsoft Office suite that has been the go-to tool for creating presentations for over three decades. With its robust features and extensive customization options, PowerPoint enables users to create comprehensive and professional presentations.

Comparing Canva and PowerPoint: The Main Features

User interface and ease of use.

One of the major differences between Canva and PowerPoint lies in their user interface. Canva’s intuitive, drag-and-drop interface allows users to create designs quickly and easily, while PowerPoint’s interface, though familiar to many, may require more time to master due to its vast array of options and tools.

Templates and Design Capabilities

Both Canva and PowerPoint offer a wide variety of templates. However, Canva takes the lead with its trendy and modern design options. PowerPoint, while offering more traditional and professional templates, also provides users with advanced design capabilities including the ability to embed videos, audios, and animations in slides.

Collaboration Features

Collaboration is where Canva really shines. It allows multiple users to work on a project simultaneously. PowerPoint also offers collaboration features, but it’s primarily through Microsoft’s cloud service, OneDrive.

Canva vs PowerPoint: Which One is Right for You?

The decision between Canva and PowerPoint will largely depend on your needs, preferences, and your familiarity with each platform. Canva is ideal for those seeking ease-of-use and modern designs, while PowerPoint is great for users who need advanced features and are comfortable with a more traditional interface.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Canva free to use? Yes, Canva offers a free version, but there is also a paid version with more features.
  • Does PowerPoint require a subscription? Yes, PowerPoint is part of the Microsoft 365 suite, which requires a subscription.
  • Can I collaborate with others on Canva? Yes, Canva allows for real-time collaboration.
  • Does PowerPoint offer real-time collaboration? Yes, but it’s through OneDrive and best suited for teams already using Microsoft 365.
  • Can I use Canva offline? No, Canva requires an internet connection as it’s a web-based tool.
  • Can I use PowerPoint offline? Yes, once installed, PowerPoint can be used offline.
  • Who should use Canva? Canva is ideal for individuals and businesses seeking modern designs and a simple interface.
  • Who should use PowerPoint? PowerPoint is suited for users needing advanced features and businesses already using the Microsoft suite.

In the Canva vs PowerPoint debate, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It ultimately boils down to your personal needs and comfort level with the software. We hope this comparison has given you a clearer idea of which tool to choose for creating effective presentations.

canva presentation vs powerpoint

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Canva vs Powerpoint: Presentation Candy Store

Picture of David Stefanovski

David Stefanovski

Last Updated:

  • February 22, 2023

canva vs powerpoint

Creating presentations is turning out to be an interesting way to promote a business. They are also a great way to present findings from a long-awaited experiment. This is where Canva and PowerPoint come in handy. 

The PowerPoint vs Canva battle is understandable. They are among the most popular design tools used. One is a veteran in the business, offering endless possibilities to match everyone’s standards. The other is successfully paving its path to being the next hit tool among users. 

The constant new development of features keeps users alert. Canva offers users free access to all its perks, while PowerPoint’s services do come at a certain cost. They both shine bright and attract users, it only depends on the user’s needs and proficiency.

Let’s analyze both programs to settle on the question: is Canva better than PowerPoint or vice versa. Below is an overview of what both programs have to offer to turn presentations into art.  

Canva vs Powerpoint: The Better Option

When debating – is Canva better than PowerPoint – it would seem that PowerPoint is in a slight lead here. Being on the market for quite a while, it is better recognized among users. However, it is a great misconception that Canva doesn’t have just as much to offer. 

Canva has been around since 2013 and it has managed to earn its well-deserved place as a quality designer asset. The selection of trendy and interesting tools, like fonts and sketching, turned this platform into a user’s heaven. Sketching as a tool allows users to insert unique hand-drawn illustrations – or lettering. 

Envisaged as an image tool by non-designers – for non-designers – Canva allows simplicity, practicality, and efficiency in all tasks carried out through it, be it design, graphics, or presentations. 

But, as a free online tool, Canva has also earned its popularity among professionals. It offers functional and handy templates for making presentations or social media posts. Its sophistication and usability are what score Canva bonus points among experienced as well as rookie users. 

PowerPoint , on the other hand, also makes an easy design tool to use. It is well organized, and simple to navigate, and having been on the market for a while, it has somewhat set the standards of quality presentation software. Always striving to offer more, PowerPoint provides many useful features, constantly upgraded with the ongoing trends. 

PowerPoint aficionados are loving the features PowerPoint has to offer as part of the package. From default slides to animations and videos, the platform ensures it engages the end user and keeps them informed through dynamic visuals.

In comparison, Canva also offers an exciting set of tools and features that come wrapped in a simple and easy-to-use package. 

Canva vs Powerpoint: Dive Deeper

When comparing the platforms head-to-head, it’s somehow implied that their prices and features will be the detrimental factors of quality. Of course, users will typically aim for the more affordable option of the two, though as we know, cheaper doesn’t always mean better. 

Both design tools have contrasting traits that make them stand out. Below, let’s examine their key differences, features, and tools that make for the ultimate design project. 

Canva vs Powerpoint: The Templates:

A Canva vs PowerPoint template comparison shows that both platforms have plenty to offer to end-users, thanks to their ready-made templates.

Between the two, Canva allows users free access to over 2,000 free presentation templates with various themes. It also grants users free access to 80,000 templates overall. If the users decide to upgrade to the premium version, additional 40,000 treasures will be waiting on the other side. The management process is made easy and customizable, tailored to the user’s needs. All presentations designed with Canva will, therefore, come with an utterly professional and sophisticated look.

