phd proposal presentation ppt

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Ph.D. Proposal Presentation Template

A Ph.D. proposal presentation template is a pre-designed set of slides that can be used as a starting point for creating a presentation for your Ph.D. proposal Registration. It includes a series of suggested slides, which you can customize to your specific needs. This template can be used by Ph.D. candidates from various fields who are preparing for their Ph.D. registration.

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title of the work
  • Candidate’s name and affiliation
  • Supervisor’s name and affiliation

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Briefly introduce the topic
  • Explain why the topic is important and relevant
  • Provide a brief overview of what the presentation will cover

Slide 3: Literature Review

  • Summarize the key findings of relevant literature
  • Identify gaps and limitations in the existing research
  • Explain how your work will contribute to filling these gaps

Slide 4: Motivation and Research Problem

  • Explain the motivation behind your work
  • Clearly state the research problem you are addressing

Slide 5: Research Question and Objectives

  • State your research question
  • Clearly articulate your research objectives

Slide 6: Study Design and Methods

  • Explain your study design and why you chose it
  • Describe your data collection methods and measures

Slide 7: Predicted Outcomes

  • Present your predicted outcomes if everything goes according to plan
  • Explain how these outcomes will contribute to the field

Slide 8: Resources

  • Identify the resources you will need to complete your work
  • Explain how you will obtain these resources

Slide 9: Societal Impact

  • Describe the potential societal impact of your work
  • Explain how your work will benefit society

Slide 10: Gantt Chart

  • Present a Gantt chart representing the timetable of the activities planned
  • Explain how you will manage your time to complete your work on schedule

Slide 11: Potential Challenges

  • Identify potential challenges you may encounter during your research
  • Explain how you plan to address these challenges

Slide 12: Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points of your presentation
  • Conclude by emphasizing the significance of your work and its potential impact

Slide 13: Questions

  • Encourage the audience to ask questions
  • Thank the audience for their attention

Remember to keep your presentation simple, well-structured, and effective. Use clear and concise language, and make sure your presentation is visually engaging. Good luck with your PhD proposal presentation!

  • Title of the work: “A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Techniques for Image Recognition in Medical Imaging”
  • Candidate’s name and affiliation: Sarah Johnson, Department of Computer Science, University of ABC
  • Supervisor’s name and affiliation: Dr. Robert Lee, Department of Computer Science, University of ABC

In this slide, you have to include the title of your work, your name and affiliation as the PhD candidate, and your supervisor’s name and affiliation. The title should be concise and descriptive, conveying the essence of your research.

  • Briefly introduce the topic: Deep Learning Techniques for Image Recognition in Medical Imaging
  • Explain why the topic is important and relevant: Accurate and efficient image recognition in medical imaging is crucial for diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring of patient progress. However, the current state-of-the-art algorithms still have limitations in handling the complexities of medical images, such as noise, variation in size and shape, and variation in imaging protocols.
  • Provide a brief overview of what the presentation will cover: In this presentation, I will introduce my proposed research on a comparative study of deep learning techniques for image recognition in medical imaging. I will briefly cover the literature review, the research problem and goals, the study design, and the expected outcomes of the research.

In this slide, you have to provide an introduction to your research topic, explaining its importance and relevance in the field. The introduction should set the context for your research and explain why it matters.

  • Summarize the key findings of relevant literature: Previous research has shown that deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), have achieved state-of-the-art results in various image recognition tasks, including medical image recognition. However, the performance of these techniques can be affected by factors such as the size and complexity of the dataset, the selection of hyperparameters, and the choice of architecture.
  • Identify gaps and limitations in the existing research: While previous studies have compared the performance of different deep learning techniques for image recognition in general, there is a lack of research that compares and evaluates the performance of these techniques specifically in medical imaging. Additionally, there is a need for research that investigates the effectiveness of transfer learning, data augmentation, and other techniques for improving the performance of deep learning models in medical image recognition tasks.
  • Explain how your work will contribute to filling these gaps: The proposed research aims to contribute to filling these gaps by conducting a comparative study of various deep learning techniques for image recognition in medical imaging. The study will also investigate the effectiveness of transfer learning, data augmentation, and other techniques for improving the performance of these techniques in medical image recognition tasks. The results of this study will provide valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of different deep-learning techniques in medical imaging, and help inform the development of more accurate and efficient algorithms in the future.

In this slide, you have to summarize the key findings of relevant literature in your research area, identify gaps and limitations in the existing research, and explain how your work will contribute to filling these gaps.

