
13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous

Many people dream of becoming famous – whether it’s through their work in film, music, or other areas.

However, being famous has its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll explore both sides of the coin to help you decide if pursuing fame is worth it.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous

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  • June 9, 2023
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Advantages of Being Famous

Despite the downsides of fame, there are also some advantages that come with being a celebrity.

  • Opportunities Arise : When you're famous, new opportunities arise that might not be available to you otherwise. Stardom can open doors for you in your career and personal life. For example, a celebrity may receive fancy gifts or be given special tables at restaurants.
  • Financial Benefits : Famous people often have a lot of money at their disposal. This can come from endorsement deals, movie or music contracts, and other aspects of their career. They may also be able to charge higher rates for public appearances or endorse products.
  • Platform to Make a Difference : Celebrities have a platform that can be used to make a difference in the world. They can use their fame to raise awareness for important causes or advocate for change.
  • Exciting Career Opportunities : Being a celebrity opens doors to various career opportunities, such as acting roles, modeling contracts, music albums, book deals, and speaking engagements. Celebrities often have the chance to work on diverse and exciting projects.
  • Access to Exclusive Events and Experiences : Celebrities frequently receive invitations to high-profile events, award shows, premieres, and parties. They may also gain exclusive access to luxury products, services, and experiences that are not readily available to the general public.
  • Networking and Connections : The celebrity status often leads to connections with influential individuals from various industries. This can help them form valuable professional relationships and collaborations, expanding their opportunities for success.
  • Travel and Exploration : Celebrities are given often have the chance to travel extensively for work or personal reasons. They may visit exotic locations, attend international events, and experience diverse cultures, all while having the means to enjoy these experiences.

Disadvantages of Being Famous

While there are certainly some perks to being famous, there are also some downsides and disadvantages of being a celebrity that shouldn’t be overlooked.

  • Lack of Privacy : One of the biggest complaints that famous people have is the lack of privacy that comes with their fame. Celebrities have no privacy. Everywhere they go, they're followed by paparazzi and fans who want a glimpse of their favorite celebrity. They may also receive a lot of fan mail that can be overwhelming or difficult to keep up with.
  • Constant Scrutiny : Because of their fame, celebrities are under constant scrutiny. Everything they do is analyzed and criticized by the public. This can be incredibly stressful and lead to negative mental health impacts over time.
  • Difficulty Maintaining Relationships : It's not easy to maintain relationships when you're constantly on the go and in the public eye. Many celebrities struggle to keep their personal relationships strong due to the pressures of their career.
  • Celebrities Get Special Treatment : Some people believe that famous people get special treatment wherever they go. They may be given freebies or be seated at special tables at restaurants. While this might seem like a perk, it can also lead to an inflated ego or unrealistic expectations of how the world works.
  • Pressure to Maintain Image : Celebrities must always be conscious of their image in the public eye. This can lead to pressure to maintain a certain look or persona that might not be authentic to who they are as a person.
  • Difficulty Living a "Normal" Life : Living a normal life becomes much more difficult when you're famous. Everything you do is scrutinized and criticized by the public, and you may not be able to do things that others take for granted.

Conclusion of Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Famous

As we’ve seen, being famous has both advantages and disadvantages. While it certainly opens doors and provides financial benefits, it also comes with a lack of privacy, constant scrutiny, and difficulty maintaining relationships.

Celebrities must strike a balance between living a “normal” life and maintaining their image in the public eye. Ultimately, whether or not pursuing fame is worth the downsides is up to the individual, similar to the famous entrepreneur examples .

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Pros and Cons of Being Famous

essay about being famous

Being famous sounds fantastic with all the wealth, fancy parties , and endless opportunities. Picture yourself earning millions and hanging out with influential individuals! But, fame also brings nosy paparazzi, constant media invasion , and the stress of never having a private moment. This can lead to feeling lonely and super stressed. Plus, trusting people can become tricky because you never know who’s genuine. Managing your public image becomes a full-time job, balancing being your true self while keeping fans happy. Life as a celebrity is like a double-edged sword, with perks and pitfalls at every turn. Want to discover more surprises?

Table of Contents

Main Points

  • Fame provides substantial wealth through endorsements, sponsorships, and diverse monetization methods.
  • Celebrities face intense privacy invasion and constant media scrutiny, leading to isolation and stress.
  • High societal expectations and public judgment can cause anxiety, depression, and identity crises.
  • Fame complicates personal relationships, making genuine connections rare and fostering trust issues.

Wealth and Opportunities

Fame often leads to substantial wealth through lucrative endorsement deals and sponsorships. Top celebrities can earn millions each year from these partnerships, making their bank accounts swell and their lifestyles more lavish. Companies are keen to have famous faces represent their brands, and this creates a golden opportunity for stars to rake in the cash.

But the benefits of fame don’t stop there. Increased visibility as a public figure opens doors to a variety of opportunities. Celebrities can engage in investment ventures , launch their own businesses, or even participate in philanthropic activities , setting themselves up for long-term financial success. The world of fame also grants access to exclusive events and elite social circles, where networking with influential figures can lead to exciting collaborations.

Moreover, famous individuals have numerous ways to monetize their popularity . They can sell merchandise, sign book deals, or make paid personal appearances, adding even more to their income streams. Their large platforms also give them the power to shape public opinion , advocate for social causes, and inspire positive change. This influence not only enriches their wealth but also allows them to contribute meaningfully to society.

Privacy Challenges

data security and protection

When you’re famous, keeping your personal life private becomes nearly impossible, thanks to the constant media attention and public scrutiny.

This intense invasion of privacy can make celebrities feel isolated and stressed, as even their smallest mistakes are magnified and can lead to public backlash .

As a result, many famous people go to great lengths to protect their personal space, setting strict boundaries and being very careful about who they interact with.

Intense Public Scrutiny

Public scrutiny imposes considerable challenges on the private lives of celebrities, often leading to a pervasive invasion of personal space and normalcy. Imagine going to the grocery store and having every single move you make analyzed and judged. This kind of intense public scrutiny can really mess with a celebrity’s mental health, making them feel anxious, depressed, and isolated. Famous people often find it tough to enjoy simple, everyday moments without being watched or criticized.

Another big issue is that exaggerated stories and misinformation about celebrities can spread like wildfire. Even a small mistake can blow up into a huge scandal, damaging their reputation. They have to be super careful about everything they do, which means they can’t always be their true selves.

To help you understand better, here’s a table showing some of the challenges celebrities face due to public scrutiny:

ChallengeEffect on CelebritiesExample Scenario
Invasion of personal spaceAnxiety and stressConstant paparazzi outside their home
Spread of misinformationReputation damageFalse rumors about personal life
Pressure to maintain a facadeLoss of authenticityAlways acting ‘perfect’ in public

Media Invasion Issues

The unyielding media invasion exacerbates the privacy challenges celebrities face, further complicating their efforts to maintain a semblance of normalcy in their personal lives. Imagine constantly being under a microscope, where every move you make is watched and reported. This is the daily reality for many famous individuals.