There is also a wide selection of free and premium templates that PowerPoint has to offer. Their template designs are refined and modern, and allow users the freedom to choose from various categories. As for PowerPoint’s presentation templates, these can be customized to suit the users’ needs and fulfill all criteria of quality, professionalism, and top-notch design.  

Comparison of Canva and PowerPoint templates
Design optionsWider range of templates availableMore limited selection of templates available
Visual appealMore modern and visually appealing templatesMore traditional and business-oriented templates
CustomizabilityTemplates are generally easier to edit and adaptTemplates are more rigid and require more effort to customize
AvailabilityTemplates available in web app and mobile appTemplates only available in desktop application
PricingFree plan with limited features, as well as paid plans with more features and access to more templatesOnly available as part of the Microsoft Office suite, which requires a paid subscription

The Drag and Drop Editor:

One of Canva’s fortes is undoubtedly its drag-and-drop editor. It allows a fast and easy working process with all features, something that is not found in the PowerPoint toolset.  

Canva’s editor allows you to simply drag and drop images, fonts, or photos, and enforce the necessary changes with ease. A search tool is provided as well, to facilitate the overall process.

PowerPoint is at a loss here as a drag and drop option is not offered. The user can use the edit mode to insert objects and move them, but not in the way Canva does it. 

Ease of useMore user-friendly interface and easier access to design elementsLess user-friendly interface and limited design elements
Design optionsWide range of design elements including illustrations, icons, and stock photosLimited design options with more focus on traditional design elements and text
CustomizabilityMore flexible and easier to use editor with more options to customize design elementsLess flexible and requires more effort to achieve the desired design
CollaborationBuilt-in collaboration features for easy teamworkDesigned more for individual use with less focus on collaboration
AvailabilityAvailable in web app and mobile app for use on any deviceGenerally only available in desktop application

Font Selection:

When it comes to fonts, Canva takes the lead. It offers an astounding selection of fonts that cannot be found in PowerPoint. Canva’s pre-loaded font selection comes highly recommended by users and, most importantly, it’s free to use! Simply, choose your favorite font out of the 1,000 viable options Canva offers – and get creating.

list of canva font styles

In comparison, Powerpoint offers a rather limited font selection. However, users can download the fonts from other sites and add them to the platform during the creation process. 

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:

Both Powerpoint and Canva offer the option for users to collaborate on a presentation with their peers. This collaboration is enabled by both Canva and Powerpoint, though through different approaches.

Being a cloud-based program, Canva’s users are saving their work on a cloud. And so, Users are free to collaborate on a certain presentation at the same time, and from anywhere. To do it, all they need is access to the cloud. And to top it off, Canva also allows file sharing between subscribers.

As for PowerPoint, it offers local storage for maximum security. This is a highly valued feature in the business community, mostly due to the confidentiality aspect. When working together, a user can always invite team members to provide feedback or work simultaneously on a certain presentation. 

powerpoint team work template

PowerPoint is a bit at a loss here since it urges all users to use the same program. With the help of the OneDrive cloud, however, users may collaborate on the same presentation remotely.

Stock Images:

Images are widely applicable in presentations and portray the message the user wishes to send. PowerPoint’s stock images feature was introduced only recently. Before this, the platform allowed images to only be included from Online Pictures or Office Add-ins. As for now, users can finally take their pick from a variety of images available – at zero cost. 

Canva, however, also has a stunning collection of stock images that may be used for several purposes, including crafting presentations. Here, users may choose from the wide selection of free images – and there is also a possibility to select an image that comes at a humble cost, but just nails its purpose.

Quantity of ImagesOver 75 million imagesLimited selection
Quality of ImagesHigher quality, more professional and visually appealingMore basic images
PricingIndividual images priced at $1 eachOften included in subscription fee or available at lower cost
AccessibilityImages accessible directly from the platformRequires separate download and more effort to find right image
CustomizabilityMore options for customization, including resizing, cropping, and filtersBasic customization options

Canva vs PowerPoint: Presentation Made Easy

Canva’s strongest asset is that it’s free to use – and that it’s user-friendly. The numerous templates available at hand will assist any user in creating necessary visuals or graphics. Plus, there is also an option to start a project from scratch and build it based on personal preferences. 

Now, considering the interface complexity, PowerPoint needs yet to master it whole. One tutorial video will not provide sufficient knowledge to master PowerPoint. Canva, on the other hand, comes armed with simple tutorial videos to turn any new user into a pro.

So, based on what we’ve discussed, is Canva better than PowerPoint? For now, it might be, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. 

canva presentation templates

Canva may be mastered with quick and easy tutorials and is suitable for users that need swift presentation preparation. PowerPoint, however, has a more complex tutorial process and is more suitable for professionals who manage more complex assignments. 

The PowerPoint vs Canva battle can best be seen through putting them head to head. 