Slide 3: Literature Review
– Deep learning techniques (e.g. CNNs, RNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art results in various image recognition tasks, including medical image recognition.
– Performance can be affected by factors such as dataset size and complexity, hyperparameter selection, and architecture choice.
– Lack of research comparing and evaluating deep learning techniques specifically in medical imaging.
– Need for investigation of transfer learning, data augmentation, and other techniques for improving deep learning model performance in medical image recognition tasks.
– Conduct a comparative study of various deep learning techniques for image recognition in medical imaging.
– Investigate the effectiveness of transfer learning, data augmentation, and other techniques for improving deep learning model performance in medical image recognition tasks.
– Provide valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of different deep learning techniques in medical imaging, and help inform the development of more accurate and efficient algorithms in the future.

In this format, the information is organized into three sections: key findings, gaps and limitations, and contribution of proposed work. Each section is presented as a bullet point, with the main idea in bold, followed by a brief explanation. This format can be useful for presenting information in a clear and concise manner, while still providing enough detail to convey the main points.

Slide 4: Motivation and Research Problem
– Medical image recognition is an important application with significant potential for improving patient outcomes.
– Deep learning techniques have shown promise in this area, but their effectiveness depends on various factors, and there is still room for improvement.
– A comprehensive study of deep learning techniques for medical image recognition could help identify the most effective approaches and guide future research.
– The goal of this research is to conduct a comparative study of deep learning techniques for image recognition in medical imaging and investigate the effectiveness of transfer learning, data augmentation, and other techniques for improving model performance.
– Specifically, we aim to address the following research questions:
– What are the relative strengths and weaknesses of different deep-learning techniques for medical image recognition?
– How can transfer learning and data augmentation be used to improve model performance?
– What are the key factors affecting model performance, and how can they be optimized?

In this format, the motivation and research problem are presented as two separate sections, with each section consisting of bullet points. The motivation section explains why the topic is important and why the proposed research is needed, while the research problem section clearly states the specific questions that the research will address. This format can help ensure that the motivation and research problem are clearly articulated and easy to understand.

Slide 5: Research Question and Objectives
– What are the most effective deep-learning techniques for medical image recognition, and how can they be optimized for improved performance?
– To conduct a comparative study of deep learning techniques for image recognition in medical imaging, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and hybrid models.
– To investigate the effectiveness of transfer learning, data augmentation, and other techniques for improving model performance.
– To identify the key factors affecting model performance, including dataset size, complexity, and quality, and optimize these factors for improved accuracy and efficiency.
– To develop a comprehensive set of guidelines for using deep learning techniques in medical image recognition, based on the results of the study.

In this format, the research question and research objectives are presented as two separate sections, with each section consisting of bullet points. The research question clearly states the specific problem that the research will address, while the research objectives explain the specific goals that the research aims to achieve in order to answer the research question. This format can help ensure that the research question and objectives are clearly articulated and easy to understand.

Slide 6: Study Design and Methods
– Comparative study of deep learning techniques for medical image recognition.
– Experimental design with three groups: one using convolutional neural networks (CNNs), one using recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and one using hybrid models.
– Randomized assignment of datasets to groups to control for confounding factors.
– Datasets: Publicly available medical image datasets, including the MURA, ChestX-ray8, and DeepLesion datasets.
– Measures: Accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC for image recognition.
– Methods: Each group will train and test their models on the same datasets, with performance measures recorded for each model.

In this format, the study design and data collection methods are presented as two separate sections, with each section consisting of bullet points. The study design section provides an overview of the design of the study, including the specific groups being compared and the methods used to control for confounding factors. The data collection methods section describes the datasets and measures being used, as well as the specific methods being employed to train and test the deep learning models. This format can help ensure that the study design and methods are clearly explained and easy to understand.

Slide 7: Predicted Outcomes
– The CNN group is predicted to achieve the highest accuracy and AUC scores for medical image recognition.
– The hybrid model group is predicted to achieve high sensitivity and specificity scores, making it well-suited for certain medical applications.
– The RNN group is predicted to perform well on image sequences, such as those in medical videos or time-lapse images.
– This study will provide a comparative analysis of deep learning techniques for medical image recognition, helping to identify which techniques are most effective for different applications.
– The study will contribute to the development of improved medical image recognition models, which can have a significant impact on patient care and treatment outcomes.

In this format, the predicted outcomes are presented as bullet points, along with an explanation of how they will contribute to the field. The predicted outcomes are based on the study design and methods described in previous slides and can help to demonstrate the potential impact of the proposed research.

Slide 8: Resources
– Access to medical image databases with labeled images for model training and testing.
– Powerful computing resources, such as GPUs, for running deep learning algorithms.
– Software tools for image pre-processing, deep learning model training, and model evaluation.
– Technical support for troubleshooting and optimizing software and hardware issues.
– Medical image databases will be obtained through collaborations with healthcare institutions and research organizations.
– Computing resources will be obtained through the university’s high-performance computing center.
– Software tools will be obtained through open-source repositories and commercial licenses as needed.
– Technical support will be provided by the university’s IT department and by contacting software vendors and community forums as needed.

This slide presents the resources needed to complete the work, along with an explanation of how these resources will be obtained. This can help to demonstrate that the necessary resources have been identified and that a plan is in place to obtain them.

