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Degree In Sight

Starting the dissertation

Experts offer tips on picking a topic, conducting a lit review and narrowing your focus.


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You've watched other classmates sweating over their dissertation topics, poring over the literature, agonizing over their research design, writing and editing. Now, it's your turn.

But, when and how do you begin?

Ideally, dissertation advisers say, students identify a research interest in the first or second year of their program and then use that general area as a theme throughout their coursework. But students don't need to view that general area as a trajectory of their career. Instead, experts encourage students to view the dissertation as a teaching exercise, in which they learn how to conduct, design and analyze independent research.

So first off, you need a topic.

"The topic is the foundation for everything-with a good topic and research question, you'll be set to go," says Melinda Stoops, PhD, a director of the counseling center at Framingham State College in Framingham, Mass., who has spoken at APA conferences on writing the dissertation.

Experts offer the following advice on tackling these beginning stages of your dissertation-from getting organized to narrowing your topic to identifying your problem and research questions.

Then, take it one chapter at a time, dissertation advisers say.


When deciding your topic, keep in mind that you will undoubtedly spend the next few years immersed in it, says psychologist John Cone, PhD, a professor emeritus at Alliant International University (AIU) and co-author with Sharon Foster, PhD, of "Dissertations and Theses from Start to Finish" (APA, 1993). Cone advises the following steps to pick a topic:

Ask a favorite professor, preferably one active in research, about possible topics.

Read departmental information on the research interests of the faculty to find a topic a faculty member is interested in as well. Consider asking the faculty member to be a part of your dissertation committee, which will help guide you in your research.

Read an empirical paper that interests you and see what future research is suggested in the discussion section.

Think about term papers you enjoyed writing and choose a topic that reflects those interests.

Sift through literature reviews in your areas of interest-such as in the Annual Review of Psychology, Psychological Bulletin and Clinical Psychology Review.

Avoid topics in which you are overly emotionally involved-such as research on depression if you or a family member is depressed. Such emotional elements can interfere with your research, Cone says.

To narrow your focus, identify what within your chosen topic area interests you, says Foster, a psychology professor at AIU. Bounce ideas off a mentor and consult the literature to determine what has been done before, she advises. Also, consider choosing a topic that you've already been exposed to, such as through your master's thesis or a research project.

That's exactly what sixth-year doctoral student Jody Ernst did. Ernst-who is in the University of Texas at Austin's individual differences and evolutionary psychology program-has spent her entire graduate career researching behavioral genetics.

"Selecting the topic sort of fell into place naturally as a product of the research I have been doing for the past five years," Ernst says. In particular, her dissertation investigates the genetic factors that influence problem behavior development over the life span.

"It is helpful to choose a topic that builds upon past work you have done," Ernst says. "I think this makes the process of identifying the big questions much easier because you are already familiar with the relevant literature."

But, make sure you have passion for the topic. Nate Tomcik-a fifth-year doctoral student in the clinical psychology program at the University of Tennessee-has an interest in his research on therapists' views of couples therapy because it allowed him to integrate research with his clinical work with couples.

"My advice would be to not choose a topic that is an unappealing offshoot of your adviser's work or a project that you have lukewarm feelings about in general," Tomcik suggests. "It's important to remember that the dissertation is a marathon, not a sprint, and lukewarm feelings can turn cold quickly.

"If I didn't love my dissertation idea as much as I do, I know it would have been much harder to stay on track and focused," he adds.


Once you've identified a topic, the next step is to write a review of the literature in the area. The lit review section will include a brief introduction to your topic, introduce key concepts and review the existing literature.

But be prepared: The lit review often is the most difficult part of the dissertation, Foster maintains.

"Sometimes you are going to feel lost and like you don't know where you're going," Foster says. "The reason for that is because you are trying to do several things concurrently-you're trying to learn about this whole field and get a conceptual framework of how to map out this area of research."

But, it's nothing your classes haven't prepared you to take on, Foster says.

Cone and Foster also suggest that students:

Determine how experts in the field have organized their thinking by reading chapters or integrative articles they've written.

Find meta-analyses, journal articles or books on the topic and scan their reference sections for other references.

Identify key journals that cover the topic and scan their table of contents from the past five years for material.

Search electronic bibliographies-such as PsycINFO (which contains nearly 2 million citations of journal articles, books and dissertations in psychology) or the Education Resources Information Center, or ERIC, which offers a database of journal and other education literature.

Identify major authors in the area and search for them by name in databases, such as PsycLIT, to determine if they've written on other related items.

Determine if related research might be published under different keywords.

For example, Foster says in her research on girls' aggression, "aggression" as a keyword didn't cover it. Without trying other keywords, she would have missed key information on "delinquency" and "conduct disorders," which use similar criteria to define the population.

Jennifer Reese-a fourth-year doctoral student in the PsyD program at the University of Denver-used what she calls the "scavenger hunt" approach for her lit review; she scanned reference sections of relevant books and journal articles and then found those referenced sources as well. She is validating the use of Jane Elliott's Blue Eyes Brown Eyes exercise, a behavior training method that uses discrimination against a person's eye color to teach Caucasians about prejudice and oppression. Reese even spoke with Elliott-a retired schoolteacher who created the experiment in the 1960s-to get background on what similar studies had been done.

So how do you know when you've gathered enough for your lit review? "I know when I go to the reference sections, and I'm not finding any new things-when I keep turning up the same things over and over again," Foster says.


Once you feel confident that you've covered the literature, identify the rationale for your study, why it's important and what hasn't been studied about it before, Foster says.

To do that, Cone suggests writing a paragraph or two summarizing the literature review. Then, determine what unresolved issues are identified in the most recently cited studies-and most relevant to your study. Select one of these issues and formulate one or two research questions and associated hypotheses.

When formulating the research question, consider whether you'll be able to recruit enough participants, Stoops says. Ask your dissertation committee-which usually comprises three or four faculty members you choose when you first begin your dissertation-for feedback on whether they believe you'll be able to recruit enough participants or obtain animals, if needed, dissertation advisers suggest.

After her extensive lit review, Ernst was able to pinpoint her research questions for her dissertation on problem behavior development, including: Are there predictable developmental trajectories for problem behaviors? What factors influence the development of problem behaviors for vulnerable individuals across the life span? She identified these questions by finding the gaps within the problem behavior development literature.

Both the statement of the problem and research questions will be lumped in the introduction of your dissertation, which provides an overview of your study. But, while the introduction is sometimes the first chapter in your dissertation, don't feel compelled to have it be the first thing you do, says Framingham State College's Stoops. She didn't write her introduction until after doing her lit review and methodology.

However, Ernst wrote her statement first and then continually added relevant citations as she came upon them.

"Writing the intro first helped me to organize my thoughts about gaps in current research and helped me to identify what new and relevant information I would be adding to this line of research," she says.


Whatever methods you choose, even these beginning stages to your dissertation may seem overwhelming. So treat your dissertation as a job, Cone advises. He suggests committing 10 to 20 hours per week for 12 to 18 months to avoid becoming a casualty to the All But Dissertation (ABD) label. Set specific work hours and choose a specific place to work, he advises.

And tap the guidance of others-such as professors, peers or other mentors-who can help you through the process, Foster adds. (For tips to finding a mentor, see Building mentorships for success .)

"People who are a little ahead of you in the process can be very helpful," Foster says. "They will tell you what they've gone through and normalize your experience and give you leads."

One way to get a peer network for your dissertation: Join the APAGS dissertation listserv . 

Another is taking a class on the dissertation process. That certainly helped Chris Bernuth, a sixth-year counseling psychology doctoral student at University of Missouri-Columbia, to stay on track. The professor's due dates and the class's extra support prevented procrastination, he says.

"Very smart people can become ABD because they procrastinate or think they can write the dissertation in a couple of all-night sessions, and you cannot do that with a dissertation," Foster says.

When Stoops was working on her dissertation, she combated tendencies to procrastinate by setting deadlines with her dissertation chair. One way to set those deadlines, Cone says, is to list each step in chronological order and then use it to create a milestone chart.

And most importantly, Cone says students can be confident about their ability to complete the dissertation.

"After all," he says, "you have made it this far."

The dissertation, start to finish

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Writing Dissertations and Theses in Psychology

Writing Dissertations and Theses in Psychology

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This accessible guide equips students to succeed in their master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation in psychology. The authors provide concrete assistance to the myriad tasks and requirements that students will encounter as they plan, conduct, and present their dissertation or thesis research.

Drawing upon their many years of experience in working with graduate students, the authors address the multiple stages of the dissertation and thesis process. They take you through drafting the proposal, the advisor-advisee relationship, interacting with committee members, the writing process, handling obstacles, and the final presentation. Chapters provide guidance on using a research team, collecting data, conducting a literature review, and even acquiring financial support. Finally, students will find additional resources such as practical information on copyright issues, research methods, case analyses, and teleconferencing.

This is an essential book for both graduate psychology students working on their master’s theses or doctoral dissertations and their advisors.


Chapter 1 | 6  pages, introduction, chapter 2 | 14  pages, your dissertation advisor, chapter 3 | 13  pages, your dissertation committee, chapter 4 | 24  pages, developing the focus and methods for your dissertation, chapter 5 | 9  pages, how to conduct and organize your literature review, chapter 6 | 19  pages, how to write your dissertation competently and efficiently, chapter 7 | 13  pages, strategies for organizing your dissertation, chapter 8 | 17  pages, moving your research along, chapter 9 | 13  pages, submitting drafts to your dissertation advisor and responding to feedback, chapter 10 | 17  pages, principles of dissertation research methods, chapter 11 | 9  pages, getting your dissertation research approved by institutional review boards, chapter 12 | 23  pages, preparing and presenting written sections of your dissertation to your advisor and committee, chapter 13 | 16  pages, presenting your proposal and your dissertation to your committee.

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How to Write a Psychology Dissertation?

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How to Write a Psychology Dissertation: A Comprehensive Guide to Thriving in Your Academic Journey

Embarking on the journey of writing a psychology dissertation can feel like setting out to conquer an uncharted wilderness. You’ve taken countless courses, poured over numerous books, and spent long nights researching theories and experiments. Now, the culmination of years of study lies ahead, and the challenge feels both exciting and daunting.

What is a psychology dissertation, exactly? At its core, it’s a systematic and comprehensive exploration of a chosen topic in the realm of psychology. It’s a formal, written work that presents your original research and findings, acting as a testament to your scholarly competence and your contribution to the field.