Simple and easy to use and learn due to the simple featuresFree users don’t get certain basic graphic design features
Share and schedule images directly to social mediaBest used on a large screen
Numerous low-cost templates and images to choose fromAnimation and video recording is not the strongest side.
Although available to premium subscribers, users can save and easily access frequently used colors and fonts.A relatively new product that needs further development
The price is the biggest pro as it is free 
A great selection of preloaded fonts 
If used for work, it offers awesome graphic designs with little to no training 
Functions are user-friendly and well organizedTakes more time to learn due to more complex features
Offers endless features and design possibilitiesIt doesn’t come as a free version. Users have to pay if they want to use the perks of PPT
Animations and videos may be inserted into presentations to make them more interactive. A limited selection of pre-loaded fonts
Provides an option for video recording directly into the presentation. 

Triple the Choice

Having viable options to choose from always does the trick with users. Instead of just considering Canva vs PowerPoint, let’s add a third choice to the mix. 

How does Canva vs Google Slides sound? Canva makes the best platform choice if simplicity and sophistication are what the user is after. But, let’s see how Google Slides fits into this picture. 

PowerPoint was originally designed as a desktop app, whereas its cloud option was added later. Now, Canva is a naturally cloud-based platform, accessible everywhere, and offers users the option to use it via an app. 

rating comparison between canva and google drive slides

As for Google Slides, its main perk is that it’s fully cloud-based and offers offline storage supported only by Google Chrome. It can be accessed anywhere, and from any device – with no extra charge. It makes a good option for businesses as it provides real-time simultaneous editing, available for $12 per user, per month.

Try Canva for FREE

Having to choose between Canva vs Google Slides is easy. Canva has much more content to offer in the creation process, not just presentations, but social media, logos, flyers, posters, and more. Unlike Canva, Google Slides offers the limited option to only create presentations.

Canva vs Powerpoint: Price Talks

Pricing always comes in the way of accessing the right design tools. And so, users tend to lean towards quality at the lowest price possible. In the case of PowerPoint vs Canva, PowerPoint is losing the race. 

canva pricing 1

One cannot go wrong with Canva because, well, it is free to use. If you need access to their Pro and Enterprise packages, you will find them available at a reasonable price. As for PowerPoint, it usually comes with the Microsoft Office program package, or it can also be purchased as a separate program for $109.

Subscription PlansFree plan, Pro plan for $12.95 per month, and Enterprise plan for larger organizationsIncluded as part of the Microsoft Office suite, which requires a subscription to Microsoft 365
Features IncludedAccess to all of its design tools, including templates, stock images, and brand kitsOne of many tools included in the Microsoft Office suite
Additional CostsSome premium elements may require an additional fee, such as some stock images and custom fontsMay require additional costs for some advanced features, such as certain add-ins
Payment OptionsMonthly and annual billing, purchase credits to use towards premium featuresTypically billed monthly or annually as part of the Microsoft Office suite

Canva vs PowerPoint: The Better of Two Greats 

So, is Canva better than PowerPoint or the other way around? Well, it all comes down to needs and proficiency in managing related platforms.

Looking at Canva vs PowerPoint, Canva is on the rise due to its simple use and ensures a refined and artistic end product. Plus, it works for everyone – newbies, rookies, pros, you name it. So, in the long run, with Canva, you won’t have to be a pro to create superb designs and presentations. 

However, if a top-notch design and originality are in your plans, PowerPoint might be the better choice of the two. Expect that you’ll need some time to get the hang of it, but once you get there, the possibilities are limitless – photos, fonts, animations, video material, PowerPoint does it all. 

As a veteran in the business, PowerPoint is the utmost choice for proficient users. Plus, if you are into more complex designs and creations, PowerPoint lets you experiment and kick your skills up a notch. 

Google Slides, unfortunately, takes the third spot of the most useful design platforms. Whilst promising in some aspects, Google’s slides are limited when creating, and so are its perks. And, the fact that Google Slides only goes hand in hand with Google Chrome does not make it practical.

As always, before jumping the gun and choosing your best design platform on a whim – revise, rethink, reevaluate!

canva presentation vs powerpoint

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Canva vs PowerPoint in 2024: Which Tool to use for Presentations?

Last updated on June 27th, 2024

Canva vs. PowerPoint - A detailed comparison between two of the presentation tools

In the world of presentation design, there are two products that stand out: Canva and PowerPoint . Each offers unique features and capabilities, but how do they stack up against each other? This article delves into a detailed comparison to help you choose the right tool for your next presentation.

A quick overview of Canva

Canva has revolutionized design with its user-friendly interface and a vast library of graphic design templates. Its drag-and-drop functionality makes it accessible to users without any graphic design background. However, while Canva excels in simplicity and modern design templates, it may lack some of the advanced features that professional presentation designers seek.

A quick overview of PowerPoint

PowerPoint, a staple in the Microsoft Office suite, is renowned for its comprehensive features and widespread usage in professional settings. It offers robust customization options and is ideal for detailed and complex presentations. Its main drawback, however, is its steeper learning curve for beginners. But once you start using it, it becomes the state-of-the-art tool for professional presenters.

In this article, we will review some of the pros & cons of using PowerPoint and Canva for presentations, with a side by side comparison.

Comparison between Canva & PowerPoint

Ease of use for beginners.

Canva wins in terms of ease of use for beginners, thanks to its intuitive design. PowerPoint, while not overly complicated, requires more time to master its full range of features.

Design Capabilities

PowerPoint leads in design flexibility, allowing for more customization and detailed modifications.

Canva, while offering a wide range of pre-defined templates, can sometimes limit creative freedom due to its template-based approach. Also, it is required to have a Canva Pro account in order to use premium graphics or features, like the SVG export.

