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Regulations and guidance

University of Portsmouth logo on white brick building

Research Degrees policies, guidance and forms

Everything students and supervisors need in one place

On this page you can find all the relevant policies, guidance and forms which relate to Postgraduate Research Students.

Operational handbook and regulations for research degrees.

The Operational Handbook for Research Degrees  provides a useful overview of the regulations, guidance and support available for research degree students and their supervisors. The Regulations for Research Degrees is the definitive document used for Postgraduate student matters and should be referred to for any clarification. The Research Degrees team are always happy to assist with any questions regarding the regulations.

Read the Operational Handbook

Read the Regulations for Research Degrees

Read the University Ethics Guidance

Policies and regulations

Below are links to official University of Portsmouth policies and regulations that affect postgraduate research students.

  • Academics Partnerships Policy
  • Awards of the University of Portsmouth
  • Code of Practice For Postgraduate Research Degrees 
  • Code of Practice for Work Based and Placement Learning
  • Copyright Policy
  • Ethics Guidance
  • Ethics Policy
  • Extenuating Circumstances Criteria
  • Health and Safety Statement of Commitment
  • Intellectual Property Policy
  • Procedure for the Investigation of Allegations of Misconduct in Research
  • Regulations for Research Degrees
  • Research Data Management Policy
  • Retention Policy
  • Student Attendance and Engagement Policy
  • Student Conduct Policy
  • Tuition Fee Policy

The following links are to overall guidelines laid out by the University of Portsmouth, and also by external bodies where they affect our Postgraduate students.

  • Research Degrees Operational Handbook
  • QAA Quality Code for Higher Education
  • Guidance for Distance Learning and Part-Time Postgraduate Research Students Working Remotely
  • Compilation Style Thesis Guidance (PhD)
  • PhD by Publication Guidelines

Research Student Registration (RSR)

Information for postgraduate research (PGR) degree applicants can be found on the  How to Apply  pages. As part of our application process all candidates for PGR degrees are required to be interviewed.

All staff involved with the selection and admission of a PGR student should undertake the Graduate School's  Research Supervision Event  - Best Practice in the Selection and Admission of PGR Students.

Please use the application evaluation and interview checklist form found below.

Once a decision to offer a place has been made, the RSR form must be completed, signed by all supervisors and approved by the Chair, FRD Committee BEFORE any offer letter is sent to the applicant. Please see the latest RSR form below. For more information, please see the  Selection and Admissions Information Booklet  (Moodle login required).

  • PGR Application Evaluation and Interview Checklist  (.docx)
  • Research Student Registration (RSR) Form  (.docx)
  • (Combined) PGR Application Evaluation, Interview Checklist AND RSR Form  (.docx)
  • PhD by Publication RSR form  (.docx)
  • Off Campus Request and Approval Form  (.docx)

Change of Status

  • UPR3 - Change of Supervisor (.docx)

Postgraduate Research Students are registered in the same school/department and faculty as their first supervisor. If a change of first supervisor becomes necessary, and the proposed new first supervisor is in a different school/department and faculty, students should be aware that there may be a different fee structure and are advised to discuss this before signing Form UPR3: Applications for Change in Approved Arrangement for Supervision. 

  • UPR4 - Interruptions, Withdrawals, Change of Study (.docx)
  • UPR12 - Application for Extension of Registration  (.docx)

Annual Review

  • Annual Review Arrangements confirmed by Faculty Research Degrees Committees  (Docstore)
  • Annual Review Flowchart  (Docstore)
  • Annual Review Guidance for Students and Supervisors  (Docstore)
  • Annual Review Sample Presentation  (PDF)
  • Guidance for Reviewers  (Docstore)
  • Understanding Annual and Major Review Presentation  (Docstore)
  • UPR8A - Annual Progress Review - Student Form  (.docx)
  • UPR8B - Annual Progress Review - Supervisor Form  (.docx)
  • UPR11 - Annual Review Decision Form  (.docx)
  • UPR14AR - Final Review Decision Report  (.docx)