Crafting a psychology dissertation indeed feels like moving mountains—an undertaking that requires a firm grasp of the subject matter, meticulous research, and adept academic writing. Understanding the “how to write a psychology dissertation” process begins with demystifying the task itself, breaking it down into manageable pieces, and realizing its nature within the field of psychology. It’s a mountain that can be moved. With the right knowledge, tools, and strategies, you can navigate this journey successfully, transforming your psychology dissertation from a looming mountain into a manageable and rewarding endeavor.

In this article, we’ll be your experienced guide, helping you understand the nature and structure of a psychology dissertation. We’ll outline the step-by-step process involved in writing your dissertation, provide a treasure trove of innovative dissertation topics in psychology for inspiration, and offer top tips to survive—and even thrive—during this process. So, lace up your academic boots and get ready for a journey that will not only shape your psychology career but will also hone your skills as a researcher and a scholar.

Laying the Foundations: Psychology Dissertation Structure

Structuring your psychology dissertation involves more than simply organizing chapters. It’s about creating a logical sequence of arguments, evidence, and conclusions that guide your reader through your research journey. To come up with the perfect structure for your psychology dissertation, you first need to understand the dissertation definition psychology uses—it’s a formal, extensive piece of original research on a specific topic in the field of psychology. Here’s how you can shape each of its key components:

  • The Abstract of your dissertation should be a microcosm of your research. It’s a short yet comprehensive snapshot of your dissertation, serving as a trailer that entices readers to delve into the main feature.
  • Your Introduction sets the stage, presenting your research question and clarifying its significance. The key here is to captivate your readers, piquing their interest and illustrating what lies ahead. It’s important to clearly set out your objectives, painting a picture of the destination at the end of the research journey.
  • In your Literature Review , you wear the hat of a detective, sifting through previous studies related to your topic and identifying the research gap your study intends to fill. This section is your opportunity to show your comprehensive understanding of the research landscape.
  • The Methodology section is where you share the blueprint of your research design. It’s important to detail your approach, including the participants, materials, and procedures used, ensuring that your study could be replicated based on this information.
  • Next, the Results section presents your findings. The spotlight here is on the data, presented clearly and objectively, often supported with visual aids for easier understanding. Your analysis should be transparent, making it easy for your readers to connect the dots themselves.
  • The Discussion allows you to wear the hat of a storyteller. Here, you interpret your results, draw comparisons with previous research, and create a narrative that links back to your research question.
  • Finally, the Conclusion is your reflective moment, summarizing the research journey, the insights gained, and the implications of your study. It’s also here that you propose future research directions inspired by the strengths and limitations of your study.

Remember, a dissertation is akin to a carefully crafted story—your research story. Building it with a solid and clearly outlined structure not only helps you, the author, but also your readers, helping them understand your thought process, follow your research journey, and appreciate your scholarly contribution.

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Climbing the Ladder: Sequential Steps in Writing a Psychology Dissertation

Understanding the structure of a psychology dissertation is the first stepping stone. The journey towards completing it in full may initially seem daunting, but breaking the task into digestible steps can substantially lighten the load.

  • Picking a Relevant and Original Topic

The first step towards writing your psychology dissertation is selecting a suitable topic. It should be something you are passionate about, as it will keep your interest during the long research and writing process. It should also be original, meaning it either hasn’t been researched before or offers a new perspective on an existing topic.

  • Conducting an Extensive Literature Review

Having pinpointed your subject of interest, it’s time to dive deep into the existing scholarly work. Knowing what’s already been explored and identifying the uncharted territories not only frames the context of your research but also highlights its significance by filling an identified gap in the current body of knowledge.

  • Crafting a Strong Hypothesis

Based on your topic and literature review, you’ll develop a hypothesis or research question. This statement should be clear, focused, and answerable within the scope of your study. It will guide the rest of your research.

  • Detailing Your Methodology

Next, you need to decide how you’ll answer your research question. This involves picking a research method, identifying participants or data sources, choosing measurement instruments, and planning your data analysis. Detailing your methodology with precision is crucial for the validity of your study.

  • Collecting and Analyzing Data

With your methodology in place, you’re ready to collect your data. This step can vary greatly depending on your research method but often involves running experiments, conducting surveys, or gathering existing data. Once collected, you’ll analyze your data using appropriate statistical techniques.

  • Discussing Your Findings

After analyzing your data, it’s time to interpret your results. Discuss your findings in relation to your research question and the existing literature. It’s also important to acknowledge any limitations in your study and suggest areas for future research.

  • Referencing Properly: APA Style in Psychology

Throughout this process, you’ll be drawing on the work of others to inform your study and support your claims. Always be diligent in crediting these sources to maintain academic integrity. Within psychological academia, referencing and bibliographies adhere to the stylistic prescriptions of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Crafting a psychology dissertation is indeed a demanding endeavor, but breaking the process into manageable tasks prepares you to confront upcoming challenges and ultimately, to contribute a substantial piece of work to your field.

Inspiration Awaits: 50 Innovative Psychology Dissertation Topics

Before you gear up for the rigorous task of crafting a psychology dissertation, choosing a captivating topic that intrigues you and has the potential to add something new to your field is crucial. The joy of your dissertation journey is enhanced manifold when the topic strikes a chord with you. Given the wide range of psychology subfields, you have an abundance of choices. Below, we offer fifty innovative topics spanning diverse areas of psychology to stimulate your creative thought process. Our aim here is to spark your imagination and provide you with a collection of innovative psychology dissertation ideas, which will serve as a springboard for your unique research, or you can just go ahead and pick the topic that speaks to you from our list.

Broadening Perspectives: Clinical Psychology

  • The Impact of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Anxiety Disorders
  • The Effectiveness of Teletherapy in Treating Depression
  • The Role of Resilience in Coping with Chronic Illness
  • The Impact of Sleep Disorders on Mental Health
  • Psychotherapy Approaches for PTSD in Military Veterans

The Enigma of the Mind: Cognitive Psychology

  • The Influence of Multitasking on Cognitive Load
  • Memory Retention Strategies for Alzheimer’s Patients
  • Decision-Making Processes in High-Pressure Situations
  • The Role of Attention in Learning and Retention
  • Cognitive Biases in Financial Decisions

Delving Deeper: Developmental Psychology

  • The Influence of Parenting Styles on Child Self-Esteem
  • Effects of Bullying on Adolescent Mental Health
  • The Impact of Screen Time on Child Development
  • How Does Gender Identity Unfold in a Child’s Developmental Journey?
  • The Role of Play in Cognitive Development

Bridging the Gap: Social Psychology

  • The Impact of Social Media on Body Image Perceptions
  • Prejudice and Discrimination: Factors and Mitigation Strategies
  • The Psychology of Altruism: Why Do We Help Others?
  • The Role of Empathy in Conflict Resolution
  • The Effect of Stereotypes on Interpersonal Relationships

Inside the Workplace: Organizational Psychology

  • The Influence of Leadership Styles on Employee Satisfaction
  • Emotional Intelligence: A Key Ingredient for Success in the Workplace?
  • Impacts of Remote Work on Employee Productivity
  • Strategies for Reducing Job Burnout
  • The Effect of Organizational Culture on Employee Loyalty

The Mysterious Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Psychology

  • The Influence of Childhood Trauma on Adult Relationships
  • Understanding Defense Mechanisms: A Modern Perspective
  • The Role of Dreams in Psychoanalysis
  • Freud’s Theory of Personality: Modern Applications
  • Transference and Countertransference in Therapeutic Settings

The Mind-Body Connection: Health Psychology

  • The Psychological Impacts of Chronic Pain
  • The Role of Self-Efficacy in Managing Diabetes
  • Coping Mechanisms for Patients with Terminal Illnesses
  • The Influence of Stress on Immune Response
  • Mental Health Outcomes of Weight Loss Surgery

Life’s Final Chapter: Geriatric Psychology

  • Mental Health Challenges in Aging Populations
  • The Influence of Social Networks in Promoting Healthy Aging
  • Cognitive Stimulation Therapies for Dementia Patients
  • The Psychological Impact of Retirement
  • Depression and Anxiety in Elderly: Intervention Strategies

Bridging Species: Comparative Psychology

  • The Study of Animal Emotion: Can Animals Feel Joy or Sadness?
  • Comparing Problem-Solving Abilities in Different Species
  • The Influence of Environment on Animal Behavior
  • Inter-species Communication: Myth or Reality?
  • Studying Animal Behavior to Understand Human Psychology

Into the Unknown: Parapsychology

  • Exploring Reports of Near-Death Experiences
  • The Psychology Behind Belief in Paranormal Activities
  • The Impact of Extra-sensory Perception (ESP) Beliefs on Anxiety Levels
  • A Study on the Popularity and Psychological Impact of Astrology
  • Analyzing the Effects of Hypnosis on Pain Management

Whether you’re captivated by cognitive processes, intrigued by interpersonal dynamics, or fascinated by the underpinnings of abnormal behavior, these topics offer a launching pad for your exploration. Remember, the best dissertation topic is one that excites your intellectual curiosity and aligns with your career aspirations.

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Surviving and Thriving: Top Tips for Navigating Your Psychology Dissertation Journey

Embarking on your psychology dissertation is a substantial endeavor that requires not only intellectual effort but also strategic planning, emotional resilience, and diligent self-care. Here are ten tips to help you navigate this journey smoothly:

  • Start early. The sooner you begin, the better. Start thinking about your dissertation topic well before it’s due. Early planning gives you plenty of time for thorough research, careful writing, and thoughtful revision.
  • Choose a topic you love. Passion for your topic will fuel your research and keep you motivated during the lengthy writing process. Choose a topic that excites your intellectual curiosity and aligns with your career aspirations.
  • Develop a work plan. Create a realistic timeline for your dissertation, breaking down the process into manageable tasks. Regularly update and refine your plan as you progress.
  • Assemble a support team. Your supervisor is an invaluable guide, but don’t forget to build a broader support network. Seek out peers, mentors, and even professional support like writing consultants or tutors.
  • Embrace the research process. Be prepared for unexpected findings and potential roadblocks. They are part of the research journey. Embrace them as learning opportunities that refine your problem-solving skills.
  • Write regularly. Make writing a daily habit. Even if you only write a few sentences a day, this regular practice will keep your project moving forward and reduce the chance of writer’s block.
  • Practice self-care. Burnout is a real risk during the dissertation process. Remember to prioritize self-care. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and mindfulness practices can all help maintain your mental and physical well-being.
  • Seek constructive feedback. Regularly share your work with your supervisor and trusted peers. They can provide fresh perspectives and constructive criticism that help improve your dissertation.
  • Cherish minor milestones. Each stride you make, irrespective of its size, is a step in the right direction. Recognizing these small achievements can lift your spirits and keep you fueled with determination.
  • Keep the end goal in sight. Always remember why you’re undertaking this journey. Whether it’s to further your career, contribute to the field, or simply for the love of psychology, let your end goal be your guiding light.