Example of Business Proposal PowerPoint Template

Collaboration and Sharing

Both tools offer collaboration features, but Canva’s real-time collaboration is more seamless, similar as other web-based presentation tools like Google Slides.

PowerPoint, however, integrates better with other Microsoft Office tools, offering a more comprehensive package for business environments.

Integration and Compatibility

PowerPoint’s integration with the Microsoft Office suite is a significant advantage for users already embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem. For example, you can easily copy & paste graphics from Excel and Word into PowerPoint and viceversa. Or if you are a project management, the capabilities to copy graphics from Microsoft Project to PowerPoint are better than in Canva.

Canva, on the other hand, offers easy integration with various web applications but lacks the depth of integration that PowerPoint provides.

Pricing and Accessibility

Canva offers a free version with many useful features, making it an attractive option for casual users and teachers.

PowerPoint, part of the Microsoft Office suite, requires a subscription, which might be a barrier for individual users or small teams.

Use Cases and Suitability

For quick, stylish presentations with minimal learning time, Canva is the go-to choice.

PowerPoint, with its advanced features, is better suited for professional environments where detailed and complex presentations are the norm.

Example of Business Strategy Canva Template for presentations

Customer Support and Resources

Both platforms offer substantial support and resources. Canva has a strong online presence with numerous tutorials and a helpful community.

PowerPoint benefits from decades of user knowledge, extensive online forums, and professional training resources.

Adding Videos and Multimedia

Canva offers straightforward options for embedding videos and other multimedia elements, with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. It also provides access to a library of stock videos and music, making it easy for users to enhance their presentations.

PowerPoint, on the other hand, has robust video and audio integration capabilities. Users can embed videos from various sources, edit them directly within PowerPoint, and synchronize them with other presentation elements.

Working with SVG Graphics

In terms of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) support, PowerPoint has an edge. It allows users to insert and edit SVG files, which is ideal for high-quality graphics that don’t lose clarity when resized. This is particularly beneficial for professional presentations that require detailed graphics and to make pixel-perfect presentations.

Canva also supports SVG files, but with some limitations and you requires a Canvas Pro user to export presentations as SVG. While users can upload and use SVG graphics, the editing capabilities within Canva are not as extensive as PowerPoint’s. This may be a consideration for users who work extensively with vector graphics.

Canva vs. PowerPoint

Exporting Presentations to Video

When it comes to exporting presentations as videos, PowerPoint stands out with its ability to convert entire presentations, including animations and transitions, into video format (MP4). This feature is invaluable for sharing presentations across platforms that may not support PowerPoint files.

Canva allows users to export presentations with simple animations as videos, but the process and the level of control over the final video are not as refined as in PowerPoint. This might be sufficient for basic needs, but PowerPoint offers a more comprehensive solution for video exports.

Exporting Presentations to PDF

Both Canva and PowerPoint offer the ability to export presentations to PDF format. Canva maintains the visual integrity of the design well in the PDF format, making it a good option for printable presentations. PowerPoint also generates high-quality PDFs, and its advantage lies in the ability to customize the PDF output in terms of layout and compression settings.

Canva vs. PowerPoint

Using Advanced Graphic Elements such as 3D

For advanced graphic elements, such as 3D models, PowerPoint has more to offer. It supports 3D models and even allows users to animate them within presentations. This feature is particularly useful for educational or professional presentations requiring a high level of detail and interactivity.

Canva lacks native support for 3D elements, focusing more on 2D design. Users looking to incorporate sophisticated 3D graphics will find PowerPoint more accommodating to their needs.

Artificial Intelligence

Both platforms are incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance user experience, but in different ways. Canva uses Canva Magic AI for design suggestions, photo editing, and to streamline the design process. This is particularly helpful for users without extensive design experience.

Magic Studio AI

PowerPoint has integrated AI in several aspects, including design ideas, automatic slide layouts, and even real-time translation and subtitles during presentations. Now, PowerPoint has incorporated Copilot .

PowerPoint Designer

In PowerPoint, another great tool leverange AI is the PowerPoint Designer . The PowerPoint Designer feature uses AI to generate design ideas for your current layout.

Additional features

Both, PowerPoint & Canva offers a wide range of features for diverse purposes.

While PowerPoint focuses in presentations, Canva integrates it Editor with other tools enabling more than just presentations. For example, the Magic Switch allows you to convert a presentation to a document, and apply other modifications on the fly with the content that you already have.

canva presentation vs powerpoint

Transforming a presentation to a document can be something useful for presenters who want to create a summary, or repurpose a content into a different format, for example those who want to repurpose a presentation as a blog post.

No, Canva does not have PowerPoint templates, as it focus in generating templates for their own product and platform. However, if you want to use Canva PowerPoint templates , we recommend you to check the PPT templates provided by SlideModel and how to use Canva and PowerPoint for presentations.

Yes, the Pro version of Canva allows you to export the Canva presentations to Microsoft PowerPoint. However, if you want to take advantage of the full features available in PowerPoint (3D models, Animations, Transitions), consider using presentation templates that are fully compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint.

The choice between Canva and PowerPoint depends on your specific needs. Canva is ideal for quick, visually appealing presentations with minimal effort. PowerPoint, in contrast, is suited for more detailed and professionally oriented projects. Consider your level of expertise, the complexity of your presentation, and collaboration needs when making your choice.

