• Americanism Program Engagement Plan-2024-2025

Unit Year End Reporting 2024-2025

District Year End Reporting 2024-2025

  • 2024-2025 Americanism Tracker


ALA Americanism Facebook Page

  • Americanism Essay Contest Rules
  • Americanism Essay Rubric

Americanism Essay Cover Sheet 2024-2025

Flag Etiquette

  • Proper Flag Disposal

Star Spangled Kids

The Constitution of The United States Fun Facts

Thirteen Folds of the Flag

  • When to Fly a Flag

The Americanism work of the Auxiliary includes all activities tending to perpetuate American ideals and to uphold the principles of American democracy. The security of America lies in a citizenry in whose minds and hearts is ingrained a true understanding of and love for those ideals and principles upon which the nation was founded; a citizenry awake to the duties of citizenship and willing to perform these duties even at the cost of great personal sacrifice. Americanism work is largely educational in character and is usually divided into three phases: work with the youth, the adult, and the community. All matters pertaining to the flag or patriotic education are rightly classified as Americanism activities.

Patriotic Education

Every citizen should have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Constitution of the United States. Therefore, the Auxiliary has a very definite objective in emphasizing through its Americanism program the teachings of good citizenship.

Five-Point Program

Active Americanism in the home; active Americanism in the Unit; active Americanism in youth groups; active Americanism in adult groups; and active Americanism in our community.

Revitalize our personal patriotism. Be able to answer "What kind of an American am I?" Take an interest in our country's affairs. Express our belief in our love for America in our words and deeds. Inspire children and young people in our homes and schools to develop fine characters, high ideals and a sincere appreciation of our heritage. Be tolerant in thought and deeds towards others. Vote intelligently after careful study of candidates and issues.

Appoint an active Americanism chairman. Sponsor study classes for the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, flag etiquette, and great American characters. Plan a patriotic conference. Observe patriotic holidays. Display the flag, keep it clean, and fold it properly. Distribute flag etiquette brochures.

Youth Groups

Present Americanism awards in schools. Sponsor debaters and essay contests. Present flags to schools. Encourage formation of student councils in elementary schools. Present records and/or tapes of the Star-Spangled to Banner to schools. Sponsor Boy and Girl Scout Troops.

Adult Groups

Sponsor citizenship classes and present flag codes, American Creed, and small American flags to new citizens. Hold Americanism meetings and Community forums. Place flag study course in night schools for foreign-born.

Plan Town Meetings and other study groups, presenting both sides of a question. Help with community observance of patriotic holidays. Present flags where needed. Use both printed and electronic media when presenting Americanism programs. Watch for subversive group activities and report to proper authorities. Visit local government groups in action and show interest in school boards, City Councils, County Boards, and Town Meetings. Plant trees as memorials and study conservation programs.

Cooperative Effort

The Americanism program of The American Legion embraces a multiplicity of activities. It necessitates real, honest, unselfish effort on the part of all members of The American Legion. The members of the Auxiliary can effectively make patriotism a personal matter and they can select and successfully carry out projects adaptable to the needs of their communities.

Spirit of Youth Fund

This fund was established by the American Legion Auxiliary to support programs for young people. Tax deductible contributions from individuals, organizations and estates are the basis of this permanent endowment fund for youth. The funds are expended for programs that benefit the youth of our nation an to enrich those programs which already exist. Two such programs are the Americanism Youth Conference conducted each spring for the Auxiliary by Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania and the four year "Spirit of Youth Scholarship" for Junior Members.

Pocket Flag Project

The American Legion Flag Advocacy

The Citizens Flag Alliance


Americanism Essay Contest

The Auxiliary’s annual Americanism Essay Contest encourages participants to learn about the fundamental rights and freedoms we enjoy today. Each year's contest has a different theme.

americanism essay contest american legion

The Americanism Essay Contest was created to teach students the value of patriotism and what it means to be Americans. Thousands of students participate in the program each year and help promote a lifelong respect of our flag and country.

Students (grades 3 to 12) explore the fundamental rights and freedoms we enjoy today. Each year’s contest has a different theme; one student in each category per division is awarded a prize. There is a category for students with special needs.

Current Essay Theme:  “What does Freedom mean to me?”