Major Review

  • PGRS Major Review - suggested template (as per PGRS Handbook)  (.docx)
  • UPR10 - Major Review - First Supervisor's Statement  (.docx)
  • UPR13 - Major Review Decision Report  (.docx)
  • UPR14MR - Major Review Final Review Decision Report  (.docx)


  • British Library (EThOS)
  • Covid 19 Impact Statement Guidance  (Docstore)
  • Ethos Deposit Form  (.docx)
  • External Examiners Claims Form (SAL6)  (.docx)
  • External Examiners Claims Guidance  (PDF)
  • Examiners Feedback for Candidate (.docx)
  • Guidance Note for Students  (Docstore)
  • Guidance Note for Examiners  (Docstore)
  • Independent Chair Notes & Guidance  (PDF)
  • Independent Chair Report   (.docx)
  • Pre-viva Briefing Video  (Panopto)
  • Thesis Printing Service (UoP)
  • Thesis Submission and Examination Guidance for Postgraduate Research Students and Supervisors (Docstore)
  • UPR16 - Ethics Form (.docx)
  • UPR15 - Confidential Thesis Form (.docx)
  • UPR5 - Approval of Examiners Form (.docx)
  • UPR5 - Approval of Examiners Extended Form (.docx)
  • UPR5(A) - Viva Arrangements Form (.docx)
  • UP7A - Preliminary Examiner Report (.docx)
  • UP7A - Preliminary Examiner Report PhD by Publication (.docx)
  • UP7A - Preliminary Examiner Report Referral (.docx)
  • UP7B - Examiner’s Recommendation (.docx)
  • UP7B - Examiner’s Recommendation PhD by Publication (.docx )
  • UP7B - Examiner's Recommendation (Re-examination) (.docx)
  • UP7C - Final Recommendation (.docx)
  • UP7C - PhD by Publication Final Recommendation (.docx)
  • UPR17 - Interim Exam Request Form  (.docx)
  • Viva by Video Conferencing (with IC)  (PDF)
  • Viva by Video Conferencing (without IC)  (PDF)

Other useful links

  • Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre (ASDAC)
  • Applying for a Postgraduate Research at UoP
  • Council Tax Exemption
  • English Language Requirements
  • Ethics Screening Tool
  • Graduate School
  • Graduate School Development Training
  • Guidance and Support
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Permission to Travel Form
  • Research Ethics
  • Risk Assessments
  • Skills Forge
  • Student Charter and Graduate Hallmarks
  • Student Union (UPSU)
  • Student Visas
  • Supervision and Key Relationships (Vitae)
  • Travel, Study or Work Abroad
  • University Library
  • UK Council for International Student Affairs
  • Working During Your Studies

University of Portsmouth Library

  • University of Portsmouth Library

University of Portsmouth Library FAQs

  • 3 academic writing
  • 11 Borrowing and Returning
  • 4 Computers and Photocopying
  • 1 Covid/Social Distancing Measures
  • 2 Disability Support
  • 2 Distance Learning
  • 14 Eresources
  • 3 Finding Information
  • 7 Getting Help
  • 3 Interlibrary Loans
  • 4 Library Access and Membership
  • 5 Library Spaces
  • 1 Map Library
  • 2 Referencing
  • 3 Resources
  • 3 Student Cards
  • 1 wellbeing

Q. How can I find previous / example dissertations?

We keep a limited selection of undergraduate student dissertations, taught postgraduate student dissertations and MPhils in electronic form. These are available on our website here:  Dissertations@Portsmouth .

Bibliographic details and abstracts are available to all. Downloads of full-text dissertations are restricted to University of Portsmouth members who must login. MPhils may be accessed by all.

All dissertations held were awarded 2:1 and above for Undergraduate and 60% or above for Postgraduate Taught courses. All MPhils are included if the department has submitted them to us.

If there are no dissertations listed for a particular subject or course, it is because that department did not send any to us for inclusion. You should enquire with your department whether any examples are available from them directly. 

More information about our dissertation collection can be found here:  Dissertation Collection Policies and Procedures .

