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What is the importance of mathematics in our daily lives?

Mathematics is a powerful tool for global understanding and communication that organizes our lives and prevents chaos. Mathematics helps us understand the world and provides an effective way of building mental discipline.

Math encourages logical reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, abstract or spatial thinking, problem-solving ability, and even effective communication skills. Let's understand the importance of mathematics in our daily life.

Importance of mathematics

The Importance of Mathematics in Our Daily Lives

Mathematics : introduction.

  • Mathematics helps to develop the ability to think.
  • It helps explain how things work.
  • It helps to develop wisdom.
  • It increases the speed of intuition.
  • It helps to make the child smarter.
  • Money can be collected in mathematics when used as a profession.
  • It is important in a constantly evolving world.
  • It provides the child with an opportunity to get to the world.

Mathematics in Our Everyday Life

Although the importance of Mathematics can never be denied, a general fear of dealing with math exists in students across the world.

Having said that, most people, nowadays grapple with the calculations, as they find them too tough to handle. 

To ease their life, there exists a comprehensive platform like Khanacademy and mathisfun. Moving from specific to general, it has a host of calculators dealing with physics, chemistry, general arithmetic’s, and many more.

 So, students of various disciplines can use this website to solve their math’s-related problems without any hassle.

The Most Important Uses of Mathematics 

Practical uses of mathematics in everyday life, the importance of mathematics to individuals, the importance of mathematics to society, contact form.

Weekly dose of self-improvement

12 reasons why math is important (and how to get better)

If one of these reasons to learn math motivates you to be a better student or makes your job as a teacher easier, then this list has done its job,

Ed Latimore

Why is mathematics seen as such an important tool and hold unique place among other subjects? Or put differently, why do we look at math with a sense of awe?

When I was younger, I wanted to be good at math.

I was friends with many smart kids, and it seemed like I was the only one of my friends who couldn’t understand and apply basic mathematical concepts. I’ve written about my struggles with math in high school and how I improved my understanding of math to the point of getting a Bachelor’s degree in physics with a minor in math.

Part of what helped me grasp math concepts was becoming a tutor for mathematics and physics. Nothing improves your understanding of a subject like helping others to understand it as well. However, I often ran into the same problem.

Many of them were doing terrible because they couldn’t see the point of learning mathematics. I could help them with their math homework, but it would be up to them to take a real interest in their math education if they wanted to do well on tests.

[You can read the steps I took to get better at math right here ]

Why is math important for everyday life?

This is the question that I think most teachers wrestle with.

They can see the abstract applications and the technical innovations, but that’s because teachers have the benefit of mastery. The real challenge is getting high school students to see how learning to solve math problems will have any effect on their daily life.

While my job was to improve their math and physics grades, regardless of how they felt about the subject, I found that my task was a lot easier when they were motivated. Motivation comes from a belief in the cause that your actions are supporting.

Therefore, I took every opportunity I could to explain why it was important that they learned math and how it related to the real world. While none of my former students have gone on to become mathematicians, they all understand the importance of math and (I believe) have a deep respect for the power of numbers.

The following is a collection of reasons I’ve given students on why it’s important to learn math. If only one of these reasons motivates you to be a better student or makes your job as a teacher easier, then curating this list will have been well worth it.

  • Improves ability to communicate

Mathematics teaches you to be very precise with your words and definitions.

People don’t think about the connection between their verbal acumen and mathematical reasoning, but math is a language. Like any other language, there are rules for communication. The difference between math and most other languages is that math has no ambiguity.

With math, you don’t get to use body language or tone of voice to clarify the message. A mathematical message is objective, precise, and has no ambiguity. Nowhere is this more clear than in computer programming.

Programming languages are nothing more than the instructions for computers, written in math because that’s what a computer understands. You may write the program with words, but the compiler sees the words and because each word is tied to a specific operation, it can tell the computer what to do in a binary math language.

This is why it can be so frustrating to spend hours writing code for a program or website that won’t work, only to find that it was so seemingly minuscule as a missed colon, extra space, or wrong case that kept everything from working.

  • Teaches the value of the process

Math is objective and you have to prove why it works.

In fact, math is unique in that you need to not only have the correct outcome but also demonstrate the soundness of the process that you used to arrive at that outcome.

Even in lower-level math classes that most are familiar with, this is the idea of “showing your work.” Any math teacher worth a damn will not let a student get away with just coming up with the right answer but arriving at it via a terrible process. You typically receive more credit if you have a sound process but get the wrong answer than vice-versa.

This feature of mathematics is used to verify (or debunk) many experiments in the social sciences because it’s been shown that the processes they used, when repeated, don’t produce the same outcome. This is a reformulation of the same question that the scientific method puts to the test: does the process produce the same outcome every time?

If it can’t do that, then the conclusion is, at best, considered pseudoscientific and, at worst, classified as fraudulent.

  • Keeps you from being fooled

The stronger your grasp of mathematics, the harder it is for people to take advantage of you.