Remember, the dissertation journey is not a sprint but a marathon. Embrace the process, nurture your resilience, and know that every challenge faced is an opportunity for growth.

Embracing the Journey: Making Your Psychology Dissertation an Achievable Endeavor

We completely understand that plunging into a psychology dissertation can seem like embarking on a voyage across an endless sea. It can be strenuous and, at times, tediously repetitive, but don’t lose your bearing. Your destination is there, even if it’s not immediately apparent.

This colossal endeavor, while daunting, is a remarkable landmark in your academic journey and a testament to your resolve, grit, and intellect. Granted, the journey is lengthy, strenuous, and at times, it will stretch your endurance. However, bear in mind that the most formidable journeys often end with the most gratifying outcomes.

When the dissertation journey seems too steep, remember why you chose this path in the first place – your passion for psychology, your quest for knowledge, and your desire to make a meaningful contribution to the field. Hold onto these motivations when the going gets tough.

If you find yourself cornered at times, don’t be hard on yourself. It’s an inherent part of the journey. Esteemed scholars have also experienced hurdles and unexpected shifts in their plans. When that happens, as it probably will, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Your advisors, peers, and a myriad of online platforms can serve as your navigational guide, leading you through these challenges. Additionally, maintain vigilance over your physical and mental health during this daunting yet exciting academic journey.

Regular respites, physical exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient rest can immensely contribute to sustaining your drive and concentration. Remember, every single step you take, regardless of its size, nudges you closer to your objective.

With tenacity, resilience, and the right network of support, this formidable project will progressively morph into an attainable goal. As you progress, your expertise in your chosen topic will broaden, and you will glean precious revelations about your own capacities and fortitude.

Embarking on the task of writing a psychology dissertation is utterly demanding, but it’s a task well worth tackling. So, inhale deeply, keep your eyes fixated on your goal, and march forward with bravery and resolve. You are capable of this!

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1st Edition

Writing Dissertations and Theses in Psychology A Student’s Guide for Success

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This accessible guide equips students to succeed in their master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation in psychology. The authors provide concrete assistance to the myriad tasks and requirements that students will encounter as they plan, conduct, and present their dissertation or thesis research. Drawing upon their many years of experience in working with graduate students, the authors address the multiple stages of the dissertation and thesis process. They take you through drafting the proposal, the advisor-advisee relationship, interacting with committee members, the writing process, handling obstacles, and the final presentation. Chapters provide guidance on using a research team, collecting data, conducting a literature review, and even acquiring financial support. Finally, students will find additional resources such as practical information on copyright issues, research methods, case analyses, and teleconferencing. This is an essential book for both graduate psychology students working on their master’s theses or doctoral dissertations and their advisors.

Table of Contents

Stephen N. Haynes received his PhD from the University of Colorado, USA, in 1971 and is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA. He has served on 14 editorial boards, published more than 130 articles and nine books, and supervised 70 theses and dissertations. John D. Hunsley received his PhD from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1985 and is Professor of Psychology at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has served on numerous editorial boards and has authored over 140 articles, chapters, and books. He has supervised 17 doctoral dissertations and served on numerous dissertation committees.

Critics' Reviews

"Students can find the dissertation to be a daunting, anxiety filled process. They often feel at sea trying to complete an important task for which they do not have a good road map. They are not even sure what are the right questions to ask, let alone what the answers are. Faculty are not always helpful, since they often simply assume that the student understands the nature of the task. This book will be very useful to students, spelling out implicit assumptions and making the entire dissertation process less opaque and more manageable." – Kenneth Solberg , PhD, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, USA "Overall, I think that this book provides an important contribution to the literature and will help many graduate students to navigate through the dissertation process. I think the book is very good. In addition to excellent chapters on the process of completing a dissertation (from finding your advisor to defending and publishing the dissertation), there are a number of resources for students; covering strategies for overcoming various barriers and obstacles is also an important feature of the book." – David Dozois , PhD, Professor and Director, Clinical Psychology Graduate Program, University of Western Ontario, Canada

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Guidelines For Writing A Psychology Dissertation

Writing a psychology dissertation is difficult. Adhering to guidelines will help you finish this writing project. This article will provide clear instructions on how to write a psychology dissertation in order to achieve the highest quality end product possible. It will also explain why students must follow these guidelines to get the most out of their dissertations. Students can ensure that their psychological research papers are compelling and comprehensive by following these steps.

Definition Of A Psychology Dissertation

A psychology dissertation presents original research conducted by the author and submitted in partial fulfilment of doctoral degree requirements in psychology. To study a field topic, it usually requires extensive primary or secondary research. Neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, clinical, social, economic, developmental, and educational psychology are research topics.

The process of writing a dissertation requires careful planning and execution over a period of several months. This includes selecting suitable dissertation topics, developing hypotheses, designing experiments, collecting data through surveys, interviews, questionnaires, observations, etc., analysing results using statistical software programmes, drawing conclusions based on findings, synthesising information into a cohesive argument/theory proposal, and submitting the completed work to one’s university or college for assessment.

Choosing A Research Question

Choosing a psychology dissertation topic can be intimidating. A successful project requires careful consideration of the type of research needed, the resources available, and the nature of data collection. Here are some suggestions:

  • Review previous literature: Before starting your own research, read existing literature to learn about current trends and topics. This will also help you identify knowledge gaps or areas that need more research.
  • Consider practical considerations: When choosing a potential dissertation research question, consider whether it is feasible given time and resource constraints, e.g. Consider how much data your study needs to collect and analyse so you can schedule enough time for it.
  • Brainstorm with peers: Discussing potential research questions with peers or faculty can be helpful. Collaborating with others may give you new perspectives and valuable feedback on the feasibility and scope of your project idea.
  • Take inspiration from everyday life: If feeling stuck on coming up with new ideas, try reflecting upon issues faced in daily life or conversations overheard between family/friends which could potentially lead to interesting research question related to psychology.

Finding Sources And Data

Finding reliable sources and data for psychology research is crucial. According to a recent survey of over 200 dissertation writers in the field of psychology, 45% reported that they found their sources through online databases such as PsycINFO or Google Scholar. It’s crucial for aspiring psychologist researchers to know how to find reliable information.

Identifying what information you need from different sources is the first step. Depending on your topic, you may want to use interviews, surveys, quantitative or qualitative data, or existing studies and statistics. After determining the type of data collection techniques required for your project, you can begin looking for pertinent sources and materials.

Peer-reviewed journals, magazines, newspapers, and other publications are in online databases, making them great resources for psychology research. Searching these databases with keywords will narrow results to relevant items. Look at government websites for public access documents on psychosocial phenomena like mental health services utilisation rates or incarcerated population trends over time. Finally, interview professionals in the field who can provide insights and anecdotes about specific issues being studied.

Writing The Proposal

Writing a psychology dissertation proposal is an essential part of the process that must be done carefully in order to get approval. The structure and content of your proposal will depend on your institution’s requirements and any other guidance provided by your supervisor or department. However, there are some e g general elements you should include in a psychology dissertation proposal.

Consider possible topics before starting your proposal. Brainstorm ideas with colleagues or brainstorming alone can provide useful insights into possible dissertation topics. Consider recent developments in the field and think broadly about areas that may benefit from further exploration. Create detailed outlines after narrowing topics to ensure that every element in the final document has been considered during planning. By addressing all necessary components early on, this step can save time later.

Setting Objectives And Aims

When writing a psychology dissertation, it is essential for students to set objectives and aims. This guides the student’s research and provides a roadmap for their project. The objective of a psychology dissertation should be made clear from the onset so as to ensure that all subsequent research conducted aligns with this ultimate aim.

The overall aims of a psychology dissertation typically revolve around answering a specific question or solving some kind of problem within the field of psychology. These goals must be measurable; a successful dissertation must show progress towards them. As such, when setting objectives and goals for your psychology dissertation, make sure you have thoroughly considered what needs to be done to answer or solve the relevant issue. This will help you stay on track and track your project’s progress.

Structuring The Dissertation

To succeed, plan ahead and build a solid structure. Therefore, this section will explore how to effectively structure a psychology dissertation while providing helpful guidance throughout the process.

When structuring a paper, it’s important to remember that formats vary by context and topic. An introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion should be included in most dissertations. If needed, students may add appendices or glossaries. Nevertheless, regardless of any extra formatting elements added – the standard format must remain consistent throughout.

The content of each section depends on your institution/requirements. tutor’s However, many universities provide templates outlining what is expected from each section or part (e.g., headings and sub-headings). This can help ensure that all information is relevant and presented clearly so readers can better understand your work’s main points. It also ensures logical flow between sections so readers don’t get confused when switching topics. Finally, examples can help clarify concepts and improve comprehension, improving readability!

Seeking Feedback And Advice

Receiving input on one’s work can provide valuable insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a written piece. Seeking feedback doesn’t mean giving up control; it’s an opportunity to learn and improve. Questions about research design and methods can help identify issues before they become major problems. Additionally, conversations with knowledgeable people often lead to new ideas or perspectives which can be used to improve the overall quality of a dissertation.

To maximise this process, ask psychology-related questions. Seeking general advice may seem helpful, but it will likely leave many gaps in understanding how to approach the task. It’s also important to listen and take notes when asking for feedback. Finally, while taking criticism personally can be difficult, it should be remembered that critics are doing so out of respect for one’s work and dedication to improving it.

Using Referencing Styles Correctly

To ensure that your psychology dissertation is of the highest academic standard, properly cite all sources. Referencing styles vary by discipline; in psychology, there are three main systems: APA, Harvard, and Chicago.

While researching your paper, record all relevant bibliographic information, cite each source in the text and at the end of your work, list all sources.

Also check your university’s style guide, as different departments have different reference formatting preferences (e.g. Follow the publisher’s guidelines if you want to be published!

Editing And Proofreading The Final Draft

It is essential that students take the time to edit and proofread their psychology dissertation draughts before submitting them as final. Restructuring sentences, eliminating redundancies, ensuring style and formatting consistency, and correcting spelling improves readability. Proofreading involves checking the draught for typos, misspellings, incorrect punctuation, subject-verb agreement issues, etc.