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canva presentation vs powerpoint

Canva vs. PowerPoint

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Canva vs. PowerPoint

Founder of & Professional Graphic Designer

Jake Tucker

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Canva and PowerPoint are two popular software tools that are used to create visually appealing presentations. While both tools have similar functionalities, they differ in their approach to design and presentation creation. Canva is a cloud-based design tool that allows users to create a wide range of visual assets, including social media graphics, simple videos, presentations, slides, posters, and even websites. On the other hand, PowerPoint is a desktop application that is specifically designed for creating presentations.

One of the main differences between Canva and PowerPoint is their user interface. Canva has a more intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows users to easily create designs without any prior design experience. In contrast, PowerPoint has a steeper learning curve and requires some level of design knowledge to create professional-looking presentations. Another key difference is that Canva offers a wide range of design templates and elements that can be easily customized to suit different design needs. In contrast, PowerPoint has a limited selection of templates and design elements, which can make it challenging to create unique and visually appealing presentations.

Overall, the choice between Canva and PowerPoint depends on the specific needs of the user. Canva is an excellent choice for those who need a versatile design tool that can be used for a wide range of visual assets, while PowerPoint is ideal for those who need a powerful presentation tool with advanced features.

Understanding Canva

Canva’s key features.

Canva is a versatile graphic design tool that allows users to create a wide range of visual assets, including social media graphics, presentations, posters, and even websites. One of Canva’s key features is its vast library of templates, which can be customized to fit the user’s needs. Canva offers both free and paid templates, with the paid templates offering more features and design options.

Another standout feature of Canva is its drag-and-drop interface, which makes it easy for users to create and edit designs. Canva also offers a wide range of design elements, including icons, photos, and fonts, which can be easily added to any design. Users can also upload their own images and incorporate them into their designs.

Ease of Use in Canva

Canva is designed with ease of use in mind, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced designers. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows users to quickly create and edit designs, while its vast library of templates and design elements provides users with a wide range of options.

Canva also offers a range of tools and features to help users create professional-looking designs. For example, the platform includes a color palette generator, which suggests color schemes based on the user’s chosen colors. Canva also offers a range of design tutorials and courses to help users improve their design skills.

Overall, Canva is a powerful and user-friendly graphic design tool that offers a wide range of features and design options. Its ease of use and vast library of templates and design elements make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced designers.

Understanding PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a software program developed by Microsoft that allows users to create dynamic presentations. It is widely used in business, education, and other professional settings to convey information in an engaging and visually appealing way.

PowerPoint’s Key Features

PowerPoint offers a range of features that make it a powerful tool for creating presentations. Some of its key features include:

Slide Templates: PowerPoint comes with a variety of pre-designed slide templates that users can choose from. These templates include placeholders for text, images, and other content, making it easy to create professional-looking slides.

Animations and Transitions: PowerPoint allows users to add animations and transitions to their slides, making them more engaging and visually appealing.

Media Integration: PowerPoint allows users to integrate various types of media into their presentations, including images, videos, and audio files.

Collaboration: PowerPoint includes features that allow users to collaborate on presentations with others in real-time, making it easy to work on projects together.

Ease of Use in PowerPoint

PowerPoint is generally considered to be a user-friendly program, with a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to create presentations. Some of the ways in which PowerPoint is easy to use include:

Drag-and-Drop Functionality: PowerPoint allows users to easily drag and drop images and other content onto their slides, making it easy to create visually appealing presentations.

Customizable Themes: PowerPoint allows users to customize the look and feel of their presentations by selecting from a range of pre-designed themes or creating their own.

Intuitive Navigation: PowerPoint’s navigation tools are easy to use, with simple buttons and menus that make it easy to move between slides and edit content.

Overall, PowerPoint is a powerful and user-friendly tool for creating presentations. Its range of features and ease of use make it a popular choice for professionals in a variety of industries.

Comparing Canva and PowerPoint

When it comes to creating visual assets and presentations, Canva and PowerPoint are two of the most popular tools available. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right one will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

Design Capabilities

One of the biggest differences between Canva and PowerPoint is their design capabilities. Canva is a multi-purpose tool that lets you design a wide range of visual assets, including social media graphics, simple videos, presentations, slides, posters, and even websites. It has a drag-and-drop interface that is easy to use, and offers a wide variety of templates, graphics, and fonts to choose from. Canva also allows you to upload your own images and use them in your designs.

PowerPoint, on the other hand, is a tool that has been specifically designed to let users create presentations. It offers a range of templates, themes, and transitions to choose from, and allows you to add text, images, charts, and multimedia to your slides. While PowerPoint does not offer the same level of design flexibility as Canva, it is a powerful tool for creating professional-looking presentations.

Collaboration Features

Collaboration is an important consideration when choosing between Canva and PowerPoint. Canva allows you to share your designs with others and collaborate on them in real-time. You can invite team members to view or edit your designs, and track changes and comments. Canva also allows you to download your designs in a variety of formats, including PDF, PNG, and JPEG.

PowerPoint also offers collaboration features, but they are not as robust as Canva’s. You can share your presentations with others and allow them to view or edit them, but you cannot collaborate on them in real-time. PowerPoint also allows you to save your presentations in a variety of formats, including PDF, PPT, and PPTX.