  • Constant Surveillance : Celebrities often find themselves surrounded by paparazzi and journalists, making it nearly impossible to enjoy private moments without media attention. Whether they’re grabbing coffee or going on a vacation, there’s always a camera lurking nearby.
  • Exaggerated Stories and Misinformation : Media outlets thrive on sensationalism, which can lead to exaggerated stories about celebrities’ lives. This invasion of privacy often results in false narratives that can harm their reputations and mental well-being.
  • Safety Concerns : The persistent media presence can create a sense of paranoia. Celebrities may feel unsafe due to the potential for stalkers and unwanted attention, making it difficult to lead a normal life.

These challenges force celebrities to rely heavily on publicists and strategic planning to manage their public personas, further blurring the lines between their public and private lives. The quest for privacy becomes an ongoing battle against the unyielding tide of media attention.

Privacy Loss Effects

Amidst the allure of fame, celebrities often grapple with considerable privacy challenges that can deeply impact their mental health and personal relationships. Imagine constantly being followed by cameras and having every detail of your life scrutinized by the media. This unyielding invasion of privacy can lead to heightened anxiety and stress, making it hard to maintain a sense of normalcy.

The impact on mental health is substantial, as the pressure to uphold a flawless public image can be overwhelming. Celebrities often feel like they must monitor their actions closely to avoid any public backlash, which adds to their emotional distress. Relationships also suffer, as it becomes challenging to differentiate genuine friends from those who are merely attracted to their fame.

Below is a table summarizing the effects of privacy loss on celebrities:

AspectEffect on CelebritiesDescription
PrivacyUnyielding Media ScrutinyContinuous invasion of personal space and exposure of private details.
Mental HealthHeightened Anxiety & StressIncreased pressure leading to emotional and psychological distress.
RelationshipsOpportunistic FriendshipsDifficulty in distinguishing genuine relationships from those seeking benefits.
ReputationMisinformation & ExaggerationsHarmful stories that can damage their public image and personal life.
Public ImagePressure to Be PerfectNecessity to constantly monitor behavior to avoid negative publicity.

Navigating fame is no small feat, and these privacy challenges certainly make it even more intimidating.

Emotional Impact

deep emotional resonance

Steering through the emotional terrain of fame often entails considerable challenges, including increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. The emotional toll of fame can be heavy, as societal expectations force celebrities to constantly present a flawless image. This can lead to an identity crisis, where they struggle to distinguish their true selves from their public personas.

Imagine this:

  • Loneliness and Isolation: Genuine connections become scarce as everyone wants a piece of you, making it hard to know who’s a true friend.
  • High Societal Expectations: The pressure to always be perfect can cause anxiety and depression, as the world watches your every move.
  • Identity Crisis: Trying to figure out who you really are becomes tough when you’re always putting on a show for the public.

Celebrities often face burnout from unyielding schedules, public appearances, and the constant demand to be in the spotlight. This can lead to decreased motivation and, sometimes, mental health breakdowns.

The fear of failure and negative public perception adds to the stress, making it even harder for them to maintain their emotional well-being.

Balancing personal and public life is no easy task, and the emotional impact of fame can be quite overwhelming.

Personal Relationships

interpersonal connections and dynamics

Being famous can turn personal relationships into a tricky game, where genuine connections become hard to find and trust issues often arise.

Friends and partners might feel left out or overshadowed, and the constant media spotlight doesn’t help.

With so many people wanting to be close to celebrities for the wrong reasons, finding true friends who care for the real person behind the fame can be a real challenge.

Altered Relationship Dynamics

Steering fame often leads to altered relationship dynamics, as the pressures and scrutiny of public life create distance and misunderstandings. When you become famous, your relationships can change in unexpected ways. The constant spotlight can sometimes make you feel isolated, even when surrounded by people.

Here are three key ways fame can impact relationships:

  • Increased Isolation : While you might meet more people, finding genuine connections becomes harder. You’re constantly wondering if someone likes you for you or your fame.
  • Strain and Jealousy : Friends and family might feel left out or envious of your glamorous lifestyle. This can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, making it tough to maintain close bonds.
  • Attracting Opportunists : Some people might want to be friends just to benefit from your status. They could be after money, connections, or simply the thrill of being associated with a celebrity.

These changes can make it challenging to keep relationships authentic and meaningful. The more famous you get, the more you need to maneuver through these tricky dynamics.

While fame brings excitement and opportunities, it also demands careful handling of personal relationships to avoid feeling isolated and misunderstood.

Trust and Intentions

Steering trust and intentions in personal relationships becomes increasingly challenging when fame enters the equation.

Imagine having loads of new friends , but not knowing if they like you for you or because of your fame. It gets tricky! When you’re famous, some people might want to get close to you just to gain something for themselves, like popularity or money. This makes it super hard to figure out who genuinely cares about you.

Your relationships with family and old friends can also get weird. Fame changes how people see you, which can lead to misunderstandings and distance. It’s like they’re not sure how to act around you anymore. Plus, being in the spotlight means your personal life gets a lot of public attention , putting extra stress on your relationships. Imagine your friends or partner feeling pressured because everyone is watching!

Trust issues pop up too. Celebrities often worry about being used or manipulated, so they might hesitate to form new relationships or keep up old ones. This fear can make them feel lonely and isolated. It’s tough to find people who aren’t influenced by their fame, making genuine connections rare.

Genuine Connections Scarcity

Steering personal relationships becomes particularly complex for celebrities, as the scarcity of genuine connections often overshadows their social interactions. When you’re famous, it’s tough to know who’s a real friend and who’s just hanging around for your fame. This situation can lead to trust issues and feelings of isolation. Imagine constantly questioning if someone likes you for you or for your public persona.

Here are three key points to reflect upon:

  • Altered Dynamics : Fame can change how people act around you, making it harder to maintain genuine connections. Your public identity often takes the spotlight, overshadowing your true self.
  • Opportunists : Celebrities often attract people who want to benefit from their fame. This makes it difficult to figure out who’s a true friend and who has ulterior motives.
  • Isolation : The demands of being famous can limit your chances for authentic social interactions. This can leave you feeling lonely and disconnected from others, even in a crowd.

Public Image Management

reputation control strategies implemented

Effective public image management is essential for celebrities to maintain a positive reputation and steer through the complexities of fame. Imagine having millions of eyes on you all the time—pretty intense, right? Celebrities need to be strategic about how they present themselves, both online and offline. This is where public image management comes in. It involves careful planning and curating an online presence to make sure their personal brand matches what the public expects. But here’s the tricky part: staying authentic.

Balancing authenticity with what the audience wants is a tough job. Celebrities have to be genuine enough to connect with their fans, but they also need to meet certain expectations. It’s like walking a tightrope! That’s why many celebrities hire publicists and social media managers to help them out. These experts guide them through potential controversies and keep their image sparkling clean.

Media training is another vital tool. It teaches celebrities how to handle interviews and public appearances, making sure they project the right persona. And let’s not forget the support network . Surrounding themselves with trusted friends and advisors can help celebrities manage their image and cope with the pressures of fame.