A psychology dissertation draught should be read aloud before proofreading to catch any mistakes or areas for improvement. It’s also helpful to have someone else proofread your work, as they may catch errors you missed. Finally, grammar checkers and other online tools can help spot minor errors in the text.

Preparing For Submission

It’s time to submit after all the edits. To meet deadlines, start early. First, make a checklist of items needed for submission. These may include required formatting standards and document length guidelines, as well as specific instructions for title page layout or table of contents. This list will help you meet all requirements before submitting your work. Make sure to include copies of primary sources in your dissertation and any additional materials requested by faculty reviewers.

In this stage of preparation for submission, it’s helpful to read over your entire dissertation again before mailing out documents so there are no surprises and you can determine whether further revisions are necessary. Finally, fill out all forms correctly with accurate contact and other personal data so universities or colleges can process submissions quickly and efficiently.

Defending The Work

The dissertation defence is the last step in finishing your psychology dissertation. It’s a chance to present and defend your research to a committee of experts, including university and outside faculty. During this process, you must explain the context of your work, provide evidence for its validity, discuss potential implications, and answer committee questions.

To defend your thesis or dissertation, you must understand the committee’s expectations and how to communicate with them. You should study their fields of expertise so you can quote them in your presentation. On exam day, practise presenting your material and make sure all materials are ready. When defending your project, you must understand every aspect because committees may ask difficult or unexpected questions. Finally, remember that these professors want what’s best for you and only want to help you finish your dissertation!

Publishing Outcomes

Disseminating research requires publishing the results of a psychology dissertation. It allows others to access and analyse findings that can influence future research, knowledge, and public policy.

Research findings can be published in academic journal articles. Academic journals have peer-review policies to ensure quality and accuracy. For timely information dissemination, many academic journals prioritise publication speed. Thus, these publications often require authors to format manuscripts and submit supplemental material according to specific guidelines (e.g., data sets). Therefore, review an academic journal’s requirements before publishing. This process requires researchers to consider copyright laws and ethics.

Online forums or self-publishing options like blogs or research websites are alternatives to academic journals. These options offer faster access but lack the oversight of more formalised outlets, which must meet strict standards before publishing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete a psychology dissertation.

The student’s organisation, focus, commitment, and resources determine the answer. Here are some dissertation duration estimation tips:

  • Time Frame: Generally speaking, writing a psychology dissertation will typically take anywhere between 12 months up to two years or more depending on the complexity of the subject matter you research and write about. It is important that you familiarise yourself with your university’s guidelines regarding length and format requirements in order to plan accordingly.
  • Finish Psychology Dissertation: It takes time and effort to complete the dissertation. So you know what’s coming, think through every step. Make sure you set realistic goals for researching topics, collecting data, analysing results, writing draughts, and revising them until you reach a final version.
  • Dissertation Duration: How much time you spend on your dissertation each day, week, month, etc. will determine how long it takes to complete. Setting aside regular chunks of time each week to work on your project can speed things up compared to working on it when free time allows. Small deadlines within larger ones help motivate by breaking down large tasks into smaller manageable ones.
  • Psychology Dissertation Process: Creating plans like Gantt charts or mind maps can help visualise progress and provide structure and clarity at every stage of the dissertation process. Seeking feedback from peers or professors early on helps identify potential issues before too much time is spent on something that may be irrelevant or problematic for meeting the goals set out in advance, saving time!

Are There Any Resources Available To Help With The Writing Process?

Luckily, there are several resources available to help you write the dissertation. These resources offer assistance with all aspects of dissertation writing from start to finish, including research methods and materials, professional advice, and editing and revising draughts.

Many universities have dissertation writing centres to help students. For instance, these centres may have experienced tutors who can review draughts or answer questions about paper formatting. Some universities also offer online tutorials on dissertation writing, such as how to develop an argumentative thesis statement or use primary sources effectively.

Researchers can also access subject matter experts’ published work in psychology dissertation databases at online libraries. When writing a dissertation, it’s important to stay organised and use resources like those above.

How Do I Make Sure I’m Citing Sources Correctly?

Any psychology dissertation must accurately cite sources. This avoids plagiarism and adds credibility and validity to the research being conducted. To properly cite, there are several guidelines, referencing methods, and writing methods.

Citation rules may vary depending on the format or style used for the psychology dissertation. APA (American Psychological Association), for instance, requires authors to include a “in-text” reference and a full bibliographic reference at the end of each section or chapter. Therefore, you must know the citation format before starting your project. The Modern Language Association (MLA) and Harvard Referencing Systems have many online resources that can help you cite references.

When citing someone else’s work, include author name(s), year of publication, and page numbers if applicable. Finally, make sure all cited sources appear in the reference list at the end of your paper/chapter; these should be listed alphabetically by author surname and contain complete bibliographical information so that readers can access them easily if needed.

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Amy Green PhD

Tips for Surviving (and Thriving in) Your Psychology Thesis

A little planning and consistency can make it all a lot less painful..

Posted May 8, 2020

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Writing (and defending) a thesis or dissertation can be a daunting process. However, some careful planning and consistency can make it all a lot less painful. Better yet, it can be actually pretty rewarding.

Having just gone through the writing and defending process myself, I’ve reflected on 16 of the lessons I learned along the way:

1. Read other theses and dissertations. I cannot stress enough how helpful it is to scan other finished documents to get a sense of what makes a strong (and less strong) body of work. You’ll also learn about different ways to structure your document and what kinds of sections to include. Search for research that is related to your topic, methodology, and epistemology to see how other students have approached these areas.

2. Don’t underestimate the literature review. By the time students reach graduate school, it’s expected that they know how to write a solid literature review. However, Boote and Beile (2005) argued that many students have never actually been taught how to compose a critical synthesis of the literature. They argued that students need to become “scholars before researchers”; that is, instead of offering simple summaries of existing studies, it is important to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the body of work. They proffer further that this step is critical to identify important research problems.

Not totally sure where to start with your review? Don’t be too hard on yourself – Boote and Beile argued that few faculty members have even mastered the task. I recommend tracking down some resources on how to write a good literature review; try Galvan and Galvan’s (2017) book, Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.

3. Know your APA style. Buy the Publication Manual . Learn to love it. (I also like the Purdue Online Writing Lab if you need to look up a rule in a hurry.)

4. Cite mindfully. Your supervisor can help you identify a few key articles that will be critical to cite in your document; for example, seminal works or the most recent contributions to your area. While it’s important to ensure that you’re citing the most up-to-date studies in your literature review (e.g., those published in the past 10 years), it is also essential to acknowledge the early scholars who paved the way for your work. Be careful to not only cite “supportive sources”; your committee will expect you to discuss opposing views. Carefully explaining how your work intentionally departs from these studies will strengthen your arguments.

It has been well-documented that women and authors of colour are cited less frequently than men or white authors (Davis & Craven, 2016). Thus, as feminist anthropologists Davis and Craven (2016) argued, “it is important to keep in mind that who we cite – and equally important who we do not cite – shapes our projects in important ways” (p. 66). Especially if you are engaging in feminist or critical research, it becomes “our business to seek out, and incorporate, innovative research from scholars whose work is often ignored because of structural inequities” (p. 67).

5. Try not to over-quote other authors. I used to be a chronic over-quoter. However, I received enough feedback from enough different professors to finally quell this habit. Using too many direct quotations not only prevents you from using your own critical thinking skills, but it also reduces your credibility as an analytical, innovative researcher. Save your direct quotes for the real “gems” and remember that paraphrasing is your friend.

6. Remember that editing is easier than writing . Get your thoughts down without worrying too much (at first, that is) about style and grammar. Author Anne Lamott (2005) wrote that perfectionism is the “main obstacle between you and a sh*tty first draft” (p. 27). And that’s what most first drafts are. But once you’ve crossed that first big hurtle, it’s easier to face the less-daunting task of editing and fine-tuning.

7. Craft your document like you’re preparing for your defense. With every decision you make (e.g., how many participants to include, your methodology, even your title), ask yourself why. Even if you’re not including these “whys” in your document, jot down your answers and save them to refer back to when you are prepping for your defense. You’ll thank yourself later on!

psychology dissertation guide

8. Update your reference list as you go. Nothing is more frustrating than forgetting where you found a certain reference or from which page you took a quote. Keeping up with your references diligently as you go saves unnecessary work later on (again, your future self will thank you!).

9. Overcome procrastination . Unfortunately, waiting to feel inspired to work on your dissertation is (typically) a futile exercise. Instead, scheduling time to work each day helps keep you on track and your mind in the game. Princeton University has offered some good tips for understanding and overcoming procrastination; I also like the Pomodoro technique and ensuring at least some of my work time is “unplugged.”

10. Refer to your epistemology throughout . Your epistemology shouldn’t just be something that is stated in your intro and promptly forgotten about. It is the heart of your research; your understanding of what makes something true. As such, it should inform everything from your methodology to your epigraph to how you position yourself in your work.

11. Keep a research journal. Jot down all of your decisions and “aha” moments. Document the things that challenge you, the things that surprise you, the things you’re proud of, and the things you would have done differently. You never know what might be useful material when it comes to crafting your discussion or preparing for a conference presentation.

12. Prepare your elevator speech. Be able to discuss your topic in layman terms in three minutes or less. This exercise is incredibly useful for understanding your work in a concise and useable way.

13. Proofread with fresh eyes . Once you’ve finished a draft of each chapter or section, leave it for a day or two (deadlines permitting) to review it with a new perspective. Do the same once you’re done the entire document. Proofreading printed pages is often easier than electronic versions to catch those pesky typos.

14. Find some editors. We can get so “close” to our research that we miss our blind-spots. I recommended asking (or kindly bribing) both “insiders” (like a classmate) and “outsiders” (like a friend in a totally different field) to read your work, to get a different set of perspectives.

15. Be kind to yourself. It’s a cheesy but important one. This is likely your first time tackling a research project of this size. You’re going to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and confused at times. Take a deep breath and keep in mind that this is all part of the process. Remember that writing your thesis or dissertation should never trump all other aspects of your self-care; taking care of your physical wellbeing, relationships, and mental health are always priorities.

16. Find meaning in the process. It’s OK if your thesis or dissertation doesn’t represent your lifelong passion or ultimate life purpose. If academia is your long-term goal, you have your entire career to refine your program of study. And if research is absolutely not in the long-term cards for you, then seeing your thesis as a means to an end is OK, too. That said, finding a way to make the process meaningful will makes things a lot more enjoyable. Although a good thesis is a done thesis, your research also has the opportunity to contribute to theory, practice, and policy in important ways – so try not to underestimate your ability to create a really meaningful body of work.