Pricing is another important factor to consider when choosing between Canva and PowerPoint. Canva offers both free and paid plans, with the paid plans starting at $9.95 per month. The paid plans offer additional features, such as the ability to upload your own fonts and access to premium graphics and templates.

PowerPoint is part of the Microsoft Office suite, which requires a subscription. The subscription starts at $6.99 per month, and includes access to other Microsoft Office tools, such as Word, Excel, and Outlook. While PowerPoint is a powerful tool for creating presentations, it may not be the most cost-effective option if you only need it for occasional use.

Overall, both Canva and PowerPoint are powerful tools for creating visual assets and presentations. Choosing the right one will depend on your specific needs and preferences, as well as your budget.

Pros and Cons of Canva

Canva is a popular web-based design platform that is used by individuals and businesses alike. While it offers a wide range of design options, it also has its drawbacks. In this section, we will take a closer look at the pros and cons of using Canva.

User-friendly Interface: Canva is known for its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for beginners to create professional-looking designs without any prior design experience. The drag-and-drop feature allows users to add, remove, and resize elements with ease.

Wide Range of Design Options: Canva offers a wide range of design options, including templates, graphics, photos, and fonts. This allows users to create a variety of designs, from social media graphics to presentations and even websites.

Collaboration Features: Canva allows users to collaborate with others on a design project. This is especially useful for businesses or teams working on a project together.

Affordable Pricing: Canva offers a free version, as well as a paid version with additional features. The paid version is affordable and offers more design options and features.

Limited Customization: While Canva offers a wide range of design options, it can be limiting in terms of customization. Users may not be able to customize certain elements, such as fonts or graphics, to their liking.

Limited File Types: Canva only allows users to download designs in certain file types, such as PNG and JPG. This can be limiting for those who need designs in other file types, such as PDF or EPS.

Limited Design Controls: Canva does not offer as much control over design elements as other design software, such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. This can be frustrating for more experienced designers who want more control over their designs.

Overall, Canva is a great option for those who want to create professional-looking designs without any prior design experience. While it has its limitations, its user-friendly interface, wide range of design options, and affordable pricing make it a popular choice for individuals and businesses alike.

Pros and Cons of PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a popular presentation software that has been around for decades. While it has many benefits, it also has some drawbacks.

  • Easy to use: PowerPoint is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for anyone to create professional-looking presentations.
  • Customizable: With a variety of templates, themes, and design options, users can customize their presentations to fit their needs and style.
  • Widely used: PowerPoint is a widely used software, which means that many people are familiar with it. This makes it easy to share and collaborate on presentations.
  • Powerful: With features like animations, transitions, and multimedia support, PowerPoint can create engaging and interactive presentations.
  • Limited design options: While PowerPoint has a variety of design options, it is still limited compared to other design software like Canva.
  • Not web-based: PowerPoint is not a web-based software, which means that users need to have the software installed on their computer to use it.
  • Can be overwhelming: With so many features and options, PowerPoint can be overwhelming for some users, especially beginners.
  • Cost: While PowerPoint is included in Microsoft Office, which many people already have, it can be costly to purchase on its own.

Overall, PowerPoint is a powerful and widely used presentation software that is easy to use and customizable. However, it does have its limitations and can be overwhelming for some users.

Choosing the Right Tool for You

When deciding between Canva and PowerPoint, it’s important to consider your specific needs and preferences. Here are a few factors to keep in mind:

Ease of Use

Canva is known for its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop design features, making it a great option for beginners or those with limited design experience. PowerPoint, on the other hand, may have a steeper learning curve but offers more advanced design capabilities.

Design Options

Canva offers a wide range of design templates and graphics, making it easy to create visually appealing designs quickly. PowerPoint also has a variety of design options, but may require more customization to achieve the desired look.


If you need to collaborate with others on a design project, Canva’s cloud-based platform may be the better option. PowerPoint, while it does offer some collaboration features, may require additional software or tools to work effectively as a team.

Ultimately, the choice between Canva and PowerPoint comes down to your individual needs and preferences. Consider your design experience, desired design options, and collaboration needs to make the best decision for you.


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Canva vs PowerPoint: Which One Is Better for Presentation

Overview of canva vs powerpoint.

Are you having difficulty deciding between PowerPoint vs Canva for creating professional presentations? If the answer is yes, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s start with an overview of Canva and PowerPoint.

What Is Canva

Canva is a web-based platform that enables you to create a wide range of visual content, such as presentations, posters, videos, logos, flyers, and more. You can use Canva to design anything, on your own or with others, with no experience required. Additionally, you can access thousands of free templates, photos, icons, fonts, and other elements to customize your designs.

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What Is PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a presentation software that allows you to create slideshows , animations, charts, and more. It is part of the Microsoft 365 suite of apps, which also includes Word, Excel, Outlook, and OneNote. You can use PowerPoint to create professional and engaging presentations for various purposes, such as education, business, or entertainment.

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Canva vs PowerPoint: Key Differences

Creating presentations is easier than ever before thanks to platforms like Canva and PowerPoint. However, is Canva better than PowerPoint? While they share some similarities, they also have some key differences. Here’s everything you need to know about Canva vs PowerPoint for presentation:

Canva vs PowerPoint: Ease of Use

Canva has a more user-friendly interface than PowerPoint. With drag-and-drop functionality and easy access to thousands of visual elements, such as photos, icons, graphics, and fonts, it’s an intuitive choice for beginners. PowerPoint, on the other hand, has a more traditional and structured interface, with menus, toolbars, and tabs to navigate through.