Balancing Fame and Safety

fame versus personal safety

Steering the delicate balance between fame and personal safety necessitates stringent security measures and strategic public engagement for celebrities. Imagine being famous and having fans everywhere, but also needing to stay safe. It’s a tricky situation that requires some serious planning.

Celebrities often hire bodyguards and use high-tech surveillance systems to keep unwanted attention at bay. They also have to be super careful about their privacy. Here’s a look into their world:

  • Personal Security: Celebrities hire professional bodyguards and install advanced security systems to protect themselves.
  • Public Engagement: They limit public appearances and are cautious with social media to avoid mobbing and harassment.
  • Mental Health: The stress of constant scrutiny means they need self-care practices and support networks to stay mentally healthy.

Balancing fame and safety also means celebrities have to set boundaries with fans to avoid privacy invasions.

They work with legal teams to handle online harassment and protect their digital spaces. This mix of strategies helps them stay safe while still enjoying the perks of being famous.

It’s not easy, but with the right approach, they can manage the ups and downs of celebrity life.

Common Questions

What is the disadvantage of being famous.

The primary disadvantage of being famous is the considerable loss of privacy, as public figures often face constant scrutiny and intrusion into their personal lives, leading to mental health challenges, strained relationships, and heightened vulnerability to exploitation.

What Are the Pros of Being Famous?

Fame offers substantial wealth, career growth through top-brand collaborations, and entrepreneurial ventures. It enables celebrities to influence societal change, provides emotional support from dedicated fans, and grants access to exclusive events, enhancing networking and professional opportunities.

What Are the Negatives of Being Well Known or Famous?

The negatives of being well-known or famous include a considerable loss of privacy, mental health challenges, increased risk of insincere relationships, feelings of isolation, and the frequent experience of harassment and unwanted attention, compromising personal safety.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Popularity?

Popularity offers increased wealth and networking opportunities, facilitating entrepreneurial success and advocacy for social causes. Nevertheless, it also brings loss of privacy, unyielding scrutiny, and mental health challenges due to the pressures of maintaining a public image.

In summary, being famous has its fair share of ups and downs .

While wealth and unique opportunities can be exciting, privacy challenges and emotional impacts are substantial drawbacks.

Fame can complicate personal relationships and requires careful public image management .

Balancing the perks of fame with safety concerns is a constant juggling act.

Weighing these pros and cons is essential for anyone dreaming of the spotlight, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of celebrity life.

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The Pros and Cons of Being Famous

Is fame really worth it.

Being famous is a dream for many people. The glamour, the attention, and the luxurious lifestyle are often the images that come to mind when people think about being famous. However, fame also comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages that are often unseen by the public eye. In this article, we will explore both the pros and cons of being famous, shedding light on the reality behind the glitz and glamour.

While being famous can bring unprecedented opportunities and privileges, it also comes with a whole host of challenges and drawbacks. It's important to understand the full spectrum of what it means to be famous before making assumptions about the lifestyle. Let's delve into the intricacies of fame and uncover its true nature.

Contrary to popular belief, the advantages of being famous extend far beyond just wealth and recognition. While these are undoubtedly significant perks, the benefits of fame go much deeper. Let's explore some of the unexpected advantages that come with being famous.

Missing a pro?

While fame may seem glamorous from the outside, the reality is far more complex. The downsides of being famous can take a significant toll on an individual's personal well-being, privacy, and overall quality of life. It's crucial to examine the less favorable aspects of fame to understand the complete picture.

Missing a con?

In conclusion, the allure of fame is undeniable, but it comes with a multitude of complexities and trade-offs. While the advantages of influence, access, and financial security can be enticing, the price of constant public scrutiny, loss of privacy, and emotional strain should not be underestimated. Being famous is a double-edged sword, offering both extraordinary privileges and significant burdens. It's essential to recognize the multifaceted nature of fame and consider the full spectrum of its implications before aspiring to a life in the spotlight.



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Band 7+: Being a celebrity- such as a famous film star or sports personality- brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?

The lives of celebrities, like famous movie stars or sportspeople, bring benefits as well as problems. Although earning huge amounts of money is an advantage for celebrities, I believe the lack of privacy in their lives is a major problem that outweighs the benefit.

The main advantage for celebrities is that they receive huge remuneration. That is to say, such people are paid large amounts of money for their efforts or performance. Celebrities usually decide how much they should be paid, and the people who pay them do not negotiate as they are confident in their star value. For example, Avengers star cast members were paid in high amounts even before they read the script of the film series because of their previous performances in the older series. However, I think celebrities are also human beings, and money cannot replace the happiness or freedom they need in their lives.

One of the downsides of being a celebrity is that it is not possible for them to lead a private life. This means that because of their fame and popularity, they are continuously followed by the media and by their fans, who eagerly wait to know what is happening in their favourite stars’ lives. As such, celebrities lose their freedom and cannot enjoy their personal time with their families or friends. For instance, when Sachin Tendulkar became famous after his remarkable performance in cricket, he claimed that he could not walk down the streets of Mumbai as he used to do in the past. Thus, I believe celebrities cannot be carefree, and they always have to face the media in one way or another.

To conclude, I think the problem of being a celebrity is that their privacy is interrupted, and this overshadows the benefit of making large amounts of money as a celebrity.

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Being a Celebrity such as Famous Film Star brings Problems as Well as Benefits- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Jan 31, 2022


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Being a Celebrity such as Famous Film Star brings Problems as Well as Benefits- IELTS Writing Task 2

Table of Contents

Sample essay.

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Being a celebrity such as a famous film star or sports personality brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?

Opinion Essay


Sentences 1&2 – Summarise the topic with the use of synonyms to create a basic understanding.

Sentence 3 – Mention that the essay will understand the benefits and problems regarding being a celebrity.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 – Talk about the pros of being a celebrity like the money, fame, love received, admiration received, etc.

Paragraph 2 – Talk about the negatives of being a celebrity, like the unending struggles, mental health, always leading by example, pestering paparazzi, and violation of privacy at all times.

Paragraph 3 – Summarise the prior paragraphs to highlight the benefits and problems of living a celebrity’s life. Focus on the disadvantageous side more as the essay inclines towards the same.

Restate your views.

Being a celebrity is hugely rewarding, and there is no denying that. You can be a people’s favorite, make tons of money and live a grand life. But it also has as many downsides to it. This essay will understand the numerous facets of becoming a superstar and why I feel there are more benefits than problems.

Aside from the ones mentioned in a nutshell, the pros of being a celebrity are numerous. For instance, a celebrity is always loved by his fans, so much so that legions of them wait for hours outside their star’s residence to catch a glimpse! Moreover, a celebrity can earn money and fame like anything. From signing multi-million dollar deals and appearing in events and concerts to walking the red carpet while the world drools over what you wear is part of the grandiose lifestyle of a superstar.

You can also host various reality shows to stamp your image further. Additionally, you can discover young talents and give them a platform to maximize their skills and actualize their true potential. Being an influential personality is not just about making money and being the paparazzi’s favorite. One can change lives for the better if one assumes the role with utmost responsibility.