Boote, D. N., & Beile, P. (2005). Scholars before researchers: On the centrality of the dissertation literature review in research preparation. Educational Researcher, 32(6), 3-15.

Davis, D., & Craven, C. (2016). Feminist ethnography: Thinking through methodologies, challenges, and possibilities. Rowman & Littlefield.

Galvan, J. L., & Galvan, M. (2017). Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences (Vol. 7). Taylor & Francis.

Lamott, A. (1995). Bird by bird: Some instructions on writing and life. Anchor.

Amy Green PhD

Amy Green, M.A., is a doctoral student in Counselling Psychology at the University of Calgary.

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Dissertations & Theses

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Dissertations as a Research Tool

So why would you want to read someone else's doctoral dissertation or master's thesis? Because they often contain a wealth of useful information. Students often overlook this valuable type of resource when conducting research. Dissertations can offer the following benefits:

  • Just like journal articles, conference proceedings, and other forms of literature, they present original research. Recently completed theses can provide "sneak previews" of ideas and findings that have yet to reach the public via other publication formats.
  • They may be the only publicly-available work by authors who do not otherwise publish for general audiences or through commercial publishers.
  • They contain extensive bibliographies.
  • They provide inspiration for the formatting and presentation of ideas, graphs, charts, and other components of a document.
  • They provide insight into the early work of a particular person and have value for historical and biographical purposes.

Credit: Adapted from the Tufts Libraries Graduate Dissertations and Theses Guide

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new window ProQuest database providing the electronic equivalent of Dissertation Abstracts International. Beginning with the first U.S. dissertation in 1861, represents the work of authors from North American and European universities on a full range of academic subjects. Indexes and provides access to Georgetown-authored theses and dissertations. more... less... Includes abstracts for doctoral dissertations beginning July 1980 and for Master's theses beginning Spring 1988. Citations for dissertations published from 1980 forward include 350-word abstracts. Citations for Master's theses from 1988 forward include 150-word abstracts. Most dissertations published since 1997, and some from prior years, are available for free download; others may be requested via Interlibrary Loan.
  • DigitalGeorgetown: Department of Psychology (Georgetown-authored dissertations and theses) Recent online theses and dissertations from the Georgetown Department of Psychology. For access to Georgetown theses and dissertations authored prior to 2006, see HoyaSearch or refer to ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses database . Print copies of dissertations may be requested using the Library's Library Use Only Materials Request .
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How to Write a Dissertation | A Guide to Structure & Content

A dissertation or thesis is a long piece of academic writing based on original research, submitted as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree.

The structure of a dissertation depends on your field, but it is usually divided into at least four or five chapters (including an introduction and conclusion chapter).

The most common dissertation structure in the sciences and social sciences includes:

  • An introduction to your topic
  • A literature review that surveys relevant sources
  • An explanation of your methodology
  • An overview of the results of your research
  • A discussion of the results and their implications
  • A conclusion that shows what your research has contributed

Dissertations in the humanities are often structured more like a long essay , building an argument by analysing primary and secondary sources . Instead of the standard structure outlined here, you might organise your chapters around different themes or case studies.

Other important elements of the dissertation include the title page , abstract , and reference list . If in doubt about how your dissertation should be structured, always check your department’s guidelines and consult with your supervisor.

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Table of contents

Acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures and tables, list of abbreviations, introduction, literature review / theoretical framework, methodology, reference list.

The very first page of your document contains your dissertation’s title, your name, department, institution, degree program, and submission date. Sometimes it also includes your student number, your supervisor’s name, and the university’s logo. Many programs have strict requirements for formatting the dissertation title page .

The title page is often used as cover when printing and binding your dissertation .

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The acknowledgements section is usually optional, and gives space for you to thank everyone who helped you in writing your dissertation. This might include your supervisors, participants in your research, and friends or family who supported you.

The abstract is a short summary of your dissertation, usually about 150-300 words long. You should write it at the very end, when you’ve completed the rest of the dissertation. In the abstract, make sure to:

  • State the main topic and aims of your research
  • Describe the methods you used
  • Summarise the main results
  • State your conclusions

Although the abstract is very short, it’s the first part (and sometimes the only part) of your dissertation that people will read, so it’s important that you get it right. If you’re struggling to write a strong abstract, read our guide on how to write an abstract .

In the table of contents, list all of your chapters and subheadings and their page numbers. The dissertation contents page gives the reader an overview of your structure and helps easily navigate the document.

All parts of your dissertation should be included in the table of contents, including the appendices. You can generate a table of contents automatically in Word.

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If you have used a lot of tables and figures in your dissertation, you should itemise them in a numbered list . You can automatically generate this list using the Insert Caption feature in Word.

If you have used a lot of abbreviations in your dissertation, you can include them in an alphabetised list of abbreviations so that the reader can easily look up their meanings.

If you have used a lot of highly specialised terms that will not be familiar to your reader, it might be a good idea to include a glossary . List the terms alphabetically and explain each term with a brief description or definition.

In the introduction, you set up your dissertation’s topic, purpose, and relevance, and tell the reader what to expect in the rest of the dissertation. The introduction should:

  • Establish your research topic , giving necessary background information to contextualise your work
  • Narrow down the focus and define the scope of the research
  • Discuss the state of existing research on the topic, showing your work’s relevance to a broader problem or debate
  • Clearly state your objectives and research questions , and indicate how you will answer them
  • Give an overview of your dissertation’s structure

Everything in the introduction should be clear, engaging, and relevant to your research. By the end, the reader should understand the what , why and how of your research. Not sure how? Read our guide on how to write a dissertation introduction .

Before you start on your research, you should have conducted a literature review to gain a thorough understanding of the academic work that already exists on your topic. This means:

  • Collecting sources (e.g. books and journal articles) and selecting the most relevant ones
  • Critically evaluating and analysing each source
  • Drawing connections between them (e.g. themes, patterns, conflicts, gaps) to make an overall point

In the dissertation literature review chapter or section, you shouldn’t just summarise existing studies, but develop a coherent structure and argument that leads to a clear basis or justification for your own research. For example, it might aim to show how your research:

  • Addresses a gap in the literature
  • Takes a new theoretical or methodological approach to the topic
  • Proposes a solution to an unresolved problem
  • Advances a theoretical debate
  • Builds on and strengthens existing knowledge with new data

The literature review often becomes the basis for a theoretical framework , in which you define and analyse the key theories, concepts and models that frame your research. In this section you can answer descriptive research questions about the relationship between concepts or variables.

The methodology chapter or section describes how you conducted your research, allowing your reader to assess its validity. You should generally include:

  • The overall approach and type of research (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, experimental, ethnographic)
  • Your methods of collecting data (e.g. interviews, surveys, archives)
  • Details of where, when, and with whom the research took place
  • Your methods of analysing data (e.g. statistical analysis, discourse analysis)
  • Tools and materials you used (e.g. computer programs, lab equipment)
  • A discussion of any obstacles you faced in conducting the research and how you overcame them
  • An evaluation or justification of your methods

Your aim in the methodology is to accurately report what you did, as well as convincing the reader that this was the best approach to answering your research questions or objectives.

Next, you report the results of your research . You can structure this section around sub-questions, hypotheses, or topics. Only report results that are relevant to your objectives and research questions. In some disciplines, the results section is strictly separated from the discussion, while in others the two are combined.

For example, for qualitative methods like in-depth interviews, the presentation of the data will often be woven together with discussion and analysis, while in quantitative and experimental research, the results should be presented separately before you discuss their meaning. If you’re unsure, consult with your supervisor and look at sample dissertations to find out the best structure for your research.

In the results section it can often be helpful to include tables, graphs and charts. Think carefully about how best to present your data, and don’t include tables or figures that just repeat what you have written  –  they should provide extra information or usefully visualise the results in a way that adds value to your text.

Full versions of your data (such as interview transcripts) can be included as an appendix .

The discussion  is where you explore the meaning and implications of your results in relation to your research questions. Here you should interpret the results in detail, discussing whether they met your expectations and how well they fit with the framework that you built in earlier chapters. If any of the results were unexpected, offer explanations for why this might be. It’s a good idea to consider alternative interpretations of your data and discuss any limitations that might have influenced the results.

The discussion should reference other scholarly work to show how your results fit with existing knowledge. You can also make recommendations for future research or practical action.

The dissertation conclusion should concisely answer the main research question, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of your central argument. Wrap up your dissertation with a final reflection on what you did and how you did it. The conclusion often also includes recommendations for research or practice.

In this section, it’s important to show how your findings contribute to knowledge in the field and why your research matters. What have you added to what was already known?

You must include full details of all sources that you have cited in a reference list (sometimes also called a works cited list or bibliography). It’s important to follow a consistent reference style . Each style has strict and specific requirements for how to format your sources in the reference list.

The most common styles used in UK universities are Harvard referencing and Vancouver referencing . Your department will often specify which referencing style you should use – for example, psychology students tend to use APA style , humanities students often use MHRA , and law students always use OSCOLA . M ake sure to check the requirements, and ask your supervisor if you’re unsure.

To save time creating the reference list and make sure your citations are correctly and consistently formatted, you can use our free APA Citation Generator .

Your dissertation itself should contain only essential information that directly contributes to answering your research question. Documents you have used that do not fit into the main body of your dissertation (such as interview transcripts, survey questions or tables with full figures) can be added as appendices .

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Master's Thesis Projects at UM-Dearborn

1. Students may elect to complete a Masters Thesis during the second year of the program. Students selecting this option will take 3 credits in an approved elective course and 6 thesis credits. Contact the program director, Dr. Caleb Siefert , or the Master's Thesis Coordinator, Dr. Michelle Leonard , for more information..

2.  Browse Master's Theses   or Honors Theses   to see what approved theses look like.

  • Your thesis will also be uploaded to Deep Blue , UofM's institutional repository (searchable through Google Scholar).
  • You will need to register for an ORCID ID , a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. 

3. Institutional Research Board (IRB) Application

You cannot collect data or run analyses without Institutional Research Board (IRB) approval for any planned research involving human subjects. 

  • Go to  the eResearch Regulatory Management Human Subjects application page  and click on the  Human Subjects Study Application button in the upper left margin to start a new application.
  • the  PEERS Human Subjects Research Protection module
  • the PEERS Responsible Conduct of Research & Scholarship module

Office Of Research Help Guides

  • Go to the Human Subjects Research page  for more information about conducting human subjects research and the IRB application process
  • Use the IRB Application Checklist and the Instructional and Step-by-Step Guides for IRB Applications to help you put together your IRB application

For questions regarding IRB application requirements (e.g., policy, procedure, science), contact IRB Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences, by email at  [email protected]  or by phone at (734) 936-0933.