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Student theses

  • Award date (ascending)

Search results

A phenomenographic study exploring differing conceptions of leadership education and development within higher education.

Supervisor: Dunbar-Morris, H. (Supervisor), Anderson, V. (Supervisor) & Neanon, C. T. (Supervisor)

Student thesis : Doctoral Thesis

Tracing galaxy evolution through internal structures

Supervisor: Masters, K. (Supervisor), Hess, K. (External person) (Supervisor) & Nichol, B. (Supervisor)

Probation policy and practice with vulnerable women: a focus on the challenges of organisational and personal change for women workers and women service users

Supervisor: Tapley, J. (Supervisor) & Nash, M. (Supervisor)

An investigation into the feasibility of learning, effectiveness and outcomes of robotic rectal surgery

Supervisor: Parvaiz, A. (External person) (Supervisor) & Harper, M. (Supervisor)

An investigation into the effect of the decision-making process and human factors in prescribing errors within an inpatient mental health setting

Supervisor: Brown, D. (Supervisor) & Herrera, H. (Supervisor)

The paralysis of practice in child safeguarding : understanding and responding to deceptive practices by parents and carers in the child safeguarding context

Supervisor: Nash, M. (Supervisor)

Transforming rehabilitation: : the reconfiguration of risk within a community rehabilitation company

An investigation of mpharm students’ study habits and an evaluation of mentoring and the peer assisted learning programme at the university of portsmouth.

Supervisor: Brown, D. (Supervisor) & Portlock, J. (Supervisor)

How do patient and carer-held beliefs about medication administration in domiciliary care affect initiation and use of Multicompartment Compliance Aids?

Can electronic prescribing prevent harmful paediatric prescribing errors, developing professional resilience: the impact of working with violent offenders on criminal justice social workers working in scotland, voluntary sector actors in community justice: a case study of st giles trust and ex-offender peer mentoring, intelligent methods for pattern recognition and optimisation.

Supervisor: Jordanov, I. (Supervisor), Briggs, J. (Supervisor) & Bramer, M. (Supervisor)

Essays on executive stock options in Malaysia

Supervisor: Dockery, E. (Supervisor) & Page, M. (Supervisor)

Usage and safety of herbal medicines in patients attending primary and secondary care clinics in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Supervisor: Brown, D. (Supervisor) & Rutter, P. (Supervisor)

Crime prediction and detection with data mining

Supervisor: Bramer, M. (Supervisor), Adderley, R. (External person) (Supervisor), Gegov, A. (Supervisor) & Sanders, D. (Supervisor)

Biochemical and biophysical characterisation of the genetically engineered Type I restriction-modification system, EcoR124I NT

Supervisor: Kneale, G. G. (Supervisor)

Thermal modelling of the friction surfacing process

Supervisor: Byrne, J. (Supervisor), Vitanov, V. I. (External person) (Supervisor), Sanders, D. (Supervisor) & Bedford, G. M. (External person) (Supervisor)

Repositioning independent community pharmacy in the National Health Service primary care sector

Supervisor: Jones, I. (Supervisor) & Rutter, P. (Supervisor)

Search suggestions update instantly to match the search query.

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The Graduate School

Postgraduate student standing by a poster board explaining the poster

Inspiring postgraduate researchers

Home to an exceptional research community

The University of Portsmouth Graduate School is home to a community of more than 1,000 research degree students across our 5 faculties.

Whether you're studying for a PhD, MPhil, MRes, MD, Professional Doctorate or PhD by Publication, the Graduate School can help you through every aspect of your research degree, from admission, registration, submission of your thesis, to your viva voce examination.

The Graduate School is where you'll find bespoke training and professional development courses to grow your research career – and is your first port of call for student and supervisor guidance and support, and for the latest postgraduate social and academic events.

Learn more about us - read blog posts from the Graduate School

Research degree registration and induction

Your postgraduate study at Portsmouth begins each year with registration. After registration you'll receive your student ID card, which gives you access to the University Library, and a University of Portsmouth computer username and password.