But the negatives are often undermined, sometimes purposefully. First, being a celebrity is synonymous with being a role model, which puts an undue burden on one’s shoulders – to lead by example. Secondly, you cannot show weakness, sadness, or even the slightest show of pain, as people look for happiness and entertainment when they want to see you. Then, there’s the ever-present violation of privacy. The “paparazzi” never leave a single turn of a leaf to get your picture or cover your story. It can be pestering and annoying when this becomes an everyday occurrence. But, when one becomes a renowned person, they accept that life with the knowledge of its perks and cons.

I see being a celebrity as a gamble’s result – high win, high loss. There is such extreme duality in the lifestyle that it cannot be fathomed within this essay. The highs are high, the lows are extremely low, and once you embark on this path, you cannot return. Needless to say, being a celebrity is rewarding and risky at the same time!

  • Downsides 

Meaning – the negative aspect of something otherwise regarded as good or desirable. Example – The downsides of public life remain numerous and lack of privacy is one of the biggest.

  • Facets  

Meaning – one side of something many-sided. Example – There are many facets to earning money.

  • In a nutshell

Meaning – in the fewest possible words. Example – Due to a time limit, I’ll quickly mention the benefits of our internship in a nutshell.

  • Legions 

Meaning – a vast host, multitude, or a number of people or things. Example – Legions of camera persons and photographers reached the stadium to record the final.

  • Grandiose  

Meaning – impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so. Example – Did you see the big sofa in the grandiose living room?

Meaning – make as large or great as possible. Example – The firm aims to maximize profits while retaining clients.

  • Actualize 

Meaning – make a reality of. Example – The Foreign Ministry of India actualized one of the most daring rescue operations when it rescued the Indian nationals from Kuwait in 1990.

  • Pestering 

Meaning – trouble or annoy (someone) with frequent or persistent requests or interruptions. Example – I don’t know where the pestering noise comes from.

  • Duality 

Meaning – an instance of opposition or contrast between two concepts or two aspects of something; a dualism. Example – The duality of competition in today’s times even breaks friendships and family.

  • Fathomed 

Meaning – understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much thought. Example – The plights of those who live without proper basic amenities cannot be fathomed.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic Being Celebrity

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic Being Celebrity: Score Higher Bands in Your Upcoming IELTS

IELTS is one of the most popular English language tests. Do you think you can get admission to your favourite college by simply passing IELTS? No, not at all. To get admitted and ensure a smooth migration process you need to score higher.

Nowadays, universities have raised their bars. They don’t want you to just pass but excel in IELTS. Why? This will ensure that you will adapt better to the foreign atmosphere without any difficulty.

So the question comes how to score higher in your IELTS? Well, the answer is pretty simple. By working on each section of IELTS whether it is reading, writing, speaking or listening. In this article, we will deal with IELTS writing part 2.

This section deals with presenting your opinion or views in the answer to the comment or discussion. Let’s find out more about this part and know the ways to ace this part. Let’s begin.

IELTS Writing

This module aims to test the basic writing skills of the test taker. The IELTS writing module differs in the two different IELTS I.e. IELTS general training and IELTS academic.

In IELTS academics the testicles have to attend two different tasks. In the first hours, they will be given a graph, table chart or a diagram and will be asked to describe, summarise or explain the given information in their own words.

In task 2 they have to write an essay in response to the given argument, opinion, statement, or program.

On the other hand, IELTS general training writing tasks are pretty much easier than academic writing. Because test takers take IELTS general training to migrate to a foreign country for work purposes. The first task is to write a letter requesting information on explaining the situation. Note this letter can be personal, formal or semi-formal.

The second task is similar to both academic and general training, you will have to present your opinion in written form in answer to the given statement or idea.

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IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS writing task 2 requires you to write about 250 words. First of all, you will be given a topic that is a statement, opinion or an argument on which you have to give your opinion in the written format.

First of all, you have to understand the topic then perform an opinion then discuss the topic. By discussing the topic we mean that you have to write down your opinion, give the details, outline problems and provide solutions.  This section is more important in task 1 as it carries more marks than the first one.

A test taker will be evaluated based on task response, coherence and cohesion, vocabulary and grammar.

Types of Questions: Writing Task 2

There are around five different types of questions asked in writing task 2. Let’s take a brief look at them:

#1. Opinion

#2. Problems and Solution

#3. discussion

#4. Advantages and Disadvantages

#5. Two-part Question


Also Read: How to Write an Opinion Essay? Tips to Score Well in the Writing Section of the IELTS Exam

IELTS Writing Task 2: Topic Being Celebrity Model Answer

Being a celebrity – such as a famous film star or sports personality – brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer One

While being a celebrity has its benefits there is also another side of the coin. Usually, normal people stay ignorant about this side and only celebrities can feel that.

The truth is that celebrities have to pay for both the advantages as well as the advantages of fame. First of all, let us look at the major advantages of being a celebrity. The first thing that comes with the famous money. Celebrities have different ways to make money and live their luxurious life.

They receive huge payments from series, films, advertisements, brand endorsement, etc. The corporation hires them for the brand endorsement in which they received the product for free as well as they received the payment for it.

The other important thing is that they receive special treatment from everyone no matter where they go. The celebrities receive special treatment in the restaurant, parks, marts, museum, etc. For example, they get a special table in the restaurant, first row tickets in a concert, and never have to wait in a queue in the shopping mall.

Wherever the celebrity goes they receive the attention of the people. Everyone is like” I know him”, “she is my favourite”. This gives them a massive self-esteem boost and they become even more confident. Also, they have a fan base that looks upon them as an inspiration and wishes them on their birthdays or special days and gives them gifts.

Also, they are a huge source of motivation and help them to keep going. Once you become a celebrity multiple careers open up for you. For example, you can become a brand ambassador or a fashion model. You can even start your brand without any cost of advertisement.

Now that we have solved one side of the coin the other side is a lot darker. While being a celebrity you are restricted in many ways and you cannot live your life freely. Also, you have to carry a bodyguard wherever you go for your safety. You have to be conscious about yourself wherever you go as you have to maintain your image.

Moreover, stalkers, fan hate, privacy, controversy, paparazzi, rumours are some other common drawbacks of being a celebrity.

To sum it up we can say that there are some drawbacks to being famous. But we cannot say that being a celebrity comes with a lot of disadvantages. Instead, it has money advantages apart from its drawbacks.

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Everyone dreams to be successful and famous. Those who are successful are looked upon as role models. But as it is said that grass on the other side is always greener. This is the same case with the lives of celebrities. Several celebrities complain about their woes of being famous. Let us analyse if it is more beneficial for being famous or if it has more problems.

Celebrity has to work a lot day and night to become famous. But when they finally become successful several drawbacks come together. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

First and foremost, every celebrity has to sacrifice their privacy. Being a celebrity comes with the responsibility of sharing their personal life with their fans. Every aspect of life is watched by your friends. Their life is no more private and they will feel like they are a busy monitor by someone.