Slide 9: Societal Impact
– Improving the accuracy and efficiency of medical image analysis can lead to more accurate and timely diagnoses, which can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
– Developing robust and interpretable deep learning models can help to build trust in these technologies and enable their widespread adoption in clinical practice.
– Generating new insights into brain tumor growth and progression can help to guide treatment decisions and lead to more personalized and effective therapies.
– By improving medical image analysis, our work can help to reduce the time and cost of diagnosis, increase the accuracy of treatment planning, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.
– By developing more interpretable and trustworthy deep learning models, our work can help to facilitate their integration into clinical practice and improve patient care.
– By providing new insights into brain tumor growth and progression, our work can help to guide the development of more targeted and effective treatments.

This slide presents the potential societal impact of the work and how it will benefit society. This can help to demonstrate the broader implications and significance of the research.

Work breakdown  of PhD work

Gnatt chart representing the timetable of the activities planned

You have to create a Gantt chart to represent the activities that are planned for completing this research work within the given time frame. The time frame can change depending on the Univesity’s stipulated guidelines for full-time and part-time Ph.D. programs.

The chart is divided into five different stages, which are:

  • Completion of the Course Work: You need to complete the coursework papers as per University Guidelines. This stage is expected to take 12 months.
  • Literature review: In this stage, we will review and analyze the existing literature to identify gaps and limitations in the research. This stage is expected to take 06 months.
  • Data collection: In this stage, we will collect the required data by conducting experiments and surveys. This stage is expected to take 06 months.
  • Data analysis: In this stage, we will analyze the collected data to draw meaningful insights and conclusions. This stage is expected to take 3 months.
  • Model development: In this stage, we will develop the proposed model and implement it. This stage is expected to take 12 months.
  • Results and Analysis: In this stage, we will gather the results from various dimensions of the proposed model and analyze them. This stage is expected to take 03 months.
  • Writing and submission: In this stage, we will write and submit the final research report and the thesis. This stage is expected to take 06 months.

You have to allocate appropriate time for each stage to complete the work on schedule. You have to keep track of the progress regularly and make necessary adjustments to the plan to ensure the timely completion of the research work.

In this section, you have to discuss some potential challenges which you may encounter during your research and how you plan to address them.

Potential Challenges:

  • Access to data: Since we are planning to collect data from several sources, it may be challenging to obtain access to all the necessary data.
  • Time constraints: We have a strict timeline to follow, and any delays could affect the overall success of the project.
  • Technical difficulties: There is always a risk of encountering technical difficulties during data collection or analysis.

Addressing the Challenges:

  • Data access: We will communicate with the relevant authorities and request access to the data needed for our research. We will also explore alternative sources of data if necessary.
  • Time constraints: We will break down our research into smaller, more manageable tasks and allocate sufficient time for each. We will also build in extra time in case of unexpected delays.
  • Technical difficulties: We will test our data collection and analysis tools thoroughly beforehand to minimize the risk of technical difficulties. We will also have contingency plans in place in case of any issues that may arise.

By identifying potential challenges and having a plan in place to address them, you can ensure that your research progresses smoothly and efficiently.

In conclusion, this presentation has outlined a research proposal for a comparative study of deep learning techniques for image recognition in medical imaging. The key points covered in this presentation are:

  • The importance of developing accurate and efficient image recognition techniques for medical imaging, which can assist in the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions
  • A review of the relevant literature in this field has identified the need for further research to compare the performance of different deep-learning techniques for image recognition in medical imaging
  • The research problem, objectives, and research question, aim to address this need by comparing the performance of different deep-learning techniques for image recognition in medical imaging
  • The study design and methods, which will involve collecting and analyzing medical imaging data using various deep-learning techniques
  • The predicted outcomes of the study, which could contribute to improving the accuracy and efficiency of image recognition in medical imaging
  • The resources required to complete the study, including access to medical imaging data and computational resources
  • The potential societal impact of the study, which could benefit patients and healthcare providers by improving the accuracy and efficiency of medical imaging
  • The timetable of activities, which has been represented in a Gantt chart to ensure that the study is completed on schedule
  • The potential challenges that may be encountered during the research, and the strategies that will be used to address these challenges.

Overall, this research proposal has the potential to contribute to the field of medical imaging by providing valuable insights into the performance of different deep-learning techniques for image recognition. By improving the accuracy and efficiency of image recognition in medical imaging, this research could ultimately benefit patients and healthcare providers.

Download the PhD Proposal Presentation Template here:

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Trapped in dissertation revisions?

How to create a dissertation proposal defense powerpoint (+example), published by steve tippins on june 21, 2022 june 21, 2022.

Last Updated on: 22nd May 2024, 04:14 am

As part of the dissertation process, you will need to create a dissertation proposal defense PowerPoint to present a summary of the plan for your study. You will need to show how important your study is and how it is useful. 