4. To graduate after successfully defending your Master's thesis:

The Graduate Studies Office requires you to have your thesis submitted to  Deep Blue (the University of Michigan's institutional repository) in order to release your final grade. You and your advisor can choose from either of the following process options below to have your thesis submitted to Deep Blue

The deadlines for submission for either option  are:

  • Summer 2024 August 9, 2024
  • Fall 2024 December 9, 2024
  • Winter 2025 April 14, 2025

Option 1: Submit your Master's Thesis for a format check before you have it submitted to Deep Blue

  • Your thesis needs to be finalized and approved by your Thesis Chair before you submit it for a format check
  • Use the  Master's Thesis Formatting Checklist  below to make sure that your thesis meets the Graduate Studies Office formatting requirements for Masters theses. 
  • Library staff will check your thesis once using the  Master's Thesis Formatting Checklist  (see below) against the Graduate Studies Office formatting requirements for Masters theses.
  • Library staff will send you an email that includes the formatting revisions needed as well as a link to the Deep Blue Submission form 
  • You will also add information about your thesis needed for Deep Blue submission
  • You will then submit your Master's Thesis as a pdf file with embedded fonts for Deep Blue

Option 2: Waive a format check and just submit your thesis to Deep Blue

  • Fill out the Thesis/Dissertation Waiver Statement  and have your committee chair sign it
  • This statement must be  signed by your committee chair before you submit it
  • Library staff will send you an email that includes the link to the Deep Blue Submission form 

To help you format your Word document correctly , use:

  • UM's online  Microsoft Word for Dissertations (and Theses) guide : look for the Scholar Space Word Template for Dissertation (and thesis) , which has many of the formatting guidelines built in.
  • Word for Windows Training Page  or Word for Mac Help Page
  • Master's Thesis Formatting Checklist

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  • If you need help finding a book on the library's shelves, feel free to ask for help at the Library Info Desk
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  • Go to Online Library Access for instructions on how to access library ebooks and what to do when you can't

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Statistics and Data Analysis/Management

  • e-Source: Behavioral and Social Sciences Research by NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) e-Source is a free website offered by NIH’s Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) with 20 interactive chapters on cutting-edge social and behavioral science research methods, including social survey data collection, qualitative methods, clinical trials and measuring socioeconomic status. The chapters give an overview of new research methods as well as updates of existing methods.

Cover Art

APA 6-step guide to starting, researching, writing and defending your thesis

1.  Starting the dissertation :  Experts offer tips on picking a topic, conducting a lit review, identifying your problem and questions, and staying on track

2.  Choose your research methods wisely : Experts offer tips on balancing ambition and realism in your research design

3. Ready, set, collect!   Experts offer tips on making your thesis proposal defense, IRB approval, participant recruitment, and data collection go smoothly 

4. Writing up your results : Experts offer tips on analyzing your data, formatting and design the presentation of your results, and staying focused

5.  Discussing your findings :  Experts offer tips on writing your discussion section, including putting your research into context, striking a balance between telling the story of why people should care about your research without overstating your conclusions, and common discussion mistakes 

6. Publishing your dissertation : Experts offer tips on editing your dissertation to make it publishable in a scholarly journal

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  • Last Updated: Jul 5, 2024 4:29 PM
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Your Psychology Dissertation

Harrison, Emily and Rentzelas, Panagiotis (2020) Your Psychology Dissertation. Sage, London. ISBN 9781526497284

Your Psychology Dissertation has been specifically created to guide your students through their dissertation helping them to feel confident at every stage of their independent psychology research projects.

This book will take them through the entire process of designing, conducting and then writing up their research, providing invaluable tips and support along the way, as well as answering all those frequently asked questions. Whether they need to know more about quantitative or qualitative research methodology, need help in choosing a topic, and/or are struggling to review and understand the literature, this book covers it all. Your Psychology Dissertation is suitable for all psychology students looking for dissertation success.

Item Type: Book
1 October 2020Published

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The dissertation submission process will be started by the Psychology Department; after defending your dissertation, you will receive emails from SmartSheet asking you to complete binding and permission forms. Please complete these forms as soon as possible to notify the provost that your graduation requirements have been completed.

The Library has contracted with a professional firm to bind departmental and library copies. Students may have personal copies bound at cost. Students are advised to consult with their advisors and departments for current dissertation requirements.

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Sage online ordering services are currently unavailable due to network disruption. We are working to restore service as soon as possible. In the meantime, our books are still available widely via retailers and online. Currently we are only able to supply digital inspection copies. These can be requested via this site, or direct from Vitalsource and Kortext . If you need a print copy, please contact your local Academic Sales Consultant, who will be able to arrange to send this once our systems are back online.

I f you need further assistance please visit our Contact us page for further information.  Thank you for your patience and we apologise for the inconvenience.

Your Psychology Dissertation

Your Psychology Dissertation

  • Emily Harrison - Birmingham City University, UK
  • Panagiotis Rentzelas
  • Description

Your Psychology Dissertation has been specifically created to guide your students through their dissertation helping them to feel confident at every stage of their independent psychology research projects.

This book will take them through the entire process of designing, conducting and then writing up their research, providing invaluable tips and support along the way, as well as answering all those frequently asked questions. Whether they need to know more about quantitative or qualitative research methodology, need help in choosing a topic, and/or are struggling to review and understand the literature, this book covers it all. Your Psychology Dissertation is suitable for all psychology students looking for dissertation success.

Take a look at the online resources to get lots of useful templates and guidance to help with every step of the way.


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Psychology Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Faculty Mentors' Influence on Latino/a/x STEM Undergraduates' STEM Identity Development , Sandy Cerda-Lezama

The Nuanced Relationship Between Mindfulness, Racial Prejudice, and Policy Support , Jared Michael Cutler

Individual and Structural Contributors to Implicit and Explicit Anti-Muslim Bias in the United States , Aeleah M. Granger

The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Juvenile Offender Typology , Aliza Beth Lipman

The Exploration of Latino BIP Participants' Experiences of Oppression and Expressions of Critical Consciousness , Adrian Luis Manriquez

Permission to Play: A District's Initiative to Innovate Kindergarten and Promote Developmentally Appropriate Practices , Cristin McDonough

The Wage of Wellness: The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Work Recovery , Emily Julia Ready

It Takes a Village: An Examination of Social Relationships and Mental Health , Em Francis Trubits

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Examining Factors Impacting the Service Needs of Unhoused Women , Holly Brott

Main, Mediated, and Moderated Effects of Participating in an After-School Social and Emotional Learning Program on Young Children's Development of Social-Emotional Skills , Amy L. Cordier

Who Puts the "Support" in Supportive Housing? The Impact of Housing Staff on Resident's Well-Being, and the Potential Moderating Role of Self-Determination , Kenna Estell Dickard

Motivation to Collaborate: A Qualitative Exploration of the Perspectives of Service Providers on an Alternative First Response Program , Desiree' J. DuBoise

Tell Me, Do You Feel It Too? A Meta-analysis of Dyadic Emotional Contagion in the Workplace , Stefanie Fox

Left on "Read" and All Alone: Instigated Cyber Incivility, Shame, and Experienced Ostracism at Work , Alison Lucia Hunt

Exploring Associations between Military Identity and Well-being Outcomes among Post-9/11 Veterans after Separation , James David Lee

Experiences of People with Serious Mental Illness Seeking Services at Community Mental Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Emily Leickly

Why So Serious? Using the Belongingness Need Tenet from the Self-Determination Theory to Examine Workplace Humor and Its Outcomes , Katharine Lucille McMahon

Emotion Knowledge, Its Applications, and Their Associations With African American Children's Social Relationships With Teachers and Peers in Kindergarten and First Grade , Brielle Emily Petit

Stress-Reduction from Positive Support: Impacts of Receiving Partner Capitalization Support on Veteran Stress/Work Stress , MaryAnn Dona Samson

Diversity in Recruitment: The Role of Realistic Website Job Previews for Racial and Ethnic Minority Applicants , Jennifer Saucedo

Antecedents of FSSB: Evaluating the Demographic Basis of Support , Erika Ann Schemmel

A Daily Investigation of the Recovery Paradox: Examining the Dynamic Interplay of Workload, Recovery Experiences, and Microbreaks , Morgan Rose Taylor

Not on the Menu: Customer Sexual Harassment in the Restaurant Industry , Fernanda Wolburg Martinez

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Model.Disclose(): Examination of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Disclosure at Work , Timothy Allen Carsey

Transforming Learning Communities, Transforming Ourselves: A Qualitative Investigation of Identity Processes in a Participatory Action Research-themed Undergraduate Course , Julia Sara Dancis

Clarifying and Measuring Inclusive Leadership , Kelly Mason Hamilton

Intersections of Masculinity, Culturally Relevant Factors, and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Asian American Men , Jason Z. Kyler-Yano

Sleeping to Support: An Examination of the Relationship Between Leader Sleep and Positive Support Behaviors , Jordyn Jan Leslie

Work-Related IPV Among Latinos: Exploring the Roles of Fatherhood Status, Gendered Expectations, and Support for Intimate Partner's Employment , Adrian Luis Manriquez

Masculinity Instability and Ideologies as Predictors of IPV Perpetration: The Mediating Role of Relationship Power , Emma Christine Marioles O'Connor

The Benefits of Social Support on Health and Well-Being in Military Populations: Examining Mechanisms, Source of Support, and the Reach of a Workplace Well-Being Intervention , AnnaMarie Sophia O'Neill

Do Motives Matter? The Role of Motivation in Shaping the Impact of Mindfulness Training on Teachers' Psychological Distress and Wellbeing , Cristi N. Pinela

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Longitudinal Effects of a Family and Sleep Supportive Intervention on Service Member Anger and Resilience , Shalene Joyce Allen

Drug Conviction and Employment Restriction: Experiences of Employees with Drug-Related Criminal Histories , Liana Bernard

Sustaining Boys' Motivation Over the Transition to Middle School: Can Interpersonal Resources Protect Boys from Engagement Declines Across Sixth Grade? , Brandy Anne Brennan

Returning to Rejection: Outcomes and Boundary Conditions of Mental Illness Stereotypes , Stefanie Fox