They cannot take their personal decisions such as dating, marrying, etc. Their fanbase is affected by their decisions. Also, they have to sign contracts in which they have to agree to be single till the contract period. This is another drawback of being a celebrity. On one hand, they receive huge payments after signing for a brand endorsement but the hidden part is that you will have to remain within the bondage of the contract. Because of the contract, they have to maintain their public image. If their image is hurt in any way they have to pay a huge fine.

The other thing is while being the centre of attraction they are subjected to more criticism. The celebrities walk on the edge of the line. If they fall on any side they will have to face severe consequences. They will be picked on by the fans that loved them once. They have to see their clothes, look, behaviour, etc. They are constantly being monitored by their fans and anti-fans. They are public figures and hence have to live up to their fans’ expectations.

Celebrities live a short life. Their fame is short-lived. They suddenly rise to fame and fall back suddenly. Meanwhile, they have to face fear and anxiety.

The worst nightmare of a celebrity is stalking. Celebrities are haunted by stalkers. They are usually die-hard fans and cross their limits. They are obsessed with their celebrity and want to reach the third wall. They try to contact their celebrity and seek their attention. If they are left unsatisfied they try to harm their celebrity both mentally and physically.

Also Read: How to Write Essay for IELTS Task 2? Know the Strategies to Ace the Writing Test in IELTS

Tips and Strategies to Get Band 8 in Your IELTS

Candidates will score based on task response, coherence & cohesion, vocabulary, and grammar.

#1. Task Response

# First of all, you have to understand the question. Read the question first and then try to interpret it. Candidates often lose marks because they don’t understand the question clearly and answer ambiguously.

# After understanding the question you need to brainstorm. Organize your ideas and structure your essay well.

# First write down the introduction. It should be catching and grasping the attention of the reader.

# Then structure the body paragraphs well. Highlight the main points and give relevant examples.

# Finally conclude your essay with a proper summary.

#2. Coherence and Cohesion

# You have to present your ideas and information logically. Understand that you need to structure your essay well. Remember you cannot write your essay in a single paragraph. You have to break down your essay into 4-5 paragraphs.

# Introduction and conclusion are two paragraphs.

# The body should contain no more than 2-3 paragraphs.

#3. Vocabulary

Present your ideas well with proper words. You need to use a wide range of vocabulary. You can also use various phrases and idioms.

#4. Grammar

You have to work on your grammar. Use a wide range of sentences.

Also Read: Recent IELTS Writing Task 2 Questions of March-May, 2021: Gear Up Yourself for More Practice

Different Questions to Practice

#1. Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many countries around the world. Why is this? What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy? #2. Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of crime. Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime. While others feel that little action can be done to stop crime. What is your view? #3. Some claim that studying abroad has great benefits for a student’s home country. To what To what extent do you agree or disagree? #4. School children today take part in work experience sessions for short periods instead of attending school? Is this positive or a negative development #5. International tourism has brought about enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

Also Read: Recent IELTS Writing Topics: Topics and Question for the Year 2021

I hope you got a clear idea of IELTS writing task 2. For more such information, visit the IELTS Ninja website. This website is a one-stop solution to your IELTS worries. This website contains IELTS information, tips and preparation to help you to score higher bands.


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Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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Essay 2 – Being a celebrity brings problems as well as benefits

Gt writing task 2 (essay writing) sample # 2.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Being a celebrity – such as famous film star or sports personalit y – brings problems as well as benefits.

Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: (View: being a celebrity brings more benefits.) A celebrity reaps many advantages and demerits from being famous. The public perception is that popular figures do not enjoy a personal life. However, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I believe that being famous has more pros than cons.

To commence with, celebrities can lead a life full of luxury. They, usually, can bring many fortunes to themselves and their family. Celebrated figures – particularly movie stars and successful athletes – are generally richer than the average public. Expensive clothes, luxurious cars and homes, and other materialistic pleasures of life translate dreams into reality when a person becomes famous. Moreover, the noted personalities have many admirers. Fan’s respect and love, very often, inspire famous people to achieve greater success. Furthermore, plenty of opportunities are opened up when people become renowned. For instance, someone like Cristiano Ronaldo leads a life that is enviable by others.

On the flip side of the coin, many a time, celebrities hate being famous. First of all, people incessantly judge superstars. Magazines, tabloids, newspapers, social networks, and other forms of media are quick to criticize a celebrity on his habits, personality, and personal affairs. The scandalous reports are common to many popular personalities. Sometimes a celebrity is traumatized by fake stories. Second, celebrities often cannot do things that common people can. They are mobbed by adoring fans wherever they go. Take Tom Cruise for an example – what would happen if he walks down to a shopping mall on a regular day? He would be hounded for selfies and autographs.

In conclusion, being famous is a double-edged sword for many. However, the fame and fortune brought by celebrities outweigh the negative aspects. After all, everything has its cost but who would not want to cherish life and fame due to a small price?

Model Answer 2: (View: being a celebrity has more drawbacks) While we envy the lavish lifestyle, fame, designer clothes and luxury cars famous people enjoy, we fail to realise the cost these celebrities have to pay. They are subject to propaganda, media scrutiny, work pressure and the heinous invasion of their personal life. Thus I believe that being a high-profile person who gets media attention has more drawbacks than benefits.

To begin with, expensive houses, posh cars, and pictures in leading newspapers do not define the life we lead. Thus no matter how glorious the lives of celebrities seem from the outside, they are people like us and want to enjoy life to its fullest. However, the way their privacy is intruded upon and gossip are formulated, they are subject to raging attack and it is difficult for them to have a normal life. For instance, propaganda and conflicts have ruined the life and career of many young celebrities in Hollywood and this is still happening.

Moreover, being a famous sportsperson or movie star does not mean that life is struggle free. They have to prove their worth to sustain their career and for this, they often sacrifice their personal life. Regrettably, a diehard fan of a movie star does not stop behaving irrationally when he comes in contact with this icon. This is quite unexpected, especially for someone who believes there are so many people to support him. To have a meaningful life and to enjoy it, we need a caring family, friends, faith in us and economic freedom. No doubt celebrities have a steady flow of money, but not a normal life and caring relationship with ordinary people.

To conclude, being famous is something everybody desires but this is a two-edged sword. If money and fame become the main objectives of life, we will miss so many aspects of a joyful life which is often the case for famous people.

Model Answer 3: (View: being a celebrity brings more benefits.) Being a celebrity, whether it be a famous film star or sports personality, undoubtedly brings its own set of challenges and benefits. While it is true that there are problems associated with celebrity status, I firmly believe that the benefits outweigh them.

Firstly, being a celebrity means having the ability to influence and inspire people on a large scale. Many famous personalities use their platform to advocate for social causes, raise awareness about important issues and contribute to charity work. For example, Hollywood actor Angelina Jolie has been actively involved in humanitarian work, using her celebrity status to draw attention to global issues such as refugee rights and child welfare. This is just one of the many examples of how celebrities can leverage their fame for the greater good.

Secondly, being a celebrity often translates into financial stability and a luxurious lifestyle. With fame comes endorsement deals, high-paying movie or sports contracts, and other lucrative opportunities. This not only provides the celebrity with a comfortable living but also has the potential to positively impact the economy by generating revenue and creating job opportunities.