When creating the PowerPoint, keep in mind that you need to make sure all of your audience can understand all aspects of your study.  The exact content for the defense PowerPoint varies by college, discipline and department, so it is important that you discuss with your committee chair about the requirements. However, we will give some general guidelines that apply to most institutions.

woman in orange jacket wearing headphones and working on her dissertation defense

The defense typically takes 20‐30 minutes. You should keep the timeframe in mind as you consider the information you will have in your presentation. 

Except for aspects of your presentation, such as the research question(s) or hypothesis(es), do not just read the slides. Instead, explain or expand on what is on the slides. To ensure you keep within the timeframe, practice narrating your PowerPoint presentation. 

Although the APA manual does not provide guidelines for creating a PowerPoint presentation, you will need to follow some of the APA style guidelines within your PowerPoint. 

For example, provide in-text citations for quotes, paraphrases, images, graphs, and other information that should be cited. Also, you will need to provide a list of pertinent references. 

phd proposal presentation ppt

The following are other format requirements for the slides :

  • Create 17-20 slides.
  • Do not provide a lot of information. Be concise and write a few sentences (approximately 1-7 on each slide). 
  • Because your slides will contain only a small amount of information, any extra information that you want to touch on should be put in the notes section of the PowerPoint. 
  • Write the information in your slides for visual appeal and optimum communication, using a legible font size. 
  • You can use graphics and images to enhance and reinforce the information. However, ensure that they do not distract from your information.
  • You can use bullet points but keep them to a minimum of 3-4 for each listing.

Example Dissertation Proposal Defense PowerPoint Template

man in denim shirt using his laptop to create a dissertation proposal

The dissertation proposal will consist of three chapters, which you will be providing information on in the presentation. Although the contents and order of the contents may vary, there are some basic parts of the proposal that are usually required.  

The following is a breakdown of the usual contents that are included in the presentation. Each of these headings below represents the titles of each slide. The information below the headings is the type of content you will need to provide. 

Title (1 slide) : 

  • Dissertation’s Title 
  • Department of Program of Study/Name of University
  • Chair and Committee Members

Statement of the Problem (1 slide):

  • Provide the problem that your dissertation will address. 

Purpose of the Study (1 slide):

  • Provide what the study will do relative to the issue(s) defined in the statement of the problem.

Significance of the Study (1 slide):

  • Provide the main argument of why the solution to the problem that you propose is important. 

Research Question(s)/Hypothesis(es ) (1 slide):

  • Provide the research question(s) or hypothesis(es) relevant to your field of study, written exactly as it is in your dissertation proposal.

The Literature Review (2 slides):  

  • These slides should consist of a coherent, organized overview of the main literature that frames your study’s problem, and the gap in literature that your study will address. Make sure that you include the sources. 

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework (1 slide):

  • This slide should consist of the theoretical/conceptual framework that will help you make sense of the phenomenon that you will investigate. 

Research Design (1 slide):

  • Provide the framework for the methods of data collection and data analysis. Indicate whether the study will be quantitative or qualitative.

Sample and Population (1 slide):

  • Provide the population that refers to the entire group that you will draw conclusions about, and the sample that refers to the specific group that you will collect data from.

Data Collection (1 slide):

  • Provide the methods by which you will obtain the data. If the research design is quantitative, provide methods such as correlation and regression, mean, mode and median or others. If the design is qualitative, provide methods such as, interviews, questionnaires with open-ended questions, focus groups, observation, game or role-playing, case studies, or others.

Data Analysis (1-2 slides):

  • This slide should contain the process you will use to understand, gather, compile, and process the data you will obtain. 

phd proposal presentation ppt

Limitations (1 slide):

  • In this slide, explain the nature of the limitations and how they will be overcome during your research. 

Delimitations (1slide):

  • Provide the characteristics that describe the boundaries of your study and limit the scope, such as sample size, geographical location, population traits, or others.

References (1-2 slides):

  • Only provide those sources that you referred to in the presentation. Do not provide all the sources that you have in your dissertation proposal.

Thank You/Questions (1 slide):

  • Use this final slide to thank your committee and to request questions from them.

Note : For information about citing your references, refer to Chapters 9 and 10 of the APA Manual 7 th edition.

For instructions on how to create a PowerPoint, see How to Create a Powerpoint Presentation .

View this video for “ Tips and Tricks for your Proposal Defense Day Presentation ” 

You can find several templates of students’ Dissertation Proposal Defense presentations online by searching for “Dissertation Proposal Defense PowerPoint.”  You can also find one at this webpage .

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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PhD Defense Template

You’ve done the hard work to prepare your PhD dissertation, and now there’s only one step left: your defense. And has the perfect presentation template to help you along the way.

These customizable template slides have all the basic elements of a PhD defense presentation, including an abstract, methodology, research findings, executive summary, and more. The result? A streamlined presentation that’s as professional as it is impressive. All with just a few clicks of the mouse. 

Our PhD defense template can also help you:

  • Customize your PhD presentation for different audiences
  • Synthesize months of academic work into a concise presentation
  • Successfully defend your PhD thesis to your panel

Use our template to create an effective PhD defense presentation

Your PhD defense presentation is a critical step in your academic journey – one that requires a smart and sophisticated format, layout, and story flow. That’s why our template includes everything you need to create an effective presentation. Tailoring this defense template to your unique PhD thesis is simple. Whether you need to create additional data points or showcase more findings, you can quickly bring your visions to life with these customizable templates and our entire library of professionally designed template slides.

Title Slide

Pro Tips for creating your own PhD defense presentation template

When you are thinking of creating your own impactful Phd defense presentation, keep these best practices in mind:

Condensing hours and hours of research can be daunting. Build an outline or table of contents first, then simply stick to that structure as you create your presentation.

It can be easy to get caught up in your research and findings, but don’t forget to answer critical questions like, ‘Why is this important?’ and ‘What results have you achieved?’

Remember: You aren’t recreating your entire thesis into a visual presentation. Limit the amount of content and data you add to each slide.

Your PhD defense presentation is your chance to share all of your hard work. Don’t be afraid to showcase bits of your personality throughout.

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How to Present Research Proposal Convincingly and Effectively

Correct research proposal presentation is essential in getting your research approved.

phd proposal presentation ppt

Why Is a Proposal for Presentation Important?

A presentation is an essential component that will help you showcase your research from the best angle. It is a roadmap that shows your central research question, how you will find the solution, and what awarenesses and issues stand in your way. A way to present research proposal writing in the form of a paper is essential, but it sets limits on your abilities to demonstrate the content to the audience.

Having a set of slides is good because it is more understandable than writing. Showcasing your future project using graphics and tables is even better because the information becomes more convincing and coherent. Sometimes, the presentation allows individuals to say more than they could do when writing a research plan. Let’s move on and discover how to make research proposal presentation.

4 Steps to Create a Great Thesis Proposal Presentation

When you present your project, you literally sell it to the officials, proving its value and importance within the whole field. That’s why it’s essential to consider valuable points when working on the project. So, below are points to follow when preparing research proposal presentation.

  • Show the topic knowledge. Your task is to present fresh ideas and show how well you know the subject. By doing so, you demonstrate how well you studied the topic and understand what should be added to the existing gaps.
  • Structure your content. It works the same as with writing and should flow logically. You should smoothly move from one part to another, showcasing all aspects of your research. Also, ensure your presentation proposal does not contain information that does not belong to the topic.
  • Use bulleted lists. It makes the writing readable and makes it easy for the audience to absorb the information. Moreover, writing huge sentences on slides has negative impact, so consider using bulleted lists as an alternative.
  • Add visuals. Writing too much text is not good, as it is hard to perceive many words on slides visually. Add graphs, images, and infographics to make the information easier to understand. Nevertheless, keep enough ample space not to overload the slides.

Research proposal PowerPoint format allows you to be more creative using tools to compose and deliver the information. Start working beforehand to select the proper background, fonts, and visuals to ensure your slides look great. Still, if you find it difficult to complete the task, asking someone for assistance is a good decision. Consider getting professional help writing research proposal from our experienced pros.

What Should Research Proposal Presentation Consist Of?

When presenting the concept of your study, you should understand what it consists of and what is the purpose of each part. You will understand how to write a presentation proposal. Stick to this plan. Use it like a template, and make sure you include all the needed information. Another great idea is to use dissertation proposal guidelines provided by your institution. Besides, you can look for samples and check how others handle such a task.

helpful research proposal presentation tips

Tips to Effectively Present Research Proposal

The concept you create should be impressive and informative. Everything should be focused on your study, showcasing the topic, highlighting its importance, and saying what you expect to achieve. That’s why you should make your thesis proposal presentation a visual aid that helps the audience to understand you. Below are some tips to help you.

  • Limit the amount of text on each slide. Focus on writing key phrases only.
  • Create contrast by using different colors for text and background to enhance readability. The best combo is a “light text-black background.”
  • Use simple design solutions and avoid flashy transitions because they may distract the audience.
  • Don’t create too many slides. Decide how many slides you need in each part of your PhD proposal presentation, and don’t go beyond this number.
  • Do not read from slides. The visual content is for the audience, so you should give them additional information.
  • Avoid templates. There is no need to fit your original proposal for presentation into already-made structures.

To ensure the final version looks good, show it to someone who hasn’t seen it before. With feedback from an independent viewer, you will understand whether everything looks good or not.

how to present a proposal tips

How to Present a Research Proposal and Defense It

Simply switching the slides and repeating all the information is not enough. The purpose of the proposal defense is to convince the audience that your research is significant, fundamental, and worth investing in. Those who will listen to you won’t be very interested in research projects. So, how to present a research proposal in a way that makes them listen?

You have to be confident and stick to your agenda. Make notes about what you will say at each stage of the defense. Left the most significant information on the slides, supplementing it with additional abstracts during the demonstration. Keep the pace and show one slide per minute. Rushing is not what’s needed since you aim to show the research project’s significance.

The ability to answer audience questions is another essential of how to make a proposal presentation. Be ready for this because the committee may want to test how well you know your research topic. An unclear answer or a typical “I don’t know” can negatively impact their decision. Practice before the official demonstration and ensure you are confident enough to defend a presentation without notes.

Get Assisted in Creating a Proposal Presentation

Creating a proposal presentation is a responsible task because you are showcasing your future research, explaining why it’s important and how it will close the existing gaps in the field. It requires a deep analysis, which takes lots of time and effort and may be challenging for some individuals.

However, it’s not a problem for our specialists. As well as providing professional thesis writing services , we assist customers with presentation creation. Our experts carefully investigate the topic, do in-depth research, and find relevant data. Moreover, they can help you select research topics, offering unique niches that match your interests.

Contact us anytime you want to achieve outstanding quality and get the writing task done on time.

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PhD Dissertation PowerPoint Template

The PhD Dissertation PowerPoint Template provides a professional structure and layouts designed for dissertation presentations. A dissertation is the work submitted to support the conclusion of an academic degree or professional qualification, presenting the author’s research and findings in an area of study. The PhD Dissertation PowerPoint Template is designed as an academic presentation slide deck where the PhDc will compile it work in a supporting document of their message.

The educational PowerPoint template of PhD dissertation contains 9 slides, with diagrams, charts, and shapes for describing your research and thesis. These PowerPoint templates will help prepare a compelling dissertation defense. The comprehensive slide deck of dissertation covers a structured approach of documentation. All the diagrams and data charts will be useful for documenting a PhD dissertation following the traditional sections structure:

  • Abstract – Discuss the abstract model of what you are trying to prove. Implemented as a Text slide with abstract background graphics
  • Introduction – A background of work, basic terminologies, and problem description. The layout is created as an Hexagon picture including placeholders and the dissertation presentation agenda theme.
  • Literature Review – Discuss related work, analysis, and interpretation. Designed as 4 segments with infographic icons to discuss thesis literature.
  • Methodology – Describe the methodology used in your research. You can use the 4 steps curved timeline diagram for the research model.
  • Research Findings – It involves proof of model, type of study and tools to gather supporting data. Magnifying glass 4 steps puzzle diagram research metaphor
  • Results – Data collected from various sources and analysis for proof of thesis. Custom stacked data-driven chart template for reports
  • Discussion – 4 sections to display presentation discussion points
  • Conclusion – 6 sections for research questions, answers, contribution, and future work

Every dissertation has its specifics, but this structure will help you diagram your presentation, following best practices. You will be able to tell your dissertation story in a compelling way, which will engage your audience.

Research Image Background Cover

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PhD Dissertation Defense Slides Design: Presentation checklist

  • Tips for designing the slides
  • Presentation checklist
  • Example slides
  • Additional Resources

Technical checklist

1. did you add page numbers, 2. did you test animation and videos, 3. did you check if the font sizes are too small, especially in tables and figures, content checklist, 1. did you emphasize the importance of the work, 2. was your contribution clearly identified , 3. did you include your funding sources in your acknowledgment .

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15 Free Research Proposal PowerPoint Templates for Scientific Project, Thesis Defence

Are you a scientist who wishes to create a research proposal presentation in the best manner? If you do, then this excellent list of Research Proposal PowerPoint Templates is truly a demand!

The research proposal is a document that a researcher needs to write, It outlines the details of a research project and gives team members or readers a summary of the information in a project.

In order to allow readers to understand the project information more clearly, a research proposal presentation will be a better way to present the information of a research project.

A research proposal PPT should include the following:

  • Research title or topic: make sure your title can clearly describe the research project, or supplement your research project with a short statement.
  • Research background: why do this research project
  • literature review: describe research progress on your research topic, and the gap or remaining questions need to research.
  • Research aim, objective, and hypothesis
  • Research method: explain how to conduct your research, how data is collected and analyzed.
  • Results: the results you expect.
  • Question: provides an overview of the problems encountered during the research process, and how to solve them.
  • Summary: make sure the reader has a complete understanding of your research project.

Note: this PDF file made by Australian National University provides more information about the research proposal presentation.

In this collection, you’ll find numerous and diverse styles of research proposals ppt templates that you can pick as part of your inspiration.

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Table of Contents

Free research proposal powerpoint templates, premium research proposal powerpoint templates, 1. rea thesis presentation template.

Rea – Free Thesis Defense PPTGoogle Slides Presentation Template

You can create a professional research proposal with Rea in a matter of minutes. Why? Because you don’t need any design knowledge or sophisticated design software like Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, the Rea ppt template gives you everything you need to create a research proposal, it provides a complete pre-built slide set. What you need to do is focus on your study.

To assist you in presenting your research proposal in a structured way, the Rea template divides your research proposal into seven sections: introduction, literature review, research, results, discussion, conclusion, reference list. The majority of research proposals can follow this structure.

The Rea ppt template features a modern, creative design, the alternation of light slides and dark slides will attract the viewer’s attention well.

Unique slides: 33

2. Master Thesis Defense PowerPoint Template

Master Thesis Defense PowerPoint Template

The Master Thesis Defense PowerPoint Template is a thesis PowerPoint presentation for students. It features a clean, sophisticated design, the unified layout allows you to easily adjust or add slides in your presentation. This template is perfect for a master’s thesis.

Unique slides: 21

3. Blue Graduation & Thesis Defense Presentation

Blue Graduation & Thesis Defense Presentation

This PPT template is made for thesis defense presentations, such as bachelors thesis, PhD thesis, masters thesis, or doctoral thesis. It comes with a blue background cover slide and a lot of useful infographic slides.

4. Red Dissertation proposal defense powerpoint presentation

Dissertation proposal defense powerpoint presentation

This research proposal PowerPoint template uses a striking red as the main color, features 21 editable slides. The table of contents slide and break slide will help you organize your content.

5. Green Dissertation defense presentation template

Dissertation defense presentation template

Green Dissertation defense presentation template comes with 21 unique slides and a clean layout, suited for chemistry thesis or biology thesis.

6. PhD Dissertation Defense Presentation Template

PhD Dissertation Defense Presentation Template - best Research Proposal PowerPoint Templates

PhD Dissertation Defense Presentation Template features a clean, minimal design. It’s well organized and easy to use. The only thing you need to focus on is your research.

7. Blue Medical research proposal powerpoint template

Blue Medical is a free multipurpose PowerPoint template for medical presentations.

Blue Medical is a free multipurpose PowerPoint template for medical presentations. This template is also perfect for medical research proposals, chemical project research proposals.

Unique slides: 41

8. Master’s Thesis Defense PowerPoint Template

Master’s Thesis Defense Free PowerPoint Template is one of the best research proposal templates.

Master’s Thesis Defense Free PowerPoint Template is one of the best research proposal templates. You don’t need to build anything from scratch, it’s more or less just a matter of dragging and dropping, editing text and charts.

Unique slides: 28

9. Research presentation Template

image 6

This PPT template is a simple alternative that helps you create a research slide. It includes 5 steps to guide you through the research process. If you want a simplest PowerPoint template, this will be the right one.

Unique slides: 9

10. Minerva Master Thesis Defense PowerPoint Template

Minerva Master Thesis Template Minimalist by Slidecore

Minerva is a free minimalist master’s thesis defense presentation template. It has 34 comprehensive and unique slides. Use this template to present your research now!

Unique slides: 34

11. Professional Thesis Project Proposal PowerPoint Template

Preview of Professional Thesis Project Proposal PowerPoint Templates

Professional Thesis Project Proposal PowerPoint Template is a free research paper ppt template. It comes with 21 easy-to-use slides that include every aspect of your thesis, from the purpose of your study to method, data analysis, results, and discussion.

12. Thesis Presentation Powerpoint & Google Slides Template

Preview of Thesis Presentation Powerpoint & Google Slides Template

This presentation template is one of the best free research proposal ppt templates that help you stand out. It features 20 pre-built research slides with modern, minimal layouts.

13. The effects of technology learning Research Presentation Template

the effects of technology learning

This cool presentation template is designed for students to present their school projects. It includes many illustrations and graphs.

14. Free Thesis Defense Presentation Template

Free Thesis Defense Presentation Template

This beautiful PPT template is for anyone who needs a quick but professional thesis defense template. Utilize professionally designed slides for your introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion. The template includes 22 animated slides.

15. Black and white Research Proposal Presentation Free download

Research Proposal Presentation Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

A free research proposal presentation template for PowerPoint and Google Slides, contains 29 unique slides.

16. Simple Research Proposal Presentation

Simple Research Proposal Presentation Template Free Download

The template comes with a simple, minimal, and modern design. It would be perfect for any type of research proposal.

Thesis Science Powerpoint Template

Thesis Science Powerpoint Template

Thesis Science Powerpoint Template offers 20 unique slides. All slides have been organized and categorized to adhere to the guidelines stipulated by the thesis defense format.

SOLOZ – Dark Background Science Thesis Defense Powerpoint Template

SOLOZ - Science Thesis Defense Powerpoint

SOLOZ PPT template contains 30 unique slides with a dark background. The unified color scheme and master slides make it easy to customize and quickly build an impressive presentation.