Canva vs PowerPoint: Templates

Canva boasts a much larger collection of templates than PowerPoint. With over 1 million ready-made presentation templates to choose from, you’re sure to find something that suits your needs. While PowerPoint has around 70 templates built-in, you can download more from Microsoft or other sources. However, they are often less varied and less aesthetically pleasing than Canva’s templates.

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Canva vs PowerPoint: Features

Canva offers a wider range of functionalities than PowerPoint. In addition to creating presentations, you can use it to design social media graphics, flyers, posters, videos, and websites. It has some advanced features that PowerPoint lacks, such as one-click background remover , animation styles, content scheduler, brand kits, magic resize, and much more.

PowerPoint, on the other hand, is a desktop and mobile app that focuses primarily on creating presentation-style files. It does offer some additional features like word processing, drawing, PowerPoint designer, morph transition, and cinematic motion mode. These features can help you create more professional and polished presentations.

Canva vs PowerPoint: Pricing

Canva and PowerPoint have different pricing plans depending on your needs and preferences.

Canva offers a free plan that lets you create and share designs with limited features. You can also upgrade to Canva Pro or Canva for Teams for more advanced features and benefits. Canva Pro costs $14.99 per month, while Canva for Teams costs $29.99 per month.

Canva pricing

As for PowerPoint, a one-time subscription to the standalone version of PowerPoint is $159. Alternatively, PowerPoint is included in the Microsoft 365 subscription, which also gives you access to other apps like Word, Excel, Outlook, and OneNote. To get the best value, you can get PowerPoint with Microsoft 365 starting at $6.99/month.

PowerPoint pricing

Final Verdict

In summary, Canva and PowerPoint are both excellent tools for creating presentations, but they have distinct advantages and disadvantages. Canva is better suited for creating a variety of visually appealing content quickly and easily, while PowerPoint is more suitable for creating polished and professional presentations with greater control and customization options.

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    It's a much easier-to-use product. It gives you access to a much bigger range of images, graphics and videos than PowerPoint. The bundled range of templates is much larger than PowerPoint's. Its background removal tool is significantly better than PowerPoint's. Working with video is significantly easier in Canva.

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    Click the Download option in the dropdown panel. Select "Microsoft PowerPoint" as the file type. Click Download. This process will create a PowerPoint file that retains the design and formatting of the original Canva presentation. Make sure to review it in PowerPoint to ensure that all elements are as you intended.

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    This is actually an aspect where we think Canva is leagues better than Microsoft Powerpoint. While Powerpoint also offers a library of customizable templates, they often seem outdated. Canva, on the other hand, has more than 75 million customizable templates, most of which feel very up-to-date with modern aesthetics.

  6. Canva vs PowerPoint: A Detailed Comparison for Better Presentations

    Familiar Interface: PowerPoint's interface is familiar to most users who have used Microsoft Office products.. Templates: PowerPoint offers a wide range of templates, though they can sometimes feel dated compared to Canva's modern designs. Customizability: Users can customize templates extensively, but the process may be more complex than Canva's drag-and-drop system.

  7. How to Use Canva and PowerPoint for Presentations

    Download your Canva design as a PowerPoint presentation, which you can do by accessing your design and going to the top-right corner to locate the button Share. Click on it, and then click on Download. Under File Type, we will select PPTX, as it's PowerPoint's native format.

  8. Canva Review: Is It A Good PowerPoint Alternative?

    That said, here are several reasons why Canva is a good PowerPoint alternative. It's free and easy to use, but Canva Pro is also relatively affordable. Yes, that's right, there's a free Canva plan that's accessible to everyone. You just need to register an account, and you can start creating your designs right away!

  9. PowerPoint vs. Canva: Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best

    PowerPoint vs. Canva: The Ultimate Presentation Showdown Canva - A Fast and Super Simple Free Online Tool to Easily Create Slides. ... PowerPoint is known for its robust features and customization options, making it ideal for professional, detailed presentations. Canva, on the other hand, excels in simplicity and ease of use, with a focus on ...

  10. Canva vs PowerPoint (2024)

    In this Canva vs PowerPoint comparison, we pit a multi-purpose design tool (Canva) against an app that's designed specifically for making presentations (Powe...

  11. Microsoft PowerPoint vs. Canva

    Microsoft PowerPoint and Canva serve different but overlapping needs in the world of presentation design. PowerPoint is known for its comprehensive features and extensive customization capabilities, making it ideal for creating detailed and dynamic presentations. Canva, on the other hand, shines with its user-friendly design platform that allows even beginners

  12. Canva vs PowerPoint: A Comprehensive Comparison for Effective Presentations

    User Interface and Ease of Use. One of the major differences between Canva and PowerPoint lies in their user interface. Canva's intuitive, drag-and-drop interface allows users to create designs quickly and easily, while PowerPoint's interface, though familiar to many, may require more time to master due to its vast array of options and tools.

  13. Compare Microsoft PowerPoint vs Canva 2024

    Ease of use, flexibility, and animations are the best. Transitions between slides are excellent in terms of variety and ease of use. Power Point is a fantastic software for making business presentations. The software is very user friendly and produces excellent professional presentations.