While it is true that there are problems associated with celebrity status, such as privacy invasion, paparazzi harassment, and unrealistic expectations from fans, these issues can be managed by taking appropriate measures. Celebrities often have access to legal and security resources that can help protect their privacy and safety.

In conclusion, the benefits of being a celebrity far outweigh the problems associated with it. The ability to influence and inspire people on a large scale, financial stability and the potential to positively impact the economy are just some of the benefits. Overall, being a celebrity can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

Model Answer 4: (View: being a celebrity has more problems) Being a celebrity, whether it is a famous film star, musician or sports personality, is often considered a dream come true. However, with fame comes a host of problems that can be overwhelming. In this essay, I will argue that being a celebrity brings more problems than benefits.

It is true that being a celebrity can bring recognition and fame, which can lead to opportunities and privileges that others may not have. For instance, they may get exclusive invitations to events, access to luxury experiences, and receive special treatment in public places. Moreover, celebrities can leverage their fame to generate income from various sources, such as endorsements, sponsorships, and appearances.

However, the problems associated with fame and endorsement are also huge for celebrities. One of the biggest problems that come with being a celebrity is a lack of privacy. Celebrities are constantly in the public eye, and their every move is scrutinized by the media and their fans. They are often followed by paparazzi, who will do anything to get a picture of them. This lack of privacy can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety, as well as the feeling of being constantly watched.

Another problem that celebrities face is the pressure to always be perfect. Celebrities are expected to be role models for their fans, and any mistakes they make can be blown out of proportion. They are often criticized for everything from their fashion choices to their personal lives. This constant scrutiny can be extremely stressful and can lead to a lot of anxiety and depression. It even has a toll on their relationship and personal life.

In conclusion, being a celebrity might seem like a glamorous lifestyle, but it comes with a host of problems that can be overwhelming. From a lack of privacy and constant scrutiny, to the pressure to be perfect and struggles with relationships, celebrities face many challenges that can be difficult to cope with. Therefore, I believe that being a celebrity brings more troubles than benefits.

3 Comments to “Essay 2 – Being a celebrity brings problems as well as benefits”

This was really helpful… Thank you so much 😊

Your essay is good, but I need one pros essay and another cons essay.

Good, not bad.

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Being Famous to Being Rich Essay

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Social ladder, the futuristic perspective of being rich to being fame.

The human species vary greatly in various perspectives ranging from intelligence, size, milieu, and social status. Social status pertains to the different categories of famous people and rich people. Famous people include rappers and singers, actors and actress, producers, television and movies stars, models, chefs, teachers; any person can be famous (reComparison contributing writer, par. 2).

Comparatively, there are variety of rich people who have gain their wealth status through delusion, legacy, diligent work, live insurance policies regarding the death of family member or by hitting the lotto (par. 2).

In determining a person’s social status, many factors are considered. These factors include personal monetary value, a person’s family, who you know as well as how you tumbled upon your fame or money. There is a wide variation between the famous movie idols and politicians. A movie idol will earn a high opinion and admiration from the public, whereas a famous politician will command a big scope of fans when they are still in the limelight (par. 3).

Although millionaires and billionaires form the crest of the social status, in the young generation’s mind they fall short of fame since they seldom appear in the information media preferred by them. This is evident by the fact that a public spokesman can enjoy a higher social position relative to other private millionaires, if s/he is well-known (par. 3).

Ironically the famous persons as well as rich persons can at any time lose their fame and money. Nevertheless, when an individual who is famous loses his/her social status, some small degree of their fame still remains. The expression “fifteen minute of fame” applies for those persons who have been put in the limelight by publicity experts converse to those who have been espouse glorious or those regarded as fascinating by the masses; their work and career will still persist regardless of the reason for their fame (par. 4).

On the other hand, the rich can restore back his/her money after losing, by persistent hard work or by applying the same initiative that facilitated their success initially. According to those who are not rich, achieving a rich status has some mystery attached to it. Money goes to those who focus their thoughts to gaining wealth by applying very distinct steps which they uphold will result in success. The essentials of financial success are to some extent aligned with the laws of cause and effects (par. 5).

Being rich does not necessarily mean you are famous; conversely, being famous does not essentially mean you are rich. A rich person can lose his money any moment whereas a famous person can only have his fame diminished to some degree determined by the cause for the fame.

Fame makes the social status easy to scale on the account of the big number of people know you, while a rich person can by his/her way up the social status. Although money can make one rich, it cannot necessarily make you famous; instead being famous is not a materialistic aspect of the society since any person can do something to become famous (par. 6).

re Comparison contributing writer. Being Rich vs. Being Famous . reComaprison – Compare it Yourself. 2010. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 21). Being Famous to Being Rich.

"Being Famous to Being Rich." IvyPanda , 21 July 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Being Famous to Being Rich'. 21 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Being Famous to Being Rich." July 21, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Being Famous to Being Rich." July 21, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Being Famous to Being Rich." July 21, 2018.

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"Pros And Cons Of Being Famous." StudyMoose, Mar 14, 2016. Accessed August 11, 2024.

"Pros And Cons Of Being Famous," StudyMoose , 14-Mar-2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Pros And Cons Of Being Famous . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 11-Aug-2024]

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Pros And Cons Of Being Famous essay

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer: Celebrity – problems and benefits

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic

Being a celebrity - such as famous film star or sports personality - brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

It is often argued that celebrity status,notwithstanding fame and wealth, is often plagued with problems like lack of personal space and constant media glare. I strongly believe that the benefits of celebrity status far outweigh the problems and over the course of this essay will provide reasons for this viewpoint. There are various reasons why people believe that celebrity status is a curse. Primary reason is the lack of personal space. Due to constant media attention and fan following, celebrities find it difficult to enjoy the simple things in life.For example, Indian national team cricketers are treated like demigods in India. Consequently, the cricketers find it rather difficult to venture in public spaces like shopping malls or hang out with friends and family in restaurants.This constant media attention could be overwhelming at times. On the other hand, every coin has two sides. First of all, celebrities through their fan following can influence the society in a positive way. For example, Rajnikanth a famous movie star from India has a larger than life image. Recently his support and encouragement to local bullfighting sport influenced millions of students to hit the road and protest against government decision to stop bullfighting. Consequently, government was forced to reconsider the controversial decision. Another reason is, celebrities through their work, motivate and inspire millions of fans and general public alike. For instance, legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar has acted as a role model for generations of youth and has inspired them to reach out for the sky; no dream too big, no challenge too great. Having considered a range of arguments, I have concluded that benefits of being a celebrity greatly outweigh the problems. From influencing the public in a positive way to acting as a role model, the benefits are far and wide .

essay about being famous

Total Words: 302

Task Achievement: 9

Coherence & cohesion: 9, lexical resources: 9, overall score: band 9.