Thesis Defense – Design Powerpoint Template

Thesis Defense - Design Powerpoint Template

This thesis defense PowerPoint template uses a design interior theme as a preview. It comes with 30 unique slides, dark and light backgrounds, and widescreen & standard ratio.

Research Proposal PPT Template

Research Proposal PPT Template

The Research Proposal PowerPoint Template offers over 50 slide designs with a modern and professional look. This template is available in three various formats: PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote.

Thank you for visiting Just Free Slide and reading this article! We hope this article helped you find the best research proposal PowerPoint template.  We highly appreciate it! Now you might want to get more free PowerPoint templates . Below you’ll find more PowerPoint templates related to the research proposal:

  • 8 Best Academic PowerPoint Templates
  • 42 Pages Thesis Defense PowerPoint Presentation Template (Premium)

More like this

Selfone Creative Google Slides Template

Wonderful article! I have found an amazing site on Google it’s . Here you can explore professionally designed fully customizable research templates which are easy to use.

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Example Dissertation Proposal Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Select our Example Dissertation Proposal Presentation PowerPoint Presentation Slides to interpret and explain results. The structure of dissertation PowerPoint complete deck includes slides on agenda, outline, project title, introduction, literature review, purpose statement, hypothesis, methods, statically analysis, results, bar graph, pie chart, discussion, study limitations, conclusion findings, the implications for future research, reference, etc. This is also useful for academic purposes, MBA student can use this to present their final project, it can reduce their time and effort. Furthermore, the research proposal Presentation template can portray concepts like survey results, data analysis and interpretation, dissertation structure, statistical consulting, research structure thesis proposal and many more. The thesis proposal Presentation slide outline results, discussions, and conclusion, the presenter can save their time and efforts on making their presentation from scratch. Download our professionally designed dissertation ppt slides to explain the dissertation in a logical flow. Facilitate jovial banter with our Example Dissertation Proposal Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Enable folks to have a good hearted discussion.


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PowerPoint presentation slides

Presenting Example Dissertation Proposal Presentation PowerPoint Presentation Slides. The deck contains a complete set of 44 high-resolution presentation slides. Users can edit PPT background, font, text, etc. You can download the presentation, in both widescreen (16:9) and standard (4:3) aspect ratio. From text to video, animation to logo insert anything. The PPT templates are compatible with Google Slides, PDF and JPG formats.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Example dissertation proposal presentation powerpoint presentation slides with all 44 slides:.

Our Example Dissertation Proposal Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Slides are innately eco-friendly. Their high recall value negate the need for paper handouts.

Example Dissertation Proposal Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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Basic Customizable PhD Dissertation

It seems that you like this template, basic customizable phd dissertation presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Being formal and creative can be your main highlights when presenting your phD if you use this modern presentation template for your defense. The design is like a canvas you can use to give life to your investigation and your results because it’s completely editable. Adapt the slides to the requirements of your research and your speech and let the elegance of its design surprise the committee and get you the best mark!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 28 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Available in different colors
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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Basic Customizable PhD Dissertation Infographics

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PhD Research proposal Presentation

Published by Tyler Ching Modified over 10 years ago

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The image is a logo with the word "SLIDEGENIUS" written in capital letters. To the left of the word is a stylized speech bubble containing an abstract design, representing innovative slide design. The entire logo is white.

How can I hire a professional PowerPoint service to help with my PhD presentation?

July 8, 2024 /

Hiring a professional PowerPoint service for your PhD presentation can significantly enhance the quality and impact of your work. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:

  • Identify Your Needs : Determine the specific requirements of your presentation. Consider aspects such as the complexity of your data, the need for custom graphics, and the overall design style you envision.
  • Research Providers : Look for reputable PowerPoint design services with experience in academic presentations. Check their portfolios to ensure they have a track record of creating high-quality, visually appealing slides that effectively communicate complex information.
  • Read Reviews and Testimonials : Customer feedback can provide valuable insights into the reliability and quality of the service. Look for reviews from clients who had similar needs, such as academic or research presentations.
  • Evaluate Expertise : Ensure the service has a team of skilled designers who understand the nuances of academic presentations. They should be capable of translating your research into clear, engaging visuals that support your narrative.
  • Discuss Your Project : Contact the service to discuss your project in detail. Provide them with your content, key messages, and any specific design preferences. A good service will offer a consultation to understand your goals and provide tailored solutions.
  • Review Samples and Proposals : Request samples of their previous work and a proposal outlining their approach to your presentation. This will help you gauge their creativity, attention to detail, and ability to meet your expectations.
  • Consider Turnaround Time and Cost : Ensure the service can deliver within your timeline and budget. High-quality design services may come at a premium, but the investment can be worthwhile for a critical presentation like a PhD defense.

By following these steps, you can find a professional PowerPoint service that will help you create a compelling and polished presentation, allowing you to focus on delivering your research with confidence.

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