When you sit in on someone’s pyramid scheme pitch, you’ll be able to instantly tell that the numbers simply don’t work. While everyone else is excited about going from nothing to 18 months by recruiting five people who recruit five people who recruit five more people, you will immediately recognize that this only works if each person spends $1000 on something that they can get for $50 elsewhere.

While everyone is being manipulated by the media’s latest rising figure of murder and disease, you’ll be able to immediately recognize that they used the metric that sounds the most terrifying to fit their agenda.

Learn the method I used to earn a physics degree, learn Spanish, and win a national boxing title

  • I was a terrible math student in high school who wrote off mathematics. I eventually overcame my difficulties and went on to earn a B.A. Physics with a minor in math
  • I pieced together the best works on the internet to teach myself Spanish as an adult
  • *I didn’t start boxing until the very old age of 22, yet I went on to win a national championship, get a high-paying amateur sponsorship, and get signed by Roc Nation Sports as a profession.

I’ve used this method to progress in mentally and physically demanding domains.

While the specifics may differ, I believe that the general methods for learning are the same in all domains.

This free e-book breaks down the most important techniques I’ve used for learning.

why is math important essay brainly

  • Math makes you more money

If you’re wondering what to major in to get the greatest return on your college tuition, here’s a simple test: does the major require you to study at least one calculus level? If it doesn’t, you’re probably wasting your money in college studying it.

A look at the list of the 50 highest paying majors by starting salary , Nursing is the only major that doesn’t require Calculus that starts above $50,000/yr. But suppose you’re considering studying nursing to earn a better salary without facing the rigors of mathematics. In that case, you’ll still have to take statistics which is just as challenging and academically rigorous.

  • Improves your quality of life

We live in a world that is run on technology and information.

It’s been said that in the 21st century, “data is the new oil.” It stands to reason that the best jobs—the ones willing to do the most to retain employees and pay higher salaries—are in career fields involving technology and data.

Technology development and data analysis are fields of hands-on applied mathematics.

Business Insider’s list of 14 High Paying Jobs with Work-Life Balance includes ten professions where math is directly used, or mathematical reasoning is used in programming. The future will be dominated by math and technology. This makes math an important subject for anyone who wants to make a lot of money but doesn’t have an interest in working for themselves or starting a business.

  • Math sharpens your analytical thinking

Math is based on logic.

The word “math” is derived from the Greek word “máthēma” meaning “knowledge, study, learning.”

Math forces you to think deeply about what you see and develop adequate language to explain it. You have to make sure that your reasoning is sharp enough to not only articulate what you know but to frame it so that a person could follow what you’re saying and repeat what you’ve done. That’s the type of clarity that is demanded in mathematics.

This is the basic idea behind a theorem. They’re based on proofs, which try to prove some conclusion by walking through a set of premises and logical reasoning. Though you will likely never get into mathematical proofing, the idea is still relevant for arguing your ideas and analyzing the arguments of others.

  • Makes your thinking more rigorous

A mentor once told me that a definition of science is a set of predictions that are testable, repeatable, and mathematically verifiable.

This means that if I make a prediction or a declaration, I should be able to construct a mathematical rule that tells me how often and under what conditions the outcome it predicts will occur.

When we sidestep this level of rigor, academically or casually, it’s easier for us to fall prey to biases. This decreases the possibility of us achieving our goals or understanding one another.

A solid understanding of mathematics will intuitively lead to the idea that you need to have clear definitions and hypotheses for things you want to understand and explain.

[If you’re wondering why math is so hard for you, read this list of math difficulties you may be having and the solutions for them .]

  • Develops problem-solving skills

Most of us will never need to use the Pythagorean theorem or solve a quadratic equation in real life. However, the approach you take when you learn these skills transfers over into other problem-solving endeavors.

This is not to say that you’ll be a terrible problem solver if you can’t do high school algebra. It only means that the meticulous approach to doing mathematics translates into many other skills.

[Further develop your problem-solving ability by following a sound problem-solving process that I teach here .]

  • Basic math skills are required to survive in this world
Whole education system out here failing. — Ed Latimore (@EdLatimore) December 5, 2021

No matter how powerful or portable calculation devices become, we still need to understand math to avoid issues like the one above.

You need to understand how to give the correct change, not because you might be working as a cashier one day, but because you will buy things and you need to know if they’re giving you the right amount back.

You need to understand how to follow a recipe. There’s a big difference between ⅓ and ⅔ when it comes to measuring out food. In fact, in 1980, A&W introduced a rival to McDonald’s quarter-pounder (¼ lb) that was a ⅓ pound of meat at a better price, but it failed because people thought ¼ was bigger than ⅓, and they were being overcharged.

Read more about what happens when a population lacks mathematical knowledge here.

In his book  Threshold Resistance , Adolph Taubman looked back on this whole situation. He states: “More than half the participants of the Yankelovich focus groups questioned the price of our burger. “Why,” they asked, “should we pay the same amount for a third-pound of meat as we do for a quarter-pound of meat at McDonald’s? You’re overcharging us.”