We arrange an introductory programme to help you make rapid progress with your studies and is compulsory for all new postgraduate research degree students. We run our induction events throughout the year in-person here in Portsmouth for full-time (FT) and part-time (PT) campus-based students and online for distance learning (DL) students.

  • October In-Person (2 days for FT and PT - details sent in September)
  • October Online (3 hour evening session for DL - details sent in September)
  • February In-Person (2 days for FT and PT - details sent in January)
  • February Online (3 hour evening session for DL - details sent in January)
  • April (1/2 day hybrid FT, PT and DL - details sent in March)

The induction will provide you with:

  • An opportunity to meet other research degree students.
  • Introductions to the key personnel involved in the Graduate School.
  • An understanding of what is different about doctoral level postgraduate study and how to prepare for it.
  • An introduction to the Graduate School Development Programme and events.

Your faculty and/or department will also organise local welcome events. Before arriving at the University, you will be invited to attend these introductory events. If you require more details about induction, please contact your departmental office or the Graduate School at [email protected] .

Postgraduate researcher training

Our Graduate School Development Programme (GSDP) offers free online and in-person training, workshops and special interest groups covering topics such as research design, doctoral process and career development. They're delivered by our expert tutors, and support students at all stages of their research degrees.

Our online training also covers doctoral process and skills for researchers, and these self-paced resources contribute to the 10 annual days of research development activities (5 days for part-time students), that we expect you to complete.

For more information on our training and development, visit our Graduate School training for PGR students webpage.

Postgraduate Ambassadors talking

There is massive support and resources available through the supervision team, Library and Graduate School. I have learned a lot through the training courses provided by the Graduate School, which I attended almost daily

Mahmoud Elmarzouky, PhD Accounting and Financial Management

Supervisor training

The Graduate School also offers training and support for your supervisory team , to make sure that your supervisors have the skills and knowledge to support you through your research degree from start to finish.

The Graduate School holds various events throughout the year to enhance your research degree experience with us including our 3-day Thesis Boot Camp, the Festival of Doctoral Research and other special interest events. More information on these events can be found on our  Graduate School Eventbrite page .

Vitae is the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, working with universities globally striving for innovation, impact and research excellence. They provide some extremely useful advice on getting started with your PhD, including a downloadable professional development guide for new researchers. It also organises interactive Google hangouts with leading research professionals as well as useful advice on getting started, planning your time and developing your skills as a researcher.  Visit the Vitae Website .

Graduate School blogs

Photo of Nadine Sadler

PGR Student Spotlight - Nadine Sadler

6 September 2024


EdD Conference 2024 – Research in Practice


Exciting new workshops for Postgraduate Researchers: your 2024/25 Graduate School Development Programme is here!

A festival delegate reading the festival sign board outside Eldon Building

Eldon Building buzzes with innovative research at the Festival of Doctoral Research 2024!

16 July 2024

Podcast interviewees Oscar Karlsson (left) and Dr Tomas Nilson (right)

Extraordinary logistics for D-Day and new maritime projects discussed in podcast

11 July 2024

Guy Collender

University of Portsmouth Library

Dissertations@Portsmouth Recently Added Items

Below is a list of dissertations added to the collection arranged by the date they were added to this collection (most recent first), then by author. Note: the date added does not necessarily correspond with the date the dissertation was submitted to the department. You can search for the year a dissertation was submitted using the Advanced Search option.

Click on the title of an item to see full details for that dissertation.