Essay Contest Awards

Grade levels are divided into six classes. One award in each of the six classes will be presented in each division. Winners will receive $50 and a $50 donation in the student’s name will be made to the Children of Warriors National Presidents’ Scholarship fund.

americanism essay contest american legion

ALA Americanism Headlines from the ALA Blog

Texas Unit 430



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American Legion Auxiliary Unit 291 Newport Harbor

Americanism Essay Contest Guidelines

Approved essay titles for the 2023-2024 year.

Group 1 Grades 4 & 5 – Why do we honor the Flag?

Group 2 Grades 6 & 7 – Why is voting important?

Group 3 Grades 8 & 9 – Who is responsible to keep our country safe?

Group 4 Grades 10, 11 & 12 – Is service to the country important?

Group 5 Exceptional Needs –  How should the flag be disposed of?

Deadline Date

March 1, 2024 to: Carol Markel, Americanism Chair Newport Harbor Unit 291

Email: [email protected] Phone: 714-580-6634 

A. Titles must be exactly as specified in TITLE above. 

B. Essay to be handwritten in ink (IN ENGLISH ONLY), on one side of paper. Computer generated essays are also accepted. All essays must be written under supervision. Fourth grade ONLY may elect to use pencil. Students should make copies of the essay submitted.

C. The student will put their name, grade level, teacher’s name and the name of their school on the back of their essay or a separate page with this information if being emailed.

D. Quoted material must be enclosed in quotation marks and the student must give simple bibliography stating source and reference to help the judges differentiate between original and quoted material.

E. Download here Signed Cover Sheet must accompany all submissions .

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This year our motto will be “Let Teaching Patriotism be Our Superpower.” In order to be an effective teacher, you must first know and un understand the material. Immerse yourself in every facet of the Americanism program. You can start with your junior members whether they are organized or just a member’s daughter or granddaughter and have them lead the Pledge during a meeting, advance the flag and Auxiliary banner, or help in a flag disposal ceremony. All these activities will help them receive their Junior Americanism Patches.

Let’s teach patriotism to the children in our communities by distributing the Americanism essay contest rules when they are available in the fall. The essay title is, “Why am I proud to be an American?” Teachers have told me that they are more likely to assign the essay if it fits into their teaching plan so I always try to get them before veterans day. Please be sure to follow the rules carefully so no essay must be disqualified. Contact other youth groups in your community like Scouts 4H FFA and hand out the essay contest rules to their leaders or directly to the students. Encourage students to participate in the oratorical contest. The subject matter is always about the constitution and the finals are held the first weekend in March. Work with schools and members to use wreaths across America patriotic curriculum. Go to and scroll down to educate and click on curriculum and lesson plans for kindergarten through 12th grade are available, all with lesson plans and some power points.

For example, first grade:

  • Flag Day Lesson plan
  • Memorial Day lesson plan
  • What is Memorial Day power point (grades K-3)
  • The Missing Man Table (Grades K-3)
  • Women’s History Month Lesson Plan
  • Black History Month Lesson Plan
  • Buffalo Soldiers PowerPoint (Grades K-3)
  • Four Chaplains Lesson Plan
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Lesson Plan
  • Remember – Honor – Teach Lesson Plan
  • Informative Writing and “Finding a way to Serve”
  • Veterans Day PowerPoint (K-3)
  • Veterans Day Lesson Plan
  • American Indian Heritage Month
  • April, Month of the Military Child (Grades 1-3)
  • Independence Day (Grades K-8)
  • Back To School
  • Patriot Day Lesson Plan
  • Voting in Elections (Grades K-3)

I have with me the complete curriculum for anyone interested in seeing it but again you can download it. This would be something great to share with our junior members and interesting to share with our senior members.

Promote Star Spangled Kids.

The Sergeant-at-arms and assistants are passing out a simple “How to sheet”. Star Spangled Kids teaches about patriotism, Americanism and the U.S. Constitution. Do you know that September 17th is set aside each year to commemorate the signing of the Constitution?