  • The future is mathematical

As the world becomes more digital, skills like web design, engineering, and programming will continue to rise in value. The ability to analyze data and write algorithms that allow internet marketers and eCommerce stores to make money already command higher salaries than most professions.

Speaking of medicine and science, all advances in communication and technology are based on quantitative reasoning and mathematical understanding. We are now solving complex problems; to do so, we need math.

Mathematical reasoning is heavily relied upon even for simple work like the skilled trades. The digital/scientific nature of the world relies on math as well. This leaves few options for a well-paying, satisfactory profession moving into the future.

[My favorite application of math has been getting my degree in physics. If you’re interested in the math needed to learn physics, this post will tell you everything you need to know .]

  • Learning math makes you better at everything else

Studies have shown that students who are better at math have more grey matter in their brains ( source ).

The grey matter throughout the central nervous system allows enables individuals to control movement, memory, and emotions. Different areas of the brain are responsible for various functions, and grey matter plays a significant role in all aspects of human life.

If you have better control of your body, mind, and emotions, you have better control over your world, and you’ll be better able to do everything better.

  • Math helps you to navigate uncertainty

Even a basic understanding of odds and probability can help you do better at (or avoid entirely) games of chance and gambling.

It also opens up the world of sports betting and allows you to better assess the safety of an activity. Understanding odds, ratios, and percentages open up a possible income stream in sports betting or financial trading and give you a more accurate understanding of how the world works.

[I have an entire article about understanding sports betting. You don’t need much math. A little goes a long way. Read it here—> How to understand sports betting ]

You begin to understand that the world is more probabilistic than deterministic, and your thinking becomes more nuanced. This makes your predictions more accurate and your decisions more precise.

Use Math Calculators

As technology has revolutionized different industries, it has improved educational standards as well. Students now have online ways to learn and practice math problems.

Calculators provides a ton of online calculators that can help you learn math and practice online.

A recap of the 12 reasons why math is important

Ed Latimore

Ed Latimore

I’m a writer, competitive chess player, Army veteran, physicist, and former professional heavyweight boxer. My work focuses on self-development, realizing your potential, and sobriety—speaking from personal experience, having overcome both poverty and addiction.

Follow me on Twitter.

4 Reasons not to major in physics

4 Reasons not to major in physics

I love my physics degree and how it modified my thinking. With that said, here’s why you shouldn’t major in physics from someone who’s done it.

Why is calculus hard?

Why is calculus hard?

I failed calculus three times. On the 4th try, it clicked. I now have a BA in physics and a minor in math. Here’s how I finally learned calculus.

How to learn calculus (even if you’re bad at math)

How to learn calculus (even if you’re bad at math)

Why Is Math Important? 9 Reasons Why Math Skills Improve Quality of Life

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Written by Ashley Crowe

  • Parent Resources

Why is math so important in life?

  • 9 Benefits of a great math education

Why students struggle to master certain math concepts

  • Set your child’s math skills up for life with Prodigy Math

Math isn't just an important subject in school — it’s essential for many of your daily tasks. You likely use it every day to perform real-life skills, like grocery shopping, cooking and tracking your finances. 

What makes math special is that it’s a universal language — a powerful tool with the same meaning across the globe. Though languages divide our world, numbers unite us. Math allows us to work together towards new innovations and ideas. 

In this post, learn why math is important for kids and adults. Plus, find out why learning even the most basic math can significantly improve your family’s quality of life.

You simply can’t make it through a day without using some sort of basic math. Here’s why.

A person needs an understanding of math, measurements and fractions to cook and bake. Many people may also use math to count calories or nutrients as part of their diet or exercise routine. 

You also need math to calculate when you should leave your house to arrive on time, or how much paint you need to redo your bedroom walls. 

And then the big one, money. Financial literacy is an incredibly important skill for adults to master. It can help you budget, save and even help you make big decisions like changing careers or buying a home. 

Mathematical knowledge may even be connected to many other not-so-obvious benefits. A strong foundation in math can translate into increased understanding and regulation of your emotions, improved memory and better problem-solving skills.

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The importance of math: 9 benefits of a great math education

Math offers more opportunities beyond grade school, middle school and high school. Its applications to real-life scenarios are vast. 

Though many students sit in math class wondering when they’ll ever use these things they’re learning, we know there are many times their math skills will be needed in adulthood. 

The importance of mathematics to your child’s success can’t be overstated. Basic math is a necessity, but even abstract math can help hone critical thinking skills — even if your child chooses not to pursue a STEM-style career. Math can help them succeed professionally, emotionally and cognitively. Here’s why.

1. Math promotes healthy brain function

“Use it or lose it.” We hear this said about many skills, and math is no exception. 

Solving math problems and improving our math skills gives our brain a good workout. And it improves our cognitive skills over time. Many studies have shown that routinely practicing math keeps our brain healthy and functioning well.

2. Math improves problem-solving skills

At first, classic math problems like Johnny bringing home 42 watermelons and returning 13 of them can just seem a silly exercise. But all those math word problems our children solve really do improve their problem solving skills. Word problems teach kids how to pull out the important information and then manipulate it to find a solution.