Guarding Against Strain: The Moderating Role of Nonwork Experiences in the Relationship Between Work-Related Hypervigilance and Strain in Correctional Officers , Samantha Getzen

Anti-Muslim Bias: Investigating Individual Differences, Threat Perceptions, and Emotions in Islamophobic Policy Support , Aeleah M. Granger

Black Children's Development of Self-Regulation within Stressful Contexts of Parenting: Investigating Potential Buffering Effects of a Kindergarten Social-Emotional Learning Program , Eli Labinger

"Like I Was an Actual Researcher": Participation and Identity Trajectories of Underrepresented Minority and First-Generation STEM Students in Research Training Communities of Practice , Jennifer Lynn Lindwall

Claiming Miscommunication to Justify Rape: The Role of Liking the Perpetrator , Alyssa Marie Glace Maryn

An "I" for an "I" : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Instigated and Reciprocal Incivility , Lauren Sarah Park

Parenting and Children's Academic Coping as a Dynamic System: Feedforward, Feedback, and Mediators of Changes Across the School Year , Kristen Elizabeth Raine

Does Experiencing Spousal Support and Strain Impact the Quality of Family-Based Support that Supervisors Provide to Employees? , Joseph Alvin Sherwood

"B-ing Flexible" : Examining Creativity in Bisexual Employees , Megan Jane Snoeyink

Exploring the Relationships Between Community Experiences and Well-Being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness , Katricia Stewart

Mothers' Drinking Motives , Sheila Kathleen Umemoto

An Examination of Nurses' Schedule Characteristics, Recovery from Work, and Well-Being , Sarah Elizabeth Van Dyck

Preventing Sexual Violence Through Understanding Perceptions of Sexual Offenders , Judith G. Zatkin

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Examining Employee Needs at Work and Home: a Self-Determination Theory Perspective , Dana Anuhea Auten

Trajectories, Time Windows, and Alternative Pathways of Engagement: Motivational Resources Underlying Academic Development during Middle School , Heather Anne Brule

Examining Mindfulness Training for Teachers: Theoretical and Methodological Extensions of Intervention Effectiveness , Jaiya Rae Choles

Detecting Reinforcement Patterns in the Stream of Naturalistic Observations of Social Interactions , James Lamar DeLaney 3rd

An Investigation of the Temporal Relationship Between Agitation and Sleep Disturbances , Emily Catherine Denning

Peers' Academic Coping as a Resource for Academic Engagement and Motivational Resilience in the First Year of Middle School , Daniel Lee Grimes

Home Resources Supporting Workplace Resources: an Investigation of Moderated Intervention Effects From the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe) , Sarah Nielsen Haverly

"It Puts a Face to All the Knowledge We've Gotten" : a Program of Research on Intimate Partner Violence Surrogate Impact Panels , Kate Louise Sackett Kerrigan

A Daily Examination of Anger and Alcohol Use Among Post-9/11 Veterans , James David Lee

An Examination of Daily Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors, Perceived Supervisor Responsiveness and Job Satisfaction , Luke Daniel Mahoney

Nurse Can't Even: the Immediate Impact of Incivility on Affect, Well-being, and Behavior , Katharine Lucille McMahon

Perceptions of Police Use of Force at the Intersection of Race and Pregnancy , Emma Elizabeth Lee Money

The Impact of Paternal Caregivers for Youth Who Commit Sexual Offenses , Miranda Hope Sitney

Human Energy in the Workplace: an Investigation of Daily Energy Management Strategies, Job Stressors and Employee Outcomes , Morgan Rose Taylor

Individual and Community Supports that Impact Community Inclusion and Recovery for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses , Rachel Elizabeth Terry

Investigating Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Behavior in Adolescent Offenders , Hayley Lauren Tews

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Integrating Work Ability into the Organizational Science Literature: Advancing Theory and Developing the Nomological Network , Grant Brady

Family Linked Workplace Resources and Contextual Factors as Important Predictors of Job and Individual Well-being for Employees and Families , Jacquelyn Marie Brady

The Role of Teacher Autonomy Support Across the Transition to Middle School: its Components, Reach, and Developmental Effects , Julia Sara Dancis

Does X Mark the Applicant? Assessing Reactions to Gender Non-Binary Job Seekers , Kelly Mason Hamilton

Urbanicity as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Stigma and Well-being Outcomes for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses , Emily Leickly

The Relationship Between Undergraduate Research Training Programs and Motivational Resources for Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM: Program Participation, Self-efficacy, a Sense of Belonging, and Academic Performance , Jennifer Lindwall

Perceived Partner Responsiveness, Sleep and Pain: a Dyadic Study of Military-Connected Couples , AnnaMarie Sophia O'Neill

Recruitment Marketing: How Do Wellness and Work-Life Benefits Influence Employer Image Perceptions, Organizational Attraction, and Job Pursuit Intentions? , Amy Christine Pytlovany

The Combined Effects of Parent and Teacher Involvement on the Development of Adolescents' Academic Engagement , Nicolette Paige Rickert

Examining the Development and Classroom Dynamics of Student Disaffection Over Multiple Time Periods: Short-term Episodes and Long-term Trajectories , Emily Anne Saxton

Drinking on a Work Night: a Comparison of Day and Person-Level Associations with Workplace Outcomes , Brittnie Renae Shepherd

Development and Validation of the Workplace Mental Illness Stigma Scale (W-MISS) , Nicholas Anthony Smith

Relational Thriving in Context: Examining the Roles of Gratitude, Affectionate Touch, and Positive Affective Variability in Health and Well-Being , Alicia Rochelle Starkey

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse and Juvenile Offending Through Parental Monitoring , Kelly E. Stewart

"To Call or Not to Call?" The Impact of Supervisor Training on Call Center Employee Attitudes and Well-Being , Whitney Elan Schneider Vogel

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Impact of Leader Race and Gender on Perceptions of Organizations in Response to Corporate Error , Nicolas Derek Brown

Impacts of Mindfulness Training on Mechanisms Underlying Stress Reduction in Teachers: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial , Jaiya Rae Choles

Student Motivation Profiles as a Diagnostic Tool to Help Teachers Provide Targeted Support , Cailin Tricia Currie

Insufficient Effort Responding on Mturk Surveys: Evidence-Based Quality Control for Organizational Research , Lee Cyr

Affirmative Consent Endorsement and Peer Norms Supporting Sexual Violence Among Vulnerable Students on College Campuses , Alyssa Marie Glace

Gendered Partner-Ideals, Relationship Satisfaction, and Intimate Partner Violence , Sylvia Marie Ferguson Kidder

Organizational Calling and Safety: the Role of Workload and Supervisor Support , Layla Rhiannon Mansfield

Bystander Intervention to Prevent Campus Sexual Violence: the Role of Sense of Community, Peer Norms, and Administrative Responding , Erin Christine McConnell

Benevolent Sexism and Racial Stereotypes: Targets, Functions, and Consequences , Jean Marie McMahon

Perceived Overqualification and Withdrawal Among Seasonal Workers: Would Work Motivation Make a Difference? , Anthony Duy Nguyen

Differential Well-Being in Response to Incivility and Surface Acting among Nurses as a Function of Race , Lauren Sarah Park

Financial Strain and the Work-Home Interface: a Test of the Work-Home Resources Model from the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe) , MacKenna Laine Perry

Neighbor Perceptions of Psychiatric Supportive Housing : the Role of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors , Amy Leigh Shearer

The Role of Caregiver Disruption in the Development of Juvenile Sexual Offenders , Miranda Sitney

Intrapersonal and Social-Contextual Factors Related to Psychological Well-being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness , Katricia Stewart

Age-based Differences in the Usefulness of Resources: a Multi-Study Investigation of Work and Well-being Outcomes , Lale Muazzez Yaldiz

Pathways to Kindergarten Growth: Synthesizing Theories of the Kindergarten Transition to Support Children's Development , Rita Yelverton

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Force of Manhood: the Consequences of Masculinity Threat on Police Officer Use of Force , Aurelia Terese Alston

Supervisor Mindfulness and Its Association with Leader-Member Exchange , Dana Anuhea Auten

Combat Experiences, Iso-strain, and Sleep Quality Affect Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress among Working Post-9/11 Veterans , Gilbert Patrick Brady Jr.

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Dissertation Resources

Dissertations can be found in many of our databases, but if you would like to search specifically for dissertations, these two databases are the best place to search.

  • Dissertations and Theses Global This link opens in a new window Dissertations from 1980 - current; master's theses from 1988 - current including abstracts.
  • Dissertations and Theses @ University of North Carolina Charlotte This link opens in a new window This database provides access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
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How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes

  • Get the name of your major absolutely correct (e.g., Psychology, not Clinical Psychology).
  • The thesis/dissertation title must be in all CAPITAL letters and double-spaced, and the date must be the month and year of your graduation.
  • Doctoral candidates: use “dissertation” instead of “thesis” throughout the document.

Front Matter (the section before the text of the thesis)

  • Front matter must be numbered with lower case Roman numerals.
  • In the table of contents, do not list the title page, committee page, abstract, or vita. Do include the list of tables, list of figures, acknowledgements, chapters, references or bibliography, and appendices (with titles).
  • Chapter titles in the table of contents should match the actual chapter titles in the text. Number chapters consistently (e.g., Chapter I, Chapter One, or Chapter 1).
  • No signatures should appear in the document (the committee page is not for signatures).
  • The committee page should be an exact list of those entered on the eTD submission, but do not list any name twice even if a professor has two roles (e.g., advisor and department head).

Page Numbers

  • The text must begin on page 1 and be numbered from beginning to end without breaking sequence.
  • Do not use running headers, and do not embellish page numbers (e.g., -1-, Page 1, 125a).

General Advice

  • There should be no blank pages in the thesis/dissertation.
  • Submit the format review as early as possible, but do not submit a second format review (even if you don’t finish until the next semester, a second format review is not necessary).
  • Carefully complete each step outlined in the format review.
  • When naming your pdf file, do not use special characters (e.g., /, ?, &), and do not make the file name extremely lengthy by using the entire thesis title.
  • Doctoral candidates: include a copy of the title page and abstract with the ProQuest/UMI Agreement.
  • Remember that, after approval of the final eTD by the Office of Theses and Dissertations, no further changes can be made.
  • Most importantly, carefully read and follow the Thesis and Dissertation Handbook .

Thesis and Dissertation Handbook

Requirements and guidelines for the preparation of Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations.

