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missing assignment to tunnel

🔄 Fixing the Undirected Tunnel Error With Stacked Sequence Structure in LabVIEW 🚧

Labview Dev Academy

Labview Dev Academy

📋 Issue Reported

🔧 Software: LabVIEW Base, LabVIEW Full, LabVIEW Professional 🔍 Issue Details: When running code, an Undirected Tunnel Error occurs. The error is attributed to a stacked sequence structure on the block diagram. But how can we resolve this?

To fix the Undirected Tunnel Error, you can follow these steps:

1️⃣ Check Wiring: Verify that all cases in your stacked sequence structure are fully wired. Ensure that no source is connected on both sides of the structure. LabVIEW won’t be able to determine the direction of dataflow if this happens. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more detailed information on this.

2️⃣ Remove Broken Wires: Look for any broken wires in your VI. You can remove them by selecting Edit » Remove Broken Wires or by pressing `Ctrl-B`.

3️⃣ Replace with Flat Sequence: If the error persists, try replacing the stacked sequence structure with a flat sequence structure. Right-click the stacked sequence structure and choose Replace » Replace with Flat Sequence. This should help resolve the issue.

ℹ️ Additional Information

In LabVIEW, tunnels can function as either inputs or outputs from a structure. However, when a source is connected on both sides of the structure or no source is connected, the tunnel can’t determine the dataflow direction, leading to the Undirected Tunnel Error.

Labview Dev Academy

Written by Labview Dev Academy

Labview Dev Academy #Labview #HealthCare Introducing LabView Dev Academy: your gateway to mastering LabVIEW programming. https://linktr.ee/labviewdev

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By Ahmad , August 15, 2009 in LabVIEW General

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i need ur help

i need to biult system that can be measure pressure from sensor i have the transfer funtion

but i try to make it but it does not work

i need to save data in excel file and in same time i need to display the reading of pressure in table by front panel

table conssit of (date\time\value).

also i need to make excle file save data day by day not all of them in same file

thanx for all

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i need to biult system that can be measure pressure from sensor i have the transfer funtion but i try to make it but it does not work i need to save data in excel file and in same time i need to display the reading of pressure in table by front panel table conssit of (date\time\value). also i need to make excle file save data day by day not all of them in same file

It's going to be almost impossible to help you unless you give more details of the hardware that you are working with - how do your sensors connect to your computer ? What so of signal do they return ?

People on LAVAG are generally helpful, but are much more likely to help those that try to do something for themselves first, so I suggest you post what code you've managed to write already, even though it doesn't work.

Or you might find that asking your teacher or instructor is a more profitable route to getting solutions to your assignments.

Ton Plomp

Start with the shipped LabVIEW examples, just open the example pages and search for a few words:

'Excel', 'Table'.

For getting the data if it used NI-DAQ or NI-DAQmx look in the examples as well and start easy, perhaps use the Express VI provided by NI.

If you have a non-NI DAQ board try to get some example programs.

PS your question title is a little to vague, be more precise 'Help me getting data in a table' or 'Help me get data from a transducer type XYZ'

PPS your question title is written in slang, normally I just ignore those since it looks like you are lazy


hi i need ur help i need to biult system that can be measure pressure from sensor i have the transfer funtion but i try to make it but it does not work i need to save data in excel file and in same time i need to display the reading of pressure in table by front panel table conssit of (date\time\value). ..

You can format your date into strings and build an array out of them. Then build a 2D array form multiple array from separate measurements. This 2D-Array can be displayed using the table indicator.

.. also i need to make excle file save data day by day not all of them in same file thanx for all

Simply start a new file every day by adding the date to the file name. If the day changes the file name changes as well (as long the clock in the computer is working correctly (empty buffer battery)). You need to open and close the file for each or a couple of measurements. And the access need to append data. At the moment I don't overlook how this is done with Excel. In case of doubt you need to store the last location where wrote your data (and if your programm is started repeatedly you will need a configuration file to store it). Increment the location with writing the next data.

i am try from one example and one topic in this site

but it does not work can u help me

i have 2 error plz see attachments

1 more qustion plz

i want to make a report i try that but i Fail


1st try .vi


If you double click the lines in the error list (the picture that you posted) LabVIEW will automatically show you the errors on the block diagram.

The reason you have the errors are that when you use a case structure you must specify an output for each case for every tunnel .

At the very least you need to select Use Default if Unwired .

See how you go with the above information.

By the way, you are missing a subVI in your attachment "multiple time delay match.vi"

it is there


Double click on the error (missing assignment...) and LabVIEW will show you where is the problem. Here you didn't wire anything to tunnels on "False" diagram of Case structure. You may either wire something there or let LabVIEW use default values by right-clicking on tunnel and checking "use default if unwired". Generally if you have tunnel marked as empty rectangle, you'll have error there.

jgcode : mind connection?
am try from one example and one topic in this site but it does not work can u help me i have 2 error plz see attachments 1 more qustion plz i want to make a report i try that but i Fail

Ok, your immediate problem (aside from the missing sub-vi) is that you are generating some outputs in the case structure inside the while loop, but only when that case is true. When the case is false the two wires coming out of the case structure don't connect to anything inside the false case. You can see that this is the problem because the 'tunnel' where the wire goes through the case structure boundary is white not solid colour.

However, I suspect that you have a larger lofic problem in your code as the bit where you are trying to save the log file to disc will only execute when the whole measurement loop is finished and then will only write the very last measurement to disc.

Your probably want to move the code that builds the table and and also save the file into the inside of the case structure in the while loop.


Nice one! What are you doing write now? I am trying out these Community Scope class with X-controls, are you ?
I'm also trying! But I'm trying to convience damn print head to produce some droplets for me. I'm giving it such a nice waveform and the only thing I get is bzzzzzzz

Close.. but no cigar

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Commit Failure While Configuring Tunnel Monitor

On the Palo Alto Networks firewall, there were problems configuring the Tunnel Monitor. The firewall is throwing a commit error while applying the change. When committing the configuration, the following error appears:

" IPSec tunnel "tunnel-name" enabled tunnel monitoring while binding to tunnel interface "tunnel-id" which has no IP address assigned to it yet. configuration is invalid. "


  • Palo Alto Firewall.
  • IPSec VPN configured with tunnel monitoring.
  • PAN-OS 7.1 and above.

The Tunnel Interface needs an IP address in order to enable Tunnel Monitoring.

If the IPSec Tunnel is configured as the scenario shows below, notice the tunnel interface does not have an IP address it will give an error. The Tunnel Monitor needs to be enabled so that the IPSec tunnel always remains up. It can also be used for redundant VPN scenario.

The Tunnel Monitor can be configured from the WebGUI, go to Network > IPSEC Tunnels , click Add and give the VPN a name and select Show Advanced Options:

missing assignment to tunnel

The Tunnel Monitor uses PING packets to monitor the VPN tunnel connectivity sourced from the Tunnel Interface IP. So, it is mandatory to configure tunnel IP when configuring tunnel monitor.

Go to Network > Interfaces > Tunnels > (select configured tunnel Interface)> IPv4 , click Add and enter an IP address. A dummy IP address (not used anywhere in the network) can be used to configure the tunnel interface, as shown below:

Tunnel IP

Additional Information

For more options to configure Tunnel Monitor, refer to the following document: Selecting an IP Address to use for PBF or Tunnel Monitoring

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3 or more octets



Accounting-Request, Access-Request, Access-Reject, Access-Challenge, Accounting-Response

Not required


This attribute is designed to specify which pre-configured tunnel a particular connection should use. More specifically, some tunnel protocols allow for multiplexing multiple connections across one specific tunnel, and with this attribute, RADIUS can inform the initiator (the client, in other words) whether the connection will be over an individual tunnel or a multiplexed tunnel.

There are specific behaviors a tunnel initiator should follow when using the Tunnel-Assignment-ID attribute:

If a tunnel exists between the specified end points with the designated assignment ID, then the session should use that tunnel.

If no tunnel exists between the specified end points with the designated assignment ID, then a new tunnel should be created and referred to as the label indicated in the Tunnel-Assignment-ID value.

If the Tunnel-Assignment-ID attribute is not present, then the session should be assigned to an unnamed tunnel. If this tunnel doesn’t exist, it should be created and used for all sessions that don’t have the Tunnel-Assignment-ID attribute.

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missing assignment to tunnel

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Missing assignment to tunnel - LabVIEW - NI Discussion Forums


‎05-02-2005 05:16 AM

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Re: Missing assignment to tunnel - LabVIEW - NI Discussion Forums

‎05-02-2005 05:54 AM - edited ‎05-02-2005 05:54 AM


‎05-02-2005 02:55 PM

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No Errors Listed When Clicking the Broken Run Arrow in LabVIEW

Reported in, issue details.

  • My VI has a broken run arrow, but there are no errors in my error list in LabVIEW. Why is it broken if there are no errors?
  • The mass compile tool gets a broken arrow after mass compiling my project, and now I can't fix it.
  • Look for an undefined tunnel on a loop structure. This is represented as a black tunnel on the border of a While or For Loop. Delete the terminal to remove the broken arrow.
  • Force a recompile of the VI (Press Ctrl+Shift and left-click the Run arrow from LabVIEW). This often solves the problem.
  • This can also occur when you have multiple versions of a VI on your system. For example, if your top-level VI is saved in LabVIEW 2013 and one of the subVIs it calls is saved in LabVIEW 2018, you might see this behavior. To solve this problem, mass compile the directory containing your VIs, as described in the Detailed Help. You should receive an error during the mass compile that points to the subVI that is of an incompatible version. You then need to save this VI as the correct version, and relink it to your top-level VI by opening it. 
  • Internal errors can also cause this behavior. If mass compiling the relevant VIs does not correct the broken Run Arrow, please contact NI Technical Support. 
  • The mass compile tool could also get a broken arrow after mass compiling your project (as shown in the image below) if you have subVIs, dlls, controls or other files that were created in a previous LabVIEW version (for example 2013). If those files were taken from the LabVIEW folders instr.lib or vib.lib of the previous version of LabVIEW, this can potentially cause the broken arrow when mass compiling. To solve this, identify those subVIs or files and delete them from your project, and add the corresponding files from the current LabVIEW version you have installed (for example 2018). 

missing assignment to tunnel

Related Links

  • Mass Compile Dialog Box
  • Forcing a VI to Recompile

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    Solution. This can be solved in different ways, depending on the cause: Look for an undefined tunnel on a loop structure. This is represented as a black tunnel on the border of a While or For Loop. Delete the terminal to remove the broken arrow. Force a recompile of the VI (Press Ctrl+Shift and left-click the Run arrow from LabVIEW).