Later on, complex life problems take the place of workbooks, but problem-solving still happens the same way. When students understand algorithms and problems more deeply, they can decode the facts and more easily solve the issue. Real-life solutions are found with math and logic.

3. Math supports logical reasoning and analytical thinking

A strong understanding of math concepts means more than just number sense. It helps us see the pathways to a solution. Equations and word problems need to be examined before determining the best method for solving them. And in many cases, there’s more than one way to get to the right answer. 

It’s no surprise that logical reasoning and analytical thinking improve alongside math skills. Logic skills are necessary at all levels of mathematical education.

4. Math develops flexible thinking and creativity

Practicing math has been shown to improve investigative skills, resourcefulness and creativity.

This is because math problems often require us to bend our thinking and approach problems in more than one way. The first process we try might not work. We need flexibility and creativity to think of new pathways to the solution. And just like anything else, this way of thinking is strengthened with practice.

5. Math opens up many different career paths

There are many careers that use a large number of math concepts. These include architects, accountants, and scientists. 

But many other professionals use math skills every day to complete their jobs. CEOs use math to analyze financials. Mailmen use it to calculate how long it will take them to walk their new route. Graphic designers use math to figure out the appropriate scale and proportions in their designs. 

No matter what career path your child chooses, math skills will be beneficial.

Math skills might become even more important for today's kids!

Math can certainly open up a lot of opportunities for many of us. But did you know that careers which heavily use math are going to be among the fastest-growing jobs by the time kids today start their careers? These jobs include:

  • Statisticians
  • Data scientists
  • Software developers
  • Cybersecurity analysts

It's not just STEM jobs that will require math either. Other popular, high-growth careers like nursing and teaching now ask for a minimum knowledge of college-level math.

6. Math may boost emotional health

While this research is still in its early days, what we have seen is promising. 

The parts of the brain used to solve math problems seem to work together with the parts of the brain that regulate emotions. This suggests that math practice can actually help us cope with difficult situations. In these studies, the better someone was with numerical calculations, the better they were at regulating fear and anger. Strong math skills may even be able to help treat anxiety and depression.

7. Math improves financial literacy

Though kids may not be managing their finances now, there's going to be plenty of times where math skills are going to make a massive difference in their life as an adult.

Budgeting and saving is a big one. Where can they cut back on their spending? How will budgeting help them reach their financial goals? Can they afford this new purchase now? 

As they age into adulthood, It will benefit your child to understand how loans and interest work before purchasing a house or car. They should fully grasp profits and losses before investing in the stock market. And they will likely need to evaluate job salaries and benefits before choosing their first job.

Child putting money in piggy bank with mom.

8. Math sharpens your memory

Learning mental math starts in elementary school. Students learn addition tables, then subtraction, multiplication and division tables. As they master those skills, they’ll begin to memorize more tips and tricks, like adding a zero to the end when multiplying by 10. Students will memorize algorithms and processes throughout their education. 

Using your memory often keeps it sharp. As your child grows and continues to use math skills in adulthood, their memory will remain in tip top shape.

9. Math teaches perseverance

“I can do it!’ 

These are words heard often from our toddlers. This phrase is a marker of growth, and a point of pride. But as your child moves into elementary school, you may not hear these words as often or with as much confidence as before. 

Learning math is great for teaching perseverance. With the right math instruction, your child can see their progress and once again feel that “I can do it” attitude. The rush of excitement a child experiences when they master a new concept sticks in their memory. And they can reflect back on it when they’re struggling with a new, harder skill. 

Even when things get tough, they’ll know they can keep trying and eventually overcome it — because they’ve done it before.

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Tip: Set goals to inspire and motivate your child to learn math

If your child has a  Prodigy Math Membership , you can use your parent account to set learning goals for them to achieve as they play our online math game.

The best bit? Every time they complete a goal, they'll also get a special in-game reward!

Many students experience roadblocks and hurdles throughout their math education. You might recognize some of these math struggles below in your child. But don’t worry! Any struggle is manageable with the right support and help. Together, you and your child can tackle anything. 

Here are some of the most common math struggles. 

  • Increasing complexity

Sometimes the pace of class moves a bit faster than your child can keep up with. Or the concepts are just too abstract and difficult for them to wrap their mind around in one lesson. Some math ideas simply take more time to learn. 

  • Wrong teaching style

A good teaching style with plenty of practice is essential to a high-quality math education. If the teacher’s style doesn’t mesh well with how your child learns, math class can be challenging. 

  • Fear of failure  

Even as adults, we can feel scared to fail. It’s no surprise that our children experience this same same fear, especially with the many other pressures school can bring. 

  • Lack of practice  

Sometimes, all your child needs is a little more practice. But this can be easier said than done. You can help by providing them with plenty of support and encouragement to help them get that practice time in.

  • Math anxiety

Algorithms and complex problems can strike anxiety in the heart of any child (and many adults). Math anxiety is a common phenomenon. But with the right coping strategies it can be managed. 

Set your child’s math skills up for success with Prodigy Math

Now we've discovered just how important math is in both our everyday and life decisions, let's set the next generation up for success with the right tools that'll help them learn math.

Prodigy Math is a game-based, online learning platform that makes learning math fun for kids. As kids play and explore a safe, virtual world filled with fun characters and pets to collect, they'll answer math questions. These questions are curriculum-aligned and powered by an adaptive algorithm that can help them master math skills more quickly.

Plus, with a free parent account , you'll also get to be a big part of their math education without needing to be a math genius. You'll get to:

  • Easily keep up with their math learning with a monthly Report Card
  • See how they're doing in math class when their teacher uses Prodigy Math
  • Send them motivational messages to encourage their perseverance in math

Want to play an even bigger role in helping your child master math? Try our optional Math Memberships for extra in-game content for your child to enjoy and get amazing parent tools like the ability to set in-game goals and rewards for them to achieve.

See why Prodigy can make math fun below!

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Essay on Importance of Mathematics in our Daily Life in 100, 200, and 350 words.

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  • Updated on  
  • Dec 22, 2023

Essay on Importance of Mathematics in our Daily Life

Mathematics is one of the core aspects of education. Without mathematics, several subjects would cease to exist. It’s applied in the science fields of physics, chemistry, and even biology as well. In commerce accountancy, business statistics and analytics all revolve around mathematics. But what we fail to see is that not only in the field of education but our lives also revolve around it. There is a major role that mathematics plays in our lives. Regardless of where we are, or what we are doing, mathematics is forever persistent. Let’s see how maths is there in our lives via our blog essay on importance of mathematics in our daily life. 

why is math important essay brainly

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Importance of Mathematics in our Daily life in 100 words 
  • 2 Essay on Importance of Mathematics in our Daily life in 200 words
  • 3 Essay on Importance of Mathematics in our Daily Life in 350 words

Essay on Importance of Mathematics in our Daily life in 100 words 

Mathematics is a powerful aspect even in our day-to-day life. If you are a cook, the measurements of spices have mathematics in them. If you are a doctor, the composition of medicines that make you provide prescription is made by mathematics. Even if you are going out for just some groceries, the scale that is used for weighing them has maths, and the quantity like ‘dozen apples’ has maths in it. No matter the task, one way or another it revolves around mathematics. Everywhere we go, whatever we do, has maths in it. We just don’t realize that. Maybe from now on, we will, as mathematics is an important aspect of our daily life.

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Essay on Importance of Mathematics in our Daily life in 200 words

Mathematics, as a subject, is one of the most important subjects in our lives. Irrespective of the field, mathematics is essential in it. Be it physics, chemistry, accounts, etc. mathematics is there. The use of mathematics proceeds in our daily life to a major extent. It will be correct to say that it has become a vital part of us. Imagining our lives without it would be like a boat without a sail. It will be a shock to know that we constantly use mathematics even without realising the same. 

From making instalments to dialling basic phone numbers it all revolves around mathematics. 

Let’s take an example from our daily life. In the scenario of going out shopping, we take an estimate of hours. Even while buying just simple groceries, we take into account the weight of vegetables for scaling, weighing them on the scale and then counting the cash to give to the cashier. We don’t even realise it and we are already counting numbers and doing calculations. 

Without mathematics and numbers, none of this would be possible.

Hence we can say that mathematics helps us make better choices, more calculated ones throughout our day and hence make our lives simpler. 

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Essay on Importance of Mathematics in our Daily Life in 350 words

Mathematics is what we call a backbone, a backbone of science. Without it, human life would be extremely difficult to imagine. We cannot live even a single day without making use of mathematics in our daily lives. Without mathematics, human progress would come to a halt. 

Maths helps us with our finances. It helps us calculate our daily, monthly as well as yearly expenses. It teaches us how to divide and prioritise our expenses. Its knowledge is essential for investing money too. We can only invest money in property, bank schemes, the stock market, mutual funds, etc. only when we calculate the figures. Let’s take an example from the basic routine of a day. Let’s assume we have to make tea for ourselves. Without mathematics, we wouldn’t be able to calculate how many teaspoons of sugar we need, how many cups of milk and water we have to put in, etc. and if these mentioned calculations aren’t made, how would one be able to prepare tea? 

In such a way, mathematics is used to decide the portions of food, ingredients, etc. Mathematics teaches us logical reasoning and helps us develop problem-solving skills. It also improves our analytical thinking and reasoning ability. To stay in shape, mathematics helps by calculating the number of calories and keeping the account of the same. It helps us in deciding the portion of our meals. It will be impossible to think of sports without mathematics. For instance, in cricket, run economy, run rate, strike rate, overs bowled, overs left, number of wickets, bowling average, etc. are calculated. It also helps in predicting the result of the match. When we are on the road and driving, mathetics help us keep account of our speeds, the distance we have travelled, the amount of fuel left, when should we refuel our vehicles, etc. 

We can go on and on about how mathematics is involved in our daily lives. In conclusion, we can say that the universe revolves around mathematics. It encompasses everything and without it, we cannot imagine our lives. 

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Ans: Mathematics is a powerful aspect even in our day-to-day life. If you are a cook, the measurements of spices have mathematics in them. If you are a doctor, the composition of medicines that make you provide prescription is made by mathematics. Even if you are going out for just some groceries, the scale that is used for weighing them has maths, and the quantity like ‘dozen apples’ has maths in it. No matter the task, one way or another it revolves around mathematics. Everywhere we go, whatever we do, has maths in it. We just don’t realize that. Maybe from now on, we will, as mathematics is an important aspect of our daily life.

Ans: Mathematics, as a subject, is one of the most important subjects in our lives. Irrespective of the field, mathematics is essential in it. Be it physics, chemistry, accounts, etc. mathematics is there. The use of mathematics proceeds in our daily life to a major extent. It will be correct to say that it has become a vital part of us. Imagining our lives without it would be like a boat without a sail. It will be a shock to know that we constantly use mathematics even without realising the same.  From making instalments to dialling basic phone numbers it all revolves around mathematics. Let’s take an example from our daily life. In the scenario of going out shopping, we take an estimate of hours. Even while buying just simple groceries, we take into account the weight of vegetables for scaling, weighing them on the scale and then counting the cash to give to the cashier. We don’t even realise it and we are already counting numbers and doing calculations. Without mathematics and numbers, none of this would be possible. Hence we can say that mathematics helps us make better choices, more calculated ones throughout our day and hence make our lives simpler.  

Ans: Archimedes is considered the father of mathematics.

Related Reads:

Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu.

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Published: Mar 14, 2019

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Works Cited

  • Benacerraf, P. (1991). Mathematics as an object of knowledge. In P. Benacerraf & H. Putnam (Eds.), Philosophy of mathematics: Selected readings (pp. 1-13). Cambridge University Press.
  • EdReady. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from
  • Puttaswamy, T. K. (2012). Engineering mathematics. Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
  • Steen, L. A. (Ed.). (2001). Mathematics today: Twelve informal essays. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Suter, B. W. (2012). Mathematics education: A critical introduction. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Tucker, A. W. (2006). Applied combinatorics. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Vakil, R. (2017). A mathematical mosaic: Patterns & problem solving. Princeton University Press.
  • Wolfram MathWorld. (n.d.). MathWorld--The web's most extensive mathematics resource. Retrieved from
  • Wu, H. H. (2011). The mis-education of mathematics teachers. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 77(1), 1-20.
  • Ziegler, G. M., & Aigner, M. (2012). Proofs from THE BOOK. Springer Science & Business Media.

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Why is Math Important: Benefits of Learning Math at School

Created on Aug 25, 2023

Updated on April 29, 2024

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Why is math important is a question worth exploring. Mathematics, a subject beyond mere numbers and formulas, constitutes the core of our existence. Its influence extends far beyond the confines of textbooks, penetrating the very essence of modern life. The topic — why is math the most important subject — also carries weight within the realm of education, which is why kids may be asked to write a why is math important essay in class. 

As we embrace math in education, we enable ourselves to unravel the mysteries of our reality. Through this article, you will discover answers to the question, why is math so important, and understand the many benefits of immersing ourselves in mathematics.

Why Is Math Important for Kids to Learn?

Math plays a significant role in everyone’s educational journey, bringing many benefits beyond just numbers. From the basics like counting and recognizing shapes to more complicated aspects like algebra, geometry, and calculus, studying math grounds students intellectually. At its heart, math teaches discipline and accuracy.

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As people study math, they learn to take logical steps, follow the rules, and pay attention to the details. These skills make their studies easier and help them in other areas of life, teaching them how to approach problems systematically. Math also hones critical thinking and analysis.

It’s essential to know the answer to the question — why is math important for kids. When faced with math problems, we learn to spot patterns, make connections, and develop hypotheses. This natural problem-solving pathway helps us understand how things work and resolve complex issues. Besides, math literacy is a must-have in a world full of data and tech. Knowing the ins and outs of math gives kids the ability to interpret numbers and make well-thought-out decisions in terms of finance, health, and science. 

Also, math takes students and even teachers to the apex of creativity! When both parties explore numbers, shapes, and equations, they use their imaginations and develop new ways to solve problems and develop ideas. Finally, math encourages collaboration. Group activities and conversations about math help them communicate better, learn together, and make friends. 

Having understood the overview of math’s relevance in people’s lives, let’s delve deeper into why is math important in everyday life for kids.

Math Hones Complex Problem-Solving Skills

Knowing the answer to the ‘why is math important in life’ question enables kids to break down complex problems into smaller components, identify pertinent variables, and use appropriate formulas or methods to arrive at practical solutions. Math equips kids with a structured approach to problem-solving, empowering them to overcome obstacles and adapt to a dynamic world.

The capacity to methodically resolve issues enables them to approach various challenges with unwavering confidence and creativity, whether resolving complex technical troubleshooting issues, streamlining workflows, or interpersonal conflicts. 

It Promotes Critical Thinking

Knowing 5 reasons why math is important reveals math’s role in fostering critical thinking. The journey of solving mathematical problems is crucible for developing critical thinking. As kids immerse themselves in scrutinizing data, solving maze-like word problems, and developing logical strategies, they develop a robust skill — evaluating information from diverse perspectives. 

This ability to see recurring patterns and coherent conclusions is essential to making informed decisions. In debate and dialogue, kids with sharp critical thinking demonstrate the ability to obtain reliable sources, deconstruct complex arguments, and participate meaningfully in discussions. When faced with unexpected circumstances or a whirlwind of rapidly changing scenarios, this honed analytical skill allows them to objectively weigh new information, seamlessly adjust strategies, and deftly navigate the tides of change.

Math Improves Kids Financial Knowledge

Why math is the most important subject is validated within academics, but we can look beyond that. Math knowledge is a vital component of financial literacy, as it provides kids with the understanding and tools to make informed decisions that shape their financial well-being. Mathematics is central in helping individuals develop the essential skills to decipher complex financial concepts.

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From understanding the dynamics of interest rates and the complex effects of investing to evaluating risk and return profiles, mathematics provides the basis for building a solid financial foundation. Using these mathematical insights, kids can create an adequate budget that meets their goals and desires. But financial literacy goes beyond self-interest; it enables them to contribute positively to their communities. 

By making intelligent philanthropic decisions or supporting local businesses, financially savvy kids become agents of change that drive economic growth and community development. Financial literacy provides clarity about a student’s perspective on broader financial issues. 

Using mathematical reasoning, they can engage in informed discussions about public policy, evaluate economic proposals, and make informed choices with far-reaching societies. The combination of mathematics and financial literacy, allowing them to secure their financial future and actively participate in creating a more financially stable and fair society, makes us more confident in answering the question, why is math important?

It Helps Kids Develop Technical Skills

In a digital age where technology permeates every aspect of modern life, the question of ‘why is discrete math important’ is quickly answered. Look at cybersecurity, for example. In 2023, it is among the most sought-after technical skills as companies try to protect their networks and data from breaches and uphold customers’ privacy.

A good understanding of mathematics opens up the ability to understand, analyze and innovate in a complex digital environment. Knowledge of mathematics allows kids to contribute to the development of technology actively. 

As technology evolves and shapes the future, mathematicians are uniquely positioned to drive progress. Using mathematical principles, they confidently explore the digital world, contributing to developing new solutions, advanced applications, and transformative breakthroughs that move society into uncharted territories of technological innovation.

Math Opens The Door to More Career Opportunities

Kids know why math is important and impacts job opportunities because of how many more career paths it offers them.

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Beyond the bounds of traditional math-oriented roles like engineering and finance, the need for math skills has permeated many industries. Meanwhile, dynamic marketing has used statistical analysis to discover consumer behavior, improve customer segmentation, and drive strategic campaigns. 

As artificial intelligence and automation redefine industries, kids with a solid foundation in mathematics have the adaptability and innovation to thrive in new areas of employment in the future. From harnessing the power of big data to building data-driven narratives, these math-savvy professionals are at the forefront of shaping the future of work.

Learning Math Improves Analytical Skills

Mathematical analysis is crucial for developing analytical thinking, an invaluable skill in our complex, information-saturated world. So why is it important to learn math to improve analytical skills? In an age where navigating massive data sets and deciphering multifaceted challenges is the norm, the ability to discern complex situations and evaluate evidence becomes valuable. 

In a world where career paths and problem-solving paradigms are evolving at an unprecedented rate, the enrichment provided by mathematical and analytical ability is a cornerstone of success. Whether driving an industry into the future or developing innovative solutions to global problems, kids with these skills are built to make a lasting and transformative impact.

Progressive Scientific Discovery

The question — why is math and science important — is a run-off of the belief that math is often the language of science. Math is an indispensable tool for pushing the boundaries of scientific research and inquiry. It is the hidden force behind the breakthrough discoveries that allow scientists to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and empirical observations.

Clinical trial design and medical analysis are governed by mathematical principles, which aid researchers in evaluating the efficacy of interventions and treatments. Statistical methods rooted in mathematics can provide insight into the effects of new drugs, the spread of diseases, and the impact of public health initiatives. This quantitative approach that improves medical knowledge and saves lives by guiding evidence-based medical practice shows why learning math is important.

It Helps Kids Develop Mental Stamina and Endurance

Facing complex math problems develops mathematical and endurance skills. It promotes mental strength and a will to overcome difficulties. When kids become aware of this, before you point out 5 reasons why math is not important they can already give you countless reasons why math is important. That is because they have gone through the rigors of solving math and now understand that mastery requires dedication, persistence, and a willingness to face failure. 

They develop an inherent resilience beyond mathematics as they solve complex problems and grapple with confusing concepts. This little thing becomes the foundation of personal and professional success. Those who successfully navigate the difficulties of mathematics are better prepared to face the complexity of the modern world. 

As we ponder why math is important in life, we should know that math provides a compass for navigating complexity in a world of information and rapid developments. This article could have still gone ahead to give an extra 10 reasons why math is important as its importance is countless. But you get the point already!

Mastering mathematics nurtures critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and analytical reasoning — qualities necessary in a world filled with complex challenges and diverse opportunities. These all make us understand why math is important in our daily lives.

But why is learning math important at Brighterly? Brighterly recognizes the transformative power of mathematics and its role in shaping resilient individuals. They provided a platform that supports math understanding and learning. So register now to embark on a journey of discovery, where interactive lessons, engaging activities, and a supportive community await.

Author Jessica Kaminski

Jessica is a a seasoned math tutor with over a decade of experience in the field. With a BSc and Master’s degree in Mathematics, she enjoys nurturing math geniuses, regardless of their age, grade, and skills. Apart from tutoring, Jessica blogs at Brighterly. She also has experience in child psychology, homeschooling and curriculum consultation for schools and EdTech websites.

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Essay on Importance of Mathematics for Students

Importance of Mathematics

Mathematics is the queen of science. We cannot imagine our life without mathematics. Mathematics makes human life more Organized. The knowledge of numbers and their basic operation is very important to survive in today’s world.

Essay on Importance of Mathematics in Daily Life for Students

Importance of Mathematics

Mathematics has its application in daily life such as Time -management, Finance management, Profit and loss in business, Cooking, Purchasing and selling, Consumption of electricity, and patrol. There is hardly any field of science, which does not use mathematics as a tool to arrive at the desired result.

Engineering , Medical , Pharmacy, Geography, Economics, Accountancy and all field related to science uses mathematical methods to study the subjects.

Definition of Mathematics:

How we can define mathematics “Mathematics is the body of knowledge based on numbers and figures”.

Importance of Mathematics in Daily Life:

Math has multiple advantages in day-to-day life. Let’s discuss the importance of Math in day-to-day life.

The most important thing about Maths is that it helps to develop your brain. We know that we can strengthen our muscles by exercise in the same way we can strengthen neurons in our brain by doing Maths. Our brain is made of neuron’s when we do Math neurons in our brain are stimulated.

Research work done by Dr. Tanya Evans of Stanford University proves that the student who performs well in Math can recruit certain brain regions more reliably and have more gray matter in those regions, as compared to those who perform poorly in math.

If you want to succeed in life then you must learn the art of time management math helps you to read the time and manage it. If you understand fractions in math in a better way you can understand time in a better way. Learning to read the analog clock is the first step of time management and it is possible only because of math. In school children are taught to read both times of watching the 12-hour clock and 24-hour clock.

Math helps you with your finances it is said that you should never spend more than your income. Math helps you to calculate your monthly expenditure and helps you keep your monthly expenses as low as possible. Math helps you to calculate what part of your monthly income you are spending on different services and goods. Math helps you to keep your monthly expenditure below your monthly income.

It also helps to calculate your saving according to your future needs. Knowledge of math is also required in investing money in property, bank schemes Mutual funds, or the stock market. This thing required sound knowledge of math and economics.

Math and knowledge of proportion can make you an excellent cook. Let’s take an example if you are making tea. Then to make one cup of tea you will need half a cup of milk, half a cup of water, 1 spoon of tea powder, and 2 spoons of sugar. Now if you have to make two cups of tea you have two take the above ingredients in twice the quantity i.e. 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of water, 2 spoons of tea, and 4 spoons of sugar.

In this way, math helps you to decide the proportion of food ingredients according to their consumers. All this is possible because of math. It is observed that people who are good at math are also having very good problem-solving skills.

Math teaches us to think logically and creatively. Math improves our thinking and improves our Analytical thinking and reasoning ability.

We all face problems in our life our ability to solve problems depends on the way we think. All of us can think but very few think rationally. math develops rational thinking in man and hence improves his problem-solving skills.

Math also helps you to stay fit and healthy. To keep your body in shape you should know which exercise and the number of repetitions you must perform. The counting repetitions during exercise are based on math. You also need a healthy diet to stay fit. We already discussed that knowledge of math plays a vital role in deciding the proportion of ingredients in the diet.

Math helps you to understand sports in a better way. Take the example of cricket knowledge of math helps us to understand cricket scores in a better way. Batting average, bowling average, run rate, strike rate all these cricket terminologies are based on math. Using math sometimes you can also predict the winning team before the match.

Math also helps us while we drive our 2-wheeler or 4-wheeler. It helps us to keep track of the distance covered and the distance to be covered. How much petrol is left inside the tank? What should be the speed of the vehicle to reach the destination in time? All these calculations are based on math.


Math is the backbone of all science we cannot imagine human life without science. To survive in this world you will need the math you cannot live for a single day without the use of math. The importance of math is like oxygen in the air without which no human progress is possible.


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    Math is a logical which we have to squeeze out our brain.a subject is easy when it is understandable to you. the one who score good in maths are not the best in math. actually the doufers are the genius ones. this is scientist proven. if you accept all what is there in text then everything would be the best it depends on our power to ...

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