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What Does it Mean “Being Famous”? Argumentative Essay

If you are a famous person all the people believe you have a wonderful life with no worries or problems. But, to my mind being famous have both advantages and disadvantages. The greatest advantage is that celebrities are usually very rich and they have easier lifes than other people. They live in beautiful enormous houses mantained by housekeepers, gardeners, cooks and many servants. Secondly, being a celebrity bring them such privileges as not pay in restaurants, travel a lot around the world and they can also afford the best clothes and drive the latest models of fast and luxurious cars.

Furthermore, they spend their holidays in expensive resorts, get the best hotel rooms and the most efficient service. In addition, when a celebrity is sick, he/she has certainly a private doctor and the best medical treatment. However, being famous involve a lot of disadvantages. For example, they can?t go to the same places that the ordinary people usually go to without having many ‘paparazzi’ behind them. They are like a public property and do not have privacy. And finally, there is a major drawback: the more they get and succeed the more their fans expected them to achieve.

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Because this state of constant stress, many of them are pushed in alcoholism, drug-addiction and depression. To be famous and being rich is to be known by a lot of people. So do being poor and unknown is the contradictory from it. Well, what can be say here that famous person always get attention wherever they go. Ensuing from they may find that it is easier for them to get or services in the public places it is not for the poor and unknown people as they do not get special attention as them.

The common people are often captivated by famous people and usually go out of their way to help them. Conversely famous people do not have everything out of their way causing them to pay a price for the fame and what can be say here is too often too great to pay for. But it is not for the infamous one as they are not recognized by people around. Undoubtedly most of the privacy in their private life is not secret anymore as being publicized by the media until the person has no peace. Everything is revealled by the media. This make them uncomfortable to do things.

Instead, most of the famous people becoming the target on someone that hold something to them. Big names, such as John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy were victims of assasins. This is the price they have to pay for being famous. There are a possibilities of madmen targeting them who have the fame. For unknown people they can live without trouble comparing their opposites. So, as for conclusion, what can be say here is that, overall it is better to leave fame far away. Ha-ha.. its disadvantages is far outweigh its advantages.

Personally from my advice i would rather be an ordinary person who can go for a walk peacefully down the road instead of being hectic situation being guarded by bodyguard that protects me from ordinary people as i can be explore and discover new things in my life without restraint. Best Answer – Chosen by Asker Advantages: -Never have to worry about money -Can use your riches to help charities -You get to live luxuriously

-You have fans who love and respect your work Disadvantages: -You are extremely busy, and have someone running your entire life and making your schedule -Higher chance of drug/alcohol use and depression Your personality can change completely; you may become very snobby once you get accustomed to so much luxury -You never know who your real friends are, or if the person you’re dating really likes you for you -Your every move is photographed -You are expected to look perfect; there is pressure to be of a certain weight, as well -Once you’re famous, you are technically ‘famous’ for the rest of your life; you can’t take it back life Ads by Google South Florida Real Estate www. JMarBrokers. com Experienced Realtors in Your Area Residential-Commercial-Business

Being a celebrity may guarantee a walk on the red carpet but with the celebrity status come many disadvantages – Read on Source: sxc Ads by Google Vé Máy Bay Giá R? elines. vn/ve-may-bay Vé Giá R?, Khuy?n Mãi L?n. H? Th?ng Bán Vé Máy Bay Thông Minh. Create a Facebook Profile Facebook. com World’s Largest Online Community. Join for Free & Enjoy the Benefits! OC Glam Tan www. ocglamtan. com Custom Airbrush Tanning Fantasy Tan Solution Being a celebrity or simply being famous has its own advantages and disadvantages. The common perception is that celebrities and famous personalities have everything in life.

After all, the grass is always greener on the other side, isn’t it? The truth is that there are as many downsides and disadvantages of being a celebrity as there are the number of benefits. Who said being famous was always fun? Decide for yourself – read on for 5 advantages and disadvantages of being a celebrity. 5 major advantages of being a celebrity 1) Celebrities get special treatment wherever they go It is a no-brainer to assume that someone like Selena Gomez or Justin Bieber will get preferential treatment over other customers at a restaurant, don’t you think?

From special seats at theatres to special tables at restaurants, celebrities are given the advantage of being the preferred customers everywhere they go. Wouldn’t you love it if you were given preferential entry at nightclubs or given first row seats at award functions? Of course you would, and that is exactly why this perk of being famous is just too tempting. 2) Being famous generally means being richer One of the very obvious advantages of being famous is that fame generally brings with it lots of fortune. Celebrities and other famous people are generally richer than the average joe.

Luxurious homes and cars, fancy gifts, expensive clothes and other such materialistic pleasures of life convert from a dream to a reality when people become famous. Forget homes, celebrities are also known to own entire islands. If you have a single ounce of doubt whether celebrities are actually rich, go watch episodes of MTV Cribs and all your doubts will magically disappear. In particular, watch the episode which showcases the home, cars and lifestyle of 50 Cent. 3) Celebrities are recognized everywhere they go Celebrities are recognized everywhere they go.

This is an advantage because people often draw a massive ego boost when random bystanders recognize them. It can be a great opportunity to boast to a friend and say “Gee, I’m so famous. Everyone recognizes me” While most seasoned celebrities get over this initial ego boost quickly, being recognized, spotted and pictured is quite a rush and a massage to the egos of some famous people. 4) Celebrities and famous people have fans Fans are the people who adore their celebrity idols. They can have celebrity crushes or even real life admiration for their idols.

Fan mail and other forms of appreciation that celebrities receive can be inspirational, motivational and very humbling. After all, who wouldn’t like to have their own fans, followers and worshipers? 5) Many opportunities arise when people become famous When people become famous, more opportunities arise in life whether career related or not. For example, someone like Michael Jordan made a living not only from playing ball. He was the face of Nike and promotes many other brands. Someone like Kim Kardashian can afford to dwell into newer businesses like fashion apparel and perfumes simply because she is famous nd can afford to sustain and promote them.

Being famous definitely opens many doors in life which would have remained shut if fame had not been achieved. Many celebrities embark upon the entrepreneurship path as soon as they achieve stardom. After all, if Kim Kardashian can reportedly charge in upwards of $8,000 for doing nothing but sending one tweet from her twitter account, anything is possible! 5 major disadvantages of being a celebrity 1) Famous people can’t do things that the average person can What do you think would happen if Paris Hilton walked down to the supermarket on a regular day?

She would be mobbed and hounded for autographs and pictures. Celebrities and other famous people cannot lead lives of a normal person. They will have to live in their own little secluded world and will generally be unable to do things that the average joe can. This disadvantage of being famous can stop celebrities from indulging in the little pleasures of life, which can be very frustrating indeed. Some of these simple pleasures of life are. * Playing ball at the neighborhood playground * Going shopping to the supermarket

* Going for an uninterrupted walk or a bicycle ride on the beach * Lying on the beach without being mobbed on a sunny day Sitting on the park bench and reading a book without being asked “Can I take a picture of you? * Have a quiet dinner with family at the local restaurant 2) Being famous or a celebrity can attract stalkers We’ve all heard about those nasty cases of celebrity stalking that have gone out of control. Famous people are often followed or harassed by phone, email or messages by fans or followers who cross the line and become obsessed. Obsession can turn into threats and even physical harm. 3) A celebrity status can attract too many fake friends

From a celebrity’s perspective, it’d become very hard to spot a genuine person who wants to be friends as opposed to many of the million wannabe friends who may want to befriend them for personal gain. As one would imagine, it’d be a nerve-wracking experience to scrutinize each and every individual that comes into their lives. It would literally translate to being on-guard every single hour, minute and second of the day. 4) People constantly judge celebrities Tabloids, magazines, newspapers, blogs and other form of media constantly judge celebrities on their personalities, habits, bodies and a lot more.

Reading demeaning, rude, nasty, insulting, derogatory and lies about one’s own self is a part and parcel of a celebrity’s daily routine. From a lay person’s point of view, it’s like having a million people talk behind your back on a daily basis. Imagine how hard hitting would it be if a tabloid talked about how fat you are or how sleazy you are. 5) Celebrities have no privacy If Kim Kardashian wears a bikini and steps out on the beaches of Miami to catch some sun, the entire world is going to know about it. If Arnold Schwarzenegger heads out for a ride on his motorcycle on a sunny day, pictures of him are going to be splashed in the tabloids.

If Paris Hilton and her beau have an argument or a fight in a night club, the whole world will know about it. Get the point? Lack of privacy is one of the biggest disadvantages of being a celebrity. That Great Ads by Google Create a Facebook Profile Facebook. com World’s Largest Online Community. Join for Free & Enjoy the Benefits! Here is where paparazzi would be welcomed, but imagine taking your kids for a little walk and having them chase after you. Not cool. Source: By Rubenstein (flickr. com) [CC-BY-2. 0 (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/2. 0)], via Wikimedia C Is it all it’s set out to be?

Everyone thinks that being famous is awesome, but when I think about it, I just don’t get it. Sure, you get rich and don’t have to worry about paying your bills anymore, but like P Diddy used to say in the Puff Daddy days, “Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems”. No amount of money in the world would make me want to give up my privacy. Of course there are many perks to being a celebrity , but is it worth it to go through all those downs for money? Here is why I think it sucks being a celebrity… Here’s Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, bet you guys are excited I put their picture here! haha Source: By misocrazy (http://flickr. om/photos/misocrazy/116212037/) [CC-BY-2. 0 (http://creativecommons. org/ Here’s an example of how being famous can make you or break you. What happened to Macaulay Culkin? Source: By Macaulay_Culkin_1991. jpg: Alan Light derivative work:

Mr. Richard Bolla (Macaulay_Culkin_1991. jpg Ads by Google South Florida Real Estate www. JMarBrokers. com Experienced Realtors in Your Area Residential-Commercial-Business Celebrity Birthdays TheCelebrityCafe. com Who was born on your birthday? Look up over 20K names! Addison & Sarova www. AddisonsAuction. com The Nonpareil Dedicated Auctioneer of Fine Books & Manuscripts! . Paparazzi. For obvious reasons. You can’t get a break-ever. I can’t imagine wanting to go shopping, or grab a coffee and having to worry about people running after me to take pictures of me. I have a friend who works in Manhattan, at Intermix, which is a high-end fashion retail store and famous people go there all the time. Rihanna went recently, and she was wearing a skirt and a short shirt. She told the sales associates she felt uncomfortable in what she was wearing because there was a guy outside the store trying to snap pictures of her, so the sales associates gave her a sweater to put on.

She thanked them, and she was very nice, but doesn’t that suck. I guess all the money makes up for it, she could buy whatever she wants, but I’d rather have my privacy. OR what about all these magazines we see with photos of famous women getting out of a car and their crotches are showing. I WOULD DIE if someone put a picture like that of me so everyone could see. This type of situation could easily happen to anyone, if your wearing a short skirt/dress your crotch/underwear could easily show while getting out of a car. 2. You have no private life. Your business is not only yours anymore. It’s everybody’s, apparently.

Look at what’s going on with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Funny because I’m not one to read up on celebs or find out any info about them, but I see it everywhere. It’s actually annoying, and frankly, I could give a rat’s ass if they stay together or get divorced, but it seems like everyone in the world is infatuated with this news. And their poor daughter, she is young and doesn’t understand, but the whole world is talking about her mommy and daddy separating. That’s sad to me. I wouldn’t want to bring a child into this world for everyone to see. 3. It can make you or break you. This goes for anyone that has a lot of money.

Some rich people do very well with their wealth, and even help out the disadvantaged by giving to charity, or adopting a child from a 3rd world country. Some though, fall into drugs, make stupid decisions with their money, spend too much thinking they have more than they do, party too much, etc. 4. Rumors. People start rumors about celebrities because they are jealous. This I guess is not a big deal, but sometimes people can say some really nasty things about you and it affects people in many different ways. Here, a celebrity, Kim Kardashian is getting her makeup done so she will look up to par with what everyone expects her to look like.

Source: By The Heart Truth [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Here’s a hottie for all of you, Pam Anderson! [[Cough, Cough, ew]] Source: By Photographer’s Mate Airman Aaron Burden, USN [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons 5. Beef (fighting/problems) with other famous people. Look at Drake and Chris Brown supposedly fighting over Rihanna. I’m not sure what happened and frankly I don’t care, but it seemed to be over a woman. Imagine being famous and having to be around people you don’t want to be around, but you have to be there. That sucks. I wouldn’t want to deal with that. 6. Traveling all the time.

Celebrities tend to have to be away from friends and family for long periods of time. I would think it’s a lonely world for a celebrity. 7. Stalkers. Most of us know about Whitney Houston’s stalkers, one of them was harassing her, claimed to be her brother when he’d call her offices, or send flowers and ended up getting arrested for possession of weapons. Imagine what could have happened if her office team hadn’t thought he was suspicious, he could have gone after her. Also Selena, one of the best selling Latin stars of the 90’s was murdered at the young age of 23, by the president of her fan club, who was also her so-called “friend”.

Being famous means you have to watch your back. 8. Depending on what type of celebrity you are, there are different guidelines on how you should behave. I don’t think I have to name them here, just think: Kim Kardashian=retarded, Tara Reid=Trashy, Lyndsay Lohan=Screw up, you get my drift. 9. Trust Issues: Being Rich = People use you. You don’t know who your real friends are. You don’t know who to trust, or who’s going to be the next one to reach out to the gossip magazines and spill your beans. You don’t know who your real lover is. 10. People admire you. This can be good and this can be bad.

If you mess up, your fans may lose respect for you, you may not get the roles you wanted anymore, others can replace you, etc. What do you think? Would you want to be famous? Top of Form * Hell YES!! * Nope, not for me! * Not sure… Bottom of Form See results without voting So that’s about it. I’m not ranking on famous people, just telling it like it is. The reality is, I’m not famous myself, so I really don’t know what it’s like, but for me, I’d rather not be. I don’t like people in my business already, hell, I don’t even like the way I look in pictures most of the time. Imagine what it would be like if I was famous?!

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example to young people..

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