  • Xie, Chenyang (2021) Colour representation in the graphic language of urban mapping: applied colour in London maps of the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries . (unpublished MPhil dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
  • Hawkins, Oliver (2024) An examination of the delay factors in hotel refurbishment projects and their mitigating strategies . (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
  • Taylor, Levi (2024) A critical analysis of Portsmouth’s local participation regarding active mobility . (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
  • Smith, Lauren (2024) How different design choices affect people's thoughts and feelings towards crime in a Portsmouth context . (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
  • Mills, Ben (2024) An analysis of the drivers and barriers to Building Information Modelling (BIM) adoption in SME UK Contractors with The SME BIM Framework (SMBF) . (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
  • Jones, Andrew (2024) Investigation into soil contamination due to tunnelling spoil . (unpublished BEng dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
  • Scott, Isaac (2024) An investigation into clogging resistant permeable pavements (CRP) in mitigating surface water runoff . (unpublished MEng dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
  • Dyer, Adam John (2024) How does recycled concrete used as a fine aggregate replacement affect permeability? . (unpublished MEng dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
  • Fifield, April (2024) Princess Diana: a contested legacy: representations of the People's Princess throgh film, television and the media . (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth
  • Noonan, Connor (2024) Exploring the role of social media as a platform for racist abuse in English football . (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


  1. Dissertation Title Page ~ Guide And Examples

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  2. Dissertation Proposal Template

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  3. Dissertation Template

    university of portsmouth dissertation format

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  1. Psychology Final Year Dissertation Poster Presentation 2023

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  3. Clarendon Road to the Beach

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  1. Dissertations

    To quickly find dissertations and MPhils by title or course, start typing keywords in the appropriate field below. Any matches will be listed in a dropdown - the more you enter, the more precise the result. Click on any item on the list to select it. Or click 'Advanced Search' to find items by title & abstract, author, date, department or ...

  2. Dissertation Top Tips

    Barnes (1995, p. 117) offers a possible sequence of activities to produce a dissertation: Decide on a topic that interests you. Try several working titles. Formulate your main research question and working title. Discuss the ethics and methodology of your research with a lecturer. Set up the project; making appointments to interview (if ...

  3. University of Portsmouth Library

    In most cases, they allow you to download the full-text version. Undergraduate dissertations, Postgraduate Taught dissertations and MPhils written by Portsmouth students. (Note: full text available only to members of the University of Portsmouth) PhD level theses, including Prof Docs, written by Portsmouth students - ONLINE electronic copies ...


    of the University of Portsmouth CST, there are additional discipline-specific matters which must be considered by the student and supervisor, and these ... they would revert to the traditional PhD thesis format. Aug 2024 v.3 5 3. Definitions and terminology The compilation style thesis (CST), as the name implies, is a distinct style of PhD ...

  5. Find Student theses

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis. File. Determinants and Consequences of Voluntary Risk Disclosure on Social Networks and Annual Reports: Evidence from the UK Author: Alahmad, M., 29 Jul 2024. ... University of Portsmouth data protection policy. About web accessibility. Report vulnerability.

  6. My top 6 tips for managing your dissertation

    2. Plan your time. Drawing up a timetable and looking ahead at each week on my calendar has really helped me stick to the mini-deadlines I've set myself for my dissertation. For example I made note of when I wanted to have my literature review completed, and when I wanted to have finished conducting my research.

  7. University of Portsmouth Library

    See also: Past dissertations and PhD theses in the Research Support section. eDissertations. A selection of student dissertations are held in our online edissertations database. All visitors can search the database and view abstracts however only members of the University are allowed to download the complete document.

  8. PDF Research Degrees Operational Handbook

    If you need this document in an alternative format, please contact +44 (0)23 9284 5776. Major Revision History: 1 st ... 13.6 Presentation of the Thesis 49 13.7 Plagiarism 51 13.8 Independent Chair 51 ... of the research culture at the University of Portsmouth; Treat staff, students and members of the community with respect, consideration and ...

  9. How to write a research proposal that stands out

    Write your research proposal in your own words. Acknowledge any sources you used for information or ideas presented in your research proposal. Make sure the research proposal you are about to submit looks fantastic - first impressions count! Copy and paste text directly from sources such as journal articles without acknowledging them in the text.

  10. Dissertations Advanced Search

    Dissertations Advanced Search. Login to access services restricted to University members including off-campus passwords, edissertations and interlibrary loans. We offer a range of ways to help you. From chat, email and phone to bookable appointments with a librarian. Our referencing page helps you reference sources correctly with guidance for ...

  11. For students

    The University recognises that the pandemic is likely to have had multiple impacts on the type and quantity of Postgraduate Research (PGR) students' work, as well as on their mental health and well-being. Any PGR student affected by the pandemic who submits a thesis may include a Covid-19 impact statement as described in the document below.

  12. Find Student theses

    The Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Replacement Therapy on Physical and Mental Well-being in Adults with End-stage Kidney Disease Author: Antoun, J., 11 Aug 2023 Supervisor: Saynor, Z. (Supervisor), Shepherd, A. (Supervisor) & Corbett, J. (Supervisor) Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis

  13. Research Degrees policies, guidance and forms

    The Operational Handbook for Research Degrees provides a useful overview of the regulations, guidance and support available for research degree students and their supervisors. The Regulations for Research Degrees is the definitive document used for Postgraduate student matters and should be referred to for any clarification.

  14. PhD Postgraduate Degree Courses

    If you're applying for a funded PhD, you'll have no fees to pay. As a guide, PhDs cost £4,596 a year (full-time) or £2,298 a year (part-time) for UK/EU students, and £16,200-18,300 a year (full-time) or £8,100-9,150 a year (part-time) for international students. If you are an EU student starting a programme in 2022/23 please visit this page.

  15. PhD by publication

    To be considered for a PhD by publication, you'll need to have held an undergraduate or postgraduate degree - awarded either by a UK higher education institute or a recognised non-UK equivalent - for at least 5 years. To apply you'll need: A CV and the names of two referees. A title of the proposed PhD. A listing of the published work on ...

  16. How can I find previous / example dissertations?

    Bibliographic details and abstracts are available to all. Downloads of full-text dissertations are restricted to University of Portsmouth members who must login. MPhils may be accessed by all. All dissertations held were awarded 2:1 and above for Undergraduate and 60% or above for Postgraduate Taught courses.


    University of Portsmouth or any third party with whom the University of Portsmouth has an agreement to do so may, without changing content, translate the Work to any medium or format for the purpose of future preservation and accessibility. ... an electronic copy of my thesis may also be included in the British Library Electronic Theses On-line ...

  18. Directorate

    An investigation of MPharm students' study habits and an evaluation of mentoring and the peer assisted learning programme at the University of Portsmouth. Author: Hull, H., Mar 2018. Supervisor: Brown, D. (Supervisor) & Portlock, J. (Supervisor) Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis. File.

  19. Dissertations and Theses

    Dissertations and Theses. −. • Example Dissertation Cover and Declaration. (pdf file 260 kb) This is an example of what information you need to include in your cover page and declaration page. • Dissertation Cover and Declaration Form. (docx file 109 kb) Download this form and attach it to your dissertation. If you have received a 2:1 and ...

  20. University of Portsmouth Library

    APA 7th Edition is the most commonly used referencing style here at the University of Portsmouth. Below you will find general guidance on how to reference and cite using APA 7th Edition, as well as examples for the specific sources you are likely to use in your assignments. Your department or lecturer may prefer you to reference sources ...

  21. Graduate School

    The University of Portsmouth Graduate School is home to a community of more than 1,000 research degree students across our 5 faculties. Whether you're studying for a PhD, MPhil, MRes, MD, Professional Doctorate or PhD by Publication, the Graduate School can help you through every aspect of your research degree, from admission, registration, submission of your thesis, to your viva voce examination.

  22. University of Portsmouth Dissertation Template

    University of Portsmouth Dissertation Template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  23. Dissertation Printing Service

    To order your wiro bound dissertation, use the pricing tool below. If you have been given a code from your tutor or course admin office please use the 'free' option from the home page. If you are paying yourself please follow the instructions below. Delivery to all addresses outside of Portsmouth Island are subject to a surcharge of £5.00.

  24. Dissertations Listings Page

    Dissertations Listings Page. Login to access services restricted to University members including off-campus passwords, edissertations and interlibrary loans. We offer a range of ways to help you. From chat, email and phone to bookable appointments with a librarian. Our referencing page helps you reference sources correctly with guidance for an ...