  14. Canva vs Microsoft Powerpoint

    Canva. Score 9.2 out of 10. N/A. Canva is a popular, simple online graphic design tool. Users can import images, use templates to design banners and logos, or pay to use Canva's premium stock images/paid templates (elements starting at $1). $ 12.95. per month. Microsoft Powerpoint. Score 8.0 out of 10.

  15. Canva vs PowerPoint

    A Canva vs PowerPoint template comparison shows that both platforms have plenty to offer to end-users, thanks to their ready-made templates. Between the two, Canva allows users free access to over 2,000 free presentation templates with various themes. It also grants users free access to 80,000 templates overall.

  16. Canva vs Microsoft PowerPoint

    Reviews. Comparisons. Alternatives. Canva has 11918 reviews and a rating of 4.72 / 5 stars vs Microsoft PowerPoint which has 20619 reviews and a rating of 4.68 / 5 stars. Compare the similarities and differences between software options with real user reviews focused on features, ease of use, customer service, and value for money.

  17. Canva vs. PowerPoint

    PowerPoint, in contrast, allows exporting slideshows to GIF, MP4, PDF, WMV, and other formats. Canva has thousands of photos, backgrounds, videos, elements, and audio. The premium content has a pro sign, but you can use the pro items individually by paying a small one-time fee. PowerPoint does not offer free content.

  18. Compare Canva vs. Microsoft PowerPoint

    Reviewers also preferred doing business with Canva overall. Canva and Microsoft PowerPoint both meet the requirements of our reviewers at a comparable rate. When comparing quality of ongoing product support, reviewers felt that Canva is the preferred option. For feature updates and roadmaps, our reviewers preferred the direction of Canva over ...

  19. Canva vs PowerPoint in 2024: Which Tool to use for Presentations?

    Both Canva and PowerPoint offer the ability to export presentations to PDF format. Canva maintains the visual integrity of the design well in the PDF format, making it a good option for printable presentations. PowerPoint also generates high-quality PDFs, and its advantage lies in the ability to customize the PDF output in terms of layout and ...

  20. Canva vs Microsoft Powerpoint Online

    Canva. Score 9.2 out of 10. N/A. Canva is a popular, simple online graphic design tool. Users can import images, use templates to design banners and logos, or pay to use Canva's premium stock images/paid templates (elements starting at $1). $ 12.95.

  21. Canva vs. PowerPoint

    Another key difference is that Canva offers a wide range of design templates and elements that can be easily customized to suit different design needs. In contrast, PowerPoint has a limited selection of templates and design elements, which can make it challenging to create unique and visually appealing presentations.

  22. Canva vs PowerPoint: Which Is the Right Tool for Presentation

    Here's everything you need to know about Canva vs PowerPoint for presentation: Canva vs PowerPoint: Ease of Use. Canva has a more user-friendly interface than PowerPoint. With drag-and-drop functionality and easy access to thousands of visual elements, such as photos, icons, graphics, and fonts, it's an intuitive choice for beginners ...

  23. Canva vs Microsoft Powerpoint: Presentation Comparison

    In the Presentation market, Canva has a 46.20% market share in comparison to Microsoft Powerpoint's 23.25%. Since it has a better market share coverage, Canva holds the 1st spot in 6sense's Market Share Ranking Index for the Presentation category, while Microsoft Powerpoint holds the 2nd spot.

  24. Herbal Drugs. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    1. Open the template in Canva. 2. In Canva click on "Share" at the top right-hand corner, then click "More" 3. Scroll down further and you will see "Google Drive" button. 4. Choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type. Make sure to click "All Pages" on select pages. 5. Your template is exported to Google Slides!

  25. Legal And Illegal Drugs. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    1. Open the template in Canva. 2. In Canva click on "Share" at the top right-hand corner, then click "More" 3. Scroll down further and you will see "Google Drive" button. 4. Choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type. Make sure to click "All Pages" on select pages. 5. Your template is exported to Google Slides!

  26. Data Infographic. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    1. Open the template in Canva. 2. In Canva click on "Share" at the top right-hand corner, then click "More" 3. Scroll down further and you will see "Google Drive" button. 4. Choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type. Make sure to click "All Pages" on select pages. 5. Your template is exported to Google Slides!

  27. Drugs Background. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    1. Open the template in Canva. 2. In Canva click on "Share" at the top right-hand corner, then click "More" 3. Scroll down further and you will see "Google Drive" button. 4. Choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type. Make sure to click "All Pages" on select pages. 5. Your template is exported to Google Slides!

  28. Conference Style Presentation for a Thesis Defense

    Premium Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template . Download the Conference Style Presentation for a Thesis Defense presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Congratulations, you have finally finished your research and made it to the end of your thesis! But now comes the big moment: the thesis defense.

  29. Drugs & Drug Abuse. Free Slides Template

    1. Open the template in Canva. 2. In Canva click on "Share" at the top right-hand corner, then click "More" 3. Scroll down further and you will see "Google Drive" button. 4. Choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type. Make sure to click "All Pages" on select pages. 5. Your template is exported to Google Slides!

  30. Types Of Drugs And Their Effects. Free PPT & Google ...

    1. Open the template in Canva. 2. In Canva click on "Share" at the top right-hand corner, then click "More" 3. Scroll down further and you will see "Google Drive" button. 4. Choose the "PPTX" or Powerpoint file type. Make sure to click "All Pages" on select pages. 5. Your template is exported to Google Slides!