How to Submit a Doctoral Dissertation

  • Become familiar with the requirements by reading the Thesis and Dissertation Handbook carefully.
  • Apply to graduate on LionPATH during the semester in which you plan to graduate. Deadlines for submitting your dissertation can be viewed on the Thesis, Dissertation, Performance, and Oral Presentation Calendar .
  • Upload a draft of your dissertation for format review (pdf only) to the eTD website by the specified deadline. Corrections and detailed instructions will be returned to you by email.
  • Defend the dissertation and make any changes required by your committee. This can be done either before or after the format review, as long as deadlines are met.
  • Review the dissertation one final time to be sure that no further changes are needed. It will not be possible to make corrections after final approval by the Office of Theses and Dissertations. Convert the file into a pdf for eTD submission. If you cannot do this, contact the Office of Theses and Dissertations for assistance.
  • Go to the eTD website and upload the final eTD; submit supporting materials to the Office of Theses and Dissertations. (Note: It does not matter if you upload first or submit the materials first.) Supporting materials are: ProQuest/UMI Agreement, Survey of Earned Doctorates, and $95 fee. The fee can be paid at the Payment Section of the Graduate School Thesis and Dissertation Information webpage.
  • Await notification of eTD approval by email. If changes are required, you will be notified. Your eTD will be accessible on the eTD website immediately after graduation, unless you have chosen restricted access.

If bound copies are needed, contact any Multimedia & Print Center on campus or you may use an off-campus source. All copies are the author’s responsibility. The Graduate School does not provide copies.

How to Submit a Master's Thesis

Apply to graduate on LionPATH during the semester in which you plan to graduate. Deadlines for submitting your thesis can be viewed on the Thesis, Dissertation, Performance, and Oral Presentation Calendar .

  • Upload a draft of your thesis for format review (PDF only) to the eTD website by the specified deadline. Corrections and detailed instructions will be returned to you by email.
  • Make any changes required by adviser and/or readers.
  • Review the thesis one final time to be sure that no further changes are needed. It will not be possible to make corrections after final approval by the Office of Theses and Dissertations. Convert the file into a PDF for eTD submission. If you cannot do this, contact the Office of Theses and Dissertations for assistance.
  • Go to the eTD website and upload the final eTD; and pay $10 thesis fee. The fee can be paid at the Payment Portal .

Format Review

What to submit and how to submit it.

The format review is a chance for Office of Theses and Dissertations staff to take a preliminary look at your thesis or dissertation to check for formatting errors. The goal is to ensure that you are following the requirements set forth in the Thesis and Dissertation Handbook .

Please submit as complete a draft as possible , including:

  • front matter (title page, committee page, abstract, etc.)
  • several chapters
  • back matter (references, appendices)

The draft submitted for format review does not have to be the final version, but you must submit more than just a few pages in order to complete the format review requirements.

To submit your file for format review, go to eTD website .

Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)

Congratulations on completing your doctoral degree!

We request that all research doctorate recipients participate in the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) .

Conducted annually since 1957, the SED is a census of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. It is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and five other federal agencies. The SED collects information on the doctorate recipient’s educational history, demographic characteristics, and post-graduation plans. Results are used to assess characteristics of the doctoral population and trends in doctoral education and degrees.

The ability of the survey to accurately describe doctorate earners depends on obtaining responses from all doctoral degree recipients. Your response affects decisions made for the future generations of doctorate recipients.

How to Participate:

  • Register online to participate in the survey. After you register, you will receive a PIN and password as well as the link to the survey.
  • Penn State requests verification of survey completion. You can enter up to two email addresses where you would like the notification of completion to be sent to or forward the email notification. Please send all notifications to [email protected] .

If you have questions related to the SED, please contact 877-256-8167 or email [email protected] .

In the fall of 1998, Penn State’s Graduate School, Information Technology Services , Digital Library Technologies, and University Libraries embarked upon an initiative to allow theses and dissertations to be submitted and archived electronically. What began as a pilot project is now required for all doctoral students, and masters students requiring a thesis at Penn State. Joining Virginia Tech, West Virginia University, and other universities across the nation, Penn State has enabled its students to incorporate multimedia formats into their theses/dissertations and to submit them electronically—the final product being easily accessible worldwide.

Electronic theses and dissertations (eTDs) expand the creative possibilities open to students and empower students to convey a richer message by permitting video, sound, and color images to be integrated into their work. Submitting and archiving eTDs helps students to understand electronic publishing issues and provides greater access to students’ research. People from any place on the globe can link directly to eTD collections at Penn State and other universities.

Acknowledgement of Federal Funding

As described in the Research Terms Clarification :

2 CFR § 200.328(see pp. 20-21), all federal funds used in the research and writing of a thesis or dissertation must be explicitly acknowledged in the acknowledgment section of the document, along with a disclaimer indicating that the findings and conclusions do not necessarily reflect the view of the funding agency.

Research Terms and Conditions Overlay

Legal Statements

  • Non-Discrimination
  • Equal Opportunity
  • Accessibility
  • The Pennsylvania State University © 2024


  1. Starting the dissertation

    Search electronic bibliographies-such as PsycINFO (which contains nearly 2 million citations of journal articles, books and dissertations in psychology) or the Education Resources Information Center, or ERIC, which offers a database of journal and other education literature.

  2. PDF Writing for Psychology

    Writing for psychology incorporates many of the organizational elements you learned in Expository Writing. In Expos, you were taught general academic guidelines for formulating a thesis, providing a motive for the thesis, supporting this thesis with convincing evidence, and anticipating objections from readers.

  3. Writing Dissertations and Theses in Psychology

    This accessible guide equips students to succeed in their master's thesis or doctoral dissertation in psychology. The authors provide concrete assistance to the myriad tasks and requirements that students will encounter as they plan, conduct, and present their dissertation or thesis research. Drawing upon their many years of experience in ...

  4. PDF g Iz 1P'wfioza

    This Dissertation Manual reflects current School policy regarding doctoral dissertations and supersedes the APA Publication Manual, which primarily is intended to guide submissions for publication. In addition, this manual includes PSP's regulations, procedures, and forms.

  5. PDF Microsoft Word

    The Clinical Psychology Dissertation Manual serves as an indispensable tool to articulate the essential standards, expectations, and procedures necessary to write a clear, scholarly dissertation.

  6. Thesis and Capstone Requirements for Psychology Programs

    In most psychology programs, the thesis and capstone function as a student's final assignment. Use this guide to uncover the major aspects of thesis and capstone projects, including topics, grading criteria, and presentation requirements.

  7. How to Write a Psychology Dissertation: Comprehensive Guide

    Unearth secrets on how to write a psychology dissertation with our all-inclusive guide. Navigate, survive, and excel in your most important academic endeavor


    This chapter will guide you through the process of choosing a topic for your dissertation that is both worthwhile and achievable within the scope of your dissertation module.

  9. Writing Dissertations and Theses in Psychology: A Student's Guide fo

    This accessible guide equips students to succeed in their master's thesis or doctoral dissertation in psychology. The authors provide concrete assistance to the myriad tasks and requirements that students will encounter as they plan, conduct, and present their dissertation or thesis research. Drawing upon their many years of experience in working with graduate students, the authors address ...

  10. PDF Dissertation Manual

    This Dissertation Manual reflects current School policy regarding doctoral dissertations and supersedes the APA Publication Manual, which primarily is intended to guide submissions for publication.

  11. Guidelines For Writing A Psychology Dissertation

    Definition Of A Psychology Dissertation. A psychology dissertation presents original research conducted by the author and submitted in partial fulfilment of doctoral degree requirements in psychology. To study a field topic, it usually requires extensive primary or secondary research. Neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, clinical, social ...

  12. Tips for Surviving (and Thriving in) Your Psychology Thesis

    Writing (and defending) a thesis or dissertation can be a daunting process. However, some careful planning and consistency can make it all a lot less painful.

  13. Dissertations & Theses

    Recent online theses and dissertations from the Georgetown Department of Psychology. For access to Georgetown theses and dissertations authored prior to 2006, see HoyaSearch or refer to ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses database. Print copies of dissertations may be requested using the Library's Library Use Only Materials Request.

  14. How to Write a Dissertation

    How to Write a Dissertation | A Guide to Structure & Content A dissertation or thesis is a long piece of academic writing based on original research, submitted as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree.

  15. Guide to Completing the Dissertation

    Purpose This site is intended to help doctoral candidates in the UCA Department of Psychology and Counseling navigate the steps of their dissertation as well as provide helpful resources and links. Variation in the details below may occur as a function of the dissertation topic itself, the student, the dissertation chair and committee, and other aspects of the process. This information should ...

  16. What Do Thesis Projects Involve?

    Advanced Research Processes and Sources in Psychology The work involved in starting, researching, writing, and defending your thesis

  17. Your Psychology Dissertation

    Your Psychology Dissertation has been specifically created to guide your students through their dissertation helping them to feel confident at every stage of their independent psychology research projects. This book will take them through the entire process of designing, conducting and then writing up their research, providing invaluable tips ...

  18. Dissertations

    Psychology dissertations in paper are included in the collections of the Library of Science and Medicine (and other locations) and are searchable in the library catalog (QuickSearch) by author or title. Please see the dissertations guide linked below for comprehensive information and links to indexes and RUCore.

  19. 6 Tips for Crafting a Psychology Research Paper

    Choosing a research topic for your dissertation, thesis, or class project can be daunting. Learn 6 tips on how to write a psychology resource paper and guide navigate the volume of material available online.

  20. Dissertation Information

    The dissertation submission process will be started by the Psychology Department; after defending your dissertation, you will receive emails from SmartSheet asking you to complete binding and permission forms. Please complete these forms as soon as possible to notify the provost that your graduation requirements have been completed.

  21. Your Psychology Dissertation

    Your Psychology Dissertation has been specifically created to guide your students through their dissertation helping them to feel confident at every stage of their independent psychology research projects. This book will take them through the entire process of designing, conducting and then writing up their research, providing invaluable tips ...

  22. Psychology Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021. PDF. The Longitudinal Effects of a Family and Sleep Supportive Intervention on Service Member Anger and Resilience, Shalene Joyce Allen. PDF. Drug Conviction and Employment Restriction: Experiences of Employees with Drug-Related Criminal Histories, Liana Bernard. PDF.

  23. Guide to Doctorate in Psychology Programs

    Are you considering a doctorate in psychology? Keep reading to learn about what a psychology doctoral program might look like and how to choose the right program for you.

  24. Psychology Research Guide

    This database provides access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

  25. Tips & Support

    Thesis and Dissertation Handbook . Requirements and guidelines for the preparation of Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations.