phd topic in arts

  • How to Choose a PhD Research Topic
  • Finding a PhD


Whilst there are plenty of resources available to help prospective PhD students find doctoral programmes, deciding on a research topic is a process students often find more difficult.

Some advertised PhD programmes have predefined titles, so the exact topic is decided already. Generally, these programmes exist mainly in STEM, though other fields also have them. Funded projects are more likely to have defined titles, and structured aims and objectives.

Self funded projects, and those in fields such as arts and humanities, are less likely to have defined titles. The flexibility of topic selection means more scope exists for applicants to propose research ideas and suit the topic of research to their interests.

A middle ground also exists where Universities advertise funded PhD programmes in subjects without a defined scope, for example: “PhD Studentship in Biomechanics”. The applicant can then liaise with the project supervisor to choose a particular title such as “A study of fatigue and impact resistance of biodegradable knee implants”.

If a predefined programme is not right for you, then you need to propose your own research topic. There are several factors to consider when choosing a good research topic, which will be outlined in this article.

How to Choose a Research Topic

Our first piece of advice is to PhD candidates is to stop thinking about ‘finding’ a research topic, as it is unlikely that you will. Instead, think about developing a research topic (from research and conversations with advisors).

Consider several ideas and critically appraise them:

  • You must be able to explain to others why your chosen topic is worth studying.
  • You must be genuinely interested in the subject area.
  • You must be competent and equipped to answer the research question.
  • You must set achievable and measurable aims and objectives.
  • You need to be able to achieve your objectives within a given timeframe.
  • Your research question must be original and contribute to the field of study.

We have outlined the key considerations you should use when developing possible topics. We explore these below:

Focus on your interests and career aspirations

It is important to choose a topic of research that you are genuinely interested in. The decision you make will shape the rest of your career. Remember, a full-time programme lasts 3-4 years, and there will be unforeseen challenges during this time. If you are not passionate about the study, you will struggle to find motivation during these difficult periods.

You should also look to your academic and professional background. If there are any modules you undertook as part of your Undergraduate/Master degree that you particularly enjoyed or excelled in? These could form part of your PhD research topic. Similarly, if you have professional work experience, this could lead to you asking questions which can only be answered through research.

When deciding on a PhD research topic you should always consider your long-term career aspirations. For example, as a physicist, if you wish to become an astrophysicist, a research project studying black holes would be more relevant to you than a research project studying nuclear fission.

Read dissertations and published journals

Reading dissertations and published journals is a great way to identify potential PhD topics. When reviewing existing research ask yourself:

  • What has been done and what do existing results show?
  • What did previous projects involve (e.g. lab-work or fieldwork)?
  • How often are papers published in the field?
  • Are your research ideas original?
  • Is there value in your research question?
  • Could I expand on or put my own spin on this research?

Reading dissertations will also give you an insight into the practical aspects of doctoral study, such as what methodology the author used, how much data analysis was required and how was information presented.

You can also think of this process as a miniature literature review . You are searching for gaps in knowledge and developing a PhD project to address them. Focus on recent publications (e.g. in the last five years). In particular, the literature review of recent publications will give an excellent summary of the state of existing knowledge, and what research questions remain unanswered.

If you have the opportunity to attend an academic conference, go for it! This is often an excellent way to find out current theories in the industry and the research direction. This knowledge could reveal a possible research idea or topic for further study.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

Discuss research topic ideas with a PhD supervisor

Discuss your research topic ideas with a supervisor. This could be your current undergraduate/masters supervisor, or potential supervisors of advertised PhD programmes at different institutions. Come to these meetings prepared with initial PhD topic ideas, and your findings from reading published journals. PhD supervisors will be more receptive to your ideas if you can demonstrate you have thought about them and are committed to your research.

You should discuss your research interests, what you have found through reading publications, and what you are proposing to research. Supervisors who have expertise in your chosen field will have insight into the gaps in knowledge that exist, what is being done to address them, and if there is any overlap between your proposed research ideas and ongoing research projects.

Talking to an expert in the field can shape your research topic to something more tangible, which has clear aims and objectives. It can also find potential shortfalls of your PhD ideas.

It is important to remember, however, that although it is good to develop your research topic based on feedback, you should not let the supervisor decide a topic for you. An interesting topic for a supervisor may not be interesting to you, and a supervisor is more likely to advise on a topic title which lends itself to a career in academia.

Another tip is to talk to a PhD student or researcher who is involved in a similar research project. Alternatively, you can usually find a relevant research group within your University to talk to. They can explain in more detail their experiences and suggest what your PhD programme could involve with respect to daily routines and challenges.

Look at advertised PhD Programmes

Use our Search tool , or look on University PhD listing pages to identify advertised PhD programmes for ideas.

  • What kind of PhD research topics are available?
  • Are these similar to your ideas?
  • Are you interested in any of these topics?
  • What do these programmes entail?

The popularity of similar PhD programmes to your proposed topic is a good indicator that universities see value in the research area. The final bullet point is perhaps the most valuable takeaway from looking at advertised listings. Review what similar programmes involve, and whether this is something you would like to do. If so, a similar research topic would allow you to do this.

Writing a Research Proposal

As part of the PhD application process , you may be asked to summarise your proposed research topic in a research proposal. This is a document which summarises your intended research and will include the title of your proposed project, an Abstract, Background and Rationale, Research Aims and Objectives, Research Methodology, Timetable, and a Bibliography. If you are required to submit this document then read our guidance on how to write a research proposal for your PhD application.

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PhD Program

The UCLA Department of Art History offers a two-stage graduate program toward the PhD. Students are not admitted for a terminal master’s (MA) degree. The MA is awarded in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD and is granted with the successful completion of the first stage of the program, typically at the end of the second year, 6th quarter, in residence. Normative time to degree for the PhD is seven years from the term of admission. For students entering with a MA in hand, the normative time to degree is five years from the term of admission.

All students are required to complete the M.A. requirements in the department. The Graduate Review Committee may waive the M.A. requirements, at the time of admission, for students matriculating with a M.A. degree in Art History or adjacent discipline from another institution. Following Academic Senate policy on duplication of degrees, a student who enters the program with a M.A. degree in Art History from another institution is not eligible to receive a second M.A. degree in Art History from UCLA.

Please see here for the official UCLA Art History Graduate Program Requirements published on the Graduate Division website.

  • The student is assigned a faculty mentor upon admission to the program. The mentor is responsible for the student’s course of study and must be consulted at least once each quarter. A change of faculty supervision and/or change in field(s) must be approved by the Graduate Review Committee.
  • The Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) offers intellectual guidance, approves any exceptions to the program requirements, and adjudicates disputes between a student and his/her faculty mentor. The DGS further serves as Chair of the Graduate Review Committee, which governs the admissions process.
  • The Student Affairs Officer (SAO) assists students with all the administrative aspects of moving through the program.
  • Each spring quarter, the entire faculty reviews the status of each graduate student to ensure appropriate time-to-degree progress.

Toward the MA

Requirements for the MA

  • Satisfaction of the first language requirement.
  • Successful completion of AH 200 with a grade of “B+” or better.
  • Nine graduate and upper division courses (36 units) completed while in the program. At least six of those courses (24 units) must be at the graduate level, including four graduate seminars. AH 200 may be counted towards the required six courses.
  • Successful completion of a qualifying paper (approximately 30 pages) according to the standards and procedures outlined below.

* Typically the above requirements are completed within the first two years of study (6 quarters).

Distribution of Coursework

The nine required courses must include at least two courses from Group A and two courses from Group B noted below.

Qualifying Paper for the MA

  • The qualifying paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper written for a class from the first year of coursework. It should be approximately 30 pages in length (excluding footnotes, images, and bibliography) and should demonstrate the student’s ability 1) to formulate a thesis, 2) to present an extended argument, and 3) to conduct original research. Quality of the writing will also be evaluated.
  • By the end of the fall quarter of the second year, student selects a class paper from the first year in consultation with his or her advisor to revise and expand as the qualifying paper.
  • In the following winter quarter, student enrolls for 4 units of 598 (RSRCH-MASTER THESIS) to work on the paper under the supervision of advisor.
  • Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) will contact each student during the winter quarter (usually early February) to appoint a committee of three faculty readers for the qualifying paper, one of which is the student’s advisor. At least one of the faculty readers will have had no classroom contact with the student. All students may suggest potential readers; however, the DGS will balance the student’s request against equity of faculty workload.
  • On the first day of instruction of the spring quarter, students submits three copies of the qualifying paper to the Student Affairs Officer (SAO) along with a list of the three readers assigned to review the paper.
  • The qualifying papers will be distributed to the three assigned faculty readers and each reader will complete an evaluation form and submit it to the SAO within three weeks of receipt of the paper.
  • By the fourth week of the spring quarter, the SAO will make available the papers with reader’s comments to the student and these papers will be added to the student’s permanent file.
  • The Graduate Review Committee, taking into consideration the faculty reader evaluations, will determine whether the student will be awarded the MA and permitted to proceed into the PhDprogram. In some cases, the Committee may recommend that the student receive the MA degree but discontinue further graduate study. It is also possible (although very rare) that the student’s work may not be judged adequate to receive the MA.

Completion of the MA

  • Prior to the third week of the spring quarter in the second year, the student should complete the “Petition for Advancement to Candidacy for the Master’s Degree” (provided by and returned to the SAO).
  • Once the Department has accepted the qualifying paper, the student must file it with Graduate Division by the Monday of the tenth week of the spring quarter, formatted as a thesis.
  • Graduate Division guidelines for formatting MA theses are available  here . Workshops on thesis formatting are offered at the beginning of each fall and winter quarters. See the Grad Division website for more information.
  • Following the Department’s annual spring review of graduate students, the student must submit a completed form for transfer from the MA to the PhD program (provided by and returned to the SAO).

Toward the PhD

Upon the completion of the MA or starting with a MA from another institution, the student begins the PhD program having chosen a major field of study within art history, often known at the time of application. By the end of the second quarter of residence at the PhD stage, the student also selects a minor field, which may be outside the department (e.g. Architecture, History, Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Archaeology, etc.). The major and minor advisors are responsible for the student’s course of study and completion of requirements within the selected field. Graduate Review Committee must approve any change of advisor(s) or the major and minor fields.

Requirements for the PhD

  • Satisfaction of language requirements (minimum 2, including 1 from MA stage; more may be required depending on field of study)
  • Completion of 8 graduate and upper division courses (32 units)
  • Written comprehensive exams in major and minor fields
  • Dissertation prospectus and oral qualifying exam
  • Doctoral dissertation
  • A total of 8 graduate and upper division courses are required, of which at least 4 must be art history courses at the graduate level.
  • Of the nine courses (36 units) required for the MA, students may use a maximum of two of these (8 units) to count towards Ph.D. coursework. Students may also apply courses taken in excess of MA requirements towards fulfilling Ph.D. course requirements. (This does not apply to students who received their MA from other institutions/departments.)
  • 5 courses in one field are required to claim it as the major field; 3 courses in one field are required to claim it as the minor field. The minor can also be from outside the department (e.g. Architecture, History, Anthropology, Comparative Literature, Archaeology, etc.).
  • Students entering the PhD stage deficient in Art History 200 (Art Historical Theories and Methodologies) or its equivalent must add this to the total requirements. In some cases, Art History 201 (Topics in Historiography of Art History) may be required by faculty/advisor recommendation. Any additional coursework required by the Graduate Review Committee at time of admission must be completed during the first two quarters of residence and may not count toward the minimum course requirements for either the MA or PhD degree.

Written Comprehensive Examinations

  • Upon completion of coursework and fulfillment of language requirements, the student takes the PhD written comprehensive examinations in the major and minor fields of study, designed and evaluated by the student’s major and minor advisors respectively.
  • The purpose of the examinations is to test the student’s breadth and depth of knowledge in his/her fields of study. If a student fails to pass the examination or part thereof, the failed portion may be repeated once no later than the subsequent quarter of residence. No further repetition will be allowed. The written comprehensive examinations may be taken during any two-week period of the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters. Typically, students take these exams during the winter quarter of the second year in residence, 5th quarter, in the PhD program.
  • The Department offers two formats for the major and minor written exams, the details of which must be worked out in advance between the student and the examiner. Format A: Take-home. 2-3 essay questions to be completed in 1 week (for the minor exam, 1-2 questions to be completed in 3 days). Format B: Sit-down. 2-3 essay questions to be completed in 6 hours (for the minor exam, 1-2 questions to be completed in 3 hours). Many faculty incorporate designing of a syllabus as an exam question and the formats above do not preclude this possibility. Such an assignment would count as one question/essay.
  • The specific format and dates for the major and minor exams must be submitted to the Student Affairs Officer at least three weeks in advance using the appropriate departmental form.

Doctoral Committee

  • Upon passing the written comprehensive examinations in major and minor fields of study, the student selects a dissertation topic and nominates the members of his/her Doctoral Committee in consultation with his/her advisor.
  • This committee minimally consists of the major advisor, now serving as committee chair, two additional members of the art history faculty (normally, but not necessarily, including the student’s minor advisor), and one member from another UCLA department. For details on the acceptable status of these members and for minimum university standards of the doctoral committee,  please see page 14-17 in the Standards and Procedures for Graduate Study manual .
  • The student and committee chair must agree on all committee members. Any changes in committee constitution after formal nomination must be reported to and approved by the Graduate Division; replacing the committee chair can only occur by consent or if the faculty member leaves UCLA.
  • Please note that the Graduate Division generally approves Committee nominations within 2-3 weeks, and the oral qualifying exam may not be taken before official approval has been received.

Dissertation Prospectus and Oral Qualifying Examination

  • The dissertation topic should be identified in discussions with the advisor. These discussions usually evolve organically through the course of study and are highly individualized. Typically, the oral examination is scheduled during the quarter following the successful completion of the written examinations.
  • Once the Doctoral Committee has been officially approved by Graduate Division, and after having conducted considerable exploratory research and preparation for his/her dissertation, the student submits to each member of the Doctoral Committee a dissertation prospectus. The prospectus should not be distributed to the full committee without the approval of the student’s committee chair.
  • The dissertation prospectus should not exceed 20 pages and include a statement of purpose regarding the art historical topic/problem being addressed (what is at stake in the study), tentative chapter outlines, working bibliography, research plan, methodological strategies, and preliminary schedule for completion.
  • Students should submit the prospectus to committee members 2-3 weeks before the oral examination date to allow sufficient time for the prospectus to be reviewed. If any member of the Doctoral Committee finds the prospectus inadequate, he or she must notify the committee chair at least one week prior to the oral examination date. In some cases, the prospectus must be revised and/or the examination date postponed.
  • The student is responsible for scheduling the oral exam, consulting with committee members well in advance regarding the date and time of availability of each faculty member. The SAO helps the student reserve an appropriate space for the exam.
  • The purpose of the oral examination is to assess the validity and feasibility of the proposed dissertation topic and its methodologies, as well as the soundness of the student’s projected approach to completing the project.
  • At the end of the examination, each committee member reports the examination as “passed” or “not passed.” A student may not pass and may not be advanced to candidacy if more than one member votes “not passed” regardless of the size of the committee, or if the major advisor so votes. Upon majority vote of the committee, the oral qualifying examination may be repeated once. Students upon passing the oral examination are formally advanced to candidacy by the Graduate Division.
  • At the time of the exam, the Doctoral Committee decides, by unanimous agreement, whether or not to waive the final oral examination (not normally required) and selects, again by unanimous agreement, a minimum of three members, two from the art history faculty and one from an outside department, who will read, approve, and certify the final draft of the dissertation. For details regarding the acceptable status of these certifying members, consult the publication, Standards and Procedures for Graduate Study at UCLA.
  • Upon passing the oral examination, the student is officially Advanced to Candidacy (ATC).

Dissertation and Final Oral Examination (if required)

  • After advancing to candidacy, the student works on the dissertation in consultation with his/her advisor, committee chair, as well as Doctoral Committee certifying members according to the rules laid out in the above named publication. Upon completion of the dissertation or individual chapters thereof, and with  approval  of the committee chair, the student circulates a copy of the dissertation  in Week 1 of the quarter  for comments and suggestions from the certifying members of the Doctoral Committee.  Each  reader is allowed  four  weeks in which to read it and make corrections and comments, and the student is allowed  three  weeks in which to respond and revise the dissertation. It is incumbent upon the student to communicate in a timely manner with all certifying members of the Doctoral Committee to ensure adequate time for review. Committee members must be consulted as each reader may require more time.  PLEASE REVIEW the timeline for dissertation completion  which clearly outlines the schedule for submission during the student’s final quarter.
  • After incorporating into the final draft of the dissertation the recommended changes, the student will circulate the dissertation again among the certifying members of the Doctoral Committee. This draft should be circulated sufficiently in advance of the deadline for filing the dissertation so that each reader is allowed at least two weeks in which to reread it (see quarterly Schedule of Classes for filing deadlines).
  • Each certifying member of the committee then decides whether or not to approve the dissertation. In cases where less than the entire committee acts as certifying members, approval of the dissertation must be unanimous. If the entire committee acts as certifying members, the dissertation is considered approved with one negative decision so long as that negative decision is not that of the committee chair. After final approval by the Dean of the Graduate Division, the student files the required number of copies of the dissertation with the Manuscript Advisor of the Office of University Archives. Deadlines for filing the dissertation fall approximately two weeks before the date the degree is to be awarded.
  • Note: A final oral examination is not normally required for Art History, but in some cases it may be requested by the Doctoral Committee (determined at the oral qualifying exam), and is held prior to filing the dissertation. All members of the committee must attend and vote. A student may pass with one negative vote so long as that vote is not that of the committee chair. In case of failure, the Doctoral Committee decides, by unanimous agreement, whether or not the candidate may be re-examined.
  • Upon filing the dissertation, the student receives the Ph.D.

Language Requirements

The completion of the PhD requires reading knowledge of a minimum of two foreign languages relevant to the student’s field of study (more than two may be required in some cases and must be determined in consultation with the faculty advisor). Applicants are expected to already possess reading proficiency in at least one of the two languages for which they will be responsible. New students shall sit for at least one language exam upon arrival at UCLA.

Students at the MA stage are expected to satisfy their first foreign language requirement by the end of the 3rd quarter in residence. It is highly recommended that they complete the second language requirement by the end of the 6th quarter in residence.

Students at the PhD stage are expected to satisfy their second foreign language requirement by the end of the 1st quarter and any additional languages by the end of the 3rd quarter in residence (or in consultation with the major advisor).

Fulfilling the Language Requirement

Option 1: Pass the Departmental Foreign Language Exam.

The language exam consists of translation of a text of 300-700 words chosen by the examiner to be translated into English in three hours (use of a non-electronic dictionary is allowed). Specific qualities of the language and expected level of proficiency in the field will impact the choice and length of the selected text. The Department expects accurate rendition in English rather than a strict translation, word for word, and values the quality of the translation over the completion of the exam.

Language exams are scheduled four times a year, approximately three weeks prior to finals week during the regular academic quarters. Entering students must sit for the first language exam in the first week of the fall quarter. Exam results will be sent out by email within three weeks of the exam date. If feedback on the exam is desired after the results have been announced, students are welcome to contact the examiner. If a student fails the exam and wants to appeal, he or she should contact the Chair of the Language Committee or Director of Graduate Studies.

Option 2: Complete UCLA courses  French 6, German 6, Italian 6, Spanish 25, or other relevant language classes with a minimum grade of “B”.

The following is a general guideline for language requirements in relation to specific fields of study. The final selection and number of languages is to be determined in consultation with the primary advisor.

African Indigenous African languages, Arabic, French, German, Portuguese Ancient/Mediterranean/Near East Akkadian, Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, Latin Chinese/Korean/Japanese Two East Asian languages, for pre-modern studies additionally literary Chinese or Japanese Byzantine/Western Medieval French, German, Greek, Latin, Italian, Slavic Languages, Turkish, Spanish Indigenous Americas One European language, one indigenous language (e.g., Quechua, Nahuatl, Maya), one other language (depending on topic) Islamic Arabic, Turkish/Ottoman, Persian, French, German Latin America Spanish (mandatory), French, German, Portuguese Modern & Contemporary Europe & America French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian Renaissance/Baroque/Early Modern Italian, French, Spanish, German, Latin, Dutch, Slavic Languages, Latin and/or Greek (depending on topic) South Asia Sanskrit, Hindi/Urdu, Persian Southeast Asia Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian


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PhD in Art Education

The Doctor of Philosophy in Art Education degree is designed for students who want to make a scholarly contribution to the Art Education field.

Photo of a group of students sitting on a shore, while an artist delivers a lecture from a raft in the water

Allison Rowe, PhD (2021). “Work Like a River” (participatory lecture, 2017). Photo by Larissa Issler

PhD Art Education

At the University of Illinois, faculty and graduate students build a vibrant community of inquiry within the context of a Research 1 university. This community, including faculty whose breadth of interests span topics including contemporary art and visual culture in education, formal and informal learning, cultural policy and urban studies, and teacher training and identity, provides an intellectually stimulating environment for graduate students to stretch themselves intellectually and become world authorities on the particular topic of their dissertation.

Some doctoral students receive funding and support as teaching assistants for 4 years, and this funding is conditional upon academic standing. This funding includes a tuition waiver, a salary, health insurance, annual conference funding, plus many opportunities to gain competitive grants. Students complete coursework, consisting of 5 courses in art education, courses in research methodology and writing, courses in a minor that complements individual student interest, and courses that prepare students for the qualifying exam (taken after one year of full-time study) and the preliminary exam (at the conclusion of coursework). Examples of minors include Asian Studies, Art History, New Media, Museum Studies, and Women’s Studies. Following the conclusion of coursework, students write a dissertation that contributes new knowledge to the field of art education. Finally, students defend their dissertation.

During this course of study, there are numerous resources available to graduate students in Art Education, both within our program and across the University of Illinois:

  • At our major comprehensive research university, students have access to the broadest possible range of elective courses.
  • Visual Arts Research is a scholarly, refereed journal and has been published through the Art Education program for over 40 years. It is edited by Art Education faculty.
  • The Everyday Arts Lab offers an excellent local site for graduate research for those interested in arts and social practice.
  • With a total of 14 million titles the University of Illinois Library houses the largest collection of any public university in the world. The Ricker Library of Architecture and Art has 120,000 titles and 33,00 serials.
  • The Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory is a program that promote conversations among a range of departments in the humanities, social sciences, and performing arts by organizing lectures, panel discussions, and conferences, as well as the Modern Critical Theory lecture series.
  • The Krannert Art Museum includes an archive of over 8,000 works of art and rotating exhibitions of traditional and innovative art works.
  • The Spurlock Museum highlights the diversity of cultures around the globe.
  • Illinois is host to the  International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , which brings a large contingent of art education scholars to campus.
  • Regular visiting speakers from other institutions including Kevin Tavin, Amelia Kraehe, David Darts, Olivia Gude, Luis Camnitzer, Matthew Goulish, Marjorie Manifold, and Stephanie Springgay.
  • Devoted room for Art Education PhD students including carrels for your use.

Faculty Interests

  • Arts-based research
  • Community arts education
  • Conceptual art practices and theory
  • Creative cities
  • Cultural globalization
  • Emerging curriculum theory
  • Performance studies
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Social practice
  • Socially engaged art
  • Teacher identity
  • Urban education
  • Visual culture
  • Youth studies

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Doctor of Philosophy in Visual and Performing Arts

Program description.

The PhD in visual and performing arts program is designed primarily for individuals who wish to conduct advanced research and to teach at the college level, and can lead to a wide variety of non-academic careers as well. It is open to qualified candidates who desire to enhance their knowledge and skills.

The program provides students with a flexible, interdisciplinary context within which to pursue their studies, built on connections among specific courses and areas of interest. Each student plans an individual program of studies in consultation with an assigned advisor.

Visual and performing arts is an interdisciplinary program of study, so students take the majority of their coursework in visual and performing arts courses, but must also take two seminars each in both history of ideas and literature. Students pursuing the PhD in visual and performing arts may submit a creative project as part of their dissertation.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the program seek positions such as: artists, performers, teachers, researchers, arts administrators, arts entrepreneurs, arts writers/critics, editors, museum staff, consultants, archivists and other positions in research or professional practice. Career settings may include higher education, non-profits, cultural and historical organizations, publishing houses, government agencies, international development organizations, museums and archives, business/corporate entities and independent consulting.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Requirements

Visit the  Apply Now  webpage to begin the application process.  

Applicants to the Doctoral degree program should have:  

  • A baccalaureate degree (BA or MA) or its equivalent from an accredited institution of higher education, normally in an arts and humanities field.  
  • Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must submit 3 letters of recommendation from faculty, or other individuals, able to judge the candidate’s potential for success in the program.  
  • Admissions Essay: Applicants must submit a 650-word narrative essay, which should be reflective rather than factual. The essay should address the applicant’s academic interests and goals and indicate how the program would enable such pursuits.  
  • A writing sample: Submit an academic writing sample (e.g., a seminar paper or a critical essay). 
  • International applicants must submit a TOEFL score of at least 80 on the internet-based test.  Scores must be less than two years old. See the  Graduate Catalog  for additional information regarding English proficiency requirements for international applicants.  
  • Each application is considered holistically on its individual merits. You must submit all supporting documents before the Graduate Admissions Committee can review your application. 
  • The Graduate Record Examination is not required. 

Deadline:  The application deadline is January 15. All applications completed by the deadline will be reviewed for admission. Applications submitted or completed after January 15 may be reviewed for admission only if spaces remain within the upcoming cohort and will be reviewed in order by the date the application file became complete.

Contact Information

Dr. Catherine Parsoneault Clinical Professor and Program Head Phone: 972-883-2140 Email: [email protected]

Graduate Advising Pia K. Jakobsson Phone: 972-883-4706 Email: [email protected]

Graduate Admissions Phone: 972-883-6176 Email: [email protected] Request Bass School Graduate Program Information

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology The University of Texas at Dallas, JO31 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021

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Recent MAEd topics in Art Education

MAEd Applied Projects are found through the UGA Libraries repository ScholarWorksUGA . 

Walking, Listening, Making: A Collaborative, Arts-Based Investigation of Place & Belonging for a Group of College Freshman Women Ansley O’Neal, 2021

Relationships, Place, and Play: Connections Between Online Photo-Sharing and Making Pictures in the Middle School Art Classroom Mary Elizabeth Garrett, 2021

Student Choice and Voice: A Transition to Choice-Based Art Education Lisa Marie Chalfant, 2019

Discovering Cultural Capital and Funds of Knowledge Through Art Sketchbook Dialogues Dylan Chase Slaton, 2019

Understanding Black Feminist Theory and the Representation of African American Women’s Art in Museums: Engaging Black Women in Critical Dialogue Amber Coleman, 2018

Collaborative Art Installation Carlin Brownlee, 2018

An Invitation to Reimagine: Engaging with Social Justice in the High School Art Classroom Christine Wu, 2017

Art Education and Homeschooling: How Visual Arts are Integrated into Home School Learning Amber Waters Pitt, 2017

Recent PhD topics in Art Education

PhD dissertations are found through the UGA Libraries repository ScholarWorksUGA . 

Attuning to the Natureculture of Schooling in the Anthropocene: Ecologically-Responsive Art Provocations with Elementary Students Heather Hudgins Silver, PhD, December 2022

Gendered Threads: A Speculative Analysis of the Spacetimemattering of Women's Fiber Crafting Andrea Ezell Elliott, PhD, December 2022

Memes to Inspire: A Qualitative Case Study of Internet Meme-Making as Digital Art Activism Jhih-Yin "Diane" Lee, Ph.D., August 2022

A Foucauldian Genealogy of Teacher Effectiveness Discourse: Exploring the Impact on Art Education Abby Newland, Ph.D., May 2021

Encountering Rhizomatic Relations at the Rural External(Ity) of an Art Museum: A Deleuzian Inquiry on the Possibilities of Rural Access Mallory Lind, Ph.D., May 2021

Exploring Nuances of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children's Voices Through Art and Play Nara Kim, Ph.D., August 2020

Meshworks of Storied Matter: Becoming with Discarded Objects through Participatory Public Art Interventions Kira Hegeman, Ph.D., May, 2019

Making Art, Making Meaning: Examining the Experience of Artmaking in an Art Museum Callan Elizabeth Steinmann, Ph.D., August 2017 

Teachers’ Perceptions of a Collaborative Arts Professional Development Workshop Nancy D. Herlihy, Summer 2016

Instanbul Beloved: A Researcher in the Bound Unity of Others Sonya Turkman, Spring 2016

Piggies and Portraits Competing at the County Fair: An Ethnographic Case Study of Student Art Competitions Frances Vaughn, 2016

The Possibilities of Freedom Within A High School Mixed Media Classroom Amy Workman, 2016

Seeking Wide-awakeness: An Exploration of Engagement in a High School Visual Arts Course Rebecca Williams, 2015

Painting a Picture of Change: Veteran Art Teachers’ Perspectives of Standards, Assessments, and Accountability in the Art Classroom Drew Brown, 2015

The Triadic Tangle: The Influence of Implicit Beliefs and Expressive Outcomes on the Creative Becoming of Three Art Methods Students Tammy Catherine Cline, 2015

  • Ph.D. in Visual Arts

The PhD in Visual Arts programme is designed for research scholars who are interested in exploring the intrinsic areas of Visual Arts, including Graphics, Printing Technology, Sculpture, Painting, Aesthetics, Digital Arts, Animations, Advertising, Branding, Information Design, UI/UX and related subjects. The programme provides opportunities for scholars to acquire advanced knowledge and develop their research skills through a blend of detailed coursework offered either via online platforms or classroom sessions. The research culture of the programme encourages scholars to engage in critical inquiry, independent thinking, and rigorous scholarship. Scholars are encouraged to identify and address these problems through innovative research, using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

The programme also recognizes the rich cultural heritage of India and the unexplored areas in the field of Visual Arts. Scholars are encouraged to explore these areas and develop new insights that contribute to the advancement of the field. Overall, the PhD in Visual Arts programme provides a unique opportunity for scholars to engage in innovative research, acquire advanced knowledge, and develop their research skills in a vibrant and intellectually stimulating environment. Graduates of the programme are well-equipped to pursue careers in academia, research institutions, government agencies, and private organizations.

Ph.D. Entrance Test (PET) Syllabus


Guidelines for Research Scholars

Ph.D Programme Fees


The following candidates are eligible to seek admission to the Ph.D. programme

Candidates who have completed:

i) A 1-year/2-semester master’s degree programme after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme or a 2-year/4-semester master’s degree programme after a 3-year bachelor’s degree programme or qualifications declared equivalent to the master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed or equivalent qualification from a foreign educational institutions accredited by an assessment and accreditation agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality and standards of the educational institutions.

A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/differently-abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the commission from time to time.

Provided that a candidate seeking admission after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme should have a minimum of 75% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the grading system is followed. A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of commission from time to time.

ii) Candidates who have completed the M. Phil programme with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade in a point scale. A relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently abled, Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates as per the decision of commission from time to time.

Reservation is applicable only to Maharashtra domicile candidates provided they submit the necessary documents for reservation before interview. Outside Maharashtra candidates will be considered in open category.

1. Candidates satisfying eligibility criterion shall be called to appear for the Ph.D. entrance test conducted by MITWPU. The exemption will be given from Ph.D. entrance test for those students who qualify UGC-NET /UGC-CSIR NET /GATE (valid score)/CEED/GPAT (valid score)and similar national tests.

2. PhD entrance test shall be qualifying with qualifying marks as 50% provided that relaxation from 50% to 45% shall be allowed for the candidates belongs to SC/ST/OBC (Non creamy layer)/Differently abled category, Economically Weaker section (EWS) and other category of candidates. The syllabus of entrance test shall consist of 50% of research methodology and 50% shall be subject specific.

3. The interview/viva-voce will be conducted by the university for test qualifying candidates. For selection of candidates a weightage of 70% to the entrance test and 30% to the performance in the interview/Viva-voce shall be given. For GATE/NET/JRF /SET/GPAT/CEED qualified students, the selection will be based on Interview/Viva Voce

4. The recommended candidates will be intimated through email about their selection and the candidates will be offered Ph.D. provisional admission.

5. The eligibility of a candidate is provisional as per information provided by the candidate in his/her application form and is subject to verification of minimum eligibility conditions for admission to the program, educational documents and reservation documents (if any).

6. University keep rights to cancel admission of the Ph.D. scholars in the case of misconduct by the scholar, unsatisfactory progress/absent for consecutive two progress seminars, failure in any examination related to Ph.D., fabrication found in educational and reservation documents, candidate is found ineligible, involved in plagiarism in paper publications and thesis.

7. Provisional eligibility to appear in the selection process is no guarantee for admission to the program.

8. Candidates who will join PhD program full time, they will be provided with the stipend as per MITWPU norms.

9. PhD admission will be confirmed after successful completion of the course work with 55% or more as per UGC norms. Ph.D. programme should be minimum of three years including course work and maximum of six years from the date of admission to the Ph.D. programme.

10. A maximum of an additional two years (2) years can be given through the process of re-registration provided, however, that the total period for completion of a Ph.D. programme should not exceed eight (8) years from the date of admission in the Ph.D. programme.

11. Provided further that, female Ph.D. scholars and persons with Disabilities (having more than 40% disability) may be allowed an additional relaxation of two years(2) ; however the total period for completion of a Ph.D. program in such cases should not exceed ten (10) years from the date of admission of the programme.

12. Female candidates may be provided Maternity Leave/Child Care Leave for up to 240 days in the entire duration of Ph.D. programme.

Modal title

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  • PG Diploma in Regulatory Affairs
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  • B.Des.(Product Design)
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  • BFA (Applied Arts)
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  • B.Tech (2nd Year Lateral Entry) After 3 Years of Diploma in Engineering
  • B.Sc. Chemistry
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  • B.Sc. Applied Statistics and Data Analytics
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  • M.Sc. Statistics
  • M.Tech Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering)
  • M.Tech Civil Engineering (Tunnel Engineering)
  • B.Tech Materials Science and Engineering
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  • M.Tech Mechanical Engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE)
  • M.Tech Mechanical Engineering (Design Engineering)
  • B.Des. (Fashion and Apparel Design)
  • B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security and Forensics)
  • Integrated B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Computer Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics
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  • Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Ph.D. in Consciousness Studies
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science
  • Ph.D. in Public Health
  • Ph.D. in Biotechnology
  • Ph.D. in Biochemistry
  • Ph.D. in Microbiology
  • B.Tech Bioengineering
  • Integrated B.Tech DSY (After 12th Standard)
  • Ph.D. in Economics
  • Ph.D. in Law
  • Ph.D. in Chemistry
  • Ph.D. in Commerce
  • Ph.D. in Education
  • Ph.D. in Design
  • Ph.D. in English
  • Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering
  • Ph.D Programmes with ARAI
  • B.Des. (Animation and VFX Design)
  • M.Des. (User Experience Design)
  • BFA (Digital Arts)
  • MA in Peace and Conflict Management
  • M.Tech Medical Devices
  • B.Com Fintech
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
  • Ph.D. in Psychology
  • Ph.D. in Management
  • Ph.D. in Statistics
  • Ph.D. in Environmental Science
  • MA Photography
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Helpful links, linda pastryk, ph.d..

Dr. Linda Pastryk teaches art history courses in Western and Non-Western art and architecture, which include visits to museums, historic homes, churches, gardens, temples, and other sites, as well as lectures by subject experts on a variety of topics. She also teaches a General Education class on sustainability and the arts and architecture.

She has experienced first-hand many of the artifacts and sites around the world, which she teaches, to enhance student comprehension of these topics.

Currently, she is authoring and editing a comprehensive book on global craft and accompanying technologies with Dr. Carol Ventura. Additionally, she is redacting and archiving the personal journals of North Carolina ceramist, Clara “Kitty” Couch.

She is committed to students achieving their professional and personal goals through their art history courses. Hence, the scholarship of teaching and learning in Art History (SoTL-AH) is an abiding interest for her, an area in which she has published.

She considers art history a vital subject as it addresses the values and efforts of human societies. In keeping with the interdisciplinary approach of art history, she earned her doctorate in the Humanities Department. Her dissertation addressed religion versus medical science and the built environment in early modern France.

Ph.D., Humanities, Salve Regina University M.A., Art History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill B.A., Art History, Vanderbilt University

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9 phd students were named 2024 humanities engage fellows.

The Cathedral of Learning

Nine PhD students at the University of Pittsburgh have received research funding from the Pitt’s Humanities Engage project, which is committed to broadening and deepening the intellectual and professional development of all PhD candidates.

Six of the recipients pitched their own Summer Immersive Fellowships, which offer the chance to gain experiences with host organizations in collaborative, mission-focused project work drawing on their high-level skills as researchers and writers. They will be co-mentored by the host organization supervisors, a cohort of faculty mentors and the senior director for graduate advising and engagement for the humanities.

This year’s Summer Immersive Fellowship recipients are:

  • Juwon Adenuga (Music)
  • Monica Daniels (History of Art and Architecture)
  • Luis Delgado (Music)
  • Frederick Miller (Theatre Arts)
  • Senjuti Mukherjee (Film and Media Studies)
  • Ernest Owusu-Poku (Music)

The two-term Immersive Dissertation Research Fellowship supports Humanities dissertation projects that involve substantial professional development and will likely result in dissertation formats other than the conventional proto-monograph. The fellowship carries a competitive stipend, a tuition scholarship and professional development funds for its duration.

The Immersive Dissertation Research Fellowship awardees are:

  • Rahul Kumar (Film and Media Studies)
  • Apala Kundu (English)
  • Warner Sabio (Music)

Pitt is updating its Campus Master Plan

Employees, benefits open enrollment is may 1-15, pitt is launching an office of sustainability in the health sciences.

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Pharmacy school MS and PhD programs forging future innovators

The school of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences is seeing early success with its new master’s and doctoral programs in pharmaceutical sciences.

Yetrib Hathout, Professor and Graduate Director of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

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The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences launched master’s and doctoral programs in pharmaceutical sciences in Fall 2022, and those programs are off to a strong start. Professor Yetrib Hathout, graduate director for the school, says the success of the programs has been wonderful to see.

“We’ve already graduated eight master’s students this year — three of them have secured jobs in the pharmaceutical industry and have sent me emails saying how happy they are,” he says. “They were more competitive thanks to the courses and the curriculum we offer. It’s a unique program compared to other schools; we have more hands-on classes where students learn new techniques and develop the skills for pharmaceutical industry research.”

Hathout says graduates of the MS program will be particularly well-suited for the life-sciences sector and technology services organizations. Caleb Manheim, MS ’23, says the training he received at the school has set him up for success at his new job.

“In this major, there is a large emphasis on presenting scientific topics, lab work and research,” he says. “The presentations that I completed in class helped me explain complex problems to my coworkers. The lab techniques I practiced helped me in my training and learning in a faster-paced environment. The research section of the major is great for resume building and making a first impression with the companies you are applying for.”


Manheim is just one of several success stories to come out of the school recently. According to Hathout, since the MS program started in 2022, they’ve had almost a 100% placement rate. Eight students enrolled in the MS program when it first started and all of them successfully graduated. three have jobs in the pharmaceutical industry,

three transitioned into the PhD program at the school, and one is currently working in the school’s department as a research technician. Hathout credits this success to the individualized attention afforded by the low faculty-student ratio.

“We have extremely talented faculty in different fields of research, and because of the small class size, we have a lot of one-on-one time between faculty and students,” he says. “Students feel comfortable coming to us anytime they have questions because they know we can help navigate them through the program and be successful.”

When it comes to the PhD program, Hathout says graduates will be prepared for academic, government and industrial research positions.

Michael Ogundele, PhD ’22, is a scientist 1 at Tectonic Therapeutics in Watertown, Mass. His responsibilities include discovering proteomics on lysates from different cell lines to ID proteins of interest and method development and optimization for small molecule applications.

“My doctoral degree was awarded in the Department of Biomedical Engineering,” he says. “However, the research for my thesis was done primarily in the Department of Pharmaceutical Science. My focus was on the use of blood-accessible biomarkers in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). I chose this field of study because it focuses on a rare disease, and also for the opportunity to work with a mass spectrometry and biomarker world-recognized expert, in the person of Yetrib Hathout.”

Like Manheim, Ogundele says Binghamton gave him the knowledge and skills to successfully launch his career.

“The skills that I gathered in the area of protein analytics were a huge leverage in securing my first job in the pharmaceutical industry,” Ogundele explains. “My hiring manager was particularly impressed with my past work and how much I’ve learned over time at Binghamton.”

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Portal connecting NYC, Dublin, Ireland reopens after shutdown for 'inappropriate behavior'

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Less than a week after the portal  art installation connecting New York City and Dublin, Ireland via a 24/7 video livestream was shut down due to "inappropriate behavior," the exhibit has been turned back on and has new, more limited hours.

The portal livestream restarted Sunday at 9 a.m. New York time and 2 p.m. Dublin time, according to a release from the  Flatiron NoMad Partnership . It will have specific hours of operation in the coming weeks, with the livestream running daily from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. in New York City, and 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. in Dublin.

"The overwhelming majority of people who have visited the Portal sculptures have experienced the sense of joy and connectedness that these works of public art invite people to have," Flatiron NoMad Partnership said in a release.

Now that the portal has reopened, Flatiron NoMad Partnership said it has taken steps to limit instances of people stepping on the portal and holding phones up to the camera lens. Now, if that happens, it will " trigger a blurring of the livestream for everyone on both sides of the Atlantic."

The New York site has had 24/7 on-site security and barriers since its launch, and will continue to do so with the relaunch of the portal, Flatiron NoMad Partnership said. Fencing, more signage and spacing decals have also been added in front of the New York portal to assist with crowd management and to provide optimal spots for visitors. In Dublin, physical design features have also been added to help with crowd management.

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Where are the portals located?

There are two identical "portals", or art instillations, that connect the two cities separated by an ocean and more than 3,000 miles with a live video link. The New York City portal is located in Manhattan's Flatiron District, while Dublin's is located near O'Connell Street, the city's main street.

Why were the portals temporarily shut down?

The portals connecting New York City and Dublin were shut down last week and had remained "temporarily closed" before Sunday's reopening.

"Instances of inappropriate behavior have come from a very small minority of Portal visitors and have been amplified on social media," a Flatiron NoMad Partnership spokesperson said in a statement when the portals closed.

Are there other portals?

The organization behind the installations, , previously set up portals in Vilnius, Lithuana, and Lublin, Poland, in May 2021. Portals founder Benediktas Gylys, a Lithuanian artist, author and entrepreneur, funded the initial project, but local groups have collaborated around Portal installations.

Contributing: Mike Snider, USA TODAY.

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York HS track coach Nicholas Karavolos uses CPR to save student Chloe Peot in cardiac arrest

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ELMHURST, Ill. (WLS) -- York High School coach Nicholas Karavolos saved student-athlete Chloe Peot's life by performing CPR on her when she collapsed at a track meet in April.

Peot would likely have been a state qualifier in the triple jump, but she never got the chance. In fact, but for Karavolos' quick action, she might not be here at all.

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"I don't remember warming up or taking any of my jumps," she said.

Peot suffered a sudden cardiac arrest after finishing her last triple jump at a meet in April. She collapsed and barely had a pulse when Coach Karavolos sprang into action, putting his CPR training to good use.

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"Someone said the word CPR and that's when it clicked in. OK, we need to do this now," he said.

Karavolos performed CPR for nearly four minutes until paramedic arrived. Doctors said he might have helped her get enough oxygen to prevent brain damage.

Paramedics quickly got Peot to the nearest hospital, where she remained unconscious for two days. She spent the next two weeks in the hospital, missing school and her senior prom. But she's alive.

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"This is one of the most unimaginable things you don't what to happen, but if it's going to, you want it to happen surrounded by people who know what to do," said her father Jason Peot.

Doctors have been unable to determine what caused the cardiac arrest. Peot has no history of heart problems.

Peot was able to graduate with her senior class at York Sunday, and the track team is planning a special prom in her honor in June. She is grateful to her coach.

"I think he's great. A life saver," she said.

Coach Karabolos is also planning a training seminar for west suburban league coaches to teach CPR and plan for emergencies like this. He's been called a hero for his actions that day.

"That's what people are saying but it was everyone involved. I just gave her a chance. That's how I feel."

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Why the Equal Rights Amendment Is Again a Hot Topic in New York

The proposed amendment to the State Constitution has become a divisive culture-war issue that encompasses abortion, discrimination and transgender athletes.

Lee Zeldin, his face reddened and animated, speaks at a rally, an American flag pin on his jacket lapel.

By Grace Ashford and Claire Fahy

Reporting from the State Capitol in Albany, N.Y.

The former congressman rocked back and forth, his face turning red as he jabbed his finger in the air. It had been 18 months since Lee Zeldin lost his bid to become governor of New York, and now he was back at a rally in Albany, with a new war to fight.

The enemy was a proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the State Constitution. But instead of attacking the amendment’s signature purpose — safeguarding abortion protections — Mr. Zeldin, a Republican, railed against what he framed as the Democrats’ secret agenda: forcing sports teams to welcome transgender athletes.

“There has been no greater attack on women’s rights and girls’ rights in the State of New York throughout any of our lifetimes than Proposition 1 in November,” he said at the rally in the State Capitol earlier this month.

The amendment, he added, was an “attempt by New York Democrats to deceptively put abortion on the ballot, when in reality it was a full-fledged attack on women’s rights, free speech, girls’ sports, rule of law and much more.”

As Election Day approaches, the fight over the amendment has taken on an outsize role in New York, even in a pivotal election year when the presidency, the House and state legislative races are on the ballot.

Voters were to decide the fate of the amendment in a binding statewide referendum this November, but that is now in flux. Last week, a state judge in western New York declared that Democratic lawmakers had made procedural errors in putting the referendum on the ballot, and ordered it removed. On Tuesday, the Democratic state attorney general, Letitia James, formally appealed the ruling.

The uncertainty surrounding the proposed amendment underscores the deep divisions between Democrats and Republicans and the ways that both parties have used it to fuel campaign rhetoric.

Democratic supporters say the Equal Rights Amendment would help safeguard the rights of women and anyone else confronted with discrimination based on race, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or other characteristics. (New York already has a number of anti-discrimination laws, but, advocates say, these protections could be removed by a future Legislature if political winds change. Amending the constitution is a more permanent measure.)

Republicans have tried to shift the focus away from the threat to abortion, an issue that Democrats have successfully used to win a number of high-profile races across the country. Polling shows that a vast majority of Americans support abortion access, and voters, even in Republican-led states, have consistently voted to preserve it.

Instead, Republicans have focused their efforts on what they see as a more persuasive argument: barring transgender athletes from girls’ and women’s sports. A Siena College poll released in April showed that 66 percent of New York voters appeared to share Republicans’ concerns, telling pollsters that they believed that high school athletes ought to be required to compete in the gender category they were assigned at birth.

On Long Island, the Nassau County executive, Bruce Blakeman, issued an executive order barring transgender athletes from more than 100 county athletic facilities, unless they agreed to compete according to their assigned gender. The order was struck down in court last week largely on procedural grounds; Mr. Blakeman has said he will appeal the ruling.

Those opposing the amendment include the Coalition to Protect Kids, which describes itself as a nonpartisan group “composed of New Yorkers from all walks of life dedicated to defeating the so-called Equal Rights Amendment.”

The group has rebranded the measure the “Parent Replacement Act,” raising the prospect that the amendment’s passage would override parental decision-making on medical issues such as transgender health care and vaccines. (The amendment’s architects say that it would have no impact on medical decisions involving minors.)

Filings show that the bulk of the group’s funding so far has come from the anti-abortion activist Carol N. Crossed, vice president of the New York chapter of Feminists Choosing Life, and the author of a book about the women’s suffrage movement entitled “Vintage Tweets: Suffrage Era Postcards.”

Amending the Constitution in New York is a multiyear process requiring the approval of two separately-elected legislatures, as well as a voter referendum. From the outset, the Democrats’ goal was to get the initiative on the ballot in 2024, when they predicted higher turnout would ease its passage.

But even in heavily Democratic New York, no ballot measure is a sure bet. In 2021, an initiative to expand voting by mail that Democrats considered a fait accompli was defeated after a well-funded opposition campaign from the state Conservative Party.

The loss has haunted New York Democrats, who are determined not to repeat the mistake.

Last year, a coalition called New Yorkers for Equal Rights announced they intended to raise $20 million to support the initiative . Carolyn Maloney, a former congresswoman who is now the president of the New York chapter of the National Organization for Women, stepped in to assist with the fund-raising effort.

Recent changes to campaign finance rules further raised expectations for the fund, which organizers said would be spent on mailers, television ads and organizing. But the most recent available filings with the State Board of Elections show that in its first year, the coalition raised just $1.2 million.

Organizers said that they were not concerned with the slow progress on fund-raising, which they said would continue to ramp up as the election neared.

“New Yorkers are clear; they see the threats,” said Sasha Neha Ahuja, campaign director for the coalition, which includes the New York Civil Liberties Union, the New York Immigration Coalition, 1199 S.E.I.U. and the N.A.A.C.P. “They see what’s happening in Florida. They see what’s happening in Arizona.”

In the past months, the campaign has stepped up efforts, organizing 25 days of action alongside grass-roots groups from Long Island to Buffalo.

For now, Democrats may have to divert their energy to challenging the court ruling of Justice Daniel J. Doyle, a Republican in Livingston County, about 60 miles east of Buffalo. The judge ruled that Democratic leadership in New York had failed to receive an opinion from the state attorney general — a necessary step before amending the State Constitution.

Proponents of the amendment noted that lawmakers had followed the same process used in 18 past ballot initiatives, half of which are now law.

Chris Browne, the plaintiffs’ lawyer, was unimpressed with the Legislature’s defense that this was how these things had been done for years. His argument was simple, he said — their way was wrong.

“It’s not that complex,” Mr. Browne said.“ They could have avoided this if they had followed the process.”

Even if Democrats had followed proper procedure, Marjorie Byrnes, a Republican assemblywoman and one of the plaintiffs in the case, said that the amendment was being fueled by overblown concerns about women’s health and abortion.

Neither issue, she said, needed to be protected by the Constitution. “The Democrats control both houses, they control the governor’s mansion,” she said. “They don’t need a constitutional amendment.”

But Senator Liz Krueger, one of the primary architects of the amendment, said that the Republicans were misrepresenting what it would do. She said the underlying message was that New Yorkers should “not be discriminated against based on gender, which I’m very comfortable explaining to people and I think the vast majority of New Yorkers, frankly, regardless of party, don’t really have an issue with.”

An earlier version of this article misspelled the surname of a lawyer for opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment. He is Chris Browne, not Brown.

How we handle corrections

Grace Ashford covers New York government and politics for The Times. More about Grace Ashford

Claire Fahy reports on New York City and the surrounding area for The Times. She can be reached at [email protected]. More about Claire Fahy

Politics in the New York Region

Equal Rights Amendment: As Election Day approaches, the proposed amendment to the State Constitution has become a divisive culture-war issue  that encompasses abortion, discrimination and transgender athletes.

Office of Cannabis Management: The head of New York State’s cannabis agency will step down at the end of his three-year term in September as part of an overhaul of the embattled agency , Gov. Kathy Hochul said.

A Thorny Mayoral Race: Zellnor Myrie, an Afro-Latino state senator from Brooklyn known for backing progressive causes, announced that he is moving to challenge  Mayor Eric Adams in next year’s Democratic primary in New York City.

Special House Election: Timothy Kennedy, a Democratic New York State senator, easily won a special House election  to replace a retiring congressman in western New York, narrowing the Republican majority in Washington.

A $237 Billion Budget: Hochul and New York City emerged as two of the winners from a budget process that blew past the April 1 deadline. Here’s a look at how things went .


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