Let us educate our members and communities about flag etiquette including the proper way it should be flown. Consider giving citations and recognition to citizens and businesses in your community if they are properly displaying a flag. Offer to replace torn or worn flags when possible. Off of the National website you can get “Let ‘s be Right Flag Etiquette “and make them available in your Post home. Put something in your newsletters or on your Facebook page about display of the flag or little-known facts about the flag, Constitution and Bill of Rights. Join the National Facebook group at American Legion Auxiliary Americanism Program. This is a place to get ideas and share ideas. On the National Webpage thereis also a link to Action Programs of Americanism Brochure on the American Legion website that can be downloaded or printed for free but is 16 pages long. This brochure is a comprehensive look at The American Legion Americanism Programs. They include Legion Baseball, shooting sports, scouting and many more. Look through the brochure and find ways to help with these programs in your area. Work concession stands, be a timekeeper, keep statistics, offer transportation, you get the idea and have many of your own, I’m sure.

Let us educate our political leaders on the importance of respecting our flag. On the National Website in the Americanism committee page, you can find information on the Citizens Flag Alliance and The Flag Advocacy. Email your congressmen and senators about not being able to desecrate the flag, explain the blood shed for them to keep all the freedoms they enjoy and the importance of the flag to our men and women defending those rights. Sign up for the action alerts so you can be informed of any bills involving the flag that need action.

Let teaching patriotism be our superpower!

Patti Williamson  |  [email protected]   | 217-377-370

Department Award: to the Best Department Americanism Program in the Central Division.

Unit Award: Most outstanding Unit Americanism Program in the Central Division.


  • RICKY’S COUNTRY GIRLS PLAQUE: to the Unit submitting the most outstanding participation on promoting the Americanism Program to the schools.
  • THE DORIS SCHULTZ “GOD BLESS AMERICA” PLAQUE: TOoThe Unit for the best overall participation in the Americanism program.
  • SERVE AND PROTECT CADET OF THE YEAR PLAQUE: to the outstanding cadet at American Legion Police School/ The plaque and a picture of the cadet will be presented at the Youth Police School and reported during the Americanism report at Department Convention.

Personal Awards:

  • $10.00 to Runner up to the Ricky’s Country Girls Plaque.
  • $10.00 to Runner up to the Doris Schultz “God Bless America” Plaque
  • $10.00 to Most Americanism essays turned into a unit as reported to me.
  • $10.00 to the Best Star Spangled Kids promotion.

Certificates to any Unit promoting the Star Spangled Kids.

All of the Department and personal awards must be on an awards sheet or have an awards sheet accompany a narrative and received by the deadline.

Resources from National

  • Log into the National Website to Access these Items: Click Here

Helpful Weblinks

  • Flag Education DVD
  • Let’s Be Right on Flag Etiquette
  • Pocket Flag Project
  • The American Legion Flag Advocacy
  • The Citizen’s Flag Alliance
  • American Legion Auxiliary Americanism Program Facebook Group

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americanism essay contest american legion

Naperville, IL

americanism essay contest american legion

Americanism Essay Contest



About the contest

The American Legion Department of Illinois,

American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion are cosponsors of this AMERICANISM ESSAY CONTEST.

It's purpose is to aid the schools of Illinois in the teaching of AMERICANISM and GOOD CITIZENSHIP.


        CLASS I - 7th and 8th grades

        CLASS II - 9th and 10th grades

        CLASS III - 11th and 12th grades  

All contestants must be a lawful permanent resident of the United States of America and a bona fide student in a Junior or Senior High School.  Home schooled will be competing at their own grade level according to age.  

Eligible participants in the contest shall be citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States.

Competition will be at Naperville Post 43 and continue on to the Auxiliary District and Division level. 

Contest Rules

Essay entry must include:

Title page with Essay subject name on it

Students name and home address (including city and state)

Grade in school

Name of school

Name of sponsoring Post (Post 43)

ALL the above information MUST PRECEDE THE ESSAY!

The essay shall be no more than 500 words in length (not counting a, an, and, the).

The essay may be either typed or written in ink on regular theme paper.

No decorative borders, pictures or other graphics.

Pages must be numbered at the center bottom, starting with the first page of the essay and paper clipped together.  (PLEASE No staples

All essays must be submitted to a local American Legion Post.

"Why am I proud to be an American"

americanism essay contest american legion


1.  Content

A.  Originality and Presentation  25

B.  Relation to topic  15

C.  Essay must be  factual  10 

2.  Organization of Subject Matter

A.  Unity (avoid irrelevant matter)  10

B.  Emphasis (good  proportion and  arrangement of parts)  10

C.  Coherence  (clearness)    10

3.  Correct Usage

A.  Choice of words  (free from overused  expressions)  10

B.  Effective sentences  (correct grammar,  spelling, punctuation and neatness)  10

TOTAL  100

The essay must reach the local American Legion Post by:

FEBRUARY 1, 2024

All Illinois School students in the 7th and 8th grades and Junior and Senior High School are invited to participate in this contest. 

The contest is divided into the following three classes.

CLASS I - 7th and 8th grades

CLASS II - 9th and 10th grades

CLASS III - 11th and 12th grade

How to Submit

Thank you for your interest in the Americanism Essay Contest .  

The essay must reach the local American Legion Post:

Submit electronically in either Word or pdf format to:

[email protected]

Or by mail to:

American Legion Post 43

Americanism Essay Contest PO Box 4 Naperville, IL 60566

Neal Kemp Chairman

[email protected]

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American Legion

Clopper-Michael Post 10, Boonsboro MD

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Americanism Essay Contest

  • American Legion Baseball
  • Youth and Children
  • Oratorical Contest

Every year the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Maryland, Inc. sponsors the Americanism Essay Contest in our area.  Prizes are awarded on Local, District, State, and National levels.  The contest runs from November 1 to January 31 of the following year.  Locally the contest is sponsored by Clopper-Michael American Legion Auxiliary Unit #10 in Boonsboro, Maryland.  Students in grades 3-8 are eligible.

Group I – Grades 3 & 4 (150-200 words)

Group II – Grades 5 & 6 (250-300 words)

Group III – Grades 7 & 8 (350-400 words)

Group IV – Students with special needs (word count to corresponds to grade level)

  • Students with special needs are defined as:  those in special education classes, a student recommended for special education for classes, but has not been admitted due to a waiting list or various other factors, a child identified as having a disability, but not in a special education class due to lack of facilities, identification contingent upon discretion of school officials.

Sign-up to receive email updates on upcoming events & American Legion Post 10 news.

First Name:

Email address:

Clopper-Michael Post 10

Post 10 units.



[email protected]


"what does freedom mean to me.

americanism essay contest american legion


americanism essay contest american legion

Thank you to TREGO ELEMENTARY, FORTINE ELEMENTARY, and Lincoln County High School Principals, Teachers, Parents, and Students for making the 2024 Americanism Essay Contest such a success. Last year we had 11 participants, this year we had 21! Our ALA Unit #74 members spent many hours reading and re-reading each essay to determine the best essays to submit to the next level of the competition. All GOLD MEDAL winners in each Division will be sent on to the next level of competition. Congratulations to all medal winners and participants. FORTINE ELEMENTARY WINNERS ARE: Dessie Stoffer: GOLD medal, $25, Teacher: Laura Pluid; Jessie Atherton, GOLD medal $25 , Teacher: Laura Pluid; Gavin Peltier, SILVER medal, $15, Teacher: Laura Pluid; Lexi Otto, SILVER medal,$15, Teacher: Laura Pluid; Caleb Campbell, BRONZE medal, $10, Teacher Laura Pluid; Zoey Pisk, BRONZE medal, $10, Teacher: Laura Pluid; Marcus Montgomery, Honorable Mention, Certificate of Appreciation, Teacher: Laura Pluid TREGO ELEMENTARY WINNERS ARE: Alice Bossard, GOLD medal $25, Teacher: Sabrina Stotts; Emit Zirbel, GOLD medal, $25, Teacher: Sabrina Stotts; Austin Vanderyacht, GOLD medal, $25, Teacher: Sabrina Stotts; Liam Morris, Honorable Mention, Certificate of Appreciation, Teacher: Sabrina Stotts. LINCOLN COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL WINNERS Grade Level 9/10: Colin Hickman, Grade Level 11/12 Ethan Kovalenko. Participants: Zoey Hanson, Abigayle Huff, Anna Sun, Rome Prince, Owen Hull, Lilian Williams, Stella Peterson, Danial Lemer, Isabella Cotto, Mielyh Bozarth



Americanism essay contest award:.

Every year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Department of Maryland sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3 - 8. The grade levels are divided into three groups: Group I - Grades 3-4; Group II - Grades 5-6: and Group III - Grades 7-8.

Samiha Rahman, a 10 year old, fourth grader from Carrol Manor Elementary School in Baldwin, MD, was the Eastern Division Group I Best Essay - "How Can We Support Families Who Care for Veterans?" She is the first National Eastern Division winner from Towson Post 22.

Three awards are presented to each Unit, District, and Department. Samiha won all three: Unit-Post 22, District, and Northern Central District (Baltimore and Harford Counties) and and the Depart of Maryland, Eastern District for the United States. Congratulations Samiha for this outstanding achievement and we are so proun of you and wish you much success in future journalistic endeavors.


ALA logo.png


Diane burkhalter, department chairman email: [email protected].

Job Description ​

Program Engagement Plan

Diane Burkhalter.jpg

The purpose of the Americanism program is to inspire, recognize, and perpetuate responsible citizenship through education and acts of patriotism, as well as raise awareness and increase appreciation of the price paid for our fundamental freedoms. The program includes increasing flag etiquette awareness in communities, awareness and participation in youth activities that promote proper respect for our flag and loyalty to our country, and promoting Auxiliary participation in The American Legion Americanism programs.

Units should be active in promoting ALA Badger Girls State, the Americanism Essay Contest, Flag Day, Americanism in schools, Veterans in Community Schools, study of the U.S. Constitution, observations of patriotic holidays, scouting, and history of the Pledge of Allegiance. Units are urged to participate and assist with The American Legion programs such as American Legion Baseball, American Legion Softball, Badger Boys State, the Oratorical Contest, Wisconsin American Legion Law Enforcement Career Academy, and Junior Shooting Sports.

Check back if a link is not active

​ ​

How to promote Star-Spangled Kids

Let's be Right on Flag Etiquette

​booklet is available for purchase from American Legion Flag & Emblem (item # 755.200) for $1.00 each or buy 100 for .80¢ each.

I Spy,You Fly - home

I Spy,You Fly - business

2023-2024 Americanism Essay Contest Winner's List

2022-2023 Americanism Essay Contest Winner's List

americanism essay contest american legion

2024-2025 District Chairmen:

​District 1 - Vacant                          

District 2 - Mary Petrie         

District 3 - Carol & Bill Ridgely

District 4 - Donna Jensen

District 5 - Vacant

District 6 - Linda Lefky

District 7 - Vacant

District 8 - Vacant

District 9 - Vacant

District 10 - Teresa Steinke

District 1 1 - Nancy Schultz

District 12 - Betty Stone

American Flag.png

2024-2025 National Americanism Program Awards Deadlines and Submission Requirements

Thank you for taking the time to share a favorite story about the positive impact you or someone you know has had on our mission! Your story may inspire another member into service. It also helps us tell the world who we are, what we do, and why we matter.

Here are the national awards for this committee:

Americanism Essay Contest

All unit entries must be submitted to the department chairman by March 15th . The current essay question and other important information may be found in the Americanism Program Engagement Plan.

Unit Award: Dorothy Pearl Most Outstanding Unit Americanism Program for Central Division

​ All unit entries must be submitted to the department chairman by April 1st using the entry form in the Americanism Program Engagement Plan .

Authorization to Release Personal Information:

Award submissions become property of the American Legion Auxiliary. Through submission of reports and award entries, the submitter grants non-exclusive reproduction and publication rights to the materials submitted and agrees to have their names and submission published for ALA use or commercial use without additional compensation or permission.

Please fill out the information as completely and accurately as possible. Award certificates will be completed using the information provided on the entry form, so please be sure to complete it in its entirety.  Please refer to the webpage for the specific criteria such as photographs, narrative length, submission deadline, and point of contact. All awards will be mailed to the department office after ALA National Convention.

                 The American Legion Department of Virginia

The American Legion Department of Virginia

2025 department membership report – august 29, 2024, share this:.

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  • ← 2024 SAL Detachment Membership Report – August 29, 2024


Americanism Essay Winners

2021-2022 Winners

Southern DivisionClass IKaylei Reilman Kentucky
Southern DivisionClass IIAnna Grace DeVries Georgia
Southern DivisionClass IIIIvey Sparkman Arkansas
Southern DivisionClass IVDanica Resha Georgia
Southern DivisionClass VHailey Medina Florida
Southern DivisionClass VILayne Browning Kentucky
Eastern DivisionClass ISamiha Rahman Maryland
Eastern DivisionClass IILeigha Kretzer Vermont
Eastern DivisionClass IIICarolyn Hughes Maryland
Eastern DivisionClass IVPreksha Agarwal New Jersey
Eastern DivisionClass VLauren Paxton Pennsylvania
Eastern DivisionClass VIJoshua Pelonia New York
Western DivisionClass IAlyssa Burgess Utah
Western DivisionClass IIBryson Fleurkens Washington
Western DivisionClass IIIDiora Montoya New Mexico
Western DivisionClass IVHannah Barlow Utah
Western DivisionClass VHannah Sulger Arizona
Western DivisionClass VINone
Northwestern DivisionClass ITra Bauder Wyoming
Northwestern DivisionClass IIJace Lamoureux Wyoming
Northwestern DivisionClass IIICarmen Katzenberger Montana
Northwestern DivisionClass IVKarter Miller South Dakota
Northwestern DivisionClass VErin Steen South Dakota
Northwestern DivisionClass VITeena Smith Wyoming
Central DivisionClass IMallory Kelly Indiana
Central DivisionClass IIMatthew Tolle Wisconsin
Central DivisionClass IIICamryn Schwarz Wisconsin
Central DivisionClass IVAddison Vowels Indiana
Central DivisionClass VTrevor Klein Indiana
Central DivisionClass VIFiona E. Wendt Wisconsin


Looking for ALA Member Resources?

ALA templates, operations guides, manuals, program action plans, handbooks, bylaws, toolkits and more are available to ALA Members on our Member Portal. (log-in required)

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Copyright © 2024 American Legion Auxiliary


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  1. Americanism Essay Contest

    The Americanism Essay Contest was created to teach students the value of patriotism and what it means to be Americans. Thousands of students participate in the program each year and help promote a lifelong respect of our flag and country. Students (grades 3 to 12) explore the fundamental rights and freedoms we enjoy today.

  2. ALA Americanism Essay Contest: Stimulating students ...

    The Americanism Essay Contest is sponsored annually by the American Legion Auxiliary and allows students to develop their thoughts and knowledge on what being an American signifies. The process of writing the essay enables students to explore the various facets of Americanism and patriotism. Students examine the rights and freedoms given to ...


    Each year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3-12, including students with special needs. Grade levels are divided into six classes. One award in each of the six classes will be presented in each division. Winners will receive $50 and a $50 donation in the student's name will be ...


    The local level for American Legion Auxiliary includes the school districts, plus private schools), and any Home Schoolers in the mentioned school districts. The Americanism Essay contest is divided into 6 classes covering 10 grade levels. The following information pertains to this years' contest. TITLE: "What America the Beautiful Means to ...


    The American Legion Department of Pennsylvania PO Box 2324 Harrisburg, PA 17105-2324 (717) 730-9100. 23 ESSAY CONTEST RULES & REGULATIONS . WHAT DOES AMERICANISM MEAN TO ME?"Any student enrolled in grades 9 through 12 in a public, private or parochial, cyber school or who is home schooled in Pen.

  6. PDF Americanism Essay Contest 2021

    "The 2021 Essay Contest Subject and Title is: The American Legion - Department of Illinois, American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion are co-sponsors of this AMERICANISM ESSAY CONTEST. It's purpose is to aid the schools of Illinois in the teaching of AMERICANISM and GOOD CITIZENSHIP. THREE CLASSES

  7. PDF The American Legion

    THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION DETACHMENT OF ILLINOIS. is AMERICANISM. inois in the teach-ing of AMERICANISM a. SHIP.THREE CLASSESThe contest is divided into the foll. 11th and 12th gradeAll Illinois School students in the 7th and 8th grades and Junior and Senior High School are invited to particip.


    Each year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3-12, including students with special needs. Grade levels are divided into six classes. One award in each of the six classes will be presented in each division. Winners will receive $50 and a $50 donation in the student's name will be ...

  9. Americanism

    The Americanism work of the Auxiliary includes all activities tending to perpetuate American ideals and to uphold the principles of American democracy. The security of America lies in a citizenry in whose minds and hearts is ingrained a true understanding of and love for those ideals and principles upon which the nation was founded; a citizenry ...

  10. Americanism Essay Contest

    The Auxiliary's annual Americanism Essay Contest encourages participants to learn about the fundamental rights and freedoms we enjoy today. Each year's contest has a different theme. The Americanism Essay Contest was created to teach students the value of patriotism and what it means to be Americans.

  11. Americanism Essay Contest

    March 1, 2024 to: Carol Markel, Americanism Chair Newport Harbor Unit 291. Email: [email protected] Phone: 714-580-6634. A. Titles must be exactly as specified in TITLE above. B. Essay to be handwritten in ink (IN ENGLISH ONLY), on one side of paper. Computer generated essays are also accepted. All essays must be written under supervision.

  12. Americanism

    Contact other youth groups in your community like Scouts 4H FFA and hand out the essay contest rules to their leaders or directly to the students. Encourage students to participate in the oratorical contest. ... This brochure is a comprehensive look at The American Legion Americanism Programs. They include Legion Baseball, shooting sports ...

  13. Encourage youth to participate in Americanism Essay Contest

    The Americanism Essay Contest cover sheet, available at, describes the six different classes, the word count requirement for each class, as well as the current year's theme. Local Auxiliary units sponsor these young students, choosing a winner in each class. Winners will move on to the department level.

  14. Americanism Essay Contest

    Thank you for your interest in the Americanism Essay Contest. The essay must reach the local American Legion Post: Submit electronically in either Word or pdf format to: [email protected] . Or by mail to: American Legion Post 43. Americanism Essay Contest PO Box 4 Naperville, IL 60566 . Neal Kemp Chairman. [email protected]

  15. Americanism Essay Contest

    The contest runs from November 1 to January 31 of the following year. Locally the contest is sponsored by Clopper-Michael American Legion Auxiliary Unit #10 in Boonsboro, Maryland. Students in grades 3-8 are eligible. Group I - Grades 3 & 4 (150-200 words) Group II - Grades 5 & 6 (250-300 words) Group III - Grades 7 & 8 (350-400 words)


    AMERICANISM ESSAY CONTEST 2024 "WHAT DOES FREEDOM MEAN TO ME? FORTINE AND TREGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ESSAY WINNERS AND PARTICIPANTS APRIL 11, 2024. 06 - My Country 'Tis of Thee. 00:00 / 02:52. ... ©2023 by American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 74 Eureka, Mt. Proudly created with

  17. Americanism Essay

    Americanism Essay Contest Award: Every year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Department of Maryland sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3 - 8. The grade levels are divided into three groups: Group I - Grades 3-4; Group II - Grades 5-6: and Group III - Grades 7-8. ...


    AMERICANISM ESSAY CONTEST 2023 Cover Sheet Each year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3-12, including students with special needs. Grade levels are divided into six classes. One award in each of the six classes will be presented in each division.

  19. Americanism Essay Contest provides opportunity for youth ...

    The Americanism Essay Contest is an opportunity for our youth to hone their writing skills. The American Legion Auxiliary national president helps provide the essay title that will reflect the national president's focus for the year. This year, the title is, "How can we support families who provide care to their veterans?".


    booklet is available for purchase from American Legion Flag & Emblem (item # 755.200) for $1.00 each or buy 100 for .80¢ each. I Spy,You Fly - home. I Spy,You Fly - business 2023-2024 Americanism Essay Contest Winner's List. 2022-2023 Americanism Essay Contest Winner's List


    AMERICANISM ESSAY CONTEST 202 Cover Sheet . Each year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3-12, including students with special needs. Grade levels are divided into six classes. One award in each of the six classes will be presented in each division.

  22. 2025 Department Membership Report

    Americanism. Ceremonials Sub-Committee (Guards of Honor) Citizenship; ... 2024-2025 Virginia American Legion Middle School Essay Contest Information; 2024 National Convention Airport Transportation; ... The American Legion Department of Virginia 1708 Commonwealth Avenue Richmond, VA 23230.


    Each year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for students in grade 3-12, including students with special needs. Grade levels are divided into six classes. One award in each of the six classes will be presented in each division. Winners will receive $50 and a $50 donation in the student's name will

  24. Americanism Essay Winners

    americanism essay contest; ala junior members; star spangled kids; veterans in community schools; youth hero/good deed awards; national poppy poster contest; ... samsung american legion scholarship; american legion scholarships; vavs scholarship. james h. parke memorial scholarship; scholarship faq. ala scholarship faqs;

  25. 105th National Convention: Aug. 28 preview

    The Hon, Jeff Landry, Gov, of the State of Louisiana, speaks to the American Legion National Con, The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness.