255 Education Argumentative Essay Topics & Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 17 May 2024
  • Icon Page 2256 words
  • Icon Clock 11 min read

Education, a cornerstone of societal development, is a fertile field for writing papers. In this case, education argumentative essay topics can range widely, from debates over traditional vs. digital classrooms, the effectiveness of standardized testing, and the necessity of college education in the 21st century to the balance between academics and character development. Arguments can consider whether current school curriculums cater adequately to the needs of all students or primarily reinforce societal inequalities. Examining education policies at the local, national, or international levels can provide further insights. In turn, exploring the role of educational institutions in preparing students for the future workforce, including discussions on vocational training and entrepreneurial education, is another promising direction for developing argumentative essay topics in education.

Best Education Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Balancing School Curriculum: Is Art Education as Important as Science?
  • Roles of Technology in Enhancing Educational Outcomes
  • The Ethics of Using Animals for School Biology Experiments
  • Parental Influence on a Child’s Academic Success
  • University Tuition Fees: Necessary Expense or Excessive Burden?
  • Should Physical Education Be Mandatory in Schools?
  • Importance of Teaching Life Skills alongside Traditional Subjects
  • Grading System: Helping Students Learn or Adding Undue Pressure?
  • Incorporating Meditation in Schools for Improved Mental Health
  • Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling: Which Prepares Students Better?
  • Examining the Role of Sex Education in Preventing Teenage Pregnancy
  • Importance of Introducing Multicultural Education in Schools
  • Mandatory Community Service as Part of the Curriculum: Pros and Cons
  • Cyberbullying: Should Schools Take Responsibility?
  • Unraveling the Effects of School Uniforms on Student Behavior
  • Gender-Separated Classes: Beneficial or Discriminatory?
  • Are College Degrees Worth the Financial Investment?
  • The Role of Teachers’ Salaries in Ensuring Quality Education
  • Digital Textbooks vs. Traditional Books: Which Is More Effective?
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Homework in Enhancing Learning
  • The Pros and Cons of Year-Round Schooling
  • Roles of Parent-Teacher Communication in Enhancing Students’ Performance
  • Effectiveness of Distance Learning: Is It Comparable to Traditional Learning?
  • Should Controversial Topics Be Discussed in School?

Easy Education Essay Topics

  • Exploring the Impact of School Lunch Programs on Student Health
  • Is Cursive Writing Necessary in Today’s Digital Age?
  • Teaching Consent in Schools: A Necessity or Overstepping Bounds?
  • Gifted Programs: Are They Unfair to Other Students?
  • Bilingual Education: Key to Global Competency or Detrimental to Native Culture?
  • Implementing Zero Tolerance Policies in Schools: Beneficial or Harmful?
  • Should Teachers Be Allowed to Carry Firearms for Classroom Protection?
  • Influence of School Infrastructure on Student Learning Outcomes
  • Incorporating Climate Change Education in School Curriculums
  • Should Students Be Grouped by Ability in Classrooms?
  • Effectiveness of Anti-Bullying Campaigns in Schools
  • The Right to Privacy: Should Schools Monitor Student’s Online Activities?
  • Evaluating the Role of Extracurricular Activities in Student Development
  • The Need for Financial Literacy Education in Schools
  • Freedom of Speech: Should Students Be Allowed to Express Controversial Opinions in School?
  • Potential Benefits of Single-Sex Schools
  • Relevance of History Education in Modern Times
  • The Influence of Religious Beliefs on Education
  • Foreign Language Requirements: Necessity or Unnecessary Burden?
  • Are Teachers’ Unions Beneficial or Detrimental to Education Quality?
  • Impacts of Parental Educational Background on Children’s Academic Achievement
  • Does Grade Inflation Devalue a College Degree?
  • Does Early Childhood Education Have Long-Term Benefits?
  • Are College Admissions Processes Fair?

Education Argumentative Essay Topics & Ideas

Interesting Education Essay Topics

  • The Consequences of Educational Budget Cuts
  • Exploring the Role of Sports in Academic Achievement
  • Effects of Teacher Burnout on Student Learning
  • Is Educational Equality Achievable in a Capitalist Society?
  • Are Private Schools Necessarily Better than Public Schools?
  • Role of Social Media in Education: Distraction or Useful Tool?
  • Is Traditional Discipline Effective in Modern Schools?
  • Examining the Effectiveness of Montessori Education
  • Are Standardized Curriculum Frameworks Limiting Teachers’ Creativity?
  • Is There a Place for Character Education in Today’s Schools?
  • Importance of Critical Thinking Skills in the Curriculum
  • Do Student Evaluations of Teachers Improve Teaching Quality?
  • Music Education’s Influence on Academic Performance
  • Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Achievement
  • Should Children Be Taught Entrepreneurship in Schools?
  • Educational Benefits of Field Trips in Curriculum
  • Does School Counseling Effectively Address Students’ Mental Health Needs?
  • The Role of Games in Enhancing Math Education
  • Is the Current Emphasis on STEM Education Justified?
  • The Influence of Family Structure on Children’s Educational Outcomes
  • Does Multitasking with Technology Hinder Learning?
  • Should Political Education Be Mandatory in Schools?
  • Effects of Classroom Diversity on Student Learning and Empathy

Education Essay Topics for High School

  • Does Standardized Testing Accurately Reflect a Student’s Knowledge?
  • Should Schools Invest More in Arts Education?
  • Is a Year-Round School Calendar Beneficial for Learning?
  • Are School Uniforms Necessary for a Conducive Learning Environment?
  • Does Homework Actually Benefit Students?
  • Should Advanced Courses Be Made Available to All High School Students?
  • Can Online Learning Replace Traditional Classroom Teaching?
  • How Is Essential Sex Education in High School Curriculum?
  • The Impact of School Infrastructure on Quality of Education
  • Are School Sports Essential for Student Development?
  • Does Bilingual Education Enhance Cognitive Skills?
  • Does Parental Involvement Improve Academic Performance?
  • Is There a Need to Reinvent School Discipline Policies?
  • How Does the Use of Technology in Schools Affect Learning?
  • The Role of Schools in Promoting Healthy Eating Habits
  • Are School Field Trips Essential for Practical Learning?
  • Should Schools Introduce Personal Finance Classes?
  • Physical Education Classes: Necessity or Luxury?
  • Effect of Bullying on Academic Performance
  • The Influence of Peer Pressure on Students’ Performance
  • Should We Teach Entrepreneurship in High Schools?
  • Does a Longer School Day Improve Learning Outcomes?
  • Roles of Moral Education in Character Building

Education Essay Topics for College Students

  • Incorporating Technology in Classrooms: Necessity or Distraction?
  • Standardized Testing: An Effective Evaluation Tool or a Hindrance to Creativity?
  • University Degrees: Essential for Success or Overrated?
  • Pros and Cons of Single-Sex Education: A Deep Dive
  • Private vs. Public Schools: Who Provides a Better Education?
  • Traditional Education vs. Online Learning: Comparing Effectiveness
  • Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Academic Performance
  • Bilingual Education: Potential Benefits and Challenges
  • Vocational Training: Does It Deserve More Emphasis in the Curriculum?
  • Effects of Class Size on Student Learning Outcomes
  • Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling: Weighing the Outcomes
  • Mandatory Physical Education: A Boon or Bane?
  • College Athletes: Should They Be Paid?
  • Education in Rural vs. Urban Settings: Exploring Disparities
  • Funding: How Does It Impact the Quality of Education?
  • Role of Sex Education in Schools: Analyzing the Importance
  • Uniforms in Schools: Do They Promote Equality?
  • Plagiarism Policies: Are They Too Strict or Not Enough?
  • Art Education: Is It Being Neglected in Schools?
  • Teaching Soft Skills: Should It Be Mandatory in Schools?
  • Tuition Fees: Do They Restrict Access to Higher Education?
  • Inclusion of Students With Disabilities: Analyzing Best Practices

Education Argumentative Essay Topics for University

  • Cyberbullying: Should Schools Have a Greater Responsibility?
  • STEM vs. Liberal Arts: Which Provides a Better Future?
  • Impacts of Mental Health Services in Schools
  • Grade Inflation: Does It Devalue a Degree?
  • Diversity in Schools: Does It Enhance Learning?
  • Gap Year: Does It Help or Hinder Students?
  • Recess: Is It Necessary for Students’ Well-Being?
  • Early Childhood Education: Does It Contribute to Later Success?
  • Parental Involvement: How Does It Influence Student Performance?
  • Value of Internships in Higher Education
  • Curriculum: Is It Outdated in Today’s Fast-Paced World?
  • Digital Textbooks vs. Paper Textbooks: Evaluating the Differences
  • Learning a Second Language: Should It Be Mandatory?
  • Censorship in School Libraries: Freedom or Protection?
  • Life Skills Education: Is It Missing From Our Curriculum?
  • Teachers’ Pay: Does It Reflect Their Value in Society?
  • College Rankings: Do They Truly Reflect Educational Quality?
  • Corporal Punishment: Does It Have a Place in Modern Education?
  • Student Loans: Are They Creating a Debt Crisis?
  • Learning Styles: Myth or Real Educational Framework?
  • Grading System: Is It the Best Measure of Students’ Abilities?

Academic Topics Essay

  • Fostering Creativity: Should Schools Prioritize the Arts?
  • Student Debt: Consequences and Possible Solutions
  • Bullying Policies in Schools: Are They Effective?
  • Teaching Ethics and Values: Whose Responsibility?
  • Distance Learning: The New Normal Post-Pandemic?
  • School Censorship: Are There Limits to Freedom of Speech?
  • College Admissions: Is the Process Fair?
  • Standardizing Multilingual Education: A Possibility?
  • Learning Disabilities: How Can Schools Provide Better Support?
  • Does Class Size Impact the Quality of Education?
  • Integrating Technology: Are There Potential Risks?
  • Affirmative Action in College Admissions: Fair or Biased?
  • The Role of Private Tuition: Supplemental Help or Unfair Advantage?
  • Military-Style Discipline in Schools: Effective or Harmful?
  • Should Schools Implement Mental Health Curriculums?
  • Early Education: Does It Pave the Way for Success?
  • Grading System: Is it an Accurate Measure of Student Ability?
  • Career Counseling in Schools: Should It be Mandatory?
  • Addressing Racial Bias in Educational Materials
  • The Debate Over Prayer in Schools: Freedom of Religion or Church-State Separation?
  • The Impact of Zero-Tolerance Policies on the School Environment
  • Education Funding: The Pros and Cons of School Vouchers
  • University Rankings: Helpful Guide or Harmful Pressure?
  • Personal Finance Education: Should It Be Included in the Curriculum?

Argumentative Essay Topics on Education

  • Impacts of Standardized Testing on Students’ Creativity
  • Digital Learning Platforms vs. Traditional Classroom Teaching
  • Effectiveness of the Montessori Education System
  • Mandatory Foreign Language Education: A Necessity or Luxury?
  • Single-Sex Schools’ Role in Modern Society
  • Teachers’ Salaries: A Reflection of Their Value in Society?
  • Technological Devices in Classrooms: A Boon or Bane?
  • Inclusion of Life Skills in the Curriculum
  • Ethical Education: Its Significance and Implementation
  • Educating Children About Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling: Which Yields Better Results?
  • School Uniforms: Do They Encourage Uniformity Over Individuality?
  • The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Holistic Education
  • Importance of Critical Thinking in the Curriculum
  • Corporate Sponsorship in Schools: Ethical Considerations
  • Increasing Parental Involvement in Children’s Education
  • Vocational Training in High School: Is It Necessary?
  • The Merits and Demerits of Charter Schools
  • Prioritizing Health Education in the School Curriculum
  • Diversifying History Lessons: The Impact on Cultural Understanding
  • Gifted and Talented Programs: Unfair Advantage or Necessary Support?
  • Implementing Mindfulness Training in Schools
  • Mandatory Physical Education: Is It Vital for Health?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Year-Round Schooling
  • The Potential of Virtual Reality in Education

Education Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Enhancing Creativity: The Importance of Art Education in Schools
  • Mandatory Coding Lessons: Preparing Students for the Digital Future
  • Bilingual Education: Encouraging Multilingualism From an Early Age
  • Parental Involvement: Crucial for Academic Success or an Invasion of Privacy?
  • Cyberbullying Awareness: Should It Be Part of the School Curriculum?
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Education: Boon or Bane?
  • Sex Education: Essential for Reducing Teen Pregnancy and STD Rates
  • Standardized Tests: Accurate Measure of a Student’s Capabilities or Outdated Practice?
  • Religious Studies: The Necessity of Teaching World Religions in Public Schools
  • Homework Overload: Assessing the True Impact on Students’ Mental Health
  • School Uniforms: Encouraging Discipline or Suppressing Individuality?
  • Inclusion in Classrooms: The Benefits of Educating Special Needs Students Alongside Their Peers
  • Teacher Salaries: The Need for Higher Pay to Attract Quality Educators
  • Educational Video Games: Revolutionizing Learning or Distraction From Studying?
  • Student Athletes: Balancing Academics and Sports Participation
  • Year-Round Schooling: Improving Learning Retention or Overloading Students?
  • Early Education: The Benefits of Pre-School Programs
  • Social Media: Its Role in Modern Education
  • Field Trips: Enhancing Learning Outside the Classroom
  • Classroom Size: The Impact on Learning and Engagement
  • Vocational Training: Essential for Preparing Students for the Workforce
  • Distance Learning: Exploring its Advantages and Disadvantages

Education Research Paper Topics

  • Extracurricular Activities: The Importance in Students’ Holistic Development
  • Multiple Intelligence Theory: Implementing Diverse Teaching Strategies
  • Classroom Decor: Its Influence on Student Engagement and Learning
  • Mindfulness Practices: Promoting Emotional Health in Schools
  • Sustainability Education: Fostering Environmentally-Conscious Citizens
  • Cultural Diversity: Promoting Inclusion and Acceptance in Schools
  • Physical Education: Addressing Childhood Obesity through School Programs
  • Gifted and Talented Programs: Benefits and Drawbacks
  • Homeschooling: Advantages Over Traditional Schooling
  • Alternative Assessment Methods: Moving Beyond Exams and Grades
  • Bullying Prevention: The Role of Schools and Teachers
  • College Admissions: The Controversy Around Legacy Preferences
  • Ethics Education: Instilling Moral Values in Students
  • Student Loans: The Crisis and Its Impact on Higher Education
  • Nutrition Education: Promoting Healthy Eating Habits in Schools
  • Digital Literacy: Essential Skills for the 21st Century
  • Grade Inflation: The Deterioration of Academic Standards in Higher Education
  • Climate Change Education: Teaching the Next Generation About Global Warming
  • Character Education: Building Integrity and Responsibility in Students
  • Music Education: Its Influence on Cognitive Development
  • Literacy Programs: Overcoming Reading and Writing Challenges
  • Mentorship Programs: Enhancing Student Success and Confidence
  • Financial Literacy: Preparing Students for Real-World Money Management

Strong Education Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Is Censorship Justified in School Libraries?
  • The Benefits and Drawbacks of Single-Sex Schools
  • Is College Preparation in High School Adequate?
  • Are Teachers’ Salaries Commensurate With Their Job Responsibilities?
  • Cyberbullying: Should Schools Intervene?
  • The Importance of Cultural Diversity in Education
  • Should Mental Health Education Be Mandatory in Schools?
  • Do School Rankings Reflect the Quality of Education?
  • The Relevance of Cursive Writing in Today’s Digital World
  • Should Religious Studies Be Part of the School Curriculum?
  • Are Students Overburdened with Excessive Schoolwork?
  • The Implications of Zero Tolerance Policies in Schools
  • School Safety: Responsibility of Schools or Parents?
  • Does Grade Inflation Diminish the Value of Education?
  • Are Life Skills Education Necessary in Schools?
  • The Debate on Home Schooling vs. Traditional Schooling
  • Is it Necessary to Teach World Religions in High Schools?
  • Does a School’s Location Affect the Quality of Education?
  • The Argument for Teaching Emotional Intelligence in Schools
  • Should Attendance Be Mandatory in High School?
  • Could Meditation and Mindfulness Improve Students’ Concentration?
  • The Role of Music Education in Student Development
  • Do Students Learn More From Books or Computers?
  • The Need for Environmental Sustainability Education in Schools

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Best Education Essays of 2021: Our 15 Most Discussed Columns About Schools, COVID Slide, Learning Recovery & More

argumentative essay on education system

A full calendar year of education under COVID-19 and its variants gave rise to a wave of memorable essays in 2021, focusing both on the ongoing damage done and how to mitigate learning loss going forward.

While consensus emerged around several key themes — the need for extensive, in-depth tutoring, the possibilities presented by unprecedented millions in federal relief dollars for schools, the opportunity for education reimagined — there was far less agreement on whether to remediate or accelerate, which health and safety measures schools should employ, even how dire the shortage of teachers and school staff really is. 

From grade-level standards and hygiene theater to lessons from the Spanish flu and homeschooling, here are the 15 most read and buzzed-about essays of 2021:

argumentative essay on education system

Analysis: Focus on Grade-Level Standards or Meet Students Where They Are? How an Unintentional Experiment Guided a Strategy for Addressing Learning Loss

Learning Recovery: What’s the best way to support learning recovery in middle-grade math? Should schools stay focused on grade-level standards while trying to address critical learning gaps as best as they can? Or should they systematically address individual students’ unfinished learning from prior years so they can ultimately catch back up — even if that means spending meaningful time teaching below-grade skills? As educators and administrators wrestle with those questions as they prepare to return to school in the fall, contributor Joel Rose offers some guidance inadvertently found in a study of Teach to One , an innovative learning model operated by New Classrooms Innovation Partners, the nonprofit where he is co-founder and CEO. That research found performance in schools with accountability systems that focused on grade-level proficiency (and thus prioritized grade-level exposure) grew 7 percentile points, while those that operated under systems that rewarded student growth (and thus prioritized individual student needs) grew 38 points. While the study was never intended to compare results across schools in this way, the stark difference between the two groups could not be ignored. Math is cumulative, and the path to proficiency often requires addressing unfinished learning from prior years. For the middle grades, administrators and policymakers would be wise to question the grade-level-only gospel as they begin to plan students’ educational recovery. Read the full analysis . 

argumentative essay on education system

Lessons from Spanish Flu — Babies Born in 1919 Had Worse Educational, Life Outcomes Than Those Born Just Before or After. Could That Happen With COVID-19?

History: Contributor Chad Aldeman has some bad news: The effects of COVID-19 are likely to linger for decades. And if the Spanish Flu is any indication, babies born during the pandemic may suffer some devastating consequences . Compared with children born just before or after, babies born during the flu pandemic in 1919 were less likely to finish high school, earned less money and were more likely to depend on welfare assistance and serve time in jail. The harmful effects were twice as large for nonwhite children. It may take a few years to see whether similar educational and economic effects from COVID-19 start to materialize, but these are ominous findings suggesting that hidden economic factors may influence a child’s life in ways that aren’t obvious in the moment. Hopefully, they will give policymakers more reasons to speed economic recovery efforts and make sure they deliver benefits to families and children who are going to need them the most. Read the full essay .

argumentative essay on education system

Pittman & Darling-Hammond: Surveys Find Parents Want Bold Changes in Schools — With More Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom

Future of Education: Whatever they thought of their schools before the pandemic struck, parents now have strong opinions about what they want them to provide. They are looking beyond fall reopenings to rethink schooling, and they care about having good choices for interest-driven learning opportunities beyond the classroom . Two national parent surveys released in May shed new light on how to think about the often-used phrase “more and better learning.” Among the key findings, write contributors Karen Pittman and Linda Darling-Hammond: Parents want bold changes in schools, to make public education more equitable and learner-centered. But they also believe that home, school and extracurriculars play complementary roles in imparting the broad set of skills children need for their future success. This means educators and policymakers must support learning that extends beyond the school day, the school walls, the school staff and the traditional school approaches. Read the full essay .

argumentative essay on education system

High-Quality, High-Dosage Tutoring Can Reduce Learning Loss. A Blueprint for How Washington, States & Districts Can Make It Happen

Personalized Learning: There is near-unanimous, bipartisan agreement that tutoring is among the most promising, evidence-based strategies to help students struggling with learning loss . Decades of rigorous evaluations have consistently found that tutoring programs yield large, positive effects on math and reading achievement, and can even lead to greater social and motivational outcomes. It isn’t just the research community buzzing about tutoring — it is gaining momentum in policy circles, too. Which means there is a real opportunity — and responsibility — to design and deliver tutoring programs in a way that aligns with the research evidence, which is fortunately beginning to tell us more than just “tutoring works.” Contributors Sara Kerr and Kate Tromble of Results for America lay out a blueprint for how Washington, states and local school districts can make high-quality, high-dosage tutoring happen .

argumentative essay on education system

COVID-19 Raised Fears of Teacher Shortages. But the Situation Varies from State to State, School to School & Subject to Subject

Teacher Pipeline: Is the U.S. facing a major teacher shortage? Relatively low pay, a booming private sector and adverse working conditions in schools are all important elements in whether teaching is becoming an undesirable profession. But, writes contributor Dan Goldhaber, the factors that lead to attrition are diverse, so treating teachers as a monolith doesn’t help in crafting solutions to the real staffing challenges that some schools face. There is no national teacher labor market per se, because each state adopts its own rules for pay, licensure, tenure, pension and training requirements. And nationally, tens of thousands more people are prepared to teach than there are available positions. But while some schools have applicants lined up when an opening becomes available, others, typically those serving economically disadvantaged students, draw far fewer candidates. And schools tend to struggle to find teachers with special education or STEM training. The pandemic certainly raises concerns about teacher shortages; what is needed is a more nuanced conversation about teacher staffing to come up with more effective solutions to real problems. Read the full essay .

argumentative essay on education system

Clash of Cultures, Clash of Privilege — What Happened When 30 Low-Income Students of Color Were Admitted to Elite Prep Schools

Analysis: Programs like Prep for Prep and A Better Chance have long been regarded as groundbreaking solutions to the lack of diversity in the nation’s most elite prep schools. Teens who join these types of programs undergo a transfer of privilege that starts with their education and bleeds into every facet of their lives, forever altering their trajectory with opportunities that otherwise would likely be unattainable. But what assumptions do these programs subscribe to? And what lessons can be found in the experiences of the participants? In her Harvard senior thesis, contributor Jessica Herrera Chaidez followed 30 participants in a program that grants select socioeconomically disadvantaged students of color in the Los Angeles area the opportunity to attend famed independent schools. She found that the experiences of these students can be understood in various forms of twoness associated with this transfer of privilege, an internal struggle that begins with their introduction to the world of elite education and will come to mark them for their entire lives in a way that they aren’t even able to comprehend yet. Read more about her findings, and what some of these students had to say .

argumentative essay on education system

Steiner & Wilson: Some Tough Questions, and Some Answers, About Fighting COVID Slide While Accelerating Student Learning

Case Study: How prepared are district leaders, principals and teachers as they work to increase learning readiness for on-grade work this fall? That’s the question posed by contributors David Steiner and Barbara Wilson in a case study examining how a large urban district sought to adapt materials it was already using to implement an acceleration strategy for early elementary foundational skills in reading . Among the insights to be drawn: First, planning is critical. Leaders need to set out precisely how many minutes of instruction will be provided, the exact learning goals and the specific materials; identify all those involved (tutors, specialists, and teachers); and give them access to shared professional development on the chosen acceleration strategies. Second, this requires a sea change from business as usual, where teachers attempt to impart skill-based standards using an eclectic rather than a coherent curriculum. It is not possible to accelerate children with fragmented content. All efforts to prepare students for grade-level instruction must rest on fierce agreement about the shared curriculum to be taught in classrooms. What we teach is the anchor that holds everything else in place. Read the full essay .

argumentative essay on education system

Schools Are Facing a Surge of Failing Grades During the Pandemic — and Traditional Approaches Like Credit Recovery Will Not Be Enough to Manage It

Student Supports: Earlier this year, failing grades were on the rise across the country — especially for students who are learning online — and the trend threatened to exacerbate existing educational inequities. The rise in failing grades appears to be most pronounced among students from low-income households, multilingual students and students learning virtually . This could have lasting consequences: Students with failing grades tend to have less access to advanced courses in high school, and a failing grade in even one ninth-grade course can lower a student’s chances of graduating on time. Addressing the problem, though, won’t be easy. In many school systems, the rash of failed courses could overwhelm traditional approaches to helping students make up coursework they may have missed. In a new analysis, Betheny Gross, associate director of the Center on Reinventing Public Education, implored school and district leaders to be especially wary of one long-established but questionable practice: credit recovery. Read more about her warning — as well as her recommendations for how districts should seek to reverse this learning loss .

argumentative essay on education system

Riccards: The 1776 Report Is a Political Document, Not a Curriculum. But It Has Something to Teach Us

Analysis: The 1776 Report was never intended to stand as curriculum, nor was it designed to be translated into a curriculum as the 1619 Project was. It is a political document offered by political voices. But, writes contributor Patrick Riccards, dismissing it would be a mistake, because it provides an important lesson . The American record, whether it be measured starting in 1619 or 1776, is hopeful and ugly, inspiring and debilitating, a shining beacon and an unshakable dark cloud. American history is messy and contradictory; how we teach it, even more so. For years, we have heard how important it is to increase investment in civics education. But from #BlackLivesMatter to 2020 electioneering to even the assault on the U.S. Capitol, the basics of civics have been on display in our streets and corridors of power. What we lack is the collective historical knowledge necessary to translate civic education into meaningful, positive community change. The 1776 Report identifies beliefs espoused by our Founding Fathers and many Confederates and reflected by those who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6. They are a part of our history that we must study, understand, contextualize and deconstruct. The 1776 Report becomes the proper close to the social studies lessons of the past four years. As the next chapter of American history is written, it is imperative to apply those lessons to significantly improve the teaching and learning of American history. Our nation’s future depends on better understanding our past .

argumentative essay on education system

There’s Lots of Education Data Out There — and It Can Be Misleading. Here Are 6 Questions to Ask

Student Data: Data is critical to addressing inequities in education. However, it is often misused, interpreted to fit a particular agenda or misread in ways that perpetuate an inaccurate story . Data that’s not broken down properly can hide gaps between different groups of students. Facts out of context can lead to superficial conclusions or deceptive narratives. In this essay, contributor Krista Kaput presents six questions that she asks herself when consuming data — and that you should, too .

argumentative essay on education system

Educators’ View: Principals Know Best What Their Schools Need. They Should Have a Central Role in Deciding How Relief Funds Are Spent

School Funding: The American Rescue Plan represents a once-in-a-generation federal commitment to K-12 schools across the country. The impact will be felt immediately: The $122 billion in direct funding will support safe school reopenings, help ensure that schools already providing in-person instruction can safely stay open and aid students in recovering from academic and mental health challenges induced and exacerbated by the pandemic. How these funds are distributed will shape the educational prospects of millions of students, affecting the country for decades to come. As they make rescue plan funding decisions, write contributors L. Earl Franks of the National Association of Elementary School Principals and Ronn Nozoe of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, states and districts should meaningfully engage and empower school principals throughout all phases of implementation. Principals, as leaders of their school buildings and staff, have unequaled insights into their individual schools’ needs and know which resources are required most urgently. Read the authors’ four recommendations for leveraging this expertise .

argumentative essay on education system

Case Studies: How 11 States Are Using Emergency Federal Funds to Make Improvements in College and Career Access That Will Endure Beyond the Pandemic

COVID Relief: The Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund gave states more than $4 billion in discretionary federal dollars to support K-12 schools, higher education and workforce initiatives. These were welcome resources, coming just as the pandemic accelerated unemployment and exacerbated declining college enrollment, hitting those from low-income backgrounds hardest. But as contributors Betheny Gross, Georgia Heyward and Matt Robinson note, most states have invested overwhelmingly in one-time college scholarships or short-term supports that will end once funds run out. In hopes of encouraging policymakers across the country to make more sustainable investments with the remaining relief funds, the trio spotlights efforts in 11 states that show promise in enduring beyond COVID-19. Read our full case study . 

argumentative essay on education system

In Thousands of Districts, 4-Day School Weeks Are Robbing Students of Learning Time for What Amounts to Hygiene Theater

School Safety: Last April, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made clear that having good ventilation and wearing masks consistently are far more effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19 than disinfecting surfaces. This clarification was long overdue, say contributors Robin Lake and Georgia Heyward of the Center on Reinventing Public Education, as scientists had long suspected that deep cleaning and temperature checks are more hygiene theater than a strategy for limiting the spread of an airborne virus. Thousands of school districts, however, had already built complex fall reopening plans with a full day for at-home learning. The result was a modified four-day week with students receiving significantly reduced live instruction. Eliminating a full day of in-person teaching was always a high-cost strategy from an education standpoint; now there is confirmation that it was totally unnecessary. Lake and Heyward argue that we cannot afford to throw away an entire day of learning and student support based on a false scientific premise .

argumentative essay on education system

Teacher’s View: How the Science of Reading Helped Me Make the Most of Limited Time With My Students & Adapt Lessons to Meet Their Needs

First Person: March 12, 2020, was contributor Jessica Pasik’s last typical day in the classroom before COVID-19 changed everything. When her district closed, she assumed, as did many, that it was a temporary precaution. But with each passing week, she worried that the growth in reading she and her first-graders had worked so hard for would fade away . Many pre-pandemic instructional approaches to teaching reading were already failing students and teachers, and the stress of COVID-19 has only exacerbated these challenges. When Pasik’s district reopened for in-person classes in the fall, they were faced with difficult decisions about how to best deliver instruction. One factor that helped streamline this transition was a grounding in the science of reading. Having extensive knowledge of what they needed to teach allowed educators to focus on how they would teach, make the most of the limited instructional time they had with students and adapt lessons to meet their needs. There are multiple factors that teachers cannot control; one person alone cannot make the systematic changes needed for all children to reach proficiency in literacy. But one knowledgeable teacher can forever change the trajectory of a student’s life. Students will face many challenges once they leave the classroom, but low literacy does not need to be one of them. Read her full essay .

argumentative essay on education system

Homeschooling Is on the Rise. What Should That Teach Education Leaders About Families’ Preferences?

Disenrollment: With school closures, student quarantines and tensions over mask requirements, vaccine mandates and culture war issues, families’ lives have been upended in ways few could have imagined 18 months ago. That schools have struggled to adapt is understandable, writes contributor Alex Spurrier. But for millions of families, their willingness to tolerate institutional sclerosis in their children’s education is wearing thin. Over the past 18 months, the rate of families moving their children to a new school increased by about 50 percent , and some 1.2 million switched to homeschooling last academic year. Instead of working to get schools back to a pre-pandemic normal, Spurrier says, education leaders should look at addressing the needs of underserved kids and families — and the best way to understand where schools are falling short is to look at how families are voting with their feet. If options like homeschooling, pods and microschools retain some of their pandemic enrollment gains, it could have ripple effects on funding that resonate throughout the K-12 landscape. Read the full essay .

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Different Ways to Think About COVID, Schools & Repairing Students’ Lost Learning

By Bev Weintraub

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This story first appeared at The 74 , a nonprofit news site covering education. Sign up for free newsletters from The 74 to get more like this in your inbox.

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Global education: How to transform school systems?

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Emiliana vegas and emiliana vegas former co-director - center for universal education , former senior fellow - global economy and development @emivegasv rebecca winthrop rebecca winthrop director - center for universal education , senior fellow - global economy and development @rebeccawinthrop.

November 17, 2020

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This essay is part of “ Reimagining the global economy: Building back better in a post-COVID-19 world ,” a collection of 12 essays presenting new ideas to guide policies and shape debates in a post-COVID-19 world.

Reimagining the global economy

Even before COVID-19 left as many as 1.5 billion students out of school in early 2020, there was a global consensus that education systems in too many countries were not delivering the quality education needed to ensure that all have the skills necessary to thrive. 1 It is the poorest children across the globe who carry the heaviest burden, with pre-pandemic analysis estimating that 90 percent of children in low-income countries, 50 percent of children in middle-income countries, and 30 percent of children in high-income countries fail to master the basic secondary-level skills needed to thrive in work and life. 2  

Analysis in mid-April 2020—in the early throes of the pandemic—found that less than 25 percent of low-income countries were providing any type of remote learning, while close to 90 percent of high-income countries were. 3 On top of cross-country differences in access to remote learning, within-country differences are also staggering. For example, during the COVID-19 school closures, 1 in 10 of the poorest children in the U.S. had little or no access to technology for learning. 4

Yet, for a few young people in wealthy communities around the globe, schooling has never been better than during the pandemic. They are taught in their homes with a handful of their favorite friends by a teacher hired by their parents. 5  Some parents have connected via social media platforms to form learning pods that instruct only a few students at a time with agreed-upon teaching schedules and activities.

While the learning experiences for these particular children may be good in and of themselves, they represent a worrisome trend for the world: the massive acceleration of education inequality. 6

Emerging from this global pandemic with a stronger public education system is an ambitious vision, and one that will require both financial and human resources.

The silver lining is that COVID-19 has resulted in public recognition of schools’ essential caretaking role in society and parents’ gratitude for teachers, their skills, and their invaluable role in student well-being.

It is hard to imagine there will be another moment in history when the central role of schooling in the economic, social, and political prosperity and stability of nations is so obvious and well understood by the general population. The very fact that schools enable parents to work outside the home is hitting home to millions of families amid global school closures. Now is the time to chart a vision for how education can emerge stronger from this global crisis and help reduce education inequality.

Indeed, we believe that strong and inclusive public education systems are essential to the short- and long-term recovery of society and that there is an opportunity to leapfrog toward powered-up schools.

A powered-up school, one that well serves the educational needs of children and youth, is one that puts a strong public school at the center of the community and leverages the most effective partnerships to help learners grow and develop a broad range of competencies and skills. It would recognize and adapt to the learning that takes place beyond its walls, regularly assessing students’ skills and tailoring learning opportunities to meet students at their skill level. New allies in children’s learning would complement and assist teachers, and could support children’s healthy mental and physical development. It quite literally would be the school at the center of the community that powers student learning and development using every path possible (Figure 12.1).


While this vision is aspirational, it is by no means impractical. Schools at the center of a community ecosystem of learning and support are an idea whose time has come, and some of the emerging practices amid COVID-19, such as empowering parents to support their children’s education, should be sustained after the pandemic subsides.

It is hard to imagine there will be another moment in history when the central role of schooling in the economic, social, and political prosperity and stability of nations is so obvious and well understood by the general population.

The way forward

To achieve this vision, we propose five actions to seize the moment and transform education systems (focusing on pre-primary through secondary school) to better serve all children and youth, especially the most disadvantaged.

1. Leverage public schools and put them at the center of education systems given their essential role in equalizing opportunity across society

By having the mandate to serve all children and youth regardless of background, public schools in many countries can bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds and needs, providing the social benefit of allowing individuals to grow up with a set of common values and knowledge that can make communities more cohesive and unified. 7

Schools play a crucial role in fostering the skills individuals need to succeed in a rapidly changing labor market, 8 play a major role in equalizing opportunities for individuals of diverse backgrounds, and address a variety of social needs that serve communities, regions, and entire nations. While a few private schools can and do play these multiple roles, public education is the main conduit for doing so at scale and hence should be at the center of any effort to build back better.

2. Focus on the instructional core, the heart of the teaching and learning process

Using the instructional core—or focusing on the interactions among educators, learners, and educational materials to improve student learning 9 —can help identify what types of new strategies or innovations could become community-based supports in children’s learning journey. Indeed, even after only a few months of experimentation around the globe on keeping learning going amid a pandemic, some clear strategies have the potential, if continued, to contribute to a powered-up school, and many of them involve engaging learners, educators, and parents in new ways using some form of technology.

3. Deploy education technology to power up schools in a way that meets teaching and learning needs and prevent technology from becoming a costly distraction

After COVID-19, one thing is certain: School systems that are best prepared to use education technology effectively will be best positioned to continue offering quality education in the face of school closures.

Other recent research 10 by one of us finds that technology can help improve learning by supporting the crucial interactions in the instructional core through the following ways: (1) scaling up quality instruction (by, for example, prerecorded lessons of high-quality teaching); (2) facilitating differentiated instruction (through, for example, computer-adaptive learning or live one-on-one tutoring); (3) expanding opportunities for student practice; and (4) increasing student engagement (through, for example, videos and games).

4. Forge stronger, more trusting relationships between parents and teachers

When a respectful relationship among parents, teachers, families, and schools happens, children learn and thrive. This occurs by inviting families to be allies in children’s learning by using easy-to-understand information communicated through mechanisms that adapt to parents’ schedules and that provide parents with an active but feasible role. The nature of the invitation and the relationship is what is so essential to bringing parents on board.

COVID-19 is an opportunity for parents and families to gain insight into the skill that is involved in teaching and for teachers and schools to realize what powerful allies parents can be. Parents around the world are not interested in becoming their child’s teacher, but they are, based on several large-scale surveys, 11 asking to be engaged in a different, more active way in the future. One of the most important insights for supporting a powered-up school is challenging the mindset of those in the education sector who think that parents and families with the least opportunities are not capable or willing to help their children learn.

5. Embrace the principles of improvement science required to evaluate, course correct, document, and scale new approaches that can help power up schools over time

The speed and depth of change mean that it will be essential to take an iterative approach to learning what works, for whom, and under what enabling conditions. In other words, this is a moment to employ the principles of improvement science. 12 Traditional research methods will need to be complemented by real-time documentation, reflection, quick feedback loops, and course correction. Rapid sharing of early insights and testing of potential change ideas will need to come alongside the longer-term rigorous reviews.

Adapting the scaling strategy is especially challenging, requiring not only timely data, a thorough understanding of the context, and space for reflection, but also willingness and capacity to act on this learning and make changes accordingly.

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Emerging from this global pandemic with a stronger public education system is an ambitious vision, and one that will require both financial and human resources. But such a vision is essential, and that amid the myriad of decisions education leaders are making every day, it can guide the future. With the dire consequences of the pandemic hitting the most vulnerable young people the hardest, it is tempting to revert to a global education narrative that privileges access to school above all else. This, however, would be a mistake. A powered-up public school in every community is what the world’s children deserve, and indeed is possible if everyone can collectively work together to harness the opportunities presented by this crisis to truly leapfrog education forward.

  • This essay is based on a longer paper titled “Beyond reopening schools: How education can emerge stronger than before COVID-19” by the same authors, which can be found here: https://www.brookings.edu/research/beyond-reopening-schools-how-education-can-emerge-stronger-than-before-covid-19/ .
  • ”The Learning Generation: Investing in Education for a Changing World.” The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity. https://report.educationcommission.org/report/ .
  • Vegas, Emiliana. “School Closures, Government Responses, and Learning Inequality around the World during COVID-19.” Brookings Institution, April 14, 2020. https://www.brookings.edu/research/school-closures-government-responses-and-learning-inequality-around-the-world-during-covid-19/.
  • “U.S. Census Bureau Releases Household Pulse Survey Results.” United States Census Bureau, 2020, https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2020/household-pulse-results.html .
  • Moyer, Melinda Wenner. “Pods, Microschools and Tutors: Can Parents Solve the Education Crisis on Their Own?” The New York Times. January 22, 2020. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/22/parenting/school-pods-coronavirus.html.
  • Samuels, Christina A., and Arianna Prothero. “Could the ‘Pandemic Pod’ Be a Lifeline for Parents or a Threat to Equity?” Education Week. August 18, 2020. https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2020/07/29/could-the-pandemic-pod-be-a-lifeline.html.
  • Christakis, Erika. “Americans Have Given Up on Public Schools. That’s a Mistake.” The Atlantic. September 11, 2017. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/10/the-war-on-public-schools/537903/.
  • Levin, Henry M. “Education as a Public and Private Good.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 6, no. 4 (1987): 628-41.
  • David Cohen and Deborah Loewenberg Ball, who originated the idea of the instructional core, used the terms teachers, students, and content. The OECD’s initiative on “Innovative Learning Environments” later adapted the framework using the terms educators, learners, and resources to represent educational materials and added a new element of content to represent the choices around skills and competencies and how to assess them. Here we have pulled from elements that we like from both frameworks, using the term instructional core to describe the relationships between educators, learners, and content and added parents.
  • Alejandro J. Ganimian, Emiliana Vegas, and Frederick M. Hess, “Realizing the promise: How can education technology improve learning for all?” Brookings Institution, September 2020, https://www.brookings.edu/essay/realizing-the-promise-how-can-education-technology-improve-learning-for-all/.
  • “Parents 2020: COVID-19 Closures: A Redefining Moment for Students, Parents & Schools.” Heroes, Learning, 2020. https://r50gh2ss1ic2mww8s3uvjvq1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/LH_2020-Parent-Survey-Partner-1.pdf . 
  • “The Six Core Principles of Improvement.” The Six Core Principles of Improvement. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. August 18, 2020. https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/our-ideas/six-core-principles-improvement/ . 

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What Students Are Saying About How to Improve American Education

An international exam shows that American 15-year-olds are stagnant in reading and math. Teenagers told us what’s working and what’s not in the American education system.

argumentative essay on education system

By The Learning Network

Earlier this month, the Program for International Student Assessment announced that the performance of American teenagers in reading and math has been stagnant since 2000 . Other recent studies revealed that two-thirds of American children were not proficient readers , and that the achievement gap in reading between high and low performers is widening.

We asked students to weigh in on these findings and to tell us their suggestions for how they would improve the American education system.

Our prompt received nearly 300 comments. This was clearly a subject that many teenagers were passionate about. They offered a variety of suggestions on how they felt schools could be improved to better teach and prepare students for life after graduation.

While we usually highlight three of our most popular writing prompts in our Current Events Conversation , this week we are only rounding up comments for this one prompt so we can honor the many students who wrote in.

Please note: Student comments have been lightly edited for length, but otherwise appear as they were originally submitted.

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips

Published on July 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An argumentative essay expresses an extended argument for a particular thesis statement . The author takes a clearly defined stance on their subject and builds up an evidence-based case for it.

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Table of contents

When do you write an argumentative essay, approaches to argumentative essays, introducing your argument, the body: developing your argument, concluding your argument, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about argumentative essays.

You might be assigned an argumentative essay as a writing exercise in high school or in a composition class. The prompt will often ask you to argue for one of two positions, and may include terms like “argue” or “argument.” It will frequently take the form of a question.

The prompt may also be more open-ended in terms of the possible arguments you could make.

Argumentative writing at college level

At university, the vast majority of essays or papers you write will involve some form of argumentation. For example, both rhetorical analysis and literary analysis essays involve making arguments about texts.

In this context, you won’t necessarily be told to write an argumentative essay—but making an evidence-based argument is an essential goal of most academic writing, and this should be your default approach unless you’re told otherwise.

Examples of argumentative essay prompts

At a university level, all the prompts below imply an argumentative essay as the appropriate response.

Your research should lead you to develop a specific position on the topic. The essay then argues for that position and aims to convince the reader by presenting your evidence, evaluation and analysis.

  • Don’t just list all the effects you can think of.
  • Do develop a focused argument about the overall effect and why it matters, backed up by evidence from sources.
  • Don’t just provide a selection of data on the measures’ effectiveness.
  • Do build up your own argument about which kinds of measures have been most or least effective, and why.
  • Don’t just analyze a random selection of doppelgänger characters.
  • Do form an argument about specific texts, comparing and contrasting how they express their thematic concerns through doppelgänger characters.

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An argumentative essay should be objective in its approach; your arguments should rely on logic and evidence, not on exaggeration or appeals to emotion.

There are many possible approaches to argumentative essays, but there are two common models that can help you start outlining your arguments: The Toulmin model and the Rogerian model.

Toulmin arguments

The Toulmin model consists of four steps, which may be repeated as many times as necessary for the argument:

  • Make a claim
  • Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim
  • Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim)
  • Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives

The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays. You don’t have to use these specific terms (grounds, warrants, rebuttals), but establishing a clear connection between your claims and the evidence supporting them is crucial in an argumentative essay.

Say you’re making an argument about the effectiveness of workplace anti-discrimination measures. You might:

  • Claim that unconscious bias training does not have the desired results, and resources would be better spent on other approaches
  • Cite data to support your claim
  • Explain how the data indicates that the method is ineffective
  • Anticipate objections to your claim based on other data, indicating whether these objections are valid, and if not, why not.

Rogerian arguments

The Rogerian model also consists of four steps you might repeat throughout your essay:

  • Discuss what the opposing position gets right and why people might hold this position
  • Highlight the problems with this position
  • Present your own position , showing how it addresses these problems
  • Suggest a possible compromise —what elements of your position would proponents of the opposing position benefit from adopting?

This model builds up a clear picture of both sides of an argument and seeks a compromise. It is particularly useful when people tend to disagree strongly on the issue discussed, allowing you to approach opposing arguments in good faith.

Say you want to argue that the internet has had a positive impact on education. You might:

  • Acknowledge that students rely too much on websites like Wikipedia
  • Argue that teachers view Wikipedia as more unreliable than it really is
  • Suggest that Wikipedia’s system of citations can actually teach students about referencing
  • Suggest critical engagement with Wikipedia as a possible assignment for teachers who are skeptical of its usefulness.

You don’t necessarily have to pick one of these models—you may even use elements of both in different parts of your essay—but it’s worth considering them if you struggle to structure your arguments.

Regardless of which approach you take, your essay should always be structured using an introduction , a body , and a conclusion .

Like other academic essays, an argumentative essay begins with an introduction . The introduction serves to capture the reader’s interest, provide background information, present your thesis statement , and (in longer essays) to summarize the structure of the body.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

The body of an argumentative essay is where you develop your arguments in detail. Here you’ll present evidence, analysis, and reasoning to convince the reader that your thesis statement is true.

In the standard five-paragraph format for short essays, the body takes up three of your five paragraphs. In longer essays, it will be more paragraphs, and might be divided into sections with headings.

Each paragraph covers its own topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Each of these topics must contribute to your overall argument; don’t include irrelevant information.

This example paragraph takes a Rogerian approach: It first acknowledges the merits of the opposing position and then highlights problems with that position.

Hover over different parts of the example to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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An argumentative essay ends with a conclusion that summarizes and reflects on the arguments made in the body.

No new arguments or evidence appear here, but in longer essays you may discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your argument and suggest topics for future research. In all conclusions, you should stress the relevance and importance of your argument.

Hover over the following example to see the typical elements of a conclusion.

The internet has had a major positive impact on the world of education; occasional pitfalls aside, its value is evident in numerous applications. The future of teaching lies in the possibilities the internet opens up for communication, research, and interactivity. As the popularity of distance learning shows, students value the flexibility and accessibility offered by digital education, and educators should fully embrace these advantages. The internet’s dangers, real and imaginary, have been documented exhaustively by skeptics, but the internet is here to stay; it is time to focus seriously on its potential for good.

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An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

The majority of the essays written at university are some sort of argumentative essay . Unless otherwise specified, you can assume that the goal of any essay you’re asked to write is argumentative: To convince the reader of your position using evidence and reasoning.

In composition classes you might be given assignments that specifically test your ability to write an argumentative essay. Look out for prompts including instructions like “argue,” “assess,” or “discuss” to see if this is the goal.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved July 2, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/argumentative-essay/

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180+ Argumentative Essay Topics About Education – Engage in Thought-Provoking Classroom Discussions

Feb 19, 2024 | 0 comments

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Feb 19, 2024 | Topics | 0 comments

When it comes to essay writing in the classroom, one of the most common assignments students encounter is to write an argumentative essay. Argumentative essay topics about education have become increasingly popular as educators recognize the importance of critical thinking and the ability to formulate a strong thesis statement. In this essay, students must present a specific reason or main argument in favor or against a controversial education policy or practice. To write an argumentative education essay, students must first recognize the importance of a well-structured introduction, body paragraphs that develop and evaluate the main argument, and a conclusion that summarizes the key points. They also need to organize their thoughts, outline their ideas, and use logical reasoning to persuade the reader of their viewpoint. This type of essay allows students to engage with interesting topics, such as the use of technology in the classroom, vocational education, standardized testing, and the advantages and disadvantages of various policies. By exploring these topics, students can develop their writing skills, enhance their critical thinking abilities, and learn to recognize debatable issues within the education system. Here, we will list argumentative essay topics for students to consider as they begin their writing assignments.

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What makes a good argumentative essay topic?

When choosing a topic for an argumentative essay, there are a few key factors to consider. A good argumentative essay topic is debatable, relevant, and interesting to both the writer and the audience. Here are some points to help you understand what makes a good argumentative essay topic:

  • Relevance: A strong argumentative essay topic should be relevant to current issues or ongoing societal debates. Choose topics that are timely and have real-world implications. For example, topics related to technology, politics, health, or environmental issues are often relevant and engaging.
  • Controversy: The best argumentative essay topics have multiple perspectives or sides to argue. Look for topics that spark controversy or have strong opinions on both sides. This allows for a more in-depth exploration of the issue and encourages critical thinking.
  • Researchability: An effective argumentative essay requires solid evidence to support your claims. Choose topics you can research thoroughly and find credible sources to support your arguments. Avoid too narrow or obscure topics, as finding enough evidence to support your stance may be challenging.
  • Audience Interest: Consider your audience when selecting a topic for your argumentative essay. Choose a topic that will resonate with your readers and provoke their interest or emotions. Topics that appeal to the reader’s emotions, or ethos, are more likely to engage them and keep them interested in your argument.
  • Educational Value: Argumentative essays are about expressing opinions and helping students develop critical thinking and research skills. Choose topics that challenge students to think critically, analyze evidence, and form opinions. Topics in education, such as standardized testing, curriculum reform, or student loan debt, can be particularly effective in helping students develop these skills.

Best Education Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Standardized Testing: Does it accurately assess students’ abilities?
  • College Tuition: Should it be free for all students?
  • Online Learning: Is it as effective as traditional classroom learning?
  • Curriculum Reform: How can we improve the education system?
  • Student Loan Debt: Is it worth the financial burden?
  • School Safety: What measures should be taken to ensure students’ safety?
  • Technology in Education: Does it enhance or hinder learning?
  • Teacher Evaluation: How should educators be assessed?
  • Homeschooling: Is it a viable alternative to traditional schooling?
  • Bilingual Education: What are the benefits and challenges?
  • Special Education: Are students with disabilities receiving adequate support?
  • Early Childhood Education: How important is it for child development?
  • Arts Education: Should it be a mandatory part of the curriculum?
  • Sex Education: What should be taught in schools?
  • School Funding: How does it impact educational outcomes?

Education Argumentative Essay Topics for University

  • University Admissions: Should they be based solely on academic performance?
  • Student Mental Health: How can universities better support their students’ well-being?
  • Campus Diversity: Is it important for a university to have a diverse student body?
  • Online Education: Is it a viable option for university-level courses?
  • Academic Integrity: How can universities prevent cheating and plagiarism?
  • Student Debt: What measures can be taken to alleviate the burden of student loans?
  • Campus Safety: What steps should universities take to ensure a safe environment for students?
  • Freedom of Speech: To what extent should universities restrict speech on campus?
  • International Students: How can universities better accommodate and support them?
  • Student Housing: Should universities provide affordable housing options for students?
  • Gender Equality: Are universities doing enough to address gender disparities in higher education?
  • Faculty Tenure: Is it still relevant in today’s academic landscape?
  • Career Services: How effective are university career services in helping students find employment?
  • Research Funding: How does it impact the quality of education at universities?
  • Experiential Learning: Should universities prioritize hands-on learning experiences for students?

Strong Education Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Education Reform: What changes are needed to improve the education system?
  • Digital Divide: How does access to technology impact educational outcomes?
  • Inclusive Education: Should students with disabilities be integrated into mainstream classrooms?
  • Critical Thinking: How can it be effectively taught in schools?
  • Standardized Testing: Does it accurately measure student achievement?
  • School Choice: What are the pros and cons of voucher programs?
  • Early Childhood Development: How important is early education for future success?
  • Teacher Training: Are educators adequately prepared to meet the needs of diverse learners?
  • Education Funding: How should resources be allocated to ensure equity?
  • STEM Education: Is it being prioritized enough in schools?
  • Global Education: What role should international perspectives play in the curriculum?
  • Online Learning: How does it compare to traditional classroom instruction?
  • Student Engagement: What strategies can increase student motivation and participation?
  • Media Literacy: Should it be incorporated into the curriculum?
  • Lifelong Learning: How can education adapt to meet the needs of lifelong learners?

Easy Education Essay Topics

  • Importance of Early Childhood Education
  • Benefits of Online Learning
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Education
  • Advantages of Student-Centered Learning
  • Strategies for Effective Study Skills
  • Addressing Bullying in Schools
  • Importance of Physical Education in Schools
  • Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Education
  • The Impact of Social Media on Student Life
  • Exploring Different Learning Styles
  • The Value of Extracurricular Activities
  • Understanding Learning Disabilities
  • The Importance of Parental Involvement in Education
  • The Benefits of Arts Education
  • Strategies for Time Management for Students

Education Argument Essay Topics

  • Impact of Technology on Classroom Dynamics
  • Importance of Financial Literacy Education
  • Strategies to Improve Teacher Retention Rates
  • Addressing Inequality in Access to Education
  • The Role of School Counseling Services
  • Implementing Character Education in Schools
  • Examining the Effectiveness of Homework
  • Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into the Curriculum
  • Benefits of Multilingual Education
  • Exploring the Gender Gap in STEM Fields
  • The Debate over School Voucher Programs
  • Evaluating the Role of Standardized Testing in Education
  • Promoting Environmental Education in Schools
  • Strategies to Combat Student Apathy in Learning
  • The Impact of Privatization on Public Education

Argumentative Essay Topics on Education

1. The Role of Technology in Modern Education 2. Addressing Inequities in Access to Education 3. The Efficacy of Standardized Testing 4. Implementing Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools 5. Exploring the Benefits of Inclusive Education 6. Examining the Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Academic Achievement 7. Strategies to Improve Teacher Effectiveness 8. The Debate over Charter Schools 9. Promoting Mental Health Awareness in Schools 10. Assessing the Value of Homework in Education 11. Incorporating Financial Literacy into the Curriculum 12. The Importance of Early Childhood Education 13. Strategies to Enhance Student Engagement in Learning 14. The Role of Arts Education in Academic Development 15. Addressing the Digital Divide in Education

Education Essay Topics for College Students

1. Impact of Technology on College Learning Environments 2. Strategies for Student Success in Higher Education 3. Exploring the Benefits of Liberal Arts Education 4. Addressing Mental Health Challenges Among College Students 5. The Role of Internships and Experiential Learning in College Education 6. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion on College Campuses 7. Evaluating the Value of General Education Requirements 8. The Importance of Career Counseling Services for College Students 9. Navigating Financial Challenges in Higher Education 10. Strategies for Balancing Academics and Extracurricular Activities in College 11. The Debate over Campus Free Speech and Safe Spaces 12. Examining the Impact of Student Loan Debt on College Graduates 13. Incorporating Sustainability Education into College Curricula 14. Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Education for College Students 15. Strategies for Promoting Academic Integrity in College Settings

Education Essay Topics for High School

1. Exploring Career Pathways in High School Education 2. The Role of Extracurricular Activities in High School 3. Strategies for Effective Time Management for High School Students 4. Addressing Bullying and Cyberbullying in High Schools 5. Importance of Financial Literacy Education for High School Students 6. The Impact of Peer Pressure on Academic Performance in High School 7. Promoting Mental Health Awareness Among High School Students 8. Exploring the Benefits of Service Learning in High School Education 9. Implementing Comprehensive Sex Education in High Schools 10. Strategies for Coping with Academic Stress in High School 11. Evaluating the Role of Standardized Testing in High School Education 12. The Importance of Digital Literacy Skills for High School Students 13. Exploring the Effects of Social Media on High School Students 14. Addressing the Achievement Gap in High School Education 15. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in High School Curricula

Interesting Education Essay Topics

1. The Impact of Gamification on Learning Outcomes 2. Exploring the History of Education Reform Movements 3. Addressing Environmental Sustainability in School Curricula 4. The Role of Creativity in Education 5. Examining the Benefits of Project-Based Learning 6. Strategies for Culturally Responsive Teaching 7. Investigating the Effects of Sleep on Academic Performance 8. The Importance of Outdoor Education Programs 9. Promoting Global Citizenship Education in Schools 10. Exploring the Link Between Music Education and Cognitive Development 11. The Role of Empathy in Classroom Management 12. Examining the Benefits of Mindfulness Practices in Education 13. Strategies for Teaching Emotional Intelligence Skills 14. Addressing Learning Differences Through Universal Design for Learning 15. Exploring the Impact of Parental Involvement on Student Achievement

Education Research Paper Topics

1. The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Academic Achievement 2. Strategies for Promoting Student Engagement in Learning 3. The Impact of Teacher Training Programs on Classroom Effectiveness 4. Exploring the Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Student Success 5. Addressing the Digital Divide in Education: Challenges and Solutions 6. Evaluating the Efficacy of Differentiated Instruction in Diverse Classrooms 7. The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Academic Achievement 8. Investigating the Effects of School Choice Policies on Educational Equity 9. Promoting Critical Thinking Skills Through Inquiry-Based Learning 10. Examining the Benefits of Early Childhood Education Programs 11. Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Learning and Behavior 12. Exploring the Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring Programs 13. Investigating the Influence of Gender on STEM Education 14. The Role of School Climate in Student Well-Being and Achievement 15. Strategies for Promoting Literacy Development in At-Risk Populations

Education Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Implementing Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools
  • Advocating for Increased Funding for Arts Education Programs
  • Persuading Schools to Adopt Restorative Justice Practices
  • Promoting the Inclusion of LGBTQ+ Literature in School Curricula
  • Convincing Schools to Ban Junk Food from Cafeterias
  • Advocating for Mandatory Environmental Education in Schools
  • Persuading Schools to Implement Mental Health Education Programs
  • Promoting the Importance of Teaching Financial Literacy in High Schools
  • Convincing Schools to Adopt Gender-Neutral Dress Codes
  • Advocating for More Recess Time in Elementary Schools
  • Persuading Schools to Offer Free Breakfast and Lunch Programs for All Students
  • Promoting the Teaching of Media Literacy Skills in Schools
  • Convincing Schools to Implement Anti-Bullying Programs
  • Advocating for the Inclusion of Indigenous Perspectives in History Curriculum
  • Persuading Schools to Offer Comprehensive Diversity and Inclusion Training for Staff

Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas for College

  • Diversity Requirements in College Curricula
  • Tuition-Free College Education for All
  • Implementing Mental Health Services on College Campuses
  • Addressing Campus Sexual Assault Policies
  • The Role of Trigger Warnings in College Classrooms
  • Mandatory Drug Testing for College Athletes
  • Exploring the Value of Liberal Arts Education in the Digital Age
  • The Impact of Greek Life on College Campuses
  • Should College Athletes Be Paid?
  • The Effectiveness of Online Learning in Higher Education
  • Addressing Academic Freedom and Free Speech on College Campuses
  • Strategies for Addressing Food Insecurity Among College Students
  • The Role of College Rankings in Higher Education
  • Exploring the Benefits of Study Abroad Programs for College Students
  • Promoting Campus Sustainability Initiatives in College Settings

Argumentative Essay Topics About Education FAQ

What is the importance of choosing a compelling argumentative paper topic for an education essay.

Choosing a compelling topic for an argumentative essay is crucial in engaging your readers and highlighting the significance of the education-related issue you are discussing. It helps students understand the subject matter’s relevance  and encourages critical thinking.

How can a writer’s credibility impact the effectiveness of an argumentative essay?

The writer’s credibility plays a significant role in persuading the audience. By establishing credibility, the author can compel readers to consider their viewpoint seriously and trust the information presented in the essay.

Why is it essential to include counterarguments in an argumentative education essay?

Addressing opposing viewpoints through counterarguments demonstrates the writer’s ability to consider different perspectives and strengthens their argument by refuting potential objections. This also showcases the author’s reasoning skills and critical thinking skills .

How can one effectively delve into a topic and present fresh ideas in an argumentative education essay?

To delve deep into a topic and bring forth fresh ideas , it is essential to put forward a unique angle or perspective that has not been extensively explored before, ensuring that your essay offers a high-quality contribution to the discussion.

What role does incorporating pathos play in an argumentative education essay?

Utilizing pathos in your essay can help compel emotions and create a connection with the readers, making them more receptive to the arguments presented. It adds an emotional appeal that complements logical reasoning and strengthens your overall

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In this 21st century, the population of the world is progressing rapidly with the strength of democracy. Everybody gets equal opportunity to become successful, which is free enterprise. Technology and science is a back support for education. Several people in this world need education. This has to be supported by the government where people live. Unequal availability of education to people will create problems because the uneducated are unable to gain like the educated. To solve problems happening due to uneducation, the government has to spend lot of time and money.

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The debate on college internships has raised contrasting views over the years. There are those proponents of college internships who believe that internships form the basis of a good career since they mould students and help them transition from class to the practical and professional world. However, some people argue that internships cause more harm than good to most students. Despite the rush for internships by many college students, it is important to note that internships are not necessarily the basis of success. College internships should be optional to students because students have different backgrounds and plans for their future.

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The debate on college internships has raised contrasting views over the years. Some internship supporters believe that internships form the basis of a good career since they help students in transition from classes to the practical and professional world. However, some people argue that internships cause more harm than good to most students. Despite the rush for internships by many college students, they are not necessarily the basis of success. College internships should be optional to students because students have different backgrounds and plans for their future.

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Undeniably, school uniforms have been in existence for a good number of years now. Initially, they were common in private grade schools as well as high schools. However, the number of public schools implementing the policy of school uniforms has been increasing gradually. The issue of school uniforms can be a very contentious topic particularly among learners who are not ready to lose their freedom of choosing their own clothing. Nevertheless, once this policy is implemented even the learners come to appreciate the advantages of uniforms.

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Each and every education system in the world is designed to suit the explicit desires of the ruling class and regimes. Evidently, there are nations whose major goals that shape their education towards the pious person. This scenario could be the opposite for other nations whose main goal of education is geared to war-like informed individuals and graduates. Other governments concentrate their systems to produce the industrious man who loves quality in all dimensions that is, taste, character and knowledge.

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Essay on Politics in Education: Analysis of The American Education System

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Essay on Politics in Education: Analysis of The American Education System

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Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education Essay

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Ai’s impact on education, the impact of ai on teachers, the impact of ai on students, reference list.

Rooted in computer science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined by the development of digital systems that can perform tasks, which are dependent on human intelligence (Rexford, 2018). Interest in the adoption of AI in the education sector started in the 1980s when researchers were exploring the possibilities of adopting robotic technologies in learning (Mikropoulos, 2018). Their mission was to help learners to study conveniently and efficiently. Today, some of the events and impact of AI on the education sector are concentrated in the fields of online learning, task automation, and personalization learning (Chen, Chen and Lin, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic is a recent news event that has drawn attention to AI and its role in facilitating online learning among other virtual educational programs. This paper seeks to find out the possible impact of artificial intelligence on the education sector from the perspectives of teachers and learners.

Technology has transformed the education sector in unique ways and AI is no exception. As highlighted above, AI is a relatively new area of technological development, which has attracted global interest in academic and teaching circles. Increased awareness of the benefits of AI in the education sector and the integration of high-performance computing systems in administrative work have accelerated the pace of transformation in the field (Fengchun et al. , 2021). This change has affected different facets of learning to the extent that government agencies and companies are looking to replicate the same success in their respective fields (IBM, 2020). However, while the advantages of AI are widely reported in the corporate scene, few people understand its impact on the interactions between students and teachers. This research gap can be filled by understanding the impact of AI on the education sector, as a holistic ecosystem of learning.

As these gaps in education are minimized, AI is contributing to the growth of the education sector. Particularly, it has increased the number of online learning platforms using big data intelligence systems (Chen, Chen and Lin, 2020). This outcome has been achieved by exploiting opportunities in big data analysis to enhance educational outcomes (IBM, 2020). Overall, the positive contributions that AI has had to the education sector mean that it has expanded opportunities for growth and development in the education sector (Rexford, 2018). Therefore, teachers are likely to benefit from increased opportunities for learning and growth that would emerge from the adoption of AI in the education system.

The impact of AI on teachers can be estimated by examining its effects on the learning environment. Some of the positive outcomes that teachers have associated with AI adoption include increased work efficiency, expanded opportunities for career growth, and an improved rate of innovation adoption (Chen, Chen and Lin, 2020). These benefits are achievable because AI makes it possible to automate learning activities. This process gives teachers the freedom to complete supplementary tasks that support their core activities. At the same time, the freedom they enjoy may be used to enhance creativity and innovation in their teaching practice. Despite the positive outcomes of AI adoption in learning, it undermines the relevance of teachers as educators (Fengchun et al., 2021). This concern is shared among educators because the increased reliance on robotics and automation through AI adoption has created conditions for learning to occur without human input. Therefore, there is a risk that teacher participation may be replaced by machine input.

Performance Evaluation emerges as a critical area where teachers can benefit from AI adoption. This outcome is feasible because AI empowers teachers to monitor the behaviors of their learners and the differences in their scores over a specific time (Mikropoulos, 2018). This comparative analysis is achievable using advanced data management techniques in AI-backed performance appraisal systems (Fengchun et al., 2021). Researchers have used these systems to enhance adaptive group formation programs where groups of students are formed based on a balance of the strengths and weaknesses of the members (Live Tiles, 2021). The information collected using AI-backed data analysis techniques can be recalibrated to capture different types of data. For example, teachers have used AI to understand students’ learning patterns and the correlation between these configurations with the individual understanding of learning concepts (Rexford, 2018). Furthermore, advanced biometric techniques in AI have made it possible for teachers to assess their student’s learning attentiveness.

Overall, the contributions of AI to the teaching practice empower teachers to redesign their learning programs to fill the gaps identified in the performance assessments. Employing the capabilities of AI in their teaching programs has also made it possible to personalize their curriculums to empower students to learn more effectively (Live Tiles, 2021). Nonetheless, the benefits of AI to teachers could be undermined by the possibility of job losses due to the replacement of human labor with machines and robots (Gulson et al. , 2018). These fears are yet to materialize but indications suggest that AI adoption may elevate the importance of machines above those of human beings in learning.

The benefits of AI to teachers can be replicated in student learning because learners are recipients of the teaching strategies adopted by teachers. In this regard, AI has created unique benefits for different groups of learners based on the supportive role it plays in the education sector (Fengchun et al., 2021). For example, it has created conditions necessary for the use of virtual reality in learning. This development has created an opportunity for students to learn at their pace (Live Tiles, 2021). Allowing students to learn at their pace has enhanced their learning experiences because of varied learning speeds. The creation of virtual reality using AI learning has played a significant role in promoting equality in learning by adapting to different learning needs (Live Tiles, 2021). For example, it has helped students to better track their performances at home and identify areas of improvement in the process. In this regard, the adoption of AI in learning has allowed for the customization of learning styles to improve students’ attention and involvement in learning.

AI also benefits students by personalizing education activities to suit different learning styles and competencies. In this analysis, AI holds the promise to develop personalized learning at scale by customizing tools and features of learning in contemporary education systems (du Boulay, 2016). Personalized learning offers several benefits to students, including a reduction in learning time, increased levels of engagement with teachers, improved knowledge retention, and increased motivation to study (Fengchun et al., 2021). The presence of these benefits means that AI enriches students’ learning experiences. Furthermore, AI shares the promise of expanding educational opportunities for people who would have otherwise been unable to access learning opportunities. For example, disabled people are unable to access the same quality of education as ordinary students do. Today, technology has made it possible for these underserved learners to access education services.

Based on the findings highlighted above, AI has made it possible to customize education services to suit the needs of unique groups of learners. By extension, AI has made it possible for teachers to select the most appropriate teaching methods to use for these student groups (du Boulay, 2016). Teachers have reported positive outcomes of using AI to meet the needs of these underserved learners (Fengchun et al., 2021). For example, through online learning, some of them have learned to be more patient and tolerant when interacting with disabled students (Fengchun et al., 2021). AI has also made it possible to integrate the educational and curriculum development plans of disabled and mainstream students, thereby standardizing the education outcomes across the divide. Broadly, these statements indicate that the expansion of opportunities via AI adoption has increased access to education services for underserved groups of learners.

Overall, AI holds the promise to solve most educational challenges that affect the world today. UNESCO (2021) affirms this statement by saying that AI can address most problems in learning through innovation. Therefore, there is hope that the adoption of new technology would accelerate the process of streamlining the education sector. This outcome could be achieved by improving the design of AI learning programs to make them more effective in meeting student and teachers’ needs. This contribution to learning will help to maximize the positive impact and minimize the negative effects of AI on both parties.

The findings of this study demonstrate that the application of AI in education has a largely positive impact on students and teachers. The positive effects are summarized as follows: improved access to education for underserved populations improved teaching practices/instructional learning, and enhanced enthusiasm for students to stay in school. Despite the existence of these positive views, negative outcomes have also been highlighted in this paper. They include the potential for job losses, an increase in education inequalities, and the high cost of installing AI systems. These concerns are relevant to the adoption of AI in the education sector but the benefits of integration outweigh them. Therefore, there should be more support given to educational institutions that intend to adopt AI. Overall, this study demonstrates that AI is beneficial to the education sector. It will improve the quality of teaching, help students to understand knowledge quickly, and spread knowledge via the expansion of educational opportunities.

Chen, L., Chen, P. and Lin, Z. (2020) ‘Artificial intelligence in education: a review’, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Access , 8(1), pp. 75264-75278.

du Boulay, B. (2016) Artificial intelligence as an effective classroom assistant. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Intelligent Systems , 31(6), pp.76–81.

Fengchun, M. et al. (2021) AI and education: a guide for policymakers . Paris: UNESCO Publishing.

Gulson, K . et al. (2018) Education, work and Australian society in an AI world . Web.

IBM. (2020) Artificial intelligence . Web.

Live Tiles. (2021) 15 pros and 6 cons of artificial intelligence in the classroom . Web.

Mikropoulos, T. A. (2018) Research on e-Learning and ICT in education: technological, pedagogical and instructional perspectives . New York, NY: Springer.

Rexford, J. (2018) The role of education in AI (and vice versa). Web.

Seo, K. et al. (2021) The impact of artificial intelligence on learner–instructor interaction in online learning. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education , 18(54), pp. 1-12.

UNESCO. (2021) Artificial intelligence in education . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 1). Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education. https://ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/

"Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education." IvyPanda , 1 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education'. 1 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education." October 1, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/.

1. IvyPanda . "Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education." October 1, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/.


IvyPanda . "Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education." October 1, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/.


Essay on Education System In The Philippines

Students are often asked to write an essay on Education System In The Philippines in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Education System In The Philippines

The philippine education structure.

The education system in the Philippines is divided into three levels. These are the elementary level, the secondary level, and the tertiary level. The system is overseen by the Department of Education for basic education, and the Commission on Higher Education for college and university education.

Elementary Education

Secondary education.

Secondary education in the Philippines is divided into two parts: Junior High School (Grade 7-10) and Senior High School (Grade 11-12). These years prepare students for the next stage of their education or for work. They study a range of subjects, including electives based on their interests.

Tertiary Education

Tertiary education in the Philippines includes undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Students can choose from a wide range of courses. This stage is not compulsory but is important for those who want to pursue professional careers. The quality of tertiary education varies from institution to institution.

Challenges and Reforms

250 words essay on education system in the philippines.

The education system in the Philippines is managed by the Department of Education. It is split into three levels: elementary, secondary, and tertiary. Students start school at the age of 5 or 6. They spend six years in elementary school and four years in high school. After high school, they can choose to go to college for further studies.

Elementary education is the first step. It starts with kindergarten for children aged 5 or 6. This is followed by six years of primary education where students learn basic skills like reading, writing, and math.

High School Education

After completing elementary education, students move on to high school. This is a four-year program where they learn more advanced subjects. After high school, students can choose whether to go to college or start working.

College Education

College education is optional in the Philippines. Students who choose to go to college can study for a bachelor’s degree, which usually takes four years. They can also choose to study for a master’s or doctoral degree after that.

Quality of Education

The quality of education in the Philippines is improving. The government is working hard to make sure all children can go to school. They are also trying to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools.

500 Words Essay on Education System In The Philippines


The education system in the Philippines is unique and has evolved over many years. It is known for its strong emphasis on basic education, which is made up of six years of elementary school and four years of high school. In 2013, the K-12 program was introduced, adding two more years to the high school curriculum.

Structure of the Education System

The Philippine education system is divided into three levels. The first level is the elementary or primary level, which lasts for six years. Children usually start school at the age of six.

The second level is the secondary or high school level. This lasts for four years. Students usually enter high school at the age of 12 or 13.

K-12 Program

The K-12 program was added to the education system in 2013. This program added two more years to the high school level, making it six years in total. The extra years are meant to prepare students for work, entrepreneurship, skills development, or higher education.

Teaching Methods

Another challenge is the quality of education. Some students struggle with reading and math, even after finishing elementary school. This shows that the education system needs to improve in these areas.

The education system in the Philippines has made many changes to improve the quality of education. The K-12 program is one of these changes. It aims to prepare students for the future, whether they choose to work, start a business, or continue their studies. Despite the challenges, the country continues to work on improving its education system for the benefit of its students.

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Education Should Be Free for Everyone

In my argumentative essay, I discuss the ethical side of having a free education system. I discuss the positive sides and the negative sides of free education, and I focus mostly on having free higher education since we already have free education up to High School graduation levels. I conclude with a discussion about the actions of colleges and Universities and how they would inevitably make the ethical discussion mute from a student’s perceptive since the burden of ethics would fall upon higher education institutions in a world where they are given plenty of incentive to act immorally.

From an ethical perspective, it seems unfair that people who have less money are going to miss more opportunities. Ethically, opportunities should be open for all people. Though it may be true that the availability of an opportunity shouldn’t guarantee that a person receives that opportunity, the opportunity shouldn’t be ruled out. For example, all people should be able to become qualified to work in air traffic control, and even though a blind person is hardly guaranteed such a job position, the opportunity shouldn’t be ruled out as a default. Free education, especially free higher education, may open up a series of opportunities that some people would otherwise be unable to enjoy, and even if those opportunities are not guaranteed, they shouldn’t be ruled out by default, which is what happens when some people cannot use higher education for financial reasons. (Flood, 2014)

Some people are going to use free education as a way of getting out of work and as a way of doing nothing with their lives. Students up to the final year in High School are unable to get full-time jobs and live independently on their wages, which is why their education should be free. However, when a person is able to get a full-time job and live independently, he or she may get out of working by living on the education system. Even if the qualifications are free and not the living expenses, a person may still claim a slew of benefits and receive no incentive to ever get a job because he or she remains in the education system for years and years. (Gritz, 2010)

If all forms of education are free for students, then it becomes very easy for a person to waste his or her life on meaningless education. The decision to get into thousands upon thousands of dollars of debt in order to pursue a career should be agonizing and very difficult so as to make the student think long and hard about the decision. If all education is free, then less thought is required, and students may waste years of their life studying for qualifications that they do not need or even want. (Kamenetz, 2016)

If a student is genuinely looking for higher education and is not looking for a reason to do nothing and mess around for years by exploiting other people’s tax money through free education, then such a person may enjoy a longer education process. For example, a student taking a series of law qualifications is going to need five to seven years of education, which is also very expensive. If the cost of the qualification were removed, such a person may be able to take up jobs on an intermittent basis, stretch out his or her qualification duration, and take longer to gain said qualifications in a more comfortable manner. Instead of having to spend years as a low-income student while building debt, such a student may spend longer on a qualification and work while studying so that he or she may enjoy a more comfortable education experience. Plus, all of this would occur who the pressure of accumulating student debt. (The Leadership Institute, 2018)

Despite the ethical upsides and downsides that come with free education for students, it is sadly the Universities and colleges that will spoil it. These days, student loans are very easy to get, and this has resulted in colleges and Universities putting their prices up to almost scandalous levels, and it has resulted in colleges and Universities creating courses that add no real value for people wishing to join the workforce. If colleges and Universities were being fully funded by tax dollars, they would encourage students to join with a whole host of silly and frivolous programs because the quality of education would no longer matter or apply. (Fox, 2006).


Flood, Alison. “US students request ‘trigger warnings’ on literature.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 19 May 2014, www.theguardian.com/books/2014/may/19/us-students-request-trigger-warnings-in-literature.

Fox News, http://www.foxnews.com/story/2006/09/01/why-does-college-cost-so-much-and-is-it-worth-it.html 2006

Gritz, Jennie Rothenberg. “What’s Wrong with the American University System.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 28 July 2010, www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2010/07/whats-wrong-with-the-american-university-system/60458/.

Kamenetz, Anya. “How College Aid Is Like A Bad Coupon.” NPR, NPR, 17 Sept. 2016, www.npr.org/sections/ed/2016/09/17/492973995/how-college-aid-is-like-a-bad-coupon.

The Leadership Institute. “Why are colleges so liberal?” Leadership Institute, www.leadershipinstitute.org/crazycolleges/. 2018

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Essay on Indian Education System for Students and Children

500+ words essay on indian education system for students and children.

The Indian education system is quite an old education system that still exists. It has produced so many genius minds that are making India proud all over the world. However, while it is one of the oldest systems, it is still not that developed when compared to others, which are in fact newer. This is so as the other countries have gone through growth and advancement, but the Indian education system is still stuck in old age. It faces a lot of problems that need to be sorted to let it reach its full potential.

Essay on Indian Education System

Problems with Indian Education System

Our Indian education system faces a lot of problems that do not let it prosper and help other children succeed in life . The biggest problem which it has to face is the poor grading system. It judges the intelligence of a student on the basis of academics which is in the form of exam papers. That is very unfair to students who are good in their overall performance but not that good at specific subjects.

Moreover, they only strive to get good marks not paying attention to understanding what is taught. In other words, this encourages getting good marks through mugging up and not actually grasping the concept efficiently.

Furthermore, we see how the Indian education system focuses on theory more. Only a little percentage is given for practical. This makes them run after the bookish knowledge and not actually applying it to the real world. This practice makes them perplexed when they go out in the real world due to lack of practical knowledge.

Most importantly, the Indian education system does not emphasize enough on the importance of sports and arts. Students are always asked to study all the time where they get no time for other activities like sports and arts.

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How Can We Improve Indian Education System?

As the Indian Education System is facing so many problems, we need to come up with effective solutions so it improves and creates a brighter future for students . We can start by focusing on the skill development of the students. The schools and colleges must not only focus on the ranks and grades but on the analytical and creative skills of children.

In addition, subjects must not be merely taught theoretically but with practical. This will help in a better understanding of the subject without them having to mug up the whole thing due to lack of practical knowledge. Also, the syllabus must be updated with the changing times and not follow the old age pattern.

Other than that, the government and private colleges must now increase the payroll of teachers. As they clearly deserve more than what they offer. To save money, the schools hire teachers who are not qualified enough. This creates a very bad classroom environment and learning. They must be hired if they are fit for the job and not because they are working at a lesser salary.

In conclusion, the Indian education system must change for the better. It must give the students equal opportunities to shine better in the future. We need to let go of the old and traditional ways and enhance the teaching standards so our youth can get create a better world.

FAQs on Indian Education System

Q.1 What problems does the Indian Education System face?

A.1 Indian education is very old and outdated. It judges students on the basis of marks and grades ignoring the overall performance of the student. It focuses on academics side-lining arts and sports.

Q.2 How can we improve the Indian education system?

A.2 The colleges and schools must hire well and qualified teachers. They must help students to understand the concept instead of merely mugging up the whole subject.

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What it means for the Supreme Court to throw out Chevron decision, undercutting federal regulators


FILE- Gulls follow a commercial fishing boat as crewmen haul in their catch in the Gulf of Maine, in this Jan. 17, 2012 file photo. TExecutive branch agencies will likely have more difficulty regulating the environment, public health, workplace safety and other issues under a far-reaching decision by the Supreme Court. The court’s 6-3 ruling on Friday overturned a 1984 decision colloquially known as Chevron that has instructed lower courts to defer to federal agencies when laws passed by Congress are not crystal clear. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)

The Supreme Court building is seen on Friday, June 28, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Executive branch agencies will likely have more difficulty regulating the environment, public health, workplace safety and other issues under a far-reaching decision by the Supreme Court .

The court’s 6-3 ruling on Friday overturned a 1984 decision colloquially known as Chevron that has instructed lower courts to defer to federal agencies when laws passed by Congress are not crystal clear.

The 40-year-old decision has been the basis for upholding thousands of regulations by dozens of federal agencies, but has long been a target of conservatives and business groups who argue that it grants too much power to the executive branch, or what some critics call the administrative state.

The Biden administration has defended the law, warning that overturning so-called Chevron deference would be destabilizing and could bring a “convulsive shock” to the nation’s legal system.


Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said federal judges “must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”

The ruling does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron doctrine, Roberts wrote.

Here is a look at the court’s decision and the implications for government regulations going forward.

What is the Chevron decision?

Atlantic herring fishermen sued over federal rules requiring them to pay for independent observers to monitor their catch. The fishermen argued that the 1976 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act did not authorize officials to create industry-funded monitoring requirements and that the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to follow proper rulemaking procedure.

In two related cases, the fishermen asked the court to overturn the 40-year-old Chevron doctrine, which stems from a unanimous Supreme Court case involving the energy giant in a dispute over the Clean Air Act. That ruling said judges should defer to the executive branch when laws passed by Congress are ambiguous.

In that case, the court upheld an action by the Environmental Protection Agency under then-President Ronald Reagan.

In the decades following the ruling, Chevron has been a bedrock of modern administrative law, requiring judges to defer to agencies’ reasonable interpretations of congressional statutes.

But the current high court, with a 6-3 conservative majority has been increasingly skeptical of the powers of federal agencies. Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch have questioned the Chevron decision. Ironically, it was Gorsuch’s mother, former EPA Administrator Anne Gorsuch, who made the decision that the Supreme Court upheld in 1984.


What’s at stake?

With a closely divided Congress, presidential administrations have increasingly turned to federal regulation to implement policy changes. Federal rules impact virtually every aspect of everyday life, from the food we eat and the cars we drive to the air we breathe and homes we live in.

President Joe Biden’s administration, for example, has issued a host of new regulations on the environment and other priorities, including restrictions on emissions from power plants and vehicle tailpipes , and rules on student loan forgiveness , overtime pay and affordable housing.

Those actions and others could be opened up to legal challenges if judges are allowed to discount or disregard the expertise of the executive-branch agencies that put them into place.

With billions of dollars potentially at stake, groups representing the gun industry and other businesses such as tobacco, agriculture, timber and homebuilding, were among those pressing the justices to overturn the Chevron doctrine and weaken government regulation.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce filed an amicus brief last year on behalf of business groups arguing that modern application of Chevron has “fostered aggrandizement’’ of the executive branch at the expense of Congress and the courts.

David Doniger, a lawyer and longtime Natural Resources Defense Council official who argued the original Chevron case in 1984, said he feared that a ruling to overturn the doctrine could “free judges to be radical activists” who could “effectively rewrite our laws and block the protections they are supposed to provide.”

“The net effect will be to weaken our government’s ability to meet the real problems the world is throwing at us — big things like COVID and climate change,″ Doniger said.

More than just fish

“This case was never just about fish,’' said Meredith Moore of the environmental group Ocean Conservancy. Instead, businesses and other interest groups used the herring fishery “to attack the foundations of the public agencies that serve the American public and conserve our natural resources,’' she said.

The court ruling will likely open the floodgates to litigation that could erode critical protections for people and the environment, Moore and other advocates said.

“For more than 30 years, fishery observers have successfully helped ensure that our oceans are responsibly managed so that fishing can continue in the future,’' said Dustin Cranor of Oceana, another conservation group.

He called the case “just the latest example of the far right trying to undermine the federal government’s ability to protect our oceans, waters, public lands, clean air and health.’'

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey called the decision a fitting follow-up to a 2022 decision — in a case he brought — that limits the EPA’s ability to control greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The court held that Congress must speak with specificity when it wants to give an agency authority to regulate on an issue of major national significance.

Morrisey, now the GOP nominee for governor, called Chevron “a misguided doctrine under which courts defer to legally dubious interpretations of statutes put out by federal administrative agencies.”

A shift toward judicial power

The Supreme Court ruling will almost certainly shift power away from the executive branch and Congress and toward courts, said Craig Green, a professor at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law.

“Federal judges will now have the first and final word about what statutes mean,″ he said. “That’s a big shift in power.″

In what some observers see as a historic irony, many conservatives who now attack Chevron once celebrated it. The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was among those who hailed the original ruling as a way to rein in liberal laws.

“Conservatives believed in this rule until they didn’t,’' Green said in an interview.

In recent years, conservatives have focused on “deconstruction of the administrative state,’' even if the result lessens the ability of a conservative president to impose his beliefs on government agencies.

“If you weaken the federal government, you get less government,’' Green said — an outcome that many conservatives, including those who back former President Donald Trump, welcome.

The ruling will likely “gum up the works for federal agencies and make it even harder for them to address big problems. Which is precisely what the critics of Chevron want,” said Jody Freeman, director of the environmental and energy law program at Harvard Law School.



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